How to use Twitter


How to use Twitter
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How to Use Twitter
(YouTube, 2011)
How to use Twitter.
With Twitter, a powerful, social networking service, you have the potential to reach millions of users instantly.
Use it to issue public safety alerts, broadcast real time news developments, inform constituents or solicit
It’s free and easy to use. Here’s how to get started.
You will need a computer with Internet access. Optional: mobile Internet access and texting capabilities.
Step 1
Create an account. Go to and click the green get-started button to join. Enter you name, user name,
password and e-mail address and you’re good to go.
Step 2
Decide what you want to say. In general, twitter messages or ‘tweets’ answer the question, ‘What are you doing
right now?’ But you can also post a link, express an opinion or reaction or pose a question.
Twitter keeps things short and sweet. Messages can be no longer than 140 characters.
Step 3
On the home page, type your message into the box at the top of your screen and hit update.
Congratulations! You posted your first tweet.
If your tweet is intended for one user in particular, type the @ symbol followed by that user’s screen name
before the text of your message.
Step 4
Twitter is a two-way street. Now that you’ve posted your first update, choose people whose updates you want to
To search by name, click on find people on the upper-right corner, and then click the find on Twitter tab.
You can follow individuals like friends and colleagues and groups like news services, organizations and nonprofits.
People may be listed under a screen name that doesn’t match their real name.
Step 5
Once you found someone you want to hear from on Twitter, click follow and you’ll receive their updates
automatically. People you already know will often reciprocate and start following you too.
If you have a Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail or MSN e-mail account, you can import any contacts that also have
a Twitter account.
You can also invite someone via e-mail or scroll through a list of suggested people.
Step 6
To help people find you, fill an account information under settings such as your location, real name and a brief
bio. You can also add the URL of your website or blog if you have one.
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If you want to restrict your Twitter updates to only those who follow you, check the box marked protect my
updates. You’ll maintain your privacy but you’ll limit your reach. To get the full Twitter experience, leave the
box unchecked.
Step 7
You don’t have to be online to use Twitter. No matter where you are, you can stay connected with your cell
phone. On the devices tab, under settings, enter you mobile number to receive and post Twitter updates via text
Twitter doesn’t charge for text messages but your wireless provider might. Make sure you know the details of
your messaging plan.
Step 8
On the picture and design tabs, customize how your profile appears to others by uploading photos and choosing
background themes.
Step 9
See what people on Twitter are saying about subjects you’re interested in. At the bottom of any Twitter page,
click search and type in a name or topic. Or either below the search box or alongside search results, check out
what’s generating the most buzz by browsing through trending topics.
Step 10
You can post updates from the web in the update box via text message, on your cell phone’s web browser
using or from any third party application.
Apps are available on The more updates you post, the more people will follow you.
Now get tweeting!
Did you know? President Barack Obama announced his selection of Joe Biden as his running mate
simultaneously via text message, e-mail and Twitter.
1. to issue
2. broadcast
3. constituents
4. to get started
5. texting capabilities
6. account
7. join
8. user name
9. you’re good to go
10. right now
11. post a link
12. short and sweet
13. home page
14. hit update
15. is intended
16. two-way street
17. whose updates
pour publier
capacité à envoyer des textos
nom d’utilisateur, pseudo
vous êtes prêt
en ce moment
afficher un lien
page d’accueil
clickez sur mise à jour
est destiné
fonctionne dans les 2 sens
dont les mises à jour
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18. upper-right corner
19. tab
20. non-profits
21. screen name
22. doesn’t match
23. reciprocate
24. scroll through a liste
25. settings
26. location
27. privacy
28. limit your reach
29. leave the box unchecked
30. no matter where you are
31. cell phone
32. devices tab
33. doesn’t charge
34. wireless provider
35. by uploading
36. search box
37. check out
38. browsing through
39. trending topics
40. Apps
41. get tweeting!
42. as his running mate
en haut à droite
associations à but non lucratif
le nom à l’écran / le pseudo
ne correspond pas
parcourir, faire defiler une liste
l’endroit où vous vous trouvez
vie privée
vous limiterez la portée (de votre message)
laissez la case décochée
où que vous soyez
téléphone portable
l’onglet de votre appareil
ne facture pas
fournisseur de services sans fil
en téléchargeant
la fonction de recherche
en surfant, en parcourant
sujets à la mode
= applications
commencez à ‘tweeter’!
comme son colistier (aux élections présidentielles)