yellow-fever vaccinating centres for international travel centres de


yellow-fever vaccinating centres for international travel centres de
Wkly Epidem Rec *No. 27 — 10 July 1981
Relevéepidém. hebd, N°27 — lOjuUlei 1981
Australia. - Towards the end o f A pril 1981 eight cases o f A ustral­
ian encephalitis had been confirmed on the basis of virus specific
IgM detected by haem agglutination-inhibition. There were a further
three suspected cases. Seven o f the confirmed cases occurred in
Western A ustralia of which three were in areas further south than
had been reported in previous years.1 One case was from Groote
Eylandt, N orthern Territory. All except three of the cases were in
children; three were below one year o f age and two were aged
between one and three years. The disease was o f variable severity;
one child had severe neurological deficiency and an adult presented
with headache, myalgia, arthralgia and fever........... -
A ustralie - Vers la fin du mois d’avril 1981, huit cas d’encépha­
lite australienne ont été confirmés sur la base de la détection d’IgM
spécifiques du virus par la technique d’inhibition de l'hémagglutina­
tion. On a en outre signalé trois cas suspects. Parm i les cas confirmés,
sept sont apparus en Australie occidentale, dont trois dans des
régions situées plus au sud que celles où des cas avaient été notifiés
les années précédentes.1 Le huitièm e cas a été notifié à Groote
Eylandt, ifops le territoire du nord. Tous les cas sauf trois ont touché
dés enfants, trois d’entre eux étant âgés de moins d’un an et deux âgés
entre un et trois ans. La m aladie était de gravité variable; un des
enfants atteints présentait une insuffisance neurologique grave, e t un
adulte présentait des céphalées, une myalgie, une arthralgie et de la
(Based on/D ’après: Communicable Diseases Intelligence, Australia, No. 81/8.)
Editorial N ote : A ustralian encephalitis was first documented in
the Murray Valley and was for some tim e called Murray Valley ence­
phalitis. It was recently agreed that it would now be called Australian
1See No. 34,1978, p. 259.
N ote de la R édaction : L’encéphalite australienne a été décrite
pour la prem ière fois dans la vallée de Murray et a été appelée pen­
dant un certain temps encéphalite de la vallée de Murray. Il a été
récemment convenu de l’appeler désormais encéphalite australien­
' Voir N° 34, 1978, p. 259.
Amendments to 1980 publication
Amendements à la publication de 1980
Astra, O n t :
Charlottetown P.E.I.:
Halifax, N.S. :
Kingston, O nt.:
Lazo, B.C. :
M ontreal A, Québec :
Montréal, P.Q. :
Ottawa, Ont. :
Regina, Sask. :
Richelieu, P.Q. :
Saint John, N.B.:
S t John’s, NBd. :
Thunder Bay, O n t:
Toronto A , O n t :
Vancouver, B.C.
Vedder Crossing, B.C.
Victoria A, B.C.
Victoria B, B.C. :
Winnipeg, Man. :
Astra, O n t:
Charlottetown, P.E1. :
Halifax, N.S. :
Kingston, Ont. :
Lazo, B.C.:
M ontréal, P.Q. :
Ottawa, Ont. :
Regina, Sask. :
R ichdain, P.Q. :
Saint John, N.B. :
S t John’s, Nfld. :
Thunder Bay, Ont. :
Toronto, O n t :
Vancouver, B.C. :
Vedder Crossing, B.C. :
Victoria, B.G :
Winnipeg, M an.:
Canadian Forces Base, Trenton
Dept, of Health, Division of Nursing
Halifax Clinic, Medical Services, Department of National Health and Welfare
Canadian Forces Hospital
Canadian Forces Base Comox
Canadian National Railway Medical Clinic
Département de Santé communautaire, Centre hospitalier Saint-Luc, Clinique de Vacci­
nation aux Voyageurs
National Capital Zone, Medical Services, Department of National Health and Welfare
Medical Officer of H ealth, City of Regina
Canadian Forces Base, S t Jean
Saint John Clinic, Medical Services, Departm ent of National H ealth and Welfare
S t John’s Clinic, Medical Services, Department o f National Health and Welfare
Lake Superior Health Centre, Medical Services, Departm ent of N ational H ealth and
Southern Ontario Zone, Medical Services, Department o f N ational Health and Welfare
Toronto General Hospital, Travel and Inoculation Clinic
Canadian National Railways Medical Clinic
Vancouver Clinic, Medical Services, Departm ent of National Health and Welfare
Canadian Forces Base, Chilliwack
Victoria Clinic, Medical Services, Departm ent of N ational H ealth and Welfare
Canadian Forces Base Esquimau
M anitoba Region, Medical Services, Departm ent o f N ational H ealth and Welfare
Base Surgeon, Canadian Forces Base
D ivision o f Nursing, Departm ent o f Health
Medical Officer-in-Charge, Medical Services, H ealth and Welfare Canada
Base Clinic, Canadian Forces Base
"Base Surgeon, Canadian Forces Base Comox
Clinique médicale du Chemin de Fer C.N.
Département de Santé communautaire, Clinique de Vaccination aux Voyageurs
Regional Director, Overseas Region, Medical Services, H ealth and Welfare Canada
Medical Officer of Health, City Health Department
‘ Hôpital militaire, Base des Forces canadiennes, Saint-Jean
D istrict Medical, Health Officer
' Officer-in-Charge, Medical Services, Health and Welfare Canada
Lake Superior Health Centre, Medical Services, Health and Welfare Canada
Canadian National Railways, Medical Clinic
Zone Director, Medical Services, Health and Welfare Canada
Zone Director, Medical Services, Health and Welfare Canada
‘ Base Surgeon, Canadian Forces Base, Chilliwack
‘ Base Surgeon, Canadian Forces Base, Esquimau,
FMO Victoria
Regional Director, M anitoba Region, Medical Services, Health and Welfare Canada
* Not available to civilians — Non dtsponsible aux civils.
Germany, Federal Republic of
Allemagne, République fédérale d’
Bochum: Dr Feodora Hoffmann, Marienplatz 2 (Zulassung Nr. 20)