
May 2010
Number 0
Mediterranean and Black sea FAO Projects Coordination Meeting in Rome. January 10-15, 2010.
AdriaMed workshop on Socio-Economic Data Collection for Fisheries Management in Ljubljana
(Slovenia). January 21-22, 2010.
Experts from CopeMed II countries take part in the SubCommittee Anual Meeting and in the GCFM
Scientific Committee 12th Session. January 25-29, 2010.
CopeMed met the Direction des Pêches Maritimes et de l’Aquaculture (DPMA) in Rabat (Morocco).
February 16th, 2010.
Thrid ArtFiMed Coordination Meeting in INRH, Tanger (Morocco). February 17-18, 2010.
Protocol preparation for a Mediterranean Pilot Selectivity Trawl Survey of the 40 mm square mesh size.
March 2010.
Adriamed Eleventh Coordination Committee Meeting in Kotor (Montenegro). March 3-4, 2010.
Journée de formation des membres du Conseil d’administration du groupement de développement de
la pêche à Ghannouch. March 13, 2010.
Meeting for awaring Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU), organised by ArtFiMed with
National Representatives in Gabes (Tunisia). March 11, 2010.
Visite d’échange à la coopérative de pêche artisanale d’Immessouane. April 12-13, 2010.
Meeting of the GCFM in Athens (Greece). April 13-17, 2010.
EastMed inception meeting in Athens (Greece). April 19-20, 2010.
CIHEAM - IAMZ Training Course on New Perspectives on Marketing chains in small-scale Fisheries
and Aquaculture. 26-30 April, 2010.
Malaga, Spain. April 29 and 30, 2010.
CopeMed II meeting on the definition of priority topics related to shared resources
(demersal and small pelagic) in the subregion in Malaga.
Following the indications of the Coordination Meeting and the GCFM, CopeMed II will start the organisation
of the working groups of demersal species and small pelagic of the CopeMed II Subregion.
The DWG&SPWG (Demersal Working Group & Small Pelagic Working Group) should be established
within the Project Immediate Objective 2: Strengthening the fisheries scientific research and upgrade the
research activity in the national and international context.
The meeting has the practical and operative objectives of:
• Identifying and defining shared demersal/small pelagic resources and related fisheries of the subregion;
• Considering the available information and knowledge on how these resources are shared between
countries/fishing fleets;
• Reviewing and highlighting the gaps in the scientific knowledge of shared stocks which are relevant for
their management;
• Proposing of subregional scientific cooperation’ activities to be carried out within the framework of
CopeMed II.
The meeting should be attended by:
• Fisheries research managers of the national research institutions and relevant scientist from each
country participating in the Project (nominated by the national Focal Point)
• FAO-CopeMed II staff
• FAO FIRF officers
• GFCM Secretariat
Contact persons:
• For travel and accommodation: Abla Kadiri ([email protected])
• Technical aspects: Juan A. Camiñas ([email protected])
Agenda and documents for the meeting can be downloaded in CopeMed II Website:
Dikky, Morocco. May 6, 2010.
ArtFiMed Restitution Meeting.
Une réunion de restitution est prévue pour informer tous les membres de la Communautté des résultats de
la visite d’échange que les pêcheurs de Dikky ont eu avec la Coopérative d’Immessouane.
Tunisia. May 6 and 7, 2010.
The third meeting of CopeMed II Coordination Committee in Tunisia.
The third meeting of the Coordination Committee will be held in Tunis next 6 and May 7. The National
delegates are invited to include this date in their agendas. The agenda is now available and soon we will
inform about the place of the meeting.
The meeting will review the results of CopeMed II development second year of acting and the proposal for
an agenda for the third year.
The third meeting of the Coordination Committee will make a review of the scopes and results achieved
during the last year by ArtFiMed and CopeMed II, the pilot project on artisanal fishing that takes place in
Tunisia and Morocco and CopeMed II coordinates. The coordination meeting will also serve to discuss and
plan a possible extension of the project.
Agenda and documents for the meeting can be downloaded in CopeMed II Website:
Workshop on net preparation for
women in Ghannouch, Tunisia.
Workshop at National Parc of Al
Hoceima (PNAH), Morocco 2010.
Annual Meeting of the GFCM/
SAC Subcommittee at CopeMed II
Literacy teaching for women in
Ghannouch, Tunisia.
AdriaMed Eleventh Coordination
Committee Meeting in Kotor,
GFCM Coordination Meeting of
the SubCommittees (CMSC) at
CopeMed II headquarter
Experts from around ten countries meet in Malaga to discuss about improving net fisheries.
Metodologies will work for coutries participants: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
Diario Sur. September 10, 2009.
Meeting for artisanal fishing in the Gulf of Gabes
First results of ArtFiMed Project in El Akarit and Ghannouch were introduced to a large audience.
L’Expert journal. October 28, 2009.
Mediterranean Project to Promote traditional fishing in Tunisia
L’Expert journal. March 12, 2010.
Reform on the Common Fisheries Policy for the EU
Green paper on a reform of the Common Fisheries Policy Report on the results on the consultation
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino de España
Oficial Notices
Press room
Agencia Española de de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
Association des professionnels du secteur de la pêche des pays riverains de la Méditerranée
RACs - Regional Advisory Councils (EU)
Baltic Sea
North Sea
North-western waters
South-western waters
Pelagic stocks
Distant water fisheries
Ministère de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime du Maroc
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Hydrauliques et de la Pêche en Tunisie
Bulletin de l’ONAGRI
Download CopeMed II latest reports:
CopeMed TD Nº 8 Report of the Workshop Protocol for a Mediterranean Pilot Selectivity Trawl Survey
CopeMed TD Nº 9 Protocols for a Mediterranean Pilot Selectivity Trawl Survey
CopeMed TD Nº 10 Protocole de mise en place du dispositif sélectif et de travail à bord
Download ArtFiMed latest reports:
ArtFiMed TD Nº 5 Diagnostique du site de pêche artisanal de El Akarit
ArtFiMed TD Nº 6 Diagnostique du site de pêche artisanal de Ghannouch
ArtFiMed TD Nº 7 Diagnostique du site de pêche artisanale de Dikky
ArtFiMed TD Nº 12 Rapport de la Rencontre sur la pêche artisanale dans le golfe de Gabès
ArtFiMed TD Nº 13 Rapport de la Rencontre sur la pêche artisanale en méditerranée marocaine
iBulletin tries to become a document to strengthen institutional relationships between
Copemed II coutries and Institutions participants. All the information related to fishery’s issues is welcomed to be added to our iBulletin. Please, send this information to [email protected].
For additional information about content published in this bulletin, please contact our Team.
Subdelegación del Gobierno en Málaga, Paseo de Sancha 64, Oficinas 305-307
29071 Málaga (España) Tél: (+34) 952989299 Télécopie: (+34) 952989252
[email protected] www.faocopemed.org [email protected] www.faoartfimed.org

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