consiglio nazionale delle ricerche organizzazione della ricerca


consiglio nazionale delle ricerche organizzazione della ricerca
"G. Marconi"
Ottobre, 2003
"G. Marconi"
A cura di:
Brunella Sebastiani
Giorgia Migliorelli
Pietro Piro
Ed. provv.
Roma, 2003
Allestimento grafico: Pietro Michienzi
Ordinamento cronologico
Regno Unito
Diffusione delle conoscenze
Servizi pubblici
Sviluppo sostenibile
Trasferimento delle conoscenze
Indice per Paese
Indice per Tematica
Ordinamento cronologico
pag. 93
Indice per Paese
pag. 108
pag. 115
pag. 117
pag. 118
Indice per Tematica
Diffusione delle conoscenze
pag. 122
pag. 125
pag. 127
pag. 129
Servizi pubblici
pag. 142
Sviluppo sostenibile
pag. 146
Trasferimento delle conoscenze
pag. 148
pag. 152
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A look at social and economic developments in south-east Europe: from the
nineties to the current European "talks", Jana Kubicová and Bruno Sergi,
ƒ A new method for estimating public sector pay premia. evidence from Britain
in the 1990s, Richard F. Disney and Amanda Gosling. Centre for Economic
Policy Research, London, 2003.
ƒ An analysis of the approach of the European, Japanese and United States
Patent Offices to patenting partial DNA sequences (ESTs), Melanie J.
Howlett, Andrew F. Christie, 2003.
ƒ Analisi degli scenari locali per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Un metodo pratico
per interventi di sviluppo a tutela dei sistemi ambientali locali, Stefano
Giardinelli, Marco Santoni, Milano, F. Angeli, 2003.
ƒ Applications relating to health. Fifth research and development framework
programme 1998-2002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Archives et recherche, aspects juridiques et pratiques administratives = actes
du colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme CNRS "Archives de la
création" à la Faculté Jean Monnet, Université Paris-Sud, les 25 et 26 mai
2000 à Sceaux Cornu, Marie Fromageau, Jérôme. Paris, Budapest Torino,
l'Harmattan, 2003.
ƒ CESifo DICE Report, Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Ifo Institute for
Economic Resarch, 2003.
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Communication: stratégie d'information et de communication pour UE,
Avis, EU, Economic and Social Committee, 2003.
ƒ Compétitivité de la France, Guillaume Gaulier .. [et al.], 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Counter terrorism. federal research and development, organization, policy
and funding, Genevieve J. Knezo, New York, 2003.
ƒ Credit
recommendations, Amparo San José Riestra, 2003.
ƒ Cultural sites, cultural theory, cultural policy, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
ƒ DAC Peer review of Luxembourg, OECD, Development Assistance
Committee, v. 4, n. 2, p. VI.1-V.65, The Dac Journal, 2003.
ƒ De nouveaux défis pour la recherche en éducation, OCDE, 2003.
ƒ Defense R&D policy in the anti-terrorist era, Manuel Trajtenberg, 2003.
ƒ Développer la prospective en vue de faire évoluer les relations entre
l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans la perspective de l'Espace
Européen de la Recherche (EER), Etienne Bourgeois, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ e-Government resource book. Synopsis of IST projects relating to
egovernment, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eine Frage der Zeit? zur Integration von Frauen in die Wissenschaft, eine
empirische Untersuchung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Nina von Stebut,
Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2003.
ƒ Environmental research and development. US industrial research, the Clean
Air Act, and environmental damage, John T. Scott, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Energy. Issues, options and technologies, Science and
Society, December 2002. European Opinion Research Group, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Public opinion in the countries applying for European
Union membership. Public perception of science & technology in the new
member states, April 2003, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Evidence for hope. the search for sustainable development. The story of the
International Institute for Environment and Development, Nigel Cross, 2003.
ƒ Ex-post evaluation of Objective 1 1994-1999, ECOTEC, 2003.
ƒ Fifth Framework Programme 1998-2002. Quality of life and management of
living resources, Catalogue of selected projects 1998-2002. Key Action 4,
Environment & Health, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Foundations and public policy. the mask of pluralism, Joan Roelofs. Albany,
State University of New York Press, 2003.
ƒ Frontiers in health policy research, vol. 6. David M. Cutler and Alan M.
Garber, Cambridge, Mass. London. MIT, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ Globalization and relative wages. some theory and evidence, J. Francois and
D. Nelson. Nottingham, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy, 2003.
ƒ Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and
introduction, Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 2003.
ƒ How R&D can impact policy-making: thirteen IST project examples, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ HSE research. intellectual property policy statement and exploitation plan,
London, Health and Safety Executive, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Impregnable citadel or leaning tower? Europe's Common Agricultural
Policy at forty, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, 2003.
ƒ Information and communications technology in UK accounting education,
Neil Marriott, Pru Marriott, Neil Selwyn, London, Certified Accountants
Educational Trust for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
ƒ Information society technologies, R&D programme (1998-2002). "Systems
and services for the citizen". Cluster of research projects, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Integrating and strengthening the european Research area. Specific
activities covering a wider field of research. Specific measures in support of
international cooperation (INCO), EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Investir dans la recherche. Un plan d'action pour l'Europe, Communication
de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement européen, au Comité
économique et social européen et au Comité des Régions, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La fabrique de l'opinion publique. La politique économique des médias
américains, Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, 2003.
ƒ La politique française de décentralisation en éducation: bilan et perspectives,
Yves Dutercq, 2003.
ƒ La productivité du travail. Une perspective internationale, Raymond Van der
Putten, 2003.
ƒ La R+D au service de la compétitivité et de l'emploi: le rôle de l'évaluation
comparative, UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ Law, civil society and transitional economic governance, Gráinne De Búrca ...
[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Le potentiel de la prospective régionale. Rapport final du groupe d'experts
STRATA-ETAN, Mobiliser le potentiel de la prospective régionale pour une
Union européenne élargie: une contribution essentielle au renforcement de
la base stratégique de l'Espace européen de recherche (EER), Ortwin Renn
and Meirion Thomas, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ L'école au défi de l'Europe. Médias, éducation et citoyenneté post-nationale,
Jean-Marc Ferry et Séverine De Proost, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe,
Problemes economiques 2003, n. 2818, 16 Jullet, p. 20-22, (Periodical), 2003.
ƒ L'Europa della ricerca per la scienza e la tecnologia, Alberto Quadrio Curzio,
ƒ Ley 17/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de fomento y coordinación general de la
investigación científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica (I+D+I) en
Castilla y León Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2003.
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI, EU,
Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ L'Union européenne numéro un de la recherche mondiale?, Séverine
Silvestro, 2003.
ƒ Measuring success of advanced technology program participation using
archival data, Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, 2003.
ƒ Modelling, forecasting and policy in the evolving macro-economy, D.F.
Hendry ... [et al.], Swindon. Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ Mrs Miller moves house. The interoperatility of local public services in
Europe, Tony Kinder, 2003.
ƒ New challenges for education research, OECD, 2003.
ƒ New structures for the support of high-quality research in Europe. A report
from a High Level working, Group constituted by the European Science
Foundation to review the option of creating a European Research Council, EU,
European Science Foundation, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. Evaluer l'impact des avis scientifiques, UE, Comission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. La société de l'information et l'élargissement de l'UE, UE,
Comission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Polarisation
géographique des connaissances, une étude sur la France des années 1990 =
Rapport intermédiaire [pour le Commissariat général du plan. Massard,
Catin, Maurice, France, Commissariat général du plan, Centre de recherches
économiques de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Institut fédératif de recherche
sur les dynamiques économiques, Centre de Recherche en Economie régionale
et industrielle, Saint-Etienne, 2003.
ƒ Pour une vision européenne de la mondialisation, Pascal Lamy, 2003.
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse économique
(CAE), 2003.
ƒ Public health aspects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: developments
and recommendations for change in four sectors: fruit and vegetables, dairy,
wine and tobacco, Liselotte Schäfer Elinder, National Institute of Public
Health, 2003.
ƒ Public policies towards research joint venture formation. designs and
outcomes, Pedro L. Marin and Georges Siotis, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Recherche environnement, la lettre du Service de la recherche et de la
prospective de la D4E, [Direction des études économiques et de l'évaluation
environnementale du Ministère de l'économie et du développement durable,
France, Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable, Service de la
recherche et de la prospective Paris, [20 av. de Ségur, 75302, 07 SP: Direction
des études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale], 2003.
ƒ Regional policies and EU enlargement, Michele Boldrin and Fabio Canova
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, 2003.
ƒ Research in organizational change and development, vol. 14, William A.
Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman, 2003.
ƒ Reshaping teaching in higher education. linking teaching with research,
Alan Jenkins, Rosanna Breen & Roger Lindsay with Angela Brew, 2003.
ƒ Rethinking the impact of globalisation on the nation-state. The case of
science and technology policies in Germany, Heiko Prange, 2003.
ƒ Science for society, science with society. How can research on food and
agriculture in europe better respond to citizens' expectations and demands?
Summary of EURAGRI conference Brussels, 14-15 October 2002, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Science for survival. scientific research and the public interest, Peter
Cotgreave, London. British Library, 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ Services publics, concurrence et privatisation. L'opinion des français et des
européens: perception et évaluation à partir d'enquêtes nationales et
européennes, Bernard Denni, Jean-François Tchernia, 2003.
ƒ Special issue. Assessing the impact of scientific advice, EU, European
Comission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic accompanying measures in life sciences. From FP5 tot FP6, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic intellectual property protection policy and North-South technology
transfer, Alireza Naghavi, Dublin, University College Dublin, Centre for
Economic Research, 2003.
ƒ Strategic targeting of development policies to a complex region. A GIS-based
stratification applied to Uganda, G.R. Ruecker ...[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package, CD-ROM, Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ Synopses of ECSC contracts in iron and steel research (1986-93), European
Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, 2003.
ƒ The diffusion of new environmental policy instruments, Kerstin Tews, PerOlof Busch and Helge Jörgens, 2003.
ƒ The environmental dimension of multifunctionality economic analysis and
implications for policy design, Jussi Lankoski. MTT Economic Research,
Agrifood Research Finland, 2003.
ƒ The Europeanization of national government and policy. A departmental
perspective, Andrew Jordan, 2003.
ƒ The innovation policy of the European Union. From government to
governance, Susana Borrás, 2003.
ƒ The new economic analysis of multinationals. an agenda for management,
policy, and research, Thomas L. Brewer, Stephen Young, Stephen E.
Guisinger. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Pub., 2003.
ƒ The overall socio-economic dimension of community research in the fifth
European Framework programme. A synthesis report on the integration of
the socio-economic related research activities of the European Community,
EU, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ The PISA 2003 assessment framework. Mathematics, reading, science and
problem solving knowledge and skills, OECD, 2003.
ƒ The Potential of Regional Foresight: Final Report of the STRATA-ETAN
Expert Group. Mobilising the regional foresight potential for an enlarged
European Union. An essential contribution to strengthen the strategic basis
of the European Research Area (ERA), Ortwin Renn and Meirion Thomas,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ The sixth framework programme. 2002-2006, EU, European Commission,
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ U.S. welfare reform. What's relevant for Europe?, Rebecca M. Blank, 2003.
ƒ UK competititveness and the performance of multinational enterprises, A.
Rugman, Swindon, Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ Une communauté de recherche, le pôle de Grenoble, CNER (Comité national
d'évaluation de la recherche), France, Comité national d'évaluation de la
recherche, Paris, Documentation française, 2003.
ƒ Water for life. EU Water Initiative. International Cooperation from
knowledge to action, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ What is the research capacity of the UK education research community?
reconsidering the 'shortage of quantitative skills' phenomenon, Stephen
Gorard ... [et al.], Cardiff, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 2003.
ƒ Women in industrial research. a wake up call for European industry. a
report to the European Commission from the High Level Expert Group on
Women in Industrial Research for strategic analysis of specific science and
technology policy issues (STRATA), Helga Rubsamen-Waigmann ... [et al.],
Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
ƒ World energy, technology and climate polity outlook 2030: WETO, EU,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ Academic and educational development. Research, evaluation and changing
practice in higher education, Ranald MacDonald and James Wisdom, 2002.
ƒ Análisis de la participación e impacto del Programa marco de investigación y
desarrollo tecnológico de la UE en las universidades españolas:
recomendaciones para el futuro, Gonzalo León Serrano ... [et al.], Madrid,
CRUE, 2002.
ƒ Biodiversity, sustainability and human communities; protecting beyond the
Tim O'Riordan
Cambridge university press, 2002.
ƒ Building capacities for sustainable development, G. Narayana Reddy
Narayana Reddy. G., 2002.
ƒ Complessita' e sviluppo. 2002. Temi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica,
ENEA, Roma, 2002.
ƒ Corporate social responsibility: a business contribution to sustainable
development, EU, European Commission, Luxembourg, EUR-OP, 2002.
ƒ Droit et progres scientifique: science du droit, valeurs et biomedecine, JeanRene Binet, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
ƒ Education, training, research, and fellowship opportunities in space science
and technology and its applications, a directory, Office des Nations Unies.
Bureau des affaires spatiales, New York, United Nations, 2002.
ƒ Enfoques en la investigación científica: producción actual en las
universidades de Barcelona: actas del VII Seminario de la APEC,
Barcelona, España, 17 de mayo de 2002 Barcelona, APEC, 2002.
ƒ Estrategia regional de investigación científica, desarrollo tecnológico e
innovación (I+D+i), Castilla y León, conocimiento y desarrollo económico,
2002-2006, [Valladolid], Junta de Castilla y León, 2002.
ƒ Evaluation de l'impact de l'ANVAR sur la création et le développement de
jeunes entreprises en Languedoc-Roussillon, à l'ANVAR (Agence Nationale
de Valorisation de la Recherche), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon.
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du
Languedoc, 2002.
ƒ France R&D, les laboratoires et centres de recherche français au service de
l'industrie, Annuaire France Recherche & Développement, Innovation 128,
Paris, 2002. verfügbar
ƒ Human dimensions of sustainable development, R.B. Singh, 2002.
ƒ I nuovi riferimenti internazionali dello sviluppo sostenibile; i documenti di
Johannesburg ed il 6. Programma comunitario di azione in materia di
ambiente, Rosa Andrei, Area extradipartimentale; Regione Toscana, Ufficio
programmazione e controlli, Author Toscana, Ufficio programmazione e
controlli Firenze, Edifir, 2002.
ƒ La Mesure des activités scientifiques et technologiques, méthode type
proposée pour les enquêtes sur la recherche et le développement
expérimental = manuel de Frascati, 2002, Organisation de coopération et de
développement économiques, Paris, O.C.D.E, 2002.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica nelle Università italiane. Una prima analisi delle
citazioni della banca data ISI, Elena Breno ...[et al.], Roma, Conferenza dei
Rettori delle Università italiane, 2002.
ƒ La science au service d'un développement durable, contribution des
organismes publics de recherche français, Paris, Ministère délégué à la
Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2002.
ƒ La valutazione della ricerca in Italia. Repertorio di fonti web, Francesca
Rossi ed Emanuela Stefani, Roma, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita
italiane, 2002.
ƒ L'adéquation du régime des aides publiques à la recherche et au
développement technologique aux besoins de l'entreprise, Parera, Vincent,
1971, Poillot-Peruzzetto, Sylvaine, Université des sciences sociales, S.l., s.n.,
2002, Thèse doctorat, Droit , Toulouse 1, 2002.
ƒ Le compte de l'éducation et le compte de l'éducation supérieure, années 1998
à 2001 France, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris, 2002.
ƒ Le rendement social des activités de R-D en France. Mesure, évolution,
différenciation industrielle = The social rate of return on R & D activities in
the French industry, Christian Le Bas, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie,
ƒ Les Dossiers, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
Paris, Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Direction de la programmation et du
développement, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Alessandro Lanza, 3., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile: tra governo dell'economia e profili costituzionali,
Vincenzo Pepe, Piacenza, La tribuna, 2002.
ƒ Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans la valorisation des projets de recherche
et développement, la valeur de l'information nouvelle, Bougaret, Sophie,
Lacoste, Germain, [S.l.], [s.n.], 2002 Thèse doctorat, Systèmes industriels, INP
Toulouse, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Rattan. Current research issues and prospects for conservation and
sustainable development, John Dransfield, Florentino O. Tesoro and N.
Manokaran, 2002.
ƒ Renforcer
Développement et Coopération (D+C) 2002, n. 3, mai/juin, p. 8-23
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-2000 = Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. 1987-2000,
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE,
ƒ Research and development: financial constraints and the role of public
funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, Dirk Czarnitzki, Centre for
European Economic Research, Mannheim, Zentrum für Europäische
Wirtschaftsforschung, 2002.
ƒ Research issues and contexts of teacher education and development, Yin
Cheong Cheng, 2002.
ƒ Ricerca universitaria e processi di innovazione: le piccole e medie imprese
nel Progetto Link, Nicola Bellini, Luca Ferrucci, Milano, F. Angeli, 2002.
ƒ Scientific research in education. Committee on Scientific Principles for
Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies. A resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
[etc.], Wiley, 2001.
ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ Développement des dépenses budgétaires, éducation nationale, recherche et
technologie, 2000, France, Direction de la comptabilité publique, Paris,
Direction générale de la comptabilité publique, 2001.
ƒ Einstieg in die Methoden empirischer Forschung. Planung, Durchführung
und Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen, Jürgen Lamberti, Tübingen,
Dgvt-Verl., 2001.
ƒ La investigación científica, el desarrollo, la innovación tecnológica y las
tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Deducciones fiscales
contempladas en la Ley 43/1995 del impuesto sobre sociedades, Faustino
García ... et al., Madrid, Recoletos, 2001.
ƒ La investigación en la universidad del nuevo milenio. Guía para su gestión y
desarrollo, Fredy Pomares Herrera, Nelson Alvis Guzmán Sevilla, Aconcagua
Libros, 2001.
ƒ La legislazione per la scienza e la tecnologia nel Giappone moderno, Andrea
Tenneriello, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001.
ƒ La metodologia dei programmi di ricerca scientifici, Imre Lakatos, Milano,
EST, 2001.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica. Le nuove regole e le scelte operative, Ministero
dell'Università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, Roma, Salerno, 2001.
ƒ La valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. come cambia la ricerca pubblica e
quella industriale, Andrea Piccaluga, Milano, F. Angeli, 2001.
ƒ Lo
Changing things, moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable
development at the local level, Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher (eds.),
Basel [etc.], Birkhauser, 2001.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-1999 = Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie, Organisation de
coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE, 2001. Site
ƒ Statistiche sulla ricerca scientifica, Sistema statistico nazionale, Istituto
nazionale di statistica, 1997, Roma, Istat, 2001.
ƒ Sustainable development strategy 2001-03. Stratégie de développement
durable de 2001 a 2003, Canada, Treasury Board, 2001.
ƒ Sviluppo sostenibile a scala regionale, GRISS, Gruppo di ricerca
interuniversitario sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Bruno Menegatti, Maria Tinacci
Mossello, Maria Chiara Zerbi, Bologna, Patron, 2001.
ƒ The bidding culture and local government. effects on the development of
public libraries, museums and archives, Sandra Parker, 2001.
ƒ Wissens und Technologietransfer in Deutschland, 2001 Ifo Schnelldienst
2001, v.54, n.4, p.14-57.
ƒ Il monitoraggio della scienza e della tecnologia: concetti, metodi e strumenti,
Mario De Marchi ... [et al.], Milano, F. Angeli, 2000.
ƒ Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: la investigación científica y la innovación
tecnológica en la sociedad de la información, Eduard Aibar Puentes, Miquel
Domènech Argemí Barcelona, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, 2000.
ƒ Colloqui sulla ricerca scientifica. Italia e Europa, politiche di ricerca a
confronto: atti del Convegno svoltosi il 26 ottobre 1998 Aula Magna, Firenze,
ƒ Gestión de política científica y recursos de investigación, José Manuel
Touriñán, Alfonso Bravo [Santiago de Compostela], Instituto Galego de
Cooperación Iberoamericana, 2000.
ƒ History of humanity: scientific and cultural development; v. 4: From the
Seventh to the Sixteenth century, M. A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S. M. Cissoko,
Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. Research
perspectives 2000. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: executive summary, Max
Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Office of Press and Public
Realtions, Munich, Max Planck Soc. for the Advancement of Science, Office
of Press and Public Realtions, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. Verzeichnis
der Institute und Organe, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften e.v., München, Max-Planck-Ges. zur Förderung der Wiss.,
ƒ Recherche et développement régional durable, actes du troisième Symposium
européen [Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development], Tours, 18 et
19 décembre 2000 = Research and subtainable regional development.
European symposium Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development -03
-2000, Tours, Larrue, Corinne, Union européenne. Commission européenne.
ƒ The economics of science and innovation, Paula E. Stephan and David B.
Audretsch, Cheltenham [etc.], E. Elgar, 2000.
ƒ Wie entstehen neue Qualitäten in komplexen Systemen? 50 Jahre MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, 1948 - 1998, Dokumentation des Symposiums zum
50jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am 18. Dezember
1998 in Berlin. - Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2000.
ƒ Wissenschaftliche Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
der Wissenschaften im Bild. Zusammengestellt von Eckart Henning und
Dirk Ullmann unter Mitarbeit von Marion Kazemi; mit einem Geleitwort des
Vorsitzenden des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Wolf Singer. - Vorwort. 1.
Verzeichnis der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
(alphabetisch) 2. Bildtafeln der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft (chronologisch). Bildnachweis.
ƒ Actas
Universidades: efficacia o calidad: Almeria, 1999, Grupo de Investigación
HUM-413 "Asesoramiento, Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza";
Juan Fernández Sierra, Almería, Universidad de Almería, 1999.
ƒ Actas de la Reunion Cientifica sobre CEP's y Perfeccionamiento Profesional
Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza"; José Sanz Giménez, Cé
Almería, Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999.
ƒ Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften,
1948-1998, Von Eckart Henning und Marion Kazemi; mit ein Geleitwort des
Präsidenten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Hubert Markl. 1. Vorgeschichte
1945-1948 2. Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften 1948-1998. Bildnachweis.
ƒ El analisis multivariante en la investigacion scientifica, Rosario Martínez
Arias Madrid, La Muralla, Salamanca, Hespérides, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung, Technologie Innovation, Forschung und
Entwicklung. Technologie Innovation, Berlin : Senatsverwaltung für
Wirtschaft und Technologie, Referat V A, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung: Planung und Kontrolle, Von Klaus Brockhoff,
erg. und erw. Aufl., München, Wien, Oldenbourg, 1999.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne.
ƒ Internationalisation of industrial R&D. Patterns and trends, OECD, 1998.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ European research structures - changes and challenges; mobility of
researchers in the European Union; Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, November,
1993, Generalverwaltung der Max Planck Gesellschaft Author European
research structures - changes and challenges: mobility of researchers in the
European Union, Tegernsee, 1993, Munchen, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1994.
ƒ Report of the international symposium on science and technology legislation
for Europe in transition: the role of governments and parliaments, Certosa di
Pontignano, 17-19 may, 1993, International Symposium on Science and
Technology Legislation for Europe in Transition: the Role of Governments and
Parliaments, Certosa di Pontignano, 1993, Venezia, UNESCO, 1993.
ƒ Proceedings of the International seminar on organizational structures of
science in Europe, Venice, 27-29 april, 1992, Susan Biggin and Vladimir
Kouzminov, Venezia, UNESCO, 1992.
ƒ Nature ... management and sustainable development. Proceedings of the
International Congress. Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-9 december 1988,
Wil D. Verwey, Amsterdam, IOS, 1989.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique fedrale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
ƒ Per uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. Programma politico e d'azione della
Comunità Europa a favore dell'ambiente e di uno sviluppo sostenibile,
Commissione delle Comunità europee, [S.l.: s.n.].
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A look at social and economic developments in south-east Europe: from the
nineties to the current European "talks", Jana Kubicová and Bruno Sergi,
ƒ A new method for estimating public sector pay premia. evidence from Britain
in the 1990s, Richard F. Disney and Amanda Gosling. Centre for Economic
Policy Research, London, 2003.
ƒ An analysis of the approach of the European, Japanese and United States
Patent Offices to patenting partial DNA sequences (ESTs), Melanie J.
Howlett, Andrew F. Christie, 2003.
ƒ Applications relating to health. Fifth research and development framework
programme 1998-2002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Archives et recherche, aspects juridiques et pratiques administratives = actes
du colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme CNRS "Archives de la
création" à la Faculté Jean Monnet, Université Paris-Sud, les 25 et 26 mai
2000 à Sceaux Cornu, Marie Fromageau, Jérôme. Paris, Budapest Torino,
ƒ CESifo DICE Report, Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Ifo Institute for
Economic Resarch, 2003.
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Communication: stratégie d'information et de communication pour UE.
Avis, EU, Economic and Social Committee, 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Counter terrorism. federal research and development, organization, policy
and funding, Genevieve J. Knezo, New York, 2003.
ƒ Credit
recommendations, Amparo San José Riestra, 2003.
ƒ Cultural sites, cultural theory, cultural policy, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
ƒ DAC Peer review of Luxembourg. OECD, Development Assistance
Committee, v. 4, n. 2, p. VI.1-V.65, The Dac Journal, 2003.
ƒ De nouveaux défis pour la recherche en éducation, OCDE, 2003.
ƒ Defense R&D policy in the anti-terrorist era, Manuel Trajtenberg, 2003.
ƒ Développer la prospective en vue de faire évoluer les relations entre
l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans la perspective de l'Espace
Européen de la Recherche (EER), Etienne Bourgeois, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ e-Government resource book. Synopsis of IST projects relating to
egovernment, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Energy. Issues, options and technologies, Science and
Society, December 2002, European Opinion Research Group, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Public opinion in the countries applying for European
Union membership. Public perception of science & technology in the new
member states. April 2003, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Evidence for hope. the search for sustainable development. The story of the
International Institute for Environment and Development, Nigel Cross, 2003.
ƒ Ex-post evaluation of Objective 1 1994-1999, ECOTEC, 2003.
ƒ Fifth Framework Programme 1998-2002. Quality of life and management of
living resources, Catalogue of selected projects 1998-2002. Key Action 4
Environment & Health, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ Globalization and relative wages. some theory and evidence, J. Francois and
D. Nelson. Nottingham, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy, 2003.
ƒ Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and
introduction, Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 2003.
ƒ How R&D can impact policy-making: thirteen IST project examples, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Impregnable citadel or leaning tower? Europe's Common Agricultural
Policy at forty, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, 2003.
ƒ Information and communications technology in UK accounting education,
Neil Marriott, Pru Marriott, Neil Selwyn, London, Certified Accountants
Educational Trust for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
ƒ Information society technologies, R&D programme (1998-2002). "Systems
and services for the citizen". Cluster of research projects, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Integrating and strengthening the european Research area. Specific
activities covering a wider field of research. Specific measures in support of
international cooperation (INCO), EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Investir dans la recherche. Un plan d'action pour l'Europe, Communication
de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement européen, au Comité
économique et social européen et au Comité des Régions, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La fabrique de l'opinion publique. La politique économique des médias
américains, Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, 2003.
ƒ La productivité du travail. Une perspective internationale, Raymond Van der
Putten, 2003.
ƒ La R+D au service de la compétitivité et de l'emploi: le rôle de l'évaluation
comparative, UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ Le potentiel de la prospective régionale. Rapport final du groupe d'experts
STRATA-ETAN, Mobiliser le potentiel de la prospective régionale pour une
Union européenne élargie: une contribution essentielle au renforcement de
la base stratégique de l'Espace européen de recherche (EER), Ortwin Renn
and Meirion Thomas; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ L'école au défi de l'Europe. Médias, éducation et citoyenneté post-nationale,
Jean-Marc Ferry et Séverine De Proost, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe,
Problemes economiques 2003, n. 2818, 16 Jullet, p. 20-22, (Periodical), 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe, 2003.
ƒ L'Europa della ricerca per la scienza e la tecnologia, Alberto Quadrio Curzio,
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI,
EU, Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ L'Union européenne numéro un de la recherche mondiale?, Séverine
Silvestro, 2003.
ƒ Measuring success of advanced technology program participation using
archival data, Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, 2003.
ƒ Modelling, forecasting and policy in the evolving macro-economy, D.F.
Hendry ... [et al.], Swindon. Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ Mrs Miller moves house. The interoperatility of local public services in
Europe, Tony Kinder, 2003.
ƒ New challenges for education research, OECD, 2003.
ƒ New structures for the support of high-quality research in Europe. A report
from a High Level working Group constituted by the European Science
Foundation to review the option of creating a European Research Council,
EU, European Science Foundation, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. Evaluer l'impact des avis scientifiques, UE, Comission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. La société de l'information et l'élargissement de l'UE, UE,
Comission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Pour une vision européenne de la mondialisation, Pascal Lamy, 2003
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle. Rapports, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse
économique (CAE), 2003.
ƒ Public health aspects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: developments
and recommendations for change in four sectors: fruit and vegetables, dairy,
wine and tobacco, Liselotte Schäfer Elinder; National Institute of Public
Health, 2003.
ƒ Public policies towards research joint venture formation. designs and
outcomes, Pedro L. Marin and Georges Siotis, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Recherche et développement, statistiques annuelles = données 1990-2000,
Union européenne, Commission européenne, EUROSTAT. Luxembourg,
Eurostat, Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes,
ƒ Regional policies and EU enlargement, Michele Boldrin and Fabio Canova
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, 2003.
ƒ Science for society, science with society. How can research on food and
agriculture in europe better respond to citizens' expectations and demands?
Summary of EURAGRI conference Brussels, 14-15 October 2002, EU,
European Commission. 2003.
ƒ Special issue. Assessing the impact of scientific advice, EU, European
Comission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic accompanying measures in life sciences. From FP5 tot FP6, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic targeting of development policies to a complex region. A GIS-based
stratification applied to Uganda, G.R. Ruecker ...[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package, Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ Synopses of ECSC contracts in iron and steel research (1986-93), European
Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, 2003.
ƒ The diffusion of new environmental policy instruments, Kerstin Tews, PerOlof Busch and Helge Jörgens, 2003.
ƒ The environmental dimension of multifunctionality economic analysis and
implications for policy design, Jussi Lankoski. MTT Economic Research,
Agrifood Research Finland, 2003.
ƒ The Europeanization of national government and policy. A departmental
perspective, Andrew Jordan, 2003.
ƒ The innovation policy of the European Union. From government to
governance, Susana Borrás, 2003.
ƒ The new economic analysis of multinationals. an agenda for management,
policy, and research, Thomas L. Brewer, Stephen Young, Stephen E.
Guisinger. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Pub., 2003,
ƒ The overall socio-economic dimension of community research in the fifth
European Framework programme. A synthesis report on the integration of
the socio-economic related research activities of the European Community,
EU, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ The PISA 2003 assessment framework. Mathematics, reading, science and
problem solving knowledge and skills, OECD, 2003.
ƒ The Potential of Regional Foresight. Final Report of the STRATA-ETAN
Expert Group. Mobilising the regional foresight potential for an enlarged
European Union. An essential contribution to strengthen the strategic basis
of the European Research Area (ERA), Ortwin Renn and Meirion Thomas,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ The sixth framework programme. 2002-2006, EU, European Commission,
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ U.S. welfare reform. What's relevant for Europe?, Rebecca M. Blank, 2003.
ƒ UK competititveness and the performance of multinational enterprises, A.
Rugman, Swindon, Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ Une communauté de recherche, le pôle de Grenoble, CNER (Comité national
d'évaluation de la recherche), France, Comité national d'évaluation de la
recherche, Paris, Documentation française, 2003.
ƒ Water for life. EU Water Initiative. International Cooperation from
knowledge to action, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Women in industrial research. a wake up call for European industry. a
report to the European Commission from the High Level Expert Group on
Women in Industrial Research for strategic analysis of specific science and
technology policy issues (STRATA), Helga Ru¨bsamen-Waigmann ... [et al.],
Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
ƒ World energy, technology and climate polity outlook 2030. WETO, EU,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ [La] Mesure des activités scientifiques et technologiques, méthode type
proposée pour les enquêtes sur la recherche et le développement
expérimental = manuel de Frascati, 2002, Organisation de coopération et de
développement économiques, Paris, O.C.D.E, 2002.
ƒ Academic and educational development. Research, evaluation and changing
practice in higher education, Ranald MacDonald and James Wisdom, 2002.
ƒ Biodiversity, sustainability and human communities; protecting beyond the
Tim O'Riordan
Cambridge university press, 2002.
ƒ Building capacities for sustainable development, G. Narayana Reddy
Narayana Reddy. G., 2002.
ƒ Complessita' e sviluppo. 2002. Temi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica,
ENEA, Roma, 2002.
ƒ Corporate social responsibility. A business contribution to sustainable
development, EU, European Commission, Luxembourg, EUR-OP, 2002.
ƒ Développement et Coopération (D+C) 2002, n. 3, mai/juin, p. 8-23, Periodical.
ƒ Education, training, research, and fellowship opportunities in space science
and technology and its applications. A directory, Office des Nations Unies.
Bureau des affaires spatiales, New York, United Nations, 2002.
ƒ Estrategia regional de investigación científica, desarrollo tecnológico e
innovación (I+D+i), Castilla y León, conocimiento y desarrollo económico,
2002-2006, [Valladolid], Junta de Castilla y León, 2002.
ƒ Evaluation de l'impact de l'ANVAR sur la création et le développement de
jeunes entreprises en Languedoc-Roussillon, à l'ANVAR (Agence Nationale
de Valorisation de la Recherche), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon.
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du
Languedoc, 2002.
ƒ France R&D, les laboratoires et centres de recherche français au service de
l'industrie, Annuaire France Recherche & Développement, Innovation 128.
Paris, 2002.
ƒ Human dimensions of sustainable development, R.B. Singh, 2002.
ƒ I nuovi riferimenti internazionali dello sviluppo sostenibile; i documenti di
Johannesburg ed il 6. Programma comunitario di azione in materia di
ambiente, Rosa Andrei, Area extradipartimentale; Regione Toscana, Ufficio
programmazione e controlli, Author Toscana, Ufficio programmazione e
controlli Firenze, Edifir, 2002.
ƒ La science au service d'un développement durable, contribution des
organismes publics de recherche français, Paris, Ministère délégué à la
Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2002,
ƒ La valutazione della ricerca in Italia. Repertorio di fonti web, Francesca
Rossi ed Emanuela Stefani, Roma, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita
italiane, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Publication gratuite du Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles
Technologies, (obtenue via le site en octobre 2002).
ƒ Rattan. current research issues and prospects for conservation and
sustainable development, John Dransfield, Florentino O. Tesoro and N.
Manokaran, 2002.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-2000
= Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. 1987-2000,
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE,
ƒ Research issues and contexts of teacher education and development, Yin
Cheong Cheng, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies: a resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Giorgio Nebbia, S[an] Domenico, Fiesole.
ƒ Changing things, moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable
development at the local level, Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher (eds.),
Basel [etc.], Birkhauser, 2001.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-1999 =
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie, Organisation de
coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE, 2001.
ƒ Sustainable development strategy 2001-03. Strate´gie de de´veloppement
durable de 2001 a` 2003, Canada, Treasury Board, 2001.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
[etc.], Wiley, 2001.
ƒ The bidding culture and local government. effects on the development of
public libraries, museums and archives, Sandra Parker, 2001.
ƒ Colloqui sulla ricerca scientifica. Italia e Europa, politiche di ricerca a
confronto: atti del Convegno svoltosi il 26 ottobre 1998 Aula Magna,
Firenze, 2000.
ƒ History of humanity: scientific and cultural development; v. 4: From the
Seventh to the Sixteenth century, M. A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S. M. Cissoko,
Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne.
ƒ The economics of science and innovation, Paula E. Stephan and David B.
Audretsch, Cheltenham [etc.], E. Elgar, 2000.
ƒ Internationalisation of industrial R&D. Patterns and trends, OECD, 1998.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ Report of the international symposium on science and technology legislation
for Europe in transition: the role of governments and parliaments, Certosa di
Pontignano, 17-19 may, 1993, International Symposium on Science and
Technology Legislation for Europe in Transition: the Role of Governments and
Parliaments, Certosa di Pontignano, 1993, Venezia, UNESCO, 1993.
ƒ Proceedings of the International seminar on organizational structures of
science in Europe, Venice, 27-29 april, 1992, Susan Biggin and Vladimir
Kouzminov, Venezia, UNESCO, 1992.
ƒ Nature ... management and sustainable development. Proceedings of the
International Congress. Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-9 december 1988,
Wil D. Verwey, Amsterdam, IOS, 1989.
ƒ Per uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. Programma politico e d'azione della
Comunità Europa a favore dell'ambiente e di uno sviluppo sostenibile,
Commissione delle Comunità europee [S.l.: s.n.].
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A new method for estimating public sector pay premia. evidence from Britain
in the 1990s, Richard F. Disney and Amanda Gosling. Centre for Economic
Policy Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Environmental research and development. US industrial research, the Clean
Air Act, and environmental damage, John T. Scott, 2003.
ƒ Frontiers in health policy research, vol. 6., David M. Cutler and Alan M.
Garber, Cambridge, Mass. London. MIT, 2003.
ƒ HSE research. intellectual property policy statement and exploitation plan,
London, Health and Safety Executive, 2003.
ƒ Research in organizational change and development, vol. 14, William A.
Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman, 2003.
ƒ Reshaping teaching in higher education. linking teaching with research,
Alan Jenkins, Rosanna Breen & Roger Lindsay with Angela Brew, 2003.
ƒ Science for survival. scientific research and the public interest, Peter
Cotgreave, London. British Library, 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ What is the research capacity of the UK education research community?
reconsidering the 'shortage of quantitative skills' phenomenon, Stephen
Gorard ... [et al.], Cardiff, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 2003.
ƒ Scientific research in education. Committee on Scientific Principles for
Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, 2002.
ƒ European research structures - changes and challenges; mobility of
researchers in the European Union; Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, November,
1993, Munchen, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1994.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique federale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Compétitivité de la France, Guillaume Gaulier .. [et al.], 2003.
ƒ La politique française de décentralisation en éducation: bilan et perspectives,
Yves Dutercq, 2003.
ƒ Polarisation
géographique des connaissances, une étude sur la France des années 1990 =
Rapport intermédiaire [pour le Commissariat général du plan. Massard,
Catin, Maurice, France, Commissariat général du plan. Centre de recherches
économiques de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Institut fédératif de recherche
sur les dynamiques économiques, Centre de Recherche en Economie régionale
et industrielle, Saint-Etienne, 2003.
ƒ Recherche environnement, la lettre du Service de la recherche et de la
prospective de la D4E [Direction des études économiques et de l'évaluation
environnementale du Ministère de l'économie et du développement durable,
France, Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable, Service de la
recherche et de la prospective Paris, [20 av. de Ségur, 75302, 07 SP: Direction
des études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale], 2003.
ƒ Services publics, concurrence et privatisation. L'opinion des français et des
européens: perception et évaluation à partir d'enquêtes nationales et
européennes, Bernard Denni, Jean-François Tchernia, 2003.
ƒ Droit et progres scientifique. Science du droit, valeurs et biomedecine, JeanRene Binet, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
ƒ Evaluation de l'impact de l'ANVAR sur la création et le développement de
jeunes entreprises en Languedoc-Roussillon, à l'ANVAR (Agence Nationale
de Valorisation de la Recherche), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon.
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du
Languedoc, 2002.
ƒ France R&D, les laboratoires et centres de recherche français au service de
l'industrie, Annuaire France Recherche & Développement, Innovation 128.
Paris, 2002.
ƒ La science au service d'un développement durable, contribution des
organismes publics de recherche français, Paris, Ministère délégué à la
Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2002, Publication gratuite du
Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, site en octobre 2002.
ƒ L'adéquation du régime des aides publiques à la recherche et au
développement technologique aux besoins de l'entreprise, Parera, Vincent,
1971, Poillot-Peruzzetto, Sylvaine, Université des sciences sociales, S.l.],
[s.n.), 2002, Thèse doctorat, Droit , Toulouse 1, 2002.
ƒ Le compte de l'éducation et le compte de l'éducation supérieure, années 1998
à 2001, France, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris, 2002.
ƒ Le rendement social des activités de R-D en France. Mesure, évolution,
différenciation industrielle = The social rate of return on R & D activities in
the French industry, Christian Le Bas, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie,
ƒ Les Dossiers, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris,
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Direction de la programmation et du
développement, 2002.
ƒ Développement des dépenses budgétaires, éducation nationale, recherche et
technologie, 2000, France, Direction de la comptabilité publique, Paris,
Direction générale de la comptabilité publique, 2001.
ƒ Recherche et développement régional durable, actes du troisième Symposium
européen [Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development], Tours, 18 et
19 décembre 2000 = Research and subtainable regional development.
European symposium Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development,
03/2000, Tours, Larrue, Corinne, Union européenne. Commission européenne.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique fedrale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
(in ordine cronologico)
ƒ Eine Frage der Zeit? zur Integration von Frauen in die Wissenschaft, eine
empirische Untersuchung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Nina von Stebut,
Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2003.
ƒ Rethinking the impact of globalisation on the nation-state. The case of
science and technology policies in Germany, Heiko Prange, 2003.
ƒ Research and development: financial constraints and the role of public
funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, Dirk Czarnitzki, Centre for
European Economic Research, Mannheim, Zentrum für Europäische
ƒ Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans la valorisation des projets de recherche
et développement, la valeur de l'information nouvelle, Bougaret, Sophie,
Lacoste, Germain, [S.l.], [s.n.], 2002 Thèse doctorat, Systèmes industriels, INP
Toulouse, 2002.
ƒ Einstieg in die Methoden empirischer Forschung. Planung, Durchführung
und Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen, Jürgen Lamberti, Tübingen,
Dgvt-Verl., 2001.
ƒ Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Deutschland, 2001, Ifo Schnelldienst
2001, v. 54, n. 4, p. 14-57, Periodical,
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Verzeichnis
der Institute und Organe, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften e.v., München, Max-Planck-Ges. zur Förderung der Wiss.,
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Research
perspectives 2000, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: executive summary, Max Planck
Society for the Advancement of Science, Office of Press and Public Realtions,
Munich, Max Planck Soc. for the Advancement of Science, Office of Press and
Public Realtions, 2000.
ƒ Wie entstehen neue Qualitäten in komplexen Systemen?: 50 Jahre MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, 1948 - 1998, Dokumentation des Symposiums zum
50jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am 18.
Dezember 1998 in Berlin, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2000.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung: Planung und Kontrolle, Von Klaus Brockhoff,
erg. und erw, Aufl., München, Wien, Oldenbourg, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung. Technologie Innovation Forschung und
Wirtschaft und Technologie, Referat V A, 1999.
ƒ Wissenschaftliche Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
der Wissenschaften im Bild. Zusammengestellt, von Eckart Henning und Dirk
Ullmann unter Mitarbeit von Marion Kazemi; mit einem Geleitwort des
Vorsitzenden des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Wolf Singer. - Vorwort. 1.
Verzeichnis der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
(alphabetisch) 2. Bildtafeln der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft (chronologisch). Bildnachweis.
ƒ Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften,
1948-1998, Von Eckart Henning und Marion Kazemi, mit ein Geleitwort des
Präsidenten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Hubert Markl. 1. Vorgeschichte
1945-1948 2. Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften 1948-1998. Bildnachweis.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique federale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Ley 17/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de fomento y coordinación general de la
investigación científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica (I+D+I) en
Castilla y León Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2003.
ƒ Análisis de la participación e impacto del Programa marco de investigación y
desarrollo tecnológico de la UE en las universidades españolas:
recomendaciones para el futuro, Gonzalo León Serrano ... [et al.], Madrid,
CRUE, 2002.
ƒ Enfoques en la investigación científica: producción actual en las
universidades de Barcelona. Actas del VII Seminario de la APEC,
Barcelona, España, 17 de mayo de 2002 Barcelona, APEC, 2002.
ƒ Estrategia regional de investigación científica, desarrollo tecnológico e
innovación (I+D+i), Castilla y León, conocimiento y desarrollo económico,
2002-2006, [Valladolid], Junta de Castilla y León, 2002.
ƒ La investigación científica, el desarrollo, la innovación tecnológica y las
tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Deducciones fiscales
contempladas en la Ley 43/1995 del impuesto sobre sociedades, Faustino
García ... et al., Madrid, Recoletos, 2001.
ƒ La investigación en la universidad del nuevo milenio. Guía para su gestión y
desarrollo, Fredy Pomares Herrera, Nelson Alvis Guzmán Sevilla, Aconcagua
Libros, 2001.
ƒ Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: la investigación científica y la innovación
tecnológica en la sociedad de la información, Eduard Aibar Puentes, Miquel
Domènech Argemí Barcelona, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, 2000.
ƒ Gestión de política científica y recursos de investigación. José Manuel
Touriñán, Alfonso Bravo [Santiago de Compostela], Instituto Galego de
Cooperación Iberoamericana, 2000.
ƒ Actas
Universidades: efficacia o calidad: Almeria, 1999, Grupo de Investigación
HUM-413 "Asesoramiento, Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza";
Juan Fernández Sierra, Almería, Universidad de Almería, 1999.
ƒ Actas de la Reunion Cientifica sobre CEP's y Perfeccionamiento Profesional
Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza"; José Sanz Giménez, Cé
Almería, Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999.
ƒ El analisis multivariante en la investigacion scientifica, Rosario Martínez
Arias Madrid, La Muralla, Salamanca, Hespérides, 1999.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A look at social and economic developments in south-east Europe: from the
nineties to the current European "talks", Jana Kubicová and Bruno Sergi,
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Communication: stratégie d'information et de communication pour, UE,
Avis. EU, Economic and Social Committee, 2003.
ƒ Compétitivité de la France, Guillaume Gaulier .. [et al.], 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Développer la prospective en vue de faire évoluer les relations entre
l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans la perspective de l'Espace
Européen de la Recherche (EER), Etienne Bourgeois, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ e-Government resource book. Synopsis of IST projects relating to egovernment, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eine Frage der Zeit? zur Integration von Frauen in die Wissenschaft. Eine
empirische Untersuchung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Nina von Stebut,
Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Energy. Issues, options and technologies, Science and
Society, December 2002. European Opinion Research Group, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises. Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003
ƒ Ex-post evaluation of Objective 1 1994-1999, ECOTEC, 2003.
ƒ Fifth Framework Programme 1998-2002. Quality of life and management of
living resources, Catalogue of selected projects 1998-2002. Key Action 4
Environment & Health, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and
introduction, Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Information society technologies, R&D programme (1998-2002). "Systems
and services for the citizen". Cluster of research projects, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Investir dans la recherche. Un plan d'action pour l'Europe, Communication
de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement européen, au Comité
économique et social européen et au Comité des Régions, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La politique française de décentralisation en éducation: bilan et perspectives,
Yves Dutercq, 2003.
ƒ La productivité du travail. Une perspective internationale, Raymond Van der
Putten, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ Le potentiel de la prospective régionale. Rapport final du groupe d'experts
STRATA-ETAN, Mobiliser le potentiel de la prospective régionale pour une
Union européenne élargie: une contribution essentielle au renforcement de
la base stratégique de l'Espace européen de recherche (EER), Ortwin Renn
and Meirion Thomas; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ L'école au défi de l'Europe: médias, éducation et citoyenneté post-nationale,
Jean-Marc Ferry et Séverine De Proost, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe,
Problemes economiques 2003, n. 2818, 16 Jullet, p. 20-22, (Periodical), 2003.
ƒ L'Europa della ricerca per la scienza e la tecnologia, Alberto Quadrio Curzio,
ƒ Ley 17/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de fomento y coordinación general de la
investigación científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica (I+D+I) en
Castilla y León Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2003.
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI,
EU, Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ L'Union européenne numéro un de la recherche mondiale?, Séverine
Silvestro, 2003.
ƒ Measuring success of advanced technology program participation using
archival data, Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, 2003.
ƒ Mrs Miller moves house. The interoperatility of local public services in
Europe, Tony Kinder, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. Evaluer l'impact des avis scientifiques, UE, Comission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. La société de l'information et l'élargissement de l'UE, UE,
Comission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Pour une vision européenne de la mondialisation, Pascal Lamy, 2003
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse économique
(CAE), 2003.
ƒ Regional policies and EU enlargement, Michele Boldrin and Fabio Canova
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, 2003.
ƒ Research in organizational change and development, vol. 14, William A.
Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman, 2003.
ƒ Reshaping teaching in higher education. Linking teaching with research,
Alan Jenkins, Rosanna Breen & Roger Lindsay with Angela Brew, 2003.
ƒ Rethinking the impact of globalisation on the nation-state. The case of
science and technology policies in Germany, Heiko Prange, 2003.
ƒ Science for society, science with society. How can research on food and
agriculture in Europe better respond to citizens' expectations and demands?
Summary of EURAGRI conference Brussels, 14-15 October 2002, EU,
European Commission. 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ Services publics, concurrence et privatisation. L'opinion des français et des
européens: perception et évaluation à partir d'enquêtes nationales et
européennes, Bernard Denni, Jean-François Tchernia, 2003.
ƒ Special issue. Assessing the impact of scientific advice, EU, European
Comission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic accompanying measures in life sciences. From FP5 tot FP6, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic targeting of development policies to a complex region. A GIS-based
stratification applied to Uganda, G.R. Ruecker ...[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Synopses of ECSC contracts in iron and steel research (1986-93), European
Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, 2003.
ƒ The Europeanization of national government and policy. A departmental
perspective, Andrew Jordan, 2003.
ƒ The innovation policy of the European Union. From government to
governance, Susana Borrás, 2003.
ƒ The new economic analysis of multinationals. an agenda for management,
policy, and research, Thomas L. Brewer, Stephen Young, Stephen E.
Guisinger. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Pub., 2003.
ƒ The overall socio-economic dimension of community research in the fifth
European Framework programme. A synthesis report on the integration of
the socio-economic related research activities of the European Community,
EU, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ The Potential of Regional Foresight. Final Report of the STRATA-ETAN
Expert Group. Mobilising the regional foresight potential for an enlarged
European Union. An essential contribution to strengthen the strategic basis
of the European Research Area (ERA), Ortwin Renn and Meirion Thomas,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ The sixth framework programme. 2002-2006, EU, European Commission,
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ UK competititveness and the performance of multinational enterprises, A.
Rugman, Swindon, Economic and Social Research Council, [2003].
ƒ Water for life. EU Water Initiative. International Cooperation from
knowledge to action, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ World energy, technology and climate polity outlook 2030. WETO, EU,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ Complessita' e sviluppo. 2002. Temi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica,
ENEA, Roma, 2002.
ƒ Corporate social responsibility: a business contribution to sustainable
development, EU, European Commission, Luxembourg, EUR-OP, 2002.
ƒ Droit et progres scientifique: science du droit, valeurs et biomedecine, JeanRene Binet, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica nelle Università italiane. Una prima analisi delle
citazioni della banca data ISI, Elena Breno ...[et al.], Roma, Conferenza dei
Rettori delle Università italiane, 2002.
ƒ La science au service d'un développement durable, contribution des
organismes publics de recherche français, Paris, Ministère délégué à la
Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2002.
ƒ La valutazione della ricerca in Italia. Repertorio di fonti web, Francesca
Rossi ed Emanuela Stefani, Roma, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita
italiane, 2002.
ƒ Le compte de l'éducation et le compte de l'éducation supérieure, années 1998
à 2001, France, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris, 2002.
ƒ Le rendement social des activités de R-D en France. Mesure, évolution,
différenciation industrielle = The social rate of return on R & D activities in
the French industry, Christian Le Bas, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie,
ƒ Les Dossiers, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris,
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Direction de la programmation et du
développement, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Alessandro Lanza, 3., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile: tra governo dell'economia e profili costituzionali,
Vincenzo Pepe, Piacenza, La tribuna, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Ricerca universitaria e processi di innovazione: le piccole e medie imprese
nel Progetto Link, Nicola Bellini, Luca Ferrucci, Milano, F. Angeli, 2002.
ƒ Scientific research in education. Committee on Scientific Principles for
Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies. A resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
[etc.], Wiley, 2001.
ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ Développement des dépenses budgétaires, éducation nationale, recherche et
technologie, 2000 France, Direction de la comptabilité publique, Paris,
Direction générale de la comptabilité publique, 2001.
ƒ Einstieg in die Methoden empirischer Forschung. Planung, Durchführung
und Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen, Jürgen Lamberti, Tübingen,
Dgvt-Verl., 2001.
ƒ La investigación científica, el desarrollo, la innovación tecnológica y las
tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Deducciones fiscales
contempladas en la Ley 43/1995 del impuesto sobre sociedades, Faustino
García ... et al., Madrid, Recoletos, 2001.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica. Le nuove regole e le scelte operative, Ministero
dell'Università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, Roma, Salerno, 2001.
ƒ La valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. come cambia la ricerca pubblica e
quella industriale, Andrea Piccaluga, Milano, F. Angeli, 2001.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Giorgio Nebbia, S[an] Domenico, Fiesole
ƒ Changing things, moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable
development at the local level, Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher (eds.),
Basel [etc.], Birkhauser, 2001.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-1999 =
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. Organisation de
coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE, 2001, site
ƒ Statistiche sulla ricerca scientifica, Sistema statistico nazionale, Istituto
nazionale di statistica, 1997, Roma, Istat, 2001.
ƒ The bidding culture and local government. effects on the development of
public libraries, museums and archives, Sandra Parker, 2001.
ƒ Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Deutschland, 2001, Ifo Schnelldienst
2001, v. 54, n. 4, p. 14-57.
ƒ Il monitoraggio della scienza e della tecnologia: concetti, metodi e strumenti,
Mario De Marchi ... [et al.], Milano, F. Angeli, 2000.
ƒ Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: la investigación científica y la innovación
tecnológica en la sociedad de la información, Eduard Aibar Puentes, Miquel
Domènech Argemí Barcelona, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, 2000.
ƒ Colloqui sulla ricerca scientifica. Italia e Europa, politiche di ricerca a
confronto: atti del Convegno svoltosi il 26 ottobre 1998 Aula Magna,
Firenze, 2000.
ƒ Gestión de política científica y recursos de investigación, José Manuel
Touriñán, Alfonso Bravo [Santiago de Compostela], Instituto Galego de
Cooperación Iberoamericana, 2000.
ƒ History of humanity: scientific and cultural development; v. 4. From the
Seventh to the Sixteenth century, M. A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S. M. Cissoko,
Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Research
perspectives 2000. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: executive summary, Max
Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Office of Press and Public
Realtions, Munich, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Verzeichnis
der Institute und Organe / Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften e.v., München, Max-Planck-Ges. zur Förderung der Wiss.,
ƒ Recherche et développement régional durable, actes du troisième Symposium
européen [Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development], Tours, 18 et
19 décembre 2000 = Research and subtainable regional development.
European symposium Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development -03
-2000, Tours, Larrue, Corinne, Union européenne. Commission européenne.
ƒ The economics of science and innovation, Paula E. Stephan and David B.
Audretsch, Cheltenham [etc.], E. Elgar, 2000.
ƒ Wie entstehen neue Qualitäten in komplexen Systemen?: 50 Jahre MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, 1948 - 1998, Dokumentation des Symposiums zum
50jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am 18.
Dezember 1998 in Berlin, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2000.
ƒ Actas
Universidades: efficacia o calidad: Almeria, 1999, Grupo de Investigación
HUM-413 "Asesoramiento, Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza";
Juan Fernández Sierra, Almería, Universidad de Almería, 1999.
ƒ Actas de la Reunion Cientifica sobre CEP's y Perfeccionamiento Profesional
Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza"; José Sanz Giménez, Cé
Almería, Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999.
ƒ Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften,
1948-1998, Von Eckart Henning und Marion Kazemi ; mit ein Geleitwort des
Präsidenten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Hubert Markl. 1. Vorgeschichte
1945-1948 2. Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften 1948-1998. Bildnachweis.
ƒ El analisis multivariante en la investigacion scientifica, Rosario Martínez
Arias Madrid, La Muralla, Salamanca, Hespérides, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung. Technologie Innovation. Forschung und
Wirtschaft und Technologie, Referat V A, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung. Planung und Kontrolle, Von Klaus Brockhoff,
erg. und erw. Aufl., München, Wien, Oldenbourg, 1999.
ƒ Wissenschaftliche Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
der Wissenschaften im Bild. Zusammengestellt von Eckart Henning und
Dirk Ullmann unter Mitarbeit von Marion Kazemi ; mit einem Geleitwort des
Vorsitzenden des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Wolf Singer. - Vorwort. 1,
Verzeichnis der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
(alphabetisch) 2. Bildtafeln der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft (chronologisch). Bildnachweis.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne.
ƒ Internationalisation of industrial R&D. Patterns and trends, OECD, 1998.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ European research structures - changes and challenges; mobility of
researchers in the European Union; Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, November,
1993, Generalverwaltung der Max Planck Gesellschaft Author European
research structures - changes and challenges: mobility of researchers in the
European Union, Tegernsee, 1993, Munchen, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1994.
ƒ Report of the international symposium on science and technology legislation
for Europe in transition: the role of governments and parliaments, Certosa di
Pontignano, 17-19 may, 1993, International Symposium on Science and
Technology Legislation for Europe in Transition: the Role of Governments and
Parliaments, Certosa di Pontignano, 1993, Venezia, UNESCO, 1993.
ƒ Proceedings of the International seminar on organizational structures of
science in Europe, Venice, 27-29 april, 1992, Susan Biggin and Vladimir
Kouzminov, Venezia, UNESCO, 1992.
ƒ Nature ... management and sustainable development. Proceedings of the
International Congress. Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-9 december 1988,
Wil D. Verwey, Amsterdam, IOS, 1989.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique fedrale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
ƒ Per uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. Programma politico e d'azione della
Comunità Europa a favore dell'ambiente e di uno sviluppo sostenibile,
Commissione delle Comunità europee [S.l.: s.n.].
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Information and communications technology in UK accounting education,
Neil Marriott, Pru Marriott, Neil Selwyn, London, Certified Accountants
Educational Trust for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
ƒ Science for survival. scientific research and the public interest, Peter
Cotgreave, London. British Library, 2003.
ƒ Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans la valorisation des projets de recherche
et développement, la valeur de l'information nouvelle, Bougaret, Sophie,
Lacoste, Germain, [S.l.], [s.n.], 2002 Thèse doctorat, Systèmes industriels, INP
Toulouse, 2002.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A look at social and economic developments in south-east Europe: from the
nineties to the current European "talks", Jana Kubicová and Bruno Sergi,
ƒ Communication: stratégie d'information et de communication pour UE,
Avis, EU, Economic and Social Committee, 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises. Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ De nouveaux défis pour la recherche en éducation, OCDE, 2003.
ƒ Defense R&D policy in the anti-terrorist era, Manuel Trajtenberg, 2003.
ƒ e-Government resource book. Synopsis of IST projects relating to egovernment, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Fifth Framework Programme 1998-2002. Quality of life and management of
living resources, Catalogue of selected projects 1998-2002. Key Action 4,
Environment & Health, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Globalization and relative wages. some theory and evidence, J. Francois and
D. Nelson. Nottingham, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy, 2003.
ƒ How R&D can impact policy-making: thirteen IST project examples, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Investir dans la recherche. Un plan d'action pour l'Europe, Communication
de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement européen, au Comité
économique et social européen et au Comité des Régions, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ Law, civil society and transitional economic governance, Gráinne De Búrca ...
[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Modelling, forecasting and policy in the evolving macro-economy, D.F.
Hendry ... [et al.], Swindon. Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ New challenges for education research, OECD, 2003.
ƒ Pour une vision européenne de la mondialisation, Pascal Lamy, 2003
ƒ Regional policies and EU enlargement, Michele Boldrini and Fabio Canova
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, 2003.
ƒ Science for society, science with society. How can research on food and
agriculture in europe better respond to citizens' expectations and demands?
Summary of EURAGRI conference Brussels, 14-15 October 2002, EU,
European Commission. 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ Strategic accompanying measures in life sciences. From FP5 tot FP6, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ The new economic analysis of multinationals. an agenda for management,
policy and research, Thomas L. Brewer, Stephen Young, Stephen E.
Guisinger. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Pub., 2003.
ƒ The overall socio-economic dimension of community research in the fifth
European Framework programme. A synthesis report on the integration of
the socio-economic related research activities of the European Community,
EU, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ U.S. welfare reform. What's relevant for Europe?, Rebecca M. Blank, 2003.
ƒ UK competititveness and the performance of multinational enterprises, A.
Rugman, Swindon, Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ World energy, technology and climate polity outlook 2030. WETO, EU,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ Corporate social responsibility: a business contribution to sustainable
development, EU, European Commission, Luxembourg, EUR-OP, 2002.
ƒ Droit et progres scientifique: science du droit, valeurs et biomedecine, JeanRene Binet, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
ƒ Human dimensions of sustainable development, R.B. Singh, 2002.
ƒ I nuovi riferimenti internazionali dello sviluppo sostenibile; i documenti di
Johannesburg ed il 6. Programma comunitario di azione in materia di
ambiente, Rosa Andrei, Area extradipartimentale; Regione Toscana, Ufficio
programmazione e controlli, Ufficio programmazione e controlli Firenze,
Edifir, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Renforcer les capacités de développement durable, 2002, Développement et
Coopération (D+C) 2002, n. 3, mai/juin, p. 8-23.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-2000
= Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. 1987-2000,
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE,
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies. A resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
[etc.], Wiley, 2001.
ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ Recherche et développement, statistiques annuelles = données 1990-2000,
Union européenne, Commission européenne, EUROSTAT. Luxembourg,
Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes, 2001.
ƒ Sustainable development strategy 2001-03. Strate´gie de de´veloppement
durable de 2001 a` 2003, Canada, Treasury Board, 2001.
ƒ Sviluppo sostenibile a scala regionale, GRISS, Gruppo di ricerca
interuniversitario sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Bruno Menegatti, Maria Tinacci
Mossello, Maria Chiara Zerbi, Bologna, Patron, 2001.
ƒ Internationalisation of industrial R&D. Patterns and trends, OECD, 1998.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ Report of the international symposium on science and technology legislation
for Europe in transition: the role of governments and parliaments, Certosa di
Pontignano, 17-19 may, 1993, International Symposium on Science and
Technology Legislation for Europe in Transition: the Role of Governments and
Parliaments, Certosa di Pontignano, 1993, Venezia, UNESCO, 1993.
ƒ Proceedings of the International seminar on organizational structures of
science in Europe, Venice, 27-29 april, 1992, Susan Biggin and Vladimir
Kouzminov, Venezia, UNESCO, 1992.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Cultural sites, cultural theory, cultural policy, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
ƒ De nouveaux défis pour la recherche en éducation, OCDE, 2003.
ƒ Développer la prospective en vue de faire évoluer les relations entre
l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans la perspective de l'Espace
Européen de la Recherche (EER), Etienne Bourgeois, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Europa in diretta. Dialogo con i cittadini e le imprese. Studiare, formarsi,
fare ricerca, partecipare a un'attività per i giovani o a un'attività di
volontariato, in un altro paese dell'Unione europea, UE, Commissione
Europea, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Reshaping teaching in higher education. linking teaching with research,
Alan Jenkins, Rosanna Breen & Roger Lindsay with Angela Brew, 2003.
ƒ What is the research capacity of the UK education research community?
reconsidering the 'shortage of quantitative skills' phenomenon, Stephen
Gorard [et al.], Cardiff, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 2003.
ƒ Academic and educational development. Research, evaluation and changing
practice in higher education, Ranald MacDonald and James Wisdom, 2002.
ƒ Análisis de la participación e impacto del Programa marco de investigación y
desarrollo tecnológico de la UE en las universidades españolas:
recomendaciones para el futuro, Gonzalo León Serrano et al., Madrid, CRUE,
ƒ Education, training, research, and fellowship opportunities in space science
and technology and its applications. A directory, Office des Nations Unies.
Bureau des affaires spatiales New York, United Nations, 2002.
ƒ Enfoques en la investigación científica: producción actual en las
universidades de Barcelona. Actas del VII Seminario de la APEC,
Barcelona, España, 17 de mayo de 2002 Barcelona, APEC, 2002.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica nelle Università italiane. Una prima analisi delle
citazioni della banca data ISI, Elena Breno et al., Roma, Conferenza dei
Rettori delle Universita italiane, 2002.
ƒ Le compte de l'éducation et le compte de l'éducation supérieure, années 1998
à 2001, France, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris, 2002.
ƒ Les Dossiers, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris,
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Direction de la programmation et du
développement, 2002.
ƒ Research issues and contexts of teacher education and development, Yin
Cheong Cheng, 2002, Scientific research in education. Committee on Scientific
Principles for Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne,
ƒ Développement des dépenses budgétaires, éducation nationale, recherche et
technologie, 2000, France, Direction de la comptabilité publique, Paris,
Direction générale de la comptabilité publique, 2001.
ƒ La investigación en la universidad del nuevo milenio. Guía para su gestión y
desarrollo, Fredy Pomares Herrera, Nelson Alvis Guzmán Sevilla, Aconcagua
Libros, 2001.
ƒ Actas
Universidades: efficacia o calidad: Almeria, 1999, Grupo de Investigación
HUM-413 "Asesoramiento, Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza";
Juan Fernández Sierra, Almería, Universidad de Almería, 1999.
ƒ El analisis multivariante en la investigacion scientifica, Rosario Martínez
Arias Madrid, La Muralla, Salamanca, Hespérides, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung. Technologie Innovation] Forschung und
Entwicklung, Technologie Innovation, Berlin, Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft
und Technologie, Referat V A, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung. Planung und Kontrolle, Von Klaus Brockhoff,
erg. und erw. Aufl., München, Wien, Oldenbourg, 1999.
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique fedrale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Développer la prospective en vue de faire évoluer les relations entre
l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche dans la perspective de l'Espace
Européen de la Recherche (EER), Etienne Bourgeois, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ European research structures - changes and challenges; mobility of
researchers in the European Union; Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, November,
1993, Generalverwaltung der Max Planck Gesellschaft, Tegernsee, 1993,
Munchen, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1994.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A new method for estimating public sector pay premia evidence from Britain
in the 1990s, Richard F. Disney and Amanda Gosling, Centre for Economic
Policy Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Applications relating to health. Fifth research and development framework
programme 1998-2002, EU, European Commission. 2003.
ƒ Archives et recherche, aspects juridiques et pratiques administratives = actes
du colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme CNRS "Archives de la
création" à la Faculté Jean Monnet, Université Paris-Sud, les 25 et 26 mai
2000 à Sceaux Cornu, Marie Fromageau, Jérôme. Paris, Budapest Torino,
l'Harmattan, 2003.
ƒ Counter terrorism.federal research and development, organization, policy
and funding, Genevieve J. Knezo, New York, 2003.
ƒ Credit
recommendations, Amparo San José Riestra, 2003.
ƒ Cultural sites, cultural theory, cultural policy, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
ƒ DAC Peer review of Luxembourg, OECD, Development Assistance
Committee, v. 4, n. 2, p. VI.1-V.65, The Dac Journal, 2003.
ƒ Eine Frage der Zeit? zur Integration von Frauen in die Wissenschaft. Eine
empirische Untersuchung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Nina von Stebut,
Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2003.
ƒ Environmental research and development. US industrial research, the Clean
Air Act, and environmental damage, John T. Scott, 2003.
ƒ Evidence for hope. the search for sustainable development. The story of the
International Institute for Environment and Development, Nigel Cross, 2003.
ƒ Ex-post evaluation of Objective 1 1994-1999, ECOTEC, 2003.
ƒ Foundations and public policy. the mask of pluralism, Joan Roelofs. Albany,
State University of New York Press, 2003.
ƒ Frontiers in health policy research, vol. 6. David M. Cutler and Alan M.
Garber, Cambridge, Mass. London. MIT, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ Globalization and relative wages. some theory and evidence, J. Francois and
D. Nelson. Nottingham, Leverhulme Centre for Research on Globalisation and
Economic Policy, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Information society technologies, R&D programme (1998-2002). "Systems
and services for the citizen", Cluster of research projects, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Integrating and strengthening the european Research area. Specific
activities covering a wider field of research. Specific measures in support of
international cooperation (INCO), EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe, 2003.
ƒ Ley 17/2002, de 19 de diciembre, de fomento y coordinación general de la
investigación científica, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica (I+D+I) en
Castilla y León Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2003.
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI,
EU, Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ Modelling, forecasting and policy in the evolving macro-economy, D.F.
Hendry ... [et al.], Swindon. Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ New structures for the support of high-quality research in Europe. A report
from a High Level working Group constituted by the European Science
Foundation to review the option of creating a European Research Council,
EU, European Science Foundation, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. La société de l'information et l'élargissement de l'UE, UE,
Comission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Polarisation
géographique des connaissances, une étude sur la France des années 1990 =
Rapport intermédiaire [pour le Commissariat général du plan. Massard,
Catin, Maurice, France, Commissariat général du plan. Centre de recherches
économiques de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Institut fédératif de recherche
sur les dynamiques économiques, Centre de Recherche en Economie régionale
et industrielle Saint-Etienne, 2003.
ƒ Public policies towards research joint venture formation. designs and
outcomes, Pedro L. Marin and Georges Siotis, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Recherche environnement, la lettre du Service de la recherche et de la
prospective de la D4E [Direction des études économiques et de l'évaluation
environnementale du Ministère de l'économie et du développement durable,
France, Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable, Service de la
recherche et de la prospective Paris, [20 av. de Ségur, 75302, 07 SP: Direction
des études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale], 2003.
ƒ Recherche et développement, statistiques annuelles = données 1990-2000,
Union européenne, Commission européenne, Luxembourg, Eurostat, Office
des publications officielles des communautés européennes, 2001.
ƒ Regional policies and EU enlargement, Michele Boldrin and Fabio Canova
Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, Centre for Economic Policy
Research, 2003.
ƒ Research in organizational change and development, vol. 14, William A.
Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman, 2003.
ƒ Reshaping teaching in higher education. linking teaching with research,
Alan Jenkins, Rosanna Breen & Roger Lindsay with Angela Brew, 2003.
ƒ Science for survival. scientific research and the public interest, Peter
Cotgreave, London. British Library, 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ Strategic intellectual property protection policy and North-South technology
transfer, Alireza Naghavi, Dublin, University College Dublin, Centre for
Economic Research, 2003.
ƒ Strategic targeting of development policies to a complex region. A GIS-based
stratification applied to Uganda, G.R. Ruecker ...[et al.], 2003.
ƒ The diffusion of new environmental policy instruments, Kerstin Tews, PerOlof Busch and Helge Jörgens, 2003.
ƒ The environmental dimension of multifunctionality economic analysis and
implications for policy design, Jussi Lankoski. MTT Economic Research,
Agrifood Research Finland, 2003.
ƒ The Europeanization of national government and policy. A departmental
perspective, Andrew Jordan, 2003.
ƒ The innovation policy of the European Union. From government to
governance, Susana Borrás, 2003.
ƒ The new economic analysis of multinationals. an agenda for management,
policy, and research, Thomas L. Brewer, Stephen Young, Stephen E.
Guisinger. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Pub., 2003.
ƒ The PISA 2003 assessment framework. Mathematics, reading, science and
problem solving knowledge and skills, OECD, 2003.
ƒ The Potential of Regional Foresight. Final Report of the STRATA-ETAN
Expert Group. Mobilising the regional foresight potential for an enlarged
European Union. An essential contribution to strengthen the strategic basis
of the European Research Area (ERA), Ortwin Renn and Meirion Thomas,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ The sixth framework programme. 2002-2006, EU, European Commission,
ƒ U.S. welfare reform. What's relevant for Europe?, Rebecca M. Blank, 2003.
ƒ UK competititveness and the performance of multinational enterprises, A.
Rugman, Swindon, Economic and Social Research Council, 2003.
ƒ Une communauté de recherche, le pôle de Grenoble, CNER (Comité national
d'évaluation de la recherche), France, Comité national d'évaluation de la
recherche, Paris, Documentation française, 2003.
ƒ Water for life. EU Water Initiative. International Cooperation from
knowledge to action, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ What is the research capacity of the UK education research community?
reconsidering the 'shortage of quantitative skills' phenomenon, Stephen
Gorard [et al.], Cardiff, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences, 2003.
ƒ Women in industrial research. a wake up call for European industry. a
report to the European Commission from the High Level Expert Group on
Women in Industrial Research for strategic analysis of specific science and
technology policy issues (STRATA), Helga Ru¨bsamen-Waigmann ... [et al.],
Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
ƒ World energy, technology and climate polity outlook 2030. WETO, EU,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ [La] Mesure des activités scientifiques et technologiques, méthode type
proposée pour les enquêtes sur la recherche et le développement
expérimental = manuel de Frascati, 2002, Organisation de coopération et de
développement économiques, Paris, O.C.D.E, 2002.
ƒ Academic and educational development. Research, evaluation and changing
practice in higher education, Ranald MacDonald and James Wisdom, 2002.
ƒ Análisis de la participación e impacto del Programa marco de investigación y
desarrollo tecnológico de la UE en las universidades españolas:
recomendaciones para el futuro, Gonzalo León Serrano ... [et al.], Madrid,
CRUE, 2002.
ƒ Biodiversity, sustainability and human communities; protecting beyond the
Tim O'Riordan
Cambridge university press, 2002.
ƒ Building capacities for sustainable development, G. Narayana Reddy
Narayana Reddy. G., 2002.
ƒ Complessita' e sviluppo. 2002. Temi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica,
ENEA, Roma, 2002.
ƒ Education, training, research, and fellowship opportunities in space science
and technology and its applications. A directory, Office des Nations Unies.
Bureau des affaires spatiales, New York, United Nations, 2002.
ƒ Enfoques en la investigación científica: producción actual en las
universidades de Barcelona. Actas del VII Seminario de la APEC,
Barcelona, España, 17 de mayo de 2002 Barcelona, APEC, 2002.
ƒ Estrategia regional de investigación científica, desarrollo tecnológico e
innovación (I+D+i), Castilla y León, conocimiento y desarrollo económico,
2002-2006, Valladolid, Junta de Castilla y León, 2002.
ƒ Evaluation de l'impact de l'ANVAR sur la création et le développement de
jeunes entreprises en Languedoc-Roussillon, à l'ANVAR (Agence Nationale
de Valorisation de la Recherche), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon.
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du
Languedoc, 2002.
ƒ France R&D, les laboratoires et centres de recherche français au service de
l'industrie Annuaire France Recherche & Développement, Innovation 128.
Paris, 2002.
ƒ Human dimensions of sustainable development, R.B. Singh, 2002.
ƒ I nuovi riferimenti internazionali dello sviluppo sostenibile; i documenti di
Johannesburg ed il 6. Programma comunitario di azione in materia di
ambiente, Rosa Andrei, Area extradipartimentale; Regione Toscana, Ufficio
programmazione e controlli, Edifir, 2002.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica nelle Università italiane. Una prima analisi delle
citazioni della banca data ISI, Elena Breno ...[et al.], Roma, Conferenza dei
Rettori delle Università italiane, 2002.
ƒ La science au service d'un développement durable, contribution des
organismes publics de recherche français, Paris, Ministère délégué à la
Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, 2002, Publication gratuite du
Ministère délégué à la Recherche et aux Nouvelles Technologies, (site: en octobre 2002).
ƒ La valutazione della ricerca in Italia. Repertorio di fonti web, Francesca
Rossi ed Emanuela Stefani, Roma, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita
italiane, 2002.
ƒ L'adéquation du régime des aides publiques à la recherche et au
développement technologique aux besoins de l'entreprise, Parera, Vincent,
1971, Poillot-Peruzzetto, Sylvaine, Université des sciences sociales, S.l.],
[s.n.), 2002, Thèse doctorat, Droit , Toulouse 1, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Rattan. current research issues and prospects for conservation and
sustainable development, John Dransfield, Florentino O. Tesoro and N.
Manokaran, 2002.
ƒ Renforcer les capacités de développement durable, 2002, Développement et
Coopération (D+C) 2002, n. 3, mai/juin, p. 8-23.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-2000
= Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. 1987-2000,
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE,
ƒ Research and development: financial constraints and the role of public
funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, Dirk Czarnitzki, Centre for
European Economic Research, Mannheim: Zentrum für Europäische
Wirtschaftsforschung, 2002.
ƒ Research issues and contexts of teacher education and development, Yin
Cheong Cheng, 2002.
ƒ Ricerca universitaria e processi di innovazione: le piccole e medie imprese
nel Progetto Link, Nicola Bellini, Luca Ferrucci, Milano, F. Angeli, 2002.
ƒ Scientific research in education, Committee on Scientific Principles for
Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies: a resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
[etc.], Wiley, 2001.
ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ Développement des dépenses budgétaires, éducation nationale, recherche et
technologie, 2000
ƒ Einstieg in die Methoden empirischer Forschung. Planung, Durchführung
und Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen, Jürgen Lamberti, Tübingen,
Dgvt-Verl., 2001.
ƒ La investigación científica, el desarrollo, la innovación tecnológica y las
tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Deducciones fiscales
contempladas en la Ley 43/1995 del impuesto sobre sociedades, Faustino
García ... et al., Madrid, Recoletos, 2001.
ƒ La investigación en la universidad del nuevo milenio. Guía para su gestión y
desarrollo, Fredy Pomares Herrera, Nelson Alvis Guzmán Sevilla, Aconcagua
Libros, 2001.
ƒ La legislazione per la scienza e la tecnologia nel Giappone moderno, Andrea
Tenneriello, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001.
ƒ La metodologia dei programmi di ricerca scientifici, Imre Lakatos, Milano,
EST, 2001.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica. Le nuove regole e le scelte operative, Ministero
dell'Università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, Roma, Salerno, 2001.
ƒ La valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. come cambia la ricerca pubblica e
quella industriale, Andrea Piccaluga, Milano, F. Angeli, 2001.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-1999 =
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. Organisation de
coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE, 2001. Site
ƒ Statistiche sulla ricerca scientifica, Sistema statistico nazionale, Istituto
nazionale di statistica, 1997, Roma, Istat, 2001.
ƒ Sustainable development strategy 2001-03. Strate´gie de de´veloppement
durable de 2001 a` 2003, Canada, Treasury Board, 2001.
ƒ Sviluppo sostenibile a scala regionale, GRISS, Gruppo di ricerca
interuniversitario sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Bruno Menegatti, Maria Tinacci
Mossello, Maria Chiara Zerbi, Bologna, Patron, 2001.
ƒ The bidding culture and local government. effects on the development of
public libraries, museums and archives, Sandra Parker, 2001.
ƒ Wissens- und Technologietransfer in Deutschland, 2001, Ifo Schnelldienst
2001, v. 54, n. 4, p. 14-57,
ƒ Il monitoraggio della scienza e della tecnologia: concetti, metodi e strumenti,
Mario De Marchi ... [et al.], Milano, F. Angeli, 2000.
ƒ Ciencia, tecnología y sociedad: la investigación científica y la innovación
tecnológica en la sociedad de la información, Eduard Aibar Puentes, Miquel
Domènech Argemí Barcelona, Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, 2000.
ƒ Colloqui sulla ricerca scientifica. Italia e Europa, politiche di ricerca a
confronto: atti del Convegno svoltosi il 26 ottobre 1998 Aula Magna,
Firenze, 2000.
ƒ Gestión de política científica y recursos de investigación, José Manuel
Touriñán, Alfonso Bravo [Santiago de Compostela], Instituto Galego de
Cooperación Iberoamericana, 2000.
ƒ History of humanity: scientific and cultural development; v. 4: From the
Seventh to the Sixteenth century, M. A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S. M. Cissoko,
Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften: Research
perspectives 2000. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Executive summary, Max
Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Office of Press and Public
Realtions, Munich, Max Planck Soc. for the Advancement of Science, Office
of Press and Public Realtions, 2000.
ƒ Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften. Verzeichnis
der Institute und Organe, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften e.v., München, Max-Planck-Ges. zur Förderung der Wiss.,
ƒ Recherche et développement régional durable, actes du troisième Symposium
européen, [Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development], Tours, 18 et
19 décembre 2000 = Research and subtainable regional development.
European symposium Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development -03
-2000, Tours, Larrue, Corinne, Union européenne. Commission européenne.
ƒ The economics of science and innovation, Paula E. Stephan and David B.
Audretsch, Cheltenham [etc.], E. Elgar, 2000.
ƒ Wie entstehen neue Qualitäten in komplexen Systemen? 50 Jahre MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft, 1948 - 1998, Dokumentation des Symposiums zum
50jährigen Gründungsjubiläum der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft am 18. Dezember
1998 in Berlin. - Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2000.
ƒ Actas
Universidades: efficacia o calidad: Almeria, 1999, Grupo de Investigación
HUM-413 "Asesoramiento, Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza";
Juan Fernández Sierra, Almería, Universidad de Almería, 1999.
ƒ Actas de la Reunion Cientifica sobre CEP's y Perfeccionamiento Profesional
Perfeccionamiento y Calidad de la Enseñanza"; José Sanz Giménez, Cé
Almería, Universidad de Almería, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1999.
ƒ Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften,
1948-1998, Von Eckart Henning und Marion Kazemi; mit ein Geleitwort des
Präsidenten der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Hubert Markl. 1. Vorgeschichte
1945-1948 2. Chronik der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften 1948-1998. Bildnachweis.
ƒ El analisis multivariante en la investigacion scientifica, Rosario Martínez
Arias Madrid, La Muralla, Salamanca, Hespérides, 1999.
ƒ Forschung
Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Referat V A, 1999.
ƒ Forschung und Entwicklung: Planung und Kontrolle, Von Klaus Brockhoff,
erg. und erw. Aufl., München, Wien, Oldenbourg, 1999.
ƒ Wissenschaftliche Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung
der Wissenschaften im Bild. Zusammengestellt, Von Eckart Henning und
Dirk Ullmann unter Mitarbeit von Marion Kazemi; mit einem Geleitwort des
Vorsitzenden des Wissenschaftlichen Rates Wolf Singer. - Vorwort. 1.
Verzeichnis der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
(alphabetisch) 2. Bildtafeln der Wissenschaftlichen Mitglieder der MaxPlanck-Gesellschaft (chronologisch). Bildnachweis
ƒ Strategies d'innovations technologiques et politiques educatives en France,
en Republique fedrale d'Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni, Gottelmann
Gabriele, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.
ƒ Per uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. Programma politico e d'azione della
Comunità Europa a favore dell'ambiente e di uno sviluppo sostenibile,
Commissione delle Comunità europee [S.l.: s.n.].
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A look at social and economic developments in south-east Europe: from the
nineties to the current European "talks", Jana Kubicová and Bruno Sergi,
ƒ Applications relating to health. Fifth research and development framework
programme 1998-2002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Archives et recherche, aspects juridiques et pratiques administratives = actes
du colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme CNRS "Archives de la
création" à la Faculté Jean Monnet, Université Paris-Sud, les 25 et 26 mai
2000 à Sceaux Cornu, Marie Fromageau, Jérôme. Paris, Budapest Torino,
l'Harmattan, 2003.
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Communication: stratégie d'information et de communication pour UE.
Avis, EU, Economic and Social Committee, 2003.
ƒ Compétitivité de la France, Guillaume Gaulier .. [et al.], 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Counter terrorism. federal research and development, organization, policy
and funding, Genevieve J. Knezo, New York, 2003.
ƒ Credit
recommendations, Amparo San José Riestra, 2003.
ƒ Cultural sites, cultural theory, cultural policy, Taylor & Francis, 2003.
ƒ De nouveaux défis pour la recherche en éducation, OCDE, 2003.
ƒ Defense R&D policy in the anti-terrorist era, Manuel Trajtenberg, 2003.
ƒ e-Government resource book. Synopsis of IST projects relating to
egovernment, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eine Frage der Zeit? zur Integration von Frauen in die Wissenschaft. Eine
empirische Untersuchung der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Nina von Stebut,
Opladen, Leske und Budrich, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Energy. Issues, options and technologies, Science and
Society, December 2002, European Opinion Research Group, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Public opinion in the countries applying for European
Union membership. Public perception of science & technology in the new
member states. April 2003, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and
introduction, Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 2003.
ƒ Ideas and education. Level or growth effects?, Steve Dowrick, 2003.
ƒ Information society technologies, R&D programme (1998-2002). "Systems
and services for the citizen". Cluster of research projects, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Integrating and strengthening the european Research area. Specific
activities covering a wider field of research. Specific measures in support of
international cooperation (INCO), EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
l'intégration des aspects socio-économiques de la recherche communautaire
(1998-2002), UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ La fabrique de l'opinion publique. La politique économique des médias
américains, Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, 2003.
ƒ La politique française de décentralisation en éducation: bilan et perspectives,
Yves Dutercq, 2003.
ƒ La science à l'avant-scène. Echos de la Semaine européenne de la science et
de la technologie 2002, UE, Commission européénne, 2003.
ƒ Law, civil society and transitional economic governance, Gráinne De Búrca ...
[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Le potentiel de la prospective régionale. Rapport final du groupe d'experts
STRATA-ETAN, Mobiliser le potentiel de la prospective régionale pour une
Union européenne élargie: une contribution essentielle au renforcement de
la base stratégique de l'Espace européen de recherche (EER), Ortwin Renn
and Meirion Thomas; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ L'école au défi de l'Europe. Médias, éducation et citoyenneté post-nationale,
Jean-Marc Ferry et Séverine De Proost, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe,
Problemes economiques 2003, n. 2818, 16 Jullet, p. 20-22, (Periodical), 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe, 2003.
ƒ L'Europa della ricerca per la scienza e la tecnologia, Alberto Quadrio Curzio,
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI,
EU, Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ L'Union européenne numéro un de la recherche mondiale?, Séverine
Silvestro, 2003.
ƒ Measuring success of advanced technology program participation using
archival data, Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, 2003.
ƒ Mrs Miller moves house. The interoperatility of local public services in
Europe, Tony Kinder, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. Evaluer l'impact des avis scientifiques, UE, Comission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. La société de l'information et l'élargissement de l'UE, UE,
Comission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle. Rapports, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse
économique (CAE), 2003.
ƒ Public health aspects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: developments
and recommendations for change in four sectors: fruit and vegetables, dairy,
wine and tobacco, Liselotte Schäfer Elinder; National Institute of Public
Health, 2003.
ƒ Recherche et développement, statistiques annuelles = données 1990-2000
Union européenne, Commission européenne, EUROSTAT, Luxembourg,
Eurostat, Office des publications officielles des communautés européennes,
ƒ Science for society, science with society. How can research on food and
agriculture in europe better respond to citizens' expectations and demands?
Summary of EURAGRI conference Brussels, 14-15 October 2002, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Services publics, concurrence et privatisation. L'opinion des français et des
européens: perception et évaluation à partir d'enquêtes nationales et
européennes, Bernard Denni, Jean-François Tchernia, 2003.
ƒ Strategic accompanying measures in life sciences. From FP5 tot FP6, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic targeting of development policies to a complex region. A GIS-based
stratification applied to Uganda, G.R. Ruecker ...[et al.], 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ The innovation policy of the European Union. From government to
governance, Susana Borrás, 2003.
ƒ The overall socio-economic dimension of community research in the fifth
European Framework programme. A synthesis report on the integration of
the socio-economic related research activities of the European Community,
EU, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2003.
ƒ The sixth framework programme. 2002-2006, EU, European Commission,
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ Water for life. EU Water Initiative. International Cooperation from
knowledge to action, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Women in industrial research. a wake up call for European industry. a
report to the European Commission from the High Level Expert Group on
Women in Industrial Research for strategic analysis of specific science and
technology policy issues (STRATA), Helga Ru¨bsamen-Waigmann ... [et al.],
Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,
ƒ Le compte de l'éducation et le compte de l'éducation supérieure, années 1998
à 2001, France, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris, 2002.
ƒ Research issues and contexts of teacher education and development, Yin
Cheong Cheng, 2002.
ƒ Ricerca universitaria e processi di innovazione: le piccole e medie imprese
nel Progetto Link, Nicola Bellini, Luca Ferrucci, Milano, F. Angeli, 2002.
ƒ Scientific research in education. Committee on Scientific Principles for
Education Research, Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, 2002.
ƒ La legislazione per la scienza e la tecnologia nel Giappone moderno, Andrea
Tenneriello, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001.
ƒ Internationalisation of industrial R&D. Patterns and trends, OECD, 1998.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ A new method for estimating public sector pay premia. Evidence from
Britain in the 1990s, Richard F. Disney and Amanda Gosling. Centre for
Economic Policy Research, London, 2003.
ƒ Analisi degli scenari locali per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Un metodo pratico
per interventi di sviluppo a tutela dei sistemi ambientali locali,
Giardinelli, Marco Santoni, Milano, F. Angeli, 2003.
ƒ Applications relating to health. Fifth research and development framework
programme 1998-2002, EU, European Commission. 2003.
ƒ Compétitivité de la France, Guillaume Gaulier .. [et al.], 2003.
ƒ Consolidated report on projects funded under research and technolical
development activities of a generic nature and support for research
infrastructures, S.S. Baig, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ COST Action A12. Innovations, institutions and rural change, Michel Blanc,
EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises: Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Environmental research and development. US industrial research, the Clean
Air Act, and environmental damage, John T. Scott, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Energy. Issues, options and technologies, Science and
Society, December 2002, European Opinion Research Group, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Europe Direct. Dialogue avec les citoyens et les entreprises. Etudier, se
former, faire de la recherche, participer à une activité de jeunesse ou de
volontariat dans un autre pays de l'Union européenne, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Evidence for hope. The search for sustainable development. The story of the
International Institute for Environment and Development, Nigel Cross, 2003.
ƒ Fifth Framework Programme 1998-2002. Quality of life and management of
living resources, Catalogue of selected projects 1998-2002. Key Action 4
Environment & Health, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future and emerging technologies in the 5th framework programme 19992002, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Future directions in air quality research. ecological, atmospheric,
regulatory/policy/economic, and educational issues, Heck, Walter W.,
Pergamon, 2003.
ƒ How R&D can impact policy-making: thirteen IST project examples, EU,
European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Investir dans la recherche. Un plan d'action pour l'Europe, Communication
de la Commission au Conseil, au Parlement européen, au Comité
économique et social européen et au Comité des Régions, UE, Commission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ La fabrique de l'opinion publique. La politique économique des médias
américains, Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, 2003.
ƒ La R+D au service de la compétitivité et de l'emploi: le rôle de l'évaluation
comparative, UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ Le potentiel de la prospective régionale. Rapport final du groupe d'experts
STRATA-ETAN. Mobiliser le potentiel de la prospective régionale pour une
Union européenne élargie. Une contribution essentielle au renforcement de
la base stratégique de l'Espace européen de recherche (EER), Ortwin Renn
and Meirion Thomas; EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe,
Problemes economiques 2003, n. 2818, 16 Jullet, p. 20-22, (Periodical), 2003.
ƒ L'Europa della ricerca per la scienza e la tecnologia, Alberto Quadrio Curzio,
ƒ L'impatto di R&S sulla programmazione. Tredici esempi di progetti TSI,
EU, Commissione europea, 2003.
ƒ Polarisation
géographique des connaissances, une étude sur la France des années 1990 =
Rapport intermédiaire [pour le Commissariat général du plan. Massard,
Catin, Maurice, France, Commissariat général du plan. Centre de recherches
économiques de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, Institut fédératif de recherche
sur les dynamiques économiques, Centre de Recherche en Economie régionale
et industrielle, Saint-Etienne, 2003.
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle. Rapports, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse
économique (CAE), 2003.
ƒ Public health aspects of the EU Common Agricultural Policy: developments
and recommendations for change in four sectors: fruit and vegetables, dairy,
wine and tobacco, Liselotte Schäfer Elinder; National Institute of Public
Health, 2003.
ƒ Recherche environnement, la lettre du Service de la recherche et de la
prospective de la D4E [Direction des études économiques et de l'évaluation
environnementale du Ministère de l'économie et du développement durable,
France, Ministère de l'écologie et du développement durable, Service de la
recherche et de la prospective Paris, [20 av. de Ségur, 75302, 07 SP: Direction
des études économiques et de l'évaluation environnementale], 2003.
ƒ Research in organizational change and development, vol. 14, William A.
Pasmore, Richard W. Woodman, 2003.
ƒ Rethinking the impact of globalisation on the nation-state. The case of
science and technology policies in Germany, Heiko Prange, 2003.
ƒ Services publics, concurrence et privatisation. L'opinion des français et des
européens: perception et évaluation à partir d'enquêtes nationales et
européennes, Bernard Denni, Jean-François Tchernia, 2003.
ƒ Sustaining
democracies, Lyle Scruggs, Cambridge, Cambridge university press, 2003.
ƒ Synopses of ECSC contracts in iron and steel research (1986-93), European
Commission, Directorate-General Science, Research and Development, 2003.
ƒ The diffusion of new environmental policy instruments, Kerstin Tews, PerOlof Busch and Helge Jörgens, 2003.
ƒ The environmental dimension of multifunctionality economic analysis and
implications for policy design, Jussi Lankoski. MTT Economic Research,
Agrifood Research Finland, 2003.
ƒ Biodiversity, sustainability and human communities; protecting beyond the
Tim O'Riordan
Cambridge university press, 2002.
ƒ Building capacities for sustainable development, G. Narayana Reddy
Narayana Reddy. G., 2002.
ƒ Complessita' e sviluppo. 2002. Temi di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica,
ENEA, Roma, 2002.
ƒ Corporate social responsibility: a business contribution to sustainable
development, EU, European Commission, Luxembourg, EUR-OP, 2002.
ƒ Droit et progres scientifique: science du droit, valeurs et biomedecine, JeanRene Binet, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2002.
ƒ Education, training, research, and fellowship opportunities in space science
and technology and its applications. A directory, Office des Nations Unies.
Bureau des affaires spatiales, New York, United Nations, 2002.
ƒ France R&D, les laboratoires et centres de recherche français au service de
l'industrie, Annuaire France Recherche & Développement, Innovation 128.
Paris, 2002.
ƒ Human dimensions of sustainable development, R.B. Singh, 2002.
ƒ I nuovi riferimenti internazionali dello sviluppo sostenibile; i documenti di
Johannesburg ed il 6. Programma comunitario di azione in materia di
ambiente, Rosa Andrei, Area extradipartimentale; Regione Toscana, Ufficio
programmazione e controlli, Author Toscana, Ufficio programmazione e
controlli Firenze, Edifir, 2002.
ƒ L'adéquation du régime des aides publiques à la recherche et au
développement technologique aux besoins de l'entreprise, Parera, Vincent,
1971, Poillot-Peruzzetto, Sylvaine, Université des sciences sociales, S.l.],
[s.n.), 2002, Thèse doctorat, Droit , Toulouse 1, 2002.
ƒ Le rendement social des activités de R-D en France. Mesure, évolution,
différenciation industrielle = The social rate of return on R & D activities in
the French industry, Christian Le Bas, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie,
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Alessandro Lanza, 3., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile: tra governo dell'economia e profili costituzionali,
Vincenzo Pepe, Piacenza, La tribuna, 2002.
ƒ Privatizzazioni e innovazione. Nuovi assetti proprietari e investimenti in
ricerca e sviluppo, Federico Munari, Roma, Carocci, 2002.
ƒ Rattan. current research issues and prospects for conservation and
sustainable development, John Dransfield, Florentino O. Tesoro and N.
Manokaran, 2002.
ƒ Renforcer les capacités de développement durable, 2002.
ƒ Développement et Coopération (D+C) 2002, n. 3, mai/juin, p. 8-23
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-2000
= Les
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie. 1987-2000,
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE,
ƒ Research and development: financial constraints and the role of public
funding for small and medium-sized enterprises, Dirk Czarnitzki, Centre for
European Economic Research, Mannheim, Zentrum für Europäische
ƒ Ricerca universitaria e processi di innovazione: le piccole e medie imprese
nel Progetto Link, Nicola Bellini, Luca Ferrucci, Milano, F. Angeli, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development and geographical space. issues of population,
environment, globalization and education in marginal regions, Heikki
Jussila, Roser Majoral, Bradley Cullen, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development strategies: a resource book, Barry Dalal-Clayton
and Stephen Bass, VA, Earthscan, 2002.
ƒ Sustainable development. Dossier, EU, Commission, Bruxelles, CE, 2002.
ƒ Building type basics for research laboratories, Daniel D. Watch New York
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ƒ Developing sustainable rural systems, Ki-Hyuk Kim, Ian Bowler and
Christopher Bryan, Pusan, PNU press, 2001.
ƒ La investigación en la universidad del nuevo milenio. Guía para su gestión y
desarrollo, Fredy Pomares Herrera, Nelson Alvis Guzmán Sevilla, Aconcagua
Libros, 2001.
ƒ La legislazione per la scienza e la tecnologia nel Giappone moderno, Andrea
Tenneriello, Milano, UNICOPLI, 2001.
ƒ La metodologia dei programmi di ricerca scientifici, Imre Lakatos, Milano,
EST, 2001.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Giorgio Nebbia, San Domenico, Fiesole
ƒ Changing things, moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable
development at the local level, Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher (eds.),
Basel [etc.], Birkhauser, 2001.
ƒ Sustainable development strategy 2001-03. Strate´gie de de´veloppement
durable de 2001 a` 2003, Canada, Treasury Board, 2001.
ƒ Sviluppo sostenibile a scala regionale, GRISS, Gruppo di ricerca
interuniversitario sullo sviluppo sostenibile, Bruno Menegatti, Maria Tinacci
Mossello, Maria Chiara Zerbi, Bologna, Patron, 2001.
ƒ The bidding culture and local government. effects on the development of
public libraries, museums and archives, Sandra Parker, 2001.
ƒ History of humanity: scientific and cultural development; v. 4: From the
Seventh to the Sixteenth century, M. A. Al-Bakhit, L. Bazin, S. M. Cissoko,
Paris, UNESCO, 2000.
ƒ Recherche et développement régional durable, actes du troisième Symposium
européen [Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development], Tours, 18 et
19 décembre 2000 = Research and subtainable regional development.
European symposium Regions-Cornerstones for sustainable development
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ƒ The economics of science and innovation, Paula E. Stephan and David B.
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ƒ La dimension socio-économique globale de la recherche communautaire
dans le cinquième programme-cadre européen. Rapport de synthèse sur
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ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ Nature ... management and sustainable development. Proceedings of the
International Congress. Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-9 december 1988,
Wil D. Verwey, Amsterdam, IOS, 1989.
ƒ Per uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. Programma politico e d'azione della
Comunità Europa a favore dell'ambiente e di uno sviluppo sostenibile,
Commissione delle Comunità europee [S.l.: s.n.].
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Eurobarometer. Public opinion in the countries applying for European
Union membership. Public perception of science & technology in the new
member states, April 2003, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Information and communications technology in UK accounting education,
Neil Marriott, Pru Marriott, Neil Selwyn, London, Certified Accountants
Educational Trust for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants,
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Scientific research. innovation with controls, Great Britain, Better Regulation
Task Force, 2003.
ƒ Recherche et développement, statistiques annuelles = données 1990-2000,
Union européenne, Commission européenne, Luxembourg, Eurostat, Office
des publications officielles des communautés européennes, 2001.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ An analysis of the approach of the European, Japanese and United States
Patent Offices to patenting partial DNA sequences (ESTs), Melanie J.
Howlett, Andrew F. Christie, 2003.
ƒ Analisi degli scenari locali per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Un metodo pratico
per interventi di sviluppo a tutela dei sistemi ambientali locali,
Giardinelli, Marco Santoni, Milano, F. Angeli, 2003.
ƒ Archives et recherche, aspects juridiques et pratiques administratives = actes
du colloque organisé dans le cadre du programme CNRS "Archives de la
création" à la Faculté Jean Monnet, Université Paris-Sud, les 25 et 26 mai
2000 à Sceaux Cornu, Marie Fromageau, Jérôme. Paris, Budapest Torino,
l'Harmattan, 2003.
ƒ CESifo DICE Report, Journal for Institutional Comparisons, Ifo Institute for
Economic Resarch, 2003.
ƒ Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European
Parliament. Researchers in the European research area. One profession,
multiples careers, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ DAC Peer review of Luxembourg, OECD, Development Assistance
Committee, v. 4, n. 2, p. VI.1-V.65, The Dac Journal, 2003.
ƒ Eurobarometer. Public opinion in the countries applying for European
Union membership. Public perception of science & technology in the new
member states. April 2003, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Ex-post evaluation of Objective 1 1994-1999, ECOTEC, 2003.
ƒ Foundations and public policy. the mask of pluralism, Joan Roelofs, Albany,
State University of New York Press, 2003.
ƒ Handbook of entrepreneurship research. An interdisciplinary survey and
introduction, Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch, 2003.
ƒ HSE research. intellectual property policy statement and exploitation plan,
London, Health and Safety Executive, 2003.
ƒ Impregnable citadel or leaning tower? Europe's Common Agricultural
Policy at forty, Christilla Roederer-Rynning, 2003.
ƒ La productivité du travail. Une perspective internationale, Raymond Van der
Putten, 2003.
ƒ La R+D au service de la compétitivité et de l'emploi: le rôle de l'évaluation
comparative, UE, Commission européenne, 2003.
ƒ L'école au défi de l'Europe. Médias, éducation et citoyenneté post-nationale,
Jean-Marc Ferry et Séverine De Proost, 2003.
ƒ L'effort de recherche-développement des Etats-Unis et de l'Europe, 2003.
ƒ L'Union européenne numéro un de la recherche mondiale?, Séverine
Silvestro, 2003.
ƒ Measuring success of advanced technology program participation using
archival data, Lynne G. Zucker, Michael R. Darby, 2003.
ƒ New structures for the support of high-quality research in Europe. A report
from a High Level working Group constituted by the European Science
Foundation to review the option of creating a European Research Council,
EU, European Science Foundation, 2003.
ƒ Numéro spécial. Evaluer l'impact des avis scientifiques, UE, Comission
européenne, 2003.
ƒ Opinion on ethical aspects of clinical research in developing countries,
opinion n° 17, EU, European Commission, 2003.
ƒ Propriété intellectuelle. Rapports, Jean Tirole ... [et al.], Conseil d'analyse
économique (CAE), 2003.
ƒ Special issue. Assessing the impact of scientific advice, EU, European
Comission, 2003.
ƒ Strategic intellectual property protection policy and North-South technology
transfer, Alireza Naghavi, Dublin, University College Dublin, Centre for
Economic Research, 2003.
ƒ Structuring the European research area. Human resources and mobility.
Information package Marie Curie mobility actions, EU, European
Commission, 2003.
ƒ Third European Report on Science and Technology Indicators 2003.
Towards a Knowledge-based Economy, European Commission, DirectorateGeneral for Research, 2003.
ƒ Une communauté de recherche, le pôle de Grenoble, CNER (Comité national
d'évaluation de la recherche), France, Comité national d'évaluation de la
recherche, Paris, Documentation française, 2003.
ƒ La Mesure des activités scientifiques et technologiques, méthode type
proposée pour les enquêtes sur la recherche et le développement
expérimental = manuel de Frascati 2002, Organisation de coopération et de
développement économiques, Paris, O.C.D.E, 2002.
ƒ Evaluation de l'impact de l'ANVAR sur la création et le développement de
jeunes entreprises en Languedoc-Roussillon, à l'ANVAR (Agence Nationale
de Valorisation de la Recherche), Délégation Languedoc-Roussillon.
Montpellier, Université de Montpellier II Sciences et Techniques du
Languedoc, 2002.
ƒ La valutazione della ricerca in Italia. Repertorio di fonti web, Francesca
Rossi ed Emanuela Stefani, Roma, Conferenza dei Rettori delle Universita
italiane, 2002.
ƒ Le rendement social des activités de R-D en France. Mesure, évolution,
différenciation industrielle = The social rate of return on R & D activities in
the French industry, Christian Le Bas, Bruno van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie,
ƒ Les Dossiers, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l'éducation nationale et de la
recherche, Direction de la programmation et du développement, Paris,
Ministère de l'éducation nationale, Direction de la programmation et du
développement, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Alessandro Lanza, 3., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile: tra governo dell'economia e profili costituzionali,
Vincenzo Pepe, Piacenza, La tribuna, 2002.
ƒ Prise en compte de l'incertitude dans la valorisation des projets de recherche
et développement, la valeur de l'information nouvelle, Bougaret, Sophie,
Lacoste, Germain, [S.l.], [s.n.], 2002 Thèse doctorat, Systèmes industriels, INP
Toulouse, 2002.
ƒ Einstieg in die Methoden empirischer Forschung. Planung, Durchführung
und Auswertung empirischer Untersuchungen, Jürgen Lamberti, Tübingen,
Dgvt-Verl., 2001.
ƒ La investigación científica, el desarrollo, la innovación tecnológica y las
tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación. Deducciones fiscales
contempladas en la Ley 43/1995 del impuesto sobre sociedades, Faustino
García ... et al., Madrid, Recoletos, 2001.
ƒ La metodologia dei programmi di ricerca scientifici, Imre Lakatos, Milano,
EST, 2001.
ƒ La ricerca scientifica. Le nuove regole e le scelte operative, Ministero
dell'Università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, Roma, Salerno, 2001.
ƒ La valorizzazione della ricerca scientifica. come cambia la ricerca pubblica e
quella industriale, Andrea Piccaluga, Milano, F. Angeli, 2001.
ƒ Lo sviluppo sostenibile, Giorgio Nebbia, S[an] Domenico, Fiesole
ƒ Changing things, moving people: strategies for promoting sustainable
development at the local level, Ruth Kaufmann-Hayoz, Heinz Gutscher (eds.),
Basel [etc.], Birkhauser, 2001.
ƒ Research and development expenditure in industry, 1987-1999 =
dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie, Organisation de
coopération et de développement économiques, Paris, OCDE, 2001.
ƒ Statistiche sulla ricerca scientifica, Sistema statistico nazionale, Istituto
nazionale di statistica, 1997, Roma, Istat, 2001.
ƒ Wissens und Technologietransfer in Deutschland, 2001, Ifo Schnelldienst
2001, v. 54, n. 4, p. 14-57, Periodical.
ƒ Il monitoraggio della scienza e della tecnologia: concetti, metodi e strumenti,
Mario De Marchi ... [et al.], Milano, F. Angeli, 2000.
ƒ L'internationalisation de la R&D industrielle. Structures et tendances,
OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Politique de l'innovation et de la technologie. Nouveaux fondements et
nouvelles approches. Communications présentés à une conférence organisée
conjointement par l'OCDE et le gouvernement autrichien, qui se tenue à
Vienne, le 30-31 mai 1997, OCDE, 1998.
ƒ Regionalism and global economic integration. Europe, Asia and the
Americas, William D. Coleman and Geoffrey R.D., Underhill, 1998.
ƒ European research structures - changes and challenges; mobility of
researchers in the European Union, Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, November,
1993, Generalverwaltung der Max Planck Gesellschaft Author European
research structures - changes and challenges: mobility of researchers in the
European Union, Tegernsee, 1993, Munchen, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1994.
ƒ Report of the international symposium on science and technology legislation
for Europe in transition: the role of governments and parliaments, Certosa di
Pontignano, 17-19 may, 1993, International Symposium on Science and
Technology Legislation for Europe in Transition: the Role of Governments and
Parliaments, Certosa di Pontignano, 1993, Venezia, UNESCO, 1993.
ƒ Proceedings of the International seminar on organizational structures of
science in Europe, Venice, 27-29 april, 1992, Susan Biggin and Vladimir
Kouzminov, Venezia, UNESCO, 1992.
ƒ Nature ... management and sustainable development. Proceedings of the
International Congress. Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-9 december 1988,
Wil D. Verwey, Amsterdam, IOS, 1989.
(ordinamento cronologico)
ƒ Beesley, LGA., Science policy in changing times: are governments poised to
take full advantage of an institution in transition?, "Research Policy", 2003, v.
32, iss. 8, pp. 1519-1531.
ƒ Butler, D., French researchers demand radical overhaul of funding, "Nature",
2003, v. 423, iss. 6.
ƒ De Maio, A., La centralità dell'innovazione. La società della conoscenza ha
bisogno di una forte spinta nella formazione e nella ricerca, "Dossier Europa",
2003, v. 32, p. 45-47.
ƒ Decina, M., Ricerca: poca, e per pochi. Urge una politica di programmazione
con nuovi strumenti per investire sull'intelligenza, "Dossier Europa", 2003, v.
32, pp. 48-50.
ƒ Dioguardi, G., La sfida del sapere. Una collaborazione sinergica fra mondo
della cultura e imprese produtttive può generare un nuovo Rinascimento,
"Dossier Europa", 2003, v. 32, pp. 51-52.
ƒ Fisch, J.H., Optimal dispersion of R&D activities in multinational
corporations with a genetic algorithm, "Research Policy", 2003, v. 32, iss. 8,
pp. 1381-1396.
ƒ Hagedoorn, J., Cloodt, M., Measuring innovative performance: is there an
advantage in using multiple indicators?, "Research Policy", 2003, v. 32, iss. 8,
pp. 1365-1379.
ƒ Jiménez-Contreras, E., de Moya Anegón, F., Delgado, E., The evolution of
research activity in Spain, The impact of the National Commission for the
Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), "Research Policy", 2003, v. 32, iss1
, pp.123-142.
ƒ Millán Barbany, G., La política española para la ciencia y la tecnología,
"Ciencia y Tecnología en España: bases para una política", Fundación para el
análisis y los estudios sociales, Madrid, pp. 367–400.
ƒ Sakakibara, M., Formation of Research and Development Consortia Industry and Company Effects, "Strategic management journal", 2002, v. 23,
iss. 11, pp. 1033-1050.
ƒ AAAA, A troublesome ménage à trois, "Nature", 2002, v. 415, 561 p.
ƒ Agres, T., Top Research Institutions Reveal All., "Scientist", 2002, v. 16, iss.
11, pp. 51-52.
ƒ Altbach, P. G., The Institutional Basis of Higher-Education Research Experiences and Perspectives, "Comparative Education Review", 2002, v. 46,
iss. 1, pp. 136-139.
ƒ Angelis, D.I., An Option Model for Research-and-Development Valuation,
"Internazional Journal of technology management", 2002, v. 24, iss 1, pp. 4456.
ƒ Armbrecht, F.M.R., Whiteley R.L., Industrial-Research Institutes 3rd Annual
Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 1, pp. 21-23.
ƒ Audretsch, D.B., Link A.N., Scott, J.T., Public/Private Technology
Partnerships - Evaluating Sbir-Supported Research, "Research Policy", 2002,
v. 31, iss. 1, pp. 145-158.
ƒ Banchoff, T., Institution, Inertia and European-Union Research Policy,
"Journal Of Common Market Studies", 2002, v. 40, iss. 1, pp. 1-21.
ƒ Bansal, P., The Corporate Challenges of Sustainable Development, "Academy
of Management Executive", 2002, v. 16, iss 2, pp. 122-131.
ƒ Benfratello, L., Sembenelli, A., Research joint ventures and firm level
performance, "Research Policy", 2002, v. 31, iss. 4, pp. 493-507.
ƒ Blau, J., New Body Hopes to Boost German Research-and-Development,
"Research-Technology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 3, pp. 4-5.
ƒ Blomberg, T.G., Waldo, G.P., Evaluation Research, Policy, and Politics,
"Evaluation Review", 2002, v. 26, iss. 3, pp. 340-351.
ƒ Boer, F.P., Financial Management of Research-and-Development 2002,
"Research-Technology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 4, pp. 23-35.
ƒ Butler, D., Goodman, S., French minister plans shake-up for research,
"Nature", 2002, v. 418, No 6899, p.712.
ƒ Caputo, A.C., Cucchiella, F., Fratocchi, L., Pelagagge, P.M., Scacchia, F.,
A Methodological Framework for Innovation Transfer to SMES, "Industrial
Management & Data Systems", 2002, v. 102, iss. 5-6, pp. 271-283.
ƒ Carson, C., Gubser, M., Science Advising and Science Policy in Postwar
West-Germany - The Example of the Deutscher-Forschungsrat, "Minerva",
2002, v. 40, iss. 2, pp. 147-179.
ƒ Chiaromonte, F., Innovation and Research-and-Development Management Are New Paradigms Observable, "International Journal Of Technology
Management", 2002, v. 23, iss. 5, pp. 374-409.
ƒ Chien, C.F., A Portfolio-Evaluation Framework for Selecting Research-andDevelopment Projects. R & D Management, 2002, v.32, 4, pp 359-368.
ƒ Clarke, T.E., Why Do We Still Not Apply What We Know About Managing
Research-and-Development Personnel, "Research-Technology Management",
2002, v. 45, iss. 2, pp.9-11.
ƒ Cohen, W.M., Nelson, R.R., Walsh, J.P., Links and Impacts - The Influence
of Public Research on Industrial Research-and-Development, "Management
Science", 2002, v. 48, iss. 1, pp. 1-23.
ƒ Dacin, M.T., Goodstein, J., Scott, W.R., Institutional Theory and Institutional
Change - Introduction to the Special Research Forum, "Academy of
Management Journal", 2002, v. 45, iss. 1, pp. 45-56.
ƒ Desanctis, G., Glass, J.T., Ensing, I.M., Organizational Designs for
Research-and-Development, "Academy of Management Executive", 2002, v.
16, iss. 3, pp. 55-66.
ƒ Ding,Y., Foo, S., Ontology Research-and-Development - Part I - A Review of
Ontology Generation, "Journal Of Information Science ", 2002, v. 28, iss. 2,
pp. 123-136.
ƒ Fairweather, J.S., Beach, A.L., Variations in Faculty Work at Research
Universities - Implications for State and Institutional Policy, "Review Of
Higher Education", 2002, v. 26, iss. 1, pp 97.
ƒ Goodman, S., France hails milestone in start-ups. "Nature", 2002, v. 418, 7
ƒ Goodman, S., French agency plans biomedical reformation, "Nature", 2002,
v.418, 908 News.
ƒ Goodman, S., National audit slams CNRS over poor management and
planning, "Nature", 2002, v. 415, 563 News.
ƒ Grimaldi, R., Vontunzelmann, N., Assessing Collaborative, Pre-Competitive
Research-and-Development Projects - The Case of the UK Link Scheme, "R &
D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 2, pp 165-173.
ƒ Hagedoorn, J., Inter-firm R&D partnerships: an overview of major trends and
patterns since 1960, "Research Policy", 2002, v. 31, iss. 4, pp. 477-492.
ƒ Hall, B.H., The Financing of Research-and-Development, "Oxford Review of
Economic Policy", 2002, v. 18, iss. 1, pp. 35-51.
ƒ Harley, S., The Impact of Research Selectivity on Academic Work and
Identity in UK Universities, "Studies in Higher Education", 2002, v. 27, iss. 2,
pp. 187-205.
ƒ Industrial-Research Institutes Research-and-Development, Trends Forecast
for 2002, "Research-Technology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 1, pp. 16-20.
ƒ Jaffe, AB., Building Program-Evaluation into the Design of Public ResearchSupport Programs, "Oxford Review of Economic Policy", 2002, v. 18, iss.1,
pp. 22-34.
ƒ Keating, M., Greater Visibility for Research-and-Development, "ResearchTechnology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 4, pp. 5-6.
ƒ Kim B., Oh, H., Economic Compensation Compositions Preferred by
Research-and-Development Personnel of Different Research-and-Development
Types and Intrinsic Values, "R & D Management, 2002, v. 32, iss. 1, pp. 4759.
ƒ Klapka, J., Pinos, P., Decision-Support System for Multicriterial Researchand-Development and Information-Systems Projects Selection, "European
Journal of Operational Research", 2002, v. 140, iss 2, pp. 434-446.
ƒ Linton, J.D., Walsh, S.T., Morabito, J., Analysis, Ranking and Selection of
Research-and-Development Projects in a Portfolio, "R & D Management",
2002, v. 32, iss. 2, pp. 139-148.
ƒ Llerena, P., The Economics of Knowledge Production: Funding and Structure
of University Research, "Research Policy", 2002, v. 31, iss. 4, pp. 654-655.
ƒ Locke, K., Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods, "Organizational
Research Methods", 2002, v. 5, iss. 3, pp. 299-301.
ƒ Marceau, J., Divining Directions for Development - A Cooperative IndustryGovernment-Public Sector Research Approach to Establishing Research-andDevelopment Priorities, "R & D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 3, pp. 209221.
ƒ Munari, F., The Effects of Privatization on Corporate Research-andDevelopment Units - Evidence from Italy and France, "R & D Management",
2002, v. 32, iss. 3, pp. 223-23.
ƒ Mustar, P., Laredo, P., Innovation and Research Policy in France (19802000) or the Disappearance of the Colbertist State, "Research Policy", 2002, v.
31, iss. 1, pp. 55-72.
ƒ Oppenlander, K.H., Some Comments on the Evaluation of Economic
Research Institutes, "Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 2002, v.
222, iss 3, pp. 382-392.
ƒ Osawa, Y., Murakami, M., Development and Application of a New
Methodology of Evaluating Industrial Research-and-Development Projects, "R
& D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 1, pp. 79-85.
ƒ Pesta, G., Respress, T., Major, AK., Arazan, C., Coxe, T., Evaluation
Research and Quality Assurance, "Evaluation Review", 2002, v. 26, iss. 3, pp.
ƒ Saez, C.B., Marco, T.G., Arribas, E.H., Collaboration in Research-andDevelopment with Universities and Research Centers - An Empirical-Study of
Spanish Firms, "R & D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 4, pp. 321-341.
ƒ Towards a European Research Council, "Nature", 2002, v. 419, p.653 Opinion.
ƒ Von Zedtwitz, M., Gassmann, O., Market versus technology drive in R&D
internationalization: four different patterns of managing research and
development, "Research Policy", 2002, v. 31, iss. 4 , pp. 569-588.
ƒ Vonzedtwitz, M., Gassmann, O., Market Versus Technology Drive in
Research-and-Development Internationalization - 4 Different Patterns of
Managing Research-and-Development, "Research Policy", 2002, v. 31, iss. 4,
pp. 569-588.
ƒ Vonzedtwitz, M., Organizational Learning Through Post-Project Reviews in
Research-and-Development, "R & D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 3, pp.
ƒ Wang, C.W., Horng, R.Y., The Effects of Creative Problem-Solving Training
on Creativity, Cognitive Type and Research-and-Development Performance,
"R & D Management", 2002, v. 32, iss. 1, pp. 35-45.
ƒ Zellner, C., Evaluating the Social-Economic Benefits of Publicly, Funded
Basic Research via Scientists Career Mobility, "Research Evaluation", 2002, v.
11, iss.1, pp. 27-35.
ƒ Zimmermann, H., Pahl, T., Spending Efficiency of International Financing
Institutions - Determinants of Efficiency and a Research Design, "Environment
and Planning C-Government and Policy, 2002, v. 20, iss. 3, pp. 341-355.
ƒ Baker, L.M., Evaluating Research in Academic Journals - A Practical Guide
to Realistic Evaluation, "Library Quarterly", 2001, v. 71, iss. 1, pp. 96-99.
ƒ Cansier, D., Sustainable Development in Germany - Selected Problem Areas
and Possible Solutions, "Jahrbucher Fur Nationalokonomie Und Statistik",
2001, v. 221, iss. 3, pp. 346-347.
ƒ Europe needs to pull its weight in research, "Nature", 2001, v.413, p. 757
ƒ Finlayson, D., Sustainable Development - Economics and Policy, "Systemic
Practice And Action Research", 2001, v. 14, iss. 1, pp 119-121.
ƒ Fritsch, M., Lukas, R., Who Cooperates on Research-and-Development,
"Research Policy", 2001, v. 30, iss. 2, pp. 297-312.
ƒ Giesler, E., The Mires of Research Evaluation, "Scientist", 2001, v. 15, iss. 10,
pp 35.
ƒ Mulder, P., Vandenbergh, JCJM., Evolutionary Economic-Theories of
Sustainable Development, "Growth and Change", 2001, v. 32, iss. 1, pp. 110134.
ƒ Parry, O., Gnich, W., Platt, S., Principles in Practice - Reflections on a
Postpositivist Approach to Evaluation Research, "Health Education Research",
2001, v. 16, iss. 2, pp. 215-226.
ƒ Perry, G., Research Evaluation, "Scientist", 2001, v. 15, iss. 1, pp. 6-6
ƒ Peteri, G., Evaluating Science and Scientists - An East-West Dialogue on
Research Evaluation in Postcommunist Europe, "Journal of the History of the
Behavioral Sciences", 2001, v. 37, iss. 2, pp. 194-195.
ƒ Poh, K.L., Ang, B.W., Bai, F., A Comparative-Analysis of Research-andDevelopment Project Evaluation Methods, "R & D Management", 2001, v. 31,
iss. 1, pp. 63-75.
ƒ Research Assessment Exercise. Site visited
April 2001.
ƒ Rogers, J.D., Bozeman, B., Chompalov, I., Obstacles and Opportunities in
the Application of Network Analysis to the Evaluation of Research-and
Development, "Research Evaluation", 2001, v. 10, iss. 3, pp. 161-172.
ƒ Rogers, J.D., Bozeman, B., Knowledge Value Alliances - An Alternative to
the Research-and-Development Project Focus in Evaluation, "Science
Technology & Human Values", 2001, v. 26, iss. 1, pp. 23-55.
ƒ Sutter, M., Kocher, M.G., Tools for Evaluating Research Output - Are
Citation-Based Rankings of Economics Journals Stable, "Evaluation Review",
2001, v. 25, iss. 5, pp. 555-566.
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Development, "Journal of Management Studies", 2000, v. 37, iss. 5, pp. 767769.
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"International Political Science Review", 2000, v. 21, iss. 3, pp. 311.
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ƒ Smith, J., From Research-and-Development to Strategic Knowledge
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the New Century, "Research Evaluation", 2000, v. 9, iss. 2, pp. 81-86.
ƒ Wallsten,
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ƒ Wijkman, A., Sustainable Development Requires Integrated Approaches - A
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ƒ Llerena, P., The Economics of Knowledge Production: Funding and Structure
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ƒ Vonzedtwitz, M., Organizational Learning Through Post-Project Reviews in
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ƒ Carayannis, E.G., Alexander, J., Ioannidis, A., Leveraging Knowledge,
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and France, "Technovation", 2000, v. 20, iss. 9, pp. 477-488.
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ƒ Hagedoorn, J., Cloodt, M., Measuring innovative performance: is there an
advantage in using multiple indicators?, "Research Policy", 2003, v. 32, iss. 8,
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research activity in Spain, The impact of the National Commission for the
Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), "Research Policy", 2003, v. 32,
iss.1 , pp.123-142.
ƒ Millán Barbany, G., La política española para la ciencia y la tecnología,
"Ciencia y Tecnología en España: bases para una política", Fundación para el
análisis y los estudios sociales, Madrid, pp. 367– 400.
ƒ AAAA, A troublesome ménage à trois, "Nature", 2002, v. 415, 561 p.
ƒ Agres, T., Top Research Institutions Reveal All., "Scientist", 2002, v. 16, iss.
11, pp. 51-52.
ƒ Altbach, P. G., The Institutional Basis of Higher-Education Research Experiences and Perspectives, "Comparative Education Review", 2002, v. 46,
iss. 1, pp. 136-139.
ƒ Angelis, D.I., An Option Model for Research and Development Valuation,
"Internazional Journal of technology management", 2002, v. 24, iss 1, pp. 4456.
ƒ Armbrecht, F.M.R., Whiteley, R.L., Industrial-Research Institutes 3rd
Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 1, pp. 21-23.
ƒ Audretsch, D.B., Link, A.N., Scott, J.T., Public/Private Technology
Partnerships - Evaluating Sbir-Supported Research, "Research Policy", 2002,
v. 31, iss. 1, pp. 145-158.
ƒ Banchoff, T., Institution, Inertia and European-Union Research Policy,
"Journal Of Common Market Studies", 2002, v. 40, iss. 1, pp. 1-21.
ƒ Bansal, P., The Corporate Challenges of Sustainable Development, "Academy
of Management Executive", 2002, v. 16, iss. 2, pp. 122-131.
ƒ Blau, J., New Body Hopes to Boost German Research and Development,
"Research Technology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 3, pp. 4-5.
ƒ Blomberg, T.G., Waldo, G.P., Evaluation Research, Policy, and Politics,
"Evaluation Review", 2002, v. 26, 3, pp. 340-351.
ƒ Boer, F.P., Financial Management of Research-and-Development 2002,
"Research Technology Management", 2002, v. 45, iss. 4, pp. 23-35.
ƒ Butler, D., Goodman, S., French minister plans shake-up for research,
"Nature", 2002, v. 418, iss. 712.
ƒ Caputo, A.C., Cucchiella, F., Fratocchi, L., Pelagagge, P.M., Scacchia, F.,
A, Methodological Framework for Innovation Transfer to SMES, "Industrial
Management & Data Systems", 2002, v. 102, iss. 5-6, pp. 271-283.
ƒ Carson, C., Gubser, M., Science Advising and Science Policy in Postwar
West-Germany - The Example of the Deutscher-Forschungsrat, "Minerva",
2002, v. 40, iss. 2, pp. 147-179.
ƒ Chiaromonte, F., Innovation and Research-and-Development Management Are New Paradigms Observable, "International Journal Of Technology
Management", 2002, v. 23, iss. 5, pp. 374-409.
ƒ Chien, C.F., A Portfolio Evaluation Framework for Selecting Research and
Development Projects, R & D Management, 2002, v. 32, 4, pp 359-368.
ƒ Clarke, T.E., Why Do We Still Not Apply What We Know About Managing
Research-and-Development Personnel, "Research-Technology Management",
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