
AATF-Suffolk - Le Concours de Poésie - LE CALLIGRAMME
(un poème visuel)
Le Papillon - Poème par Guillaume Apollinaire
What is a Calligramme?
A Calligramme is a visual poem created by writing the words of a
poem in patterns to create images that illustrate the title, theme,
and/or meaning of the poem. The poet Guillaume Apollinaire
invented this art form in the early 1900’s.
How do you make a Calligramme and submit it for judging?
1. Think of an image that illustrates the title, theme(s), and/or meaning of the poem
assigned to your level.
2. Use a pencil to draw the outline of your image.
3. Then, use a pen to write the words of the poem within your image.
4. Once the ink is completely dry, erase your pencil lines.
5. Write the title and author of the poem in the margin. (Do NOT write your name!)
6. Attach a cover page with the title, author, and your name (for anonymous judging).
7. Sign the Confirmation of Originality and submit it with your Calligramme.
Voilà! C’est fait!
Soyez créatifs et Amusez-vous bien !!!
Go to the site : http://www.aatfsuffolkchapter.org/concoursdepoesie2016.htm for
the related documents and to watch the video “Comment faire un calligramme.”
Rules and Procedures for Submitting a Calligramme
LES POÈMES - only the following poems will qualify for judging :
Niveau 1A :
Le Chat et le Soleil (35 mots - Maurice Carême)
Niveau 1B/HS 1 : Le Pélican (73 mots - Robert Desnos)
Niveau 2 :
Tête de Faune (92 mots - Arthur Rimbaud)
Niveau 3 :
Clair de Lune (106 mots - Paul Verlaine)
Niveau 4 :
Les Feuilles Mortes (175 mots - Jacques Prévert)
Niveau 5/AP :
Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau (252 mots - Jacques Prévert)
1. A maximum of five (5) Calligrammes at each level per teacher. ($5 per student.)
2. Use ONLY the words in the poem corresponding to your level.
You may write the poem more than once, if necessary, to create your image.
3. Your Calligramme must be your own, original design and hand-written work
done only by you.
4. IMAGE QUALITY : Only neatly hand-written print or script will qualify.
5. COLORS : Black or blue ink is strongly recommended.
You may use other colors as long as they are legible.
6. PAPER : Use ONLY 8-½” x 11” WHITE standard-size business-letter or cardstock.
7. Criteria for Judging : Creativity/Interpretation, Originality, and Legibility/Neatness.
8. DUE DATE : Via mail only to M. Herbs. Postmark by Monday, May 2, 2016.
Submissions that are illegible or resemble another person’s work will be disqualified.
1. Choisis une image qui représente ton poème.
2. Avec un crayon, trace l’image sur une feuille de papier blanc (8-1/2 x 11).
3. Avec un stylo, écris ton poème, suivant les lignes de ton dessin.
4. Quand l’encre sera sèche, effacez les lignes en crayon.
5. Voilà ! Ton calligramme est fait !

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