The Ipad (NBC News, 2010)


The Ipad (NBC News, 2010)
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The Ipad
(NBC News, 2010)
Finally tonight, a new product launch. The last time there was this much fuss over a tablet –
well, it was a long time ago! Today Apple came out with its new half-inch-thick electronic tablet, a kind
of giant Ipod touch called the Ipad. Critics immediately compared the name to a line of products for
women and they picked apart a few other features or lack of them, but for tech fans and a lot of regular
folks, Apple might once again have landed on the next big thing. Our report on the unveiling from
NBC’s George Louis in San Francisco.
Steve Jobs is a master at this; letting the anticipation build, and then the big announcement:
We’d like to show it to you today for the first time. And we call it the “Ipad.”
The Ipad, with its 9.7 inch touch screen at a starting price of 499 (dollars) will let users surf the web, do
e-mail, watch video, organize photos, listen to music, read newspapers, magazines and books – and
Steve Jobs talks about people being able to hold the Internet in their hand. He says (that) anybody who’s
used an Iphone or an Ipod Touch knows how to use this device already.
Major publications from the New York Times to Sports Illustrated are developing new media
applications for the Ipad.
Will, ah, people have to pay for this content?
Absolutely, it’s valuable! This is very valuable content. And the possibilities, you know, are almost
endless. It’s intuitive and our stuff just looks so great!
But as tech reviewers at today’s unveiling twittered about the Ipad, it was getting mixed reviews.
The software that I saw, I wish I’d seen, I expected a little more, frankly, I’d expected a little more
innovation from, uh, a company that’s been so creative with user interfaces over the years.
At Abeline Christian University in Texas where students already do classwork on Iphones, the school
now plans to embrace the Ipad.
The true electronic book is going to be as transformational a moment for culture as the printed book
when Gutenburg first introduced it.
We hope you love the Ipad as much as we do.
And while everyone may not love it as much as Steve Jobs, there are expected to be long lines when it
hits stores in two months.
George Louis, NBC News, San Francisco
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01. this much fuss
autant d’agitation
02. Apple came out with
Apple a sorti
03. an inch
= 2,54 cm
04. they picked apart
ils ont critiqué
05. a lot of regular folks
beaucoup d’autres gens
06. .. have landed on the next big thing
ils ont trouvé le prochain truc à la mode
07. the unveiling
la présentation
08. touch screen
écran tactile
09. anybody who’s used
quiconque ayant (déjà) utilisé
10. a device
un appareil
11. from the NY Times to Sports Illustrated
du NY Times à Sports Illustrated
12. our stuff just looks so great!
notre contenu a un “look” formidable
13. it was getting mixed reviews
il a reçu des critiques mitigées
14. I wish I’d seen = I wish I had seen
j’aurais souhaité voir
15. to embrace the Ipad
adopter le Ipad
16. there are expected to be long lines
on attend de longues files d’attente
17. when it hits the stores in two months
quand il sera mis en vente dans deux