Unité 7 Leçon 23


Unité 7 Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Projet 1
Unité 7
Leçon 23
La télévision française
This project will help you and a
partner to become more aware
of the French television system
and perhaps viewing habits of
the French. You will research
broadcast channels (chaînes)
and cable television (câble),
where television programming
originates, and popular
programs, including dubbed
American TV programs.
Materials: a poster board,
colored pens, scissors, glue or tape, Télé 7 Jours, TéléPoche, Francoscopie (if available),
Internet access
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• Search the Internet for information on French television using a search engine or a
statistics site like Quid (www.Quid.fr). Narrow your research by choosing one or two of
the tasks below:
• Find the types of channels available to French television viewers and what kinds of
clientele they service. (cable, satellite, chaînes hertziennes, chaînes étrangères,
chaînes francophones). Select certain channels with which to continue your research.
• Investigate the kinds of programming available on the various channels. What are the
popular programs on these channels? Determine what audience various channels attract.
• Research the number of hours of television viewed by different population groups: by age,
gender, living area, etc.
• What American programs are popular in France? Are the titles translated? Are the
programs in English or in French?
• What kinds of programming are available on popular French channels? What are some
program names?
• Clip or download pertinent pictures to place on your poster.
• Prepare charts, graphs, and figures of information gathered in your research.
• Write descriptions or captions for your charts, graphs, or figures.
• Have your partner edit your work, then revise your text.
• Layout the material on your poster and decide upon a suitable format.
• Attach the material to your poster.
• Present your findings to the class.
• Display your poster in the classroom.
Pacing suggestion: after completion of Leçon 23, Section A
p. 177
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Un mystère à résoudre
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Projet 2
Working with a partner, create a mystery that you will ask your classmates to solve. To create
a mystery, you will need to work in a different order than in solving one. First you invent the
crime, then the perpetrator, the suspects and their alibis, the clues, and finally the setting.
Will you create an unsolved mystery?
Materials: a poster board, colored pens, scissors, tape or glue, magazines, access to a
bilingual dictionary
• Work together with your partner to create a mystery: is what happened a burglary (un
cambriolage)? a theft (un vol)? Where and when did the crime take place?
• Decide what character committed the crime, why, and under what circumstances.
• Invent a strong motive and a weak alibi for your perpetrator.
• Invent other suspects and give them alibis for the time of the crime. Provide one or two
suspects with a motive. Can you make one or two suspects appear to be guilty while
keeping their alibis solid? Perhaps through motive?
• Finally, decide on a setting.
• Write a paragraph that describes what happened in the passé composé. Find magazine
pictures to enhance your description.
• Write the alibis for all the suspects including the perpetrator. Be sure that they appear similar,
yet individual; that some appear to be guilty. Find magazine pictures for your suspects.
• Write the solution to the crime.
• Edit each other’s French.
• Ask a classmate to read and try to solve your mystery.
• Organize your poster layout to make it appealing. Be sure to put your solution upside-down
or behind shutters.
• Attach materials to the poster.
• Present your mystery to the class.
• Display your poster in the classroom.
Pacing suggestion: after completion of Leçon 23, Section C
p. 178
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
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Unité 7
Leçon 23
Learning Scenarios
Un accident de la route
Work with a partner. Pretend one of you
witnessed a road accident and the other is
investigating. As you tell about the accident,
your partner will interrupt with pertinent
questions about the scene. Answer the
questions as you continue your narrative.
Present your scenario to the class.
Scénario 2
Je suis désolé, mais . . .
Work with a partner. First create a series
of situations in which your partner was
supposed to have done something. Write a
series of pourquoi? questions (Ex.
Pourquoi est-ce que tu n’as pas fait tes
devoirs?) Your partner will need to make up
an excuse for each scenario. Then trade roles.
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Scénario 1
Scénario 1
Targeted Standards
Teacher’s Reflections
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
1.3 Presentational Communication
3.2 Acquiring Information
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5.2 Lifelong Learning
Scénario 2
Targeted Standards
Teacher’s Reflections
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
1.2 Interpretive Communication
5.1 School and Community
5.2 Lifelong Learning
p. 179
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Scénario 3
À la télé
Working individually or with a partner,
prepare a short talk about a film or TV show
you have seen recently. Briefly recount the
plot, tell about the characters, and whether
you liked the program. Share your talk with
the class.
Scénario 4
À l’écran
Work with a partner. First create several
questions to ask your partner about his/her
television watching habits. Ask your
questions and answer those that your
partner will ask you.
Scénario 3
Targeted Standards
Teacher’s Reflections
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
1.3 Presentational Communication
3.2 Acquiring Information
Scénario 4
Targeted Standards
Teacher’s Reflections
1.1 Interpersonal Communication
3.2 Acquiring Information
4.2 Cultural Comparisons
5.2 Lifelong Learning
p. 180
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Block Scheduling Copymasters
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
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5.2 Lifelong Learning
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Change-of-Pace Activities
Sondage: La télévision
Ask the other students in the class the following questions about their television-watching
habits. Compile your answers and analyze the responses. Draw conclusions, prepare a pie
chart, and present the results of your survey to the class.
Est-ce que tu
regardes la télé
le samedi matin?
Est-ce que tu regardes
du sport à la télé?
Quels sports?
Combien d’heures par
jour est-ce que tu
regardes la télé?
Quelle est ton
émission favorite?
Quand est-ce que
tu regardes
la télévision?
Quelles bandes animées
est-ce que tu
regardes à la télé?
Quels jeux est-ce
que tu regardes à
la télé?
Est-ce que tu
regardes la télévision
avec ta famille?
Quel jour de la semaine
a les meilleurs
programmes de télévision?
Est-ce que tu aimes
les vieux films en
noir et blanc?
Est-ce que tu fais
attention aux publicités
à la télévision?
Quelle est ta
publicité favorite?
Quels programmes
de musique
Qu’est-ce que tu
manges quand tu
regardes la télé?
Où est-ce que tu
regardes la télé?
Combien d’heures par
jour est-ce que tes
parents regardent
la télé?
Quelles chaînes
est-ce que tu
regardes à la télé?
Loues-tu souvent
des films?
(assez souvent –
rarement – jamais)
Est-ce que tu
regardes des cassettes
vidéo ou des DVD?
Quel est ton acteur
ou actrice de
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Est-ce que tu as
une télévision dans
ta chambre?
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Activité 1
p. 181
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Activité 2
Ce soir à la télé
Find the translation of these American programs as they appear on French television:
a. Les Arpents verts
b. Qui veut gagner des millions?
Third Rock from the Sun
c. La loi de Los Angeles
Who’s the Boss?
d. Tout le monde aime Raymond
Full House
e. La Fête à la maison
LA Law
f. Urgences
Touched by an Angel
g. Un gars de Queens
Little House on the Prairie
h. Deux flics à Miami
Sponge-Bob Square-Pants
i. Papa Schultz
Miami Vice
j. Alerte à Malibu
King of Queens
k. Madame est servie
Everybody Loves Raymond
l. La petite maison dans la prairie
Who wants to be a millionaire? m. Troisième planète après le soleil
Green Acres
n. Les Anges du bonheur
Hogan’s Heroes
o. Un Bob à la mer
Activité 3
Charades á dessiner
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Form two teams. Write vocabulary from this leçon on slips of paper and put all the slips into
a container. The first player from Team A draws a slip and describes the word to his/her
teammates in French without actually saying the word. If Team A guesses the word correctly,
the team wins a point. Then Team B takes a turn. If Team A does not guess the word, Team B
gets one guess to try and win the point. The game continues until all slips have been drawn.
The team with the most points wins.
p. 182
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
Activité 4
Jeu de dominos
Elle a perdu les
clés de la voiture.
Jean-Paul est
Il a eu un «F»
à l’examen.
Marianne est
Elle a joué dans
un match de foot.
Delphine est
Elle a vu son
copain avec une
autre jeune fille.
Les frères de
Nathalie sont
Ils ont gagné le
match de foot.
Julie est très
Elle a mis une
robe chic.
Martine a de
la chance.
Elle a trouvé son
Louis a mal
au ventre.
Il a trop
mangé ce soir.
Yvonne est
toute pâle.
Elle a eu un
accident de voiture.
Julien et Sylvain
sont fatigués.
Ils ont fait
de la natation.
a chaud.
Il a mis
un pull.
Carole a
Elle n’a pas mangé
de toute la journée.
Estelle n’est
pas contente.
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Block Scheduling Copymasters
Work in groups of three or four. The teacher will give you a set of slips of paper that will
serve as dominoes. Distribute the dominoes three each among members of the group and put
the rest in a pile. The first player will lay down one domino, earn a point, and take another
domino from the pile. The next player must lay a domino that fits against the domino on the
board, on either side. If so, s/he wins a point and takes another domino. If not, s/he loses the
turn and gains no points. Continue until all the dominoes are played and there is a highscoring winner.
Activité 5
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Une histoire illustrée
Work in groups of three or four. You will need writing paper, construction paper, and
magazines. Clip magazine pictures depicting interesting or unusual situations. Then mount
the pictures on construction paper to make a poster and line the back of the poster with
writing paper. Brainstorm ideas about the picture and create at least ten questions about it.
Write your questions on the back of the poster. Switch posters with another group. Read the
other group’s questions and, answering as many of the questions as possible, create a story
based on the pictures. Present your story to the class. The class will vote on the best story.
Activité 6
Mots-croisés à faire: Les verbes en -re
Working in pairs, create a crossword puzzle interconnecting as many vocabulary words and
verbs as possible. For example, attendre written horizontally could connect at the “t” with
lunettes written vertically. The pair who creates the crossword puzzle with the largest
number of words wins. Show your word connections to the class.
p. 183
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Unité 7
Leçon 23
Un jeu de loto
This is a class activity. On a slip of paper, write a sentence in French about one of your
classmates having done a specific activity (use the passé composé). Try to make your
sentence as original as possible. Then take your sentence to the teacher to check for
accuracy and to be sure that it is one of a kind. Then learn your sentence and hand the slip to
the teacher. Circulate in the classroom, have other students tell you their statements, and
write their statements in random squares to fill your grid. When all grids are filled, the
teacher will use the slips for a game of lotto.
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Block Scheduling Copymasters
Activité 7
p. 184
Unité 7, Leçon 23
Block Scheduling Copymasters
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu

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