Fråga-svar Kamerun. Hotbild mot studenter som deltagit i


Fråga-svar Kamerun. Hotbild mot studenter som deltagit i
Kamerun. Hotbild mot studenter som deltagit i
Hur ser situationen för de studenter som deltagit i studentupproren 2006 och
2008 i Kamerun ut i dagsläget? Det gäller de som endast blev häktade men
sedan frigivna. Finns det en direkt och aktuell hotbild mot dessa än idag?
Det område jag är särskilt intresserad av är Yaoundé.
US Department of State, 2012 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
- Cameroon, 2013-04-19:
Sid. 18
“On June 29, Soa police preemptively arrested and detained four
students from the University of Yaounde II-Soa on allegations that
they planned an illegal protest march on the campus. They were
released later (see section 2.b.).”
--Sid. 19
On June 29, the Soa police preemptively arrested and detained four
students from the University of Yaounde II-Soa, on allegations that
they planned an illegal protest march on the campus. The students
were beaten and harassed. On July 31, a court sentenced them to
time served and three years’ probation.”
Sida 1 av 3
Amnesty International, Republic of Cameroon: Make Human Rights a
Reality, 2013-01-01:
Sid. 8
"Concerns relating to members of the security forces effectively
enjoying impunity are not limited to the unrest in February 2008.
During their visit to Douala in December 2012, Amnesty
International met and interviewed a student who was on 1
November 2012 severely beaten and blinded in one eye by soldiers
of the Military Engineers Regiment13 ."
--sid. 20
Some political and civil society activists have since 2008 tried to
commemorate the February 2008 riots by holding meetings or
demonstrations in protest against human rights violations
committed by the security forces and to remember the causes of the
disturbances. The authorities have repeatedly arrested those
organizing or participating in such demonstrations and, in some
cases, charged them with public order offences. For example, eight
political and civil society activists were arrested in Yaoundé on 23
February 2011. Those arrested were former student leaders Billy
Batipe and Cyprien Olinga, and political activists Aboubakar Abba,
Urbain Essomba, Bruno Dibonji, Michel Bouba, Patrick Nyamsi and
Aimé Adoueme. According to the Network of Human Rights
Defenders in Central Africa48 the activists were accused of
rebellion and endangering the internal security of the state.49 After
their arrest, the eight activists were for several days denied access to
legal counsel and repeatedly transferred to different detention
centres. They were on 14 March 2011 charged with insurrection and
granted provisional release. They had not been brought to trial by
December 2012."
Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report 2012 - The State of the
World's Human Rights, 2012-05-24:
"Freedom of association and assembly
Political and human rights groups were frequently denied the right
to organize peaceful activities or demonstrations.
•At least eight political activists, including former members of a
students’ association, were arrested in February by members of the
Directorate of Territorial Surveillance security service in Yaoundé;
they had met to organize a demonstration to commemorate victims
of human rights violations during demonstrations in February 2008.
The detainees were denied access to lawyers and charged with
endangering the security of the state. They were provisionally
released but had not been brought to trial by the end of the year."
World Organisation Against Torture, Steadfast in Protest; Annual Report
2011, October 2011:
sid. 123
"Le 10 mars 2010, tous ont été placés sous mandat de dépôt du juge
d’instruction puis écroués à la prison centrale de Kondengui, à
Yaoundé, pour “co-action de faux en écriture” et “imitation des
sceaux de la République”. Ils ont été accusés d’être les auteurs de la
note datée du 20 juin 2008, dont l’enquête aurait révélé qu’elle serait
en réalité une contrefaçon. Le 24 novembre 2010, MM. Mintya
Meka et Yen Sabouang ont été libérés, et les charges à leur encontre
ont été abandonnées, sans que les raisons officielles de leur
liberation ne soient précisées. M. Bidi Ngota est quant à lui décédé
en prison le 22 avril 2010 pour cause d’“abandon”, de “mauvais
soins” et de “nonassistance” des autorités, selon le certificat de
décès initial du médecin de la prison, alors que les autorités étaient
informées des problèmes d’asthme et d’hypertension dont il
Denna sammanställning av information/länkar är baserad på informationssökningar gjorda
under en begränsad tid. Den är sammanställd utifrån noggrant utvalda och allmänt tillgängliga
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undantag av obestridda/uppenbara fakta, har dubbelkontrollerats om inget annat anges.
Sammanställningen gör inte anspråk på att vara uttömmande och bör inte tillmätas exklusivt
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Informationen i sammanställningen återspeglar inte nödvändigtvis Migrationsverkets
officiella ståndpunkt i en viss fråga och det finns ingen avsikt att genom sammanställningen
göra politiska ställningstaganden.
Refererade dokument bör läsas i sitt sammanhang.
Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report 2012 - The State of the
World's Human Rights, 2012-05-24
Amnesty International, Republic of Cameroon: Make Human Rights a
Reality, 2013-01-01
US Department of State, 2012 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
- Cameroon, 2013-04-19
World Organisation Against Torture, Steadfast in Protest; Annual Report
2011, October 2011

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