Coordinators : Branka HORVAT, INSERM (branka


Coordinators : Branka HORVAT, INSERM (branka
UE parainée par:
Coordinators : Branka HORVAT, INSERM ([email protected])
Viktor VOLCHKOV, Université Lyon 1 ([email protected])
Web site :
Course « Virus and Immunity » is organized annualy since 2005, as a part of « European » teaching
unit at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France. It is opened to both « Master » students in France and to
other exchange students, particularly those from other European countries and intended to stimulate
international student participation.
The course consists of 40h of lectures and 10h of tutorials (giving 6 credits ECTS). All lectures are given on
english by the experts in the field (three Nobel prize laureates among lecturers in last years) and are based on
the interactive approach between lecturers and students. Tutorials are supposed to help students to better
understand subjects treated during lectures. Organized teaching approach is supposed to guide students in the
analysis of research articles and in preparing a short research project based on one of conferences. The major
goal of the course is to stimulate the originality in students and help developing their passion for the research
and creative approach in the science, by guiding them through the universe of the complex interactions
between the virus and the immune system.
Programme of the course:
The course covers different aspects of fundamental virology and immunology and particular attention is put
on the interaction between virus and immune system. Treated subjects include analysis of biochemical and
structural aspects of the virus, variability and genetics, basic concepts in the prion research, response to antiviral treatment and generation of the resistance to therapy. Presented studies include the research work on
several different viruses, including causative agent of AIDS in humans and of leukaemia in mice, hepatitis B
and C virus, Infuenza, Measles virus and emergent viruses classified at the highest level of security (BSL4),
including Ebola, Lassa, SARS, Nipah and Hendra viruses. Particular attention is put on the presentation of
the importance of different self-defence mechanisms to eliminate infection, including Toll receptors and
innate immune repsonse, dendritic cells, T and NK lymphocytes as well as mechanisms important in the
control of the extent of the immune response, like T regulatory lymphocytes. Generation of immunological
memory, modulation of the immune response, virus escape mechanisms, immunosuppression and viral
persistence is illustrated. Finally, viral pathogenesis and anti-viral vaccination is discussed.
Lecturers in 2005 -­‐ 2013: Mathiew ALBERT (Institut Pasteur, Paris) Henri AGUT (Hôpital Pitié-­‐Salpêtrière, Université Paris 6, France) Sebastian AMIGORENA (Institut Curie, INSERM, Paris, France) Lena ALEXOPOULOU (CIML, Marsielle, France) Patrice ANDRE (INSERM, Lyon, France) Jean-­‐François BACH (Académie des Sciences, Paris) Jacques BANCHERAU (Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dalas, USA), Thierry BARON (Anses, Lyon) Françoise BARRE-­‐SINOUSSI (Nobel prize laureate in 2008, Institute Pasteur, Paris) Chritopher BASLER (Dept. Microbiology, Mount Sinai Medical School, New York, USA) Stephan BECKER (Marbourg, Germany) Edward A. BERGER (NIH, USA) Pierre BOULANGER (UMR, Lyon, France) Claude CARNAUD (INSERM Univ. Paris 6, UMRS 938, St Antoine Hospital, Paris) Roberto CATTANEO (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA) Cristophe CAUX (INSERM U590, Centre Léon-­‐Bérard, Lyon) Klaus CONZELMANN (Max von Pettenkofer Inst. and Gene Cent., Munich, Germany) Louise COSBY (Belfast, UK) François-­‐Loïc COSSET (INSERM, Lyon, France) Jean-­‐Luc DARLIX (INSERM, Lyon, France) Christian DAVRINCHE (INSERM, Toulouse, France) Peter C. DOHERTY (Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine, 1996), Melbourne, Australia) Christian DROSTEN (Inst. of Virology, Univ. of Bonn Med. Centre, Bonn, Germany) Richard ELLIOTT (Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of St Andrews,UK): Luis ENJUANES (National Biotechnological center, Madrid, Spain) Heinz FELDMANN (National Institute of Health, NIH, Montana, USA) Matias FAURE (INSERM U851, Lyon, France) Ilya FROLOV (Texas University, USA) Carleton GAJDUSEK (Nobel Prize Laureat in Medicine, NIH) Adolfo GARCIA-­‐SASTRE (Dept Microbiol, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA) Teunis B.H. GEIJTENBEEK (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Daniel GONZALES-­‐DUNIA (INSERM U563, Toulouse) Yves GAUDIN (Structural and Molecular Virology, CNRS, Gif sur Yvette, France) Louis GAZZOLO (INSERM, Lyon, France) Tom GEISBERT (NEIDL, Boston, USA) Denis GERLIER (CNRS UCBL, Lyon, France) Bruno GUY (Sanofi Pasteur, Marcy l'Etoile, France) Otto HALLER (Department of Virology, University of Freiburg, Germany) Uzma HASAN (INSERM U851, Lyon, France) Adrian HAYDAY (Guy's King's & St Thomas Medical School, King's College London) Franz HEINZ (Institute of Virology, Vienna, Austria) Anne HOSMALIN (Cochin Institute, Paris) Branka HORVAT (INSERM, Lyon, France) Jean-­‐Luc IMLER (CNRS-­‐UPR9022, University of Strasbourg) Stipe JONJIC (University of Rijeka, Croatie) Dominique KAISERLIAN (INSERM, Lyon, France) Ulrich KALINKE (TWINCORE, Centre of Exp and Clin Infect Research, Hannover, Germany) Nikolay KAVERIN (Institute of Virology, Russian Academy of Med. Sciences, Russia) Claudia KEMPER (King’s College London, UK) Hans Dieter KLENK (Marburg, Germany) Jean-­‐Pierre KRAEHENBUHL (ISREC, Switzerland) Robert LAMB (Dept. of Mol. Biosciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA) Serge LEBECQUE (INSERM, Lyon, France) Vincent LOTTEAU (INSERM, Lyon, France) Roland LIBLAU (INSERM-­‐U563 Centre de Physiopathologie de Toulouse Purpan) Burkhard LUDEWIG (Institute of Immunobiology, St. Gallen, Switzerland) Paolo LUSSO (NIH, USA) Renaud MAHIEUX (INSERM 758, Lyon, France) Mary MALISSEN (CIML, Marseille, France) Ziad MALLAT (INSERM, Paris, France) Julien C. MARIE (Cancer Research Center of Lyon, UMR Inserm U1052 CNRS 5286) Jacqueline MARVEL (INSERM, Lyon, France) Janet MARYANSKI (INSERM, Lyon, France) Mikhail MATROSOVICH (Marburg, Germany) Polly MATZINGER (NIH, USA) Grant McFADDEN (Depart. Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of Florida, USA) Andrew McMICHAEL, (Oxford, UK) Jean-­‐François MORNEX (UMR 754 UCBL-­‐INRA-­‐ENVL) Matteo NEGRONI, (CNRS-­‐UPR 9002, Strasbourg) Albert D.M.E. OSTERHAUS (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands) Daniel D. PINSCHEWER (Dept. of Pathology and Immunology, University of Geneva) Alexander PLYUSNIN, (Haartman Institute, Department of Virology, Univ of Helsinki, Finland) Matteo POROTTO (Dept Microbiol. Immunol, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, USA) Laurent ROUX (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Beneditta ROCHA (Necker Institut, INSERM U591, Paris, France) Polly ROY (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK) Rob RUIGROCK (UJF, Grenoble, France) Anna SALVETTI (INSERM, Lyon, France) Benoît SALOMON (INSERM, Hôpital de la Pitié-­‐Salpêtrière, Paris) Quentin SATTENTAU (The Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, UK) Olivier SCHWARTZ (Pasteur Institute, Paris) Peter STAHEALI (University of Freiburg, Germany) Frédéric TANGY (Pasteur Institute, Paris) Alain TRAUTMANN (Institut Cochin, Paris, France) Noël TORDO (Institut Pasteur, France) Luk VANDENBERGHE, (Dept. of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania, USA) Eric VIVIER (CIML, Marseille, France) Viktor VOLCHKOV (INSERM, Lyon, France Thierry WALZER (CIML, Marseille, France) Friedmann WEBER (University of Freiburg, Germany) Jean-­‐Claude WEIL (Hopital Necker, Paris, France) Fabian WILD (INSERM, Lyon, France) Fabien ZOULIM (INSERM, Lyon, France)