s-genitive genitiv s - Englisch Nachhilfe in Pforzheim


s-genitive genitiv s - Englisch Nachhilfe in Pforzheim
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
Das Genitiv ‘s zeigt einen Besitz / eine Zugehörigkeit an. Beachte dabei:
Bei Substantiven im Singular und unregelmäßigen Pluralformen (men / women / children / …) wird das
„s“ nach einem Apostroph angehängt.
Peters Fahrrad ist blau.
Mandys Mutter ist nicht zuhause.
Die Blätter dieses Baumes sind im Herbst
Sie finden Damenkleidung auf der linken
Peter’s bike is blue.
Mandy’s mother is not at home.
This tree’s leaves are red in autumn.
You’ll find the women’s clothes on the left.
Bei regelmäßigen Pluralformen wird nur ein Apostroph angehängt.
The boys‘ room is on the 2nd floor.
The Johnsons‘ car broke down.
The girls‘ bikes are green.
Namen und Wörter, welche auf –s / -x oder –z enden:
Hier gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten!
a) Nur einen Apostroph anhängen Klaus‘ cat is lazy. / Mr Felis’ lessons are great. / …
b) Lediglich einen Apostroph an Namen / Nomen anzuhängen wird gelegentlich als kein sonderlich
gutes Englisch betrachtet. Es ist somit besser, wenn Du ‘s anhängst! In meinen Übungen halte ich
mich ebenfalls an diese Variante und werte „Thomas‘ ruler“ etc. daher als falsch!
Wenn mehreren Personen etwas gehört oder eine Person / Sache zu mehreren Personen gehört, wird
das Genitiv ‘s nur an die letztgenannte Person / Sache angehängt.
Simon and Jessica’s father works at a bank.
John and Jim’s playstation doesn’t work.
Wenn mehrere Dinge zu mehreren Personen gehören wird das Genitiv ‘s an beide Personen
Gabi’s and Peter’s children are good at school.
Simon’s and Peter’s books don’t look nice anymore.
6. In bestimmten Fällen fällt das Nomen nach dem Genitiv ‘s weg. Dies gilt für:
a) Geschäfte – Aus: Das (Haus) Geschäft des Bäckers wird: baker’s house; Aus dem Geschäft des
Metzgers wird: butcher’s house etc.
b) Häuser oder Wohnungen, die jemandem gehören. – Beispiele: Let’s meet at Jennifer’s house. /
Meet me at Robert’s house. / Kirsten stays at the Miller’s house today.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
Du kennst somit nun mehrere Gründe, aus denen ein s / es / s‘ / ‘s an ein Wort angehängt werden
kann / muss:
1. Das –s oder –es an Verben im Simple Present nach he / she / it (He works at a bank. / She washes
her face.)
2. Das –s an Nomen zur Pluralbildung (I have got 15 pencils.)
3. ‘s als Kurzform von „is“ (She is from Berlin. She’s from Berlin.)
4. Das Genitiv ‘s (John’s sister.)
In den folgenden Übungen habe ich sämtliche Möglichkeiten eingebaut. Wenn das ‘s als Kurzform
von „is“ stehen soll, musst Du is schreiben damit es sich deutlich vom s-genitive abhebt!
1. 1. Übung – Nur Genitiv ‘s
1. The school____ choir sings very well.
2. Mr and Mrs Klein____ daughter is dancing in the garden.
3. It is the police____ job to catch thieves.
4. Carmen____ sister designs pretty costumes.
5. Grandma____ pictures are very nice.
6. The children____ room looks dirty.
7. The zoo____ animals don’t like visitors.
8. Mrs Hanson____ costumes very pretty.
9. The girls____ school uniforms are green and white.
10. Peter____ sister doesn’t play with toy cars.
11. Don’t you like the dress____ colour?
12. What’s your dad____ home town?
13. Simon____ dad works at an office.
14. Julia is Lisa____ sister.
15. The Schmidts____ twins have got blue bikes.
16. Cindy rides on her bike to Julia____ birthday party.
17. He makes his breakfast with the garden____ freshest fruits.
18. My sister____ dancing lessons start at 5 o'clock in the evening.
19. The assistant____ boss is very happy.
20. Our village____ bank is wheelchair accessible.
21. The church____ bell rings very loud.
22. My computer____ WLAN does not work.
23. The museum____ door is open.
24. My sunglasses____ glasses are blue.
25. Germany____ streets are empty at night.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
2. 2. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
Beachte: Diese Übung enthält das Genitiv ’s // ‘ /// he/she/it –s bzw. –
es /// Plural –s /// is – Wichtig: “is” ausschreiben!!
Mrs Brooks live ___ in Glasgow. Her daughter ___ name ___ Susi.
Susi ____ 13 year ____ old and she go ____ to Kirkshill School.
Susi ____ always sleepy (müde) and often come ____ late to school.
You should see her teacher ____ face when she come ____ into the
5. He ____ not very amused (nicht sehr erfreut) about that as you might
6. In the Maths lesson ____ she often fall ____ asleep and it happen ____
several time ____ a week that the teacher wake ____ her up again.
7. Susi ____ not very good at English because she never learn ____ her
8. She do ____ not know a lot about grammar (Grammatik) too.
9. But when it come ____ to sport, she ____ the grade ____ best runner!
10. She run ____ the 100 metre ____ in less than 15 second ____.
11. Some girl ___ think, it ___ because she always use ___ her sister ___
shoe ____.
12. She ___ also very good at swimming! She swim ___ 1,000 metre ___ in
25 minute ___.
13. Some boy ____ in her class think that she take ____ drugs (Drogen).
14. But that ____ ridiculous (lächerlich) of course!
15. It ____ because of she do ____ many exercise ____ every day.
16. That ____ what keep ____ her fit and let ____ her run fast.
17. She also eat ____ a lot of healthy food every day.
18. When her classmate ____ still sleep in their bed ____ she already has the
day ____ first meal.
19. Her breakfast ___ always made of the garden ___ freshest fruit ___.
20. She eat ____ a lot of banana ____ and eggs too.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
3. 3. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
Beachte: Die Übung enthält das Genitiv ’s // ‘ /// he/she/it –s bzw. –es
/// Plural –s /// is – Wichtig: “is” ausschreiben!!
1. Sue ____ dad ____ Cliff Simpson.
2. Claire Simpson ____ Sue ____ aunt. She ____ Cliff Simpson___ sister.
3. The Simpson___ family tree ___ in Cliff___ room.
4. My friend ____ are from London.
5. Juliane ____ Lisa ____ sister. Her parent ____ are from Berlin.
6. She usually tidies her hamster ____ cage on Saturday ____.
7. Her mother ____ shopping list ____ easy to read.
8. The school ____ playground ____ always dirty.
9. Children love their mother ____ food.
10. Andreas ____ father drive ____ the two boy ____ to school.
11. Lukas ____ family explore ____ the Grand Canyon in their holidays.
12. The Schmidt ____ have got two girl ____ . Their name ____ are Jessi &
13. Jessi has got two budgie ___. The budgie ___ name ___ are Flo and Joe.
14. Flo ____ cage ____ on the table and Joe ____ two cage ____ are under
the table.
15. Jessi ____ older than Lina and today ____ her birthday.
16. Jessi ____ father work ____ for a big company. He always do ____ the
cooking when one of his daughter ____ has birthday.
17. Jessi always invite ____ a lot of her friend ____. Her best friend
Cinderella ride ____ on her brother ____ bike to Jessi ____ birthday
18. Her brother John ____ not invited to Jessi ____ birthday party.
19. That ___ why he stay ___ at home and play ___ on the family ___
bouncing castle (Hüpfburg) with his friend ____ Tom and Mike.
20. They live in the Schmidt ____ neighbourhood and often come over to the
Schmidt ____ house to have fun on John ____ bouncing castle.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
5. 4. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
My friend___ parent___ are nice and they have got a beautiful garden in
which it___ a pleasure to play all kind of game___ with friend___. Their
name___ Smith by the way. The Smith___ have got three children. Their
name___ are: Lucy, Tobias and Carolin. Tobias___ 17, Carolin___ 14 and
Lucy___ 12 year___ old. Tobias___ scooter always stand___ next to his
father___ car in the family___ garage. At the weekend the three children
often eat an ice-cream at the village___ ice-cream shop. But this weekend
everything___ different:
Tobias___ scooter broke down on Friday and that___ why he can’t join the
girl___ outing. He stay___ at home and mow___ (mähen) the family___
lawn (Rasen). The girl___ have decided to do something different as well as
they didn’t want to go on a trip without their brother___ company.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
6. 1. Übung – Nur Genitiv ‘s
The school’s choir sings very well.
Mr and Mrs Klein’s daughter is dancing in the garden.
It is the police’s job to catch thieves.
Carmen’s sister designs pretty costumes.
Grandma’s pictures are very nice.
The children’s room looks dirty.
The zoo’s animals don’t like visitors.
Mrs Hanson’s costumes very pretty.
The girls’ school uniforms are green and white.
Peter’s sister doesn’t play with toy cars.
Don’t you like the dress’s colour?
What’s your dad’s home town?
Simon’s dad works at an office.
Julia is Lisa’s sister.
The Schmidts’ twins have got blue bikes.
Cindy rides on her bike to Julia’s birthday party.
He makes his breakfast with the garden’s freshest fruits.
My sister’s dancing lessons start at 5 o'clock in the evening.
The assistant’s boss is very happy.
Our village’s bank is wheelchair accessible.
The church’s bell rings very loud.
My computer’s WLAN does not work.
The museum’s door is open.
My sunglasses’ glasses are blue.
Germany’s streets are empty at night.
8. 2. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
Mrs Brooks lives in Glasgow. Her daughter’s name is Susi.
Susi is 13 years old and she goes to Kirkshill School.
Susi is always sleepy (müde) and often comes late to school.
You should see her teacher’s face when she comes into the classroom!
He is not very amused (nicht sehr erfreut) about that as you might imagine!
In the Maths lessons she often falls asleep and it happens several times a week that the teacher wakes her up again.
Susi is not very good at English because she never learns her vocabulary.
She does not know a lot about grammar (Grammatik) too.
But when it comes to sport, she is the grade’s best runner!
She runs the 100 metres in less than 15 seconds.
Some girls think, it is because she always uses her sister’s shoes.
She is also very good at swimming! She swims 1,000 metres in 25 minutes.
Some boys in her class think that she takes drugs (Drogen).
But that is ridiculous (lächerlich) of course!
It is because of she does many exercises every day.
That is what keeps her fit and lets her run fast.
She also eats a lot of healthy food every day.
When her classmates still sleep in their beds she already has the day’s first meal.
Her breakfast is always made of the garden’s freshest fruits.
She eats a lot of bananas and eggs too.
s-genitive / Genitiv ‘s
Erstellt von Andreas Felis / Flying English Coach
www.Englisch-Nachhilfe-Pforzheim.de // https://www.facebook.com/FlyingEnglishCoach //
3. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
Sue’s dad is Cliff Simpson.
Claire Simpson is Sue’s aunt. She is Cliff Simpson’s sister.
The Simpsons’ family tree is in Cliff’s room.
My friends are from London.
Juliane is Lisa’s sister. Her parents are from Berlin.
She usually tidies her hamster’s cage on Saturdays.
Her mother’s shopping list is easy to read.
The school’s playground is always dirty.
Children love their mother’s food.
Andreas’s father drives the two boys to school.
Lukas’s family explores the Grand Canyon in their holidays.
The Schmidts have got two girls. Their names are Jessi & Lina.
Jessi has got two budgies. The budgies names are Flo and Joe.
Flo’s cage is on the table and Joe’s two cages are under the table.
Jessi is older than Lina and today is her birthday.
Jessi’s father works for a big company. He always does the cooking when one of his daughters has birthday.
Jessi always invites a lot of her friends. Her best friend Cinderella rides on her brother’s bike to Jessi’s
birthday party.
18. Her brother John is not invited to Jessi’s birthday party.
19. That is why he stays at home and plays on the family’s bouncing castle (Hüpfburg) with his friends Tom
and Mike.
20. They live in the Schmidts’ neighbourhood and often come over to the Schmidts’ house to have fun on
John’s bouncing castle.
4. Übung zum Genitiv ‘s
My friend’s parents are nice and they have got a beautiful garden in which it is a pleasure to play all kind of
games with friends. Their name is Smith by the way. The Smiths have got three children. Their names are: Lucy,
Tobias and Carolin. Tobias is 17, Carolin is 14 and Lucy is 12 years old. Tobias’s scooter always stands next to
his father’s car in the family’s garage. At the weekend the three children often eat an ice-cream at the village’s icecream shop. But this weekend everything is different:
Tobias’s scooter broke down on Friday and that is why he can’t join the girls’ outing. He stays at home and
mows (mähen) the family’s lawn (Rasen). The girls have decided to do something different as well as they didn’t
want to go on a trip without their brother’s company.

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