Designing Digital Futures


Designing Digital Futures
Designing Digital Futures
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
”While technology is important,
it‘s what we do with it
that truly matters.“
Muhammad Junus (Nobel Laureate)
Macromedia University welcomes you to Designing Digital Futures,
a symposium for design-driven innovation at Oskar von Miller Forum in
Munich 2016.
What effect has the digital transformation on our society? Is humanity really at
stake as many fear, or does an upcoming "Big Data and Robotic Age" rather
offer a stimulus to evaluate human qualities and to scrutinize what it means to
be human in the 21st century?
I wish you an inspiring day, filled with lots of new insights, meaningful
exchange and lively networking.
Prof. Oliver Szasz
Kindly supported by:
Designing Digital Futures
09:30 - 10:00
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
Registration and Coffee
Session One:
Digital Futures: A Design Perspective (Presentations in English)
Prof. Oliver Szasz (Introduction)
Dr. Beate Wilhelm (Academic Director – Macromedia University, Campus Munich)
Prof. Dr. Juergen Faust (President – Macromedia University)
Prof. Oliver Szasz (Vice Head Graduate School – Macromedia University, Campus Munich)
Markus Hohl (Design Associate – Design Council UK, Design for Europe)
Digital Futures: A Technology Perspective (Presentation in English)
11:00 Prof. Dr. Juergen Schmidhuber (Scientific Director – Swiss AI Lab IDSIA (USI & SUPSI) Prof. of AI)
11:45 Panel Talk, Q&A
12:15 - 13:00
Lunch Break and Networking
Session Two:
Modul Deutsch (Presentations in German)
Module English
Digitale Zukunft: eine philosophische Perspektive
Workshop: Design-driven Innovation
13:00 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Nida-Rümelin (Staatsminister a.D.)
13.45 Q&A
13:00 - 15:00 Prof. Oliver Szasz,
Nourhan Tawfik,
Christoph Merdes
Digitale Zukunft: die Business Perspektive
14:00 Amir Roughani (Founder & CEO – Vispiron)
14:20 Andreas Baumann (Head UX, Bosch Security Systems)
14:40 Dr. Bernhard Krusche (Co-Founder – Ignore Gravity)
15:15 - 15:45
Coffee Break and Networking
Session Three:
Digital Futures: Design Project Examples – Newcomers (Presentations in English)
15:45 Nourhan Tawfik (Alumni Macromedia University)
Digital Futures: Design Practice Examples (Presentations in English)
16:00 Andreas S. Rieger (Director Project Management - designaffairs)
Alexander Peters (Associate Director Interaction Innovation - designaffairs)
16:30 Michael Reuter (Co-Founder - Datarella, AppAdvisors)
17:00 Kalle Buschmann (Associate Creative Director, frog)
17:30 Dr. Michael Bartl (CEO - Hyve)
18:00 Panel Q&A
18:15 - 19:00
Get-Together and Networking
Designing Digital Futures
Speaker List
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
(in chronological order)
Session One / Presentations in English
Digital Futures: A Design Perspective
Prof. Oliver Szasz (Vice Head Graduate School – Macromedia University)
With an academic background in sociology, political science and philosophy,
Oliver Szasz is focusing his design research on human-centered design, design
thinking and social innovation. He has extensive international experience as a
strategic design consultant for global private and public organisations. Besides his
teaching, Oliver Szasz participates in the academic debate about design thinking
and provides consultancy services for design-driven innovation processes.
Dr. Beate Wilhelm, Academic Director, Macromedia University, Campus Munich
Beate Wilhelm has a background in management and political consulting. She is a
specialist for organisational and educational processes. Her focus lies on systems,
innovation, knowledge and technology transfer.
Prof. Dr. Juergen Faust (President – Macromedia University)
Juergen Faust has specialized in managing through designing and published about
the idea transferring design methods and processes into the Management field,
based on his work about a comprehensive theory to describe design processes. He
also teaches design and design theory. He contributed to a variety of books and
Markus Hohl (Design Associate – Design Council UK, Design for Europe)
Markus Hohl’s background is in product design and engineering and he has over 20
years’ international design experience in creating iconic products and services. He
also works with organisations to help them change their culture towards a more
customer-centric way of working. For the Design Council UK and Design for Europe,
the EU initiative to support design-driven innovation, Markus works as a Design
Associate involved in coaching SMEs and university start-ups.
Digital Futures: A Technology Perspective
Prof. Dr. Juergen Schmidhuber (Scientific Director – Swiss AI Lab IDSIA
(USI & SUPSI), Professor of Artificial Intelligence)
Foto: Wort & Bild Verlag / Eleana Hegerich
Jürgen Schmidhuber's main goal has always been to build a self-improving
Artificial Intelligence (AI) smarter than himself. He has pioneered self-improving
general problem solvers since 1987, and Deep Learning Neural Networks (NNs)
since 1991. The recurrent NNs developed by his research groups at the Swiss
AI Lab IDSIA (USI & SUPSI) and TU Munich have revolutionised handwriting
recognition, speech recognition and machine translation, and are available to
over a billion unsers through Google, Microsoft, IBM and Baidu.
Designing Digital Futures
Speaker List
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
(in chronological order)
Session Two / Presentations in German
Digitale Zukunft: eine philosophische Perspektive
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Nida-Rümelin (Staatsminister a.D.)
Julian Nida-Rümelin gehört neben Jürgen Habermas und Peter Sloterdijk zu den
renommiertesten Philosophen in Deutschland. Julian Nida-Rümelin ist Honorarprofessor an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ord. Mitglied der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, der Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste und der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin.
Von 1998-2002 wechselte Julian Nida-Rümelin in die Kulturpolitik, zunächst als
Kulturreferent der Landeshauptstadt München und dann als Kulturstaatsminister im
ersten Kabinett Schröders. Er ist Lehrstuhlinhaber für Philosophie und politische
Theorie an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Digitale Zukunft: die Business Perspektive
Amir Roughani (Founder & CEO – Vispiron)
Amir Roughani ist Wirtschaftsingenieur und seit 2002 ein „Serial Entrepreneur“. Inzwischen sind in seiner Unternehmensgruppe VISPIRON über 350 Personen im Technologiesektor tätig. Seit 2015 ist er Mitglied im Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern und vertritt die
Interessen von rund 1.800 Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmern aus der Wirtschaft in
ganz Bayern. 2014 gewann er den von Ernst & Young verliehenen Preis "Entrepreneur of
the Year" im Bereich IT und Dienstleistung. Seine Firmengruppe wurde mehrfach in die
Liste „bester Arbeitgeber Deutschlands“ gewählt.
Andreas Baumann (Head User Experience – Bosch Security Systems)
Andreas Baumann ist User-Experience-Spezialist und beschäftigt sich seit über zehn
Jahren mit nutzerzentriertem Design und agiler Entwicklung. Seit 2012 verantwortet er
das Thema UX (User Experience) bei dem Bosch Geschäftsbereich Sicherheitstechnik
und gestaltet den notwendigen kulturellen Wandel in einem Unternehmen, das seine
Stärke bisher vor allem aus herausragender Ingenieursleistung bezieht. Eine der
größten Herausforderung ist dabei, den Nutzer selbst als Innovationsquelle zu entdecken. Andreas Baumann ist diplomierter Ingenieur und Ergonome.
Dr. Bernhard Krusche (Co-Founder – Ignore Gravity)
Dr. Bernhard Krusche is the co-founder of Ignore Gravity, Berlin, managing director
of the Foundation for the Next Society, publisher of REVUE for Postheroic Management an lecturer at the Universities of Klagenfurt/Austria, Kassel and Zeppelin
University, Friedrichshafen. In his professional activities he focuses amongst others
on the implementation of large-scale change projects in for-profit and non-profit
organisations, and the development and implementation of innovative learning
architectures with a focus on leadership.
Designing Digital Futures
Speaker List
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
(in chronological order)
Session Three / Presentations in English
Digital Futures: Design Practice Examples
Andreas S. Rieger (Director Project Management - designaffairs)
Andreas joined designaffairs in 2012. A brave decision by the management started
a journey in finding out chances and risks of bringing together his objective and
structural driven mindset with the creative and freedom loving colleagues. It turned
out to be a success story. He can be considered as project management guru and
is known for his genius in overviewing connections, relations, dependencies of
people, situations, systems and things in general.
Alexander Peters (Associate Director Interaction Innovation - designaffairs)
Alex joined designaffairs in 2006. Ever since he is one of the key people driving
the creative and design agency from level to level. He specialized in the area of the
so-called Human-Machine-Interface (HMI). He is dedicated to all kinds of technical
developments and its impact on society and individuals. His critical character
always judges digital products, solutions and services from an user centered
design perspective.
Michael Reuter (Co-Founder – Datarella, AppAdvisors)
Michael Reuter has more than 20 years of experience in building companies and
co-founded several enterprises since 1993. In 2010 he has co-founded AppAdvisors, a
full service app agency and is responsible for app strategy, app conception and app
marketing. In 2013 he co-founded Datarella, a technology consultancy, that provides
expertise in Big Data and Quantified Self, and that advocates the use of technology to
make the world a better place.
Kalle Buschmann (Associate Creative Director – frog)
In his work Kalle Buschmann focusses on digital service experiences spanning
multiple touchpoints. Kalle likes to tackle wicked problems with Design Research
and Business Analysis to combine organisational, technological and societal aspects
into new service solutions.
Dr. Michael Bartl (CEO - Hyve)
Michael is CEO for HYVE. Before he worked for the carmaker AUDI in the R&D
division. In the research field of innovation management he has published in
scientific journals such as Journal of Product Innovation Management, Electronic
Commerce Research Journal etc. and is author of the E-Journal “The Making-of
Innovation”. From 2011-2014 Michael served in the national executive committee of
the German Association of Market and Social Research (BVM). In 2012 he was
appointed as German senator to the Senat der Wirtschaft, which is part of the
Global Economic Network.
Designing Digital Futures
Speaker List
Symposium for Design-Driven Innovation, Munich 2016
(in chronological order)
Workshop in English
Digital Futures: Design Project Examples & Workshop
Nour Tawfik (User Experience Designer - Uedelhoven Studios,
Alumni MA Design Management – Macromedia University)
With a background in product & industrial design, and a year's worth of experience
in service design from Fraunhofer Insitute, Nour Tawfik turned her focus onto design
management at Macromedia University, while simultaneously working in the fields of
digital experiences and design. Creating memorable experiences, elevating &
optimizing organizational values and creating collaborative platforms are some of
the few things Nour focuses on and highlights in all of her projects.
Digital Futures: Design Thinking Workshop
Christoph Merdes (User Experience Designer - SinnerSchrader,
Alumni MA Design Management – Macromedia University)
Christoph completed his Master’s degree in Media and Design with a specialization
in strategic design at the Macromedia University in Munich.
During his studies, he started a media company and spoke at ISIDC 2012,
a service innovation conference. Since 2012, Christoph is working as a User
Experience Designer for SinnerSchrader Deutschland and recently started
teaching Screen & Interfacedesign.
The Designing Digital Futures symposium is a Macromedia University event and has
been initiated and organised by Prof. Oliver Szasz, who will also host the event.
Contact information:
Prof. Oliver Szasz
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +49 (0)89 544 151 - 0
Macromedia University of Applied Sciences
Gollierstr. 4, 80339 Munich, Germany