scrubs theme


scrubs theme
Edition 2 · 2011
Our topics:
Broad spectrum
a barrier against
n What are…
A reflection of the body
Our feet carry us from point A to point B and give us a leg to stand on. They
influence the posture and therefore also the health of a person. On the other
hand, they tell a lot about our personalities and emotions.
ur appearance and how we present
ourselves to others is also influenced by our feet and legs. The ways
in which we hold or move them is part of
nonverbal communication: No words are
needed to show moods and emotions. For
instance, liars give themselves away by
keeping their feet unnaturally still.
Waddling or determined?
A person’s mood is also shown by their feet.
Firmly standing on one’s heels indicates
self-confidence. If the weight is shifted to
the frontal feet, a person is in a hurry.
The position of one’s feet shows how
one gets on in life: Those who waddle with
the tips of their toes pointing out might have
hindrances in their personal development.
The feet of introverted persons often point
inwards. If they point straight forward
in a person, that person appears to be
Holistic healers, however, also look very
closely at the soles of the feet. They say that
the body, spirit and soul can be allocated to
specific regions of the feet: The heel and the
lower part of the arch correspond to the
body, while the upper part of the arch and
the toe pads symbolically stand for the
spirit. The toes show how we relate to our
emotional state. The deviations from a
harmonic distribution provide the observer
with indications of physical, mental or
emotional attributes. For instance, wide feet
with a pronounced outer edge symbolise
physical strength.
The art of reading feet
reading feet. Their orientation is decisive.
Which toe points in which direction?
Ideally, they should point straight forward. If
a toe points out – that is, away from the
large toe – foot readers speak of a hurrying
toe. It belongs to people who race through
life. Its opposite is the retrospective toe. It
turns towards the large toe. Its owners are
usually too preoccupied with the past.
Each of the ten toes is also associated with
a separate life theme. The form of the toe tip
(round, rectangular, pointed or spatula-like)
corresponds to an attribute in the applicable
theme. For instance, the small toe on the left
foot is the “trust toe”. If it has a pointed end,
this indicates a person who usually tolerates
only their own perspective and is often very
inconsiderate – also of themselves.
The large toe symbolises the entire body. If
it is harmonically integrated into the entire
toe arch, a person is regarded as balanced
and harmonic. In withdrawn persons, the
large toe is set back, and a clearly protruding large toe is associated with those
persons who are outstanding in the truest
sense of the word.
Map of the body
Feet can not only indicate our mental state,
but also physical problems. They are virtually seen as a map of the body. Each part
of the body has a corresponding zone on
the foot which is, for instance, also used in
reflex zone massages. Slight pressure on
these points influences the corresponding
organs and activates self-healing forces. If
an organ or body region is ill, the corresponding part of the foot also reacts – with
skin changes or pain points on the sole.
The foot as a map of the body: skin changes in the foot reflex zones can indicate what organs
or body regions are ill.
Consequently it is worthwhile to pay more
attention to the feet. A pressure point may
be a silent cry for help and stand for a “suppressing” situation in one’s life. These foot
changes frequently also have negative influences on body posture, which, in turn, may
lead to back problems or hip malpositions.
Many of these foot changes, such as weals
and blisters, can be reduced or avoided
with high quality foot care products. Those
who are under pressure in everyday life can
relieve the feet with the right care products,
simultaneously relieving the spirit.
The toes are of particular significance when
Hannelore Felgentreff,
medical foot care
provider, Berlin
Hugo Mertel, Schwalbach
I have slight redness and itching on the
top of my foot. It is also scaly, and the
skin appears mildly inflamed. Can such
symptoms indicate neurodermitis?
You should definitely consult a physician,
since other illnesses such as fungi may
also cause such symptoms. If the skin disorder is involved, a look at your family
history will provide indicators. Neurodermitis is inherited. The genetic inherited factor
consists of an enzyme defect which causes a metabolic disorder. This causes a
deficiency of certain fatty acids which play
an important role in building the body’s
own skin barrier. The skin also binds less
moisture, so that affected persons frequently complain of dry skin. Since allergens, bacteria and fungal pathogens can
now penetrate the skin more easily, inflammation and the symptomatic itching occur
more readily. Persons suffering from neurodermitis scratch more, which can cause
redness and scaly skin. Typical places
include the inside of the elbow, the back of
the foot, backs of the knees, throat and
facial areas.
If neurodermitis occurs on the foot skin, it
is also recommended to see a foot specialist. This will provide you with important tips
for daily basic care of the affected skin
regions. The objective is to stabilise the
skin’s barrier function in order to prevent
allergens and microorganisms from penetrating. Depending on the state of the skin,
creams and lotions are usually used.
Special foot care products such as
GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion
are suitable for this foot problem. They
contain nourishing lipids as well as
moisture-binding ingredients such as urea.
In a suitable composition, they stabilise the
disturbed skin barrier. It also contains oat
extract. Its ingredients soothe itching. It is
important that the utilised care products
are scent free and dermatologically tested.
Broad spectrum
The concept and quality were the factors which made the GEHWOL
FUSSKRAFT products into a success after their introduction in the year 1961.
The exclusive product series which is only available from foot care professionals, podologists and cosmeticians is now 50 years young and far from tired.
The colours BLUE, GREEN, MINT and RED
make it easier for customers to orient themselves and recognise the products. The
product range has grown not only larger
and larger, but also more modern. Today’s
pharmaceutical forms range from creams to
lotions, sprays, scrubs and baths. The
increased demand for problem solvers,
wellness products and products which can
be easily used at any time is borne out by
the brand. Feel-good effects and problem
orientation arouse the enthusiasm of all foot
care fans – both young and old.
institutions. Production takes place in
accordance with quality criteria which fulfil
internationally recognised pharmaceutical
Strength of nature
True highlights in the continued development of the series are the first time use of
urea (since 1983) in foot care in the
GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Herbal Bath and the
discovery of Deozinc® against foot odour.
In the revised recipe of 2006, this development by the Gerlach product laboratory
became a significant component of
FUSSKRAFT GREEN. The use of ceramides
which are similar to nature in the
FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion to strengthen the skin barrier even more intensively is
no less innovative and equally successful.
The excellent attributes of the FUSSKRAFT
care series are, last but not least, based on
the natural healing powers of essential oils.
These plant extracts have a soothing effect
on our mental state, and also act directly
through the skin. In particular, the trio of
rosemary (medicinal plant of the year 2011),
mountain pine and lavender possesses
properties which have been shown to be
particularly effective in foot care.
“Completely new” – the exclusive foot care series GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT started in 1961.
uality was always the highest commandment of all GEHWOL products,
and has remained so to the present
day. This also applies to the exclusive care
series GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT. It started in
1961 with the first product: GEHWOL
FUSSKRAFT GREEN. What makes it
special: for the first time, a brand was being
developed exclusively by and for foot
mendations of foot care pros and returns it
in the form of high-quality products: a probate and proven process, since foot care
professionals know the needs of their
customers from their practice. This led to a
wide product range which proves itself
again and again, both in foot care practices
and for private foot care by end consumers.
Eduard Gerlach GmbH as the producer of
GEHWOL products implements the recom-
For instance, colour differentiation of the
foot creams has proven to be user friendly.
On the pulse of care
A strong brand
Then and now, the FUSSKRAFT series
profits from the overall strength of the
brand. For GEHWOL is Germany’s best
known foot care brand. Due to this
familiarity, it is also frequently used. The
reason for this lies in its traditionally high
The accustomed Gerlach quality was and is
the result of consistent, modern quality
management, ranging from purchasing high
quality raw materials via the most modern
production facilities to very extensive
application tests in recognised testing
A symbol of continued development –
(production stopped in 1990)
1983 FUSSKRAFT Herbal Bath
1985/1986 FUSSKRAFT Herbal Lotion
1990 FUSSKRAFT Warming Bath
1993 FUSSKRAFT Leg Vitality
1997 FUSSKRAFT ROT rich emollient
2004 FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion
2006 FUSSKRAFT Nail and skin
protection spray
2007 FUSSKRAFT Bamboo Scrub
2008 FUSSKRAFT Caring Foot Spray
The callus is the outermost layer of
our skin. It protects the body
against external influences. The
callus cells are linked by ceramides,
similarly to the grout in tiles.
eramides are among the lipids and
are widespread in the plant and animal world. They largely consist of
two components: One component (sphingosin) is very similar in all ceramides, while
the other (a fatty acid) determines the class
to which the respective ceramide belongs.
Ceramide I is particularly decisive for the
protective functions of the skin. With
ceramide III and other so-called skin lipids,
it binds the cells of the outermost skin
layer together. In this way, it prevents the
skin from losing water in an uncontrolled
manner. Ceramides lend the skin special
resistance to oxidation, temperature
variations and UV rays.
The body – a skin lipid
Certain skin cells form ceramides. But if the
necessary components for this synthesis
are missing, the body is not able to produce
these important skin lipids. This leads to
dry, scaly skin, whose barrier
function is disturbed – e.g. in
neurodermitis. The
ability to
form ceramides also lessens
with increasing age.
However skin lipids can also be
introduced directly into the
skin. A ceramide-containing
cream such as GEHWOL
FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion
supports the natural functions
of the skin. Studies have confirmed that twice daily application
of the lotion
largely normalises the barrier performance
and resistance of the skin
within only two weeks.
The glue of our cells – like grout in tiles, ceramides hold
the cells of the outer skin layers together.
tur Nordlich
Foto: Agen
Foto: Mylord Werbeagentur
Foto: Agentur
Macht und Reichtum
Erholung pur an den weißen Stränden in Warnemünde. Rechts oben: Großereignis – jedes Jahr besuchen über eine
Million Menschen die Hanse Sail. Rechts unten: Sehenswert – die im 13. Jahrhundert erbaute Marienkirche.
Von allem etwas, dies könnte das Motto der touristischen Metropole im Nordosten des Landes sein. Rostock bietet maritimen Charme genauso wie
historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und die hanseatische Tradition.
er Fluss (tok), der auseinanderfließt
(roz) – der slawische Stamm der
Kyzziner siedelte an der Stelle des
heutigen Rostocks bereits um 600 n. Chr.
und bezeichnete den Ort in genannter
Weise. Damit war das Auseinanderfließen
der Warnow gemeint, die 20 Kilometer
nördlich in die Ostsee mündet. Der Name
der Stadt hat sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte nur leicht verändert. Der Fürst von Mecklenburg und Herr über Rostock, Heinrich
Borwin I., bestätigt in einer ersten überlieferten Urkunde vom 24. Juni 1218 das damals
übliche Lübische Stadtrecht.
Nur zwölf Jahre später wurde am Neuen
Markt mit dem Bau der Marienkirche
begonnen, die heute zu den wichtigsten
Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt zählt und die
einzigartige astronomische Uhr beherbergt.
Im Jahr 1251 verlieh der dänische König
Abel Rostock die gleichen Handelsprivilegien wie zuvor schon Lübeck und bestätigte
ein Jahr später die Stadtrechte. Zu dieser
Zeit bestand Rostock noch aus drei Teilstädten, die sich im Jahr 1265 vereinigten.
Der Neue Markt wurde Stadtzentrum.
Machtvoller Pfennig
Die Verleihung des Münzrechtes spiegelte
die damals bedeutende Stellung und die
manifestierte Macht wider. So konnten die
Stadtherren ihre eigene Währung, den
Rostocker Pfennig, prägen. Der Verbund
der norddeutschen Hansestädte hielt bis
zum Dreißigjährigen Krieg. In der Folge kam
es zu unterschiedlichen Besatzungen, Plünderungen und im Jahr 1677 zu einem Großbrand, der weite Teile der Stadt zerstörte.
Nach zwischenzeitlich erneutem Reichtum
durch die Industrialisierung und den
Kriegen des vergangenen Jahrhunderts mit
seinen politischen Folgen nennt sich die
Stadt seit 1990 wieder Hansestadt. Trotz
der bewegten, teils zerstörerischen Vergangenheit ist Rostock reich an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Neben der Marienkirche und dem
Rathaus zählen das Steintor, die Petrikirche
mit ihrem 117 Meter hohen Turm, das Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz und viele weitere
Bauwerke der norddeutschen Backsteingotik zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten der Stadt.
hochkarätige Musikveranstaltungen. Im
Apollosaal gab beispielsweise Clara Schumann ihr Können zum Besten. Diese Tradition der Kultur findet heute ihren Niederschlag zum Beispiel in der Rostocker
Kunstnacht oder der Klassik-Nacht im Zoo.
Weißer Sand und eine
Million Besucher
Im Rostocker Klostergarten kommen jedes
Jahr Theaterfreunde auf ihre Kosten, wenn
beim Sommertheater sämtliche Werke von
Shakespeare gespielt werden. Ob Winter
oder Sommer – in der Metropole an der
Ostseeküste gibt es eine Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen, viel zu entdecken und zu erleben. Ein Besuch lohnt also immer.
Das jährlich stattfindende Großereignis
Hanse Sail unterstreicht Rostocks Stellung
als maritimes Zentrum der Region. Es zählt
zu den größten Treffen für traditionelle
Segelschiffe und Großsegler aus aller Welt
und lockt jährlich über eine Million Gäste
in die Stadt. Am zweiten Augustwochenende eines jeden Jahres bieten weit mehr
als 200 Schiffe rustikale oder exklusive
Mitsegelgelegenheiten an.
Doch auch kulturell hat die größte Stadt
Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns einiges zu bieten. Schon im 19. Jahrhundert gab es im
noch heute bestehenden Hotel „Sonne“
Shakespeare total
Information und Buchung
Tourismuszentrale Rostock & Warnemünde
Neuer Markt 3, 18055 Rostock
Telefon: 0381 3812222,
Fax: 0381 3812602
[email protected],
The right balance
Dry and therefore frequently rough, cracked, scaly, tense, itchy and sensitive
foot and leg skin which is imbalanced is susceptible to penetration by
pathogens. Proven many times, GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion
restores the balance and equalisation of moisture and lipids.
ower moisture content, increased moisture loss and a lack of lipids characterise dry skin. The body is unable to
correct the deficiency on its own. It therefore requires regular balancing care.
GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Hydrolipid-Lotion is
particularly effective here. Proven, highquality ingredients lastingly restore the
balance of moisture and lipids, equalising
the skin’s natural protective functions. The
balancing effects of the ingredients are
scientifically proven. Urea and glycerine
bind moisture in the deeper skin layers.
Tapioca starch handles this task at the skin
surface, rendering the callus layer supple
and noticeably reducing the formation of
new excess callus. Avocado and jojoba oil
provide missing lipids.
Ceramides as the most important components in the skin’s natural fat content
bolster the barrier layer and prevent its
dehydration. A component of various
essential oils, farnesol provides protection
against foot odour with its antibacterial
effects. The unscented lotion deodorises
and protects against foot fungus. Due to its
soft consistency, GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT
Hydrolipid-Lotion is easily applied to the
skin and rapidly absorbed with practically
no residue. It ensures a silky, pleasant skin
sensation on the feet and legs.
With regular use, GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT
Hydrolipid-Lotion ensures an optimal lipidmoisture ratio of the skin on the legs and
1. Preis
Freuen Sie sich auf eine kleine Aus: eit in der Hansestadt Rostock. Das
Steigenberger Hotel Sonne erwartet Sie : u : wei = bernachtungen inklusive
Frühstück, Massage und Abendessen.
itten im Herzen der alten Hafenmetropole und direkt neben dem Rathaus befindet
sich das traditionsreiche Steigenberger Hotel Sonne. Seine 124 hanseatisch stilvoll
eingerichteten Zimmer und Suiten verbreiten Wohlgefühl. Der Wellnessbereich mit
Sauna, Massage- und Kosmetikbereich lädt zum Erholen und Entspannen ein. Die Weinwirtschaft überrascht mit einem kulinarischen Verwöhnprogramm: Genießen Sie dort leckere
Kleinigkeiten und wunderbare Weine aus aller Welt.
In der exotischen Havanna-Bar erwarten die Gäste kubanisches Flair, exotische Cocktails und echte Habanos-Zigarren.
Im Restaurant & Bar SILO4 im Rostocker Stadthafen überrascht eine innovative Gastronomie mit einer atemberaubenden Aussicht. Hier ist der ideale Platz, um Ihren Blick über
Boote, Segler und Hafen schweifen zu lassen.
Der Gesamtmix aus Ambiente, frischer Seeluft und exzellentem Service verspricht unvergessliche Wohlfühlstunden und eine entspannende Auszeit an der Ostsee. Abseits vom Alltag genießen der Gewinner und seine Begleitung ein Wochenende in einem schönen Zimmer, beginnen den Tag mit einem gemütlichen Frühstück, lassen die Seele baumeln und tanken neue Kraft. Eine Teilkörpermassage im hoteleigenen Maria-Galland-Beauty-Center sorgt
für Entspannung. Im Preis enthalten ist an einem Abend auch das Silo`S Total Buffet im
Restaurant & Bar SILO4.
Wer kein Losglück hatte, kann eine Auszeit auch ohne Gewinn im Steigenberger Hotel
Sonne erleben. Informationen und Buchung: Steigenberger Hotel Sonne, Neuer Markt 2,
18055 Rostock, Telefon 0381 49730,
2.– 20. Preis
It depends on the use
Packaging for cosmetic products
must meet numerous requirements.
But why are some products offered in
tubes, and others in containers?
Environmentally gentle
and economic
Je ein fünfteiliges Set mit GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT-Pr>paraten für aktive,
wetterfest gepflegte Füße und Beine.
rische gepflegte Füße verleihen auch an heißen Tagen ein angenehmes Gefühl. Um
dafür bestmöglich gerüstet zu sein, eignen sich ideal die GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT-Produkte. GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT MINT beispielsweise vereint die belebende Eisfrische
einer kühlenden Minzelotion von asiatischem Heilpflanzenöl mit der sanften Pflegewirkung
eines sofort einziehenden Balsams. Den angenehmen Frischeeffekt unterstützt auch
das erprobte GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Pflegespray. Darüber hinaus wirkt es effizient gegen
lästigen Fußgeruch und schützt vor Fußpilz. Natürliches Bambus-Granulat im GEHWOL
FUSSKRAFT Bambus-Peeling entfernt sanft und gründlich abgestorbene Hautzellen, erneuert die Hautoberfläche und glättet sie. Schöne Nägel mit dem GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Nagelund Hautschutz-Spray runden das Wellnessprogramm für schöne Sommerfüße ab.
GEHWOL FUSSKRAFT Nagel- und Hautschut: -Spray
: usammen mit einem flauschigen weißen Handtuch
affects the shelf life of the products, since it
excludes a large area of contact with the
contents and therefore, the possibility of
pathogen entry.
onsumers rightfully expect that the
products and their often sensitive
ingredients maintain consistent high
quality even during storage. Consequently,
the selection of packaging has an important
role. Tubes have always been the packaging of choice for products with a high
share of essential oils. The practical system
ensures optimal protection. The mantle
reliably protects the highly sensitive
ingredients from light, oxygen and from
escaping. The tube closure also positively
Schicken Sie eine Postkarte mit dem Lösungswort oder
den ausgefüllten Antwort-Coupon an:
Tubes also win in environmental protection.
The 100 percent contents of a tube can be
used almost completely for soothing care.
The small tube opening also permits fine
and fresh dosing of the quantity to be used.
Smaller units, such as sample sizes for
rapid consumption, can also be used in
containers without doubt. Other products,
such as scrubs, are usually offered in larger
containers regardless. The wide opening
does expose the products in opened containers to more light and
air. However, it also permits rapid access to
larger quantities. In a
relaxing leg scrub, for
instance, this is very
Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH,
Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Einsendeschluss: 20. Mai 2011 (Poststempel)
Ihre Meinung interessiert uns, und wir freuen uns über jede Anregung.
Darüber würde ich im GEHWOL JOURNAL gerne etwas lesen:
Tube or container – both packages have their advantages.
Editorial staff and publishing company
Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications
GmbH, Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Phone 069 61 998-0, Fax 069 61 998-10,
E-mail: [email protected]
GEHWOL JOURNAL is published on behalf
of Eduard Gerlach GmbH, Lübbecke
Preisrätsel 2/ 2011
Ja, ich möchte mitmachen und gewinnen. Das Lösungswort lautet:
Redaktion GEHWOL JOURNAL, Dorothea Küsters Life Science Communications GmbH,
Leimenrode 29, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Einsendeschluss: 20. Mai 2011 (Poststempel)
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zum Gewinnversand bis auf Widerruf gespeichert.
Editorial management team: Dorothea
Küsters (responsible), Dirk Fischer
Editorial staff: Stefan Dudzinski-Lange,
Stefan Dietric h
Design: PUNKTUM Werbeagentur
GmbH, Bad Vilbel
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liability for manuscripts, discussion examples etc. which are submitted without
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of jurisdiction: Frankfurt am Main.
Presented by your foot care institute:

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