Romeo and Juliet


Romeo and Juliet
Freies Katholisches Bildungszentrum St. Kilian Heilbronn
Subject: English
Schoolyear 2008/2009
Romeo and Juliet
[Central Question:]1 Why…? How…? Whatever…
Written Assignment – GFS
7th of July 2009
Karl Heinz
Karl Heinz
Form 7c
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William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
table of contents
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William Shakespeare ........................................................................2
Shakespeare’s Life........................................................................................ 2
Shakespeare’s Work ..................................................................................... 2
Romeo and Juliet..............................................................................3
Content.......................................................................................................... 3
The modern version ...................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ........................................................................................5
Books ............................................................................................................ 6
Internet pages ............................................................................................... 6
Appendix .......................................................................................... A
Angaben zur Formatierung ...........................................................................A
Layout ...........................................................................................................A
Ich erkläre, dass ich die Arbeit selbstständig und nur mit den angegebenen Hilfsmitteln angefertigt habe und dass alle Stellen, die dem Wortlaut oder dem Sinne nach
anderen Werken entnommen sind, durch Angabe der Quellen als Entlehnung kenntlich gemacht worden sind.
Karlsruhe, den 07. März 2009 _________________________
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
1 Introduction
„William Shakespeare was born to John Shakespeare and mother Mary Arden
some time in late April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is no record of his birth,
but his baptism was recorded by the church, thus his birthday is assumed to be the
23 of April. His father was a prominent and prosperous alderman in the town of
Stratford-upon-Avon, and was later granted a coat of arms by the College of Heralds. All that is known of Shakespeare's youth is that he presumably attended the
Stratford Grammar School, and did not proceed to Oxford or Cambridge.“2
Hier wurden Informationen wortwörtlich übernommen! Dieses Zitat muss in Anführungs- und Schlusszeichen gesetzt werden. Wird dies nicht gekennzeichnet, gilt
es als abgeschrieben! Normalerweise werden Zitate, die länger als drei Zeilen sind
kursiv geschrieben und eingerückt. Bei Zitaten unter dieser Länge, werden sie
nicht-kursiv einfach in den Fließtext integriert!
2 - Last visit...
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
2 William Shakespeare
2.1 Shakespeare’s Life
William Shakespeare3
2.1.1 The early years
In 1564 Shakespeare is born…4
Hier wurden Informationen sinngemäß übernommen. Auch dies muss gekennzeichnet werden. Hierfür reicht eine einfach Fußnote am Ende des Satzes. In
der Angabe wird nun vgl./Vgl. bzw. compare geschrieben. Daran kann man erkennen, woher die Grundlage für den Inhalt stammt!
2.1.2 The “later” Shakespeare
2.2 Shakespeare’s Work
2.2.1 His most famous plays
2.2.2 …
Picture taken from:
Compare: - Last visit:...
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
3 Romeo and Juliet
3.1 Content
The lovestory of this to young persons acts in Verona in the 16th century. It´s a theatre tragedy in five acts. Romeo son of the Montagues is
a boy who first fell in love with Rosalie, an normal girl of the town. But on
a ball he saw Juliet, the daughter of the Capulets which are the enemies
of the Montagues. And he forgot about his love to Rosalie. Romeo and
Juliet fell in love and wanted to get married.
The problem is, that the both families really hated each other, and so
they had to love each other secret. But a pastor, who´s a friend of Romeo, helped them, because he thought with this marriage he could get
the bozh hated families together, and so they got married. One day
there was a fight between the cousin of Juliet and Romeo.
In the end Romeo killed the cousin and have to leave Verona, because
he was banished. Juliet didn´t wanted to let him go, but she knew if she
didn´t let him go, he would be killed.
In his last night, Romeo went to her for a sleep. Juliet´s first mother,
which is her confidant helped Romeo. The goodbye in the morning is
very hard for both.
The Parents of Juliet which didn´t know about the love to Romeo choose
a man,Prince Paris, for her.
She didn´t want to get married with him, but she also couldn´t tell her
parents about Romeo, so she searched for help at the pastor.
He told her to drink some special sleeping draft, that makes her sleeping
for one day, but she looks like if she were dead.
Juliet said yes, because this way could be the only one to run out of the
marriage with Prince Paris.
Balthasar the slave of Romeo, saw the burial of Juliet, without being
Enlightened of the pastor. Romeo, which is very desperated didn´t saw
an other way as to kill himself. He took a gift, and went a last time to
Juliet to her casket. He cried an drunk the gift. When Juliet woke up and
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
saw her lover dead she also killed herself. As a consequence both families finally made peace
3.2 The modern version
In 1996 Baz Luhrman made the most famous film version about “Romeo
and Juliet” . He liked the drama his whole life and one time he said:
“Everyone, from a child to an adult, can have a rich experience from
Romeo and Juliet”. Leonardo di Caprio plays Romeo and Claire Danes
has the role of Juliet. On the one hand he takes the original text but on
the other hand he presents it like it would be set in a city of today’s
South America. The city is dirty and there is much violence. The Montagu- groups are dressed very colour full and the Capulets are dressed
like dark bad cowboys, so you can see clearly the difference between
the Capulets and Montagues. It’s similar to the outfits in the Westsidestory. In the succes of the film you can see that the problems of hate,
love and violence are never unintresting.
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
4 Conclusion
In the conclusion you should give the answer to your central question. It is a kind of
short summary of your written assignment. Usually it is about ½ a page long.
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
5 Sources
5.1 Books
! author: title. place: publisher year.
! Fischer, Hanns: Studien zum Ball. Tübingen: Niemeyer
! Strasser, Ingrid: Der Ball ist rund. Wien: Fassbender
! Ziegeler, Hans-Joachim: Das Besondere an der Sportart
Basketball. München: Artemis 2001.
5.2 Internet pages
! – article: Shakespeare. Last visit:
! www.ichweiß – article: Shakespeare early
years. Last visit: 27.03.2009
William Shakespeare – Why…?
GFS – Karl Heinz 2008/2009
6 Appendix
In den Anhang kommen Handout und alle zusätzlichen Dokumente. Die folgenden
Angaben zu Layout und Formatierung werden natürlich gelöscht. ☺
6.1 Angaben zur Formatierung
Schriftart: Arial
Schriftgröße: 12,
Zeilenabstand: 1,5
Seitenrand: 2,5
# Bitte Blocksatz mit Silbentrennung verwenden!
# Absätze bitte nur bei Sinnabschnitten einfügen!
6.2 Layout
Das Layout sollte einheitlich gestaltet werden. Am besten wird in der
Kopfzeile das Thema und der Name des Verfassers erwähnt. In der
Fußzeile müssen Seitenzahlen eingefügt werden.