hanzestadt-magazin.qxp 2


hanzestadt-magazin.qxp 2
Das Magazin zum Groningen–Projekt
Das Groningen-Projekt
Wie international die Hochschulen in Bremen sind,
bekommt man eher spärlich zu sehen. Um dieses
zen, in denen die Holländer ihre Szenarien vorspielten. So stellte z.B. die Bürgermeisterin von
Image aufzubessern, beteiligte sich der Studiengang Fachjournalistik im vierten Semester der
Hochschule Neustadtswall an einem internationalen Austausch mit der Holländische Hoch-
Rostock einen Unfall während der Demonstrationen vor, während auf einer anderen Pressekonferenz der Wachtmeister vermeldete, dass
zwei Polizisten einen Demonstranten überfahren
schule aus Groningen.
Das Projekt wurde in der Hanzehogeschool in
Groningen von Studenten des Studienganges
Media&Communication entwickelt: Passend zum
hatten. Die Bremer Studenten indessen überfielen
die Pressesprecher, Bürgermeisterinnen und Polizisten mit Fragen.
Nach erfolgreichen Pressekonferenzen auf beiden
G8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm entstand ein Szenario,
in dem sich die Groninger als Hauptverantwortliche und Gastgeber des Gipfels entpuppten.
Seiten klang der Tag bei einem gemütlichen Getränk im Bremer Brauhauskeller Schüttinger aus.
Freitag war Streit angesagt: Die knapp 100 Stu-
Die Studenten aus Bremen bekamen die Rolle, in
die sie nur zu gerne hineinwachsen würden – sie
waren die Presse.
denten wurden zum Debattieren in Gruppen aufgeteilt, in denen Bremer und Holländer sich
gegenseitig zu überzeugen versuchten. Klima-
Der Austausch fand in Bremen statt. Jeder Bremer
Student bekam einen Buddy oder auch zwei aus
Holland, um ihn oder sie in die Gegebenheiten des
Bremer Studentenlebens einzuweihen. Am Don-
wandel, Hilfe für Afrika und die Terrorgefahr beim
G8-Gipfel waren die Hauptstreitpunkte. Mit einer
heißen Spontandebatte, Danksagungen und Einladungen, doch auch mal in Groningen vorbeizu-
nerstag nach dem Mittagessen in der Mensa
starteten auch schon die ersten Pressekonferen-
schauen, klang das Projekt gegen Freitagmittag
aus. Und hinterließ zufriedene Gesichter.
Die Hochschule Bremen feiert in diesem Jahr das
25-jährige Bestehen ihres Standorts am Neustadtswall. Derzeit studieren hier 3.485 Menschen. Neben Architektur, Schiffsbau und Bionik
ist auch der Studiengang der Fachjournalistik am
Neustadtswall angesiedelt.
Die Hanze University Groningen ist mit 45.000
Studierenden und über 70 Studiengängen die
größte berufsbezogene Hochschule im Norden
der Niederlande. Studiengänge wie Betriebswirtschaft, International Physiotherapie Programme
und Musik werden hier angeboten.
ess report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress report --- Progress repo
The Groningen Crisis in Bremen
After many weeks of preparation and
sunlight to find our fellow students enjoying the
anxious anticipation, the sixth of June rays whilst gulping down some of Germany’s
finally arrived. It arrived on time, as finest.
expected, as did the bus at the parking lot of the Hanzehogeschool in It was time to have a taste of a traditional German
Groningen. After also the last student
had found his passport and felt rather safe than
sorry whilst crossing the border into the far, far
west, the bus was ready to leave. Despite the
plate. We were lead through the city, passing by
the famous “Bremer Stadtmusikanten”, to a
brewery where there were plenty of “fitness
teller” to be eaten. As an extra treat we were wit-
small delay the bus arrived considerably on time
and the students were teamed up with their buddies, after which the way was made to the canteen for the first taste of genuine Germany. To be
nesses to a true cultural bachelor party. We used
the after dinner dip to exploit the happy hour and
to bond some more. Music, movies, parties and all
the other important aspects in our lives were thor-
quite honest, before we left a lot of people were oughly discussed. Some Groningers felt like conjust eager to get it over with and get back to tinuing partying, the others did too. Several decidGroningen to deal with the deadlines, upcoming ed to explore the inner city of Bremen and the rest
exams and with catching up on things we were thought it best to retreat to the youth hostel.
behind on. However, by the time lunch was over
most of us had engaged ourselves in deep conver- Later that morning it was time to appreciate freshsation with our German buddies. Discussions
arose in which the Germans gave off on their canteen, the food and the school in general, after
which the Groningers politely claimed that it was
ly baked “kaiserbrötchen”, watermelons and the
required strong coffee before making our way
back to Bremen. Back at the Hochschule there
were some heated debates going on, but not to
not half bad and they should come check out the
way things are arranged in Groningen.
After a short introduction speech came a longer
introduction speech followed by a rather lengthy
introduction speech. Shortly after, the groups
wandered off to different parts of the buildings to
worry, that was all as scheduled. The end result
was that the Groningers took seventy-five percent
of the winnings home and consequently left
twenty-five percent in Germany. These winnings
were paid out in the form of some delicious bottles
silently prepare for their respective pending tasks.
A relatively insane amount of caffeine was consumed and the spirits were skyrocketing by the
delicious, but also its contents, which is just as well.
of wine. And, on a side note, not only the bottles were
There was little left to do but say goodbye and wait
for the bus to take us back to Groningen, so that is
time my group was up for performance. The
mayor of Rostock, the chief of police, the public
prosecutor and the head of emergency services
informed the journalists that most investigations
what we did. It was not until late afternoon that the
bus was to leave, however, so we had some time to
discover the city a little more, or rather, try out the
fresh carpet of grass in the park.
were still pending and it was therefore not yet
possible to answer all questions satisfactory.
By the time we had convinced the journalists that
everything was under control and there was no-
All in all we had a great time, and since most of us
are leaving for a year, we would be delighted to
welcome the lot of you in Groningen any time after
thing to worry about, we stumbled out into the
the coming year.
Irene Kwint
Demonstrant bei G8Protesten getötet
drei von ihnen schwer. Zwei weitere Menschen starben aufgrund von
gesundheitlichen Vorbelastungen. Wie genau es
zu dieser Explosion kommen konnte, ist bislang
unklar. Obwohl die Polizeieinheit KAVALA schon
um 6.00 morgens eine Bombendrohung erhalten
hat, war es ihnen in neun Stunden nicht möglich,
die Bombe im Eingangsbereich des Kempinski
Hotels zu finden. Die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wurden daraufhin erhöht . „Wir haben die Anzahl der
anwesenden Polizisten von 2800 auf 4000 aufgestockt. Es besteht nunmehr keine Gefahr für die
Dies ist nun schon der dritte Todesfall, der im heute ankommenden G8-Staatschefs, sowie für
Zusammenhang mit dem G8-Gipfel steht. Am 20. die Demonstranten“, so Rieke Schües.
Mai wurden bei einer Explosion im Kempinski Der G8-Gipfel wird wie geplant in Heiligendamm
Hotel in Heiligendamm mehrere Personen verletzt, statt finden.
Investigations instead of Results
hints to terroristic organizations. As he told at a
press conference they charged a suspect man in
England who is said to have had contact to Al
Quaida. But nothing is certain yet. It seems as
if the prefered sentence of all authorities is:
"There are still investigations...". There
are investigations whether the explosion
is the result of a fire-bombing attack or
"only" a Molotov cocktail, investigations
of the culprits and of course investigations
of the security strategy.
ROSTOCK. A bomb threat, an explosion, injured
people and deadly victims - these are the sad
headlines of the G8 summit in Heiligendamm last
weekend. Despite all precautions the
security conditions were disastrous.
And still there are no answers.
An explosion at the outside entrance
of the Hotel Kempinski shocked the
world on Thursday afternoon. That
was the bad case(unclear), and although Kavala authorities received a bomb
threat from an anonymous source the same morning they could not avert this. One person lost its
life because of an asthma attack that was caused
by smoke developed after the explosion. At first,
authorities spoke of a few injured people of
whom three critically injured employees of the
hotel were brought to hospital by an air ambulance.
- The security strategy meets with a lot of critizism.
In spite of everything the mayor of Rostock, Tom
Konings, trusted in this strategy. In an official notification he said: "Our emergency forces have
responded remarkably well today, which shows
we are prepared and fully capable to host the G8
summit." Nevertheless, anti G8 demonstrations
ended in chaos and violence and about 100
people were arrested. One elderly activist died as
a result of a heart attack. If all these detentions
were justified and if the police is on the right trace
- all that is still under investigation.
At an event like the G8 summit the question suggests itself if these people were victims of a terroristic act. - Police inspector Remon Moes traces
report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --- report --
One week after the press conference, the journalists wrote a report about the happenings around
the G8 summit in Heiligendamm. Magdalena Hilgefort wrote this:
m --- news item --- news item --- news item --- news item --- news item --- news item
Kurz nach der
Pressekonferen schrieben
die Journalistikstudenten
ein News item über die
jüngsten Ereignisse rund
um den G8-Gipfel. Ein
Beispiel von Anne Müller
Heiligendamm/Rostock- Bei einem Unfall auf einer
Großdemonstration in Rostock kam es gestern zu
einem Todesfall. Ein 64 Jahre alter Mann wurde
von einem Polizeiauto überfahren und war sofort
tot. Rieke Schües, Sprecherin der Polizeieinheit
KAVALA, bedauert den Vorfall zutiefst, weist aber
jede Verantwortung von sich. Nachfragen zum
genauen Hergang des Unfalls, ebenso wie zur
Identität des Mannes wurden nicht beantwortet,
um die laufenden Ermittlungen nicht zu gefährden.
Progress report
by Karen Dahlke
Lunchtime 7th of June
The Dutch students arrived. We didn't know if
we should go and welcome them or just wait in
front of the Cafeteria. All in all, we went and
greeted them. Some of us had produced quite
cool signs with the names of their "buddies".
Others of us just tried to find their students in
the chaos.
At the press-conference, everybody
felt the adrenalin. You
could feel the tension
between the journalists and
spokespeople. The represantatives of the press
tried to hold back information from the others.
Some really had to fight, in order, to discover or
cover information.
After press-conference
Well, I think most of us had quite a hard time to
write the article. There were so much information and yet too less. We wrote about three
dreadful events but, nowever, we had quite less
detailed information. So our articles ended up
being pretty shallow.
Lunch 7th of June
The students from abroad were quite eager to
eat something. Our "Mensa" fascinated them
and they enjoyed their meals. All in all they ate
more than we did. But we had a pretty funny
lunch and did a lot of talking. We just tried to
find out how well both sides were prepared.
After lunch
There were the speeches of our teachers and of
the Groningen teachers. Everybody listened and
tried to find out how the whole event would go.
All of us were quite excited waiting for the
beginning of the first press-conference.
Sorry, because of work I couldn't be there. But I
heard that the people had a great time. I would
have liked to join.
Die Ergebnisse des G8-Gipfels
Die G-8-Staaten streben Verpflichtungen zur Senkung der
Treibhausgase an. Das EU-Ziel, die Halbierung des CO2-Ausstoßes bis 2050, wird "ernsthaft in Betracht gezogen". Die
Verhandlungen über ein Folgeabkommen nach dem 2012
auslaufenden Kyoto-Protokoll beginnen auf UN-Ebene bei
der Weltklimakonferenz im Dezember in Bali.
In Zusammenarbeit mit den Schwellenländern wollen die
G-8-Staaten die Produktpiraterie stärker bekämpfen. Dazu
gehört eine Verschärfung des Patentrechts für Medikamente.
Zur Bekämpfung von Aids, Tuberkulose und Malaria, vor
allem in Afrika, wollen die G-8-Staaten in den nächsten
Jahren mindestens 60 Milliarden Dollar bereitstellen. Rund
40 Millionen Menschen weltweit sind mit der Immunschwäche infiziert, davon fast 25 Millionen in Afrika.
Mit Blick auf den Klimaschutz soll eine wirksamere und
sparsamere Nutzung von Energie gefördert werden. Das G8-Dokument enthält kein Plädoyer für die Atomkraft.
Die G-8-Staaten wollen das Gesundheits- und Bildungswesen in Afrika stärken, den Aufbau von Finanzmärkten
voranbringen, Investitionen ankurbeln. Zu diesem Zweck
sollen 25 Milliarden Dollar Entwicklungshilfe nach Afrika
fließen. Das ist doppelt so viel als bisher.
Sozial- und Umweltstandards sowie Regeln für den verantwortlichen Umgang mit Rohstoffvorkommen in Entwicklungsländern sollen weiterentwickelt und Barrieren für Auslandsinvestitionen abgebaut werden. Investitionsfreiheit
wird als Stützpfeiler von Wirtschaftswachstum, Wohlstand
und Beschäftigung bezeichnet.
Alena Hecker
[email protected]
Balkema LS, Linda
[email protected]
Arion Ngouango
[email protected]
Beurer SJ, Sarah
[email protected]
Anne Grüneberg
[email protected]
Borgdorf J, Julia
[email protected]
Anne Müller
[email protected]
Borgs KM, Kathrin
[email protected]
Anna Wnuck
[email protected]
Bruns ME, Marion
[email protected]
Any Mumme
[email protected]
Chap SMT, Shannon
[email protected]
Bastian Dincher
[email protected]
Diephaus-Borchers, Lea
[email protected]
Charlotte Steenken [email protected]
Do HMT, Trang
[email protected]
Christian Läßig
[email protected]
Eilers MB, Mariëlle
[email protected]
Christian Meyer
[email protected] MF, Mercy
[email protected]
Christiane Looß
[email protected]
Ganzeveld J, Jeroen
[email protected]
Christin Bamberg
[email protected]
Goren BH, Bert
[email protected]
Christina Dieckhof
[email protected]
Groot DS de, Didier
[email protected]
Daniel Traina
[email protected]
Hallwass L, Linda
[email protected]
Dmitry Gukov
[email protected]
Harn I van, Iris
[email protected]
Esra Nalbant
[email protected]
Hayranoglu C, Ceylan
[email protected]
Eva Schenk
[email protected]
Herpen RW van, Robert [email protected]
Felicitas Daxner
[email protected]
Hristov IS, Iskren
[email protected]
Felix Rohwer
[email protected]
Jace I, Inese
[email protected]
Franziska Pröber
[email protected]
Juwita Mahliandari
[email protected]
Hasan Goekkaya
[email protected]
Kassem N, Nil
[email protected]
Jill Grigoleit
[email protected]
Koning W, Welmoed
[email protected]
Jonathan Eberlein
[email protected]
Konings T, Tom
[email protected]
Julia Ludger
[email protected]
Kwint I, Irene
[email protected]
Karen Dahlke
[email protected]
[email protected]
Karen Rohleder
[email protected]
Luijk AB van, Andrea
[email protected]
Katharina Manz
[email protected]
Lukasinska L, Linda
[email protected]
Katrin Stegitz
[email protected]
Magdziok TM, Thomas
[email protected]
Magdalena Hilgefort [email protected]
Melnychuk L, Lyudmyla
[email protected]
Manuela Schulte
[email protected]
Moes CE, Céline
[email protected]
Marc Kiesling
[email protected]
Moes RA, Remon
[email protected]
Martin Reche
[email protected]
Muilwijk F, Fonne
[email protected]
Neele Diegelmann
[email protected]
Müller-Lenzholz MR, Malin [email protected]
Sandra Peter
[email protected]
Nessmar JC, Jenny
Sandy Bradtke
[email protected]
Sonja Broy
[email protected]
Suzan-Viola Rohde
[email protected]
Tanja Lammerding
[email protected]
Alekov AT, Aleksandar [email protected]
Assies FR, Floris
[email protected]
Nahimana A, Amanda
Nessmar JC, Jenny
Nordmann AK, Anna
Onderdijk RA, Renee
Pagels SC, Sarah
Remeeus M, Marigje
Ruiz Treviño EC, Edna
Saathoff K, Kerstin
Schües FRL, Franziska
Schutter MN de, Margriet
Smart K, Kris
Strüve W, Wiebke
Veeneman LC, Lian
Verbree JC, Carin
Visser LI, Lieke
Wang W, Wensen
Warzecha T, Tanja
Wiek P van, Petra
Zeljak S, Stanko
Salli Peter
Denise Kirchner
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Manuela Schulte, Marc Kiesling, Anna
Wnuck, Bianca Jacobi
Anne Müller, Manuela Schulte, Anna
Wnuck, Marc
Magdalena Hilgefort, Karen Dalke, Irene Kwint,
Anne Müller, Marc Kiesling
Bastian Dincher

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