03/2010, 1-15 February - Fachinformationsverbund Internationale


03/2010, 1-15 February - Fachinformationsverbund Internationale
Current Bibliography
International Relations
and Area Studies
Internationale Beziehungen
und Länderkunde
Bulletin Bibliographique
Relations Internationales
et Etudes Régionales
Sorted by regions
Vol. 19 (February 1-15, 2010) 03
World Affairs Online (WAO)
New entries to the database
Neuzugänge zur Datenbasis
Nouvelles acquisitions de la base de données
ISSN 1611–4248
Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde
Members / Mitglieder / Membres:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg
Subject fields / Fachgebiete / Domaines traités:
International Relations / Internationale Beziehungen / Relations Internationales:
International politics, worldwide international system, regional international systems, international conflicts, international
security, international economics, international law, groups of countries, international organisations, foreign policies, defence
policies, arms control, external cultural relations.
Internationale Politik, weltweites internationales System, regionale internationale Systeme, internationale Konflikte,
internationale Sicherheit, internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, internationales Recht, Staatengruppierungen, internationale Organisationen, Außenpolitik, Verteidigungspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, Auswärtige Kulturpolitik.
Politique internationale, système international à l'échelle mondiale, systèmes internationaux régionaux, conflits
internationaux, sécurité internationale, relations économiques internationales, droit international, regroupements d'Etats,
organisations internationales, politique extérieure, politiques de défense, maîtrise des armements, relations culturelles
Area studies / Länderkunde / Etudes régionales:
Political and social structure of countries, political systems, national economics, social services, infrastructure, national law,
defence and internal security, main historical developments.
Ländergesamtstruktur, gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen, politische Systeme, nationale Wirtschaft, Sozialwesen, Infrastruktur,
nationales Rechtswesen, Verteidigung und (innere) Sicherheit, historische Entwicklungslinien.
Structure générale des pays, développement politique et social, systèmes politiques, économie nationale, réseau social,
infrastructure, système juridique national, défense et sécurité intérieure, grandes lignes historiques.
Volume 19, 2010, No. 03
ISSN 1611-4248
Data entry deadline / Redaktionsschluss / Clôture de la rédaction: 2010.02.18
Publication date / Erscheinungsdatum / Date de parution:
The Current Bibliography is published twice a month, in the 2nd and 4th week of a month
Der Literaturdienst erscheint zweimal monatlich, jeweils in der zweiten bzw. vierten Monatswoche
Le bulletin bibliographique paraît deux fois par mois, dans le courant de la 2ème et 4ème semaine
Price / age / Porto / Frais postales
Publisher / Herausgeber / Editeur:
Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde
Editor / Redaktion / Rédaction:
Barbara Schmelz
Printed and distributed by / Druck
und Vertrieb / Impression et distribution:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Ludwigkirchplatz 3-4, 10719 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 88007-302
Fax: +49 30 88007-158
Email: [email protected]
All rights reserved. No storage in information systems and no other reproduction is permitted in whole or part without the expressed consent of
the publisher.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Vervielfältigung oder Reproduktion jeder Art, insbesondere die Überführung in maschinenlesbare Form sowie das
Speichern in Informationssystemen, auch auszugsweise, ist nur mit schriftlicher Zustimmung des Herausgebers gestattet.
Tous droits réservés. Toute copie ou reproduction, par quelque procédé que ce soit, même partielle, en particulier l'adaptation en langage
machine ou l'enregistrement dans des systèmes informatiques, est illicite sans le consentement écrit de l'éditeur.
© 2010 Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Germany
Subject and regional Classification
Sach- und Regionalklassifikation
Classification des matières et classification régionale
Main part / Hauptteil / Partie principale
Europa / Europe
The Americas
Amerika (insgesamt) / Amérique (entière)
North America (without Mexico)
Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
Latin America
Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
Africa (total)
Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)
Africa south of Sahara
Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
Near and Middle East and North Africa
Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord
Asia (total)
Asien (insgesamt) / Asie (entière)
Asia (without western Asia)
Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
10. Oceania
Ozeanien / Océanie
11. Antarctica
Antarktis / Antarctique
12. Oceans/supracontinental regions
Meere/kontinentübergreifende Regionen / Océans/Régions transcontinentales
13. International organisations
Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales
14. Developed countries
Entwickelte Länder / Pays Développes
15. Developing countries
Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement
16. Other groups of countries/area
Sonstige Ländergruppen/Räume / autres groupes de pays/régions
17. World wide
Weltweit / Universel
18. Space
Weltraum / Espace
19. Without regional aspect
Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
Index / Registerteil / Index
Authors' index
Personenregister / Index d'auteurs
Index of corporate authors
Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Index of serials
Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques
The source of this Current Bibliography, the database WAO - World Affairs Online, contains about 806.000
referral units (since 1974). The type of documents are: Articles (62%), books and reports (30%), official
publications (6%). Approx. 49% of the original documents are in English, 28% in German, 12% in French, 4% in
Spanish, 4% in Russian, the rest in other languages. (Updated: January 2010)
The database is available for the public free of charge at the subject gateway IREON and at GENIOS in the
framework of WISO-Net.
Members of FIV - The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies have access to
the database on a server computer of the software house KTS Informationssysteme GmbH in Munich. The
database is produced and managed with the documentation software system DOMESTIC. The program ADP
is used for printing. Both are software products of KTS Informations-Systeme.
The database is produced with co-operation from the following institutes:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH), Hamburg
Peace Research Institute (PRIF/HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg
FIV - The German Information Network International Relations and Area Studies has started to applicate
diacritics in its data base. For a transitional period the titles are shown both with and without diacritics.
The literature generally can be found in the institution producing the record as well as in other institutions,
whose location is represented by a code followed by the signature. If possible, one location of a accessible
library is offered as well.
You will find the online edition of the Current Bibliography on:
Example for a record:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André
Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
1) Current number used in the indexes for reference to the
main part. Multiple entries of one record in the main part
have reference numbers separated by a semicolon.
2) Record producing institution
3) Database ID
4) Locations/shelf numbers of member institutes
5) The library code helps you to identify the library, where
the publication is available.
Die diesem Literaturdienst zugrunde liegende Datenbasis WAO - World Affairs Online enthält etwa 806.000
Nachweise seit 1974. Zeitschriften- und Buchaufsätze haben einen Anteil von rund 62%, Bücher und Reports
von 30%, amtliche Veröffentlichungen von 6%. Rund 49% der Quellen sind in englischer Sprache, 28% in
Deutsch, 12% in Französisch, 4% in Spanisch, 4% in Russisch, der Rest in anderen Sprachen. (Stand:
Januar 2010)
Für die Öffentlichkeit wird die Datenbasis im kostenlos zugänglichen Fachportal IREON und bei GENIOS im
Rahmen von WISO-Net angeboten.
Für Mitglieder des FIV - Fachinformationsverbunds Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde ist die
Datenbasis auf einem Server-Rechner des Software-Hauses KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH in München
zugänglich. Sie wird mit dem Dokumentationsprogramm DOMESTIC aufgebaut und verwaltet. Die
Druck-Aufbereitung erfolgt mit ADP. Beides sind Softwareprodukte der KTS Informations-Systeme GmbH.
Der Aufbau der Datenbasis erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit folgender Institutionen:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg
Der FIV - Fachinformationsverbund Internationale Beziehungen und Länderkunde hat begonnen, in seiner
Datenbank Diakritika zu verwenden. Übergangsweise werden somit Titel mit und ohne Diakritika
Die Literatur ist in der Regel bei dem Institut vorhanden, das den einzelnen Literaturdatensatz erfasst hat
und/oder bei dem Institut, dessen Standort durch seinen Kurzcode gefolgt von der jeweiligen Signatur
angegeben wird. Wenn möglich, wird darüber hinaus ein Standort in einer zugänglichen Bibliothek
Die Online-Ausgabe des Literaturdienstes finden Sie unter:
Beispiel für einen Literaturdatensatz:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André
Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
1) Laufende Nummer, auf die von den Registern
verwiesen wird. Laufende Nummern, die im Registerteil
mit Semikolon verbunden sind, verweisen auf
Mehrfacheinträge desselben Datensatzes im Hauptteil
2) Erfassende Institution
3) Datenbank-Identnummer
4) Standorte/Signaturen einzelner Verbundinstitute
5) Mit Hilfe des Bibliothekssigelverzeichnisses kann die
durch den Code repräsentierte öffentliche Bibliothek
ermittelt werden
La base de données WAO - World Affairs Online à partir de laquelle s'élabore ce produit documentaire,
comprend quelque 806.000 références bibliographiques enregistrées depuis 1974. Les articles de périodiques
et de livres constituent environ 62%, les monographies et les rapports représentent 30%, les imprimés officiels
6%. Environ 49% des sources bibliographiques sont de langue anglaise, 28% sont en allemand, 12% en
français, 4% en espagnol et 4% en russe, le reste se répartissant entre les autres langues (dernière mise à jour
: Janvier 2010).
La base de données est accessible au public à partir du portail scientifique gratuit IREON et par GENIOS dans
le cadre de WISO-NET.
La base de données est accessible aux membres du réseau d'information spécialisée “Relations
internationales et études régionales” (FIV) sur le serveur auprès KTS Informationssysteme GmbH à Munich.
Elle est produite et gérée avec le logiciel documentaire DOMESTIC. La mise en forme pour l'édition est
réalisée avec le programme ADP. Ces deux logiciels sont des produits de KTS Informations-Systeme.
La base de données est réalisée en collaboration avec les organismes suivants:
Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC), Bonn
Deutsch-Französisches Institut (DFI), Ludwigsburg
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg
Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Berlin
Fachbereich Politische Wissenschaft - Otto-Suhr-Institut (FUB/OSI)
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg
Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK), Frankfurt am Main
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH), Hamburg
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Berlin
Südost-Institut (SOI), Regensburg
Le réseau d’information spécialisée “Relations internationales et études régionales” (FIV) a commencé à
introduire les signes diacritiques. On trouvera donc temporairement un mélange de titres avec et sans signes
Le document cité se trouve normalement à l'institut qui a enregistré les données ou encore dans les instituts
qui sont mentionnés par un code. Le cas échéant, on trouvera également la référence d'une bibliothèque
Vouz trouvez l’édition en ligne de ce bulletin bibliographique sur:
Exemple d'une notice bibliographique:
4181) Kohorst, Pia; Neuneck, Götz; Rothkirch, André:
Weltraumbewaffnung und Optionen präventiver
Rüstungskontrolle / Pia Kohorst ; Götz Neuneck ; André
Rothkirch. - In: Friedensgutachten 05 /
Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen
Studiengemeinschaft ... - Münster: Lit Verl., 2006,
S. 154-162 - ISBN 3-8258-8592-5
HSF2) D 7649923) 4)SWP: U. 701 DGA: DG 39147 HSF: HSFK
BIC: BY FRGUT IAs: D31 Öff. StaO: 1a 5)
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
1) Numéro d'ordre renvoyant à celui des registres. Les
chiffres séparés dans les index par un point-virgule
renvoient à plusieurs entrées d'un même
enregistrement dans le corpus bibliographique
2) Institution responsable de la saisie
3) Numéro d'identification dans la base de données
4) Localisation/cotes de chacun des organismes membres
5) On peut retrouver à l'aide du répertoire des sigles de
bibliothèques une bibliothèque publique symbolisée par
un code.
Updated: January 2007
General literature
General studies / Area studies
Biographical / Memoirs
International politics / system
International relations / process
Foreign policy
International law
International political integration
International political conflicts
Transnational relations /
SB07 International organisations /
International security /
SC01 International relations in the field
of international security
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SC04 Military strategy
SC05 War / Warfare
SC06 Military capacity
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
SC06.02 Armament
SC06.03 Organisation of military
SC07 Military economy
SC07.01 Armaments industry
SC07.02 Arms trade
International economy
SD01 World economy / International
economic system
SD01.01 International trade /
International trade system
SD01.02 Currency / International
monetary system
SD02 International economic relations
/ economic cooperation
SD02.01 Regional economic
cooperation / Economic
SD03 International transactions /
capital flow
SD03.01 Foreign trade
SD03.02 International capital
movements / Direct
SD03.03 International labour flow
SD03.04 External public debts
SD04 Policy of external economic
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
International cultural relations
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SE02 International relations in the field
of education and science
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SE03 International lingual relations /
Foreign languages
SE04 International media relations /
Communication / Information
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SF01.01 Change of the political system
/ Democratisation
SF01.02 Human rights
SF02 Governmental system /
Government institutions
SF03 Political parties
SF04 Political participation
SF04.01 Elections
SF05 Domestic policy
SF06 Internal security / Domestic
SF06.01 Civil war
SF06.02 Terrorism
SF06.03 Criminality
SF07 Military and society /
SF08 Regions / Local government
SF09 Public administration
SF10 Law
SG01 Social system / Social policy
SG02 Social process / Social structure
SG02.01 Demography
SG02.02 Social groups
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement /
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
SG03.01 Social security
SG03.02 Health
SG04 Education / Training
SG05 Political culture / Formation of
SG05.01 Ideologies
SG05.02 Public opinion
SG06 Media / Information
SG07 Social movements / associations
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SH01 Economic system / Basic
economic conditions
SH02 Economic development /
Economic policy
SH02.01 Economic policy /
Development policy
SH02.02 Socio-economic development
/ structure
SH02.03 Business cycles / Business
cycle policy
SH02.04 Regional / local development /
Regional economic policy
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral
development / Sectoral
economic policy
SH03 Labour / Employment
SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour
SH04 Natural resources / Processing
of raw materials
SH05 Energy industry
SH06 Agrarian sector
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
SH06.02 Ranching / Fishery
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SH08 Tertiary sector / Services
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation /
SH08.02 Postal services /
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks /
SH09 Informal sector
SH10 Public finance
Technology / Technological
SI02 Technology policy
SI03 Domains of technology
SI03.01 Space technology
SI03.02 Information technology
SI03.03 Biotechnology
SI03.04 Environmental technology
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon
SI04 International
cooperation / relations
Environment / Nature
SJ01 Geography / Geology
SJ02 Environmental damages /
protection / Environmental policy
Science / Research
Fields of science
Theory / Methodology
Research and development
Science policy / Research policy
Scientific institutions /
General literature / Other
special fields
I. REGIONAL CLASSIFICATION (political-geographical)
Updated: March 2008
RA01 European organisations
RA01.01 EU / EC and member
RA01.02 NATO
RA01.04 Warsaw Treaty
RA01.05 Council of Europe
RA01.06 WEU
RA02 Geographical areas of Europe
RA02.01 Western Europe political
RA02.02 Eastern Europe political
RA02.03 Central and Eastern
European countries
RA02.11 North Sea region
RA02.12 Baltic Sea region
RA03 Northern Europe
RA03.01 Finland
RA03.02 Sweden
RA03.03 Norway
RA03.04 Denmark
RA03.05 Iceland
RA04 Western Europe
RA04.01 Ireland
RA04.02 United Kingdom
RA04.03 Netherlands
RA04.04 Belgium
RA04.05 Luxembourg
RA04.06 France
RA05 Central Europe
RA05.01 Germany
RA05.02 Federal Republic of Germany
RA05.03 German Democratic Republic
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Poland
RA05.12 Czechoslovakia
RA05.13 Austria
RA05.14 Switzerland
RA05.21 Czech Republic
RA05.22 Slovak Republic
RA06 Southern Europe
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Spain
RA06.03 Italy
RA06.04 Malta
RA06.05 Greece
RA06.06 Turkey
RA06.07 Cyprus
RA07 Eastern Europe
RA07.01 Soviet Union
RA07.02 Successor states of the
Soviet Union
RA07.03 Commonwealth of
Independent States
RA07.11 Baltic states
RA07.12 Estonia
RA07.13 Latvia
RA07.14 Lithuania
RA07.21 Russian Federation
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
RA07.31 European States of the former
Soviet Union
RA07.32 Ukraine
RA07.33 Belarus
RA07.34 Moldova
RA07.41 Caucasian States of the
former Soviet Union
RA07.42 Georgia
RA07.43 Armenia
RA07.44 Azerbaijan
RA07.51 Centralasian States of the
former Soviet Union
RA07.52 Kazakhstan
RA07.53 Turkmenistan
RA07.54 Uzbekistan
RA07.55 Kyrgyzstan
RA07.56 Tajikistan
RA08 South-East Europe
RA08.01 Balkans
RA08.11 Yugoslavia
RA08.12 Hungary
RA08.13 Romania
RA08.14 Bulgaria
RA08.15 Albania
RA08.21 Successor states of
RA08.22 Slovenia
RA08.23 Croatia
RA08.24 Bosnia-Herzegovina
RA08.25 Macedonia
RA08.26 Federal Republic of
RA08.27 Serbia and Montenegro
RA08.28 Serbia
RA08.29 Montenegro
RA08.31 Kosovo
RA09 Other European countries /
The Americas
RB01 American organisations
RB01.01 OAS
St. Kitts, Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent (and Grenadines)
Trinidad and Tobago
French Guyana
United States Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
Netherlands Antilles
French Antilles
British Antilles
Other islands / countries of
the Caribbean
RD04 South America
RD04.01 Andean countries
RD04.02 Andean Group
RD04.11 Argentina
RD04.12 Bolivia
RD04.13 Brazil
RD04.14 Chile
RD04.15 Ecuador
RD04.16 Colombia
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Peru
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Venezuela
RD05 Other countries / Latin
American areas
Africa (total)
RE01 African organisations
RE01.01 OAU / African Union
North America (without
RC01 Canada
RC02 United States
RE02 Geographical areas of Africa
(above country level)
Latin America
RD00.01 Rio Group
RF01 West Africa
RF01.11 Benin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Ivory Coast
RF01.14 Gambia
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinea
RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau
RF01.18 Cape Verde
RF01.19 Liberia
RF01.20 Mali
RF01.21 Mauritania
RF01.22 Niger
RF01.23 Nigeria
RF01.24 Senegal
RD02 Central America
RD02.01 Belize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nicaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Caribbean
RD03.01 Bahamas
RD03.02 Dominican Republic
Africa south of Sahara
I. Regional Classification
RF01.25 Sierra Leone
RF01.26 Togo
RF01.27 Sao Tome and Principe
RF02 Central Africa
RF02.01 Equatorial Guinea
RF02.02 Burundi
RF02.03 Gabon
RF02.04 Cameroon
RF02.05 Congo (Brazzaville)
RF02.06 Rwanda
RF02.07 Chad
RF02.08 Congo (Kinshasa)
RF02.09 Central African Republic
RF03 Southern Africa
RF03.11 Angola
RF03.12 Botswana
RF03.13 Lesotho
RF03.14 Malawi
RF03.15 Mozambique
RF03.16 Namibia
RF03.17 Zambia
RF03.18 Zimbabwe
RF03.19 Republic of South Africa
RF03.20 Swaziland
RF04 East Africa
RF04.01 Kenya
RF04.02 Madagascar
RF04.03 Mauritius
RF04.04 Tanzania
RF04.05 Uganda
RF04.06 Seychelles
RF05 North-East Africa
RF05.01 Ethiopia
RF05.02 Djibouti
RF05.03 Somalia
RF05.04 Eritrea
RF06 African islands and other
African areas
Near and Middle East and
North Africa
RG00 Geographical areas
(transnational) and
organizations of the Near and
Middle East / Northern Africa
League of Arab States
OAPEC / OAPEC-countries
Arab countries
Islamic world
Persian Gulf
RG01 North Africa
RG01.01 Maghreb
RG01.11 Morocco
RG01.12 Western Sahara
RG01.13 Algeria
RG01.14 Tunisia
RG01.15 Libya
RG01.16 Egypt
RG01.17 Sudan
RG02 Eastern Arabia / Israel
RG02.01 Palestine
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Territories occupied by Israel
Palestinian self-rule areas
RG03 Arabian peninsula
RG03.01 Gulf States
RG03.11 Bahrain
RG03.12 Qatar
RG03.13 Kuwait
RG03.14 Oman
RG03.15 Saudi Arabia
RG03.16 Yemen
RG03.17 United Arab Emirates
RG04 Western Asia
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Asia (total)
RH01 Asian organisations
RH01.01 APEC
RH02 Geographical areas of Asia
RH02.01 Himalaya region
RH02.02 Kashmir
RH02.03 Golden Triangle
Asia (without western Asia)
RI01 South Asia
RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC countries
RI01.11 Bangladesh
RI01.12 Bhutan
RI01.13 India
RI01.14 Maledives
RI01.15 Nepal
RI01.16 Sri Lanka
RI02 South-East Asia
RI02.01 Geographical areas of
South-East Asia
RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN countries
RI02.03 Indochina
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonesia
RI02.13 Malaysia
RI02.14 Philippines
RI02.15 Singapore
RI02.16 Thailand
RI02.21 Cambodia
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Burma)
RI02.32 East Timor
RI03 East Asia / Central Asia
RI03.01 China
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 People's Republic of China
RI03.05 Hong Kong (since 1997)
RI03.11 Korea
RI03.12 North Korea
RI03.13 South Korea
RI03.21 Hong Kong
RI03.22 Japan
RI03.23 Macao
RI03.31 Mongolia
RI03.32 Far Eastern part of the
Russian Federation / Soviet
Other Asian areas
RJ01 South Pacific organisations
RJ02 Geographical areas of the
South Pacific
RJ02.01 South Pacific Islands
RJ03 Australia / New Zealand
RJ03.01 Australia
RJ03.02 New Zealand
RJ04 Micronesia
RJ04.01 Single Micronesian islands
RJ05 Melanesia
RJ05.01 Papua Neu Guinea
RJ05.02 Single Melanesian islands
without Papua
RJ06 Polynesia
RJ06.01 Single Polynesian islands
RJ07 Other Australian / South
Pacific areas
Oceans / supracontinental
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean / Pacific region
Mediterranean Sea /
Mediterranean area
Black Sea region
Caspian Sea
International organisations
RM01 United Nations
RM02 United Nations special
RM03 Other universal governmental
RM04 Non-governmental organisations
Developed countries
RN01 Western industrialized countries
RN02 Socialist countries
Developing countries
Group of 77
Non-aligned countries
OPEC / OPEC countries
ACP countries
Other groups of countries /
RP01 French-speaking countries
World wide
Without regional aspect
Stand: Januar 2007
Allgemeine Literatur
SA01 Übergreifende
Gesamtdarstellungen /
SA02 Geschichte
SA03 Politik
SA04 Biographisches / Memoiren
Internationale(s) Politik /
Internationale Beziehungen /
Internationales Recht /
Internationale politische
Internationale politische
Transnationale Beziehungen /
Internationale Organisationen /
Internationale Sicherheit /
SC01 Sicherheitspolitische
SC02 Verteidigungs- /
SC03 Rüstungskontrolle / Abrüstung
SC04 Militärstrategie
SC05 Krieg / Kriegführung
SC06 Wehrpotential
SC06.01 Streitkräfte / Militärische
SC06.02 Rüstung
SC06.03 Organisation der Verteidigung
SC07 Militärökonomie
SC07.01 Rüstungsindustrie
SC07.02 Waffenhandel
Internationale Wirtschaft /
SD01 Weltwirtschaft / Internationale
SD01.01 Internationale(r) Handel /
SD01.02 Währung / Internationale
SD02 Internationale
Wirtschaftsbeziehungen /
SD02.01 Regionale
Wirtschaftskooperation /
SD03 Internationaler Leistungs- /
SD03.01 Außenhandel
SD03.02 Internationaler Kapitalverkehr
/ Direktinvestitionen
SD03.03 Internationaler
SD03.04 Externe öffentliche
SD04 Außenwirtschaftspolitik
SD05 Entwicklungshilfe / Auslandshilfe
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Auswärtige Kulturpolitik
Internationale Bildungs- /
Sprachbeziehungen /
Medienbeziehungen /
Kommunikation / Information
Kulturaustausch / Kulturkontakt
Auslandsbild / Fremdbilder
SF01 Politisches System / Verfassung
SF01.01 Politischer Systemwandel /
SF01.02 Menschenrechte
SF02 Regierungssystem /
SF03 Politische Parteien
SF04 Politische Partizipation
SF04.01 Wahlen
SF05 Innenpolitik
SF06 Innere Sicherheit /
Innerstaatlicher Konflikt
SF06.01 Bürgerkrieg
SF06.02 Terrorismus
SF06.03 Kriminalität
SF07 Militär und Gesellschaft / Staat
SF08 Regionen / Kommunen
SF09 Öffentliche Verwaltung
SF10 Recht
SG01 Gesellschaftsordnung /
SG02 Gesellschaftsentwicklung /
SG02.01 Demographie
SG02.02 Gesellschaftliche Gruppen
SG02.03 Nationalitäten / Minoritäten
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Wohnung / Siedlung /
SG02.06 Geschlechterbeziehungen /
SG02.07 Lebensbedingungen /
SG03 Sozialpolitik / Soziales
SG03.01 Soziale Sicherung
SG03.02 Gesundheit
SG04 Erziehung / Bildung / Ausbildung
SG05 Politische Kultur /
SG05.01 Ideologie
SG05.02 Öffentliche Meinung
SG06 Medien / Information
SG07 Gesellschaftliche Bewegungen /
SG08 Kultur / Sprache / Kunst
SG09 Religion /
SH01 Wirtschaftsordnung /
SH02 Wirtschaftsentwicklung /
SH02.01 Wirtschaftspolitik /
SH02.02 Sozio-ökonomische
Entwicklung / Struktur
SH02.03 Konjunktur / Konjunkturpolitik
SH02.04 Regionale / lokale
Entwicklung / Regionale
SH02.05 Branchen / Sektorale
Entwicklung / Sektorale
SH03 Arbeit und Beschäftigung
SH03.01 Unternehmenskultur /
SH04 Natürliche Ressourcen /
SH05 Energiewirtschaft
SH06 Agrarsektor
SH06.01 Ackerbau / Forstwirtschaft
SH06.02 Viehwirtschaft /
SH06.03 Ernährung / Nahrungsmittel
SH07 Gewerbliche Wirtschaft /
SH08 Tertiärer Sektor /
SH08.01 Verkehr / Transport /
SH08.02 Post / Telekommunikation
SH08.03 Geld / Kredit / Banken /
SH09 Informeller Sektor
SH10 Öffentliche Finanzen
Technologie / Technologische
SI02 Technologiepolitik
SI03 Technikzweige
SI03.01 Raumfahrttechnik
SI03.02 Informationstechnologie
SI03.03 Biotechnologie
SI03.04 Umwelttechnologie
SI03.05 Wehrtechnik / Waffensysteme
SI04 Internationale
Kooperation / Beziehungen
Umwelt / Natur
SJ01 Geographie / Geologie
SJ02 Umweltschäden / Umweltschutz
/ Umweltpolitik
Wissenschaft / Forschung
Theorie / Methodik
Forschung / Entwicklung
Wissenschaftspolitik /
SK05 Wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen
/ Hochschulen
Allgemeine Literatur / andere
I. REGIONALKLASSIFIKATION (politisch-geographisch)
Stand: März 2008
RA01 Europäische Organisationen
RA01.01 EU / EG sowie
RA01.02 NATO
RA01.03 RGW / RGW-Länder
RA01.04 Warschauer Pakt
RA01.05 Europarat
RA01.06 WEU
RA02 Geographische Räume
RA02.01 Westeuropa politisch
RA02.02 Osteuropa politisch
RA02.03 Mittel- und osteuropäische
RA02.11 Nordseeraum
RA02.12 Ostseeraum
RA03 Nordeuropa
RA04 Westeuropa
RA04.01 Irland
RA04.02 Vereinigtes Königreich
RA04.03 Niederlande
RA04.04 Belgien
RA04.05 Luxemburg
RA04.06 Frankreich
RA05 Mitteleuropa
RA05.01 Deutschland
RA05.02 Bundesrepublik Deutschland
RA05.03 Deutsche Demokratische
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Polen
RA05.12 Tschechoslowakei
RA05.13 Österreich
RA05.14 Schweiz
RA05.21 Tschechien
RA05.22 Slowakei
RA06 Südeuropa
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Spanien
RA06.03 Italien
RA06.04 Malta
RA06.05 Griechenland
RA06.06 Türkei
RA06.07 Zypern
RA07 Osteuropa
RA07.01 Sowjetunion
RA07.02 Nachfolgestaaten der
RA07.03 Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger
RA07.11 Baltische Staaten
RA07.12 Estland
RA07.13 Lettland
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
RA07.14 Litauen
RA07.21 Russische Föderation
RA07.31 Europäische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
RA07.32 Ukraine
RA07.33 Belarus
RA07.34 Moldau
RA07.41 Kaukasische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
RA07.42 Georgien
RA07.43 Armenien
RA07.44 Aserbeidschan
RA07.51 Zentralasiatische Staaten der
ehemaligen Sowjetunion
RA07.52 Kasachstan
RA07.53 Turkmenistan
RA07.54 Usbekistan
RA07.55 Kirgisistan
RA07.56 Tadschikistan
RA08 Südosteuropa
RA08.01 Balkan
RA08.11 Jugoslawien
RA08.12 Ungarn
RA08.13 Rumänien
RA08.14 Bulgarien
RA08.15 Albanien
RA08.21 Nachfolgestaaten
RA08.22 Slowenien
RA08.23 Kroatien
RA08.24 Bosnien-Herzegowina
RA08.25 Makedonien
RA08.26 Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien
RA08.27 Serbien und Montenegro
RA08.28 Serbien
RA08.29 Montenegro
RA08.31 Kosovo
RA09 Andere Länder / Gebiete
Amerika (insgesamt)
Dominikanische Republik
Antigua und Barbuda
St. Kitts, Nevis
St. Lucia
St. Vincent (und Grenadinen)
Trinidad und Tobago
Puerto Rico
Niederländische Antillen
Französische Antillen
Britische Antillen
Sonstige Inseln / Länder der
RD04 Südamerika
RD04.01 Andenländer
RD04.02 Grupo Andino
RD04.11 Argentinien
RD04.12 Bolivien
RD04.13 Brasilien
RD04.14 Chile
RD04.15 Ecuador
RD04.16 Kolumbien
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Peru
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Venezuela
RD05 Andere Länder / Gebiete
RB01 Amerikanische
RB01.01 OAS
Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko)
RC01 Kanada
RC02 Vereinigte Staaten
RE02 Geographische Räume
Afrikas (länderübergreifend)
RD00.01 Rio-Gruppe
RD02 Zentralamerika
RD02.01 Belize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nikaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Karibik / Karibischer Raum
RD03.01 Bahamas
Afrika (insgesamt)
RE01 Afrikanische Organisationen
RE01.01 OAU / African Union
Afrika südlich der Sahara
RF01 Westafrika
RF01.11 Benin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire
RF01.14 Gambia
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinea
RF01.17 Guinea-Bissau
RF01.18 Kapverdische Inseln
RF01.19 Liberia
RF01.20 Mali
RF01.21 Mauretanien
RF01.22 Niger
I. Regionalklassifikation
Sierra Leone
São Tomé und Príncipe
RF02 Zentralafrika
RF02.01 Äquatorialguinea
RF02.02 Burundi
RF02.03 Gabun
RF02.04 Kamerun
RF02.05 Kongo
RF02.06 Ruanda
RF02.07 Tschad
RF02.08 Kongo (Kinshasa)
RF02.09 Zentralafrikanische Republik
RF03 Südliches Afrika
RF03.11 Angola
RF03.12 Botswana
RF03.13 Lesotho
RF03.14 Malawi
RF03.15 Mosambik
RF03.16 Namibia
RF03.17 Sambia
RF03.18 Simbabwe
RF03.19 Südafrikanische Republik
RF03.20 Swasiland
RF04 Ostafrika
RF04.01 Kenia
RF04.02 Madagaskar
RF04.03 Mauritius
RF04.04 Tansania
RF04.05 Uganda
RF04.06 Seychellen
RF05 Nordostafrika
RF05.01 Äthiopien
RF05.02 Dschibuti
RF05.03 Somalia
RF05.04 Eritrea
RF06 Afrikanische Inseln und
andere Gebiete Afrikas
Naher und Mittlerer Osten und
RG00 Geographische Räume
(länderübergreifend) und
Organisationen des Nahen
und Mittleren Ostens /
RG00.01 League of Arab States
RG00.02 OAPEC / OAPEC-Länder
RG00.11 Arabische Länder
RG00.12 Islamische Welt
RG00.13 Persischer Golf
RG00.14 Kurdistan
RG01 Nordafrika
RG01.01 Maghreb
RG01.11 Marokko
RG01.12 Westsahara
RG01.13 Algerien
RG01.14 Tunesien
RG01.15 Libyen
RG01.16 Ägypten
RG01.17 Sudan
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
RG02 Arabischer Osten / Israel
RG02.01 Palästina
RG02.11 Irak
RG02.12 Jordanien
RG02.13 Libanon
RG02.14 Syrien
RG02.15 Israel
RG02.16 Israelisch besetzte Gebiete
RG02.17 Palästinensische
RG03 Arabische Halbinsel
RG03.01 Golfstaaten
RG03.11 Bahrain
RG03.12 Katar
RG03.13 Kuwait
RG03.14 Oman
RG03.15 Saudi-Arabien
RG03.16 Jemen
RG03.17 Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
RG04 Westasien
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Asien (insgesamt)
RH01 Asiatische Organisationen
RH01.01 APEC
RH02 Geographische Räume Asiens
RH02.01 Himalaya-Region
RH02.02 Kaschmir
RH02.03 Goldenes Dreieck
Asien (ohne westliches Asien)
RI01 Südasien
RI01.01 SAARC / SAARC-Länder
RI01.11 Bangladesch
RI01.12 Bhutan
RI01.13 Indien
RI01.14 Malediven
RI01.15 Nepal
RI01.16 Sri Lanka
RI02 Südostasien
RI02.01 Geographische Räume
RI02.02 ASEAN / ASEAN-Länder
RI02.03 Indochina
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonesien
RI02.13 Malaysia
RI02.14 Philippinen
RI02.15 Singapur
RI02.16 Thailand
RI02.21 Kambodscha
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Birma)
RI02.32 Timor-Leste
RI03 Ostasien
RI03.01 China
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 Volksrepublik China
RI03.05 Hongkong (seit 1997)
RI03.11 Korea
RI03.12 Nordkorea
Fernöstlicher Teil der
Russischen Föderation /
Andere Gebiete Asiens
RJ01 Südpazifische Organisationen
RJ02 Australien / Neuseeland
RJ02.01 Australien
RJ02.02 Neuseeland
RJ03 Südpazifische Inseln
RJ04 Melanesien
RJ04.01 Papua-Neuguinea
RJ04.02 Einzelne Inseln Melanesiens,
außer Papua
RJ05 Mikronesien
RJ05.01 Einzelne Inseln Mikronesiens
RJ06 Polynesien
RJ06.01 Einzelne Inseln Polynesiens
Meere /
Atlantischer Ozean
Indischer Ozean
Pazifischer Ozean / Pazifischer
Mittelmeer / Mittelmeerraum
Kaspisches Meer
Internationale Organisationen
RM01 Vereinte Nationen
RM02 Sonderorganisationen des VNSystems
RM03 andere universale staatliche
RM04 Nichtstaatliche Organisationen
Entwickelte Länder
Westliche Länder
OECD / OECD-Länder
Sozialistische Länder
Gruppe der 77
Blockfreie Staaten
OPEC / OPEC-Länder
Sonstige Ländergruppen /
RP01 Französischsprachige Länder
Ohne direkten Regionalbezug
Mise à jour : Janvier 2007
Littérature générale
SA01 Études générales / Études
SA02 Histoire
SA03 Politique
SA04 Biographies / Mémoires
Politique internationale /
Système international
SB01 Relations internationales /
Processus internationaux
SB02 Politique étrangère
SB03 Droit international
SB04 Intégration politique internationale
SB05 Conflits politiques / militaires
SB06 Relations transnationales /
Mouvements transnationaux
SB07 Organisations / institutions
Sécurité internationale /
SC01 Relations internationales en
matière de sécurité
SC02 Politique de défense / de sécurité
SC03 Contrôle des armements /
SC04 Stratégie militaire
SC05 Guerre / Opérations de guerre
SC06 Potentiel militaire
SC06.01 Forces armées / Unités
SC06.02 Armement
SC06.03 Organisation de la défense
SC07 Économie de la défense
SC07.01 Industrie de l'armement
SC07.02 Commerce des armements
Économie internationale
SD01 Économie mondiale / Système
économique international
SD01.01 Commerce international /
Organisation internationale du
SD01.02 Monnaie / Système monétaire
SD02 Relations économiques
internationales / Coopération
SD02.01 Coopération économique
régionale / Intégration
SD03 Transactions courantes /
Mouvements internationaux de
SD03.01 Commerce extérieur
SD03.02 Mouvements internationaux de
capitaux / Investissements
SD03.03 Mouvements internationaux de
SD03.04 Dette publique extérieure
SD04 Politique économique extérieure
SD05 Politique d'aide au développement
/ Coopération
Relations culturelles
SE01 Politique culturelle extérieure
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SE02 Relations en matière d'éducation
et de science
SE03 Relations linguistiques
internationales / Langues
SE04 Relations internationales des
médias / Communication /
SE05 Échange culturel / Contact des
SE06 Image de l'étranger
SF01 Système politique / Constitution
SF01.01 Transformation du système
politique / Démocratisation
SF01.02 Droits de l'homme
SF02 Système de gouvernement /
Institutions de l'État
SF03 Partis politiques
SF04 Participation politique
SF04.01 Élections
SF05 Politique intérieure
SF06 Sécurité intérieure / Conflit interne
SF06.01 Guerre civile
SF06.02 Terrorisme
SF06.03 Criminalité
SF07 Armée et société / État
SF08 Régions / Communes
SF09 Administration publique
SF10 Droit
SG01 Système social / Politique
SG02 Évolution sociale / Structures
SG02.01 Démographie
SG02.02 Groupes sociaux
SG02.03 Nationalités / Minorités
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.05 Logement / Habitat /
SG02.06 Rapports entre les sexes /
Communautés de vie
SG02.07 Conditions de vie / Modes
SG03 Politique sociale / Problèmes
SG03.01 Protection sociale
SG03.02 Santé
SG04 Éducation / Enseignement /
SG05 Culture politique / Opinion
SG05.01 Idéologie
SG05.02 Opinion publique
SG06 Médias / Information
SG07 Mouvements sociaux /
SG08 Culture / Langue / Arts
SG09 Religion / Communautés
SH01 Système économique / Cadre
SH02 Développement économique /
Politique économique
SH02.01 Politique économique /
Politique du développement
SH02.02 Développement / structures
SH02.03 Conjoncture / Politique
SH02.04 Développement régional / local
/ Politique économique
SH02.05 Branches économiques /
Evolution sectorielle / Politique
SH03 Travail / Emploi
SH03.01 Culture d'entreprise
Culture du travail
SH04 Ressources naturelles /
Traitement des matières
SH05 Énergie
SH06 Secteur agricole
SH06.01 Cultures / Forêts
SH06.02 Élevage / Pêche
SH06.03 Alimentation / Produits
SH07 Industrie et artisanat
SH08 Secteur tertiaire / Services
SH08.01 Circulation / Transports /
SH08.02 Poste / Télécommunications
SH08.03 Argent / Crédit / Banques /
SH09 Secteur informel
SH10 Finances publiques
SI01 Technologie / Développement
SI02 Politique technologique
SI03 Domaines technologiques
SI03.01 Technologie aérospatiale
SI03.02 Technologie de l'information
SI03.03 Biotechnologies
SI03.04 Technologies de
SI03.05 Technologie des armements /
Systèmes d'armes
SI04 Coopération / relations
technologiques / scientifiques
Environnement / Nature
SJ01 Géographie / Géologie
SJ02 Problèmes écologiques /
Protection de l'environnement
Sciences / Recherche
SK01 Domaines scientifiques
SK02 Théorie / Méthodes
SK03 Recherche et développement
SK04 Politique scientifique / Politique de
la recherche
SK05 Institutions scientifiques /
Littérature générale / Autres
I. CLASSIFICATION REGIONALE (politico-géographique)
Mise à jour : Mars 2008
RA01 Organisations européennes
RA01.01 Union / Communauté
européenne et pays membres
RA01.02 OTAN
RA01.03 COMECON / pays du
RA01.04 Traité de Varsovie
RA01.05 Conseil de l'Europe
RA01.06 UEO
RA02 Régions géographiques de
RA02.01 Europe occidentale politique
RA02.02 Europe orientale politique
RA02.03 Pays d'Europe centrale et
RA02.11 Région de la Mer du Nord
RA02.12 Région de la Mer Baltique
RA03 Europe du Nord
RA03.01 Finlande
RA03.02 Suède
RA03.03 Norvège
RA03.04 Danemark
RA03.05 Islande
RA04 Europe occidentale
RA04.01 Irlande
RA04.02 Royaume-Uni
RA04.03 Pays-Bas
RA04.04 Belgique
RA04.05 Luxembourg
RA04.06 France
RA05 Europe centrale
RA05.01 Allemagne
RA05.02 République Fédérale
RA05.03 République démocratique
RA05.04 Berlin
RA05.11 Pologne
RA05.12 Tchécoslovaquie
RA05.13 Autriche
RA05.14 Suisse
RA05.21 République tchèque
RA05.22 République slovaque
RA06 Europe méridionale
RA06.01 Portugal
RA06.02 Espagne
RA06.03 Italie
RA06.04 Malte
RA06.05 Grèce
RA06.06 Turquie
RA06.07 Chypre
RA07 Europe orientale
RA07.01 Union Soviétique
RA07.02 États successeurs de l'Union
RA07.03 Communauté d'États
RA07.11 Pays Baltes
RA07.12 Estonie
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Fédération russe
États européens de l'ancienne
Union soviétique
États caucasiens de l'ancienne
Union soviétique
États d'Asie Centrale de
l'ancienne Union soviétique
RA08 Europe du Sud-Est
RA08.01 Balkans
RA08.11 Yougoslavie
RA08.12 Hongrie
RA08.13 Roumanie
RA08.14 Bulgarie
RA08.15 Albanie
RA08.21 États successeurs de la
RA08.22 Slovénie
RA08.23 Croatie
RA08.24 Bosnie-Herzégovine
RA08.25 Macédoine
RA08.26 République Fédérale de
RA08.27 Serbie et Monténégro
RA08.28 Serbie
RA08.29 Montenégro
RA08.31 Kosovo
RA09 Autres pays / régions de
Amérique (entière)
RB01 Organisations américaines
RB01.01 OEA
Amérique du Nord (sans
RC01 Canada
RC02 États-Unis
Amérique Latine
RD00.01 Groupe de Rio
RD02 Amérique centrale
RD02.01 Bélize
RD02.02 Guatemala
RD02.03 El Salvador
RD02.04 Honduras
RD02.05 Nicaragua
RD02.06 Costa Rica
RD02.07 Panama
RD03 Caraibes
RD03.01 Bahamas
RD03.02 République Dominicaine
RD03.03 Haiti
RD03.04 Jamaique
RD03.05 Cuba
RD03.11 Antigua
RD03.12 Barbade
RD03.13 Dominique
RD03.14 Grenade
RD03.15 Saint Kitts, Nevis
RD03.16 Sainte Lucie
RD03.17 Saint Vincent (et Grenadines)
RD03.18 Trinité et Tobago
RD03.21 Guyane
RD03.22 Guyane francaise
RD03.23 Surinam
RD03.31 Iles Vierges américaines
RD03.32 Porto Rico
RD03.41 Antilles néerlandaises
RD03.51 Antilles francaises
RD03.52 Guadeloupe
RD03.53 Martinique
RD03.61 Antilles britanniques
RD03.71 Autres îles / pays des Caraibes
RD04 Amérique du Sud
RD04.01 Pays des Andes
RD04.02 Groupe Andin
RD04.11 Argentine
RD04.12 Bolivie
RD04.13 Brésil
RD04.14 Chili
RD04.15 Équateur
RD04.16 Colombie
RD04.17 Paraguay
RD04.18 Pérou
RD04.19 Uruguay
RD04.20 Vénézuela
RD05 Autres pays / régions de
l'Amérique Latine
Afrique (entière)
RE01 Organisations africaines
RE01.01 OUA / Union africaine
RE02 Régions géographiques de
l'Afrique (niveau au-dessus des
Afrique subsaharienne
RF01 Afrique occidentale
RF01.11 Bénin
RF01.12 Burkina Faso
RF01.13 Côte d'Ivoire
RF01.14 Gambie
RF01.15 Ghana
RF01.16 Guinée
RF01.17 Guinée-Bissau
RF01.18 Cap Vert
RF01.19 Libéria
RF01.20 Mali
I. Classification régionale
Sierra Léone
Sao Tomé et Principe
RF02 Afrique centrale
Guinée équatoriale
Congo (Brazzaville)
Congo (Kinshasa)
République centrafricaine
RF03 Afrique australe
République sud-africaine
RF04 Afrique orientale
RF04.01 Kenya
RF04.02 Madagascar
RF04.03 Ile Maurice
RF04.04 Tanzanie
RF04.05 Ouganda
RF04.06 Seychelles
RF05 Afrique du Nord-Est
RF06 Iles africaines et autres régions
de l'Afrique
Proche-Orient / Moyen-Orient et
Afrique du Nord
RG00 Régions géographiques
(transnationales) et
organisations du Proche-Orient
/ Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du
RG00.01 Ligue des États arabes
RG00.02 OPAEP / pays de l'OPAEP
RG00.11 Pays arabes
RG00.12 Monde islamique
RG00.13 Golfe Persique
RG00.14 Kurdistan
RG01 Afrique du Nord
Sahara occidental
Current Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
RG02 Arabie de l'Est / Israel
RG02.01 Palestine
RG02.11 Irak
RG02.12 Jordanie
RG02.13 Liban
RG02.14 Syrie
RG02.15 Israel
RG02.16 Territoires occupés par Israel
RG02.17 Territoires palestiniens
RG03 Péninsule d'Arabie
RJ01 Organsiations du Pacifique Sud
RJ02 Australie / Nouvelle-Zélande
États du Golfe
Arabie Saoudite
Émirats Arabes Unis
RG04 Asie de l'Ouest
RG04.01 Afghanistan
RG04.02 Iran
RG04.03 Pakistan
Hong Kong
Partie extrême orientale de la
Fédération russe / de l'Union
Autres régions de l'Asie
RJ02.01 Australie
RJ02.02 Nouvelle-Zélande
RJ03 Iles du Pacifique Sud
RJ04 Mélanésie
RJ04.01 Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée
RJ04.02 Autres îles mélanésiennes sans
RJ05 Micronésie
RJ05.01 Iles micronésiennes
RH Asie (entière)
RJ06 Polynésie
RH01 Organisations asiatiques
RJ06.01 Iles polynésiennes
RH01.01 CEAP
RH02 Régions géographiques de
RH02.01 Région de l'Himalaya
RH02.02 Cachemire
RH02.03 Triangle d'or
Océans / Régions
Océan Atlantique
Océan Indien
Océan Pacifique / Région
Méditerranée / région
Région de la mer Noire
Mer Caspienne
Organisations internationales
RI Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
Asie du Sud
ASACR / pays de l'ASACR
Sri Lanka
Asie du Sud-Est
RI02.01 Régions géographiques de
l'Asie du Sud-Est
RI02.02 ANASE / pays de l'ANASE
RI02.03 Indochine
RI02.11 Brunei
RI02.12 Indonésie
RI02.13 Malaysie
RI02.14 Philippines
RI02.15 Singapour
RI02.16 Thailande
RI02.21 Cambodge
RI02.22 Laos
RI02.23 Vietnam
RI02.31 Myanmar (Birmanie)
RI02.32 Timor oriental
RI03 Asie orientale
RI03.01 Chine
RI03.02 Taiwan
RI03.03 République populaire de Chine
RI03.05 Hong Kong (depuis 1997)
RI03.11 Corée
RI03.12 Corée du Nord
RI03.13 Corée du Sud
RM01 Nations Unies
RM02 Organisations spéciales du
système des Nations Unies
RM03 Autres organisations
gouvernementales internationales
RM04 Organisations non
Pays développés
Pays occidentaux
OCDE / pays OCDE
Pays socialistes
Pays en voie de développement
Groupe des 77
Pays non-alignés
OPEP / pays OPEP
pays ACP
Autres groupes de pays /
RP01 Pays francophones
Sans aspect régional
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
10 Brandellero, Amanda: Crossing cultural borders? Migrants and
SA03 Politics
ethnic diversity in the cultural industries / by Amanda Brandellero.
- Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, ca. 2009. - 82 S.
1 Das Ende der Gewissheiten : Reden über Europa / hrsg. von
Michael M. Thoss ... - München: Diederichs, 2009. - 288 S. ISBN 978-3-424-35014-2
DGAP D 892226 DGAP: DG 48183
IFA D 891511 IFA: Cb30/22 Öff.StaO: 212
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
SH05 Energy industry
2 Lottermann, Annina: Von bilateralen Initiativen der
11 Coccia, Mario: Energy metrics for driving competitiveness of
Völkerverständigung zu multilateralen Foren der praktischen
Kooperation : städtepartnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in
Europa gestern und heute / Annina Lottermann. In: Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur / Gudrund Quenzel (Hg.). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - (Transcript: Urban Studies),
S. 213-236, Lit. S. 234-236 - ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
countries : energy weakness magnitude, GDP per barrel and
barrels per capita / Mario Coccia. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),
38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1330-1339
SWP D 892267 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
12 Norling, Nicklas: Gazprom's monopoly and Nabucco's
potentials : strategic decisions for Europe / Nicklas Norling. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2007. - 48 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; November 2007) - ISBN 978-91-85937-06-6
IFA D 891070 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SE International cultural relations
3 Prado, Elvira: La candidatura a la Capitalidad Europea de la
Cultura : una herramienta para la proyección exterior / Elvira
Prado. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the
Royal Institute; no. 113/2007)
SWP D 891532 DGAP: DG 46794k
SB01 International relations / process
13 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
IFA D 891918 IFA: Cb30/83 Öff.StaO: 212
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
14 Civil society in European-Chinese relations : challenges of
4 Get intercultural / NILE. - Sonderausg. - Bonn: DVV
cooperation / Nora Sausmikat ... (eds). Hrsg. von der
Asienstiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Netzwerk EU-China:
Civil Society Forum - Essen: Asienstiftung, 2010. - 104 S., Lit. ISBN 978-3-933341-45-7
International, 2008. - 12 S.
IFA D 891561 IFA: Cb30/41 Öff.StaO: 212
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
GIGA D 891323 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
5 Bekemans, Léonce: "Urbane Civitas" errichten : die Rolle der
15 Davydchyk, Maria; May, Marie-Lena: Die Gunst der Stunde
Städte im interkulturellen Dialog Europas / Léonce Bekemans. In: Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur / Gudrund Quenzel (Hg.). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - (Transcript: Urban Studies),
S. 193-211, Lit. S. 209-211 - ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
nutzen : Chancen für eine Annäherung zwischen Belarus und
der EU / von Maria Davydchyk und Marie-Lena May. - Berlin:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 2010. - 3 S. (DGAP-Standpunkt; 2010, Nr. 2)
IFA D 891067 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SF08 Regions / Local government
DGAP D 891151 DGAP: DG B01335:29
6 Bekemans, Léonce: "Urbane Civitas" errichten : die Rolle der
Städte im interkulturellen Dialog Europas / Léonce Bekemans. In: Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur / Gudrund Quenzel (Hg.). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - (Transcript: Urban Studies),
S. 193-211, Lit. S. 209-211 - ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
16 Dimitrovova, Bohdana: Reshaping civil society in Morocco :
boundary setting, integration and consolidation / Bohdana
Dimitrovova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 16 S. - (CEPS Working Document; No. 323) ISBN 978-92-9079-957-3
IFA D 891067 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
7 Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur : Studien zum kulturellen und
ökonomischen Potential der europäischen Stadt / Gudrun
Quenzel (Hg.). - Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - 243 S.,
Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Transcript: Urban Studies) ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
SWP D 891626
17 Dura, George: On track: Moldova wants EU integration, but
needs to do its homework first / George Dura. - Brussels: Centre
for European Policy Studies, 2009. - 2 S. - (CEPS Commentary)
IFA D 891059 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SWP D 891108
8 Get intercultural / NILE. - Sonderausg. - Bonn: DVV
18 Eran, Oded: The impact of Operation Cast Lead on Israel-EU
International, 2008. - 12 S.
relations / Oded Eran. - Herzliya: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel,
2009. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 891561 IFA: Cb30/41 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 891851
SG02.04 Migration
19 The fall of the wall at 20 : global consequences today / J.D.
9 Brandellero, Amanda: Crossing cultural borders? Migrants and
Bindenagel ... American Institute for Contemporary German
Studies - Washington/D.C.: AICGS, 2009. - 36 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (German-American Issues / American
Institute for Contemporary German Studies; 12) ISBN 1-933942-25-8
ethnic diversity in the cultural industries / by Amanda Brandellero.
- Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation, ca. 2009. - 82 S.
IFA D 891511 IFA: Cb30/22 Öff.StaO: 212
DGAP D 892194 SWP: H.10/0030 DGAP: DG B01548b
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
20 Fröhlich, Stefan: Zwischen den USA, Russland und anderen
30 Muradyan Vahagn: Armenia's relations with European
regionalen Vormächten : zur Rolle der EU in der Welt / Stefan
Fröhlich. - In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von
Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für
Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 309-332, Lit. S. 330-332 ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
institutions largely unaffected one year after March violence / by
Vahagn Muradyan. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 891778
DGAP D 891827 DGAP: DG 48180
31 Pan, Jiahua; Lee, Bernice; Jiang, Kejun: Energy and climate
security : China-EU interdependences / Pan Jiahua ; Bernice
Lee ; Jiang Kejun. - In: Peace (Beijing), (2009) 91, S. 30-47,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
21 Gavrilis, George: Beyond the Border Management Programme
for Central Asia (BOMCA) / George Gavrilis. - Brussels ...:
Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM
Policy Brief; No. 11)
IFSH D 890934 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
32 Peters, Ketie; Rood, Jan; Gromadzki, Grzegorz: The Eastern
Partnership: towards a new era of cooperation between the EU
and its Eastern neighbours? / Authors: Ketie Peters, Jan Rood
and Grzegorz Gromadzki. Clingendael European Studies
Programme. - The Hague: Clingendael European Studies
Programme, 2009. - 22 S.
SWP D 891120
22 Gillespie, Richard: European Union responses to conflict in the
western Mediterranean / Richard Gillespie. - In: The Journal of
North African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 85-103
SWP D 891327 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
23 Gomart, Thomas: EU-Russia relations: toward a way out of
SWP D 891119
depression / Thomas Gomart. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2008. - 23 S. - (Europe,
Russia, and the United States: Finding a New Balance)
33 Piehl, Ernst: Europäische Nachbarschaftspolitik : Genesis,
Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven / Ernst Piehl. - In: Die
Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße
(Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 333-370,
Lit. S. 370 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
SWP D 891577
DGAP D 891829 DGAP: DG 48180
24 Holslag, Jonathan: The elusive axis : evaluating the
Sino-European partnership / Jonathan Holslag. - Brüssel:
Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies, 2009. - 33 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-33 - (Asia Paper / Brussels
Institute of Contemporary China Studies; Vol. 4 (8))
34 Saleh, Nivien: Europe in the Middle East and Northern Africa :
The subtle quest for power / Nivien Saleh. - In: Mediterranean
Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 75-88, Lit.
GIGA D 890879 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
35 Shapiro, Jeremy; Witney, Nick: Una Europa post-americana /
GIGA D 890908
Jeremy Shapiro y Nick Witney. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 77-92
25 Institutional convergence of CIS towards European
benchmarks / Inna Melnykovska ... . Rainer Schweickert (ed.).
CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research on behalf of
CASE Network - Warszawa: Centrum Analiz
Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych, 2008. - 63 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 43-48 - (CASE Network Reports; No. 82/2008) ISBN 978-83-7178-468-2
SWP D 891116 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
36 Sierra, Oscar: A point of no return? Georgia and the EU one
year after the August war / Oscar Pardo Sierra. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009), S. 3-5
SWP D 891767
SWP D 891603
37 Spencer, Claire: New challenges for EU-Israel relations after
26 Jäger, Thomas: [Rezension von:] Globale Außenpolitik der
the Gaza War / Claire Spencer. - Herzliya:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel, 2009. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw.
Europäischen Union : interregionale Beziehungen und
"strategische Partnerschaften" / A. Benediek ... (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009. - 237 S. / Thomas Jäger. In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
(Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 127-129
GIGA D 891844
SB02 Foreign policy
SWP D 891642 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
38 Bendiek, Annegret: Neuer Europäischer Realismus : Abschied
von der Idee einer einheitlichen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik /
Annegret Bendiek. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,
2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 10/2010)
27 Janes, Jackson; Schneider, Marianne: Ein Jahr Obama :
Errungenschaften und Erwartungen in den transatlantischen
Beziehungen / Jackson Janes ; Marianne Schneider. - In: ZFAS:
Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden),
3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 47-57, Lit. S. 56-57
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 891641 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
28 Möller, Almut: Die Entstehungsgeschichte und Strukturen der
39 Democracy in development : global consultations on the EU's
Mittelmeerunion : Gradmesser für europäische Debatten zur
Nachbarschafts-, Mittelmeer- und Nahostpolitik / Almut Möller. In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf
Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010,
S. 371-381, Lit. S. 381 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
role in democracy building ; a report of the International Institute
for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) Stockholm, 2009. - 131 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-91-85724-67-3
SWP D 891854 SWP: H.10/0036
40 Is the European Union supporting democracy in its
DGAP D 891831 DGAP: DG 48180
neighbourhood ? / Richard Youngs (ed.). Publ. by FRIDE in
association with the European Council on Foreign Relations
(ECFR). - London: European Council on Foreign Relations,
2008. - 150 S. - ISBN 978-84-612-8013-1
29 Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič; Salminen, Minna-Mari: Practise what
you preach : The prospects for visa freedom in Russia-EU
relations / Minna-Mari Salminen, Arkady Moshes. - Helsinki:
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2009. - 61 S. - (UPI
Report; 18) - ISBN 978-951-769-216-8
SWP D 891623
41 Jäger, Thomas: [Rezension von:] Globale Außenpolitik der
Europäischen Union : interregionale Beziehungen und
"strategische Partnerschaften" / A. Benediek ... (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden : Nomos, 2009. - 237 S. / Thomas Jäger. In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
(Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 127-129
SWP D 892152
SWP D 891642 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
42 Merlini, Cesare: Europe on the international scene : A Union of
53 Inotai, András: The impacts of enlargement on the Central and
necessity after a Union of choice? / Cesare Merlini. - In: The
European Union in the 21st century: perspectives from the
Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009,
S. 120-141 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
Eastern European countries / András Inotai. - Seoul: Korea
Institute for International Economic Policy, 2009. - 76 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 70-73 - (SNU-KIEP EU Centre Research Series; 09-02) ISBN 978-89-322-2159-5
SWP D 892211 SWP: H.10/0023
SWP D 891090
54 Jessel, Jacques: Heurs et malheurs de la France et de
43 Schmidt, Siegmar: Fortschritte und neue Herausforderungen in
l'Europe : 1945-2009 / Jacques Jessel. - [Sceaux): Esprit du
Livre, 2009. - 249 S. - (Défis du 3e millénaire) ISBN 978-2-915960-67-9
der Europäischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik / Siegmar
Schmidt. - In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von
Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für
Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 195-219, Lit. S. 218-219 ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
DFI D 892191 DFI: YC 320.JES Öff.StaO: Lg 3
55 Lannon, Erwan; Martín, Iván: Report on the
DGAP D 891821 DGAP: DG 48180
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership : status & progress 2009 /
Erwan Lannon & Iván Martín. - Barcelona: European Institute of
the Mediterranean, 2009. - 78 S., Lit. S. 71-78
44 Weitz, Richard: Eurasian implications of EU reforms / by
Richard Weitz. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (09.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
GIGA D 891649 DGAP: DG B01550n
SWP D 892093
56 Lhotta, Roland; Ketelhut, Jörn: Integrationsverantwortung und
SB03 International law
parlamentarische Demokratie : das Bundesverfassungsgericht
als Agent des "verfassten politischen Primärraums"? / Roland
Lhotta und Jörn Ketelhut. - In: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen
(Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 864-888, Lit. Hinw.
45 Hailbronner, Kay: Das Grundrecht auf Asyl - unverzichtbarer
Bestandteil der grundgesetzlichen Wertordnung, historisches
Relikt oder gemeinschaftsrechtswidrig? / Kay Hailbronner. In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik
(Baden-Baden), 29 (2009) 11-12, S. 369-376
DGAP D 891655 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
57 Politiques européennes / sous la dir. de Renaud Dehousse. -
SWP D 891874 SWP: Y. 1115 IFA: Z-D3137 Öff.StaO: 282
Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2009. - 452 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw. - (Gouvernances) ISBN 978-2-7246-1132-8
SB04 International political integration
46 Bertoncini, Yves: What is the impact of EU interventions at the
DFI D 891750 DFI: YC 110.POL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
national level? / Yves Bertoncini. - Paris: Notre Europe, 2009. 134 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Etudes et recherches /
Groupement d'Etudes et de Recherches Notre Europe; 73)
58 Les priorités du CESE durant la présidence française du
Conseil de l'Union européenne : juillet - décembre 2008 /
Comité économique et social européen. - o.O.: CESE, 2008. 34 S., Ill.
DGAP D 892117 DGAP: DG B01548c
47 Busch, Jürgen; Ehs, Tamara: Nachwort: Europa als
Rechtsgemeinschaft / Jürgen Busch & Tamara Ehs. - In: Hans
Kelsen und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 95-111 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
DFI D 890973 DFI: YC 320.Y0323 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
59 Scheller, Henrik: Zur Europäisierung des deutschen
Föderalismus : zwischen Synchronisierung und Strukturbruch? /
Henrik Scheller. - In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag
von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für
Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 269-290, Lit. S. 289-290 ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
HSFK D 891740 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
48 Cangelosi, Rocco A.; Salleo, Ferdinando: The enlargement of
the European Union / Rocco A. Cangelosi ; Ferdinando Salleo. In: The European Union in the 21st century: perspectives from
the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009,
S. 142-161 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
DGAP D 891824 DGAP: DG 48180
60 Schmuck, Otto: Die deutschen Länder und der europäische
Reformprozess / Otto Schmuck. - In: Die Europäische Union
nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 255-268,
Lit. S. 268 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
SWP D 892212 SWP: H.10/0023
49 Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon /
Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010. 397 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
DGAP D 891822 DGAP: DG 48180
61 Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Vertrag
DGAP D 891820 DGAP: DG 48180
von Lissabon und seine Folgen für den europäischen
Einigungsprozess : Expertengespräch am 7. September 2009
in Paris = Les consequences du jugement de la Cour
constitutionelle fédérale allemande sur le processus d'unification
européenne / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ... - Paris, 2009. - 128 S.
- (KAS Publikation Deutsch-französischer Dialog; H. 1)
50 The European Union in the 21st century : perspectives from
the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies - Brussels: CEPS,
2009. - 287 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
DFI D 890836 DFI: YC 330.URT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SWP D 892199 SWP: H.10/0023
62 Wimmel, Andreas: Neue (alte) Konfliktlinien in der
Europapolitik : die Parlamentsdebatte zum Vertrag von Lissabon
im Deutschen Bundestag / Andreas Wimmel. - In: Zeitschrift für
Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 746-758, Lit.
51 Guérot, Ulrike: Europas verpasste Sternstunde / Ulrike Guérot.
- In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
55 (2010) 1, S. 6-9
DGAP D 891549 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
DGAP D 891596 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
SB05 International political conflicts
52 Hofmann, Frank: Mehr Schein als Sein : die EU in
Südosteuropa / Frank Hofmann. - In: Liberal (Berlin),
51 (November 2009) 4, S. 44-48, Lit. Hinw.
63 Gillespie, Richard: European Union responses to conflict in the
western Mediterranean / Richard Gillespie. - In: The Journal of
North African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 85-103
DGAP D 891582 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432
Öff.StaO: 18
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SWP D 891327 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
64 Smith, Keith C.: Russian energy dependency and the
74 Galaski, Julia; Kaim, Markus: Die Europäische Union als
conflicting interests of old and new Europe / Keith C. Smith. Washington/D.C.: CSIS, 2009. - 10 S.
Militärmacht / Julia Galaski und Markus Kaim. - In: Die
Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße
(Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 291-308,
Lit. S. 306-308 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
DGAP D 891311 DGAP: DG B01548s
DGAP D 891826 DGAP: DG 48180
65 Whitman, Richard G.; Wolff, Stefan: The EU as a conflict
manager? The case of Georgia and its implications / Richard G.
Whitman and Stefan Wolff. - In: International Affairs (Oxford),
86 (January 2010) 1, S. 87-107
75 Germond, Basil; Smith, Michael E.: Re-thinking European
security interests and the ESDP : explaining the EU's anti-piracy
operation / Basil Germond and Michael E. Smith. In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December 2009)
3, S. 573-593, Tab., Lit. S. 589-593
SWP D 891944 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891373 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
SB07 International organisations / institutions
76 Kammel, Arnold H.; Pfarr, Dietmar: Der Vertrag von Lissabon
66 Torreblanca, José Ignacio: Una España confusa en una
und seine Auswirkungen auf GASP und GSVP / Arnold Kammel ;
Dietmar Pfarr. - In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift
(Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 36-49
Europa desorientada / José Ignacio Torreblanca. - In: Politica
Exterior (Madrid), 24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 45-60
SWP D 891115 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SWP D 890900 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SC01 International relations in the field of international
77 Panso, Alessandro: European defence or defence of Europe? /
Alessandro Pansa. - In: The European Union in the 21st century:
perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ...
Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Brussels, 2009, S. 162-181 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
67 Bilgin, Pınar: EU security policies towards the Mediterranean :
The ethical dimension ; what do we know and what else should
we know? / Pinar Bilgin. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy
Studies, 2009. - 7 S., Lit. S. 5-6 - (INEX Policy Brief; No. 2)
SWP D 892214 SWP: H.10/0023
78 Schmidt, Siegmar: Fortschritte und neue Herausforderungen in
der Europäischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik / Siegmar
Schmidt. - In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von
Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für
Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 195-219, Lit. S. 218-219 ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
SWP D 890851
68 DeVore, Marc Ronald: A convenient framework : The Western
European Union in the Persian Gulf, 1987-1988 and 1990-1991 /
Marc Ronald DeVore. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June
2009) 2, S. 227-243
DGAP D 891821 DGAP: DG 48180
79 Schmidt-Radefeldt, Roman: Die parlamentarische Dimension
SWP D 892165 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
der Europäischen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik :
Pluralität von demokratischer Legitimation in einer europäischen
Mehrebenendemokratie / Roman Schmidt-Radefeldt. In: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4,
S. 773-787, Lit. Hinw.
69 Hildreth, Steven A.; Ek, Carl W.: Long-range ballistic missile
defense in Europe / Steven A. Hildreth ; Carl Ek. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009. 30 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34051) - (RL34051)
DGAP D 891598 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891909
80 Schmoll, Melanie Carina: Die Europäische
70 Krickus, Richard J.: Medvedev's plan: giving Russia a voice
but not a veto in a new European security system / Richard J.
Krickus. - Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2009.
- X, 111 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-419-8
SWP D 891367 DGAP: DG 48135r
Sicherheitsstrategie (ESS) am Beispiel des Gaza-Konflikts :
zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Melanie Carina Schmoll. Regensburg: Forum Regensburger Politikwissenschaftler, 2009.
- 8 S., Lit. S. 7-8 - (FRP Working Paper; 05/2009)
GIGA D 891537
71 Shupe, Cortnie: Kooperation mit dem Kreml / Cortnie Shupe. -
SC06 Military capacity
Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S., graph. Darst., Lit.
Hinw. - (Spotlight Europe; 2010/01)
Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Cooperation with the Kremlin. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S.
81 Simón, Luis: Command and control? Planning for EU military
operations / Luis Simón. - Paris: European Union Institute for
Security Studies, 2010. - 52 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Occasional Papers / European Union Institute for Security
Studies; 81) - (QN-AB-10-081-EN-C) - ISBN 978-92-9198-161-8
DGAP D 892209 DGAP: DG B01411:10/1
72 Soler i Lecha, Eduard; García, Irene: The Union for the
SWP D 891984 DGAP: DG B01550k
Mediterranean : what has it changed and what can be changed
in the domain of security? / by Eduard Soler i Lecha & Irene
García. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2009. 6 S. - (INEX Policy Brief; No. 4)
SC06.02 Armament
82 Valcárcel, Darío: La Europa estratégica : el vuelo del A400M /
Darío Valcárcel. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 33-44
SWP D 891114 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SWP D 891630
SD01 World economy / International economic system
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
83 Brisse, Mathieu: Le rôle juridique contrasté de l'union
73 Coelmont, Jo: A Grand Strategy: does it matter in the real world?
européene face à la crise : un tour d'horizon des mesures prises
/ Mathieu Brisse. - In: Revue du marché commun et de l'Union
européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534, S. 20-25, Lit. Hinw.
/ Jo Coelmont. - Brussels: EGMONT, Royal Institute for
International Relations, 2010. - 4 S. - (Egmont Security Policy
Brief; 7) - (Egmont's Grand Strategy Project)
SWP D 891867 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SWP D 891791
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
84 Padoan, Pier Carlo: Europe and global economic governance
94 Saleh, Nivien: Europe in the Middle East and Northern Africa :
after the crisis / Pier Carlo Padoan. - In: The European Union in
the 21st century: perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by
Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for
European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009, S. 182-199 ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
The subtle quest for power / Nivien Saleh. - In: Mediterranean
Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 75-88, Lit.
SWP D 892216 SWP: H.10/0023
SD03.01 Foreign trade
GIGA D 890879 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
95 Carrière, Céline; Melo, Jaime de; Tumurchudur, Bolormaa:
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Disentangling market access effects of preferential trading
arrangements with an application for ASEAN members under an
ASEAN-EU FTA / Céline Carrière, Jaime de Melo and Bolormaa
Tumurchudur. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 33 (January
2010) 1, S. 42-59
85 Les accords de partenariat UE/ACP : Actes du séminaire ;
séminaire sous régional des jeunes de l'UPADD-AO,
Ouagadougou du 05 au 07 décembre 2007 / Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung. - Cotonou: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 104 S.,
SWP D 891886 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
GIGA D 891842 IAA: BFA-C/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
96 Joly, Eva: Report on the second revision of the Partnership
86 Agreement establishing a framework for an economic
Agreement ACP-EC (the "Cotonou Agreement") (2009/2165(INI)) / Committee on Development. Rapporteur: Eva
Joly. - Brussels: European Parliament, 2009. - 18 S., Tab. (Session Document / European Parliament) - (A7-0086/2009)
partnership agreement between East African Community
and its partner states on one part and the European
Community and its member states on the other part / East
African Community ; Europäische Union. - Kampala: Non State
Actors Support Programme, 2007. - 53 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891715 IAA: AFE-C/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 891784
87 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
97 New challenges, new beginnings : next steps in European
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
development cooperation ; European think-tanks group /
Overseas Development Institute (London) ... - London, 2010. XX,70 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-907288-17-3
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
88 Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam: Economic impact of a
DIE D 891629 DIE: 08SX017 Öff.StaO: B 1503
potential free trade agreement (FTA) between the European
Union and the Commonwealth of the Independent States /
Joseph Francois, Miriam Manchin. - Warsaw, 2009. - 126 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 73-79 - (CASE Network Reports; No.
SE International cultural relations
98 Culture in motion : The culture programme 2007-2013 /
Education and Culture DG. - Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ.
of the European Communities, 2009. - 52 S. ISBN 978-92-79-12865-3
SWP D 892125
89 Zorob, Anja: Partnership with the European Union : hopes, risks
IFA D 891937 IFA: Cb30/78 Öff.StaO: 212
and challenges for the Syrian economy / Anja Zorob. In: Demystifying Syria / ed. by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle
East Institute at SOAS. - London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS
Middle East Issues), S. 144-158, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
S. 157-158 - ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
99 Europäisches Jahr des interkulturellen Dialogs 2008 -
Höhepunkte : eine Initiative der Europäischen Union /
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Bildung und Kultur. Luxemburg: Amt für Amtl. Veröff. der Europ. Gemeinschaften,
2009. - 76 S. - ISBN 978-92-79-12465-5
GIGA D 892181 Öff.StaO: H 371
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
IFA D 891607 IFA: Cb30/36 Öff.StaO: 212
90 Bastasin, Carlo: Partisan protectionism : political consensus,
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
the Euro and Europe’s response to the global crisis / Carlo
Bastasin. - In: The European Union in the 21st century:
perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ...
Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Brussels, 2009, S. 7-30 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
100 Erasmus Mundus 2004-2008 : programme in Germany / Publ.
DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. - Bonn, 2009.
- 118 S., zahlr. Ill.
IFA D 892064 IFA: 4B30/14 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 892203 SWP: H.10/0023
101 Higher education in Europe 2009 : developments in the
91 Bruzzone, Ginevra; Prosperetti, Luigi: Market integration and
Bologna process / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency, P9 Eurydice. - Brussels, 2009. - 72 S. ISBN 978-92-9201-023-2
competition policy : The challenges ahead / Ginevra Bruzzone ;
Luigi Prosperetti. - In: The European Union in the 21st century:
perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ...
Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Brussels, 2009, S. 72-97 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
IFA D 891450 IFA: Cb30/47 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 892208 SWP: H.10/0023
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
92 The European Union in the 21st century : perspectives from
the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies - Brussels: CEPS,
2009. - 287 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
102 López Castillo, Antonio: Hacer del español efectiva lengua de
trabajo en la Unión Europea, tarea pendiente de la política
(europea) de España / Antonio López Castillo. - Madrid: Real
Inst. Elcano, 2009. - 22 S. - (Documento de Trabajo / Real
Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; no.
SWP D 892199 SWP: H.10/0023
93 Lasseur, Anne-Françoise: Le Contrat de service public /
Anne-Françoise Lasseur. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France
(Paris), (4e trimestre 2009) 178, S. 77-84, graph. Darst.
IFA D 891314 IFA: Cb30/63 Öff.StaO: 212
DFI D 892051 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
SF06.02 Terrorism
103 Tikly, Leon: Inclusion and diversity in education : project
112 Allam, Miriam S.; Gadzinowski, Damian: Combating the
baseline report / Leon Tikly. - London: British Council, 2009. 214 S.
IFA D 891506 IFA: 4B30/8 Öff.StaO: 212
financing of terrorism : EU policies, polity and politics / Miriam
Allam and Damian Gadzinowski. - In: EIPA Scope (Maastricht),
(2009) 2, S. 37-43, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891258 DGAP: ZD 526 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF01 Political system / Constitution
113 Argomaniz, Javier: Post-9/11 institutionalisation of European
104 Micossi, Stefano: Democracy in the European Union / Stefano
Union counter-terrorism : emergence, acceleration and inertia /
Javier Argomaniz. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June
2009) 2, S. 151-172
Micossi. - In: The European Union in the 21st century:
perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ...
Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Brussels, 2009, S. 214-235 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
SWP D 892147 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
114 Price, Russell: Raising biopreparedness levels in Europe :
SWP D 892219 SWP: H.10/0023
SDA biopreparedness report / rapporteur: Russell Price. Ed.
coord.: Réjane Serandour. - Brussels: Security and Defence
Agenda, 2009. - 72 S., Ill. - (A Security & Defence Agenda
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
105 Isaacs, Rico: The EU’s rule of law initiative in Central Asia / Rico
Isaacs. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009.
- 6 S. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 9) ISBN 978-92-9079-913-9
SWP D 891364
SF06.03 Criminality
SWP D 892282
115 Germond, Basil; Smith, Michael E.: Re-thinking European
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
security interests and the ESDP : explaining the EU's anti-piracy
operation / Basil Germond and Michael E. Smith. In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December 2009)
3, S. 573-593, Tab., Lit. S. 589-593
106 Manzella, Andrea: The role of parliaments in the democratic life
of the Union / Andrea Manzella. - In: The European Union in the
21st century: perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by
Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for
European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009, S. 257-270 ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
SWP D 891373 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
SF08 Regions / Local government
116 Lambert, Christian: Les collectivités locales, facteur de
SWP D 892223 SWP: H.10/0023
fédération dans l'union européenne : Quatrième partie: la
politique régionale communautaire: quelles évolutions pour les
collectivités locales? / Christian Lambert. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534,
S. 26-29
SF03 Political parties
107 Europäisches Parteiensystem im Umbruch - In: Die neue
Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte (Bonn), 57 (2010) 1-2, S. 31-64
DGAP D 891452 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173
Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891873 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
117 Pongérard-Payet, Hélène: Quelle action communautaire à
SF04.01 Elections
l'égard des régions ultrapériphériques et des pays et territoires
d'outre-mer? / Hélène Pongérard-Payet. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534,
S. 37-48, Lit. Hinw.
108 Niedermayer, Oskar: Die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament
vom 7. Juni 2009 in Deutschland : SPD-Debakel im Vorfeld der
Bundestagswahl / Oskar Niedermayer. - In: Zeitschrift für
Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 711-731,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891869 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SF10 Law
DGAP D 891593 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
118 Busch, Jürgen; Ehs, Tamara: Nachwort: Europa als
109 Vetter, Angelika: Alles nur Timing? Kommunale
Rechtsgemeinschaft / Jürgen Busch & Tamara Ehs. - In: Hans
Kelsen und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 95-111 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
Wahlbeteiligung im Kontext von Bundestagswahlen und Wahlen
zum Europäischen Parlament / Angelika Vetter. - In: Zeitschrift
für Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 788-808,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
HSFK D 891740 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
DGAP D 891654 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
119 Chiti, Mario P.: From a community based on the rule of law to
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
the European Union as a community of rights / Mario P. Chiti. - In:
The European Union in the 21st century: perspectives from the
Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009,
S. 201-213 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
110 Della Cananea, Giacinto: Trail-blazing developments in justice
and home affairs / Giacinto della Cananea. - In: The European
Union in the 21st century: perspectives from the Lisbon treaty /
ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for
European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009, S. 236-256 ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
SWP D 892217 SWP: H.10/0023
120 Lambert, Christian: Les collectivités locales, facteur de
SWP D 892220 SWP: H.10/0023
fédération dans l'union européenne : Quatrième partie: la
politique régionale communautaire: quelles évolutions pour les
collectivités locales? / Christian Lambert. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534,
S. 26-29
111 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Facing the challenges of separatism :
The EU, Central Asia and the Uyghur issue / Sebastian
Peyrouse. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 4)
SWP D 891873 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
121 Linos, Katerina: Path dependence in discrimination law :
SWP D 891758
employment cases in the United States and the European Union
/ Katerina Linos. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 115-169
SWP D 891092 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
122 Pongérard-Payet, Hélène: Quelle action communautaire à
SG04 Education / Training
l'égard des régions ultrapériphériques et des pays et territoires
d'outre-mer? / Hélène Pongérard-Payet. - In: Revue du marché
commun et de l'Union européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534,
S. 37-48, Lit. Hinw.
132 Higher education in Europe 2009 : developments in the
Bologna process / Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive
Agency, P9 Eurydice. - Brussels, 2009. - 72 S. ISBN 978-92-9201-023-2
SWP D 891869 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SG Society
IFA D 891450 IFA: Cb30/47 Öff.StaO: 212
123 Civil society in European-Chinese relations : challenges of
133 Tikly, Leon: Inclusion and diversity in education : project
cooperation / Nora Sausmikat ... (eds). Hrsg. von der
Asienstiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Netzwerk EU-China:
Civil Society Forum - Essen: Asienstiftung, 2010. - 104 S., Lit. ISBN 978-3-933341-45-7
baseline report / Leon Tikly. - London: British Council, 2009. 214 S.
GIGA D 891323 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
IFA D 891506 IFA: 4B30/8 Öff.StaO: 212
SG02 Social process / Social structure
SG07 Social movements / associations
124 Social cohesion in Europe and the Americas : power, time
134 Dimitrovova, Bohdana: Reshaping civil society in Morocco :
and space = Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas: poder,
tiempo y espacio / Harlan Koff (ed.). - Lang - Bruxelles ...: Peter
Lang, 2009. - 373 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Regional Integration
and Social Cohesion; No. 3) - ISBN 978-90-5201-568-2
boundary setting, integration and consolidation / Bohdana
Dimitrovova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 16 S. - (CEPS Working Document; No. 323) ISBN 978-92-9079-957-3
GIGA D 891946 ILAS: AAL-A/80 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SWP D 891626
125 Linos, Katerina: Path dependence in discrimination law :
135 Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Müller, Torsten: Die globalen und
employment cases in the United States and the European Union
/ Katerina Linos. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 115-169
europäischen Gewerkschaftsverbände : Handbuch und
Analysen zur transnationalen Gewerkschaftspolitik /
Hans-Wolfgang Platzer ; Torsten Müller. Unter Mitarb. von
Stefan Rüb ... - Berlin: Ed. Sigma, 2009. - Bd. 1-2, graph
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 853-873 - (Forschung aus der
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung; 109)
1. Halbband. - 403 S.
2. Halbband. - S. 410-889.
SWP D 891092 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
126 Sarter, Frédéric: Roms, une question européenne / Frédéric
Sarter. - In: Etudes (Paris), 412 (février 2010) 2, S. 189-200, Lit.
DFI D 891180 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
DGAP D 891268 DGAP: DG 48171:1
SG02.04 Migration
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
127 Bommes, Michael: Die Planung der Migration / Michael
136 Kostoris, Fiorella: Economic policy coordination and failures in
Bommes. - In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und
Ausländerpolitik (Baden-Baden), 29 (2009) 11-12, S. 376-381
Europe to counter recession / Fiorella Kostoris. - In: The
European Union in the 21st century: perspectives from the
Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009,
S. 48-71, graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
SWP D 891876 SWP: Y. 1115 IFA: Z-D3137 Öff.StaO: 282
128 Hailbronner, Kay: Das Grundrecht auf Asyl - unverzichtbarer
Bestandteil der grundgesetzlichen Wertordnung, historisches
Relikt oder gemeinschaftsrechtswidrig? / Kay Hailbronner. In: Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik
(Baden-Baden), 29 (2009) 11-12, S. 369-376
SWP D 892207 SWP: H.10/0023
137 Langsame Erholung ermöglicht Einstieg in die
Konsolidierung - In: Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale),
16 (27.01.2010) 1, S. 8-41
SWP D 891874 SWP: Y. 1115 IFA: Z-D3137 Öff.StaO: 282
129 Mollenkopf, John; Hochschild, Jennifer: Immigrant political
SWP D 891524 SWP: Y. 1104
incorporation : comparing success in the United States and
Western Europe / John Mollenkopf ; Jennifer Hochschild. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1,
Special issue migrant politics and mobilization: exclusion,
engagements, incorporation, S. 19-38, Lit. S. 35-38
138 Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Müller, Torsten: Die globalen und
europäischen Gewerkschaftsverbände : Handbuch und
Analysen zur transnationalen Gewerkschaftspolitik /
Hans-Wolfgang Platzer ; Torsten Müller. Unter Mitarb. von
Stefan Rüb ... - Berlin: Ed. Sigma, 2009. - Bd. 1-2, graph
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 853-873 - (Forschung aus der
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung; 109)
1. Halbband. - 403 S.
2. Halbband. - S. 410-889.
ECMI D 892202 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
130 Schmid, Susanne: Vor den Toren Europas? Das Potenzial der
Migration aus Afrika / Susanne Schmid. Unter Mitarb. von Kevin
Borchers. - Stand: August 2009, 1. Aufl. 2010 - Nürnberg:
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010. - 240 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 201-231 - (Forschungsbericht /
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge; 7) ISBN 978-3-9812115-2-8
DGAP D 891268 DGAP: DG 48171:1
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
139 Martin, Mary; Owen, Taylor: The second generation of human
security : lessons from the UN and EU experience / Mary Martin
and Taylor Owen. - In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January
2010) 1, S. 211-224
SWP D 890877 ECMI: 304.8094
SWP D 891954 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
131 Ferrera, Maurizio; Sacchi, Stefano: A more social EU : issues
of where and how / Maurizio Ferrera ; Stefano Sacchi. - In: The
European Union in the 21st century: perspectives from the
Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ... Introd. by Sabino
Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies. - Brussels, 2009,
S. 31-47 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
140 Becker, Peter: Reaction to Dirk Ahner: "What do you really
know about European cohesion policy?" : [Debate: What role
and aim for the European cohesion policy?] / Peter Becker. Paris: Notre Europe, 2009. - 6 S.
SWP D 892205 SWP: H.10/0023
SWP D 891353
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
141 Czuriga, Eszter: The regional policy of the European Union and
153 Smith, Keith C.: Russian energy dependency and the
its results in Portugal : convergence and divergence in practice /
Eszter Czuriga. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 295-312, Lit. S. 310-312
conflicting interests of old and new Europe / Keith C. Smith. Washington/D.C.: CSIS, 2009. - 10 S.
SWP D 891159 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
DGAP D 891311 DGAP: DG B01548s
154 Termini, Valeria: Energy and European institutions / Valeria
SH03 Labour / Employment
Dankbaar and Geert Vissers. - Köln: MPIfG, 2009. - 29 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 27-29 - (MPIfG Working Paper; 09/16)
Termini. - In: The European Union in the 21st century:
perspectives from the Lisbon treaty / ed. by Stefano Micossi ...
Introd. by Sabino Cassese. Centre for European Policy Studies.
- Brussels, 2009, S. 98-118 - ISBN 978-92-9079-929-0
DGAP D 892120 DGAP: DG B01548e
SWP D 892210 SWP: H.10/0023
142 Dankbaar, Ben; Vissers, Geert: Of knowledge and work / Ben
143 Recovering from the crisis : 27 ways of tackling the
155 Umbach, Frank: Global energy security and the implications for
employment challenge / European Commission,
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal
Opportunities. - Luxembourg: Publications Office of the EU,
2009. - 62 S., Lit. Hinw. - (KE-73-185-EN-C) ISBN 978-92-79-13752-5
the EU / Frank Umbach. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March
2010) 3, S. 1229-1240
SWP D 892262 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
DGAP D 892130 SWP: H.09/0321 DGAP: DG B01543i
156 Sullivan, Rory: An assessment of the climate change policies
and performance of large European companies / Rory Sullivan. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 38-50
SH05 Energy industry
144 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
SWP D 891930 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
157 Emerson, Michael; Vinokurov, Evgenij Jur'evic: Optimisation
of Central Asian and Eurasian trans-continental land transport
corridors / Michael Emerson ; Evgeny Vinokurov. - Brussels:
Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 18 S., Kt., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 7) ISBN 978-92-9079-958-0
145 Camerano, Simona; Carriero, Alberto; Comerci, Paolo:
"Wind of change" : The national energy system in the European
context / Simona Camerano, Alberto Carriero and Paolo
Comerci. - In: Review of Economic Conditions in Italy (Rome),
(May-August 2009) 2, S. 305-322
SWP D 891866 SWP: X. 656 Öff.StaO: 188/820
146 Energy supplier obligations and white certificate schemes :
SWP D 890984
comparative analysis of experiences in the European Union /
Paolo Bertoldi ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1455-1469
158 Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič; Salminen, Minna-Mari: Practise what
you preach : The prospects for visa freedom in Russia-EU
relations / Minna-Mari Salminen, Arkady Moshes. - Helsinki:
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2009. - 61 S. - (UPI
Report; 18) - ISBN 978-951-769-216-8
SWP D 892279 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
147 Energy trade and cooperation between the EU and CIS
countries / Sabit Bagirov ... [CASE - Center for Social and
Economic Research] - Warsaw, 2009. - 79 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 73-79 - (CASE Network Reports; No.
SWP D 892152
SI01 Technology / Technological development
159 NMP Expert Advisory Group (EAG) position paper on future
SWP D 892122
RTD activities of NMP for the period 2010-2015 / Ed.: Costas
Kiparissides. European Commission. - Luxembourg:
Publications Office of the EU, 2009. - XVI, 156 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-92-79-14065-5
148 Gnedina, Elena; Emerson, Michael: The case for a gas transit
consortium in Ukraine : A cost-benefit analysis / Elena Gnedina
& Michael Emerson. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy
Studies, 2009. - 13 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 180)
DGAP D 892228 DGAP: DG B01551
SI03.01 Space technology
SWP D 891761
160 Martin, Annie: Galileo : chronique d'une politique spatiale
149 Hancher, Leigh; Hauteclocque, Adrien de: Manufacturing the
européenne annoncée / Annie Martin. Avec la participation de
Mireille Couston ... - Paris: Litec, 2009. - XVI,346 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (Travaux du Centre de recherche sur le droit des
marchés et des investissements internationaux; Vol. 32) ISBN 978-2-7110-1368-5
EU energy markets : The current dynamics of regulatory practice
/ Leigh Hancher and Adrien de Hauteclocque. - San Domenico di
Fiesole: European Univ. Institute, 2010. - 24 S., Lit. Hinw. - (EUI
Working Paper RSCAS; 2010/01)
DFI D 891754 DFI: YL 250.MAR Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SWP D 891709
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
150 Hedenus, Fredrik; Azar, Christian; Johansson, Daniel J. A.:
161 Valcárcel, Darío: La Europa estratégica : el vuelo del A400M /
Energy security policies in EU-25 : The expected cost of oil
supply disruptions / Fredrik Hedenus ; Christian Azar ; Daniel J.
A. Johansson. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1241-1250
Darío Valcárcel. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 33-44
SWP D 891114 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SWP D 892263 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
151 Noël, Pierre: Beyond dependence : how to deal with Russian
gas / Pierre Noël. - London: European Council on Foreign
Relations, 2008. - 18 S., graph. Darst. - (Policy Brief / European
Council on Foreign Relations) - ISBN 978-1-906538-08-8
162 Les déchets municipaux en Europe : vers une société
européenne du recyclage / une analyse de l'Association des
Cités et Régions pour le Recyclage et la gestion durable des
Ressources ACR+. - Paris: Victoires, 2009. - 254 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Environnement) - ISBN 978-2-351-13048-3
SWP D 891620
152 Pipelines, politics and power : The future of EU-Russia energy
DFI D 892084 DFI: VV 560.DECH Öff.StaO: Lg 3
relations / Pavel Baev ... Edited by Katinka Barysch. Centre for
European Reform - London, 2008. - 63 S. ISBN 978-1-901229-85-1
SWP D 891581
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
163 Freeman, Duncan; Holslag, Jonathan: Climate change, China
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
and the EU : different policies, same end? / Duncan Freeman
and Jonathan Holslag. - Brüssel: Brussels Institute of
Contemporary China Studies, 2009. - 32 S., Tab., Lit. S. 29-32 (Asia Paper / Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies;
Vol. 4 (5))
174 Graeger, Nina; Haugevik, Kristin M.: The revival of Atlanticism
in NATO? Changing security identities in Britain, Norway and
Denmark ; report to the Norwegian Ministry of Defence / Nina
Graeger ; Kristin M. Haugevik. - Oslo: Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs, 2009. - 58 S. - (NUPI Report; [2009]) ISBN 978-82-7002-250-2
GIGA D 890916
SWP D 891908
164 Loisel, Rodica: Quota allocation rules in Romania assessed by
175 Wittmann, Klaus: Towards a new strategic concept for NATO /
a dynamic CGE model / Rodica Loisel. - In: Climate Policy
(Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 87-102
by Klaus Wittmann. - Rome: NATO Defence College, 2009. 169 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Forum Paper Series / NATO Defense
College; 10)
SWP D 891933 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
165 Pan, Jiahua; Lee, Bernice; Jiang, Kejun: Energy and climate
DGAP D 891277
security : China-EU interdependences / Pan Jiahua ; Bernice
Lee ; Jiang Kejun. - In: Peace (Beijing), (2009) 91, S. 30-47,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
SC04 Military strategy
176 Counterinsurgency : The challenge for NATO strategy and
IFSH D 890934 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
operations / ed. by Christopher M. Schnaubelt. - Rome: NATO
Defence College, 2009. - 252 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (Forum Paper Series / NATO Defense College; 11)
166 Stephenson, Paule; Boston, Jonathan: Climate change,
equity and the relevance of European 'effort-sharing' for global
mitigation efforts / Paule Stephenson ; Jonathan Boston. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 3-16
DGAP D 891287
SC05 War / Warfare
SWP D 891928 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
177 Ripley, Tim: Exchange rate : coalition warfare by network / Tim
167 Sullivan, Rory: An assessment of the climate change policies
Ripley. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 47 (27 January
2010) 4, S. 35-39
and performance of large European companies / Rory Sullivan. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 38-50
SWP D 891930 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
SWP D 891645 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW
Öff.StaO: 11
RA01.02 NATO
SB01 International relations / process
SB01 International relations / process
168 Oprach, Marc: "A new beginning"? Die Zukunft der
178 Muradyan Vahagn: Armenia's relations with European
NATO-Russland-Beziehungen / Marc Oprach. - In: Die
politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 26-30
institutions largely unaffected one year after March violence / by
Vahagn Muradyan. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3 S.
DGAP D 891814 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891778
SC01 International relations in the field of international
169 Ben-Ami, Shlomo: Israel and NATO : between membership
SH06 Agrarian sector
and partnership ; a working paper in preparation for the Herzliya
Conference 2010 / Shlomo Ben Ami. - Herzliya: Interdisciplinary
Center Herzliya ..., 2010. - 5 S.
179 20 years of transition in the agri-food sector : Analysis of
markets and policies ; part 2 - In: Agrarwirtschaft
(Frankfurt/Main), 58 (2009) 8, S. 337-370, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891726
DIE D 890856 DIE: ZA043 Öff.StaO: 206
170 Graubner, Cornelius: Implications of the Northern Distribution
Network in Central Asia / by Cornelius Graubner. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3
SB04 International political integration
SWP D 891772
180 Inotai, András: The impacts of enlargement on the Central and
Eastern European countries / András Inotai. - Seoul: Korea
Institute for International Economic Policy, 2009. - 76 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 70-73 - (SNU-KIEP EU Centre Research Series; 09-02) ISBN 978-89-322-2159-5
171 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia at the resumption of NATO-Russia
relations / Andrew Monaghan. - Rome: NATO Defense College,
2010. - 4 S.
DGAP D 891309
172 Noetzel, Timo; Schreer, Benjamin: NATO's Vietnam?
SWP D 891090
Afghanistan and the future of the Atlantic alliance / Timo Noetzel
and Benjamin Schreer. - In: Contemporary Security Policy
(London), 30 (December 2009) 3, S. 529-547, Lit. S. 544-547
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
181 Twenty years of postcommunism - In: Journal of Democracy
SWP D 891370 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
(Baltimore/Md.), 21 (January 2010) 1, S. 160-170, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891968 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
173 Schilling, Walter: Die NATO und Russland : Initiative für
Abrüstung / Walter Schilling. - In: Liberal (Berlin), 51 (November
2009) 4, S. 52-55
SG02.04 Migration
DGAP D 891583 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432
Öff.StaO: 18
182 Sumption, Madeleine; Somerville, Will: The UK's new
Europeans : progress and challenges five years after accession /
Madeleine Sumption and Will Somerville. - London ...: Equality
and Human Rights Commission, 2010. - 54 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 47-51 - (Equality and Human Rights Commission Policy
Report) - ISBN 978-1-84206-252-4
SWP D 891667
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
183 Kolodko, Grzegorz W.: The great transformation 1989-2029 /
SC06 Military capacity
Grzegorz W. Kolodko. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 175-191, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 190-191
192 Energy and security in long-term defence planning :
scenario analysis for the Swedish Armed Forces / Daniel K.
Jonsson ... - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (March 2009) 1,
S. 33-54
SWP D 891150 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
SWP D 892138 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
SK01 Fields of science
184 Csaba, László: European Studies : taking stock and looking
SG04 Education / Training
ahead / László Csaba. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 193-209, Lit. S. 208-209
193 Chambon-Aubier, Catherine: Dynamiques de construction des
SWP D 891152 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
SH05 Energy industry
185 Krasniqi, Ekrem: Nord Stream: environment vs energy / by
Ekrem Krasniqi. - Zurich: Russian and Eurasian Security
Network, 2008. - ca. 2 S. - (News and Analysis: Security Watch)
SWP D 891573
pratiques porteuses d'innovation : Analyse des pratiques
d'apprentissage dans les formations des ingénieurs-innovateurs
en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Suède = How to
build dynamics supporting human innovation : A comparative
analysis between learning practices of students in engineering in
higher education and the vocational skills owned by innovators
by innovators-engineers in France, in Germany, in Spain and in
Sweden / Catherine Chambon-Aubier. - o.O., 2008. - 224 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 187-195 -- Nancy, Univ., Diss., 2008
DFI D 891670
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
186 Krasniqi, Ekrem: Nord Stream: environment vs energy / by
Ekrem Krasniqi. - Zurich: Russian and Eurasian Security
Network, 2008. - ca. 2 S. - (News and Analysis: Security Watch)
SWP D 891573
194 OECD Development Assistance Committee: DAC peer
review of Norway : 21 october 2008 / OECD Development
Assistance Committee. - In: OECD Journal on Development
(Paris), 10 (2009) 2, S. 43-146, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 144-145
DIE D 891895 DIE: ZS014 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
SG06 Media / Information
195 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
187 Friedrichsen, Eiken: Bücher und mehr : das
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
Sondersammelgebiet Skandinavien und die vifanord / von Eiken
Friedrichsen. - In: Island (Köln), 15 (November 2009) 2, S. 49-51,
IFA D 891173 IFA: Z-D4094 Öff.StaO: 212
SK01 Fields of science
188 Friedrichsen, Eiken: Bücher und mehr : das
Sondersammelgebiet Skandinavien und die vifanord / von Eiken
Friedrichsen. - In: Island (Köln), 15 (November 2009) 2, S. 49-51,
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
IFA D 891173 IFA: Z-D4094 Öff.StaO: 212
196 Thaler, Peter: Of mind and matter : The duality of national
identity in the German-Danish borderlands / Peter Thaler. - West
Lafayette/Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2009. - XIV, 206 S.,
Reg., Tab., Lit. S. 165-191 - ISBN 978-1-55753-524-5
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
ECMI D 891830 ECMI: 948
189 Breckle, Margit; Båsk, Märta; Rodenbeck, Rolf:
Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch in Studium und Beruf :
Curriculumentwicklung an der Schwedischen
Wirtschaftsuniversität in Finnland = Ekonomisk tyska i studier
och yrkesliv / Margit Breckle ; Märta Båsk ; Rolf Rodenbeck. Helsingfors: Svenska Handelshögskolan, 2007. - 108 S. (Forskningsrapporter från Svenska Handelshögskolan; 63) ISBN 978-951-555-956-2
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
197 Schymik, Carsten: Islands Volksabstimmung über Icesave :
das absehbare "Nein" zum Kreditabkommen untergräbt Islands
internationales Ansehen und könnte das Ende des
EU-Beitrittsprozesses bedeuten / Carsten Schymik. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
IFA D 891557 IFA: Cb30/33 Öff.StaO: 212
190 Korhonen, Jarmo: Deutsche Sprache und Germanistik in
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
Finnland / von Jarmo Korhonen. - In: Jahrbuch für internationale
Germanistik (Bern ...), 39 (2007) 2, S. 61-72, Lit. S. 70-72
IFA D 891252 IFA: Cb30/34 Öff.StaO: 212
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
198 Gudmundsson, Halldor: Wir sind alle Isländer : von Lust und
SK01 Fields of science
Frust, in der Krise zu sein / Halldór Gudmundsson. Unter Mitarb.
von Dagur Gunnarsson. - 1. Aufl. - München: btb, 2009. - 191 S.,
Ill. - ISBN 978-3-442-75248-5
191 Korhonen, Jarmo: Deutsche Sprache und Germanistik in
Finnland / von Jarmo Korhonen. - In: Jahrbuch für internationale
Germanistik (Bern ...), 39 (2007) 2, S. 61-72, Lit. S. 70-72
SWP D 891044 SWP: A.10/0020
IFA D 891252 IFA: Cb30/34 Öff.StaO: 212
199 Jónsson, Ásgeir: Der Fall Island : wie internationale
Spekulanten ein Land an den Rand des Staatsbankrotts
brachten / Ásgeir Jónsson. - 1. Aufl. - München:
FinanzBuch-Verl., 2009. - 160 S. - ISBN 978-3-89879-515-9
SWP D 891037 SWP: A.10/0021
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
SF06.02 Terrorism
200 Gudmundsson, Halldor: Wir sind alle Isländer : von Lust und
209 The building of a docile Islam in Britain : how not to prevent
Frust, in der Krise zu sein / Halldór Gudmundsson. Unter Mitarb.
von Dagur Gunnarsson. - 1. Aufl. - München: btb, 2009. - 191 S.,
Ill. - ISBN 978-3-442-75248-5
violent extremism - In: Cultures of Resistance (London),
1 (Winter 2009-10) 3, S. 1-15, Ill.
SWP D 891044 SWP: A.10/0020
SWP D 891733
201 Jónsson, Ásgeir: Der Fall Island : wie internationale
SG02.04 Migration
Spekulanten ein Land an den Rand des Staatsbankrotts
brachten / Ásgeir Jónsson. - 1. Aufl. - München:
FinanzBuch-Verl., 2009. - 160 S. - ISBN 978-3-89879-515-9
210 Bermudez, Anastasia: The transnational political practices of
Colombian in Spain and the United Kingdom : politics 'here' and
'there' / Anastasia Bermudez. - In: Ethnic and Racial Studies
(Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, Special issue migrant politics and
mobilization: exclusion, engagements, incorporation, S. 75-91,
Lit. S. 89-91
SWP D 891037 SWP: A.10/0021
SB01 International relations / process
ECMI D 891940 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
202 Civilian strategy for Afghanistan : A status report in advance
211 Sumption, Madeleine; Somerville, Will: The UK's new
of the London Conference ; recorded hearing / U.S. Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations. Presiding: Senator Kerry. Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
Europeans : progress and challenges five years after accession /
Madeleine Sumption and Will Somerville. - London ...: Equality
and Human Rights Commission, 2010. - 54 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 47-51 - (Equality and Human Rights Commission Policy
Report) - ISBN 978-1-84206-252-4
SWP D 890873
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SWP D 891667
203 Sliwinski, Krzysztof: British nuclear strategy at the threshold of
the 21st century / Krzystof Sliwinski. - In: European Security
(Ilford), 18 (March 2009) 1, S. 81-97
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
212 The building of a docile Islam in Britain : how not to prevent
SWP D 892142 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
violent extremism - In: Cultures of Resistance (London),
1 (Winter 2009-10) 3, S. 1-15, Ill.
SC04 Military strategy
204 Sliwinski, Krzysztof: British nuclear strategy at the threshold of
SWP D 891733
the 21st century / Krzystof Sliwinski. - In: European Security
(Ilford), 18 (March 2009) 1, S. 81-97
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 892142 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
213 Amoamo, Maria: Pitcairn Island : home of the "Bounty"
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
205 Schymik, Carsten: Islands Volksabstimmung über Icesave :
das absehbare "Nein" zum Kreditabkommen untergräbt Islands
internationales Ansehen und könnte das Ende des
EU-Beitrittsprozesses bedeuten / Carsten Schymik. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SE International cultural relations
206 Prado, Elvira: La candidatura a la Capitalidad Europea de la
Cultura : una herramienta para la proyección exterior / Elvira
Prado. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the
Royal Institute; no. 113/2007)
mutineers and their descendants / Maria Amoamo. - In: Pacific
News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33, S. 27-29
GIGA D 891429 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
214 Schymik, Carsten: Islands Volksabstimmung über Icesave :
das absehbare "Nein" zum Kreditabkommen untergräbt Islands
internationales Ansehen und könnte das Ende des
EU-Beitrittsprozesses bedeuten / Carsten Schymik. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SA02 History
IFA D 891918 IFA: Cb30/83 Öff.StaO: 212
215 Ces Alsaciens venus d'ailleurs : cent cinquante ans
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
d'immigration en Alsace / sous la dir. d'Yves Frey. Préface de
Gérard Noiriel. - Nancy: Place Stanislas, 2009. - 190 S.,
zahlr. Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 183-190 - ISBN 978-2-355-78046-2
207 Marco, Elvira: Una mirada al sistema británico de relaciones
culturales internacionales : Acción cultural exterior y diplomacia
pública / Elvira Marco. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2008. - 7 S. (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 34/2008)
DFI D 890834 DFI: FN 190.AL/CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3
216 Chovaux, Olivier: Des colonies de vacances à l'économie
sociale : histoire de l'Ufcv (1907-2007) / Olivier Chovaux. Marly-le-Roi: INJEP, 2008. - 191 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.,
Lit. S. 184-188 - (Publication de l'INJEP; n° 92) ISBN 978-2-11-096682-7
IFA D 891913 IFA: Cb30/102 Öff.StaO: 212
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
208 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891303 DFI: FN 570.CHOV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SA03 Politics
217 Chinaud, Roger: De Giscard à Sarkozy : dans les coulisses de
la Ve / Roger Chinaud. - Paris: L'Archipel, 2009. - 333 S., Ill. ISBN 978-2-8098-0229-0
DFI D 891559 DFI: FC 510.CHIN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
218 Hollande, François: Droit d'inventaires / François Hollande.
Entretiens avec Pierre Favier. - Paris: Seuil, 2009. - 394 S. ISBN 978-2-02-097913-9
DFI D 891760 DFI: FC 540.HOL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
219 Kosciusko-Morizet, Nathalie: Tu viens? / Nathalie
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
Kosciusko-Morizet. - Paris: Gallimard, 2009. - 174 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-07-012777-1
232 Hosiner, C.: Internationale Rundschau: Frankreich / C. Hosiner.
DFI D 892200 DFI: FC 540.KOS Öff.StaO: Lg 3
- In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 99-101
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 890911 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
220 Agenda franco-allemand 2020 : Palais de l'Elysée - jeudi 4
février 2010 / Présidence de la République. - Paris, 2010. - 10 S.
DFI D 891552 DFI: WD 210.W1282 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
233 Samaan, Jean-Loup; Gompert, David C.: French nuclear
weapons, euro-deterrence, and NATO / Jean-Loup Samaan and
David C. Gompert. - In: Contemporary Security Policy (London),
30 (December 2009) 3, S. 486-504, Lit. S. 503-504
SWP D 891365 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
221 Cattier, Emmanuel: Le "chiffon de papier" : du premier accord
d'Arusha à la rébellion des autorités de la France au Rwanda /
Emmanuel Cattier. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009)
3, S. 337-396, Lit. S. 394-396, Lit. Hinw.
234 Sartre, Patrice; Ferlet, Philippe: Le secret de défense en
France / Patrice Sartre et Philippe Ferlet. - In: Etudes (Paris),
412 (février 2010) 2, S. 165-175, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891387
DFI D 891178 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
222 Deutsch-Französische Agenda 2020 / Bundesregierung. -
Berlin, 2010. - ca. 7 S.
DFI D 891554 DFI: WD 210.W1283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
223 Dossier Péan - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
235 Lasseur, Anne-Françoise: Le Contrat de service public /
Anne-Françoise Lasseur. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France
(Paris), (4e trimestre 2009) 178, S. 77-84, graph. Darst.
DFI D 892051 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
S. 129-265, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891385
SD03.01 Foreign trade
224 Kayimahe, Vénuste: La peur des fantômes / Vénuste
236 Madariaga, Nicole: Spécialisations à l'exportation de la France
Kayimahe. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
S. 67-89
et de l'Allemagne : similitude ou divergence? / [Nicole
Madariaga]. - In: La Lettre trésor-éco (Paris), (décembre 2009)
68, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891375
225 Kayumba, Bernard: "L'Opération Turquoise avait pour objectif
de sauver l'armée gouvernementale, pas les Tutsi" / Bernard
Kayumba. Jacques Morel. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril
2009) 3, S. 91-100, Lit. Hinw. S. 100
DFI D 890933 DFI: YV 560.Y0598 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
237 Tops et flops du commerce extérieur 2009 / Christine
Gilguy ... - In: Le MOCI (Paris), (4-17 février 2010) 1859,
S. 24-33, graph. Darst.. Tab.
GIGA D 891381
226 Sitbon, Michel: À propos de l'attentat contre Juvénal
DFI D 892056 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
Habyarimana / Michel Sitbon. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7
avril 2009) 3, S. 417-453, Lit. Hinw.
SE International cultural relations
GIGA D 891389
238 Amouzou, Essé: L'impact de la culture occidentale sur les
cultures africaines / Essé Amouzou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
- 190 S., Lit. S. 179-185 - (Etudes africaines) ISBN 978-2-296-07520-7
227 Sourang Ndir, Maïmouna: Pour une nouvelle impulsion des
relations entre la France et l'Afrique / Maïmouna Sourang Ndir. In: Revue politique et parlementaire (Puteaux),
111 (octobre-novembre 2009) 1053, S. 163-166
IFA D 890914 IFA: 30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
DFI D 892055 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
SB02 Foreign policy
239 Les étudiants étrangers à Paris : entre affiliation et repli /
228 La France à l'ère de la mondialisation : nouvelles
textes réunis et présentés par Catherine Agulhon ... - Paris:
L'Harmattan, 2009. - 282 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Logiques sociales)
- ISBN 978-2-296-10542-3
perspectives en politique étrangère ; issu du colloque organisé
le 9 avril 2009 à Paris, Assemblée nationale / sous la dir. de
Jacques Myard. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 189 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-296-10114-2
DFI D 891010 DFI: YM 570.ETU Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891406 DFI: YF 210.FRA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
SB04 International political integration
240 Sapiro, Gisèle: Les enjeux sociaux de la traduction :
perspectives franco-allemandes / Gisèle Sapiro. In: Deutsch-französische Berührungs- und Wendepunkte / Rolf
G. Renner ... (Hrsg.). - Freiburg: Frankreich-Zentrum, 2009,
S. 433-444, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-00-028879-1
229 Jessel, Jacques: Heurs et malheurs de la France et de
l'Europe : 1945-2009 / Jacques Jessel. - [Sceaux): Esprit du
Livre, 2009. - 249 S. - (Défis du 3e millénaire) ISBN 978-2-915960-67-9
DFI D 892191 DFI: YC 320.JES Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 890875 DFI: WG 460.DEUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
230 Les priorités du CESE durant la présidence française du
Conseil de l'Union européenne : juillet - décembre 2008 /
Comité économique et social européen. - o.O.: CESE, 2008. 34 S., Ill.
DFI D 890973 DFI: YC 320.Y0323 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
241 Les films français à l'étranger : bilan des résultats 2008 /
Unifrance, [responsable de ce dossier: Jean-Rémi Ducourtioux]
- [Paris], [2009]. - 101 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 890910 DFI: YM 670.FIL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
231 Les étudiants étrangers à Paris : entre affiliation et repli /
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
textes réunis et présentés par Catherine Agulhon ... - Paris:
L'Harmattan, 2009. - 282 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Logiques sociales)
- ISBN 978-2-296-10542-3
242 Berg, Walter Bruno: Frankreich und Lateinamerika :
Faszination ohne Ende? / Walter Bruno Berg. In: Deutsch-französische Berührungs- und Wendepunkte / Rolf
G. Renner ... (Hrsg.). - Freiburg: Frankreich-Zentrum, 2009,
S. 449-458, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-00-028879-1
DFI D 891010 DFI: YM 570.ETU Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 890876 DFI: WG 460.DEUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
255 Ploquin, Frédéric: Parrains et caïds : l'inépuisable vivier
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
243 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
français / Frédéric Ploquin. - In: Pouvoirs (Paris), (2009) 132,
S. 91-102
DFI D 891396 OSI: Zv 267 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 249 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF07 Military and society / Government
256 Ranalletti, Mario: Aux origines du terrorisme d'Etat en
Argentine : les influences françaises dans la formation des
militaires argentins (1955-1976) / Mario Ranalletti. In: Vingtième siècle (Paris), (janvier-mars 2009) 105, S. 45-56,
Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891398 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SF03 Political parties
SF08 Regions / Local government
244 Moscovici, Pierre: Mission impossible? Comment la gauche
peut battre Sarkozy en 2012 / Pierre Moscovici. - Paris: Le
Cherche-Midi, 2009. - 317 S. - (Documents) ISBN 978-2-7491-1550-4
257 Antenucci, Marie-Louise: Ritals ici, Lorrains là-bas : destins
d'immigrés / Marie-Louise Antenucci. - Metz: Serpenoise, 2009.
- 173 S., zahlr. Ill., Gloss., Lit. S. 158-165 ISBN 978-2-87692-817-6
DFI D 891759 DFI: FE 450.MOS Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891301 DFI: FN 850.ANT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF04.01 Elections
258 Ces Alsaciens venus d'ailleurs : cent cinquante ans
245 Clinchamps, Nicolas: Les avatars de la loi électorale en
d'immigration en Alsace / sous la dir. d'Yves Frey. Préface de
Gérard Noiriel. - Nancy: Place Stanislas, 2009. - 190 S.,
zahlr. Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 183-190 - ISBN 978-2-355-78046-2
Polynésie française : histoire d'une évolution inachevée /
Nicolas Clinchamps. - In: Pouvoirs (Paris), (2009) 132,
S. 153-165, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 890834 DFI: FN 190.AL/CES Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891397 OSI: Zv 267 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 249 Öff.StaO: 1a
259 Les collectivités face à la réforme territoriale - In: Revue
SF05 Domestic policy
politique et parlementaire (Puteaux), 111 (octobre-novembre
2009) 1053, S. 13-140, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
246 Nakano, Koichi: Party politics and decentralization in Japan
DFI D 892053 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
and France : when the opposition governs / Koichi Nakano. - 1st
published - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XIV,155 S.,
Lit. S.135-145, Lit. Hinw. - (Nissan Institute / Routledge
Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-55305-6
260 La conduite par l'Etat de la décentralisation : rapport public
thématique / Cour des Comptes. - Paris: La Documentation
Française, 2009. - V,167 S. - ISBN 978-2-11-007942-8
GIGA D 891047 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
DFI D 891548 DFI: FD 240.CON Öff.StaO: Lg 3
247 Burguière, André: D'une barricade à l'autre : Paris août
261 Dubois, Jérôme: Les politiques publiques territoriales : La
1944-Paris mai 1968 / André Burguière. - In: The Tocqueville
Review (Toronto), 30 (2009) 2, S. 131-161, Lit. S. 161
gouvernance multi-niveaux face aux défis de l'aménagement /
Jérôme Dubois. - Rennes: Presses Univ. de Rennes, 2009. 216 S., Tab., Lit. S. 211-216 - (Res Publica) ISBN 978-2-7535-0917-7
DFI D 892044 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
248 Cattier, Emmanuel: Le "chiffon de papier" : du premier accord
DFI D 892215 DFI: FD 250.DUB Öff.StaO: Lg 3
d'Arusha à la rébellion des autorités de la France au Rwanda /
Emmanuel Cattier. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009)
3, S. 337-396, Lit. S. 394-396, Lit. Hinw.
262 Evaluation juridique des premiers schémas de cohérence
Kayimahe. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
S. 67-89
territoriale / sous la dir. de Jean-Pierre Lebreton. GRIDAUH
[Groupement de Recherche sur les Institutions et le Droit de
l'Aménagement, de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat] - Paris, 2009. 255 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Cahiers du GRIDAUH; N° 19) ISBN 978-2-913457-18-8
GIGA D 891375
DFI D 891964 DFI: FD 230.EVA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
GIGA D 891387
249 Kayimahe, Vénuste: La peur des fantômes / Vénuste
263 La France et ses régions - In: La Revue socialiste (Paris), (1er
250 Kayumba, Bernard: "L'Opération Turquoise avait pour objectif
trimestre 2010) 37, S. 4-71, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
de sauver l'armée gouvernementale, pas les Tutsi" / Bernard
Kayumba. Jacques Morel. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril
2009) 3, S. 91-100, Lit. Hinw. S. 100
DFI D 891249 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
264 Lyon : la production de la ville / sous la dir. de Paul Boino. -
GIGA D 891381
[Marseille]: Parenthèses, 2009. - 261 S., zahlr. Ill.,
zahlr. Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 245-254 - (La ville en train de se faire) ISBN 978-2-86364-224-5
251 Les nouveaux territoires de la sécurité - In: Les Cahiers de la
sécurité (Paris), (avril-juin 2009) 8, S. 12-153, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891562 DFI: FD 680.LYO/LY Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891960 DFI: RV
265 Nouveaux mystères de Paris / [directrice de publication: Marie
Lajus]. - Paris: La Documentation française, 2009. - 88 S.,
zahlr. Ill. - (Les dossiers de la préfecture de police; 1) - (Liaisons:
hors-série) - ISBN 978-2-11-007512-3
SF06.01 Civil war
252 Denis, Sébastien: Le cinéma et la guerre d'Algérie : la
propagande à l'écran (1945-1962) / Sebastien Denis. - Paris:
Nouveau Monde Ed., 2009. - 479 S. + 1 DVD, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 454-473 - (Histoire et cinéma) - ISBN 978-2-84736-421-7
DFI D 892067 DFI: FD 680.PAR/NO Öff.StaO: Lg 3
266 Rocard, Michel: Décoloniser la province, 1966 / Michel Rocard.
DFI D 891564 DFI: YF 840.DEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
- In: La Revue socialiste (Paris), (1er trimestre 2010) 37,
S. 74-81
SF06.03 Criminality
DFI D 891250 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
253 Montel, Laurence: Crime organisé et politique en France,
SF09 Public administration
aperçu historique / Laurence Montel. - In: Pouvoirs (Paris),
(2009) 132, S. 17-27, Lit. S. 27
267 Diefenbacher, Michel: L'intéressement collectif dans la fonction
publique : rapport au Premiere ministre / Michel Diefenbacher. Paris: La Documentation française, 2009. - 86 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Rapports officiels) - ISBN 978-2-11-007792-9
DFI D 891395 OSI: Zv 267 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 249 Öff.StaO: 1a
254 Nouveaux mystères de Paris / [directrice de publication: Marie
Lajus]. - Paris: La Documentation française, 2009. - 88 S.,
zahlr. Ill. - (Les dossiers de la préfecture de police; 1) - (Liaisons:
hors-série) - ISBN 978-2-11-007512-3
DFI D 891971 DFI: FD 160.DIEF Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 892067 DFI: FD 680.PAR/NO Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SF10 Law
SG02.04 Migration
268 Actualité du droit public comparé en France et en
280 Lem, Winnie: Mobilization and disengagement : Chinese
Allemagne : Actes des séminaires franco-allemands de droit
public comparé ; (2006-2007) / sous la dir. de David Capitant ... Paris: Société de Législation Comparée, 2009. - 221 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (UMR de droit comparé de Paris; vol. 17) ISBN 978-2-908199-78-9
migrant entrepreneurs in urban France / Winnie Lem. - In: Ethnic
and Racial Studies (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, Special issue
migrant politics and mobilization: exclusion, engagements,
incorporation, S. 92-107, Lit. S. 105-107
ECMI D 892195 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
DFI D 891308 DFI: VC 610.ACT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
281 Politique française de l'immigration et de l'intégration :
document de politique transversale / [Ministère de l'immigration,
de l'intégration, de l'identité nationale et du développement
solidaire]. - [Paris], [2009]. - 54 S., Tab. - (Projet de loi de
finances pour 2010)
269 Timbart, Odile: Les condamnations prononcées en 2008 :
infractions sanctionnées et peines prononcées / Odile Timbart. In: Infostat Justice (Paris), (décembre 2009) 107, S. 1-4, Tab.
DFI D 891811 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
270 Timbart, Odile; Baux, Dominique: Les condamnations de
personnes morales en 2005 / Dominique Baux, Odile Timbart. In: Infostat Justice (Paris), (septembre 2008) 103, S. 1-4, graph.
Darst., Tab.
DFI D 890917 DFI: FN 840.POL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
DFI D 891802 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
282 Belmokhtar, Zakia: L'adoption simple et plénière en 2007 : des
SG02.02 Social groups
projets différents / Zakia Belmoktar. - In: Infostat Justice (Paris),
(septembre 2009) 106, S. 1-6, graph. Darst., Tab.
271 Les animateurs face à l'intégrisme religieux et à
l'oppression des femmes : témoignages, discussion, enjeux
de formation / Pierre Baracca ... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 268 S., Lit. S. 251-256 - (Logiques historiques) ISBN 978-2-296-09918-0
DFI D 891809 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
283 Godet, Michel; Sullerot, Evelyne: La famille : une affaire
publique / Michel Godet et Evelyne Sullerot. - rééd. - Paris: La
Documentation française, 2009. - 297 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 287-297 - ISBN 978-2-11-007701-1
DFI D 891459 DFI: FN 470.ANI Öff.StaO: Lg 3
272 Galland, Olivier: La crise de confiance de la jeunesse française
DFI D 892189 DFI: FN 450.GOD Öff.StaO: Lg 3
/ Olivier Galland. - In: Etudes (Paris), 412 (janvier 2010) 1,
S. 31-42, Lit. Hinw.
284 Lermenier, Aurélie; Timbart, Odile: Les divorces prononcés
de 1996 à 2007 / Aurélie Lermenier, Odile Timbart. - In: Infostat
Justice (Paris), (janvier 2009) 104, S. 1-4, graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 891586 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
273 La protection de l'enfance : rapport public thématique / Cour
DFI D 891805 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
des Comptes. - Paris: Documentation Française, 2009. V,178 S., Tab. - ISBN 978-2-11-007890-2
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
285 Chovaux, Olivier: Des colonies de vacances à l'économie
sociale : histoire de l'Ufcv (1907-2007) / Olivier Chovaux. Marly-le-Roi: INJEP, 2008. - 191 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.,
Lit. S. 184-188 - (Publication de l'INJEP; n° 92) ISBN 978-2-11-096682-7
DFI D 891546 DFI: FN 430.PRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
274 Les animateurs face à l'intégrisme religieux et à
DFI D 891303 DFI: FN 570.CHOV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
l'oppression des femmes : témoignages, discussion, enjeux
de formation / Pierre Baracca ... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 268 S., Lit. S. 251-256 - (Logiques historiques) ISBN 978-2-296-09918-0
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
286 Clément, Elise: Les dépenses d'aide sociale départementale en
2008 / Elise Clément. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris),
(janvier 2010) 714, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 891459 DFI: FN 470.ANI Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891798 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
275 Antenucci, Marie-Louise: Ritals ici, Lorrains là-bas : destins
d'immigrés / Marie-Louise Antenucci. - Metz: Serpenoise, 2009.
- 173 S., zahlr. Ill., Gloss., Lit. S. 158-165 ISBN 978-2-87692-817-6
287 Finances publiques et politique familiale : état des lieux et
éléments de prospective / sous la dir. de Jean-Baptiste Geffroy.
Monique Doreau-Tranquard ... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 298 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Finances publiques) ISBN 978-2-296-09855-8
DFI D 891301 DFI: FN 850.ANT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
276 Bébéar, Claude: Des entreprises à l'image de la France /
Claude Bebear. - [Paris], 2009. - 27 S.
Actualisation des propositions remises au Premier Ministre dans
le rapport "Des entreprises aux couleurs de la France" du 23
Novembre 2004
DFI D 890925 DFI: FN 840.F1522 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
277 Chevron, Sylvain: La réforme des structures en charge de
l'immigration : de l'ANAEM à l'OFII / Sylvain Chevron. - Paris:
L'Harmattan, 2009. - 272 S., Lit. S. 261-266 - (Logiques
juridiques) - ISBN 978-2-296-09992-0
DFI D 892224 DFI: FN 840.CHEV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 892206 DFI: FN 450.FIN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
288 Odena, Sophie: Les professions et leur coordination dans les
établissements d'accueil collectifs du jeune enfant : une
hétérongénéité source de tensions au sein des équipes / Sophie
Odena, sous la dir. d'Anne-Marie Daune-Richard ... - o.O.:
Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales, 2009. - 89 S.,
Lit. S. 88-89 - (Dossiers d'étude / Caisse d'Allocations Familiales;
n° 121)
DFI D 891060 DFI: FN 450.ODE Öff.StaO: Lg 3
278 Ecole ségrégative, école reproductive - In: Actes de la
recherche en sciences sociales (Paris), (décembre 2009) 180,
S. 1-124, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG03.01 Social security
289 Emploi et politiques sociales ; XXIXes Journées de
DFI D 891257 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
l'Association d'Economie Sociale / sous la dir. de Thomas
Barnay ...: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 1-2
T. 1: Défis et avenirs de la protection sociale. - 343 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. - 978-2-296-09987-6
T. 2: Trajectoires d'emploi et rémunérations. - 359 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. - 978-296-09999-9
279 Sarter, Frédéric: Roms, une question européenne / Frédéric
Sarter. - In: Etudes (Paris), 412 (février 2010) 2, S. 189-200, Lit.
DFI D 891180 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
DFI D 891410 DFI: FQ 030.EMP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
290 Tabuteau, Didier: La métamorphose silencieuse des
301 Noiville, Florence: J'ai fait HEC et je m'en excuse / Florence
assurances maladie / Didier Tabuteau. - In: Droit social (Paris),
(janvier 2010) 1, n° spécial, S. 85-92, Lit. Hinw.
Noiville. - Paris: Stock, 2009. - 112 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Parti pris) ISBN 978-2-234-06339-6
DFI D 891588 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
DFI D 891544 DFI: FR 740.NOI Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG03.02 Health
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
291 Les dépenses de santé en France : déterminants et impact du
302 Bréchon, Pierre: L'identité des Français / Pierre Bréchon. -
vieillissement à l'horizon 2050 / Valérie Albouy, ... - [Paris]:
Direction Générale du Trésor et de la Politique Economique,
2009. - 31 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 51 - (Documents de
travail de la DGTPE; n° 2009/11)
DFI D 891399 DFI: FQ 430.F1524 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
In: Revue politique et parlementaire (Puteaux),
111 (octobre-novembre 2009) 1053, S. 154-162, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 892054 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
303 A propos de... : Mona Ozouf, Composition française: retour sur
une enfance bretonne - In: La Revue socialiste (Paris), (1er
trimestre 2010) 37, S. 83-99, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891251 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
292 Dietrich, Caroline: Die medizinische Grundversorgung in
Deutschland und Frankreich : ein Vergleich / Caroline Dietrich. Heidelberg, 2009. - 114 S., graph. Darst., Gloss., Lit. S. 109-114
-- Univ., Heidelberg, Dipl-Arb., 2009
304 Salazar, Philippe-Joseph: L'hyperpolitique, une passion
française : technologies rhétoriques de la domination /
Philippe-Joseph Salazar. - [Paris]: Klincksieck, 2009. - 197 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Pouvoirs de persuasion) - ISBN 978-2-252-03735-5
DFI D 891292 DFI: VQ 410.DIET Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 892196 DFI: FF 130.SAL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
293 Montaut, Alexis: Santé et recours aux soins des femmes et des
hommes : premiers résultats de l'enquête Handicap-Santé 2008
/ Alexis Montaut. - In: Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris), (février
2010) 715, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG05.01 Ideologies
305 Lévy, Elisabeth; Ménard, Robert: Les Français sont-ils
antisémites? / Elisabeth Lévy ; Robert Ménard. Entretien réalisé
par Léonard Vincent. - Paris: Ed. Mordicus, 2009. - 105 S., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-918414-16-2
DFI D 892250 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
294 Parcours professionnels et état de santé - In: Premières
synthèses (Paris), (janvier 2010) 001, S. 1-10, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
außerdem erschienen in: Dossiers solidarité et santé
(Elektronische Ressource) (Paris), (2010) 14. - S. 1-12
DFI D 890850 DFI: FN 855.LEV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SG06 Media / Information
306 Archives : une révolution invisible - In: Le Débat (Paris),
DFI D 891274 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
(janvier-février 2010) 158, S. 60-90, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891256 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a
295 Rationalisation des organisations hospitalières / dossier
coordonné par Luc Bonneville, ... - In: Sciences de la société
(Toulouse), (février 2009) 76, S. 3-166, Lit. Hinw.
307 Bénilde, Marie: Qui veut encore financer la presse? Une
information surabondante, des journaux menacés / Marie
Bénilde. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010)
671, S. 7, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 892045 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 38
SG04 Education / Training
DFI D 891189 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
296 Chambon-Aubier, Catherine: Dynamiques de construction des
308 Denis, Sébastien: Le cinéma et la guerre d'Algérie : la
pratiques porteuses d'innovation : Analyse des pratiques
d'apprentissage dans les formations des ingénieurs-innovateurs
en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Suède = How to
build dynamics supporting human innovation : A comparative
analysis between learning practices of students in engineering in
higher education and the vocational skills owned by innovators
by innovators-engineers in France, in Germany, in Spain and in
Sweden / Catherine Chambon-Aubier. - o.O., 2008. - 224 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 187-195 -- Nancy, Univ., Diss., 2008
propagande à l'écran (1945-1962) / Sebastien Denis. - Paris:
Nouveau Monde Ed., 2009. - 479 S. + 1 DVD, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 454-473 - (Histoire et cinéma) - ISBN 978-2-84736-421-7
DFI D 891564 DFI: YF 840.DEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
309 Dossier Péan - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
S. 129-265, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891385
310 France Télévisions et la nouvelle télévision publique :
rapport public thématique / Cour des comptes. - Paris: La
Documentation française, 2009. - 221 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-11-007909-1
DFI D 891670
297 David, Bernard: Recherche, innovation et stratégie nationale :
quand des wagons de priorités cachent la locomotive
stratégique... / Bernard David. - In: Futuribles (Paris), (février
2010) 360, S. 51-68, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 892111 DFI: FF 430.FRA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891254 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SG07 Social movements / associations
298 Dorival, Camille: Pourquoi la formation va aux mieux formés /
311 La CGT et la recomposition syndicale / sous la dir. de
Camille Dorival. - In: Alternatives économiques (Quétigny),
(février 2010) 288, S. 38-41, graph. Darst.
Françoise Piotet. - Paris: Presses Univ. de France, 2009. XVI,315 S., Tab., Lit. S. 317-320 - (Le lien social) ISBN 978-2-13-057961-8
DFI D 892060 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206
DFI D 890840 DFI: FP 240.CGT/CG Öff.StaO: Lg 3
299 Ecole ségrégative, école reproductive - In: Actes de la
recherche en sciences sociales (Paris), (décembre 2009) 180,
S. 1-124, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
312 Girard, Augustin: L’invention de la prospective culturelle /
DFI D 891257 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
textes choisis d’Augustin Girard. - In: Culture prospective (Paris),
(janvier 2010) 1, S. 1-32, Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw.
300 Jaoul-Grammare, Magali: Les inégalités de succès dans
l'enseignement supérieur : quel est le profil des étudiants qui
réussissent? / Magali Jaoul-Grammare. - Strasbourg: Bureau
d'économie théorique et appliquée, 2009. - 24 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 23-24 - (Documents de travail / Bureau
d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée; 33)
DFI D 891144 DFI: RV
DFI D 891054 DFI: FG 680.F1523 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SH03 Labour / Employment
313 Raoult, Eric; Gerin, André: Rapport d'information fait [...] au
322 Bunel, Matthieu; Gilles, Fabrice; L'Horty, Yannick: Les effets
nom de la mission d'information sur la pratique du port du voile
intégral sur le territoire national / président: André Gerin;
rapporteur: Eric Raoult. - Paris: Assemblée Nationale, 2010. 658 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Document / Assemblée
Nationale; N° 2262) - (Documents d'information de l'Assemblée
nationale; 06/2010) - ISBN 978-2-11-128298-1
des allègements de cotisations sociales sur l'emploi et les
salaires : une évaluation de la réforme Fillon de 2003 / Matthieu
Bunel ; Fabrice Gilles ; Yannick L'Horty. - Noisy-le-Grand: CEE,
2009. - 46 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 25-26 - (Documents de
travail / Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi; N° 122) ISBN 978-2-11-098593-4
DFI D 891932 DFI: FH 580.GER Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891039 DFI: FO 440.BUN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
323 La croissance verte : quels impacts sur l’emploi et les métiers?
314 Mandin, David: Les systèmes d'échanges locaux (SEL) :
/ C. Jolly, ... - In: La Note de veille (Paris), (janvier 2010) 164,
S. 1-9, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
circulations affectives et économie monétaire / David Mandin. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 232 S., Reg., Lit. S. 219-229 (Logiques sociales) - ISBN 978-2-296-09913-5
DFI D 891046 DFI: RV
DFI D 890838 DFI: FT 180.MAN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
324 Emploi et politiques sociales ; XXIXes Journées de
l'Association d'Economie Sociale / sous la dir. de Thomas
Barnay ...: L'Harmattan, 2009. - 1-2
T. 1: Défis et avenirs de la protection sociale. - 343 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. - 978-2-296-09987-6
T. 2: Trajectoires d'emploi et rémunérations. - 359 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw. - 978-296-09999-9
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
315 Daniel, Jean-Pierre: Le rôle de l'assurance dans l'économie :
ses effets d'entraînement et de frein sur les activités
économiques / Jean-Pierre Daniel. - In: Futuribles (Paris),
(février 2010) 360, S. 35-46, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
DFI D 891410 DFI: FQ 030.EMP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
316 Gadrey, Jean: Une économie post-croissance riche en emplois
325 Parcours professionnels et état de santé - In: Premières
/ Jean Gadrey. - In: Alternatives économiques (Quétigny),
(février 2010) 288, S. 66-69, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
synthèses (Paris), (janvier 2010) 001, S. 1-10, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
außerdem erschienen in: Dossiers solidarité et santé
(Elektronische Ressource) (Paris), (2010) 14. - S. 1-12
DFI D 892062 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206
317 Juppé, Alain; Rocard, Michel: Investir pour l'avenir : priorités
DFI D 891274 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
stratégiques d'investissement et emprunt national ; rapport au
Président de la République / commission présidée par Alain
Juppé et Michel Rocard. - Paris: La Documentation Française,
2009. - 128 S. - (Rapports officiels) - ISBN 978-2-11-007989-3
326 Roguet, Brigitte; Schreiber, Amandine: Les dépenses en
faveur de l'emploi et du marché du travail entre 2000 et 2007 /
Brigitte Roguet ; Amandine Schreiber. - In: Premières synthèses
(Paris), (décembre 2009) 52-3, S. 1-12, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
DFI D 891970 DFI: FS 330.JUP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891171 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
327 Spécial V.I.E. 2010 / guide coordonné par Sylvette Figari ... -
In: Le MOCI (Paris), (4-17 février 2010) 1859, S. 44-65, Kt.
318 Le Clézio, Philippe: La stratégie nationale de développement
durable 2009-2013 / avis du Conseil économique, social et
environnemental présenté par Philippe Le Clézio, au nom de la
Commission temporaire. - Paris: CESE, 2010. - 199 S., graph.
Darst., Gloss. - (Journal officiel de la République française: Avis
et rapports du Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental;
(2010) 2) - ISBN 978-2-11-120850-6
DFI D 892058 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture
328 Les challengers 2010 : nouveaux venus ou déjà installés, ces
entrepreneurs prennent des risques et font bouger les lignes du
business français - In: Challenges (Paris), (janvier 2010) 197,
S. 48-61, Ill., graph. Darst.
DFI D 892204 DFI: RV
DFI D 892230 DFI: FS 330.LEC Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
319 Le Finistére dans tous ses états : 21 regards pour un Finistère
durable / INSEE Bretagne. - Rennes, 2009. - 134 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Dossiers d'Octant; (décembre
2009) 52) - ISBN 978-2-11-059969-8
DFI D 891024 DFI: FS 540.BR/FIN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
329 Grolleau, Gilles; Mzoughi, Naoufel; Pekovic, Sanja: Do
environmental-related standards contribute to successful
recruitment? / Gilles Grolleau ; Naoufel Mzoughi ; Sanja Pekovic.
- Noisy-le-Grand: Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi, 2009. - 14 S.,
Tab., Lit. S. 13-14 - (Documents de travail / Centre d'Etudes de
l'Emploi; N° 121) - ISBN 978-2-11-098591-0
DFI D 890883 DFI: FR 750.GRO Öff.StaO: Lg 3
320 Une nouvelle ambition pour l'aménagement du territoire /
330 Timbart, Odile; Maillard Taillefer, Laure de: Les affaires
Délégation Interministérielle à l'Aménagement et à la
Compétitivité des Territoires, [ce rapport a été ... rédigé sous la
dir. Pierre Dartout] - Paris: La Documentation française, 2009. 81 S., graph. Darst., Kt. - ISBN 978-2-11-007742-4
prud'homales en 2007 / Laure de Maillard Taillefer et Odile
Timbart. - In: Infostat Justice (Paris), (février 2009) 105, S. 1-4,
graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 892063 DFI: FS 440.NOU Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891806 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /
Sectoral economic policy
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
331 1974 - 1984, une décennie de désindustrialisation? Actes
des premières Journées d'histoire industrielle,
Mulhouse - Belfort, 11-12 octobre 2007 / sous la dir. de Pierre
Lamard ... - Paris: Picard, 2009. - 269 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (Histoire industrielle et société) ISBN 978-2-7084-0861-6
321 Folliot, Philippe; Louy, Xavier: France-sur-mer : un empire
oublié / Philippe Folliot ; Xavier Louy. - Monaco: Rocher, 2009. 217 S., Kt., Lit. S. 207-208 - (documents) ISBN 978-2-268-06861-9
DFI D 892190 DFI: FT 270.FOL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
DFI D 891015 DFI: FT 410.DIX Öff.StaO: Lg 3
332 Alstom à Belfort : 130 ans d'aventure industrielle / sous la dir.
de Robert Belot ... Avec la collab. de Laurent Heyberger ... Boulogne-Billancourt: ETAI, 2009. - 377 S., zahlr. Ill., Zeittaf., Lit.
- ISBN 978-2-7268-8835-3
DFI D 891794 DFI: FT 540.ALST Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
333 Chertok, Grégoire: Le financement des PME / rapport:
346 Moatti, Sandra: Faut-il avoir peur de la dette publique? / Sandra
Grégoire Chertok ..., commentaires: David Thesmar ... - Paris:
La Documentation française, 2009. - 159 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Rapports du Conseil d'Analyse Economique; 83) ISBN 978-2-11-007613-7
Moatti. - In: Alternatives économiques (Quétigny), (février 2010)
288, S. 6-12, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 892059 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206
347 Perrot, Etienne: La dette publique / Etienne Perrot. - In: Etudes
(Paris), 412 (février 2010) 2, S. 177-188, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891179 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
DFI D 891575 DFI: FR 735.FIN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
334 Chevallier, Marc: France : quand l'industrie joue son avenir /
348 Robert, Fabrice: Les finances locales / Fabrice Robert. - Paris:
Marc Chévallier. - In: Alternatives économiques (Quétigny),
(février 2010) 288, S. 46-57, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
La Documentation française, 2009. - 189 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Gloss., Lit. Hinw. - (Les Etudes de la
Documentation Française; n° 5289)
DFI D 892061 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 206
DFI D 891570 DFI: FU 170.ROB Öff.StaO: Lg 3
335 Gattaz, Pierre: Le printemps des magiciens : la révolution
industrielle, c'est maintenant! / Pierre Gattaz. Préface de Luc
Chatel. - Paris: Nouveau Monde, 2009. - 191 S., graph. Darst. ISBN 978-2-84736-484-2
349 Roguet, Brigitte; Schreiber, Amandine: Les dépenses en
faveur de l'emploi et du marché du travail entre 2000 et 2007 /
Brigitte Roguet ; Amandine Schreiber. - In: Premières synthèses
(Paris), (décembre 2009) 52-3, S. 1-12, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
DFI D 891430 DFI: FT 410.GAT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
336 Histoire secrète du patronat : de 1945 à nos jours / sous la dir.
DFI D 891171 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 12
de Benoît Collombat .... Avec Frédéric Charpier ... - Paris: La
Découverte, 2009. - 719 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-7071-5764-5
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
DFI D 891746 DFI: FR 740.HIST Öff.StaO: Lg 3
350 Aspects sociaux des politiques environnementales :
contribution aux études empiriques / rapport de la Commission
des comptes et de l'économie de l'environnement. - Paris: La
Documentation française, 2008. - 118 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 114-115 - (Réponses environnement) ISBN 978-2-11-007339-6
337 L'impact économique des défaillances d'entreprises en
2008 et 2009 - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris), (4e
trimestre 2009) 178, S. 55-66, graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 892049 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
338 Sengès, Anne: Eco-tech : moteurs de la croissance verte en
DFI D 892072 DFI: FV 510.ASP Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Californie et en France / Anne Sengès. - Paris: Autrement, 2009.
- 214 S., Lit. S. 212 - (Frontières) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1343-7
351 La croissance verte : quels impacts sur l’emploi et les métiers?
/ C. Jolly, ... - In: La Note de veille (Paris), (janvier 2010) 164,
S. 1-9, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 890847 DFI: VV 580.SEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
339 La situation des entreprises en 2008 : grandes entreprises,
entreprises de taille intermédiaire, petites et moyennes
entreprises ; des profits différenciés face à la crise - In: Bulletin
de la Banque de France (Paris), (4e trimestre 2009) 178,
S. 35-53, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 53
DFI D 891046 DFI: RV
352 Folliot, Philippe; Louy, Xavier: France-sur-mer : un empire
DFI D 892048 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
oublié / Philippe Folliot ; Xavier Louy. - Monaco: Rocher, 2009. 217 S., Kt., Lit. S. 207-208 - (documents) ISBN 978-2-268-06861-9
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
DFI D 892190 DFI: FT 270.FOL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
340 Adapter l'offre touristique aux handicaps : étude de marché :
353 Sengès, Anne: Eco-tech : moteurs de la croissance verte en
la population des personnes en situation de handicap et l'offre
touristique française / [ATOUT France ...] - Paris: La
Documentation française, 2009. - 136 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.
- (Ingénierie touristique; N° 32) - (Guide de savoir-savoir) ISBN 978-2-915215-67-0
Californie et en France / Anne Sengès. - Paris: Autrement, 2009.
- 214 S., Lit. S. 212 - (Frontières) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1343-7
DFI D 890847 DFI: VV 580.SEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SK01 Fields of science
DFI D 891976 DFI: FT 940.ADA Öff.StaO: Lg 3
354 Sirinelli, Jean-François: L'école historique française en péril /
Jean-François Sirinelli. - In: Le Débat (Paris), (janvier-février
2010) 158, S. 10-17
341 Origet du Cluzeau, Claude; Viceriat, Patrick: Le tourisme des
années 2020 : des clés pour agir / Claude Origet du Cluzeau ;
Patrick Viceriat. - Paris: La Documentation française, 2009. 209 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-11-007490-4
DFI D 891255 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 68 Öff.StaO: 1a
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
DFI D 891572 DFI: FT 940.ORI Öff.StaO: Lg 3
355 Zevin, Alexander: Terra Nova, la "boîte à idées" qui se prend
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
pour un think tank : comment changer la règle du jeu socialiste /
une enquête d'Alexander Zevin. - In: Le Monde diplomatique
(Paris), 57 (février 2010) 671, S. 4-5, Lit. Hinw.
342 Daniel, Jean-Pierre: Le rôle de l'assurance dans l'économie :
ses effets d'entraînement et de frein sur les activités
économiques / Jean-Pierre Daniel. - In: Futuribles (Paris),
(février 2010) 360, S. 35-46, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891188 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
DFI D 891253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SA01 General studies / Area studies
343 Fournier, Jean-Marie; Marionnet, Denis: La mesure de
l'activité des banques en France / Jean-Marie Fournier ; Denis
Marionnet. - In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris), (4e
trimestre 2009) 178, S. 1-20, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 20
356 Kim, Mee-jin: Korea-Knigge : der Türöffner für
Auslandsreisende und Expatriate / von Mee-Jin Kim. - München:
Oldenbourg, 2010. - IX,201 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 191-192 - ISBN 978-3-486-58531-5
DFI D 892047 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
IFA D 890901 IFA: 30/9 Öff.StaO: 212
344 Liebert, Christian: La Médiation du crédit / Christian Liebert. -
In: Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris), (4e trimestre 2009)
178, S. 67-75, graph. Darst.
SA02 History
357 "Ich werde es nie vergessen" : Briefe sowjetischer
DFI D 892050 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Kriegsgefangener 2004-2006 / hrsg. vom Verein
"Kontakte-Kontakty" ... - Berlin: Links, 2007. - 270 S., Ill., Tab. ISBN 978-3-86153-439-6
SH10 Public finance
345 Finances publiques et politique familiale : état des lieux et
DGAP D 891158 DGAP: DG 48162
éléments de prospective / sous la dir. de Jean-Baptiste Geffroy.
Monique Doreau-Tranquard ... - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 298 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Finances publiques) ISBN 978-2-296-09855-8
DFI D 892206 DFI: FN 450.FIN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
369 Perthes, Volker: [Diskussionsbeitrag] : Afghanistan-Konferenz
SA03 Politics
der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin / Volker Perthes. - In:
Afghanistan-Konferenz der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin:
Rede- und Diskussionsbeiträge / Sozialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands, 2010, S. 24-27
358 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall : Preface / Manfred
Görtemaker ... - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2009) 1, S. 7-76
GIGA D 891444 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926
359 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall : External views /
SWP D 890974
Jacqueline Hénard ... - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2009) 1,
S. 77-146
370 Pieper, Cornelia: Strategische Partnerschaft : die neue
Bundesregierung und ihre deutsch-polnische Agenda / Cornelia
Pieper. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin (Düsseldorf),
22 (2009-2010) 90, S. 69-70, Ill.
GIGA D 891447 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926
SB01 International relations / process
IFA D 891164 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405 Öff.StaO: 212
360 Abid, Ghassan: Deutschlands Engagement in Südafrika :
371 Treydte, Klaus-Peter: Die Zeiten ändern sich und wir uns mit
staatliche und privatwirtschaftliche Interessen in Analyse zu den
Theorien der IB / Ghassan Abid. - Bremen: Europäischer
Hochschulverl., 2010. - 127 S., [26] Bl., Ill. ISBN 978-3-941482-63-0
DGAP D 891029 DGAP: DG 48172
361 Afghanistan-Konferenz der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin :
Rede- und Diskussionsbeiträge / Sozialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands. - Berlin, 2010. - 34 S.
SWP D 890976
362 Agenda franco-allemand 2020 : Palais de l'Elysée - jeudi 4
février 2010 / Présidence de la République. - Paris, 2010. - 10 S.
DFI D 891552 DFI: WD 210.W1282 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
ihnen : die Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Indien
1964-2009 / Klaus-Peter Treydte. - In: Die Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen Schwellenländern /
Andreas Wille; Klaus-Peter Treydte; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz,
2009. - (Reihe Geschichte der internationalen Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4), S. 69-154, Tab. ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
IFA D 891008 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
SB02 Foreign policy
372 Hacke, Christian: Markenzeichen: Lernfähigkeit : die ersten
Schritte des Außenministers Westerwelle / Christian Hacke. In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 55 (Januar 2010) 482,
S. 15-20, Ill.
DGAP D 891810 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
373 Harnisch, Sebastian: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der
Regierung Merkel : eine liberale Analyse der Großen Koalition /
Sebastian Harnisch. - In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 59-83,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79-83
363 Dehéz, Dustin: Neues aus Sub-Sahara-Afrika : jüngste
Entwicklungen fordern eine deutsche Umorientierung heraus /
Dustin Dehéz. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),
55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 31-35
SWP D 891640 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
DGAP D 891816 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
SB04 International political integration
374 Lhotta, Roland; Ketelhut, Jörn: Integrationsverantwortung und
364 Deutsch-Französische Agenda 2020 / Bundesregierung. -
Berlin, 2010. - ca. 7 S.
DFI D 891554 DFI: WD 210.W1283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
parlamentarische Demokratie : das Bundesverfassungsgericht
als Agent des "verfassten politischen Primärraums"? / Roland
Lhotta und Jörn Ketelhut. - In: Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen
(Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 864-888, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 891655 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
365 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
375 Scheller, Henrik: Zur Europäisierung des deutschen
Föderalismus : zwischen Synchronisierung und Strukturbruch? /
Henrik Scheller. - In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag
von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für
Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 269-290, Lit. S. 289-290 ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
366 The fall of the wall at 20 : global consequences today / J.D.
DGAP D 891824 DGAP: DG 48180
Bindenagel ... American Institute for Contemporary German
Studies - Washington/D.C.: AICGS, 2009. - 36 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (German-American Issues / American
Institute for Contemporary German Studies; 12) ISBN 1-933942-25-8
376 Schmuck, Otto: Die deutschen Länder und der europäische
Reformprozess / Otto Schmuck. - In: Die Europäische Union
nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf Leiße (Hrsg.). Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010, S. 255-268,
Lit. S. 268 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
DGAP D 892194 SWP: H.10/0030 DGAP: DG B01548b
DGAP D 891822 DGAP: DG 48180
367 Küntzel, Matthias: Die Deutschen und der Iran : Geschichte
und Gegenwart einer verhängnisvollen Freundschaft / Matthias
Küntzel. - Berlin: wjs Verl., 2009. - 319 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-937989-52-5
377 Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zum Vertrag
von Lissabon und seine Folgen für den europäischen
Einigungsprozess : Expertengespräch am 7. September 2009
in Paris = Les consequences du jugement de la Cour
constitutionelle fédérale allemande sur le processus d'unification
européenne / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung ... - Paris, 2009. - 128 S.
- (KAS Publikation Deutsch-französischer Dialog; H. 1)
DGAP D 891712 DGAP: DG 48181
368 Mehl, Regine: Whose education for all? The need for the
teaching global governance in the light of Birgit Brock-Utne's
findings / Regine Mehl. - In: Language and power: The
implications of language for peace and development / ed. by
Birgit Brock-Utne ... - Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota, 2009,
S. 133-137, Lit. S. 137 - ISBN 978-9987-08-032-8
DFI D 890836 DFI: YC 330.URT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
378 Wimmel, Andreas: Neue (alte) Konfliktlinien in der
Europapolitik : die Parlamentsdebatte zum Vertrag von Lissabon
im Deutschen Bundestag / Andreas Wimmel. - In: Zeitschrift für
Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 746-758, Lit.
DIE D 891293 DIE: JF005 Öff.StaO: B 1503
DGAP D 891596 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
SD03.01 Foreign trade
379 Lottermann, Annina: Von bilateralen Initiativen der
389 Außenhandel mit Asien-Pazifik - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
Völkerverständigung zu multilateralen Foren der praktischen
Kooperation : städtepartnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in
Europa gestern und heute / Annina Lottermann. In: Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur / Gudrund Quenzel (Hg.). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - (Transcript: Urban Studies),
S. 213-236, Lit. S. 234-236 - ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 24-28
GIGA D 892129 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
390 Madariaga, Nicole: Spécialisations à l'exportation de la France
et de l'Allemagne : similitude ou divergence? / [Nicole
Madariaga]. - In: La Lettre trésor-éco (Paris), (décembre 2009)
68, S. 1-8, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 891070 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SC01 International relations in the field of international
DFI D 890933 DFI: YV 560.Y0598 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
391 Rempel, Hilmar; Schmidt, Sandro; Schwarz-Schampera,
380 Wätzel, Florian; Krause, Joachim: Das deutsche Engagement
Ulrich: Reserven, Ressourcen und Verfügbarkeit von
Energierohstoffen : Kurzstudie 2009 / [Autoren: Hilmar Rempel ;
Sandro Schmidt ; Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera. Unter Mitarb. von
Bernhard Cramer]. - Datenstand: Ende 2008 - Hannover:
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 2009. 88 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Gloss., Lit. S. 32 ISBN 978-3-9813373-2-7
in Nordafghanistan : eine Bilanz / Florian Wätzel und Joachim
Krause. - In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009),
S. 311-339, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 338-339 ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
DGAP D 890867 DGAP: DG 46746
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SWP D 892041 SWP: H.10/0035
381 Eine neue deutsche Sicherheitsarchitektur : Impulse für die
nationale Strategiedebatte / Robert Glawe (Hrsg.). - Berlin:
Berliner Wissenschaftsverl., 2009. - 341 S., graph Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Wissenschaft & Sicherheit; Bd. 6) ISBN 978-3-8305-1574-6
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
392 Bliss, Frank: Partizipation in der Entwicklungsplanung :
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Frank Bliss. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 20-26, Lit.
DGAP D 892225 DGAP: DG 48177
382 Harnisch, Sebastian: Die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der
SWP D 891205 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Regierung Merkel : eine liberale Analyse der Großen Koalition /
Sebastian Harnisch. - In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 59-83,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 79-83
393 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
SWP D 891640 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
383 Sperling, James: Germany and European security governance :
how well does the Birmingham model perform? / James Sperling.
- In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2, S. 125-150
SWP D 892145 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
384 Streitkräfte unter Anpassungsdruck : sicherheits- und
394 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
militärpolitische Herausforderungen Deutschlands in Gegenwart
und Zukunft / Gerhard Kümmel ... (Hrsg.). Arbeitskreis Militär
und Sozialwissenschaften - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden: Nomos,
2009. - 175 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Militär und
Sozialwissenschaften; Bd. 43) - ISBN 978-3-8329-4973-0
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891987 SWP: A.10/0023 DGAP: DG 48191
SE International cultural relations
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
395 Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik
385 Apt, Wenke: Trends in Demographie und Gesellschaft :
Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Jemen über
kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Köln), (26. Januar 2010) 2,
S. 42-43
Auswirkungen auf Streitkräfte und militärische Rekrutierung /
Wenke Apt. - In: Streitkräfte unter Anpassungsdruck:
sicherheits- und militärpolitische Herausforderungen
Deutschlands in Gegenwart und Zukunft / Gerhard Kümmel
(Hrsg.). Arbeitskreis Militär und Sozialwissenschaften. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009. - (Militär und
Sozialwissenschaften; Bd. 43), S. 127-155, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 149-155 - ISBN 978-3-8329-4973-0
IFA D 892218 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732
Öff.StaO: 212
396 Nước Đức ở Việt Nam 2010 = Deutschland in Vietnam 2010 /
SWP D 891989 SWP: A.10/0023 DGAP: DG 48191
Auswärtiges Amt ... Projektleitung Peter J. Bumke - Hanoi:
Goethe-Inst. Vietnam, ca. 2010. - 45 S.
SC06.03 Organisation of military defence
386 Krahmann, Jan: Die Privatisierung des Krieges / Jan Krahmann.
- In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 50-57
IFA D 891516 IFA: Cb30/21 Öff.StaO: 212
397 Pieper, Cornelia: Strategische Partnerschaft : die neue
SWP D 890905 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
Bundesregierung und ihre deutsch-polnische Agenda / Cornelia
Pieper. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin (Düsseldorf),
22 (2009-2010) 90, S. 69-70, Ill.
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
IFA D 891164 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405 Öff.StaO: 212
387 Behrens, Kai: Greek deficits and German surpluses : two sides
of the same euro / by Kai Behrens. - Washington/D.C.: American
Institute for Contemporary German Studies, 2010. - 4 S. (AICGS Advisor; [04.02.2010])
398 Wille, Andreas; Treydte, Klaus-Peter; Vinnai, Volker: Die
Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen
Schwellenländern : Chile, Indien und Südafrika / Andreas Wille ;
Klaus-Peter Treydte ; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz, 2009. 301 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 291-296 - (Reihe Geschichte der
internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4) ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
SWP D 891927
SD02 International economic relations / economic
IFA D 891007 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
388 [Schleswig-Holstein goes China] - In: China Contact
(Münster), (2010) 1, S. 20-30
GIGA D 891468 IAS: 3/905 Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
399 Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik
409 Lehmann, Klaus-Dieter: Werbung für eine sympathische
Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Mosambik
über kulturelle Zusammenarbeit - In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil
II (Köln), (19. Januar 2010) 1, S. 13-15
Sprache / Klaus-Dieter Lehmann. - Köln: Deutsche Welle, ca.
2010. - ca. 4 S.
IFA D 892004 IFA: Cb30/81 Öff.StaO: 212
410 Sapiro, Gisèle: Les enjeux sociaux de la traduction :
IFA D 892222 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732
Öff.StaO: 212
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
400 Bongers, Wolfgang: Der Deutsche Akademische
perspectives franco-allemandes / Gisèle Sapiro. In: Deutsch-französische Berührungs- und Wendepunkte / Rolf
G. Renner ... (Hrsg.). - Freiburg: Frankreich-Zentrum, 2009,
S. 433-444, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-00-028879-1
DFI D 890875 DFI: WG 460.DEUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
Austausch-Dienst (DAAD) in Chile : Kooperationen und
Projektionen / von Wolfgang Bongers. - In: Deutsch-chilenische
Forschungszusammenarbeit / Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung.
- Bonn, 2009. - (Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier /
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung; 14), S. 57-61
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
411 End, Judith: Von der Sehnsucht nach exotischer Ferne : die
Vorstellung vom irdischen Paradies und Ihre Inszenierung in
Reisereportagen des Fernsehens / Judith End. - Saarbrücken VDM: 2007, 2007. - 120,13 S., Lit. S. 1-7 ISBN 978-3-8264-2311-3
IFA D 892069 IFA: 4B30/13 Öff.StaO: 212
401 Deutsch-chilenische Forschungszusammenarbeit :
IFA D 890841 IFA: 30/33 Öff.StaO: 212
Tradition und Zukunft = Cooperación científica chileno-alemana
/ Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung. - Bonn, 2009. - 137 S., Ill.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier / Alexander von
Humboldt-Stiftung; 14)
412 Hafez, Kai; Richter, Carola: Das Islambild von ARD und ZDF :
Themenstrukturen einer Negativagenda / die Autoren: Kai
Hafez ; Carola Richter. - In: Fachjournalist (Berlin), (2008) 3,
S. 10-16
IFA D 891166 IFA: 4B30/13 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891953 IFA: Cb30/90 Öff.StaO: 212
402 Erasmus Mundus 2004-2008 : programme in Germany / Publ.
DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst. - Bonn, 2009.
- 118 S., zahlr. Ill.
413 Simon, Erk: Migranten und Medien 2007 : Zielstzung,
Konzeption und Basisdaten einer repräsentativen Studie der
ARD/ZDF-Medienkommission / von Erk Simon. In: Media-Perspektiven (Frankfurt/Main), (2007) 9, S. 426-435
IFA D 892064 IFA: 4B30/14 Öff.StaO: 212
403 Gemeinschaft für Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und
Osteuropa (Freiburg/Breisgau): 25 Jahre GFPS :
10 - GFPS-CZ, Organizace pro studentskou a kulturní výměnu
ve střední a východní Evropě, 25 - GFPS e.V., Gemeinschaft für
Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa,
15 - GFPS-Polska, Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w
Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej ; Jubiläumskatalog /
Red.-Leitung Tim Zosel ... - Freiburg/Breisgau, 2009. - 82 S.,
zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
IFA D 891604 IFA: Cb30/39 Öff.StaO: 212
414 Spetsmann-Kunkel, Martin: "Mekka Deutschland" :
Islamophobie als Effekt der Spiegel-Berichterstattung ; eine
Diskursfragmentenanalyse / Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel. - Hagen,
ca. 2008. - 9 S.
IFA D 891584 IFA: Cb30/38 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891195 IFA: 4B30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
404 Knapp, Annelie; Schumann, Adelheid: Beratung und
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
Förderung ausländischer Studierender an der Universität : das
Tutorenprogramm des PROFIS-Projektes / Annelie Knapp ;
Adelheid Schumann. - In: Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität
inm Studium / Annelie Knapp ... (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt/Main ...:
Lang, 2008. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache; Bd. 51),
S. 85-104, Lit. S. 103-104 - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
415 Aplevich, Noelle: Ausländische StudentInnen in universitären
Kommunikationssituationen : Probleme und
Bewältigungsstrategien / Noelle Aplevich. - In: Mehrsprachigkeit
und Multikulturalität inm Studium / Annelie Knapp ... (Hrsg.). Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2008. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der
Sprache; Bd. 51), S. 51-84, Tab., Lit. S. 83-84 ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
IFA D 891033 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891014 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
405 Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität im Studium / Annelie
Knapp ... (Hrsg.) - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2008. - 196 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache;
Bd. 51) - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
416 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
IFA D 891009 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
406 Schlottmann, Christiane: Neu-Delhi / Christiane Schlottmann.
- In: DAAD-Berichte der Außenstellen (Bonn), 2008, S. 188-212,
Ill., Tab.
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891006 IFA: Cb30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
417 Erol, Radiye: Türkische Jugendliche in Deutschland : kulturelle
Orientierung und Zweisprachigkeit / vorgelegt von Radiye Erol. Köln, 2008. - 162 S. -- Köln, Univ., Diss., 2008
407 Schumann, Adelheid: Die Internationalisierung der deutschen
Hochschulen : Entwicklungen und Probleme / Adelheid
Schumann. - In: Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität inm
Studium / Annelie Knapp ... (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,
2008. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache; Bd. 51), S. 15-26,
Lit. S. 25-26 - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
IFA D 892201 IFA: 4B30/19 Öff.StaO: 212
418 Hans, Silke: Assimilation oder Segregation?
IFA D 891012 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
Anpassungsprozesse von Einwanderern in Deutschland / von
Silke Hans. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss.,
2010. - 304 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 263-275 ISBN 978-3-531-16966-8 -- Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2008
408 Tauerschmidt, Heike: Hochschule Bremen - towards an
integrated "International Campus" concept / Heike Tauerschmidt.
- In: Lost in transnation / Jutta Berninghausen ... (eds.). Zentrum
für Interkulturelles Management, Hochschule Bremen. Bremen ...: Kellner, 2009. - (Interkulturelle Studien; Bd. 8),
S. 131-143, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 143 - ISBN 978-3-939928-38-6
IFA D 890902 IFA: 30/11 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891085 IFA: 30/70 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
419 Kim, Mee-jin: Korea-Knigge : der Türöffner für
SF04.01 Elections
Auslandsreisende und Expatriate / von Mee-Jin Kim. - München:
Oldenbourg, 2010. - IX,201 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 191-192 - ISBN 978-3-486-58531-5
431 Germany's electoral system at 60 : trends and reforms for the
21st century / Karen Donfried ... American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies - Washington/D.C.: AICGS,
2009. - 44 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (German-American Issues / American Institute for
Contemporary German Studies; 11) - ISBN 1-933942-22-3
IFA D 890901 IFA: 30/9 Öff.StaO: 212
420 Köster, Ralf: Die Anwendung von Stratagemen in der
chinesischen Verhandlungskultur : empirische Untersuchung
am Beispiel der BARTEC Shanghai und der Stratagemtheorie
nach von Senger / Ralf Köster. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
- X,224 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 195-203 - (Freiburger
fernöstliche Forschungen; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-447-05949-7 -Zugl.: Diss.
DGAP D 892192 SWP: H.10/0031 DGAP: DG B01548a
432 Niedermayer, Oskar: Die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament
vom 7. Juni 2009 in Deutschland : SPD-Debakel im Vorfeld der
Bundestagswahl / Oskar Niedermayer. - In: Zeitschrift für
Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 711-731,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 890844 IFA: 30/24 Öff.StaO: 212
421 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
DGAP D 891593 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
433 Vetter, Angelika: Alles nur Timing? Kommunale
Wahlbeteiligung im Kontext von Bundestagswahlen und Wahlen
zum Europäischen Parlament / Angelika Vetter. - In: Zeitschrift
für Parlamentsfragen (Baden-Baden), 40 (2009) 4, S. 788-808,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
422 Lost in transnation : towards an intercultural dimension on
DGAP D 891654 OSI: Zu 159 DGAP: ZD 223 Öff.StaO: 188
campus ; collaboration and current developments / Jutta
Berninghausen ... (eds.). Zentrum für Interkulturelles
Management, Hochschule Bremen - Bremen ...: Kellner, 2009. 192 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Interkulturelle Studien
(Bremen); Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-939928-38-6
SF05 Domestic policy
434 Kramer, Helmut: Kriegsjustiz durch die Hintertür / Helmut
Kramer. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
(Bonn), 55 (2010) 2, S. 5-8, Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 891075 IFA: 30/70 Öff.StaO: 212
DGAP D 891558 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
423 Lott, Sylvia: Vom Umgang mit chinesischen Geschäftsleuten /
Sylvia Lott. - Berlin: Dt. Industrie- und Handelskammertag, 2008.
- 123 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-933150-20-5
435 Rügemer, Werner: Public private partnership : die Plünderung
des Staates / von Werner Rügemer. - In: Blätter für deutsche
und internationale Politik (Bonn), 55 (2010) 2, S. 75-84, Lit.
IFA D 891000 IFA: 29/713 Öff.StaO: 212
424 Menge, Rita: Praxisführer Japan : Fettnäpfchen gekonnt
vermeiden / Rita Menge. - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann,
2009. - 187 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-8260-4158-7 -- Lit. S. 181-183
DGAP D 891580 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
IFA D 890880 IFA: 29/524 Öff.StaO: 212
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
425 Schneider, Beatrice: Leben in China : wie deutsche Familien
436 Schmidt-Eenboom, Erich: Kontrolle der Nachrichtendienste?
die Auslands-Entsendung meistern / Beatrice Schneider. Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2009. - 105 S. + 1 DVD, Lit. S. 95-103 ISBN 978-3-8288-2094-4
Vom Unwert demokratischer Prinzipien für den Erfolg in der
Außenpolitik / Erich Schmidt-Eenboom. - In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für
Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010)
1, S. 33-45, Lit. S. 44-45
IFA D 890894 IFA: 29/714 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891638 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
426 Schumann, Adelheid: Interkulturelle Fremdheitserfahrungen
ausländischer Studierender an einer deutschen Universität /
Adelheid Schumann. - In: Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität
inm Studium / Annelie Knapp ... (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt/Main ...:
Lang, 2008. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache; Bd. 51),
S. 29-50, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 48-50 - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
SF06.02 Terrorism
437 Hansen, Stefan: Vernetzte Sicherheit und die Bekämpfung des
Terrorismus in Deutschland : die BKAG-Novelle / Stefan Hansen.
- In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen), (2009), S. 293-310, Tab.,
Lit. S. 307-310 - ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
IFA D 891013 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
DGAP D 890865 DGAP: DG 46746
427 Thomas, Alexander: Major problems of intercultural
438 Steinberg, Guido: In Al-Qaeda's sights : Germany needs an
communication / Alexander Thomas. - In: Lost in transnation /
Jutta Berninghausen ... (eds.). Zentrum für Interkulturelles
Management, Hochschule Bremen. - Bremen ...: Kellner, 2009. (Interkulturelle Studien; Bd. 8), S. 49-59, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 59
- ISBN 978-3-939928-38-6
anti-terrorism strategy (Orig.: Im Visier von al-Qaida) / Guido
Steinberg. [Ed.: Bernhard Müller-Härlin] - Hamburg: Körber
Foundation, 2010. - 74 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Körber Policy Paper; No.
IFA D 891076 IFA: 30/70 Öff.StaO: 212
428 Transitraum Deutsch : Literatur und Kultur im transnationalen
SWP D 891907
Zeitalter / hrsg. von Jens Adam ... - Wrocław ...: Neisse-Verl.,
2007. - 307 S. - (Beihefte zum Orbis linguarum; Bd. 56) ISBN 978-83-7432-242-3
SF08 Regions / Local government
IFA D 892006 IFA: 29/708 Öff.StaO: 212
439 Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur : Studien zum kulturellen und
ökonomischen Potential der europäischen Stadt / Gudrun
Quenzel (Hg.). - Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - 243 S.,
Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Transcript: Urban Studies) ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
429 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall : External views /
Jacqueline Hénard ... - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2009) 1,
S. 77-146
IFA D 891059 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
SF10 Law
GIGA D 891447 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926
440 Actualité du droit public comparé en France et en
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
Allemagne : Actes des séminaires franco-allemands de droit
public comparé ; (2006-2007) / sous la dir. de David Capitant ... Paris: Société de Législation Comparée, 2009. - 221 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (UMR de droit comparé de Paris; vol. 17) ISBN 978-2-908199-78-9
430 Schmidt-Eenboom, Erich: Kontrolle der Nachrichtendienste?
Vom Unwert demokratischer Prinzipien für den Erfolg in der
Außenpolitik / Erich Schmidt-Eenboom. - In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für
Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010)
1, S. 33-45, Lit. S. 44-45
DFI D 891308 DFI: VC 610.ACT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SWP D 891638 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
450 Hans, Silke: Assimilation oder Segregation?
SG02.01 Demography
Anpassungsprozesse von Einwanderern in Deutschland / von
Silke Hans. - 1. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss.,
2010. - 304 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 263-275 ISBN 978-3-531-16966-8 -- Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2008
441 Apt, Wenke: Trends in Demographie und Gesellschaft :
Auswirkungen auf Streitkräfte und militärische Rekrutierung /
Wenke Apt. - In: Streitkräfte unter Anpassungsdruck:
sicherheits- und militärpolitische Herausforderungen
Deutschlands in Gegenwart und Zukunft / Gerhard Kümmel
(Hrsg.). Arbeitskreis Militär und Sozialwissenschaften. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009. - (Militär und
Sozialwissenschaften; Bd. 43), S. 127-155, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 149-155 - ISBN 978-3-8329-4973-0
IFA D 890902 IFA: 30/11 Öff.StaO: 212
451 Schneider, Beatrice: Leben in China : wie deutsche Familien
die Auslands-Entsendung meistern / Beatrice Schneider. Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2009. - 105 S. + 1 DVD, Lit. S. 95-103 ISBN 978-3-8288-2094-4
SWP D 891989 SWP: A.10/0023 DGAP: DG 48191
IFA D 890894 IFA: 29/714 Öff.StaO: 212
442 Lindh, Thomas; Malmberg, Bo; Petersen, Thieß: Die
452 Şenel, Elif-Esra: Im Schatten der Einwanderungspolitik : der
ökonomischen Konsequenzen der gesellschaftlichen Alterung /
Thomas Lindh ; Bo Malmberg ; Thieß Petersen. In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 90 (Januar 2010) 1,
S. 54-63
Einfluss der Bildungspolitik auf die Integration von Migranten in
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / von Elif-Esra Şenel. - In: Die
multikulturelle Gesellschaft in der Sackgasse? / Stephan
Conermann (Hg.). - Berlin: EB-Verl., 2009. - (Bonner
Asienstudien; Bd. 3), S. 21-117, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 105-117 - ISBN 978-3-936912-56-2
SWP D 891111 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
IFA D 892074 IFA: 29/721 Öff.StaO: 212
443 Wer, wo, wie viele? - Bevölkerung in Deutschland 2025 :
Praxiswissen für Kommunen / Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.).
Unter Mitarb. von: Carsten Große Starmann ... - Gütersloh: Verl.
Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2009. - 175 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.
- ISBN 978-3-86793-042-0
SG03.02 Health
453 Dietrich, Caroline: Die medizinische Grundversorgung in
SWP D 891048 SWP: H.10/0021
Deutschland und Frankreich : ein Vergleich / Caroline Dietrich. Heidelberg, 2009. - 114 S., graph. Darst., Gloss., Lit. S. 109-114
-- Univ., Heidelberg, Dipl-Arb., 2009
SG02.02 Social groups
DFI D 891292 DFI: VQ 410.DIET Öff.StaO: Lg 3
444 Holst, Elke; Weber, Anita: Frauen in Spitzengremien großer
Unternehmen weiterhin massiv unterrepräsentiert / Elke Holst ;
Anita Weber. - In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin), 77 (27. Januar 2010) 4, S. 2-10,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab.
SWP D 890986 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
445 Das ABC der Berliner Integrationspolitik : Arbeit, Bildung,
Chancengleichheit / Hrsg. Senatsverwaltung für Integration,
Arbeit und Soziales, der Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für
Integration und Migration. - Berlin, 2009. - 82 S., zahlr. Ill., graph.
Darst. - ISBN 978-3-938352-43-4
IFA D 891215 IFA: Cb30/20 Öff.StaO: 212
446 Erol, Radiye: Türkische Jugendliche in Deutschland : kulturelle
Orientierung und Zweisprachigkeit / vorgelegt von Radiye Erol. Köln, 2008. - 162 S. -- Köln, Univ., Diss., 2008
IFA D 892201 IFA: 4B30/19 Öff.StaO: 212
447 Simon, Erk: Migranten und Medien 2007 : Zielstzung,
Konzeption und Basisdaten einer repräsentativen Studie der
ARD/ZDF-Medienkommission / von Erk Simon. In: Media-Perspektiven (Frankfurt/Main), (2007) 9, S. 426-435
IFA D 891604 IFA: Cb30/39 Öff.StaO: 212
448 Sinus Sociovision (Heidelberg): Zentrale Ergebnisse der
"Sinus-Studie" über Migranten-Milieus in Deutschland / Sinus
Sociovision. - Heidelberg, 2008. - 6 S.
IFA D 891991 IFA: Cb30/91 Öff.StaO: 212
SG02.04 Migration
449 Arnold- de Simine, Silke: Das Museum als Vermittlungsinstanz
von Migrationserfahrungen / Silke Arnold-de Simine. In: German as a Foreign Language (Bonn), (2008) 3, S. 43-58
SG04 Education / Training
454 Chambon-Aubier, Catherine: Dynamiques de construction des
pratiques porteuses d'innovation : Analyse des pratiques
d'apprentissage dans les formations des ingénieurs-innovateurs
en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Suède = How to
build dynamics supporting human innovation : A comparative
analysis between learning practices of students in engineering in
higher education and the vocational skills owned by innovators
by innovators-engineers in France, in Germany, in Spain and in
Sweden / Catherine Chambon-Aubier. - o.O., 2008. - 224 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 187-195 -- Nancy, Univ., Diss., 2008
DFI D 891670
455 Mehl, Regine: Whose education for all? The need for the
teaching global governance in the light of Birgit Brock-Utne's
findings / Regine Mehl. - In: Language and power: The
implications of language for peace and development / ed. by
Birgit Brock-Utne ... - Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota, 2009,
S. 133-137, Lit. S. 137 - ISBN 978-9987-08-032-8
DIE D 891293 DIE: JF005 Öff.StaO: B 1503
456 Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität im Studium / Annelie
Knapp ... (Hrsg.) - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang, 2008. - 196 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache;
Bd. 51) - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
IFA D 891009 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
457 Schumann, Adelheid: Interkulturelle Fremdheitserfahrungen
ausländischer Studierender an einer deutschen Universität /
Adelheid Schumann. - In: Mehrsprachigkeit und Multikulturalität
inm Studium / Annelie Knapp ... (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt/Main ...:
Lang, 2008. - (Theorie und Vermittlung der Sprache; Bd. 51),
S. 29-50, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 48-50 - ISBN 978-3-631-56321-2
IFA D 891013 IFA: 30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
458 Şenel, Elif-Esra: Im Schatten der Einwanderungspolitik : der
Einfluss der Bildungspolitik auf die Integration von Migranten in
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland / von Elif-Esra Şenel. - In: Die
multikulturelle Gesellschaft in der Sackgasse? / Stephan
Conermann (Hg.). - Berlin: EB-Verl., 2009. - (Bonner
Asienstudien; Bd. 3), S. 21-117, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 105-117 - ISBN 978-3-936912-56-2
IFA D 892074 IFA: 29/721 Öff.StaO: 212
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
IFA D 891613 IFA: Cb29/660 Öff.StaO: 212
459 Thaler, Peter: Of mind and matter : The duality of national
identity in the German-Danish borderlands / Peter Thaler. - West
Lafayette/Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2009. - XIV, 206 S.,
Reg., Tab., Lit. S. 165-191 - ISBN 978-1-55753-524-5
ECMI D 891830 ECMI: 948
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
472 Lindh, Thomas; Malmberg, Bo; Petersen, Thieß: Die
SG06 Media / Information
ökonomischen Konsequenzen der gesellschaftlichen Alterung /
Thomas Lindh ; Bo Malmberg ; Thieß Petersen. In: Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden), 90 (Januar 2010) 1,
S. 54-63
460 Friedrichsen, Eiken: Bücher und mehr : das
Sondersammelgebiet Skandinavien und die vifanord / von Eiken
Friedrichsen. - In: Island (Köln), 15 (November 2009) 2, S. 49-51,
IFA D 891173 IFA: Z-D4094 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891111 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
SG07 Social movements / associations
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
461 Mach's mit : wir verhüten den Klima-Gau ; die neue
473 Bliss, Frank: Partizipation in der Entwicklungsplanung :
Prima-KLima-Volksbewegung - In: zeo2 (Radolfzell), 2 (2010) 1,
S. 18-33, Ill., Lit.-Hinw.
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Frank Bliss. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 20-26, Lit.
DIE D 891161 DIE: ZA169
SWP D 891205 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
462 Culture and creative industries in Germany : defining the
common characteristics of the heterogeneous core branches of
the "cultural industries" from a macro-economic perspective ;
final report / Creative Business Consult ... Authors: Michael
Söndermann ... - Cologne ..., 2009. - 275 S.
IFA D 892193 IFA: 4B30/23 Öff.StaO: 212
474 Horn, Gustav Adolf; Sturn, Simon; Treeck, Till van: Die
Debatte um die deutsche Exportorientierung / Gustav Horn ;
Simon Sturn ; Till van Treeck. - In: Wirtschaftsdienst
(Baden-Baden), 90 (Januar 2010) 1, S. 22-28
SWP D 891107 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
463 Künstlerförderung, Kunstpreise und Stipendien : ein
Leitfaden für die Förderung bildender Künstler ; inklusive
europäische Kunstpreise und Stipendien / Ingo Maas ... (Hrsg.).
Red.: Bernd Hecke ... - Bad Honnef: GKS-Fachverl., [2009]. 297 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-9808298-7-8
475 eine Vorausschau der Jahre 2010 bis 2014 /
Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Staatsfinanzen. - In: Wirtschaft im
Wandel (Halle/Saale), 16 (27.01.2010) 1, S. 42-56
SWP D 891525 SWP: Y. 1104
IFA D 892011 IFA: HpVD148 Öff.StaO: 212
SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture
464 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
476 Köster, Ralf: Die Anwendung von Stratagemen in der
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
chinesischen Verhandlungskultur : empirische Untersuchung
am Beispiel der BARTEC Shanghai und der Stratagemtheorie
nach von Senger / Ralf Köster. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
- X,224 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 195-203 - (Freiburger
fernöstliche Forschungen; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-447-05949-7 -Zugl.: Diss.
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
465 Lehmann, Klaus-Dieter: Werbung für eine sympathische
Sprache / Klaus-Dieter Lehmann. - Köln: Deutsche Welle, ca.
2010. - ca. 4 S.
IFA D 890844 IFA: 30/24 Öff.StaO: 212
477 Lott, Sylvia: Vom Umgang mit chinesischen Geschäftsleuten /
Sylvia Lott. - Berlin: Dt. Industrie- und Handelskammertag, 2008.
- 123 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-933150-20-5
IFA D 892004 IFA: Cb30/81 Öff.StaO: 212
466 Nobelpreis für Literatur - In: Fachdienst Germanistik
IFA D 891000 IFA: 29/713 Öff.StaO: 212
(München), 28 (2010) 1, S. 1-6
IFA D 891143 IFA: Z-D3447 Öff.StaO: 212
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
478 Rempel, Hilmar; Schmidt, Sandro; Schwarz-Schampera,
467 Stifter, Spender und Mäzene : USA und Deutschland im
Ulrich: Reserven, Ressourcen und Verfügbarkeit von
Energierohstoffen : Kurzstudie 2009 / [Autoren: Hilmar Rempel ;
Sandro Schmidt ; Ulrich Schwarz-Schampera. Unter Mitarb. von
Bernhard Cramer]. - Datenstand: Ende 2008 - Hannover:
Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, 2009. 88 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Gloss., Lit. S. 32 ISBN 978-3-9813373-2-7
historischen Vergleich / Thomas Adam ... (Hg.) - Stuttgart:
Steiner, 2009. - 341 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. (Transatlantische historische Studien; Bd. 38) ISBN 978-3-515-09384-2
IFA D 891202 IFA: 30/63 Öff.StaO: 212
468 Transitraum Deutsch : Literatur und Kultur im transnationalen
Zeitalter / hrsg. von Jens Adam ... - Wrocław ...: Neisse-Verl.,
2007. - 307 S. - (Beihefte zum Orbis linguarum; Bd. 56) ISBN 978-83-7432-242-3
SWP D 892041 SWP: H.10/0035
SH05 Energy industry
IFA D 892006 IFA: 29/708 Öff.StaO: 212
479 Fischedick, Manfred; Samadi, Sascha: Die grundsätzliche
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
469 Hafez, Kai; Richter, Carola: Das Islambild von ARD und ZDF :
Themenstrukturen einer Negativagenda / die Autoren: Kai
Hafez ; Carola Richter. - In: Fachjournalist (Berlin), (2008) 3,
S. 10-16
IFA D 891953 IFA: Cb30/90 Öff.StaO: 212
470 Spetsmann-Kunkel, Martin: "Mekka Deutschland" :
Islamophobie als Effekt der Spiegel-Berichterstattung ; eine
Diskursfragmentenanalyse / Martin Spetsmann-Kunkel. - Hagen,
ca. 2008. - 9 S.
wirtschaftliche Kritik am Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz greift zu
kurz / Manfred Fischedick und Sascha Samadi. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen),
60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 122-128, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 127-128
SWP D 891919 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
480 Klauss, Hilde; Grundmann, Philipp; Schindler, Mathias:
Änderung der Landnutzung und Biomassenverfügbarkeit als
Folge steigender Erdölpreise, Agrarpreise oder verstärkter
Bioenergieproduktion / Hilde Klauss, Philipp Grundmann, und
Mathias Schindler. - In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft (Stuttgart),
87 (Dezember 2009) 3, S. 444-475, zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 474-475
DIE D 891149 DIE: ZA029 Öff.StaO: 206
IFA D 891584 IFA: Cb30/38 Öff.StaO: 212
481 Kübler, Knut: Der SET-Plan : neue Akzente in der
europäischen Energieforschungspolitik / Knut Kübler. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen),
60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 114-119, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 119
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
471 Langsame Erholung ermöglicht Einstieg in die
Konsolidierung - In: Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale),
16 (27.01.2010) 1, S. 8-41
SWP D 891917 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
SWP D 891524 SWP: Y. 1104
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
482 Smart metering - In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
(Essen), 60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 98-113, graph. Darst.,
Lit. Hinw.
490 Heubach, Daniel; Beucker, Severin; Lang-Koetz, Claus:
SWP D 891916 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
Einsatz von Nanotechnologie in der hessischen
Umwelttechnologie : Innovationspotenziale für Unternehmen /
[erstellt von: Daniel Heubach ; Severin Beucker ; Claus
Lang-Koetz]. Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr
und Landesentwicklung. - 2. aktual. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: HA
Hessen-Agentur, 2009. - 60 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (Schriftenreihe der Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech; Bd. 1) (Schriftenreihe der Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech; Bd. 1)
483 Unternehmensnetzwerke in der Photovoltaik-Industrie :
starke Verbundenheit und hohe Kooperationsintensität In: Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale), 16 (27.01.2010) 1,
S. 57-64
SWP D 891527 SWP: Y. 1104
SH06 Agrarian sector
484 Klauss, Hilde; Grundmann, Philipp; Schindler, Mathias:
Änderung der Landnutzung und Biomassenverfügbarkeit als
Folge steigender Erdölpreise, Agrarpreise oder verstärkter
Bioenergieproduktion / Hilde Klauss, Philipp Grundmann, und
Mathias Schindler. - In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft (Stuttgart),
87 (Dezember 2009) 3, S. 444-475, zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 474-475
SWP D 891962
491 Klimaschutz - In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen),
60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 134-154, graph. Darst., Lit.
DIE D 891149 DIE: ZA029 Öff.StaO: 206
SWP D 891920 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
492 Mach's mit : wir verhüten den Klima-Gau ; die neue
485 Holst, Elke; Weber, Anita: Frauen in Spitzengremien großer
Unternehmen weiterhin massiv unterrepräsentiert / Elke Holst ;
Anita Weber. - In: Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin), 77 (27. Januar 2010) 4, S. 2-10,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab.
SWP D 890986 OSI: Zs 269 DIE: ZA056 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
Prima-KLima-Volksbewegung - In: zeo2 (Radolfzell), 2 (2010) 1,
S. 18-33, Ill., Lit.-Hinw.
DIE D 891161 DIE: ZA169
SK01 Fields of science
493 Friedrichsen, Eiken: Bücher und mehr : das
Sondersammelgebiet Skandinavien und die vifanord / von Eiken
Friedrichsen. - In: Island (Köln), 15 (November 2009) 2, S. 49-51,
IFA D 891173 IFA: Z-D4094 Öff.StaO: 212
486 Usslar, Ludolf von: Der Staat als Akteur am Finanzmarkt im
Lichte der Finanzkrise / Ludolf von Usslar. - In: Wirtschaftsdienst
(Baden-Baden), 90 (Januar 2010) 1, S. 36-43
SK03 Research and development
494 Kübler, Knut: Der SET-Plan : neue Akzente in der
SWP D 891110 SWP: Y. 66 DGAP: ZD 219 SOI: Z6353 DIE: ZA020
Öff.StaO: H 256
europäischen Energieforschungspolitik / Knut Kübler. In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen),
60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 114-119, Ill., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 119
SH10 Public finance
487 eine Vorausschau der Jahre 2010 bis 2014 /
SWP D 891917 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Staatsfinanzen. - In: Wirtschaft im
Wandel (Halle/Saale), 16 (27.01.2010) 1, S. 42-56
SWP D 891525 SWP: Y. 1104
SB01 International relations / process
SI01 Technology / Technological development
495 Treydte, Klaus-Peter: Die Zeiten ändern sich und wir uns mit
488 Heubach, Daniel; Beucker, Severin; Lang-Koetz, Claus:
Einsatz von Nanotechnologie in der hessischen
Umwelttechnologie : Innovationspotenziale für Unternehmen /
[erstellt von: Daniel Heubach ; Severin Beucker ; Claus
Lang-Koetz]. Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Verkehr
und Landesentwicklung. - 2. aktual. Aufl. - Wiesbaden: HA
Hessen-Agentur, 2009. - 60 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (Schriftenreihe der Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech; Bd. 1) (Schriftenreihe der Aktionslinie Hessen-Umwelttech; Bd. 1)
SWP D 891962
SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /
ihnen : die Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Indien
1964-2009 / Klaus-Peter Treydte. - In: Die Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen Schwellenländern /
Andreas Wille; Klaus-Peter Treydte; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz,
2009. - (Reihe Geschichte der internationalen Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4), S. 69-154, Tab. ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
IFA D 891008 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
SB02 Foreign policy
496 Creuzberger, Stefan: Westintegration und neue Ostpolitik : die
Außenpolitik der Bonner Republik / Stefan Creuzberger. - Berlin:
Be.Bra Verl., 2009. - 187 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. S. 176-181 - (Deutsche
Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert; Bd. 14) ISBN 978-3-89809-414-6
DGAP D 891042 DGAP: DG 48170
489 Saß, Karl Ulrich: Wissenschaftlich-technologische
Zusammenarbeit mit Afrika / Karl Ulrich Saß. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 27-32, Lit.
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
497 Lottermann, Annina: Von bilateralen Initiativen der
Völkerverständigung zu multilateralen Foren der praktischen
Kooperation : städtepartnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit in
Europa gestern und heute / Annina Lottermann. In: Entwicklungsfaktor Kultur / Gudrund Quenzel (Hg.). Bielefeld: Transcript-Verl., 2009. - (Transcript: Urban Studies),
S. 213-236, Lit. S. 234-236 - ISBN 978-3-8376-1353-7
SWP D 891207 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
IFA D 891070 IFA: 30/69 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
498 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
505 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SE International cultural relations
499 Wille, Andreas; Treydte, Klaus-Peter; Vinnai, Volker: Die
Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen
Schwellenländern : Chile, Indien und Südafrika / Andreas Wille ;
Klaus-Peter Treydte ; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz, 2009. 301 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 291-296 - (Reihe Geschichte der
internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4) ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
SC01 International relations in the field of international
506 Zecha, Wolfgang: Der Einsatz des Österreichischen
Bundesheeres im Tschad : Reflexionen zur
Einsatzentscheidung / Wolfgang Zecha. - In: Österreichische
militärische Zeitschrift (Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1,
S. 64-78
IFA D 891007 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
SWP D 890907 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
500 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
507 Krottmayer, Markus: Die Neutralitätsfalle : Österreichs
Sicherheitspolitik in der Sackgasse? / Markus Krottmayer. Wien ...: Lit Verl., 2009. - VIII, 269 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. S. 225-236 ISBN 978-3-643-50083-0
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
DGAP D 891721 DGAP: DG 48179
508 Stupka, Andreas: Zur österreichischen Verteidigungspolitik / A.
Stupka. - In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 79-82
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
501 Das ABC der Berliner Integrationspolitik : Arbeit, Bildung,
Chancengleichheit / Hrsg. Senatsverwaltung für Integration,
Arbeit und Soziales, der Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für
Integration und Migration. - Berlin, 2009. - 82 S., zahlr. Ill., graph.
Darst. - ISBN 978-3-938352-43-4
IFA D 891215 IFA: Cb30/20 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 890909 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
509 Randzonen der Kreativwirtschaft : türkische, chinesische und
südasiatische Kulturunternehmungen in Wien / Andreas
Gebesmair (Hg.). - Wien ...: Lit-Verl., 2009. - 279 S. + 1 DVD, Ill.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 269-279 - (Kreativwirtschaft in Wien;
Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-643-50073-1
IFA D 892009 IFA: 30/71 Öff.StaO: 212
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
SB01 International relations / process
510 Wielinger, Gerhart: Überlegungen zum Thema Gestaltung der
502 Pieper, Cornelia: Strategische Partnerschaft : die neue
Verfassung im Hinblick auf die Sicherung einer rechtsstaatlichen
und sparsamen Bewältigung von Staatsaufgaben / von Gerhart
Wielinger. - Wien: Internationales Institut für Liberale Politik,
2009. - 17 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Sozialwissenschaftliche Schriftenreihe:
Reihe Studien; Juli 2009) - ISBN 978-3-902595-31-7
Bundesregierung und ihre deutsch-polnische Agenda / Cornelia
Pieper. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin (Düsseldorf),
22 (2009-2010) 90, S. 69-70, Ill.
IFA D 891164 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405 Öff.StaO: 212
BICC D 892213 SWP: H.09/0197 BICC: BC 3783
SE International cultural relations
511 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
503 Pieper, Cornelia: Strategische Partnerschaft : die neue
Bundesregierung und ihre deutsch-polnische Agenda / Cornelia
Pieper. - In: Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin (Düsseldorf),
22 (2009-2010) 90, S. 69-70, Ill.
IFA D 891164 SWP: Y. 893 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 88 IFA: Z-D3405 Öff.StaO: 212
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
504 Gemeinschaft für Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und
Osteuropa (Freiburg/Breisgau): 25 Jahre GFPS :
10 - GFPS-CZ, Organizace pro studentskou a kulturní výměnu
ve střední a východní Evropě, 25 - GFPS e.V., Gemeinschaft für
Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa,
15 - GFPS-Polska, Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w
Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej ; Jubiläumskatalog /
Red.-Leitung Tim Zosel ... - Freiburg/Breisgau, 2009. - 82 S.,
zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
512 Randzonen der Kreativwirtschaft : türkische, chinesische und
südasiatische Kulturunternehmungen in Wien / Andreas
Gebesmair (Hg.). - Wien ...: Lit-Verl., 2009. - 279 S. + 1 DVD, Ill.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 269-279 - (Kreativwirtschaft in Wien;
Bd. 4) - ISBN 978-3-643-50073-1
IFA D 892009 IFA: 30/71 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891195 IFA: 4B30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SB01 International relations / process
513 Maiwald, Arthur Friedrich: Internationale Rundschau: Schweiz
522 Erikson, Daniel P.: ¿Puede resolver España el problema de
/ A. F. Maiwald. - In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift
(Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 108-112
Cuba? / Daniel P. Erikson. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 123-136
SWP D 890924 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891117 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
523 Noya, Javier: La nueva imagen de América Latina en España /
SC06 Military capacity
Javier Noya. Prólogo de Felipe González. - Madrid: Tecnos ...,
2009. - 537 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-84-309-4839-0
514 Maiwald, Arthur Friedrich: Internationale Rundschau: Schweiz
/ A. F. Maiwald. - In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift
(Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 108-112
GIGA D 891625 ILAS: AAL-A/77 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 890924 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SB03 International law
524 Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, Lorenzo; Figueroa, Marisa: Los
compromisos internacionales de España en materia de cultura /
Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla y Marisa Figueroa. Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2008. - 21 S. - (Documento de
Trabajo / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y
Estratégicos; no. 4/2008)
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
515 Switzerland / OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development. - Paris, 2009. - 141 S. - (OECD Economic
Surveys; Vol. 2009 (December 2009) 20, Suppl. No.2)
SWP D 891914 SWP: Y. 114 Öff.StaO: 1a
IFA D 891318 IFA: Cb30/67 Öff.StaO: 212
SC04 Military strategy
SB07 International organisations / institutions
516 Ernst, J.: Internationale Rundschau: Tschechien / J. Ernst. -
525 Torreblanca, José Ignacio: Una España confusa en una
In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 116-118
Europa desorientada / José Ignacio Torreblanca. - In: Politica
Exterior (Madrid), 24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 45-60
SWP D 890926 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891115 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SC06 Military capacity
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
517 Ernst, J.: Internationale Rundschau: Tschechien / J. Ernst. -
526 Oschep, A.: Internationale Rundschau: Spanien / A. Oschep. -
In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 116-118
In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 103-106
SWP D 890926 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 890912 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SC06.02 Armament
SD03.01 Foreign trade
518 Amara, Jomana; Pargac, Petr: Offsets and defence
527 Moral Pajares, Encarnacion; Bernal Jurado, Enrique;
procurement in the Czech Republic : A case study / Jomana
Amara and Petr Pargac. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18
(March 2009) 1, S. 63-80
SWP D 892141 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
519 Gemeinschaft für Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und
Rodríguez Martín, José Antonio: Internet y la actividad
exportadora de la industria española / Encarnación Moral
Parajes, Enrique Bernal Jurado, José Antonio Rodríguez Martín.
- In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 59 (octubre de 2009) 10,
S. 807-818, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 891838 IFA: Z-ME66 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 77ZA001 Öff.StaO: 204
SE International cultural relations
Osteuropa (Freiburg/Breisgau): 25 Jahre GFPS :
10 - GFPS-CZ, Organizace pro studentskou a kulturní výměnu
ve střední a východní Evropě, 25 - GFPS e.V., Gemeinschaft für
Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa,
15 - GFPS-Polska, Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w
Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej ; Jubiläumskatalog /
Red.-Leitung Tim Zosel ... - Freiburg/Breisgau, 2009. - 82 S.,
zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
528 Prado, Elvira: La candidatura a la Capitalidad Europea de la
Cultura : una herramienta para la proyección exterior / Elvira
Prado. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the
Royal Institute; no. 113/2007)
IFA D 891918 IFA: Cb30/83 Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891195 IFA: 4B30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
529 Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, Lorenzo; Figueroa, Marisa: Los
520 Zehnpfund, Olaf; Rhomberg, Aleksandra: Parlamentarische
Mitwirkung in Angelegenheiten der Europäischen Union in
Dänemark, Frankreich, Österreich, Polen, Tschechien und im
Vereinigten Königreich / Olaf Zehnpfund ; Aleksandra Rhomberg.
- o.O.: Deutscher Bundestag, Wissenschaftliche Dienste,
21.10.09. - 29 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Infobrief / Wissenschaftliche
Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages; 129/09)
compromisos internacionales de España en materia de cultura /
Lorenzo Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla y Marisa Figueroa. Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2008. - 21 S. - (Documento de
Trabajo / Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y
Estratégicos; no. 4/2008)
IFA D 891318 IFA: Cb30/67 Öff.StaO: 212
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
DFI D 890967 DFI: VC 340.V0283 Öff.StaO: Lg 3
530 Femenía, Consuelo: Veinte años de relaciones científicas
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
521 Czuriga, Eszter: The regional policy of the European Union and
its results in Portugal : convergence and divergence in practice /
Eszter Czuriga. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 295-312, Lit. S. 310-312
internacionales / Consuelo Femenía. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano,
2007. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 40/2007)
IFA D 891271 IFA: Cb30/66 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891159 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
531 López Castillo, Antonio: Hacer del español efectiva lengua de
trabajo en la Unión Europea, tarea pendiente de la política
(europea) de España / Antonio López Castillo. - Madrid: Real
Inst. Elcano, 2009. - 22 S. - (Documento de Trabajo / Real
Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos; no.
539 Femenía, Consuelo: Veinte años de relaciones científicas
internacionales / Consuelo Femenía. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano,
2007. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 40/2007)
IFA D 891271 IFA: Cb30/66 Öff.StaO: 212
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
IFA D 891314 IFA: Cb30/63 Öff.StaO: 212
532 Varona Narvión, Carlos: La actualidad de la lengua y cultura
540 Labandeira, Xavier; Rodríguez, Miguel: Wide and narrow
española en Oriente Próximo : un reto pedagógico / Carlos
Varona Narvión. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2009. - 7 S. (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 5/2009)
approaches to national emission policies : A case study of Spain
/ Xavier Labandeira ; Miguel Rodríguez. - In: Climate Policy
(Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 51-69
SWP D 891931 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
IFA D 891262 IFA: Cb30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
SH05 Energy industry
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
541 Camerano, Simona; Carriero, Alberto; Comerci, Paolo:
"Wind of change" : The national energy system in the European
context / Simona Camerano, Alberto Carriero and Paolo
Comerci. - In: Review of Economic Conditions in Italy (Rome),
(May-August 2009) 2, S. 305-322
533 Noya, Javier: La nueva imagen de América Latina en España /
Javier Noya. Prólogo de Felipe González. - Madrid: Tecnos ...,
2009. - 537 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-84-309-4839-0
GIGA D 891625 ILAS: AAL-A/77 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891866 SWP: X. 656 Öff.StaO: 188/820
SG02.04 Migration
534 Bermudez, Anastasia: The transnational political practices of
Colombian in Spain and the United Kingdom : politics 'here' and
'there' / Anastasia Bermudez. - In: Ethnic and Racial Studies
(Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, Special issue migrant politics and
mobilization: exclusion, engagements, incorporation, S. 75-91,
Lit. S. 89-91
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
542 Behrens, Kai: Greek deficits and German surpluses : two sides
of the same euro / by Kai Behrens. - Washington/D.C.: American
Institute for Contemporary German Studies, 2010. - 4 S. (AICGS Advisor; [04.02.2010])
ECMI D 891940 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 891927
SG04 Education / Training
535 Chambon-Aubier, Catherine: Dynamiques de construction des
pratiques porteuses d'innovation : Analyse des pratiques
d'apprentissage dans les formations des ingénieurs-innovateurs
en France, en Allemagne, en Espagne et en Suède = How to
build dynamics supporting human innovation : A comparative
analysis between learning practices of students in engineering in
higher education and the vocational skills owned by innovators
by innovators-engineers in France, in Germany, in Spain and in
Sweden / Catherine Chambon-Aubier. - o.O., 2008. - 224 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 187-195 -- Nancy, Univ., Diss., 2008
SB01 International relations / process
543 Lawson, Fred H.: The beginning of a beautiful friendship :
Syrian-Turkish relations since 1998 / Fred H. Lawson. In: Demystifying Syria / ed. by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle
East Institute at SOAS. - London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS
Middle East Issues), S. 180-205, Lit. Hinw. S. 200-205 ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
GIGA D 892182 Öff.StaO: H 371
544 Salloukh, Bassel F.: Demystifying Syrian foreign policy under
DFI D 891670
Bashar al-Asad / Bassel F. Salloukh. - In: Demystifying Syria / ed.
by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle East Institute at SOAS. London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS Middle East Issues),
S. 159-179, Lit. Hinw. S. 172-179 - ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
536 Galán-del-Castillo, Elena; Velazquez, Esther: From water to
GIGA D 892183 Öff.StaO: H 371
energy : The virtual water content and water footprint of biofuel
consumption in Spain / Elena Galán-del-Castillo ; Esther
Velazquez. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1345-1352
545 Sever, Aysegül: Turkey's constraining position on Western
reform initiatives in the Middle East / Aysegül Sever. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Fall 2007) 4,
S. 131-148
SWP D 892268 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 890915 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SH05 Energy industry
546 Toktaş, Şule; Aras, Bülent: The EU and minority rights in
537 Galán-del-Castillo, Elena; Velazquez, Esther: From water to
Turkey / Sule Toktas ; Bulent Aras. - In: Political Science
Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 697-720
energy : The virtual water content and water footprint of biofuel
consumption in Spain / Elena Galán-del-Castillo ; Esther
Velazquez. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1345-1352
SWP D 892239 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 892268 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SB02 Foreign policy
SI03.02 Information technology
547 Levitt, Wendy Kristianasen: Le monde vu de Turquie : ni
Orient ni Occident, les choix audacieux d'Ankara / par Wendy
Kristianasen. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février
2010) 671, S. 12-13
538 Moral Pajares, Encarnacion; Bernal Jurado, Enrique;
Rodríguez Martín, José Antonio: Internet y la actividad
exportadora de la industria española / Encarnación Moral
Parajes, Enrique Bernal Jurado, José Antonio Rodríguez Martín.
- In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.), 59 (octubre de 2009) 10,
S. 807-818, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891097 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
DIE D 891838 IFA: Z-ME66 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 77ZA001 Öff.StaO: 204
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SB05 International political conflicts
548 Giraldi, Philip: Turkey and the threat of Kurdish nationalism /
SA02 History
Philip Giraldi. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
19 (Winter 2008) 1, S. 33-41
558 "Ich werde es nie vergessen" : Briefe sowjetischer
Kriegsgefangener 2004-2006 / hrsg. vom Verein
"Kontakte-Kontakty" ... - Berlin: Links, 2007. - 270 S., Ill., Tab. ISBN 978-3-86153-439-6
GIGA D 890918 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
DGAP D 891158 DGAP: DG 48162
549 Sever, Aysegül: Turkey's constraining position on Western
reform initiatives in the Middle East / Aysegül Sever. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Fall 2007) 4,
S. 131-148
SB07 International organisations / institutions
GIGA D 890915 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
559 Tolipov, Farchod Fazilovič: CSTO: collective security or
SF03 Political parties
collective confusion? / by Farkhod Tolipov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 4
550 Şenyuva, Özgehan: Opposition for the sake of opposition?
Polarized pluralism in Turkish politics / by Ozgehan Senyuva. In: Middle East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya),
13 (December 2009) 4, S. 51-56
SWP D 891773
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 891127
560 Emerson, Michael; Vinokurov, Evgenij Jur'evic: Optimisation
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
of Central Asian and Eurasian trans-continental land transport
corridors / Michael Emerson ; Evgeny Vinokurov. - Brussels:
Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 18 S., Kt., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 7) ISBN 978-92-9079-958-0
551 Giraldi, Philip: Turkey and the threat of Kurdish nationalism /
Philip Giraldi. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
19 (Winter 2008) 1, S. 33-41
GIGA D 890918 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
552 Olson, Robert: From the EU project to the Iraq project and back
again? Kurds and Turks after the 22 July 2007 elections / Robert
Olson. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Fall
2007) 4, S. 17-35
SWP D 890984
GIGA D 890891 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SB01 International relations / process
561 Institutional convergence of CIS towards European
553 Toktaş, Şule; Aras, Bülent: The EU and minority rights in
benchmarks / Inna Melnykovska ... . Rainer Schweickert (ed.).
CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research on behalf of
CASE Network - Warszawa: Centrum Analiz
Spoleczno-Ekonomicznych, 2008. - 63 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 43-48 - (CASE Network Reports; No. 82/2008) ISBN 978-83-7178-468-2
Turkey / Sule Toktas ; Bulent Aras. - In: Political Science
Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 697-720
SWP D 892239 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
SH05 Energy industry
554 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
SWP D 891603
562 Torbakov, Igor: Russia, CIS future questioned / Igor Torbakov.
- Zurich: Russian and Eurasian Security Network, 2008. - ca. 2 S.
- (News and Analysis: Security Watch)
SWP D 891531
SWP D 891533
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SD02 International economic relations / economic
555 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
563 Francois, Joseph; Manchin, Miriam: Economic impact of a
potential free trade agreement (FTA) between the European
Union and the Commonwealth of the Independent States /
Joseph Francois, Miriam Manchin. - Warsaw, 2009. - 126 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 73-79 - (CASE Network Reports; No.
SWP D 891531
SWP D 892125
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SH05 Energy industry
556 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
564 Energy trade and cooperation between the EU and CIS
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
countries / Sabit Bagirov ... [CASE - Center for Social and
Economic Research] - Warsaw, 2009. - 79 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 73-79 - (CASE Network Reports; No.
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
SWP D 892122
557 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
576 Wiśniewska, Iwona: Does Russia not want to join the WTO? /
Iwona Wiśniewska. - Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies, (24.
June 2009). - ca. 2 S. - (East Week; 23 (173))
SB04 International political integration
565 Inotai, András: The impacts of enlargement on the Central and
SWP D 892274
Eastern European countries / András Inotai. - Seoul: Korea
Institute for International Economic Policy, 2009. - 76 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 70-73 - (SNU-KIEP EU Centre Research Series; 09-02) ISBN 978-89-322-2159-5
SB02 Foreign policy
577 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
SWP D 891090
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 891763
566 Gomart, Thomas: EU-Russia relations: toward a way out of
depression / Thomas Gomart. - Washington/D.C. ...: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2008. - 23 S. - (Europe,
Russia, and the United States: Finding a New Balance)
SWP D 891577
sich wandelnden Welt) / Institut Strategičeskich Ocenok i
Analiza. Pod red. V. A. Gusejnova. - Moskva: Krasnaja Zvezda,
2008. - 165 S. - ISBN 978-5-88727-058-6
DGAP D 891175 DGAP: DG 48166
SB05 International political conflicts
567 Greene, Samuel A.; Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evič: (Re)Engaging
579 Asmus, Ronald D.: A little war that shook the world : Georgia,
Russia in an era of uncertainty / Samuel A. Greene ; Dmitri
Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace; 86)
Russia, and the future of the West / Ronald D. Asmus. - 1. ed. New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - XI, 254 S. ISBN 978-0-230-61773-5
SWP D 891601 SWP: A.10/0026
SWP D 891113
580 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
568 Jag'ja, V. S.: Mysli naraspašku (Übers.: Überlegungen rund
heraus) / V. S. Jag'ja. - Sankt Petersburg: Evropejskij Dom, 2008.
- 619 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-5-8015-0222-9
DGAP D 891181 DGAP: DG 48165
SWP D 891763
569 Kerr, David: Central Asian and Russian perspectives on China's
strategic emergence / David Kerr. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 127-152
581 The Georgia-Russia stalemate : do's and don'ts for avoiding a
new Cold War / editor: Giles Merritt. Coordinator: Stephanie
Carnes. Security and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, 2008. - 32 S.
- (SDA Discussion Paper)
SWP D 891947 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
570 Luck, Edward C.: Exceptional meets universal : Moscow and
Washington at the United Nations / Edward C. Luck. - New
York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation, 2010. - 26 S. - (A Century
Foundation Report)
SWP D 891720
582 Joenniemi, Pertti: The Georgian-Russian conflict : A
turning-point? / Pertti Joenniemi. - Copenhagen: Danish Institute
for International Studies, 2010. - 32 S. - (DIIS Working Paper;
2010:02) - ISBN 978-87-7605-371-0
SWP D 890981
571 Majidov, Suhrob: The problematic Tajikistan-Russia
relationship / Suhrob Majidov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009), S. 19-20
SWP D 891374
583 Smith, Keith C.: Russian energy dependency and the
SWP D 891771
conflicting interests of old and new Europe / Keith C. Smith. Washington/D.C.: CSIS, 2009. - 10 S.
572 Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič; Salminen, Minna-Mari: Practise what
you preach : The prospects for visa freedom in Russia-EU
relations / Minna-Mari Salminen, Arkady Moshes. - Helsinki:
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2009. - 61 S. - (UPI
Report; 18) - ISBN 978-951-769-216-8
DGAP D 891311 DGAP: DG B01548s
584 Up in flames : humanitarian law violations and civilian victims in
the conflict over South Ossetia / by Jane Buchanan ... Ed. by
Rachel Denber. Human Rights Watch - New York/N.Y., 2009. 212 S., Ill. - ISBN 1-56432-427-3
SWP D 892152
573 Oprach, Marc: "A new beginning"? Die Zukunft der
SWP D 891723
NATO-Russland-Beziehungen / Marc Oprach. - In: Die
politische Meinung (Osnabrück), 55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 26-30
585 Whither Georgia: The impact of Russian actions since
DGAP D 891814 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
574 Torbakov, Igor: Russia, CIS future questioned / Igor Torbakov.
- Zurich: Russian and Eurasian Security Network, 2008. - ca. 2 S.
- (News and Analysis: Security Watch)
SWP D 891533
575 Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evič: Thinking strategically about Russia /
August 2008 : Russia and Eurasia Programme Seminar
Summary / Chatham House. - London: Chatham House, 2008. 31 S.
SWP D 892119
SC01 International relations in the field of international
586 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan concerned over Russian military
Dmitri Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2008. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace; No. 71)
base in Ferghana / Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009),
S. 17-18
SWP D 891770
SWP D 891615
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
578 Rossija v izmenjajuščemsja mire (Übers.: Russland in einer
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
587 Allison, Roy: The Russian case for military intervention in
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Georgia : international law, norms and political calculation / Roy
Allison. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2,
S. 173-200
598 Karaganov, Sergej Aleksandrovič: Rossija i mir : novaja
epocha ; 12 let, kotorye mogut vse iemenit' / S. A. Karaganov. Moskva: AST ..., 2008. - 444 S., graph. Darst., Tab. ISBN 978-5-17-050151-9
SWP D 892150 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
588 Krickus, Richard J.: Medvedev's plan: giving Russia a voice
but not a veto in a new European security system / Richard J.
Krickus. - Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2009.
- X, 111 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-419-8
SWP D 891367 DGAP: DG 48135r
589 Monaghan, Andrew: Russia at the resumption of NATO-Russia
relations / Andrew Monaghan. - Rome: NATO Defense College,
2010. - 4 S.
DGAP D 891167 DGAP: DG 48163
SD03.03 International labour flow
599 Buchanan, Jane: "Are you happy to cheat us?" : Exploitation of
migrant construction workers in Russia / by Jane Buchanan.
Edited by Rachel Denber. - New York/N.Y.: Human Rights
Watch, 2009. - 115 S. - ISBN 1-56432-432-X
SWP D 892260
DGAP D 891309
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
590 Schilling, Walter: Die NATO und Russland : Initiative für
Abrüstung / Walter Schilling. - In: Liberal (Berlin), 51 (November
2009) 4, S. 52-55
600 Cohen, Ariel; Szaszdi, Lajos F.: Russia's drive for global
DGAP D 891583 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432
Öff.StaO: 18
591 Shupe, Cortnie: Kooperation mit dem Kreml / Cortnie Shupe. -
Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S., graph. Darst., Lit.
Hinw. - (Spotlight Europe; 2010/01)
Außerdem erschienen u.d.T.: Cooperation with the Kremlin. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S.
DGAP D 892209 DGAP: DG B01411:10/1
592 Sodiqov, Alexander: Despite growing security cooperation,
Russia is losing ground in Tajikistan / by Alexander Sodiqov. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(26.11.2009), ca. 3 S.
economic power : A challenge for the Obama administration /
Ariel Cohen and Lajos F. Szaszdi. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage
Foundation, 2009. - 16 S. - (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation;
No, 2235)
SWP D 891764
SF01 Political system / Constitution
601 Knight, Amy: Forever Putin? / Amy Knight. - In: The New York
Review of Books (New York/N.Y.), 57 (February 11-24, 2010) 2,
S. 25-27
Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Kasyanov, M.: Bez Putina:
politicheskie dialogi s Yevgeniem Kiselevym. - Moscow: Novaya
Gazeta. - 318 S. -- Cohen, S. F.: Soviet fates and lost
alternatives: from Stalinism to the new Cold War. - New
York/N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 2009. - 308 S.
SWP D 892257 SWP: Y. 504 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SWP D 892079
SF01.02 Human rights
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
602 Up in flames : humanitarian law violations and civilian victims in
593 Fedorov, Jurij Evgen'evic: Medvedev's amendments to the
law on defence : The consequences for Europe / Yury E.
Fedorov. - Helsinki: Ulkopoliittinen Instituutti, 2009. - 8 S. - (UPI
Briefing Paper; 47)
SWP D 891121
the conflict over South Ossetia / by Jane Buchanan ... Ed. by
Rachel Denber. Human Rights Watch - New York/N.Y., 2009. 212 S., Ill. - ISBN 1-56432-427-3
SWP D 891723
SF05 Domestic policy
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
603 Dzięciołowski, Zygmunt: How Russia is ruled / Zygmunt
Dzieciolowski. - London: Open Democracy, 2007. - ca. 2 S.
594 Cimbala, Stephen J.: Triad of terror : post-START reductions in
broader context / Stephen J. Cimbala. - In: European Security
(Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2, S. 201-225
SWP D 891528
SWP D 892162 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
595 Perfil'ev, Nikita: START process and Russian strategic force
modernization / Author: Nikita Perfilyev. - Washington/D.C.:
Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009. - ca. 13 S., Ill.
604 Sljapentoch, Dmitrij Vladimirovic: Kadyrov-Zakayev talks
spark concerns in Moscow / by Dmitry Shlapentokh. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
SWP D 892269
596 Pifer, Steven; Cirincione, Joseph; Gaddy, Clifford Garland:
Resetting U.S.-Russian leadership on nuclear arms reductions
and non-proliferation / Steven Pifer ; Joseph Cirincione ; Clifford
Gaddy. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010. - 28 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Brookings Arms Control Series; Paper 1)
SWP D 891795
597 Weiner, Sharon K.: Organizational interest, nuclear weapons
SWP D 892071
SF08 Regions / Local government
605 Leahy, Kevin: Is a return to the Northern Caucasus on the cards
for Dmitri Kozak? / by Kevin Daniel Leahy. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (09.12.2009), ca. 4
SWP D 892096
scientists, and nonproliferation / Sharon K. Weiner. - In: Political
Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4,
S. 655-679
606 Muradyan Vahagn: Stavropol two years on : positive
developments in ethnic relations / by Vahagn Muradyan. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(01.09.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 892237 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891779
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
607 Sljapentoch, Dmitrij Vladimirovic: Kadyrov-Zakayev talks
617 Noël, Pierre: Beyond dependence : how to deal with Russian
spark concerns in Moscow / by Dmitry Shlapentokh. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
gas / Pierre Noël. - London: European Council on Foreign
Relations, 2008. - 18 S., graph. Darst. - (Policy Brief / European
Council on Foreign Relations) - ISBN 978-1-906538-08-8
SWP D 892071
SWP D 891620
618 Norling, Nicklas: Gazprom's monopoly and Nabucco's
SG02.02 Social groups
potentials : strategic decisions for Europe / Nicklas Norling. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2007. - 48 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; November 2007) - ISBN 978-91-85937-06-6
608 Heller, Regina: Russia’s “Nashi” youth movement : The rise and
fall of a Putin-era / by Regina Heller. - In: Russian Analytical
Digest (Bremen), (18 November 2008) 50, S. 2-4
SWP D 891532 DGAP: DG 46794k
SWP D 891606
619 Pipelines, politics and power : The future of EU-Russia energy
relations / Pavel Baev ... Edited by Katinka Barysch. Centre for
European Reform - London, 2008. - 63 S. ISBN 978-1-901229-85-1
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
609 Muradyan Vahagn: Stavropol two years on : positive
developments in ethnic relations / by Vahagn Muradyan. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(01.09.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 891581
620 Smith, Keith C.: Russian energy dependency and the
conflicting interests of old and new Europe / Keith C. Smith. Washington/D.C.: CSIS, 2009. - 10 S.
SWP D 891779
SG06 Media / Information
DGAP D 891311 DGAP: DG B01548s
610 Lipman, Masa: Media manipulation and political control in
Russia / Maria Lipman. - London: Chatham House, 2009. - 16 S.
- (REP Programme Paper; REP PP 09/01)
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
621 Main, Steven J.: Cockroaches, 'X-Men' and the "Black Day" :
food security and the Russian Federation / Steven J. Main. Shrivenham: Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, 2009. 30 S. - (Russian Series / Defence Academy of the United
Kingdom; 09/15) - ISBN 978-1-905962-77-8
SWP D 891765 DGAP: DG B01495y
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
611 Dannreuther, Roland: Islamic radicalization in Russia : An
assessment / Roland Dannreuther. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 109-126
SWP D 891101
SWP D 891945 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
622 Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič; Salminen, Minna-Mari: Practise what
SH Economy
you preach : The prospects for visa freedom in Russia-EU
relations / Minna-Mari Salminen, Arkady Moshes. - Helsinki:
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, 2009. - 61 S. - (UPI
Report; 18) - ISBN 978-951-769-216-8
612 Malle, Silvana: The impact of the financial crisis on Russia / by
Silvana Malle. - Rome: NATO Defense College, 2009. - 44 S., Lit.
Hinw. - (Forum Paper Series / NATO Defense College; 12)
DGAP D 891272
SWP D 892152
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
613 Gregory, Paul R.; Zhou, Kate: How China won and Russia lost :
two dissimilar economic paths / by Paul R. Gregory and Kate
Zhou. - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (December
2009-January 2010) 158, ca. 9 S., Lit. Hinw.
SB01 International relations / process
623 Peters, Ketie; Rood, Jan; Gromadzki, Grzegorz: The Eastern
SWP D 890932 Öff.StaO: 188/144
Partnership: towards a new era of cooperation between the EU
and its Eastern neighbours? / Authors: Ketie Peters, Jan Rood
and Grzegorz Gromadzki. Clingendael European Studies
Programme. - The Hague: Clingendael European Studies
Programme, 2009. - 22 S.
SH05 Energy industry
614 Denysenko, Nataliia; Murray, Isabel: Coal mine methane in
Russia : capturing the safety and environmental benefits /
[principal authors: Nataliia Denysenko and Isabel Murray. Under
the guidance of Tom Kerr ...]. International Energy Agency Paris, 2009. - 70 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (Information Paper / International Energy Agency)
SWP D 891119
SWP D 890993
SB01 International relations / process
615 Gnedina, Elena; Emerson, Michael: The case for a gas transit
624 Die Ukraine zwischen Ost und West : Außenpolitische und
consortium in Ukraine : A cost-benefit analysis / Elena Gnedina
& Michael Emerson. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy
Studies, 2009. - 13 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 180)
kulturelle Orientierungen / hrsg. von Heiko Pleines.
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Universität Bremen. Bremen, 2008. - 88 S. - (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien /
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa; Nr. 99)
SWP D 891761
616 Nies, Susanne: L'Ukraine : un pays de transit dans l'impasse?
IFA D 891551 IFA: Cb29/280 Öff.StaO: 212
Quatre scenarios / Susanne Nies. - Paris: Institut Français des
Relations Internationales, 2009. - 92 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 88-92 - (European Governance and the Geopolitics of
Energy; 9) - ISBN 978-2-86592-638-1
SWP D 891096
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
SB02 Foreign policy
625 Porošenko, Petro Oleksijovyč: Challenges and priorities of
Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy : Wednesday, December
9, 2009 ; transcript by Federal News Service / moderator: James
F. Collins. Welcome: Jessica T. Mathews. Speakers: Petro
Poroshenko. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 12 S.
SWP D 890983
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
633 Gemeinschaft für Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und
Osteuropa (Freiburg/Breisgau): 25 Jahre GFPS :
10 - GFPS-CZ, Organizace pro studentskou a kulturní výměnu
ve střední a východní Evropě, 25 - GFPS e.V., Gemeinschaft für
Studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa,
15 - GFPS-Polska, Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w
Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej ; Jubiläumskatalog /
Red.-Leitung Tim Zosel ... - Freiburg/Breisgau, 2009. - 82 S.,
zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst.
IFA D 891195 IFA: 4B30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
626 Eberhardt, Adam: Rewolucja, której nie było : bilans pięciolecia
"pomarańczowej" Ukrainy = The revolution that never was: five
years of "Orange" Ukraine / Adam Eberhardt. - Warszawa:
Ośrodek Studiów Wschodnich, 2009. - S. 5-41, 43-79 - (Policy
Briefs / Centre for Eastern Studies = Punkt widzenia / Osrodek
Studiow Wschodnich) - ISBN 978-83-930151-0-8
SB01 International relations / process
634 Dura, George: On track: Moldova wants EU integration, but
needs to do its homework first / George Dura. - Brussels: Centre
for European Policy Studies, 2009. - 2 S. - (CEPS Commentary)
SWP D 891781 SWP: H.10/0038
SWP D 891108
SF04.01 Elections
SG02.04 Migration
627 Kulyk, Volodymyr: The end of "Euro-romanticism" in Ukraine :
The origins of anti-Western sentiments in the Presidential
campaign / Volodymyr Kulyk. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik, 2009. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 28/2009)
635 Moldova, Romania, Ukraine: Active cooperation could
improve migration policy / International Centre for Policy
Studies. - Kyiv, 2009. - 2 S. - (ICPS Newsletter; 2/436)
SWP D 891518
SWP D 891722
SF05 Domestic policy
628 Porošenko, Petro Oleksijovyč: Challenges and priorities of
Ukraine's domestic and foreign policy : Wednesday, December
9, 2009 ; transcript by Federal News Service / moderator: James
F. Collins. Welcome: Jessica T. Mathews. Speakers: Petro
Poroshenko. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 12 S.
SWP D 890983
SG02.04 Migration
SB01 International relations / process
636 Peters, Ketie; Rood, Jan; Gromadzki, Grzegorz: The Eastern
Partnership: towards a new era of cooperation between the EU
and its Eastern neighbours? / Authors: Ketie Peters, Jan Rood
and Grzegorz Gromadzki. Clingendael European Studies
Programme. - The Hague: Clingendael European Studies
Programme, 2009. - 22 S.
SWP D 891119
629 Moldova, Romania, Ukraine: Active cooperation could
improve migration policy / International Centre for Policy
Studies. - Kyiv, 2009. - 2 S. - (ICPS Newsletter; 2/436)
SB05 International political conflicts
637 Jobelius, Matthias: Länderanalyse Südkaukasus : Krise und
SWP D 891722
Kriegsgefahr? / Matthias Jobelius. - Berlin:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2009. - 14 S., Kt., Lit. S. 14 (Internationale Politikanalyse)
SH05 Energy industry
DGAP D 891316 DGAP: DG B01548g
630 Gnedina, Elena; Emerson, Michael: The case for a gas transit
SH05 Energy industry
consortium in Ukraine : A cost-benefit analysis / Elena Gnedina
& Michael Emerson. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy
Studies, 2009. - 13 S. - (CEPS Policy Brief; No. 180)
638 Kassenova, Nargis: Kazakhstan and the South Caucasus
corridor in the wake of the Georgia-Russia war / Nargis
Kassenova. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 3)
SWP D 891761
631 Nies, Susanne: L'Ukraine : un pays de transit dans l'impasse?
Quatre scenarios / Susanne Nies. - Paris: Institut Français des
Relations Internationales, 2009. - 92 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 88-92 - (European Governance and the Geopolitics of
Energy; 9) - ISBN 978-2-86592-638-1
SWP D 891757
639 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
SWP D 891096
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 891531
632 Davydchyk, Maria; May, Marie-Lena: Die Gunst der Stunde
nutzen : Chancen für eine Annäherung zwischen Belarus und
der EU / von Maria Davydchyk und Marie-Lena May. - Berlin:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik, 2010. - 3 S. (DGAP-Standpunkt; 2010, Nr. 2)
DGAP D 891151 DGAP: DG B01335:29
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
640 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
SWP D 891531
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SB01 International relations / process
SB01 International relations / process
641 Sierra, Oscar: A point of no return? Georgia and the EU one
651 Muradyan Vahagn: Armenia's relations with European
year after the August war / Oscar Pardo Sierra. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009), S. 3-5
institutions largely unaffected one year after March violence / by
Vahagn Muradyan. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 891767
SWP D 891778
SB02 Foreign policy
SB05 International political conflicts
642 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
SWP D 891763
652 Blank, Stephen J.: Nagorno-Karabakh: A disaster in the making?
/ by Stephen Blank. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 892097
653 Xac'atrean, Harowt'iown: Mediators propose interim status for
Nagorno-Karabakh / Haroutiun Khachatrian. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009),
S. 13-15
SB05 International political conflicts
643 Asmus, Ronald D.: A little war that shook the world : Georgia,
Russia, and the future of the West / Ronald D. Asmus. - 1. ed. New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - XI, 254 S. ISBN 978-0-230-61773-5
SWP D 891769
SWP D 891601 SWP: A.10/0026
644 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
SWP D 891763
SB05 International political conflicts
654 Blank, Stephen J.: Nagorno-Karabakh: A disaster in the making?
/ by Stephen Blank. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 892097
655 Ismailzade, Fariz: Turkmenistan's initiatives upset Caspian
645 The Georgia-Russia stalemate : do's and don'ts for avoiding a
new Cold War / editor: Giles Merritt. Coordinator: Stephanie
Carnes. Security and Defence Agenda. - Brussels, 2008. - 32 S.
- (SDA Discussion Paper)
SWP D 891720
balance / by Fariz Ismailzade. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 891775
656 Xac'atrean, Harowt'iown: Mediators propose interim status for
Nagorno-Karabakh / Haroutiun Khachatrian. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009),
S. 13-15
646 Joenniemi, Pertti: The Georgian-Russian conflict : A
turning-point? / Pertti Joenniemi. - Copenhagen: Danish Institute
for International Studies, 2010. - 32 S. - (DIIS Working Paper;
2010:02) - ISBN 978-87-7605-371-0
SWP D 891769
SH05 Energy industry
SWP D 891374
657 Petersen, Alexandros: Will Azerbaijani gas exports to China
647 Up in flames : humanitarian law violations and civilian victims in
the conflict over South Ossetia / by Jane Buchanan ... Ed. by
Rachel Denber. Human Rights Watch - New York/N.Y., 2009. 212 S., Ill. - ISBN 1-56432-427-3
SWP D 891723
scuttle the Southern corridor? / by Alexandros Petersen. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(09.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 892089
658 Rzayeva, Gulmira: Azerbaijan's diversified energy security
strategy / by Gulmira Rzayeva. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
648 Whither Georgia: The impact of Russian actions since
August 2008 : Russia and Eurasia Programme Seminar
Summary / Chatham House. - London: Chatham House, 2008. 31 S.
SWP D 892085
SWP D 892119
SB01 International relations / process
SC01 International relations in the field of international
659 Central Asian perceptions of China - In: The China and
Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 7 (February 2009)
1, Special Issue, S. 1-128
649 Allison, Roy: The Russian case for military intervention in
Georgia : international law, norms and political calculation / Roy
Allison. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2,
S. 173-200
SWP D 892109
660 Gavrilis, George: Beyond the Border Management Programme
SWP D 892150 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
SF01.02 Human rights
650 Up in flames : humanitarian law violations and civilian victims in
the conflict over South Ossetia / by Jane Buchanan ... Ed. by
Rachel Denber. Human Rights Watch - New York/N.Y., 2009. 212 S., Ill. - ISBN 1-56432-427-3
for Central Asia (BOMCA) / George Gavrilis. - Brussels ...:
Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM
Policy Brief; No. 11)
SWP D 891120
SWP D 891723
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SH05 Energy industry
670 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan exits Central Asia's common
energy system / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 2
661 Graubner, Cornelius: Implications of the Northern Distribution
Network in Central Asia / by Cornelius Graubner. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3
SWP D 892087
SWP D 891772
671 Peyrouse, Sébastien: The Central Asian power grid in danger?
/ by Sébastien Peyrouse. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (09.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
662 Potter, William C.; Kassenova, Togzhan; Loukianova, Anya:
Central Asia becomes a nuclear-weapon-free-zone / William C.
Potter, Togzhan Kassenova, Anya Loukianova. - Monterey/Cal.:
James Martin Center For Nonproliferation Studies, 2008. ca. 3 S.
SWP D 892094
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
672 Emerson, Michael; Vinokurov, Evgenij Jur'evic: Optimisation
SWP D 891611
SD03.03 International labour flow
663 Central Asia: migrants and the economic crisis /
International Crisis Group. - Bishkek ..., 2010. - 28 S., Kt., Tab. (ICG Asia Report; N° 183)
SWP D 890980
of Central Asian and Eurasian trans-continental land transport
corridors / Michael Emerson ; Evgeny Vinokurov. - Brussels:
Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 18 S., Kt., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 7) ISBN 978-92-9079-958-0
SWP D 890984
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
673 Blank, Stephen J.: China's water policies in Central Asia and
664 Central Asian perceptions of China - In: The China and
leadership potential / by Stephen Blank. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 7 (February 2009)
1, Special Issue, S. 1-128
SWP D 892109
SWP D 892080
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
665 Isaacs, Rico: The EU’s rule of law initiative in Central Asia / Rico
Isaacs. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies ..., 2009.
- 6 S. - (EUCAM Working Paper; No. 9) ISBN 978-92-9079-913-9
SWP D 892282
SA03 Politics
674 Cohen, Ariel: Kazakhstan: The road to independence - energy
policy and the birth of a nation / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.:
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2008. - 289 S.
SWP D 891597
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SB02 Foreign policy
666 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Facing the challenges of separatism :
The EU, Central Asia and the Uyghur issue / Sebastian
Peyrouse. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 4)
SWP D 891758
675 Weitz, Richard: Kazakhstan and the new international politics of
Eurasia / Richard Weitz. - Washington/D.C.: Central
Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2008. - 193 S. - (Silk Road Paper; July
2008) - ISBN 978-91-85937-33-2
SWP D 891579
SG07 Social movements / associations
SH05 Energy industry
667 Muzalevsky, Roman: Fethullah Gulen's movement in Central
Asia : A blessing or a curse? / by Roman Muzalevsky. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(01.09.2009), ca. 4 S.
676 Cohen, Ariel: Kazakhstan: The road to independence - energy
policy and the birth of a nation / Ariel Cohen. - Washington/D.C.:
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2008. - 289 S.
SWP D 891774
SWP D 891597
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
677 Kassenova, Nargis: Kazakhstan and the South Caucasus
668 Muzalevsky, Roman: Fethullah Gulen's movement in Central
corridor in the wake of the Georgia-Russia war / Nargis
Kassenova. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 3)
Asia : A blessing or a curse? / by Roman Muzalevsky. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(01.09.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 891774
SWP D 891757
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
669 Blank, Stephen J.: China's water policies in Central Asia and
SB05 International political conflicts
leadership potential / by Stephen Blank. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
678 Ismailzade, Fariz: Turkmenistan's initiatives upset Caspian
balance / by Fariz Ismailzade. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 4 S.
SWP D 892080
SWP D 891775
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SF01 Political system / Constitution
688 Matveeva, Anna: Tajikistan: 'revolutionary situation' or a
SC01 International relations in the field of international
resilient state? / Anna Matveeva. - Brussels ...: Centre for
European Policy Studies ..., 2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief;
No. 12)
679 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan concerned over Russian military
base in Ferghana / Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009),
S. 17-18
SWP D 891109
SG04 Education / Training
SWP D 891770
689 Sodiqov, Alexander: Mandatory course on Islam introduced in
Tajik schools / by Alexander Sodiqov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 2
SH05 Energy industry
680 Achmadov, Erkin: Uzbekistan exits Central Asia's common
energy system / by Erkin Akhmadov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 2
SWP D 891777
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SWP D 892087
690 Sodiqov, Alexander: Mandatory course on Islam introduced in
Tajik schools / by Alexander Sodiqov. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 2
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
681 Kassenova, Nargis: China as an emerging donor in Tajikistan
and Kyrgyzstan / Nargis Kassenova. - Paris: Institut Français
des Relations Internationales, 2009. - 29 S. (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 36) - ISBN 978-2-86592-430-1
SWP D 891727
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SWP D 891777
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
691 Laldjebaev, Murodbek: The water-energy puzzle in Central
Asia : The Tajikistan perspective / Murodbek Laldjebaev. In: International Journal of Water Resources Development
(Tokyo), 26 (March 2010) 1, S. 23-36, Lit. S. 34-36
DIE D 891170 DIE: A0662 Öff.StaO: 7
682 Marat, Erica: Kyrgyzstan's lost decade / Erica Marat. -
In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(23.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
SB04 International political integration
692 Hofmann, Frank: Mehr Schein als Sein : die EU in
SWP D 892102
Südosteuropa / Frank Hofmann. - In: Liberal (Berlin),
51 (November 2009) 4, S. 44-48, Lit. Hinw.
SA03 Politics
DGAP D 891582 SWP: X. 285 OSI: Zs 701 DGAP: ZD 195 IFA: Z-D1432
Öff.StaO: 18
683 Tajikistan: on the road to failure / International Crisis Group. -
Dushanbe, 2009. - 31 S., Kt. - (ICG Asia Report; N° 162)
SWP D 892266
SD02 International economic relations / economic
693 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
SB01 International relations / process
684 Majidov, Suhrob: The problematic Tajikistan-Russia
relationship / Suhrob Majidov. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (19.08.2009), S. 19-20
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
SWP D 891771
694 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
685 Welch, Ben: President Patil visits Tajikistan - India in search of a
forward policy? / by Ben Welch. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 892100
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
686 Sodiqov, Alexander: Despite growing security cooperation,
Russia is losing ground in Tajikistan / by Alexander Sodiqov. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(26.11.2009), ca. 3 S.
695 Bélyácz, Iván; Kuti, Mónika: Foreign direct investment and
external debt in Hungary : An attempt to examine the
macroeconomic capital structure from a new perspective / Iván
Bélyácz ; Mónika Kuti. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 211-234, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 232-234
SWP D 892079
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SWP D 891155 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
687 Kassenova, Nargis: China as an emerging donor in Tajikistan
and Kyrgyzstan / Nargis Kassenova. - Paris: Institut Français
des Relations Internationales, 2009. - 29 S. (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 36) - ISBN 978-2-86592-430-1
SWP D 891727
SD03.04 External public debts
696 Bélyácz, Iván; Kuti, Mónika: Foreign direct investment and
external debt in Hungary : An attempt to examine the
macroeconomic capital structure from a new perspective / Iván
Bélyácz ; Mónika Kuti. - In: Society and Economy (Budapest),
31 (December 2009) 2, S. 211-234, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 232-234
SWP D 891155 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.1 Europe / Europa / Europe
SG03.01 Social security
697 Raisio, Harri: Deliberating together : public deliberation in the
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
context of the Hungarian health insurance reform / Harri Raisio. In: Society and Economy (Budapest), 31 (December 2009) 2,
S. 253-269, Lit. S. 266-269
701 Barakat, Sultan; Zyck, Steven A.: State building and
post-conflict demilitarization : military downsizing in Bosnia and
Herzegovina / Sultan Barakat and Steven A. Zyck. In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December 2009)
3, S. 548-572, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. 569-572
SWP D 891157 SWP: X. 808 Öff.StaO: 180
SWP D 891372 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.04 Migration
698 Moldova, Romania, Ukraine: Active cooperation could
improve migration policy / International Centre for Policy
Studies. - Kyiv, 2009. - 2 S. - (ICPS Newsletter; 2/436)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
702 Vetterlein, Merle: Konfliktregulierung durch
power-sharing-Modelle : das Fallbeispiel der Republik
Mazedonien / Merle Vetterlein. - Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.,
2010. - 270 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 240-270, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden; Bd. 196) ISBN 978-3-8329-5381-2
SWP D 891722
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
IFSH D 891801 IFSH: Uc6/91 tk
699 Loisel, Rodica: Quota allocation rules in Romania assessed by
a dynamic CGE model / Rodica Loisel. - In: Climate Policy
(Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 87-102
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
703 Vetterlein, Merle: Konfliktregulierung durch
SWP D 891933 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
power-sharing-Modelle : das Fallbeispiel der Republik
Mazedonien / Merle Vetterlein. - Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.,
2010. - 270 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 240-270, zahlr. Lit. Hinw. (Demokratie, Sicherheit, Frieden; Bd. 196) ISBN 978-3-8329-5381-2
SA02 History
700 Schiller, Ulrich: Deutschland und "seine" Kroaten : vom
IFSH D 891801 IFSH: Uc6/91 tk
Ustaša-Faschismus zu Tudjmans Nationalismus / Ulrich Schiller.
Mit einem Vorwort von Hans Koschnick. - Bremen: Donat, 2010.
- 227 S. - ISBN 978-3-938275-70-2
SWP D 891565 SWP: A.10/0022
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
RB01.01 OAS
SB01 International relations / process
704 Malamud, Andrés: La Cumbre Iberoamericana de Estoril :
mucha Honduras pero poca profundidad / Andrés Malamud. Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2010. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the
Royal Institute; N° 14/2010) - (Área: América Latina)
SWP D 891454
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SB01 International relations / process
SA03 Politics
705 Canada and Asia - In: International Journal (Toronto),
713 Deutsch, Klaus Günter: Obamas Reformen : Gesundheit, Alter,
44 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 875-1045, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Klima und Infrastruktur / Autor: Klaus Günter Deutsch. Frankfurt/Main: Deutsche Bank Research, 2010. - 28 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 25-28, Lit. Hinw. - (Aktuelle Themen /
Deutsche Bank Research; 473) - (Themen international)
DGAP D 891479 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
706 McMillan, Charles: The maple leaf and the chrysanthemum :
Canada and Japan, 80 years and counting / Charles McMillan. In: International Journal (Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4,
S. 1075-1091, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891412
DGAP D 891485 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
714 El-Khawas, Mohamed A.: Nation building in a war zone : The
US record in Iraq, 2003-2007 / Mohamed A. El-Khawas. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 19 (Winter 2008) 1,
S. 42-62
SC01 International relations in the field of international
707 Canada's role in the invasion of Afghanistan : Canada's role
GIGA D 890920 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
in the invasion of Afghanistan, Canadian public opinion of the
invasion of Afghanistan, Canadian forces casualities in
Afghanistan, Canadian Afghan detainee abuse scandal /
Frederic P. Miller ... (ed.) - Beau Bassin: Alphascript Publ., 2009.
- 87 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-613-0-02772-8
715 Link, Werner: Von der Faszination zur Realität? Das
"Phänomen" Barack Obama / Werner Link. - In: Die politische
Meinung (Osnabrück), 55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 5-9
DGAP D 891792 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891860 SWP: H.10/0042
708 Public opinion in Canada on the war in Afghanistan : public
SB International politics / system
opinion in Canada on the war in Afghanistan, international public
opinion on the war in Afghanistan, Canadian forces casualties in
Afghanistan / Frederic P. Miller ... (ed.) - Beau Bassin:
Alphascript, 2009. - 237 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-613-0-04304-9
716 Cook, Julian A.: Global government under the U.S. constitution
/ J. A. Cook. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Pr. of America, 2007. X,102 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 97-99 - ISBN 0-7618-3734-4
HSFK D 891753 HSFK: 41.085 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891986 SWP: A.10/0031
717 Zanin, Toby: Samuel P. Huntington and the ambiguities on
American power / Toby Zanin. - In: International Journal
(Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 1109-1116, Lit. Hinw.
SD02 International economic relations / economic
DGAP D 891488 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
709 Chen, Victor Z.: Benchmarking Canada-China economic
relations / Victor Z. Chen. - Toronto: Canadian International
Council, 2010. - 18 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (China Papers; No.
SWP D 891278
SB01 International relations / process
718 Afghanistan and Pakistan regional stabilization strategy /
United States Department of State, Office of the Special
Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. - Washington/D.C.,
2010. - 39 S.
SWP D 890870
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
719 Amsden, Alice H.: Escape from empire : The developing
710 Rodríguez Barba, Fabiola: La diplomacia cultural de Canadá :
la construcción de una imagen / Fabiola Rodríguez Barba. Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2008. - 9 S. - (Analyses of the Royal
Institute; no. 120/2008)
IFA D 891261 IFA: Cb30/68 Öff.StaO: 212
SG03.02 Health
711 Rationalisation des organisations hospitalières / dossier
coordonné par Luc Bonneville, ... - In: Sciences de la société
(Toulouse), (février 2009) 76, S. 3-166, Lit. Hinw.
world's journey through heaven and hell / Alice H. Amsden. Cambridge/Mass. ...: The MIT Pr., 2007. - VI,197 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 177-186 ISBN 978-0-262-01234-8
HSFK D 891832 HSFK: 39.976 Öff.StaO: F 197
720 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
DFI D 892045 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 38
721 Behrens, Benedikt: Der Fall Honduras : "no change" in der
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
US-Lateinamerikapolitik? / von Benedikt Behrens. - In: Blätter
für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 55 (2010) 2,
S. 57-62, Lit. Hinw.
712 Gibbins, Roger; Roach, Robert: Look before you leap : oil and
gas, the western Canadian economy and national prosperity /
Roger Gibbins ; Robert Roach. - Calgary: Canada West
Foundation, 2010. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (The
West in Canada Research Series; The West in Canada Project)
- ISBN 1-897423-62-2
DGAP D 891578 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
722 Castañeda, Jorge G.: Adios, Monroe Doctrin : when the
Yanguis go home / Jorge G. Castañeda. - In: The New Republic
Online (Washington/D.C.), (December 28, 2009), ca. 5 S.
SWP D 891401
SWP D 891545
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
723 Civilian strategy for Afghanistan : A status report in advance
735 Malone, David M.; Mukherjee, Rohan: India-US relations : The
of the London Conference ; recorded hearing / U.S. Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations. Presiding: Senator Kerry. Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
shock of the new / David M. Malone and Rohan Mukherjee. In: International Journal (Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4,
S. 1057-1074, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 891484 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 890873
736 Miller, Stephanie: Desafíos y oportunidades : Barack Obama y
724 Hamid, Shadi: The Cairo conundrum : Egypt ist the linchpin to
América Latina / Stephanie Miller. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano
(Madrid), (2009), S. 21-32
America's Middle East policy ; a policy that must make interests
reinforce ideals, rather than conflict with them / Shadi Hamid. In: Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (Washington/D.C.), (Winter
2010) 15, S. 34-45
GIGA D 891027 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
737 Nakhleh, Emile A.: A necessary engagement : reinventing
America's relations with the Muslim world / Emile A. Nakhleh. Princeton/N.J. ...: Princeton Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,162 S.,
Reg., Gloss., Lit. S. 151-153 - ISBN 978-0-691-13525-0
SWP D 891788
725 Hamid, Shadi; Brooke, Steven: Promoting democracy to stop
GIGA D 891338 IMES: MEA-A/95 Öff.StaO: H 371
terror, revisted : The real perils of an undemocratic Middle East /
by Shadi Hamid and Steven Brooke. - In: Policy Review Online
(Washington/D.C.), (February-March 2010) 159, ca. 7 S., Lit.
738 Noriega, Roger F.: Obama in the Americas : searching for an
effective strategy / by Roger F. Noriega. - Washington/D.C.:
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2010. 7 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AEI Latin American Outlook; No. 1/2010)
SWP D 891409 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SWP D 891469
726 Hearing on "China's activities in Southeast Asia and the
implications for U.S. interests" / Hearing Co-Chairs: Carolyn
Bartholomew ... United States-China Economic and Security
Review Commission - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
739 Principles of U.S. engagement in Asia : recorded hearing /
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Presiding:
Senator Webb. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SWP D 891637
SWP D 890872
727 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas
740 Shapiro, Jeremy; Witney, Nick: Una Europa post-americana /
2007-2008 / James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 57-72
Jeremy Shapiro y Nick Witney. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 77-92
GIGA D 891482 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891116 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
728 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2008 /
741 Sponeck, Hans-Christof von: Im paschtunischen Sumpf :
James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 69-86
Obamas "AfPak"-Strategie / von Hans-C. von Sponeck. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
55 (2010) 2, S. 45-55, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 892091 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
729 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Der pazifische Präsident : Obamas
DGAP D 891576 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
Asienpolitik im ersten Regierungsjahr / Wilhelm Hofmeister. Singapur: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
742 Starobin, Paul: The Israel divide / by Paul Starobin. -
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 16, 2010) 3,
S. 36-42
SWP D 890939
SWP D 892249 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
730 Janes, Jackson; Schneider, Marianne: Ein Jahr Obama :
743 Status of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Errungenschaften und Erwartungen in den transatlantischen
Beziehungen / Jackson Janes ; Marianne Schneider. - In: ZFAS:
Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden),
3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 47-57, Lit. S. 56-57
Enforcement Affairs counternarcotics programs in
Afghanistan : Performance audit - report number
MERO-A-10-02, December 2009 ; unclassified / United States
Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors
Office of Inspector General. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 67 S. (OIGReportNo.MERO-A-10-02)
SWP D 891641 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
731 Jia, Qingguo; Rosecrance, Richard: Delicately poised : Are
China and the US heading for conflict? / by Jia Qingguo and
Richard Rosecrance. - In: Global Asia (Elektronische Ressource)
(Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 5 S.
SWP D 891227
744 Steinberg, David I.: The United States and Myanmar : A
'boutique issue'? / David I. Steinberg. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 175-194
SWP D 890968
732 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
SWP D 891951 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
745 Sweig, Julia E.: Obama's disappointing year in Latin America /
interviewee: Julia E. Sweig. Interviewer: Robert McMahon. Washington/D.C.: Council on Foreign Relations, 2010. - ca. 4 S.,
SWP D 891124
733 Knittel, Siegfried: Obama in Ostasien / Siegfried Knittel. -
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
55 (2010) 1, S. 26-29, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891543
DGAP D 891553 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
746 Torrijos, Vicente: Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y
América Latina : nuevas perspectivas / Vicente Torrijos R.. In: Diálogo Político (Buenos Aires), 26 (septiembre de 2009) 3,
S. 141-156, Lit. S. 155-156
734 Luck, Edward C.: Exceptional meets universal : Moscow and
Washington at the United Nations / Edward C. Luck. - New
York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation, 2010. - 26 S. - (A Century
Foundation Report)
DIE D 891855 SWP: X. 706 DGAP: ZD 148 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 07ZA023
Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 890981
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
747 Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evič: Thinking strategically about Russia /
760 Nakamura, Kennon H.; Weed, Matthew C.: U.S. public
Dmitri Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2008. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace; No. 71)
diplomacy : background and current issues / Kennon H.
Nakamura ; Matthew C. Weed. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2009. - 70 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; R40989) - (R40989)
SWP D 891615
SWP D 891400
748 The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East
761 Nelson, Michael: Person and office: presidents, presidency,
Asia / ed. by David Arase ... - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2010. - XIV,184 S., Tab., Reg. - (Nissan Institute /
Routledge Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-48713-9
and foreign policy / Michael Nelson. - In: The domestic sources
of American foreign policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 159-167 ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
GIGA D 891030 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
HSFK D 891980 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
749 Van de Walle, Nicolas: US policy towards Africa : The Bush
legacy and the Obama administration / Nicolas van de Walle. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 1-21
762 Nincic, Miroslav: External affairs and the electoral connection /
SWP D 891380 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
Miroslav Nincic. - In: The domestic sources of American foreign
policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman
& Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 125-140 - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
HSFK D 891975 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
750 Wacker, Gudrun: Management der Machtverschiebung : China
und Ostasien / Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, 2010. - 5 S. - (SWP-Working Paper; FG7 2010/06)
SWP D 891382
SB02 Foreign policy
751 Birnbaum, Norman: Gefangener im Weißen Haus / Norman
763 Ross, Alec: U.S. diplomacy in the age of Facebook and Twitter :
An address on 21st century statecraft ; Washington, D.C.,
Thursday, December 17, 2009; [uncorrected transcript] /
participants: [indroduction and] moderator: Ted Piccone.
Featured speaker: Alec Ross. Discussant: Kristin Lord Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2009. - 48 S.
SWP D 891404
Birnbaum. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
(Bonn), 55 (2010) 2, S. 35-44, Lit. Hinw.
764 Rudolf, Peter: Obamas "Grand Strategy" / Peter Rudolf. - Berlin:
DGAP D 891574 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
752 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
SWP D 891763
753 The domestic sources of American foreign policy : insights
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 5 S. (SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG4 2010/1)
SWP D 891051
765 Thimm, Johannes: Ein Jahr Außenpolitik unter Obama :
Rückkehr zum Multilateralismus? / Johannes Thimm. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 5 S. (SWP-Diskussionspapier; FG4 2010/2)
SWP D 891050
and evidence / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - 5th ed. Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2008. - XIII,422 S.,
graph.Darst., Reg. Lit. - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
766 Thompson, John A.: Wilsonianism : The dynamics of a
conflicted concept / John A. Thompson. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 27-47
HSFK D 891967 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891938 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
754 Gaan, Narottam: America crowning the unipolar moment : An
incursion into sovereignty and independence of states like India /
Narottam Gaan. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 123-136, Lit. S. 136
SB03 International law
767 Guantanamo detention and the violations of human rights :
DGAP D 891587 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
The sufferings of the Saudi detainees and members of their
families / National Society for Human Rights. - Riyadh, 2007. 81 S.
755 Gutschker, Thomas: Pokerspiel mit lauter Luschen : Barack
Obamas erstes Amtsjahr hat die geschwundene Macht der
USA offenbart / Thomas Gutschker. - In: Die politische Meinung
(Osnabrück), 55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 10-14
GIGA D 891216 IMES: SAU-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
768 Lindberg, Tod: A way forward with the International Criminal
Court : cooperation, pursued carefully, over time / by Tod
Lindberg. - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),
(February-March 2010) 159, ca. 8 S.
DGAP D 891804 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
756 Justwan, Florian: Die amerikanische Kubapolitik seit dem Ende
des Kalten Krieges / Florian Justwan. - Hamburg: Kovač, 2010. 151 S., Lit. S. 133-151 - (Regensburger Studien zur
Internationalen Politik; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-8300-4724-7 -- Zugl.:
Regensburg, Univ., Mag.-Arb., 2009
SWP D 891407 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SB05 International political conflicts
769 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
DGAP D 891719 DGAP: DG 48176
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
757 Kennedy, David M.: What would Wilson do? / by David M.
Kennedy. - In: The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.),
305 (January-February 2010) 1, S. 90-94, Ill.
SWP D 891699 SWP: Y. 1097 DGAP: ZD 22
758 Lindsay, James M.: The shifting pendulum of power :
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
executive-legislative relations on American foreign policy /
James M. Lindsay. - In: The domestic sources of American
foreign policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...:
Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 199-211 ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
770 Chicky, John E.: The Russian-Georgian war : political and
military implications for U.S. policy / Jon E. Chicky. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2009. - 19 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; February 2009)
HSFK D 891981 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
759 Milne, David: America's 'intellectual' diplomacy / David Milne. -
SWP D 891763
In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 49-68
SWP D 891941 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
771 Oppenheimer, Andrés: Los Estados Desunidos de las
782 Van de Walle, Nicolas: US policy towards Africa : The Bush
Américas : las mejores columnas del 2006 al 2009 / Andrés
Oppenheimer. - 1a. ed. - Madrid: ALGABA ediciones, 2009. 320 S., graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-84-96107-98-4
legacy and the Obama administration / Nicolas van de Walle. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 1-21
SWP D 891380 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891509 ILAS: AAL-A/78 Öff.StaO: H 220
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
SC01 International relations in the field of international
783 Betts, Richard K.: Enemies of intelligence : knowledge and
772 Dube, Oeindrila; Naidu, Suresh: Bases, bullets, and ballots :
The effect of U.S. military aid on political conflict in Colombia /
Oeindrila Dube and Suresh Naidu. - Washington/D.C.: Center
for Global Development, 2010. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (Working Paper / Center for Global Development; 197)
SWP D 891260
773 Graubner, Cornelius: Implications of the Northern Distribution
Network in Central Asia / by Cornelius Graubner. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (01.09.2009), ca. 3
power in American national security / Richard K. Betts. - New
York/N.Y. ...: Columbia Univ. Pr., 2007. - XVI,241 S., Reg. ISBN 978-0-231-13888-8
HSFK D 891843 HSFK: 40.155 Öff.StaO: F 197
784 Blair, Dennis C.: Annual threat assessment of the US
Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence : [statement for the record] / Dennis C. Blair. Washington/D.C.: Office of the Director of National Intelligence,
2009. - 47 S.
SWP D 891405
785 [Drone wars] - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42
(January 9, 2010) 1-2, S. 14-29
SWP D 891772
SWP D 890942 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
774 Hildreth, Steven A.; Ek, Carl W.: Long-range ballistic missile
786 Goldsmith, Jack: The terror presidency : law and judgment
defense in Europe / Steven A. Hildreth ; Carl Ek. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009. 30 S. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34051) - (RL34051)
inside the Bush administration / Jack Goldsmith. - New
York/N.Y. ...: Norton & Comp., 2007. - 256 S. ISBN 978-0-393-06550-3
HSFK D 891840 HSFK: 39.964 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891909
787 Korkisch, Friedrich Wilhelm: Internationale Rundschau:
775 Jamieson, D. G.: AFRICOM : A threat or an opportunity for
USA/Politik / F. W. Korkisch. - In: Österreichische militärische
Zeitschrift (Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 137-140
African security? / D. G. Jamieson. - In: The South African
Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein), 16 (December
2009) 3, S. 311-329, Kt., Lit. S. 327-329
SWP D 890928 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
DGAP D 891661 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
788 Lehrer, Eli: The homeland security bureaucracy / Eli Lehrer. - In:
The domestic sources of American foreign policy / ed. by
Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield
Publ., 2008, S. 247-258 - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
776 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
HSFK D 891982 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
789 Long-term implications of the fiscal year 2010 defense
SWP D 891124
perils / Ayesha R. Khan. - London: Chatham House, 2010. - 33 S.
- (Asia Programme Paper / Chatham House; ASP PP 2010/01)
budget / [Adam Talaber ... coord. the preparation of this paper].
Congress of the United States, Congressional Budget Office Washington/D.C., 2010. - 41 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (A CBO
SWP D 891242
SWP D 890987
777 Khan, Ayesha R.: Conceptualizing AfPak: The prospects and
778 Krickus, Richard J.: Medvedev's plan: giving Russia a voice
790 Public perceptions of traumatic events and policy
but not a veto in a new European security system / Richard J.
Krickus. - Carlisle Barracks/Pa.: Strategic Studies Institute, 2009.
- X, 111 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-58487-419-8
preferences during the George W. Bush administration : A
portrait of America in turbulent times / George Shambaugh ... In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),
33 (January 2010) 1, S. 55-91
SWP D 892030 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891367 DGAP: DG 48135r
791 Quinones, C. Kenneth: The US-DPRK 1994 agreed framework
779 Lemoine, Maurice: Washington réactive la doctrine Monroe :
and the US Army's return to North Korea / Kenneth C. Quinones.
- In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 199-230
"basus belli" en Colombie / par Maurice Lemoine. - In: Le Monde
diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010) 671, S. 17
GIGA D 891495 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891100 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
792 Rosén, Frederik: Third-generation civil-military relations /
780 Torrijos, Vicente: ¿Detonantes de guerra? La cooperación
militar colombo-norteamericana en perspectiva estratégica /
Vicente Torrijos R.. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2010. - 7 S.,
Kt. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; N° 16/2010) - (Área:
América Latina)
SWP D 891458
SWP D 891346 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S
Öff.StaO: 1a
793 Shifting terrain : stabilization operations require a better
balance between civilian and military efforts / by Thomas S.
Szayna ... - In: Rand Review (Santa Monica/Cal.), 33 (Winter
2009-2010) 3, S. 16-23
SWP D 890947 SWP: Y. 643 DGAP: ZD 540 HSFK: ZS R Öff.StaO: 206
781 The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East
794 Thompson, John A.: Wilsonianism : The dynamics of a
Asia / ed. by David Arase ... - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2010. - XIV,184 S., Tab., Reg. - (Nissan Institute /
Routledge Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-48713-9
conflicted concept / John A. Thompson. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 27-47
SWP D 891938 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 891030 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Frederik Rosén. - In: Security Dialogue (London), 40 (December
2009) 6, S. 597-616, Lit. S. 613-616
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
SC06.02 Armament
795 Cimbala, Stephen J.: Triad of terror : post-START reductions in
805 The acquisition of major weapons systems by the
broader context / Stephen J. Cimbala. - In: European Security
(Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2, S. 201-225
Department of Defense : hearing before the Committee on
Armed Services, United States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd
Session, June 3, 2008 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2008. - III,177 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 110-639)
SWP D 892162 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
796 Perfil'ev, Nikita: START process and Russian strategic force
modernization / Author: Nikita Perfilyev. - Washington/D.C.:
Nuclear Threat Initiative, 2009. - ca. 13 S., Ill.
HSFK D 890845 HSFK: 99.297 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 892269
806 LaGrone, Sam: Beasts of burden : US Navy aircraft carriers /
797 Pifer, Steven; Cirincione, Joseph; Gaddy, Clifford Garland:
Resetting U.S.-Russian leadership on nuclear arms reductions
and non-proliferation / Steven Pifer ; Joseph Cirincione ; Clifford
Gaddy. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010. - 28 S.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Brookings Arms Control Series; Paper 1)
SWP D 891795
Sam LaGrone. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 47 (3
February 2010) 5, S. 26-30
SWP D 891646 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW
Öff.StaO: 11
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
807 Schmidt, Christian W.; Broll, Udo: Real exchange-rate
uncertainty and US foreign direct investment : An empirical
analysis / Christian W. Schmidt ; Udo Broll. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 513-530,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 529-530
798 Weiner, Sharon K.: Organizational interest, nuclear weapons
scientists, and nonproliferation / Sharon K. Weiner. - In: Political
Science Quarterly (New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4,
S. 655-679
DIE D 891748 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 892237 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
808 Werksman, Jacob; Bradbury, James A.; Weischer, Lutz:
Trade measures and climate change policy : searching for
common ground on an uneven playing field / Jacob Werksman,
James A. Bradbury, and Lutz Weischer. - Washington/D.C.:
World Resources Institute, 2009. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working
Paper / World Resources Institute)
SC05 War / Warfare
799 Berkowitz, Peter: The lawyering of war : Peter Berkowitz on:
The war on terror and the laws of war: A military perspective, by
Michael Lewis ... - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),
(February-March 2010) 159, ca. 4 S.
Rezension von: The war on terror and the laws of war: A military
perspective / by Michael Lewis ... - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press,
SWP D 890999
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
809 Schmidt, Christian W.; Broll, Udo: Real exchange-rate
SWP D 891408 Öff.StaO: 188/144
Bernd Greiner. - Hamburg: Hamburger Ed., 2007. - 595 S.,
Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 550-568 - ISBN 978-3-936096-80-4
uncertainty and US foreign direct investment : An empirical
analysis / Christian W. Schmidt ; Udo Broll. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 513-530,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 529-530
HSFK D 891850 HSFK: 40.134 Öff.StaO: F 197
DIE D 891748 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
800 Greiner, Bernd: Krieg ohne Fronten : die USA in Vietnam /
801 War powers for the 21st century: The executive branch
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International
Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th
Congress, 2nd Session, April 24, 2008 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2008. - III,55 S. - (Serial /
Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.
810 Zepeda, Eduardo; Wise, Timothy A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.:
Rethinking trade policy for development : lessons from Mexico
under NAFTA / Eduardo Zepeda, Timothy A. Wise, and Kevin P.
Gallagher. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Policy Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
[December 2009])
HSFK D 890848 HSFK: 99.448 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891004
SC06 Military capacity
802 Korkisch, Friedrich Wilhelm: Internationale Rundschau:
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
USA/Politik / F. W. Korkisch. - In: Österreichische militärische
Zeitschrift (Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 137-140
811 Amsden, Alice H.: Escape from empire : The developing
world's journey through heaven and hell / Alice H. Amsden. Cambridge/Mass. ...: The MIT Pr., 2007. - VI,197 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 177-186 ISBN 978-0-262-01234-8
SWP D 890928 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
803 Lankford, Adam: Assessing the Obama standard for
HSFK D 891832 HSFK: 39.976 Öff.StaO: F 197
interrogations : An analysis of Army Field Manual 2-22.3 / Adam
Lankford. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
(Philadelphia/Pa.), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 20-35
812 Yemen: confronting Al-Qaeda, preventing state failure :
recorded hearing / U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Presiding: Senator Kerry. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SWP D 892028 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
SWP D 890871
804 Ohls, Gary J.: Somalia ... from the sea / Gary J. Ohls. - Newport
Rhode Island: Naval War College Press, 2009. - 249 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (Naval War College
Newport Papers; 34) - ISBN 978-1-884733-59-8
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
813 Dale, Helle C.: Public diplomacy 2.0 : where the U.S.
Government meets "new media" / Helle C. Dale. Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2009. - 11 S. (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; no. 2346)
IFSH D 891529 IFSH: Yf6/63 qs
IFA D 891457 IFA: Cb30/48 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
814 Gregory, Bruce: Mapping smart power in multi-stakeholder
825 Lehrer, Eli: The homeland security bureaucracy / Eli Lehrer. - In:
public diplomacy/strategic communication : "New approaches to
U.S. global outreach", the Institute for Public Diplomacy and
Global Communication, George Washington University, October
5, 2009 / Bruce Gregory. - Washington/D.C.: Inst. for Public
Diplomacy and Global Communication, 2009. - 9 S.
IFA D 891921 IFA: Cb30/94 Öff.StaO: 212
815 Nakamura, Kennon H.; Weed, Matthew C.: U.S. public
diplomacy : background and current issues / Kennon H.
Nakamura ; Matthew C. Weed. - Washington/D.C.:
Congressional Research Service, 2009. - 70 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; R40989) - (R40989)
The domestic sources of American foreign policy / ed. by
Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield
Publ., 2008, S. 247-258 - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
HSFK D 891982 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
826 Lindsay, James M.: The shifting pendulum of power :
executive-legislative relations on American foreign policy /
James M. Lindsay. - In: The domestic sources of American
foreign policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...:
Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 199-211 ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
HSFK D 891981 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
827 Nelson, Michael: Person and office: presidents, presidency,
and foreign policy / Michael Nelson. - In: The domestic sources
of American foreign policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 159-167 ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
SWP D 891400
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
HSFK D 891980 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
816 Hoffmann, Stanley: Why don't they like us? how America has
become the object of much of the planet's genuine
grievances - and displaced discontent / Stanley Hoffmann. - In:
The domestic sources of American foreign policy / ed. by
Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman & Littlefield
Publ., 2008, S. 45-53 - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
828 Starr, Paul: Governing in the age of Fox News / Paul Starr. - In:
The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.), 305 (January-February
2010) 1, S. 95-98, Ill.
SWP D 891702 SWP: Y. 1097 DGAP: ZD 22
HSFK D 891974 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF04.01 Elections
829 Nincic, Miroslav: External affairs and the electoral connection /
SF Government
Miroslav Nincic. - In: The domestic sources of American foreign
policy / ed. by Eugene R. Wittkopf ... - Lanham/Md. ...: Rowman
& Littlefield Publ., 2008, S. 125-140 - ISBN 0-7425-4740-X
817 Manzi, Jim: Keeping America's edge / Jim Manzi. - In: National
Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010) 2, S. 3-21, graph.
HSFK D 891975 HSFK: 40.139 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891992 SWP: X. 897
830 Simendinger, Alexis; Friel, Brian: Hard sell / by Alexis
SF01 Political system / Constitution
Simendinger and Brian Friel. - In: National Journal
(Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 16, 2010) 3, S. 18-28
818 Cook, Julian A.: Global government under the U.S. constitution
SWP D 892247 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
/ J. A. Cook. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Pr. of America, 2007. X,102 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 97-99 - ISBN 0-7618-3734-4
831 Smith, Bradley A.: The myth of campaign : finance reform /
HSFK D 891753 HSFK: 41.085 Öff.StaO: F 197
Bradley A. Smith. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.),
(Winter 2010) 2, S. 75-91
819 Fallows, James: How America can rise again / by James
SWP D 892000 SWP: X. 897
Fallows. - In: The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.),
305 (January-February 2010) 1, S. 38-55, Ill.
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SWP D 891673 SWP: Y. 1097 DGAP: ZD 22
832 Bellavita, Christopher: Changing homeland security : twelve
820 War powers for the 21st century: The executive branch
questions from 2009 / Christopher Bellavita. - In: Homeland and
Security Affairs (Monterey/Cal.), 6 (January 2010) 1, 30 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
perspective : hearing before the Subcommittee on International
Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight of the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, 110th
Congress, 2nd Session, April 24, 2008 - Washington/D.C.: U.S.
Government Printing Office, 2008. - III,55 S. - (Serial /
Committee on Foreign Affairs (United States / House); No.
SWP D 891403
833 Monahan, Torin; Palmer, Neal A.: The emerging politics of
HSFK D 890848 HSFK: 99.448 Öff.StaO: F 197
DHS fusion centers / Torin Monahan & Neal A. Palmer. In: Security Dialogue (London), 40 (December 2009) 6,
S. 617-636, Lit. S. 633-636
SF01.02 Human rights
SWP D 891348 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S
Öff.StaO: 1a
821 Guantanamo detention and the violations of human rights :
834 Yemen: confronting Al-Qaeda, preventing state failure :
The sufferings of the Saudi detainees and members of their
families / National Society for Human Rights. - Riyadh, 2007. 81 S.
recorded hearing / U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Presiding: Senator Kerry. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
GIGA D 891216 IMES: SAU-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 890871
822 Mokhtari, Shadi: After Abu Ghraib : exploring human rights in
SF06.02 Terrorism
America and the Middle East / Shadi Mokhtari. - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - IX,252 S., Reg., Lit. S. 245-248,
Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) ISBN 978-0-521-76753-8
835 [Drone wars] - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42
(January 9, 2010) 1-2, S. 14-29
SWP D 890942 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
GIGA D 891870 IMES: MEA-H/93 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF06.03 Criminality
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
836 Status of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs counternarcotics programs in
Afghanistan : Performance audit - report number
MERO-A-10-02, December 2009 ; unclassified / United States
Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors
Office of Inspector General. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 67 S. (OIGReportNo.MERO-A-10-02)
823 Friedl, Kevin: Promise keeper? / by Kevin Friedl. - In: National
Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 9, 2010) 1-2, S. 35-39
SWP D 890943 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
824 Greenberg, David: The honeymooners / by David Greenberg. -
In: The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.),
305 (January-February 2010) 1, S. 88-83, Ill.
SWP D 891692 SWP: Y. 1097 DGAP: ZD 22
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SWP D 891227
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
848 Shierholz, Heidi: Immigration and wages : methodological
SF07 Military and society / Government
advancements confirm modest gains for native workers / by
Heidi Shierholz. - Washington/D.C.: Economic Policy Institute,
2010. - 29 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Economic Policy Institute; 255)
837 Eberstadt, Mary Tedeschi: Mothers in combat boots :
reassessing a military policy / by Mary Eberstadt. - In: Policy
Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (February-March 2010) 159,
ca. 6 S.
SWP D 891911
SWP D 891411 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
SF10 Law
849 Blahous, Charles: Social security and work / Charles Blahous. -
838 Berkowitz, Peter: The lawyering of war : Peter Berkowitz on:
In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010) 2, S. 49-61
The war on terror and the laws of war: A military perspective, by
Michael Lewis ... - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),
(February-March 2010) 159, ca. 4 S.
Rezension von: The war on terror and the laws of war: A military
perspective / by Michael Lewis ... - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press,
SWP D 891999 SWP: X. 897
850 Mead, Lawrence M.: Dependency and democracy / Lawrence
M. Mead. - In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010)
2, S. 92-104
SWP D 892001 SWP: X. 897
851 Shaw, Greg M.: Changes in public opinion and the American
SWP D 891408 Öff.StaO: 188/144
welfare state / Greg M. Shaw. - In: Political Science Quarterly
(New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 627-653
839 Brenner, Saul; Whitmeyer, Joseph M.: Strategy on the United
States Supreme Court / Saul Brenner ; Joseph M. Whitmeyer. 1st publ. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. XI,196 S., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 177-188 - ISBN 978-0-521-73534-3
SWP D 892235 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
SG03.02 Health
GIGA D 891018 ILAS: INT-D/20 IMES: INT-D/20 IAA: INT-D/20 Öff.StaO: H 220
852 Evertz, Scott H.: How ideology trumped science : why PEPFAR
840 Goldsmith, Jack: The terror presidency : law and judgment
has failed to meet its potential / Scott H. Evertz. Washington/D.C.: Center for American Progress, 2010. - 48 S.,
Ill., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
inside the Bush administration / Jack Goldsmith. - New
York/N.Y. ...: Norton & Comp., 2007. - 256 S. ISBN 978-0-393-06550-3
HSFK D 891840 HSFK: 39.964 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 890985
841 Lankford, Adam: Assessing the Obama standard for
SG04 Education / Training
interrogations : An analysis of Army Field Manual 2-22.3 / Adam
Lankford. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
(Philadelphia/Pa.), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 20-35
853 Oakley, Deirdre; Stowell, Jacob; Logan, John R.: The impact
of desegregation on black teachers in the metropolis :
1970-2000 / Deirdre Oakley ; Jacob Stowell ; John R. Logan. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford), 32 (November 2009) 9,
S. 1576-1598, Tab., Lit. S. 1593-1595
SWP D 892028 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
842 Linos, Katerina: Path dependence in discrimination law :
employment cases in the United States and the European Union
/ Katerina Linos. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 115-169
ECMI D 891808 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SWP D 891092 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
854 Public perceptions of traumatic events and policy
preferences during the George W. Bush administration : A
portrait of America in turbulent times / George Shambaugh ... In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),
33 (January 2010) 1, S. 55-91
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
843 Linos, Katerina: Path dependence in discrimination law :
employment cases in the United States and the European Union
/ Katerina Linos. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 115-169
SWP D 892030 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891092 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG05.01 Ideologies
855 Cockburn, Alexander: Cinquante ans aprés Greensboro : la
SG02.04 Migration
gauche américaine a oublié ses victoires / par Alexander
Cockburn. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010)
671, S. 28
844 Hanson, Gordon H.: The economics and policy of illegal
immigration in th United States / Gordon H. Hanson. Washington/D.C.: Migration Policy Institute, 2009. - 19 S., Lit.
SWP D 891105 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
856 Cohen, Eric: The moral realism of Irving Kristol / Eric Cohen. -
SWP D 891687
In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010) 2,
S. 130-140
845 La migración a Estados Unidos y la frontera noreste de
SWP D 892002 SWP: X. 897
México / Socorro Arzaluz Solano (coord.) . El Colegio de la
Frontera Norte - 1a ed. - México/D.F.: Miguel Ángel Porrúa,
2007. - 248 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. ISBN 978-968-7947-66-2
SG05.02 Public opinion
857 Brownstein, Ronald: A season of discontent / by Ronald
Brownstein. - In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.),
42 (January 16, 2010) 3, S. 30-35
GIGA D 890930 ILAS: MEX-G/28 Öff.StaO: H 220
846 Mollenkopf, John; Hochschild, Jennifer: Immigrant political
SWP D 892248 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
incorporation : comparing success in the United States and
Western Europe / John Mollenkopf ; Jennifer Hochschild. In: Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1,
Special issue migrant politics and mobilization: exclusion,
engagements, incorporation, S. 19-38, Lit. S. 35-38
858 Shaw, Greg M.: Changes in public opinion and the American
welfare state / Greg M. Shaw. - In: Political Science Quarterly
(New York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 627-653
SWP D 892235 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
ECMI D 892202 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: 12
847 Orrenius, Pia M.; Zavodny, Madeline: Tied to the business
859 Starobin, Paul: The Israel divide / by Paul Starobin. -
cycle : how immigrants fare in good and bad economic times /
Pia M. Orrenius ; Madeline Zavodny. - Washington/D.C.:
Migration Policy Institute, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 16, 2010) 3,
S. 36-42
SWP D 892249 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SWP D 891676
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
870 Brown, Stephen P. A.; Krupnick, Alan J.; Walls, Margaret A.:
SG06 Media / Information
Natural gas: A bridge to a low-carbon future? / Stephen P. A.
Brown, Alan J. Krupnick, and Margaret A. Walls. Washington/D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2009. - 14 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Issue Brief / Resources for the Future;
860 Ross, Alec: U.S. diplomacy in the age of Facebook and Twitter :
An address on 21st century statecraft ; Washington, D.C.,
Thursday, December 17, 2009; [uncorrected transcript] /
participants: [indroduction and] moderator: Ted Piccone.
Featured speaker: Alec Ross. Discussant: Kristin Lord Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2009. - 48 S.
SWP D 890994
871 Burtraw, Dallas; Walls, Margaret A.; Blonz, Joshua:
SWP D 891404
Distributional impacts of carbon pricing policies in the electricity
sector / Dallas Burtraw, Margaret Walls, and Joshua Blonz. Washington/D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2009. - 36 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Discussion Paper / Resources for the
Future; RFF DP 09-43)
861 Starr, Paul: Governing in the age of Fox News / Paul Starr. - In:
The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.), 305 (January-February
2010) 1, S. 95-98, Ill.
SWP D 891702 SWP: Y. 1097 DGAP: ZD 22
SWP D 890995
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
872 Energy-water nexus : many uncertainties remain about
862 Stifter, Spender und Mäzene : USA und Deutschland im
national and regional effects of increased biofuel production on
water resources ; report to the chairman, Committee on Science
and Technology, House of Representatives / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2009. 54 S., Ill., graph. Darst, Kt., Tab. - (GAO-10-16)
historischen Vergleich / Thomas Adam ... (Hg.) - Stuttgart:
Steiner, 2009. - 341 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg. (Transatlantische historische Studien; Bd. 38) ISBN 978-3-515-09384-2
IFA D 891202 IFA: 30/63 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891656
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
873 Guo, Jie; Zou, Le-le; Wei, Yi-ming: Impact of inter-sectoral
863 Langsame Erholung ermöglicht Einstieg in die
trade on national and global CO2 emissions : An empirical
analysis of China and US / Jie Guo ; Le-le Zou ; Yi-ming Wei. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1389-1397
Konsolidierung - In: Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale),
16 (27.01.2010) 1, S. 8-41
SWP D 891524 SWP: Y. 1104
SWP D 892275 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
864 James, William E.: US international trade and the global
economic crisis / William E. James. - Manila: Asian Development
Bank, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ADB
Economics Working Paper Series; No. 179)
874 Sengès, Anne: Eco-tech : moteurs de la croissance verte en
Californie et en France / Anne Sengès. - Paris: Autrement, 2009.
- 214 S., Lit. S. 212 - (Frontières) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1343-7
DFI D 890847 DFI: VV 580.SEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 891657
875 Analysis of policies to reduce oil consumption and
865 Orrenius, Pia M.; Zavodny, Madeline: Tied to the business
greenhouse-gas emissions from the US transportation
sector / W. Ross Morrow ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),
38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1305-1320
cycle : how immigrants fare in good and bad economic times /
Pia M. Orrenius ; Madeline Zavodny. - Washington/D.C.:
Migration Policy Institute, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 892264 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 891676
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
866 Shierholz, Heidi: Immigration and wages : methodological
876 Gelinas, Nicole: Too big not to fail / Nicole Gelinas. -
advancements confirm modest gains for native workers / by
Heidi Shierholz. - Washington/D.C.: Economic Policy Institute,
2010. - 29 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Economic Policy Institute; 255)
In: National Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010) 2, S. 22-34
SWP D 891995 SWP: X. 897
877 Yeaman, Helena: The bipartisan roots of the financial services
crisis / Helena Yeaman. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New
York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 681-696
SWP D 891911
SWP D 892238 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
867 Zepeda, Eduardo; Wise, Timothy A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.:
Rethinking trade policy for development : lessons from Mexico
under NAFTA / Eduardo Zepeda, Timothy A. Wise, and Kevin P.
Gallagher. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Policy Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
[December 2009])
SH10 Public finance
878 Geithner, Timothy F.: Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner
written testimony before the Senate Committee on Finance Washington/D.C.: U.S. Department of the Treasury, 2010. ca. 8 S. - (TG-526)
SWP D 891004
SWP D 891413
879 Stein, Robert: Taxes and the family / Robert Stein. - In: National
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /
Sectoral economic policy
Affairs (Washington/D.C.), (Winter 2010) 2, S. 35-48
SWP D 891998 SWP: X. 897
868 James, William E.: US international trade and the global
economic crisis / William E. James. - Manila: Asian Development
Bank, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (ADB
Economics Working Paper Series; No. 179)
SWP D 891657
SH05 Energy industry
869 Analysis of policies to reduce oil consumption and
greenhouse-gas emissions from the US transportation
sector / W. Ross Morrow ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),
38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1305-1320
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
880 The acquisition of major weapons systems by the
Department of Defense : hearing before the Committee on
Armed Services, United States Senate, 110th Congress, 2nd
Session, June 3, 2008 - Washington/D.C.: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 2008. - III,177 S. - (Hearing / United States
Senate; S. HRG. 110-639)
HSFK D 890845 HSFK: 99.297 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 892264 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.3 North America (without Mexico) / Nordamerika (ohne Mexiko) / Amérique du Nord (sans Mexique)
883 Guo, Jie; Zou, Le-le; Wei, Yi-ming: Impact of inter-sectoral
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
trade on national and global CO2 emissions : An empirical
analysis of China and US / Jie Guo ; Le-le Zou ; Yi-ming Wei. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1389-1397
881 Blyth, William: Climate policy after Copenhagen : managing
carbon price risk in an uncertain world / William Blyth. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 6 S. - (Briefing Paper / Chatham House;
EERG BP 2010/01) - (Energy, Environment and Resource
SWP D 892275 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
884 Sengès, Anne: Eco-tech : moteurs de la croissance verte en
Californie et en France / Anne Sengès. - Paris: Autrement, 2009.
- 214 S., Lit. S. 212 - (Frontières) - ISBN 978-2-7467-1343-7
SWP D 891706
DFI D 890847 DFI: VV 580.SEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
882 Energy-water nexus : many uncertainties remain about
885 Werksman, Jacob; Bradbury, James A.; Weischer, Lutz:
national and regional effects of increased biofuel production on
water resources ; report to the chairman, Committee on Science
and Technology, House of Representatives / United States
Government Accountability Office. - Washington/D.C., 2009. 54 S., Ill., graph. Darst, Kt., Tab. - (GAO-10-16)
Trade measures and climate change policy : searching for
common ground on an uneven playing field / Jacob Werksman,
James A. Bradbury, and Lutz Weischer. - Washington/D.C.:
World Resources Institute, 2009. - 13 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Working
Paper / World Resources Institute)
SWP D 891656
SWP D 890999
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SA01 General studies / Area studies
897 Amorim, Celso: South American integration / Celso Amorim. -
886 Repensando la subalternidad : miradas criticas desde/sobre
In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília),
(October-December 2009) 10, S. 5-25
America Latina / Pablo Sandoval (comp.) . Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos - 1a. ed. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009.
- 644 S., Lit. Hinw. - (América Problema; 26) ISBN 978-9972-51-251-3
GIGA D 891052 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
GIGA D 891988 ILAS: AAL-Y/8 Öff.StaO: H 220
898 Berg, Walter Bruno: Frankreich und Lateinamerika :
887 Volpi, Jorge: El insomnio de Bolívar : cuatro consideraciones
intempestivas sobre América Latina en el siglo XXI / Jorge Volpi.
- 1a ed. - Barcelona: Debate, 2009. - 260 S., Tab. ISBN 978-84-8306-862-5
Faszination ohne Ende? / Walter Bruno Berg. In: Deutsch-französische Berührungs- und Wendepunkte / Rolf
G. Renner ... (Hrsg.). - Freiburg: Frankreich-Zentrum, 2009,
S. 449-458, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-00-028879-1
GIGA D 891270 ILAS: AAL-H/147 Öff.StaO: H 220
DFI D 890876 DFI: WG 460.DEUT Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SB01 International relations / process
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
888 Castañeda, Jorge G.: Adios, Monroe Doctrin : when the
899 Noya, Javier: La nueva imagen de América Latina en España /
Yanguis go home / Jorge G. Castañeda. - In: The New Republic
Online (Washington/D.C.), (December 28, 2009), ca. 5 S.
Javier Noya. Prólogo de Felipe González. - Madrid: Tecnos ...,
2009. - 537 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-84-309-4839-0
GIGA D 891625 ILAS: AAL-A/77 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891545
SF01 Political system / Constitution
889 Miller, Stephanie: Desafíos y oportunidades : Barack Obama y
900 Dargent Bocanegra, Eduardo: Demócratas precarios : élites y
América Latina / Stephanie Miller. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano
(Madrid), (2009), S. 21-32
debilidad democrática en el Perú y América Latina - 1a. ed. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 117 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 107-117 - ISBN 978-997-251-253-7
GIGA D 891027 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
890 Noriega, Roger F.: Obama in the Americas : searching for an
GIGA D 892288 ILAS: PER/150 Öff.StaO: H 220
effective strategy / by Roger F. Noriega. - Washington/D.C.:
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2010. 7 S., Lit. Hinw. - (AEI Latin American Outlook; No. 1/2010)
901 Democratic governance in Latin America / ed. by Scott
Mainwaring and Timothy R. Scully. - Stanford: Stanford Univ.
Press, 2010. - XVII,415 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw.
- ISBN 978-0-8047-6085-0
SWP D 891469
GIGA D 891858 ILAS: AAL-H/154 Öff.StaO: H 220
891 Noya, Javier: La nueva imagen de América Latina en España /
Javier Noya. Prólogo de Felipe González. - Madrid: Tecnos ...,
2009. - 537 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-84-309-4839-0
SF04.01 Elections
902 Crespo Martínez, Ismael; Garrido Rubia, Antonio:
GIGA D 891625 ILAS: AAL-A/77 Öff.StaO: H 220
892 Sweig, Julia E.: Obama's disappointing year in Latin America /
interviewee: Julia E. Sweig. Interviewer: Robert McMahon. Washington/D.C.: Council on Foreign Relations, 2010. - ca. 4 S.,
SWP D 891543
Elecciones y sistemas electorales presidenciales en América
Latina / Ismael Crespo Martínez. - México/D.F.: Angel Purrúa,
2008. - 238 S., graph. Darst. , Tab., Lit S. 223-238 ISBN 978-970-819-042-8
GIGA D 892236 ILAS: AAL-H/152 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG Society
903 Maihold, Günther: Macht und Differenz: Formen des
Rassismus und des inneren Kolonialismus in Lateinamerika /
Günther Maihold. - In: Koloniale Vergangenheiten (post-)imperiale Gegenwart: Vortragsreihe im Rahmen des
Jubiläums "550 Jahre Albert-Ludwig-Universität" [ ... ] / Jörn
Leonard ... (Hrsg.). - Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verl., 2010. (Studien des Frankreich-Zentrums der
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Bd. 19), S. 223-243,
Lit. S. 241-243 - ISBN 978-3-8305-1736-8
893 Torrijos, Vicente: Las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y
América Latina : nuevas perspectivas / Vicente Torrijos R.. In: Diálogo Político (Buenos Aires), 26 (septiembre de 2009) 3,
S. 141-156, Lit. S. 155-156
DIE D 891855 SWP: X. 706 DGAP: ZD 148 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 07ZA023
Öff.StaO: H 220
SB05 International political conflicts
SWP D 891718 SWP: AA D891718
894 Oppenheimer, Andrés: Los Estados Desunidos de las
SG02 Social process / Social structure
Américas : las mejores columnas del 2006 al 2009 / Andrés
Oppenheimer. - 1a. ed. - Madrid: ALGABA ediciones, 2009. 320 S., graph. Darst. - ISBN 978-84-96107-98-4
904 Social cohesion in Europe and the Americas : power, time
and space = Cohesión social en Europa y las Américas: poder,
tiempo y espacio / Harlan Koff (ed.). - Lang - Bruxelles ...: Peter
Lang, 2009. - 373 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Regional Integration
and Social Cohesion; No. 3) - ISBN 978-90-5201-568-2
GIGA D 891509 ILAS: AAL-A/78 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD01 World economy / International economic system
GIGA D 891946 ILAS: AAL-A/80 Öff.StaO: H 220
895 García Herrero, Alicia; Perea, José Ramón: América Latina
ante la crisis global / Alicia García Herrero ; José Ramón Perea.
- In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid), (2009), S. 33-46, graph.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
905 America indígena ante el siglo XXI / Julián Lopez García ...
(coords). Fundación Carolina - 1a Ed. - Madrid: Siglo XXI de
España Editores, 2009. - 505 S., III., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. ISBN 978-843-231-418-6
GIGA D 891031 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02 International economic relations / economic
GIGA D 891825 ILAS: AAL-G/67 Öff.StaO: H 220
896 Loser, Claudio M.: América Latina y el Caribe en la coyuntura
económica internacional : ¿ilusión perdida o nuevo realismo? /
Claudio M. Loser. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid), (2009),
S. 47-63, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 63
GIGA D 891035 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG02.04 Migration
SH05 Energy industry
906 Janoschka, Michael: The contested spaces of lifestyle
915 Malamud, Carlos; Isbell, Paul; Steinberg, Federico: La
mobilities : regime analysis as a toll to study political claims in
Latin American retirement destinations / Michael Janoschka. In: Die Erde (Berlin), 140 (2009) 3, S. 251-274, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 268-271
situación energética en América Latina : estados contra
mercados / Carlos Malamud ; Paul Isbell ; Federico Steinberg. In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid), (2009), S. 65-78, Tab.,
Lit. S. 78
GIGA D 891036 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
907 Forteza, Alvaro; Ourens, Guzmán: How much do Latin
916 Orsatti, Álvaro; Sánchez, Hilda: Las Directrices de la OECD
American pension programs promise to pay back? / Alvaro
Forteza ; Guzmán,Ourens. - Washington/D.C.: International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2009. - 62 S., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Social Protection Discussion Paper Series; 927)
para Empresas Multinacionales en América Latina :
experiencias, aprendizajes y propuestas desde la perspectiva
sindical / Álvaro Orsatti ; Hilda Sánchez. - Montevideo:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Representación en Uruguay, 2009. 64 S., Tab. - (Ánalisis y Propuestas)
SWP D 891538
GIGA D 890965
SH09 Informal sector
908 Mesa-Lago, Carmelo: Las pensiones de seguridad social en
917 Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol: La búsqueda de las instituciones :
América Latina después de tres décadas de reformas / Carmelo
Mesa-Lago. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid), (2009),
S. 79-99, Tab., Lit. S. 98-99
teoría del desarrollo desde la informalidad: Aplicaciones a
Latinoamérica / Joan Oriol Prats Cabrera. - Barcelona:
Fundación CIDOB, 2008. - 345 S., Lit. S. 317-345 - (Interrogar la
Actualidad: Serie América Latina) - ISBN 978-84-87072-94-9
GIGA D 891041 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG04 Education / Training
GIGA D 891693 ILAS: AAL-F/41 Öff.StaO: H 220
909 Going to school in Latin America / ed. by Silvina Gvirtz ... -
Westport/Conn. ...: Greenwood Press, 2008. - IX,346 S., Reg.,
Lit. S.323-327 - (The Global School Room) ISBN 978-0-3133-3815-1
SD04 Policy of external economic relations
918 Zepeda, Eduardo; Wise, Timothy A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.:
GIGA D 891888 ILAS: AAL-M/5 Öff.StaO: H 220
Rethinking trade policy for development : lessons from Mexico
under NAFTA / Eduardo Zepeda, Timothy A. Wise, and Kevin P.
Gallagher. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Policy Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
[December 2009])
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
910 Rey, Romeo: Im Sternzeichen von Che Guevara : Theorie und
Praxis der Linken in Lateinamerika / Romeo Rey. - Hamburg:
VSA-Verlag, 2008. - 246 S., Reg., Lit. S. 239-243, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-89965-319-9
GIGA D 891056 ILAS: AAL-H/153 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891004
SG06 Media / Information
SF01 Political system / Constitution
911 Behrens, Peter-Alberto: Aló presidente - Presse und Politik in
919 Priess, Frank: Mexiko: Calderóns Reformpläne vor ungewisser
Lateinamerika / Peter-Alberto Behrens. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 26 (2010) 2, S. 97-112
Zukunft / Frank Priess. - Mexiko/D.F.: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
2010. - 5 S. - (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
SWP D 892246 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891445
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
912 Rojas-Suarez, Liliana: The international financial crisis : eight
920 Mexico, el nuevo escenario politico ante el Bicentenario /
lessons for and from Latin America / Liliana Rojas-Suarez. Washington/D.C.: Center for Global Development, 2010. - 27 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Center for
Global Development; 202)
Manuel Alcántara Sáez... (comps.). - 1a ed. - Salamanca:
Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 2009. - 348 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Biblioteca de América; No. 43) ISBN 978-847-800-238-2
GIGA D 891165 ILAS: MEX-H/49 Öff.StaO: H 220
921 Selección de candidatos, política partidista y rendimiento
SWP D 891438
democrático / Flavia Freidenberg ... (coord.) - 1a. ed. Mexico/D.F: Tribunal Electoral del Distrito Federal, 2009. 398 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-607-759-400-0
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
913 Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol: La búsqueda de las instituciones :
GIGA D 892127 ILAS: MEX-H/50 Öff.StaO: H 220
teoría del desarrollo desde la informalidad: Aplicaciones a
Latinoamérica / Joan Oriol Prats Cabrera. - Barcelona:
Fundación CIDOB, 2008. - 345 S., Lit. S. 317-345 - (Interrogar la
Actualidad: Serie América Latina) - ISBN 978-84-87072-94-9
SF05 Domestic policy
922 Escalante Gonzalbo, Fernando: México 2006-2008 /
GIGA D 891693 ILAS: AAL-F/41 Öff.StaO: H 220
Fernando Escalante Gonzalbo. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano
(Madrid), (2009), S. 113-122
SH03 Labour / Employment
GIGA D 891045 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
914 Carnes, Matthew E.: Institutionalizing inequality : The political
SF06.02 Terrorism
origins of labor codes in Latin America / Matthew E. Carnes. Notre Dame/Ind.: Kellog Institute for International Studies, 2009.
- 47 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Helen
Kellogg Institute for International Studies; 363)
923 Pacheco, Fernando Celaya: Narcofearance: how has
narcoterrorism settled in Mexico? / Fernando Celaya Pacheco. In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),
32 (December 2009) 12, S. 1021-1048, Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891465
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SWP D 891061 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG02.04 Migration
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
924 La migración a Estados Unidos y la frontera noreste de
932 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
México / Socorro Arzaluz Solano (coord.) . El Colegio de la
Frontera Norte - 1a ed. - México/D.F.: Miguel Ángel Porrúa,
2007. - 248 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. ISBN 978-968-7947-66-2
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
GIGA D 890930 ILAS: MEX-G/28 Öff.StaO: H 220
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
SF04 Political participation
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
933 Gobernabilidad ambiental : la participación de la sociedad civil
925 Chiapa, Carlos: Crisis y pobreza rural en América Latina : el
caso de México / Carlos Chiapa. - Santiago de Chile: Centro
Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, 2009. - 41 S., Tab. (Documento de Trabajo / Centro Latinoamericano para el
Desarrollo Rural; 39)
GIGA D 892113
en la gestión de los recursos naturales y el ambiente / Ricardo
Sol Arrizza... (ed.). Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia. San José: Funpadem, 2009. - 72 S., Tab.
GIGA D 891223
SF04.01 Elections
934 Ingenieria y comportamientos electorales a nivel municipal :
Centroamérica y República Dominicana ; 1a Ed. / Fundación
DEMUCA. - San José: DEMUCA, 2009. - 372 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-996-880-957-3
926 Zepeda, Eduardo; Wise, Timothy A.; Gallagher, Kevin P.:
Rethinking trade policy for development : lessons from Mexico
under NAFTA / Eduardo Zepeda, Timothy A. Wise, and Kevin P.
Gallagher. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 22 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. (Policy Outlook / Carnegie Endowment for International Peace;
[December 2009])
GIGA D 891990 ILAS: AMC-H/9 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
935 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
SWP D 891004
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
927 Co-evolución de empresas, maquiladoras, instituciones y
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
regiones : una nueva interpretación / Arturo Àngel Lara Rivero
(coord.) . Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana ... - 1a. ed. México/D.F.: Miguel Ángel Porrúa, 2007. - 307 S., graph. Darst.
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-970-819-001-5
936 Gobernabilidad ambiental : la participación de la sociedad civil
en la gestión de los recursos naturales y el ambiente / Ricardo
Sol Arrizza... (ed.). Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia. San José: Funpadem, 2009. - 72 S., Tab.
GIGA D 891835 ILAS: MEX-F/12 Öff.StaO: H 220
928 Vinageras Barroso, Pablo Alberto: Aglomeraciones
industriales novedosas en el centro de México / Pablo Alberto
Vinageras Barroso. - In: Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.),
59 (octubre de 2009) 10, S. 784-797, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891223
DIE D 891836 IFA: Z-ME66 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 77ZA001 Öff.StaO: 204
SA02 History
SH10 Public finance
937 Gould, Jeffrey L.; Lauria-Santiago, Aldo A.: To rise in
929 OECD Review on budgeting in Mexico / Organisation for
darkness : revolution, repression, and memory in El Salvador,
1920-1932 / Jeffrey L. Gould, Aldo Lauria-Santiago. - 1. Aufl. Durham ...: Duke Univ. Press, 2008. - 368 S., III., Reg.,
Lit. S.343-354 - ISBN 978-0-8223-4207-6
Economic Co-operation and Development. - Paris, 2009. - 156 S.
- (OECD Journal on Budgeting; Vol. 2009, Suppl. No. 1)
SWP D 891973 SWP: Y. 1117 Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 892160 ILAS: SLV/11 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
938 Aguilar, Jeannette; Arana, Rubí: Situación del país, el sistema
político y la participación de la mujer en la política desde una
perspectiva de género / Jeannette Aguilar, Rubí Arana. 1a. edición - San Salvador: Fundaungo, 2008. - 115 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Colección Género; 3) ISBN 978-99923-29-21-4
930 Cordero, Martha; Martínez, Jorge Mario: Panamá y el
proceso de integración centroamericana / [elaborado por Jorge
Mario Martínez y Martha Cordero]. - México/D.F.: Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),
Subregional Headquarters in Mexico, 2009. - Pt. 1-2 (LC/MEX/L.946)
Pt. 1: . - 50 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
Pt. 2: . - S. 51-87, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw., Anh.
GIGA D 892121 ILAS: SLV/14 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF03 Political parties
939 El Salvador : monografía de los partidos políticos 2009 /
Fundación Dr. Guillermo Manuel Ungo ... - 1° reimpresión - San
Salvador: Fundaungo, 2009. - 70 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-99923-29-24-5
SWP D 891550
931 Martínez, Jorge Mario; Cordero, Martha: La integración
GIGA D 892078 ILAS: SLV/13 Öff.StaO: H 220
económica centroamericana y sus perspectivas frente a la crisis
internacional / [elaborado por Jorge Mario Martínez y Martha
Cordero]. - México/D.F.: Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional
Headquarters in Mexico, 2009. - 41 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (LC/MEX/L.954)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
940 Gould, Jeffrey L.; Lauria-Santiago, Aldo A.: To rise in
darkness : revolution, repression, and memory in El Salvador,
1920-1932 / Jeffrey L. Gould, Aldo Lauria-Santiago. - 1. Aufl. Durham ...: Duke Univ. Press, 2008. - 368 S., III., Reg.,
Lit. S.343-354 - ISBN 978-0-8223-4207-6
SWP D 891547
GIGA D 892160 ILAS: SLV/11 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
941 Aguilar, Jeannette; Arana, Rubí: Situación del país, el sistema
950 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
político y la participación de la mujer en la política desde una
perspectiva de género / Jeannette Aguilar, Rubí Arana. 1a. edición - San Salvador: Fundaungo, 2008. - 115 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Colección Género; 3) ISBN 978-99923-29-21-4
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
GIGA D 892121 ILAS: SLV/14 Öff.StaO: H 220
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
SG07 Social movements / associations
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
942 Movimiento de mujeres en El Salvador, 1995 - 2006 :
estrategia y miradas desde el feminismo / Fundación Nacional
para el Desarrollo. - 1a. ed. - San Salvador: Fundación Nacional
para el Desarrollo, 2008. - 816 S., graph.Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-00023-889-6-9
951 Gitter, Seth R.; Barham, Bradford L.: Conditional cash
transfers, shocks, and school enrolment in Nicaragua / Seth
Richard Gitter and Bradford L. Barham. - In: The Journal of
Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november 2009) 10,
S. 1747-1767, Tab., Lit. S. 1766-1767
GIGA D 891983 ILAS: SLV/15 Öff.StaO: H 220
DIE D 891881 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SB01 International relations / process
SF04.01 Elections
943 Behrens, Benedikt: Der Fall Honduras : "no change" in der
US-Lateinamerikapolitik? / von Benedikt Behrens. - In: Blätter
für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn), 55 (2010) 2,
S. 57-62, Lit. Hinw.
952 Urcuyo, Constantino: Elecciones costarricenses : lucha por la
DGAP D 891578 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
944 Malamud, Andrés: La Cumbre Iberoamericana de Estoril :
mucha Honduras pero poca profundidad / Andrés Malamud. Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2010. - 6 S. - (Analyses of the
Royal Institute; N° 14/2010) - (Área: América Latina)
SWP D 891454
continuidad / Constantino Urcuyo. - Madrid: Real Instituto
Elcano, 2010. - 8 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; N° 4/2010)
- (Área: América Latina)
SWP D 891453
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
953 Cordero, Martha; Martínez, Jorge Mario: Panamá y el
proceso de integración centroamericana / [elaborado por Jorge
Mario Martínez y Martha Cordero]. - México/D.F.: Economic
Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),
Subregional Headquarters in Mexico, 2009. - Pt. 1-2 (LC/MEX/L.946)
Pt. 1: . - 50 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
Pt. 2: . - S. 51-87, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.Hinw., Anh.
SF01 Political system / Constitution
945 Ortega, Miguel Rodrigo: Golpe de estado, constitución y poder
constituyente / Miguel Rodrigo Ortega. - 1a. ed. - Tegucigalpa:
Ediciones Guardabarranco, 2009. - 199 S. ISBN 978-99926-46-05-2
GIGA D 891359 ILAS: HND/31 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF04.01 Elections
SWP D 891550
946 Álvarez Araya, Óscar: Honduras: las elecciones como vía de
salida a la crisis política / Óscar Álvarez Araya. - Madrid: Real
Instituto Elcano, 2010. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute;
N° 11/2010) - (Área: América Latina)
SWP D 891462
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SD02 International economic relations / economic
954 Loser, Claudio M.: América Latina y el Caribe en la coyuntura
económica internacional : ¿ilusión perdida o nuevo realismo? /
Claudio M. Loser. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid), (2009),
S. 47-63, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 63
GIGA D 891035 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
947 Martínez, Juan Ramón: Itinerario de una caída : las
recomendaciones que no escuchó Zelaya - 1a. ed. Tegucigalpa: Ediciones 18 Conejo, 2009. - 238 S. ISBN 978-99926-46-23-6
SF04.01 Elections
955 Ingenieria y comportamientos electorales a nivel municipal :
GIGA D 891684 ILAS: HND/30 Öff.StaO: H 220
Centroamérica y República Dominicana ; 1a Ed. / Fundación
DEMUCA. - San José: DEMUCA, 2009. - 372 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-996-880-957-3
948 Zynga, Marius: Rückkehr zur Scheindemokratie / Marius Zynga.
- In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010) 427,
S. 12-14, Ill.
GIGA D 891990 ILAS: AMC-H/9 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891212 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SB01 International relations / process
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
956 Maihold, Günther: Haiti : was kommt nach der
Katastrophenhilfe? Optionen für die internationale Gemeinschaft
/ Günther Maihold. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,
2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 09/2010)
949 Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma; Solórzano, Mario Arce: Ein
Solidaritätsprojekt in Nicaragua : Bücherbus "Bertolt Brecht",
Deutsch-Nicaraguanische Bibliothek, Buchbinderwerkstatt
"Sophie Scholl" / Reybil Cuaresma Bustos ; Mario Arce
Solórzano. - Orig.-Ausg., 1. Aufl. - Berlin:
Archiv-der-Jugendkulturen-Verl., 2010. - 133 S., zahlr. Ill. ISBN 978-3-940213-51-8
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
IFA D 891224 IFA: 30/59 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SF Government
957 Maihold, Günther: Haiti : was kommt nach der
Katastrophenhilfe? Optionen für die internationale Gemeinschaft
/ Günther Maihold. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,
2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 09/2010)
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
bancada progresista del parlamento del MERCOSUR : un actor
regional / Gerardo Caetano ; Natalia Carrau ; Marcela Bermúdez.
- Montevideo: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Representación en
Uruguay, 2009. - 36 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuestiones de Agenda)
SWP D 891434
RD03.05 CUBA
SG04 Education / Training
SB01 International relations / process
967 Informe sobre desarrollo humano para Mercosur 2009-2010 :
958 Erikson, Daniel P.: ¿Puede resolver España el problema de
innovar para incluir: jóvenes y desarrollo humano / United
Nations Development Programme. - Buenos Aires: Libros del
Zorzal, 2009. - 384 S., Tab., Lit. S. 371-384 ISBN 978-987-599-151-4
Cuba? / Daniel P. Erikson. - In: Politica Exterior (Madrid),
24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 123-136
SWP D 891117 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SB02 Foreign policy
GIGA D 891310
959 Justwan, Florian: Die amerikanische Kubapolitik seit dem Ende
des Kalten Krieges / Florian Justwan. - Hamburg: Kovač, 2010. 151 S., Lit. S. 133-151 - (Regensburger Studien zur
Internationalen Politik; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-8300-4724-7 -- Zugl.:
Regensburg, Univ., Mag.-Arb., 2009
SA02 History
968 Buchbinder, Pablo: Revolución en los claustros? La reforma
universitaria de 1918 / Pablo Buchbinder. - 1a. ed. - Buenos
Aires: Editorial Sudamericana, 2008. - 192. S, Lit.S. 183-188 (Nudos de la Historia Argentina) - ISBN 978-950-07-2968-0
DGAP D 891719 DGAP: DG 48176
SG02 Social process / Social structure
GIGA D 891294 ILAS: ARG-M/2 Öff.StaO: H 220
960 Último jueves / Denia García Ronda (coord.). Instituto Cubano
de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello. - La Habana: Instituto
Cubano de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello, 2008. - 333 S.
- (Los Debates de Temas; 2) - ISBN 978-959-242-124-0
969 Rapoport, Mario: Argentina: economy and international policy :
historial processes / Mario Rapoport. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 26-49,
Lit. S. 48-49
GIGA D 891703 ILAS: CUB/90 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891053 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG07 Social movements / associations
SD02 International economic relations / economic
961 The changing dynamic of Cuban civil society / Alexander I.
Gray. - Gainesville/Fla. ...: Univ. Press of Florida, 2008. - 202 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Contemporary Cuba) ISBN 978-081303192-7
970 La Argentina ante la nueva internacionalización de la
producción : crisis y oportunidades / Bernardo Kosacoff ...
(eds.). Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean ... - Buenos Aires: CEPAL, 2009. - 300 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-987-25514-0-7
GIGA D 891461 ILAS: CUB/94 Öff.StaO: H 220
SA02 History
962 Mangar, Tota C.: Guyana's history and economic development /
GIGA D 891530
Tota C. Mangar. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília),
(October-December 2009) 10, S. 139-150, Lit. Hinw.
SF01 Political system / Constitution
GIGA D 891077 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
971 Kunz, Ana: La anomia y su influencia en problemas de
ineficiencia social e ilegalidad en Argentina / Ana Kunz. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Belgrano, 2008. - 20 S., Lit. Hinw.
- (Documentos de Trabajo / Universidad de Belgrano (Buenos
Aires); 218)
SA02 History
963 Egger, Jerome: An overview of Suriname's economy in the 19th
and 20th century / Jerome Egger. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 190-204,
Lit. S. 203-204
GIGA D 891283
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
GIGA D 891080 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
972 Löhmann, Bernd: Neue Machtbasis oder "loser Haufen"? Wie
stark ist die Opposition im neuen argentinischen Kongress? /
Bernd Löhmann. - Buenos Aires: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
2009. - 2 S. - (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
964 Egger, Jerome: An overview of Suriname's economy in the 19th
and 20th century / Jerome Egger. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 190-204,
Lit. S. 203-204
SWP D 891443
SF04 Political participation
GIGA D 891080 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
973 La incidencia política de la sociedad civil / Carlos Acuña H ...
(comps) - 1a. ed. - Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editora
Argentina, 2008. - 224 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-987-619-018-0
SB01 International relations / process
965 Flemes, Daniel; Wojczewski, Thorsten: Contested leadership
in international relations : power politics in South America, South
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa / Daniel Flemes and Thorsten
Wojczewski. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and
Area Studies, 2010. - 34 S., Lit. S. 29-34 - (GIGA Working
Papers; No. 121) - (GIGA Research Programme: Power, Norms
and Governance in International Relations)
GIGA D 892277 ILAS: AAL-H/150 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF07 Military and society / Government
974 Ranalletti, Mario: Aux origines du terrorisme d'Etat en
Argentine : les influences françaises dans la formation des
militaires argentins (1955-1976) / Mario Ranalletti. In: Vingtième siècle (Paris), (janvier-mars 2009) 105, S. 45-56,
Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891398 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SB04 International political integration
966 Caetano, Gerardo; Carrau, Natalia; Bermúdez, Marcela: La
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SF09 Public administration
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
975 Municipio de Morón: 10 años de una exitosa gestión
985 Tapia, Luis: The transformation of the Bolivian State / Luis
progresista / Sergio Balardini ... (compiladores).
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Argentina - Buenos Aires, 2009. - 32 S.
Tapia. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília),
(October-December 2009) 10, S. 50-69
GIGA D 891055 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891541
SF04.01 Elections
976 Santa Fe, una nueva gestión en la politica / María Julia
986 Beutler, Benjamin: Morales kommt im Tiefland an / Benjamin
Reyna ... (compiladores). Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Argentina Buenos Aires, 2009. - 32 S.
Beutler. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010)
427, S. 6-10, Ill.
GIGA D 891196 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891542
987 Santana Leitner, Andrés: La victoria de Morales y las nuevas
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
reglas en Bolivia / Andrés Santana Leitner. - In: Politica Exterior
(Madrid), 24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133, S. 137-144
977 El Estado y al reconfiguración de la protección social :
Asuntos pendientes / Marta Novick ... (coord.) . Instituto di Tella 1a. ed. - Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editora Iberoamericana,
2008. - 542 S., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-987-101-369-2
SWP D 891118 SWP: X. 855 DGAP: ZD 347 HSFK: ZS P ILAS: ZS-INT
SG07 Social movements / associations
GIGA D 892289 ILAS: ARG-O/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
988 Beutler, Benjamin: Morales kommt im Tiefland an / Benjamin
Beutler. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010)
427, S. 6-10, Ill.
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
978 Ríos, Lisandro de los; Fiorentino, Raul: Gasto social y acción
GIGA D 891196 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
de la Iglesia católica en la provincia de Salta, Argentina /
Lisandro de los Ríos ; Raúl Fiorentino. - Sevilla: Universidad
Internacional de Andalucía, 2009. - 126 S., graph. Darst., Tab. ISBN 978-847-993-083-7
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
989 Baudoin, Luis F.: Crisis y pobreza rural en América Latina: el
GIGA D 891993 ILAS: ARG-L/1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
979 La Argentina ante la nueva internacionalización de la
producción : crisis y oportunidades / Bernardo Kosacoff ...
(eds.). Economic Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean ... - Buenos Aires: CEPAL, 2009. - 300 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-987-25514-0-7
GIGA D 891530
caso de Bolivia / Luis F. Baudoin. - Santiago de Chile: Centro
Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural, 2009. - 47 S., Tab. (Documento de Trabajo / Centro Latinoamericano para el
Desarrollo Rural; 40)
GIGA D 892106
SA02 History
990 Cervo, Amado Luiz: The construction of the Brazilian industrial
980 Rapoport, Mario: Argentina: economy and international policy :
model / Amado Luiz Cervo. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política
(Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 70-82, Lit. S. 81-82
historial processes / Mario Rapoport. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 26-49,
Lit. S. 48-49
GIGA D 891062 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891053 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
991 Peters, Ina: Interessen und Ideen in multilateralen
SH05 Energy industry
Handelsbeziehungen : eine Analyse der Regierungsposition
Brasiliens in den DDA- und FTAA-Verhandlungen / Ina Peters. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, 2010. - XXXI,99 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. XVII-XXXI, Lit. Hinw. - (Europäische Hochschulschriften:
Reihe 31, Politikwissenschaft; Bd./Vol. 583) ISBN 978-3-631-59979-2
981 Cont, Walter; Hancevic, Pedro; Navajas, Fernando: Energy
populism and household welfare / Walter Cont ; Fernando
Navajas ; Pedro Hancevic. - Buenos Aires: Fundación de
Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas, 2009. - 25 S.,
Tab., Lit. S. 22-24 - (Documento de Trabajo / Fundación de
Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas; No. 101)
GIGA D 891500 ILAS: BRA-F/21 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 892128 ILAS: ARG-C/4 Öff.StaO: H 220
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SH06 Agrarian sector
982 Baudino, Veronica: La competitividad internacional argentina :
992 Moreira, Sérvulo Vicente; Milhomem, Ethianne Érica
el caso de Arcor / Verónica Baudino. - In: Comercio Exterior
(México/D.F.), 59 (octubre de 2009) 10, S. 819-828, graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Lucena: Evolução recente do comércio exterior brasileiro com
os países do Mercosul / Sérvulo Vicente Moreira ; Ethianne
Érica Lucena Milhomem. - Rio de Janeiro: IPEA, 2010. - 40 S.,
Tab. - (Texto para Discussão / Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica
Aplicada; 1466)
DIE D 891846 IFA: Z-ME66 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 77ZA001 Öff.StaO: 204
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
983 Löhmann, Bernd; Pauli, Ralf: Chronik einer Krise : der Streit
GIGA D 892255
um die argentinischen Zentralbankreserven / Bernd Löhmann ;
Ralf Pauli. - Buenos Aires: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2010. 5 S. - (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
993 La democracia brasileña : balance y perspectivas para el siglo
XXI ; 1a Ed. / Manuel Alcántara Sáez ... (eds.) - Salamanca:
Universidad de Salamanca, 2008. - 380 S., graph, Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-847-800-326-6
SWP D 891442
GIGA D 891073 ILAS: BRA-G/31 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF Government
SF01.02 Human rights
984 Buttkereit, Helge: Die "Neugründung" Boliviens / Helge
994 Malavazi, Ana; Russau, Christian: Das Stahlwerk und die
Buttkereit. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
(Bonn), 55 (2010) 2, S. 24-27, Lit. Hinw.
Fischer / Ana Malavazi und Christian Russau. In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010) 427,
S. 46-48, Ill.
DGAP D 891560 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
GIGA D 891471 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
995 Mattei, Lauro: Políticas públicas de combate à fome LIÇÕES A
lições a partir do programa fome zero (PFZ) no Brasil / Lauro
Mattei. - Oxford: Brazilian Studies Programme, 2009. - 40 S.,
Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Occasional Paper / Brazilian Studies
Programm; 04-09)
1005 Bongers, Wolfgang: Der Deutsche Akademische
Austausch-Dienst (DAAD) in Chile : Kooperationen und
Projektionen / von Wolfgang Bongers. - In: Deutsch-chilenische
Forschungszusammenarbeit / Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung.
- Bonn, 2009. - (Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier /
Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung; 14), S. 57-61
GIGA D 890944
IFA D 892069 IFA: 4B30/13 Öff.StaO: 212
SG07 Social movements / associations
1006 Deutsch-chilenische Forschungszusammenarbeit :
996 Behn, Andreas: Wasser predigen und Wein saufen / Andreas
Tradition und Zukunft = Cooperación científica chileno-alemana
/ Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung. - Bonn, 2009. - 137 S., Ill.,
Lit. Hinw. - (Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier / Alexander von
Humboldt-Stiftung; 14)
Behn. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010)
427, S. 41-45, Ill.
GIGA D 891463 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SH03 Labour / Employment
IFA D 891166 IFA: 4B30/13 Öff.StaO: 212
997 Mueller, Valerie A.; Osgood, Daniel E.: Long-term impacts of
droughts on labour markets in developing countries : evidence
from Brazil / Valerie A. Mueller and Daniel E. Osgood. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1651-1662, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1662
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1007 Codoceo, Fernando: Demokratische Transition in Chile :
Kontinuität oder Neubeginn? / Fernando Codoceo. - Berlin: WVB,
2007. - 420 S., Tab., Lit. S. 393-417, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-86573-259-0
DIE D 891863 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SH06 Agrarian sector
GIGA D 891515 ILAS: CHL-H/31 Öff.StaO: H 220
998 Behn, Andreas: Wasser predigen und Wein saufen / Andreas
SF01.02 Human rights
Behn. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010)
427, S. 41-45, Ill.
1008 Bustamante, Javiera; Ruderer, Stephan: Patio 29: tras la cruz
GIGA D 891463 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
de fierro / Javiera Bustamante ; Stephan Ruderer. - 1a. ed. Santiago de Chile: Ocho Libros Editores, 2009. - 195 S.,
zahlr. Ill., Lit. Hinw., Internet-Hinw. S. 193 ISBN 978-956-801-886-3
999 Santos, José Ailton Nogueira dos; Santos, Marcos Antônio
dos; Vidal, Maria de Fátima: Setor sucroalcooleiro nordestino :
desempenho recente e possibilidades de políticas / José Ailton
Nogueira dos Santos ; Marcos Antônio dos Santos ; Maria de
Fátima Vidal. - Fortaleza: Banco do Nordeste, 2007. - 256 S.,
Ill., Kt., graph. Darst., Lit. S 242- 249 - (Documentos do Etene; V.
GIGA D 892283 ILAS: CHL-H/26 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF03 Political parties
1009 Huneeus, Carlos: La derrota de la Concertación y la alternancia
model / Amado Luiz Cervo. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política
(Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 70-82, Lit. S. 81-82
de gobierno en Chile / Carlos Huneeus. - Madrid: Real Instituto
Elcano, 2010. - 7 S., Tab. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; N°
23/2010) - (Área: América Latina)
GIGA D 891062 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891416
GIGA D 891985 ILAS: BRA-F/20 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1000 Cervo, Amado Luiz: The construction of the Brazilian industrial
SJ Environment / Nature
SF04.01 Elections
1001 Mueller, Valerie A.; Osgood, Daniel E.: Long-term impacts of
1010 Meyer, Martin; Jung, Winfried: Chile nach dem Wahlsieg von
droughts on labour markets in developing countries : evidence
from Brazil / Valerie A. Mueller and Daniel E. Osgood. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1651-1662, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1662
Sebastián Piñera : eine Analyse der Präsidentschaftswahl und
der zu erwartenden Veränderungen im Land / Martin Meyer ;
Winfried Jung. - Santiago de Chile: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
2010. - 7 S., Tab. - (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
DIE D 891863 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 891448
1011 Stratenwerth, Dinah: Auf zur üblichen Stichwahl / Dinah
Stratenwerth. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar
2010) 427, S. 15-17, Ill.
SA02 History
1002 Albúm del ex-Chile: 1970-1973 / José Ángel Cuevas. - 1a. ed. -
GIGA D 891219 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
Santiago de Chile: Libros La Calabaza del Diablo, 2008. - 154 S.,
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 891366 ILAS: CHL-H/27 Öff.StaO: H 220
1012 Prößer, Claudius: Einzelne Gewaltherde oder ein ganzer
1003 Tomassini, Luciano: Economy and society in Chile : A history
Bürgerkrieg / Claudius Prößer. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten
(Berlin), (Januar 2010) 427, S. 18-20, Ill.
summary / Luciano Tomassini. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 83-110
GIGA D 891440 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891064 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG01 Social system / Social policy
SE International cultural relations
1013 Faletto, Enzo: Enzo Faletto: obras completas : Tomo I Chile /
1004 Wille, Andreas; Treydte, Klaus-Peter; Vinnai, Volker: Die
Enzo Faletto. - Santiago de Chile: Editorial Universitaria, 2009. 379 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - ISBN 978-956-112-048-8
Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen
Schwellenländern : Chile, Indien und Südafrika / Andreas Wille ;
Klaus-Peter Treydte ; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz, 2009. 301 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 291-296 - (Reihe Geschichte der
internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4) ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
GIGA D 892253 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1014 Borsdorf, Axel; Hidalgo, Rodrigo: Searching for fresh air,
tranquillity and rural culture in the mountains : A new lifestyle for
Chileans? / Axel Borsdorf and Rodrigo Hidalgo. - In: Die Erde
(Berlin), 140 (2009) 3, S. 275-292, Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 275-292
IFA D 891007 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SA02 History
1024 Kleinpenning, Jan M. G.: Rural Paraguay 1870-1963 : A
SA02 History
geography of progress, plunder, and poverty / Jan. M. G.
Kleinpenning. - Frankfurt/Main: Vervuert, 2009. - Vol. 1-2 (Iberoamericana (Frankfurt/Main); 127)
Vol. 1: 880 S., Lit.Hinw., Reg.
Vol. II: 526 S., Glossar, Tab., Lit. S. 375-479, Reg.
1015 Naranjo Chiriboga, Marco P.: Ecuador's socioeconomic
development / Marco P. Naranjo Chiriboga. - In: Diplomacia,
Estratégia, Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10,
S. 122-138, Tab.
GIGA D 891069 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891567 ILAS: PRY/30-1 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1025 Hohmann, Mathias: Lugo scheut den Landkonflikt / Mathias
Hohmann. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar
2010) 427, S. 32-34, Ill.
1016 Dube, Oeindrila; Naidu, Suresh: Bases, bullets, and ballots :
The effect of U.S. military aid on political conflict in Colombia /
Oeindrila Dube and Suresh Naidu. - Washington/D.C.: Center
for Global Development, 2010. - 47 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - (Working Paper / Center for Global Development; 197)
SWP D 891260
GIGA D 891455 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1026 Herken Krauer, Juan Carlos: Paraguay: The challenges of a
landlocked economy / Juan Carlos Herken Krauer. In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília),
(October-December 2009) 10, S. 151-167, graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 891078 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
1017 Lemoine, Maurice: Washington réactive la doctrine Monroe :
"basus belli" en Colombie / par Maurice Lemoine. - In: Le Monde
diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010) 671, S. 17
SH06 Agrarian sector
1027 Hohmann, Mathias: Lugo scheut den Landkonflikt / Mathias
SWP D 891100 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
1018 Torrijos, Vicente: ¿Detonantes de guerra? La cooperación
militar colombo-norteamericana en perspectiva estratégica /
Vicente Torrijos R.. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano, 2010. - 7 S.,
Kt. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; N° 16/2010) - (Área:
América Latina)
SWP D 891458
Hohmann. - In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar
2010) 427, S. 32-34, Ill.
GIGA D 891455 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
RD04.18 PERU
SA02 History
1028 Burga, Manuel: New perspectives on Peru's economic
development / Manuel Burga. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 168-189,
Tab., Lit. S. 188-189
GIGA D 891079 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SF03 Political parties
1019 Jost, Stefan: Mitten in der Furt : die Konservative Partei
1029 El rastro de la salud en el Perú / Marcos Cueto ... (Eds.) .
Kolumbiens in der Vorwahlphase / Stefan Jost. - Bogotá:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S., Tab. - (Länderbericht /
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia... - 1a. ed. - Lima:
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 388 S., Lit.S. 333-388 ISBN 978-9972-51-246-9
GIGA D 891868 ILAS: Peru/144 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891436
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SF05 Domestic policy
1030 Dargent Bocanegra, Eduardo: Demócratas precarios : élites y
1020 Rangel, Alfredo: Progress and challenges in Colombia today /
Alfredo Rangel. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília),
(October-December 2009) 10, S. 111-121
debilidad democrática en el Perú y América Latina - 1a. ed. Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 117 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 107-117 - ISBN 978-997-251-253-7
GIGA D 891066 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 892288 ILAS: PER/150 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1021 Ortiz, Román D.: Colombia : luces y sombras de un año
1031 Jiménez Quispe, Edilberto: Chungui: violencia y trazos de
decisivo / Román D. Ortiz. - In: Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid),
(2009), S. 101-112
memoria / Edilberto Jiménez Quispe. - 2a ed. - Lima: Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 417 S., III., Gloss., Lit. S.411-417 (Arte y Sociedad; 2) - ISBN 978-9972-51-248-3
GIGA D 891043 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 892070 ILAS: PER/153 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
SF06.03 Criminality
1022 Eslava, Marcela; Meléndez, Marcela: Politics, policies and the
dynamics of aggregate productivity in Colombia / Marcela
Eslava; Marcela Meléndez. - Washington/D.C.: Inter-American
Development Bank, 2009. - 55 S., Lit. Hinw. - (IDB Working
Papers; 101)
GIGA D 890940
1032 Schröder, Rolf: Zur Ablenkung Gruselgeschichten : reale und
fiktive Begebenheiten aus Peru / Rolf Schröder. In: Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin), (Januar 2010) 427,
S. 25-28, Ill.
GIGA D 891446 SWP: X. 609 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG01 Social system / Social policy
1033 Mayer, Enrique: Cuentos feos de la reforme agraria peruana /
Enrique Mayer. - 1a. ed. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos,
2009. - 354 S., Ill., graph.Darst., Tab., Lit.S. 333-354 ISBN 978-9972-51-247-6
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1023 Kleinpenning, Jan M. G.: Rural Paraguay 1870-1963 : A
GIGA D 891704 ILAS: PER/149 Öff.StaO: H 220
geography of progress, plunder, and poverty / Jan. M. G.
Kleinpenning. - Frankfurt/Main: Vervuert, 2009. - Vol. 1-2 (Iberoamericana (Frankfurt/Main); 127)
Vol. 1: 880 S., Lit.Hinw., Reg.
Vol. II: 526 S., Glossar, Tab., Lit. S. 375-479, Reg.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1034 Greene, Shane: Caminos y carretera : Acostumbrando la
indigenidad en la selva peruana / Shane Green. - Lima: Instituto
de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 308 S. - ISBN 978-9972-51-249-0
GIGA D 891567 ILAS: PRY/30-1 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891698 ILAS: PER/147 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.4 Latin America / Lateinamerika / Amérique Latine
SG03.02 Health
1035 El rastro de la salud en el Perú / Marcos Cueto ... (Eds.) .
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia... - 1a. ed. - Lima:
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 388 S., Lit.S. 333-388 ISBN 978-9972-51-246-9
1044 Caetano, Gerardo: Uruguay, the region and international
integration / Gerardo Caetano. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 205-250,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 249-250
GIGA D 891868 ILAS: Peru/144 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
GIGA D 891081 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
1036 Jiménez Quispe, Edilberto: Chungui: violencia y trazos de
memoria / Edilberto Jiménez Quispe. - 2a ed. - Lima: Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 417 S., III., Gloss., Lit. S.411-417 (Arte y Sociedad; 2) - ISBN 978-9972-51-248-3
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1045 Armas, Gustavo de; Luzuriaga, Andrea; Machado, Florencia:
Estado, sociedad y participación social en el gobierno del Frente
Amplio : Análisis de algunas experiencias / Gustavo de Armas ;
Andrea Luzuriaga ; Florencia Machado. - Montevideo:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Representación en Uruguay, 2009. 42 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Cuestiones de Agenda)
GIGA D 892070 ILAS: PER/153 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1037 Burga, Manuel: New perspectives on Peru's economic
development / Manuel Burga. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 168-189,
Tab., Lit. S. 188-189
SWP D 891539
GIGA D 891079 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
1046 Ambrosi, Nicolás; Sanseviero, Rafael: Políticas progresistas
SH03 Labour / Employment
de juventud : experiencias y perspectivas al finalizar el primer
gobierno de izquierda / Nicolás Ambrosi ; Rafael Sanseviero. Montevideo: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Representación en
Uruguay, 2009. - 56 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (Análisis y
1038 Gil, Vladimir: Aterrizaje minero : Cultura, conflicto,
negociaciones y lecciones para el desarrollo desde la minería en
Ancash, Perú / Vladimir Gil. - 1a ed. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos, 2009. - 431 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 397-491 - (Minería y Sociedad; No. 6) ISBN 978-9972-51-250-6
SWP D 891540
GIGA D 891902 ILAS: PER/146 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1039 Phelinas, Pascale: Empleo alternativo en el Perú rural : un
1047 Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio, Uruguay 2009 : informe
camino hacia el desarrollo ; 1a Ed. / Pascale Phelinas. - Lima:
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 234 S., graph, Tab, Lit
S. 227-234 - (Colección Mínima; No. 62) ISBN 978-9972-51-252-0
país / Consejo Nacional de Políticas Sociales ... - Montevideo:
United Nations Development Programme, 2009. - 114 S., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-9974-8196-2-7
GIGA D 891901 ILAS: PER/151 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891291
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1040 Gil, Vladimir: Aterrizaje minero : Cultura, conflicto,
SH03 Labour / Employment
negociaciones y lecciones para el desarrollo desde la minería en
Ancash, Perú / Vladimir Gil. - 1a ed. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos, 2009. - 431 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 397-491 - (Minería y Sociedad; No. 6) ISBN 978-9972-51-250-6
1048 Méndez, Gustavo; Senatore, Luis; Traversa Tejero,
Federico: La política laboral de un proyecto socialdemócrata
periférico : un análisis de los cambios institucionales en Uruguay
2005-2009 / Gustavo Méndez ; Luis Senatore ; Federico
Traversa. - Montevideo: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung,
Representación en Uruguay, 2009. - 40 S., graph. Darst., Lit.
Hinw. - (Cuestiones de Agenda)
GIGA D 891902 ILAS: PER/146 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH06 Agrarian sector
1041 Mayer, Enrique: Cuentos feos de la reforme agraria peruana /
SWP D 891425
Enrique Mayer. - 1a. ed. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios Peruanos,
2009. - 354 S., Ill., graph.Darst., Tab., Lit.S. 333-354 ISBN 978-9972-51-247-6
SA01 General studies / Area studies
GIGA D 891704 ILAS: PER/149 Öff.StaO: H 220
1049 Pérez Mancebo, Jorge: Venezuela's challenges in the 21st
1042 Trivelli, Carolina; Escobal, Javier; Revesz, Bruno: Desarrollo
century / Jorge Pérez Mancebo. - In: Diplomacia, Estratégia,
Política (Brasília), (October-December 2009) 10, S. 252-267,
graph. Darst.
rural en la Sierra : Aportes para el debate / Carolina Trivelli ;
Javier Escobal ; Bruno Revesz. - Lima: Instituto de Estudios
Peruanos, 2009. - 356 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S.329-345 (Estudios de la Sociedad Rural; 37) - (Diagnóstico y Propuesta;
44) - ISBN 978-9972-51-245-2
GIGA D 891082 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: H 220
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
GIGA D 892124 ILAS: PER/152 Öff.StaO: H 220
1050 Balza Guanipa, Ronald: La tercera devaluación de Hugo
Chávez / Ronald Balza Guanipa. - Madrid: Real Instituto Elcano,
2010. - 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; N° 24/2010) (Área: América Latina)
SK Science / Research
1043 Degregori, Carlos Ivan; Sandoval, Pablo: Antropología y
antropólogos en el Perú : la comunidad académica de ciencias
sociales bajo la modernización neoliberal / Carlos Iván
Degregori ; Pablo Sandoval. - 1a. ed. - Lima: Instituto de
Estudios Peruanos, 2009. - 178 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S.165-178
- (Perú Problema; 33) - ISBN 978-9972-51-244-5
SWP D 891460
GIGA D 892116 ILAS: PER/148 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF06.02 Terrorism
1051 Walser, Ray: State sponsors of terrorism : time to add
Venezuela to the list / Ray Walser. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage
Foundation, 2010. - 20 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Backgrounder / Heritage
Foundation; No. 2362)
SWP D 891466
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1061 Jamieson, D. G.: AFRICOM : A threat or an opportunity for
1052 African statistical yearbook 2009 = Annuaire statistique pour
l'Afrique 2009 / African Development Bank Group ... - Tunis ...:
ADB ..., 2009. - 389 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab. - (African
Statistical Yearbook; 2009)
GIGA D 892012
African security? / D. G. Jamieson. - In: The South African
Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein), 16 (December
2009) 3, S. 311-329, Kt., Lit. S. 327-329
DGAP D 891661 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
1062 Van de Walle, Nicolas: US policy towards Africa : The Bush
legacy and the Obama administration / Nicolas van de Walle. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 1-21
SA03 Politics
SWP D 891380 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
1053 Le politique en Afrique : état des débats et pistes de recherche
/ sous la direction de Mamoudou Gazibo ... - Paris: Karthala,
2009. - 366 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-2-8111-0241-8
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
GIGA D 891168 IAA: AFR-H/75 Öff.StaO: H 221
1063 Obadare, Ebenezer; Adebanwi, Wale: Transnational resource
flow and the paradoxes of belonging : redirecting the debate on
transnationalism, remittances, state and citizenship in Africa /
Ebenezer Obadare & Wale Adebanwi. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 499-517, Lit. S. 514-517
SB01 International relations / process
1054 Ebrahim, Ebrahim: What do the geopolitical and 'global
commons' challenges mean for Africa : [a speech delivered in
Johannesburg, on the occasion of SAIIA's 75th anniversary
conference on 'Africa in a new world: geopolitics,
interdependence and leverage', 17 September 2009] / Ebrahim
Ebrahim. - In: The South African Journal of International Affairs
(Braamfontein), 16 (December 2009) 3, S. 287-290
SWP D 891632 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1064 Musila, Jacob Wanjala; Sigué, Simon Pierre: Corruption and
DGAP D 891659 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
international trade : An empirical investigation of African
countries / Jacob Wanjala Musila and Simon Pierre Sigué. - In:
The World Economy (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 129-146
1055 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
SWP D 891891 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
1065 The global financial crisis and workers' remittances to
Africa : what's the damage? / Adolfo Barajas ... International
Monetary Fund - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 22 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IMF Working Paper; WP/10/24)
1056 Engel, Ulf: Die Neuordnung Afrikas : Souveränität im Wandel /
Ulf Engel. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 7-12, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891203 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891731
SD03.03 International labour flow
1057 Sourang Ndir, Maïmouna: Pour une nouvelle impulsion des
1066 The global financial crisis and workers' remittances to
relations entre la France et l'Afrique / Maïmouna Sourang Ndir. In: Revue politique et parlementaire (Puteaux),
111 (octobre-novembre 2009) 1053, S. 163-166
Africa : what's the damage? / Adolfo Barajas ... International
Monetary Fund - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 22 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (IMF Working Paper; WP/10/24)
DFI D 892055 OSI: ZS 732 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891731
1058 Van de Walle, Nicolas: US policy towards Africa : The Bush
legacy and the Obama administration / Nicolas van de Walle. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 1-21
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SWP D 891380 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
SB05 International political conflicts
1067 Bliss, Frank: Partizipation in der Entwicklungsplanung :
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Frank Bliss. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 20-26, Lit.
SWP D 891205 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
1059 Gebrewold-Tochalo, Belachew: Anatomy of violence :
understanding the systems of conflict and violence in Africa /
Belachew Gebrewold. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2009. - IX,263 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 231-258 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7528-0
1068 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
GIGA D 891028 IAA: AFR-H/73 Öff.StaO: H 221
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
SB07 International organisations / institutions
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
1060 Engel, Ulf: Die Neuordnung Afrikas : Souveränität im Wandel /
Ulf Engel. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 7-12, Lit. Hinw.
1069 Ndayi, Zoleka: Contextualising NEPAD : regionalism,
SWP D 891203 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
plurilateralism and multilateralism / Zoleka Ndayi. - In: The South
African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),
16 (December 2009) 3, S. 371-387, Lit. S. 385-387
DGAP D 891664 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.5 Africa / Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)
SF Government
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1070 Obadare, Ebenezer; Adebanwi, Wale: Transnational resource
1078 African football - In: New African (London), 44 (January 2010)
flow and the paradoxes of belonging : redirecting the debate on
transnationalism, remittances, state and citizenship in Africa /
Ebenezer Obadare & Wale Adebanwi. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 499-517, Lit. S. 514-517
491, S. 37-56, Ill. -- Enthält u.a.: Law, Peter: Can Egypt do the
treble? - S. 40. -- Essien, Michael: Ghana's force of nature
(Interview). - S. 46-49 -- Edwards, Piers: A tough
challenge. - S. 50-52
SWP D 891632 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1079 The church in Africa in service to reconciliation, justice and
peace : in the light of the second special assembly for Africa of
the Synod of Bishops ; the proceedings of the 10th
Interdisciplinary Theological Session (2008) / ed.: Sewe
K'Ahenda. Catholic University of Eastern Africa. - Nairobi: CUEA,
2008. - XXIII,388 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 9966-909-57-5
1071 Mesfin, Berouk: Democracy, elections and political parties : A
conceptual overwiew with special emphasis on Africa / Berouk
Mesfin. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2008. - 12 S.,
Lit. S. 9-11 - (ISS Papers; 166)
GIGA D 891926 IAA: AFR-L/35 Öff.StaO: H 221
1080 Le deuxième synode africain face aux défis
socio-économiques et éthiques du continent : documents de
travail / sous la direction de Joseph Ndi-Okalla. - Paris: Karthala,
2009. - 275 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Chrétiens en liberté) ISBN 978-2-8111-0251-7
SF01.02 Human rights
1072 Mbondenyi, Morris Kiwinda: Invigorating the African system
on human and peoples' rights through institutional
mainstreaming and rationalisation / Morris Kiwinda Mbondenyi. In: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (Utrecht),
27 (December 2009) 4, S. 451-483, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891185 IAA: AFR-L/42 Öff.StaO: H 221
1081 Ter Haar, Gerrie: How God became African : African spirituality
and western secular thought / Gerrie ter Haar. Philadelphia/Penn.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2009. IX,120 S., graph. Darst., Lit. S. 111-116, Lit. Hinw. S. 101-109 ISBN 978-0-8122-4173-0
ECMI D 891923 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: B 208
SF03 Political parties
1073 Mesfin, Berouk: Democracy, elections and political parties : A
GIGA D 891011 IAA: AFR-L/40 Öff.StaO: H 221
conceptual overwiew with special emphasis on Africa / Berouk
Mesfin. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2008. - 12 S.,
Lit. S. 9-11 - (ISS Papers; 166)
SH Economy
1082 African statistical yearbook 2009 = Annuaire statistique pour
l'Afrique 2009 / African Development Bank Group ... - Tunis ...:
ADB ..., 2009. - 389 S., graph. Darst., zahlr. Tab. - (African
Statistical Yearbook; 2009)
SF04.01 Elections
1074 Mesfin, Berouk: Democracy, elections and political parties : A
GIGA D 892012
conceptual overwiew with special emphasis on Africa / Berouk
Mesfin. - Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2008. - 12 S.,
Lit. S. 9-11 - (ISS Papers; 166)
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1083 Casse, Thorkil; Jensen, Stig: Do we understand the linkages
between economic growth, poverty targets and poverty
reduction? / Thorkil Casse & Stig Jensen. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 539-553, Lit. S. 552-553
SWP D 891631 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1075 Gebrewold-Tochalo, Belachew: Anatomy of violence :
1084 Manuel, Trevor A.: Africa as an actor in global governance
understanding the systems of conflict and violence in Africa /
Belachew Gebrewold. - Farnham ...: Ashgate, 2009. - IX,263 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 231-258 - ISBN 978-0-7546-7528-0
reform for development : [a speech delivered in Johannesburg,
on the occasion of SAIIA's 75th anniversary conference on
'Africa in a new world: geopolitics, interdependence and
leverage', 18 September 2009] / Trevor A. Manuel. - In: The
South African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),
16 (December 2009) 3, S. 279-285
GIGA D 891028 IAA: AFR-H/73 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF06.03 Criminality
DGAP D 891658 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
1076 Musila, Jacob Wanjala; Sigué, Simon Pierre: Corruption and
international trade : An empirical investigation of African
countries / Jacob Wanjala Musila and Simon Pierre Sigué. - In:
The World Economy (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 129-146
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
1085 Bliss, Frank: Partizipation in der Entwicklungsplanung :
SWP D 891891 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Frank Bliss. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 20-26, Lit.
SG02.04 Migration
1077 Schmid, Susanne: Vor den Toren Europas? Das Potenzial der
SWP D 891205 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Migration aus Afrika / Susanne Schmid. Unter Mitarb. von Kevin
Borchers. - Stand: August 2009, 1. Aufl. 2010 - Nürnberg:
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, 2010. - 240 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 201-231 - (Forschungsbericht /
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge; 7) ISBN 978-3-9812115-2-8
1086 Ndayi, Zoleka: Contextualising NEPAD : regionalism,
plurilateralism and multilateralism / Zoleka Ndayi. - In: The South
African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),
16 (December 2009) 3, S. 371-387, Lit. S. 385-387
DGAP D 891664 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 890877 ECMI: 304.8094
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1087 Jerven, Morten: The relativity of poverty and income : how
reliable are African economic statistics? / Morten Jerven. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 77-96
SWP D 891391 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.5 Africa / Afrika (insgesamt) / Afrique (entière)
SH05 Energy industry
1088 Oil and gas in Africa : joint study by the African Development
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Bank and the African Union ; supplement to the African
Development Report / African Development Bank ; African
Union. Guidance: Louis Kasekende. Research team: Abdul B.
Kamara ... - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. XXXVII,231 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 218-231, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-19-956578-8
1093 Agreement establishing a framework for an economic
partnership agreement between East African Community
and its partner states on one part and the European
Community and its member states on the other part / East
African Community ; Europäische Union. - Kampala: Non State
Actors Support Programme, 2007. - 53 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891083 IAA: AFR-F/45 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891715 IAA: AFE-C/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH06.01 Agriculture / Forestry
1089 Building competitiveness in Africa's agriculture : A guide to
value chain concepts and applications / C. Martin Webber and
Patrick Labaste. - Washington/D.C.: IBRD, 2010. - XII,187 S., Il.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 167-178 - (Agriculture and
Rural Development) - ISBN 978-0-8214-7952-3
SB01 International relations / process
1094 African Union Summit 14. (Addis Ababa,
2010-01-25/2010-02-02) ; Decisions du 14 eme Sommet de
L'UA : communique de Presse no. / 14ème Sommet de l'UA /
African Union. - Addis Ababa, 2010. - 6 S.
DIE D 890929 DIE: 04AXA160 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
1090 Abrahams, Caryn: Transforming the region : supermarkets and
the local food economy / Caryn Abrahams. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 115-134
SWP D 892042
SWP D 891393 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
SI04 International scientific-technological cooperation /
1095 Engel, Ulf: Die Neuordnung Afrikas : Souveränität im Wandel /
Ulf Engel. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 7-12, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891203 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
1091 Saß, Karl Ulrich: Wissenschaftlich-technologische
Zusammenarbeit mit Afrika / Karl Ulrich Saß. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 27-32, Lit.
SB04 International political integration
1096 Strengthening popular participation in the African Union : A
guide to AU structures and processes / [publ. by the Open
Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) ...] - Johannesburg:
AfriMAP, 2010. - 72 S., Kt., Tab. - ISBN 978-1-920355-24-1
SWP D 891207 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 891785
1092 Hoffendahl, Christine; Jansen, Anne: Klimawandel in Afrika
= Climate change in Africa / Christine Hoffendahl ; Anne Jansen.
- Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies,
2010. - 10 S. - (Dok-line Afrika; 2010/1)
GIGA D 891058
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1097 African Union Summit 14. (Addis Ababa,
2010-01-25/2010-02-02) ; Decisions du 14 eme Sommet de
L'UA : communique de Presse no. / 14ème Sommet de l'UA /
African Union. - Addis Ababa, 2010. - 6 S.
SWP D 892042
1098 Engel, Ulf: Die Neuordnung Afrikas : Souveränität im Wandel /
Ulf Engel. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 7-12, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891203 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
1109 Kotzé, Louis J.; Mwebaza, Rose: Environmental governance
SA01 General studies / Area studies
and climate change in Africa, legal perspectives / Rose
Mwebaza and Louis J Kotzé. - Pretoria: Institute for Security
Studies, 2009. - 308 S. - (ISS Monograph Series; 167)
1099 African drylands commodity atlas / Secretariat of the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ... - Bonn:
UNCCD ..., 2009. - 71 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-95043-38-1
SWP D 891628
GIGA D 891997
SF04.01 Elections
1110 Chang, Eric C. C.; Kerr, Nicholas N.: Do voters have different
SB01 International relations / process
attitudes toward corruption? The sources and implications of
popular perceptions and tolerance of political corruption / by Eric
C. C. Chang and Nicholas N. Kerr. - Cape Town ...: Institute for
Democracy in South Africa ..., 2009. - 26 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 23-25, Lit. Hinw. - (Afrobarometer Working Paper; No.
1100 Dehéz, Dustin: Neues aus Sub-Sahara-Afrika : jüngste
Entwicklungen fordern eine deutsche Umorientierung heraus /
Dustin Dehéz. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),
55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 31-35
DGAP D 891816 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 892005
1101 Fernando, Sithara: Chronology of China-Africa relations /
Sithara Fernando. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007)
3, S. 363-373
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1111 Afrique - pourquoi les violences ethniques? - In: Alternatives
GIGA D 891421 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
1102 Flemes, Daniel; Wojczewski, Thorsten: Contested leadership
in international relations : power politics in South America, South
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa / Daniel Flemes and Thorsten
Wojczewski. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and
Area Studies, 2010. - 34 S., Lit. S. 29-34 - (GIGA Working
Papers; No. 121) - (GIGA Research Programme: Power, Norms
and Governance in International Relations)
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Internationales (Paris), (juin 2008) 39, S. 29-45, Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw.
-- Enthält u.a.: Kenya: lutte à mort pour un toit. - S. 31-33
BICC D 892232 BICC: BC 3713
SF06.03 Criminality
1112 Chang, Eric C. C.; Kerr, Nicholas N.: Do voters have different
attitudes toward corruption? The sources and implications of
popular perceptions and tolerance of political corruption / by Eric
C. C. Chang and Nicholas N. Kerr. - Cape Town ...: Institute for
Democracy in South Africa ..., 2009. - 26 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 23-25, Lit. Hinw. - (Afrobarometer Working Paper; No.
GIGA D 892005
1103 Corkin, Lucy: The strategic entry of China's emerging
multinationals into Africa / Lucy Corkin. - In: China Report (New
Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3, S. 309-322
SG02.01 Demography
1113 Baldwin, Wendy; Diers, Judith A.: Demographic data for
GIGA D 891415 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
new pledges of aid to education in Africa / Kenneth King. In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3, S. 337-347
development in sub-Saharan Africa / Wendy Baldwin and Judith
Diers. - New York/N.Y.: Population Council, 2009. - 18 S. (Poverty, Gender, and Youth Working Papers; No. 13)
GIGA D 891418 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
GIGA D 891514
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SG02.04 Migration
1104 King, Kenneth: The Beijing China-Africa summit of 2006 : The
1114 Brédeloup, Sylvie: La diams'pora du fleuve Sénégal :
1105 Brüntrup, Michael; Zimmermann, Roukayatou: Agriculture as
sociologie des migrations africaines / Sylvie Bredeloup. Institut
de Recherche pour le Développement. - Toulouse: Presses
Universitaires du Mirail ..., 2007. - 300 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 283-297, Lit. Hinw. - (Socio-Logiques:
transmigrations) - ISBN 978-2-85816-938-2
the potential engine for African growth and the role of NEPAD /
Michael Brüntrup and Roukayatou Zimmermann. - In: CESifo
Forum (München), 10 (Winter 2009) 4, S. 23-29, Lit. S. 29
DIE D 891230 DIE: PDF0954
GIGA D 891193 IAA: AFR-G/66 Öff.StaO: H 221
SE International cultural relations
1106 Amouzou, Essé: L'impact de la culture occidentale sur les
SG04 Education / Training
cultures africaines / Essé Amouzou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
- 190 S., Lit. S. 179-185 - (Etudes africaines) ISBN 978-2-296-07520-7
1115 ICT and changing mindsets in education = Repenser
l'éducation à l'aide des TIC / eds.: Kathryn Toure ... Educational
Research Network for West and Central Africa - Bamenda:
Langaa RPCIG, 2008. - 196 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9956-558-26-1
IFA D 890914 IFA: 30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01 Political system / Constitution
GIGA D 891776 IAA: AFR-M/14 Öff.StaO: H 221
1107 Robert, Anne-Cécile: Mobilisation populaires, tentations
autoritaires et dépendance économique : de Conakry à Nairobi,
les Africains votent mais ne décident pas / par Anne-Cécile
Robert. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010)
671, S. 20-21
1116 Lloyd, Cynthia B.; Hewett, Paul C.: Educational inequalities in
the mids of persistent poverty : diversity across Africa in
educational outcomes / Cynthia B. Lloyd and Paul C. Hewett. New York/N.Y.: Population Council, 2009. - 31 S., Tab.,
graph.Darst., Lit. - (Poverty, Gender, and Youth Working Papers;
No. 14)
SWP D 891102 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
GIGA D 891519
1108 Oyeshile, Olatunji A.: Poverty alleviation and democratic
governance in Africa / by Olatunji A. Oyeshile. - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 66-77, Tab., Lit. S. 76-77
GIGA D 892020
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
1117 Mulkeen, Aidan: Teachers in anglophone Africa : issues in
teacher supply, training, and management / Aidan Mulkeen. Wash./D.C.: The World Bank, 2010. - 199 S., Ill., graph. Darst.,
zahlr. Tab., Lit. S. 189-192 - (Development Practice in
Education) - (52278) - ISBN 978-0-8213-8053-6
GIGA D 892014
SH06 Agrarian sector
1126 African drylands commodity atlas / Secretariat of the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ... - Bonn:
UNCCD ..., 2009. - 71 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-95043-38-1
GIGA D 891997
1127 Brüntrup, Michael; Zimmermann, Roukayatou: Agriculture as
the potential engine for African growth and the role of NEPAD /
Michael Brüntrup and Roukayatou Zimmermann. - In: CESifo
Forum (München), 10 (Winter 2009) 4, S. 23-29, Lit. S. 29
1118 Regional overview: sub-Saharan Africa : Education for
All - Global Monitoring Report 2010 / United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization. - Paris, 2010. - 20 S., graph.
Darst., Tab.
DIE D 891230 DIE: PDF0954
SI03.02 Information technology
SWP D 891747
1128 ICT and changing mindsets in education = Repenser
1119 Saint, William; Lao, Christine; Materu, Peter: Legal
framework for tertiary education in sub-sharan Africa : The quest
for institutional responsiveness / William Saint, Christine Lao
with Peter Materu. - Washington/D.C.: The World Bank, 2009. xiv, 43 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 38-40, Lit. S. 41-43 (World Bank Working Paper; No. 175) - (Africa Human
Development Series) - ISBN 978-0-8213-8124-3
GIGA D 891595
l'éducation à l'aide des TIC / eds.: Kathryn Toure ... Educational
Research Network for West and Central Africa - Bamenda:
Langaa RPCIG, 2008. - 196 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9956-558-26-1
GIGA D 891776 IAA: AFR-M/14 Öff.StaO: H 221
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1129 Kotzé, Louis J.; Mwebaza, Rose: Environmental governance
and climate change in Africa, legal perspectives / Rose
Mwebaza and Louis J Kotzé. - Pretoria: Institute for Security
Studies, 2009. - 308 S. - (ISS Monograph Series; 167)
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1120 Ahmed, Chanfi: Networks of Islamic NGOs in sub-Saharan
Africa : Bilal Muslim Mission, African Muslim Agency (Direct Aid),
and al-Haramayn / Chanfi Ahmed. - In: Journal of Eastern
African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3, S. 426-437,
Lit. S. 436-437, Lit. Hinw. S. 435-436
SWP D 891628
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
GIGA D 891126 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1130 Sharing the benefits of large dams in West Africa / ed. by
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
Jamie Skinner ... International Institute for Environment and
Development - London: International Institute for Environment
and Development, 2009. - 83 S., Tab., Lit. - (Natural Resource
Issues Series; No. 19) - ISBN 978-1-84369-717-6
1121 Drachenfels, Christian von; Krause, Matthias: Fostering
economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa : what role for
reforming business regulation? / Christian von Drachenfels and
Matthias Krause. - In: CESifo Forum (München), 10 (Winter
2009) 4, S. 30-35, Lit. S. 35
GIGA D 891627
DIE D 891229 DIE: PDF0953 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH06 Agrarian sector
1131 Innovations technologiques et productions agricoles en
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
Afrique de l'ouest : exemple du Burkina Faso, du Ghana et du
Togo / B. Kouassi (éd.). - Paris: Karthala, 2009. - 431 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Economie et développement) ISBN 978-2-8111-0195-4
1122 Millennium Development Goals : Achievements and
prospects of meeting the targets in Africa / ed. by Francis
Nwonwu. - Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, 2008. X,276 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-7983-0212-8
GIGA D 891132 IAA: AFW-N/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891924 IAA: AFR-F/47 Öff.StaO: H 221
1132 Stamm, Volker: Social research and development policy : two
1123 Oyeshile, Olatunji A.: Poverty alleviation and democratic
governance in Africa / by Olatunji A. Oyeshile. - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 66-77, Tab., Lit. S. 76-77
GIGA D 892020
approaches to West African land tenure problems / Volker
Stamm. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2, S. 29-52,
Lit. S. 48-52, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 890936 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SI01 Technology / Technological development
1133 Innovations technologiques et productions agricoles en
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
Afrique de l'ouest : exemple du Burkina Faso, du Ghana et du
Togo / B. Kouassi (éd.). - Paris: Karthala, 2009. - 431 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Economie et développement) ISBN 978-2-8111-0195-4
1124 Brédeloup, Sylvie: La diams'pora du fleuve Sénégal :
sociologie des migrations africaines / Sylvie Bredeloup. Institut
de Recherche pour le Développement. - Toulouse: Presses
Universitaires du Mirail ..., 2007. - 300 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 283-297, Lit. Hinw. - (Socio-Logiques:
transmigrations) - ISBN 978-2-85816-938-2
GIGA D 891132 IAA: AFW-N/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891193 IAA: AFR-G/66 Öff.StaO: H 221
SA04 Biographical / Memoirs
1125 Mining in Africa : regulation and development / ed. by Bonnie
1134 Adjanohoun, Marcellin: L'histoire d'une détention politique au
Campbell. With the collab. of Thomas Akabzaa. Groupe de
Recherche sur les Activités Minières en Afrique ... - London ...:
Pluto Press, 2009. - XII,276 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit. Hinw.
- ISBN 978-0-7453-2939-0
Bénin sous la révolution 1972-1984 : motif: la ténébreuse affaire
Kovacs / Marcellin Adjanohoun. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 163 S. - ISBN 978-2-296-07771-3
GIGA D 891199 IAA: BEN-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891783 IAA: AFR-F/46 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF04.01 Elections
1135 Olihide, Clotaire A.: Elections communales et locales 2008 au
Bénin : Autopsie d'un cafouillage organise / Clotaire A. Olihide. o.O., [2009]. - 120 S., Tab.
GIGA D 891845 IAA: BEN-H/9 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF05 Domestic policy
SG02.04 Migration
1136 Adjanohoun, Marcellin: L'histoire d'une détention politique au
1145 Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Taylor, L.; Natali, C.: Great
Bénin sous la révolution 1972-1984 : motif: la ténébreuse affaire
Kovacs / Marcellin Adjanohoun. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. 163 S. - ISBN 978-2-296-07771-3
expectations and reality checks : The role of information in
mediating migrants' experience of return / R. Sabates-Wheeler,
L. Taylor and C. Natali. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 752-771, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 770-771
GIGA D 891199 IAA: BEN-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 221
1137 Gnanih, Marie Ruz: Boni Yayi: le vrai visage da la conquête du
Öff.StaO: B 1503
pouvoir / Marie Ruz Gnanih. - o.O.: Alpha Com, 2008. - 206 S.,
Tab. - ISBN 99919-50-75-3
SG04 Education / Training
GIGA D 891849 IAA: BEN-H/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
1146 Asunka, Joseph; Armah-Attoh, Daniel; Ofosu, George:
1138 Loko, Edouard: Boni Yayi: "L'intrus" qui connaissait la maison :
Tracking leakage of public resource in education : A pilot
investigation of teacher absence in public primary schools in
Ghana / Joseph Asunka ; Daniel Armah-Attoh ; George Ofosu. Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic Development, 2008. VII,48 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 31-32 - (CDD-Ghana
Research Paper; No. 17) - ISBN 9988-614-41-1
voici comment il a gagné les élections / Edouard Loko. Préface
d'Albert Tévoédjrè. - Cotonou: Editions Tunde, [2007]. - 149 S.,
Ill. - ISBN 978-999-19-46-25-2
GIGA D 891853 IAA: BEN-H/11 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891241 IAA: GHA-M/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SG05.02 Public opinion
1139 Les accords de partenariat UE/ACP : Actes du séminaire ;
1147 Armah-Attoh, Daniel; Asunka, Joseph; Gyimah-Boadi,
séminaire sous régional des jeunes de l'UPADD-AO,
Ouagadougou du 05 au 07 décembre 2007 / Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung. - Cotonou: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2007. - 104 S.,
Emmanuel: Popular satisfaction with democracy grows in
Ghana : Afrobarometer Round 4 findings of survey conducted in
March 2008 / Daniel Armah-Attoh ; Joseph Asunka ; Emmanuel
Gyimah-Boadi. - Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic
Development, 2009. - VII,61 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (CDD-Ghana Research Paper; No. 18) - ISBN 9988-614-51-9
GIGA D 891842 IAA: BFA-C/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
GIGA D 891244 IAA: GHA-G/6 Öff.StaO: H 221
1140 Casse, Thorkil; Jensen, Stig: Do we understand the linkages
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
between economic growth, poverty targets and poverty
reduction? / Thorkil Casse & Stig Jensen. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 539-553, Lit. S. 552-553
1148 A model for full-fledged inflation targeting and application
to Ghana / prep. by Ali Alichi ... International Monetary Fund Washington/D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 2009. - 31 S.,
graph.Darst., Lit. - (IMF Working Paper; WP/10/25)
SWP D 891631 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 891521
SF04.01 Elections
1141 Robert, David; Caspers, Anja: Siebenmal verschoben und
SA04 Biographical / Memoirs
noch keine Lösung in Sicht : die Präsidentschaftswahlen in der
Elfenbeinküste ; der lange Weg aus der Krise / David Robert ;
Anja Caspers. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin),
26 (2010) 2, S. 57-72
1149 Lewin, André: Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de
la Guinée / André Lewin. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - Tome 1-3
Tome 1: 1922-février 1955. - 2009. - 236 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 2: 1956-1958. - 2009. - 265 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 3: 1958-1960. - 2009. - 302 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 4: 1960-1962. - 2009. - 978-2-296-10602-4
SWP D 892244 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
SG04 Education / Training
GIGA D 891206 IAA: GIN-Y/2-1 Öff.StaO: H 221
1142 Mulkeen, Aiden G.; Higgins, Cathal: Multigrade teaching in
sub-sahara Africa : lessons from Uganda, Senegal, and The
Gambia / Aidan G. Mulkeen ; Cathal Higgins. - Washington/D.C.:
The World Bank, 2009. - x, 42 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 36-42 - (World Bank Working Paper; No. 173) - (Africa
Human Development Series) - ISBN 978-0-8213-8065-9
GIGA D 891599
SF05 Domestic policy
1150 Barry, Boubacar: "We must move towards a conference of
national reconciliation... " : Professor Boubacar Barry on the
Guinean crisis / Boubacar Barry. - In: Africa Spectrum
(Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2, S. 149-159
GIGA D 890966 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1151 Lewin, André: Ahmed Sékou Touré (1922-1984) : président de
la Guinée / André Lewin. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009. - Tome 1-3
Tome 1: 1922-février 1955. - 2009. - 236 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 2: 1956-1958. - 2009. - 265 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 3: 1958-1960. - 2009. - 302 S.: Lit.Hinw. - ISBN
Tome 4: 1960-1962. - 2009. - 978-2-296-10602-4
SA02 History
1143 Amenumey, D. E. K.: Ghana: A concise history from
pre-colonial times to the 20th century / D. E. K. Amenumey. Accra: Woeli Publ. Services, 2008. - 281 S., Kt., Lit. S. 280-281,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 9988-626-09-6
GIGA D 891837 IAA: GHA-H/8 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891206 IAA: GIN-Y/2-1 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1144 Armah-Attoh, Daniel; Asunka, Joseph; Gyimah-Boadi,
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
Emmanuel: Popular satisfaction with democracy grows in
Ghana : Afrobarometer Round 4 findings of survey conducted in
March 2008 / Daniel Armah-Attoh ; Joseph Asunka ; Emmanuel
Gyimah-Boadi. - Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic
Development, 2009. - VII,61 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (CDD-Ghana Research Paper; No. 18) - ISBN 9988-614-51-9
1152 Baker, Bruce: Cape Verde : marketing good governance /
Bruce Baker. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2,
S. 135-147, Lit. S. 147, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 890964 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891244 IAA: GHA-G/6 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF Government
1162 Obadare, Ebenezer; Adebanwi, Wale: Transnational resource
SF10 Law
1153 Steinberg, Jonny: Briefing : Liberia's experiment with
transitional justice / Jonny Steinberg. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 135-144
SWP D 891394 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
flow and the paradoxes of belonging : redirecting the debate on
transnationalism, remittances, state and citizenship in Africa /
Ebenezer Obadare & Wale Adebanwi. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 499-517, Lit. S. 514-517
SWP D 891632 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1163 Guichaoua, Yvan: How do ethnic militias perpetuate in Nigeria?
A micro-level perspective on the Oodua People's Congress /
Yvan Guichaoua. - Brighton: Institute of Development Studies,
Univ. of Sussex, 2009. - 41 S., Tab., Lit. - (Microcon Research
Working Paper; 19)
1154 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 891523
SF06.02 Terrorism
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1164 Omotola, J. Shola: "Liberation movements" and rising violence
1155 Guichaoua, Yvan: Circumstantial alliances and loose loyalties
in the Niger Delta : The new contentious site of oil and
environmental politics / J. Shola Omotola. - In: Studies in Conflict
and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 36-54
in rebellion making : The case of Tuareg insurgency in northern
Niger (2007-2009) / Yvan Guichaoua. - Brighton: Institute of
Development Studies, Univ. of Sussex, 2009. - 30 S., Lit. (Microcon Research Working Paper; 20)
SWP D 892029 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF06.03 Criminality
GIGA D 891526
1165 Ceska, Edward A.; Ashkenazi, Michael: Piraterie vor den
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
afrikanischen Küsten und ihre Ursachen / Edward A. Ceska ;
Michael Ashkenazi. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 33-38, Lit. Hinw.
1156 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
SWP D 891208 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH Economy
1166 Esezoha, Abel; Ogamba, Ebele; Onyiuke Okereke, Ndi:
Stock market development and private investment growth in
Nigeria / by Abel Ezeoha, Ebele Ogamba and Ndi Okereke
Onyiuke. - In: Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa
(Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2, S. 20-35, Tab., Lit. S. 34-35
SB01 International relations / process
1157 Nigeria-India relations in the 21th century / Eds.: Osita C.
Eze ... - In: Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (Lagos),
34 (2008) 1, Special edition, S. 15-156, Tab., Lit.
GIGA D 890846 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 206
GIGA D 892017
1158 Years of reconstruction : selected foreign policy speeches of
Olusegun Obasanjo / comp. by U. Joy Ogwu ... in coll. with Aliyu
Ahmed-Hameed ... Nigerian Institute of International Affairs Lagos: NIIA, 2007. - XV,480 S. - ISBN 978-002-073-X
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1167 Emeseh, Engobo: Social responsibility in practice in the oil
producing Niger Delta : Assessing corporations and
government's actions / by Engobo Emeseh. - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 113-125, Lit. S. 122-125
GIGA D 892013 IAA: NGA-A/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1159 Peel, Michael: A swamp full of dollars : pipelines and
paramilitaries at Nigeria's oil frontier / Michael Peel. - London ...:
Tauris, 2009. - XX,220 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. S. 207-208 ISBN 978-1-84511-920-1
GIGA D 892023
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
GIGA D 891782 HSFK: 41.858 IAA: NGA-F/15 Öff.StaO: F 197
1168 Akinwale, Akeem Ayofe; Osabuohien, Evans:
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Re-engineering the Nddc's Master Plan : An analytical approach
/ by Akeem Ayofe Akinwale and Evans Osabuohien. - In: Journal
of Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 142-159, Tab., Lit. 157-159
1160 Nigeria-India relations in the 21th century / Eds.: Osita C.
Eze ... - In: Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (Lagos),
34 (2008) 1, Special edition, S. 15-156, Tab., Lit.
GIGA D 892026
GIGA D 890846 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 206
SH05 Energy industry
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
1169 Peel, Michael: A swamp full of dollars : pipelines and
paramilitaries at Nigeria's oil frontier / Michael Peel. - London ...:
Tauris, 2009. - XX,220 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. S. 207-208 ISBN 978-1-84511-920-1
1161 Obadare, Ebenezer; Adebanwi, Wale: Transnational resource
flow and the paradoxes of belonging : redirecting the debate on
transnationalism, remittances, state and citizenship in Africa /
Ebenezer Obadare & Wale Adebanwi. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 499-517, Lit. S. 514-517
GIGA D 891782 HSFK: 41.858 IAA: NGA-F/15 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH06 Agrarian sector
SWP D 891632 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
1170 Kassali, R.; Williams, S. B.; Ayanwale, A. B.: Farm loacations
and determinants of agricultural productivity in the Oke-Ogun
Area of Oyo State, Nigeria / by R. Kassali, A. B. Ayanwale and S.
B. Williams. - In: Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa
(Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2, S. 1-19, Tab., Lit S. 15-16
GIGA D 892016
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1171 Ijeomah, H. M.; Emelue, G. U.: Ecotourism managment and
1179 Radeke, Helen: Sierra Leone: mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl?
sustainable utilization of biodiversity in Pandam Wildlife Park,
Nigeria / by H. M. Ijeomah and G. U. Emelue. - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 106-222, Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 220-222
Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen
Friedenskonsolidierung / Helen Radeke. - Bonn: Bonn
International Center for Conversion, 2009. - 50 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 42-49 - (Occasional Paper / Bonn International Center for
Conversion; II)
GIGA D 892019
SJ Environment / Nature
SF06.01 Civil war
1172 Ijeomah, H. M.; Emelue, G. U.: Ecotourism managment and
sustainable utilization of biodiversity in Pandam Wildlife Park,
Nigeria / by H. M. Ijeomah and G. U. Emelue. - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 106-222, Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 220-222
1180 Coulter, Chris: Bush wives and girl soldiers : women's lives
through war and peace in Sierra Leone / Chris Coulter. Ithaca/N.Y. ...: Cornell Univ. Press, 2009. - X,289 S., Kt.,
Lit. S. 269-283, Lit. Hinw. S. 255-268 - ISBN 978-0-8014-7512-2
GIGA D 891922 HSFK: 41.969 IAA: SLE-H/9 Öff.StaO: F 197
GIGA D 892019
SF06.03 Criminality
1181 Sierra Leone : A country review of crime and criminal justice,
SK05 Scientific institutions / Universities
2008 / African Human Security Initiative ... - Pretoria: Institute for
Security Studies, 2009. - XIX,132 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 131-132,
Lit. Hinw. - (ISS Monograph Series; 160) ISBN 978-1-920114-72-5
1173 Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (Lagos): A pictorial
history of the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs : origin,
legacies and renaissance / eds.: Osita Agbu ... in coll. with Alex
Ekeanyanwu ... Nigerian Institute of International Affairs - Lagos:
NIIA, 2008. - 419 S., zahlr. Ill. - ISBN 978-002-076-4
GIGA D 891942 IAA: NGA-I/1 Öff.StaO: H 221
BICC D 892076 BICC: BC IDP/MON IAA: SLE-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
SG02.02 Social groups
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1182 Berhane-Selassie, Tsehai: The gendered economy of the
1174 Fall, Ismaïla Madior: Evolution constitutionnelle du Sénégal :
return migration of internally displaced women in Sierra Leone /
Tsehai Berhane-Selassie. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 737-751, Lit. S. 749-751
de la veille de l'indépendance aux élections de 2007 / Ismaïla
Madior Fall. Préface de Ndiaw Diouf. Centre de Recherche,
d'Etude et de Documentation sur les Institutions et les
Législations Africaines ; Centre de Recherches sur les Politiques
Sociales. - Paris: Karthala ..., 2009. - 191 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-84586-882-3
Öff.StaO: B 1503
1183 Coulter, Chris: Bush wives and girl soldiers : women's lives
GIGA D 891182 IAA: SEN-H/13 Öff.StaO: H 221
through war and peace in Sierra Leone / Chris Coulter. Ithaca/N.Y. ...: Cornell Univ. Press, 2009. - X,289 S., Kt.,
Lit. S. 269-283, Lit. Hinw. S. 255-268 - ISBN 978-0-8014-7512-2
SG02.04 Migration
1175 Pian, Anaïk: Aux nouvelles frontières de l'Europe : l'aventure
GIGA D 891922 HSFK: 41.969 IAA: SLE-H/9 Öff.StaO: F 197
incertaine des Sénégalais au Maroc / Anaïk Pian. - Paris: La
Dispute, 2009. - 237 S., Kt., Lit. S. 225-232, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-84303-161-8
RF01.26 TOGO
SE International cultural relations
GIGA D 891176 IMES: SEN-G/12 IAA: SEN-G/12 Öff.StaO: H 221
1184 Amouzou, Essé: L'impact de la culture occidentale sur les
SG04 Education / Training
1176 Mulkeen, Aiden G.; Higgins, Cathal: Multigrade teaching in
sub-sahara Africa : lessons from Uganda, Senegal, and The
Gambia / Aidan G. Mulkeen ; Cathal Higgins. - Washington/D.C.:
The World Bank, 2009. - x, 42 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 36-42 - (World Bank Working Paper; No. 173) - (Africa
Human Development Series) - ISBN 978-0-8213-8065-9
GIGA D 891599
cultures africaines / Essé Amouzou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
- 190 S., Lit. S. 179-185 - (Etudes africaines) ISBN 978-2-296-07520-7
IFA D 890914 IFA: 30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
SF05 Domestic policy
1185 Agbobli, Atsutsè Kokouvi: Sylvanus Olympio: le père de
l'indépendance togolaise / Atsutsè Kokouvi Agbobli. - Lomé: Les
Editions Graines de Pensées, 2007. - 285 S., Ill., Lit. S. 261-263
- ISBN 2-916101-09-8
GIGA D 891817 IAA: TGO-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH03 Labour / Employment
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1177 Echevin, Damien; Murtin, Fabrice: What determines
1186 Essizewa, Komlan Essowe: The vitality of Kabiye in Togo /
productivity in Senegal? Sectoral disparities and the dual labour
market / Damien Echevin and Fabrice Murtin. - In: The Journal of
Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november 2009) 10,
S. 1707-1730, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 1729-1730
Komlan Essowe Essizewa. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg),
44 (2009) 2, S. 53-76, Lit. S. 72-75, Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 891878 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 890938 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SF04.01 Elections
SF04.01 Elections
1187 Debain, Mathilde: Chronique d'une victoire assurée : retour sur
1178 Radeke, Helen: Sierra Leone: mit Sicherheit eine gute Wahl?
la campagne présidentielle de 2009 au Gabon / Mathilde Debain.
- In: Politique africaine (Paris), (octobre 2009) 115, S. 27-46, Lit.
Eine Zwischenbilanz der demokratischen
Friedenskonsolidierung / Helen Radeke. - Bonn: Bonn
International Center for Conversion, 2009. - 50 S., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 42-49 - (Occasional Paper / Bonn International Center for
Conversion; II)
GIGA D 891893 SWP: X. 862 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
1188 Midepani, Lévi Martial: Pratiques électorales et reproduction
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
oligarchique au Gabon : Analyses à partir des élections
législatives de 2006 / Lévi Martial Midepani. - In: Politique
africaine (Paris), (octobre 2009) 115, S. 47-65, Lit. Hinw.
1200 Ingelaere, Bert: Living the transition : inside Rwanda's conflict
cycle at the grassroots / Bert Ingelaere. - In: Journal of Eastern
African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3, S. 438-463,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 461-463, Lit. Hinw. S. 459-461
GIGA D 891898 SWP: X. 862 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12
GIGA D 891130 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SB01 International relations / process
SG06 Media / Information
1189 Cattier, Emmanuel: Le "chiffon de papier" : du premier accord
1201 Dossier Péan - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
d'Arusha à la rébellion des autorités de la France au Rwanda /
Emmanuel Cattier. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009)
3, S. 337-396, Lit. S. 394-396, Lit. Hinw.
S. 129-265, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891387
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
GIGA D 891385
1202 Alluri, Rina: The role of tourism in post-conflict peacebuilding in
1190 Dossier Péan - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
Rwanda / Rina M. Alluri. - Bern: Swisspeace, 2009. - 48 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Swiss
Peace Foundation; 2/2009) - ISBN 978-3-908230-76-2
S. 129-265, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891385
1191 Kayimahe, Vénuste: La peur des fantômes / Vénuste
Kayimahe. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
S. 67-89
SWP D 891790
GIGA D 891375
RF02.07 CHAD
1192 Kayumba, Bernard: "L'Opération Turquoise avait pour objectif
SC01 International relations in the field of international
de sauver l'armée gouvernementale, pas les Tutsi" / Bernard
Kayumba. Jacques Morel. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril
2009) 3, S. 91-100, Lit. Hinw. S. 100
1203 Zecha, Wolfgang: Der Einsatz des Österreichischen
Bundesheeres im Tschad : Reflexionen zur
Einsatzentscheidung / Wolfgang Zecha. - In: Österreichische
militärische Zeitschrift (Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1,
S. 64-78
GIGA D 891381
1193 Sitbon, Michel: À propos de l'attentat contre Juvénal
Habyarimana / Michel Sitbon. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7
avril 2009) 3, S. 417-453, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891389
SWP D 890907 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1194 Alluri, Rina: The role of tourism in post-conflict peacebuilding in
Rwanda / Rina M. Alluri. - Bern: Swisspeace, 2009. - 48 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Swiss
Peace Foundation; 2/2009) - ISBN 978-3-908230-76-2
SWP D 891790
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1204 Weibezahl, Tinko: Mehr Schatten als Licht : zur politischen
Situation in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo dreieinhalb
Jahre nach den Wahlen und der Verabschiedung der neuen
Verfassung / Tinko Weibezahl. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen
(Berlin), 26 (2010) 2, S. 29-42
SWP D 892242 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
1195 Cattier, Emmanuel: Le "chiffon de papier" : du premier accord
d'Arusha à la rébellion des autorités de la France au Rwanda /
Emmanuel Cattier. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009)
3, S. 337-396, Lit. S. 394-396, Lit. Hinw.
SA02 History
GIGA D 891387
1205 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
1196 Ingelaere, Bert: Living the transition : inside Rwanda's conflict
cycle at the grassroots / Bert Ingelaere. - In: Journal of Eastern
African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3, S. 438-463,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 461-463, Lit. Hinw. S. 459-461
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891130 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
1197 Kayimahe, Vénuste: La peur des fantômes / Vénuste
1206 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
Kayimahe. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril 2009) 3,
S. 67-89
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
GIGA D 891375
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1198 Kayumba, Bernard: "L'Opération Turquoise avait pour objectif
de sauver l'armée gouvernementale, pas les Tutsi" / Bernard
Kayumba. Jacques Morel. - In: La Nuit rwandaise (Paris), (7 avril
2009) 3, S. 91-100, Lit. Hinw. S. 100
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1207 Pottier, Johan: Representations of ethnicity in the search for
peace : Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo / Johan Pottier. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 23-50
GIGA D 891381
1199 Report of the investigation into the causes and
circumstances of and responsibility for the attack of
06/04/1994 against the Falcon 50 Rwandan presidential
aeroplane, registration number 9XR-NN / Republic of Rwanda,
independent committee, charged with the investigation into the
crash [ ... ] - o.O., 2009. - 163 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891730
SWP D 891383 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
1208 Solhjell, Randi: Gendering the security sector : protecting
cilvilians against sexual and gender-based violence in the
Democratic Republic of Congo / Randi Solhjell. - Oslo:
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 2010. - 28 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Security in Practice; 1/2010) - (NUPI Working
Paper; 769) - ISBN 978-82-7002-261-8
SWP D 891786
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SF06.03 Criminality
1209 Est de la RDC : le crime banalisé! - In: Regards croisés (Goma),
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
(avril 2009) 23, 82 S., Tab.
1217 Mpabanga, Dorothy: Promoting the effectiveness of
GIGA D 891106
SG02.02 Social groups
1210 La jeunesse face á son avenir en RD Congo : initiatives
créatrices - pistes de responsabilisation - In: Regards croisés
(Goma), (juin 2009) 24, 42 S.
GIGA D 891112
1211 Solhjell, Randi: Gendering the security sector : protecting
cilvilians against sexual and gender-based violence in the
Democratic Republic of Congo / Randi Solhjell. - Oslo:
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, 2010. - 28 S., graph.
Darst., Lit. Hinw. - (Security in Practice; 1/2010) - (NUPI Working
Paper; 769) - ISBN 978-82-7002-261-8
democracy protection institutions in Southern Africa : Office of
the Ombudsman in Botswana / by Dorothy Mpabanga. - 1st
published - Johannesburg: EISA, 2009. - XVII,46 S., Tab., Anh.
S. 44-46, Lit. S. 42-43 - (EISA Research Report; No. 44) ISBN 978-1-920446-18-5
GIGA D 891591 IAA: BWA-H/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF01.02 Human rights
1218 Mpabanga, Dorothy: Promoting the effectiveness of
democracy protection institutions in Southern Africa : Office of
the Ombudsman in Botswana / by Dorothy Mpabanga. - 1st
published - Johannesburg: EISA, 2009. - XVII,46 S., Tab., Anh.
S. 44-46, Lit. S. 42-43 - (EISA Research Report; No. 44) ISBN 978-1-920446-18-5
GIGA D 891591 IAA: BWA-H/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 891786
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1219 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
peace : Ituri, Democratic Republic of Congo / Johan Pottier. - In:
African Affairs (Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 23-50
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
SWP D 891383 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
Öff.StaO: B 1503
1212 Pottier, Johan: Representations of ethnicity in the search for
SH03 Labour / Employment
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1213 La jeunesse face á son avenir en RD Congo : initiatives
1220 Chirambo, Reuben Makayiko: Democracy as a limiting factor
créatrices - pistes de responsabilisation - In: Regards croisés
(Goma), (juin 2009) 24, 42 S.
GIGA D 891112
GIGA D 890954 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1221 Patel, Nandini: Promoting the effectiveness of democracy
protection institutions in Southern Africa : The Malawi Human
Rights Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman / by
Nandini Patel. - 1st published - Johannesburg: EISA, 2009. XVII,52 S., Tab., Anh. S. 44-46, Lit. S. 42-43 - (EISA Research
Report; No. 46) - ISBN 978-1-920446-20-8
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1214 Draft conclusions and recommendations of the first
biannual review of the Strategic Framework for
Peacebuilding in the Central African Republic :
Peacebuilding Commission, fourth session, Central African
Republic configuration / United Nations General Assembly ... New York/N.Y., 2009. - 4 S. - (PBC/4/CAF/L.1)
GIGA D 891594 IAA: MWI-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF01.02 Human rights
SWP D 890843
1222 Patel, Nandini: Promoting the effectiveness of democracy
protection institutions in Southern Africa : The Malawi Human
Rights Commission and the Office of the Ombudsman / by
Nandini Patel. - 1st published - Johannesburg: EISA, 2009. XVII,52 S., Tab., Anh. S. 44-46, Lit. S. 42-43 - (EISA Research
Report; No. 46) - ISBN 978-1-920446-20-8
SB04 International political integration
1215 Nzewi, Ogochukwu; Zakwe, Lungi: Democratising regional
integration in Southern Africa : SADC national committees as
platforms for paticipatory policy-making / Oguchukwu Nzewi ;
Lungi Zakwe. - Johannesburg: Centre for Policy Studies, 2009. 52 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 48-52, Lit. Hinw. - (Research
Report / Centre for Policy Studies; 122) - ISBN 978-1-920408
GIGA D 891594 IAA: MWI-H/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF04.01 Elections
1223 Mérino, Mathieu: Les élections de 2009 au Malawi : l'emprise
partisane au défi des candidatures indépendantes / Mathieu
Mérino. - In: Politique africaine (Paris), (octobre 2009) 115,
S. 197-210, Tab., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 892008
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
GIGA D 891900 SWP: X. 862 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12
1216 Nzewi, Ogochukwu; Zakwe, Lungi: Democratising regional
integration in Southern Africa : SADC national committees as
platforms for paticipatory policy-making / Oguchukwu Nzewi ;
Lungi Zakwe. - Johannesburg: Centre for Policy Studies, 2009. 52 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh. S. 48-52, Lit. Hinw. - (Research
Report / Centre for Policy Studies; 122) - ISBN 978-1-920408
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1224 Kebede, Bereket: Community wealth ranking and household
surveys : An integrative approach / Bereket Kebede. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1731-1746, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1745-1746
GIGA D 892008
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
for politicised cultural populism in Malawi / Reuben Makayiko
Chirambo. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2,
S. 77-94, Lit. S. 92-94
DIE D 891879 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1225 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
1234 Zvikomborero, Hoko; Tendai, Dembene; Japson, Siwadi: An
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
evaluation of the sustainability of a water supply project in Mt
Darwin District: Zimbabwe / by Zvikomborero Hoko, Tendai
Dembene, and Japson Siwadi. - In: Journal of Sustainable
Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2, S. 98-112,
graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. 111-112
Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 892022
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
SJ Environment / Nature
1226 Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Mosambik
über kulturelle Zusammenarbeit - In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil
II (Köln), (19. Januar 2010) 1, S. 13-15
1235 Analysis of domestic solid waste managment system : A
case study of Sakubva high density surburb in the City of Mutare,
Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe / by I. O. Manyanhaire, E.
Sigauke, and D. Munasirei. - In: Journal of Sustainable
Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2, S. h126-141,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 140-141
IFA D 892222 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732
Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 892024
SF04.01 Elections
1236 Mujeyi, Kingstone: Socio-economics of commercial utilization
of jatropha (jatraopa curcas) in Mutoko District, Zimbabwe / by
Kingstone Mujeyi. - In: Journal of Sustainable Development in
Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2, S. 36-53, Tab., Lit. S. 53
1227 Bösl, Anton: Namibias Demokratie - ihre Fassade und Erosion :
die Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen im November 2009
/ Anton Bösl. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 26 (2010)
2, S. 43-56
SWP D 892243 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 892018
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
1237 Berger, Iris: South Africa in world history / Iris Berger. -
Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - XII,190 S., Ill., Kt.,
Lit. S. 175-179, Lit. Hinw. S. 167-173 - (The New Oxford World
History) - ISBN 978-0-19-533793-8
1228 Burke, Christopher: China's entry into construction industries
in Africa : Tanzania and Zambia as case studies / Christopher
Burke. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3,
S. 323-336
GIGA D 891617 IAA: ZAF-H/43 Öff.StaO: H 221
1238 Butler, Anthony: Contemporary South Africa / Anthony Butler. -
GIGA D 891417 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
2nd ed. - Basingstoke ...: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - XII,244 S.,
Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 224-234 - ISBN 978-0-230-21767-6
SF04.01 Elections
GIGA D 891163 IAA: ZAF-Y/5 Öff.StaO: B 1503
1229 Cheeseman, Nic; Hinfelaar, Marja: Parties, platforms, and
political mobilization : The Zambian presidential election of 2008
/ Nic Cheeseman and Maria Hinfelaar. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 51-76
1239 Werner, Edith: Südafrika : ein Land im Umbruch / Edith Werner.
- 1. Aufl. - Berlin: Links, 2009. - 208 S., Kt., Lit. S. 199-201 ISBN 978-3-86153-548-5
SWP D 891390 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
SB01 International relations / process
1230 Nkandu, Eustace: Zambia's media wars : An analysis of media
1240 Abid, Ghassan: Deutschlands Engagement in Südafrika :
coverage of the 2008 presidential by-election in Zambia / written
by Eustace Nkandu. Ed.: Rashweat Mukundu. - Lusaka: Media
Institute of Southern Africa-Zambia, [2009]. - VI,46 S., Tab.
staatliche und privatwirtschaftliche Interessen in Analyse zu den
Theorien der IB / Ghassan Abid. - Bremen: Europäischer
Hochschulverl., 2010. - 127 S., [26] Bl., Ill. ISBN 978-3-941482-63-0
GIGA D 891510 IAA: ZMB-P/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
DGAP D 891029 DGAP: DG 48172
SG06 Media / Information
1231 Nkandu, Eustace: Zambia's media wars : An analysis of media
SB02 Foreign policy
coverage of the 2008 presidential by-election in Zambia / written
by Eustace Nkandu. Ed.: Rashweat Mukundu. - Lusaka: Media
Institute of Southern Africa-Zambia, [2009]. - VI,46 S., Tab.
1241 Ahmed, A. K.: The role of parliament in South Africa's foreign
policy development process : lessons from the United States'
Congress / A. K. Ahmed. - In: The South African Journal of
International Affairs (Braamfontein), 16 (December 2009) 3,
S. 291-310, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 309-310
GIGA D 891510 IAA: ZMB-P/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
DGAP D 891660 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
1232 Abrahams, Caryn: Transforming the region : supermarkets and
the local food economy / Caryn Abrahams. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 115-134
1242 Bischoff, Paul-Henri: Reform in defence of sovereignty : South
SWP D 891393 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
Africa in the UN Security Council, 2007-2008 / Paul-Henri
Bischoff. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2,
S. 95-110, Tab., Lit. S. 108-110
GIGA D 890958 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SB02 Foreign policy
1243 Lipton, Merle: Understanding South Africa's foreign policy : The
1233 Lipton, Merle: Understanding South Africa's foreign policy : The
perplexing case of Zimbabwe / Merle Lipton. - In: The South
African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),
16 (December 2009) 3, S. 331-346, Lit. S. 345-346
perplexing case of Zimbabwe / Merle Lipton. - In: The South
African Journal of International Affairs (Braamfontein),
16 (December 2009) 3, S. 331-346, Lit. S. 345-346
DGAP D 891662 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
DGAP D 891662 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
IFA D 891003 IFA: 30/17 Öff.StaO: 212
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
1244 Soest, Christian von: Regenbogennation als regionale
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
Führungsmacht? / Christian von Soest. - In: Aus Politik und
Zeitgeschichte (Bonn), (28. Dezember 2009) 1/2010, S. 19-25,
Lit. Hinw.
1254 Bubenzer, Ole: Post-TRC prosecutions in South Africa :
Accountability for political crimes after the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission's amnesty process / by Ole
Bubenzer. - Leiden ...: Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2009. - XII,258,
Lit. S. 239-249, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-90-04-17703-1
GIGA D 890861 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 891473 IAA: ZAF-D/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
SE International cultural relations
1255 Pharoah, Robyn: National victims of crime survey : overview of
1245 Wille, Andreas; Treydte, Klaus-Peter; Vinnai, Volker: Die
key findings / Robyn Pharoah. - Pretoria: Institute for Security
Studies, 2008. - 15 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (ISS Papers; 175)
Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen
Schwellenländern : Chile, Indien und Südafrika / Andreas Wille ;
Klaus-Peter Treydte ; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz, 2009. 301 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 291-296 - (Reihe Geschichte der
internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4) ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
BICC D 892229 BICC: BC IDP/PAP IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1256 Steinberg, Jonny: Thin blue : The unwritten rules of policing
IFA D 891007 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
South Africa / Jonny Steinberg. - Jeppestown ...: Jonathan Ball,
2008. - VI,183 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-86842-303-3
SF01 Political system / Constitution
GIGA D 891892 IAA: ZAF-H/39 Öff.StaO: H 221
1246 Nathan, Laurie: Intelligence bound : The South African
constitution and intelligence services / Laurie Nathan. In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1,
S. 195-210
SF06.03 Criminality
1257 Singh, Anne-Marie: Policing and crime control in post-apartheid
SWP D 891952 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
South Africa / Anne-Marie Singh. - Aldershot ...: Ashgate, 2008. VIII,146 S. - (Interdisciplinary Research Series in Ethnic, Gender
and Class Relations) - ISBN 0-7546-4457-X
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
GIGA D 891610 IAA: ZAF-H/42 Öff.StaO: H 221
1247 Gibson, James L.: Overcoming historical injustices : land
SF10 Law
reconciliation in South Africa / James L. Gibson. - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,306 S., graph. Darst, Tab.,
Lit. S. 289-299, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-51788-1
1258 Bubenzer, Ole: Post-TRC prosecutions in South Africa :
Accountability for political crimes after the Truth and
Reconciliation Commission's amnesty process / by Ole
Bubenzer. - Leiden ...: Martinus Nijhoff Publ., 2009. - XII,258,
Lit. S. 239-249, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-90-04-17703-1
GIGA D 891464 IAA: ZAF-N/8 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
GIGA D 891473 IAA: ZAF-D/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
1248 Ahmed, A. K.: The role of parliament in South Africa's foreign
policy development process : lessons from the United States'
Congress / A. K. Ahmed. - In: The South African Journal of
International Affairs (Braamfontein), 16 (December 2009) 3,
S. 291-310, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 309-310
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1259 Piombo, R. Jessica: Institutions, ethnicity, and political
mobilization in South Africa / Jessica Piombo. - New York/N.Y. ...:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - XVI,260 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 215-245, Lit. Hinw. S. 183-213 - ISBN 978-0-230-61734-6
DGAP D 891660 SWP: X. 781 DGAP: ZD 483 HSFK: ZS S IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: F 197
GIGA D 891756 IAA: ZAF-H/38 Öff.StaO: H 221
1249 Nathan, Laurie: Intelligence bound : The South African
constitution and intelligence services / Laurie Nathan. In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1,
S. 195-210
SG03.02 Health
1260 HIV/AIDS in South Africa 25 years on : psychosocial
SWP D 891952 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
perspectives / Poul Rohleder ..., eds. Foreword by Edwin
Cameron - New York/N.Y. ...: Springer, 2009. - XIX,393 S.,
graph. Darst, Tab., zahlr. Lit. - ISBN 978-1-4419-0305-1
SF03 Political parties
GIGA D 891451 IAA: ZAF-O/13 Öff.StaO: H 221
1250 Piombo, R. Jessica: Institutions, ethnicity, and political
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
mobilization in South Africa / Jessica Piombo. - New York/N.Y. ...:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - XVI,260 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 215-245, Lit. Hinw. S. 183-213 - ISBN 978-0-230-61734-6
1261 Francis, Stephen; Schacherl, Rico: Strike while the iron is hot /
by Stephen Francis and Rico. - Auckland Park: Jacana Media,
2009. - 152 S., überw. Ill. - ISBN 978-1-77009-779-7
GIGA D 891756 IAA: ZAF-H/38 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891621 IAA: ZAF-L/1-2009 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF04 Political participation
1262 Zapiro: Don't mess with the president's head : cartoons from
1251 Civil society and the Zuma government : opportunities for
engagement / ed. by Yvette Geyer ... - 1st published - Cape
Town: IDASA, 2009. - 39 S., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-920409-10-4
GIGA D 891148
Mail & Guardian, Sunday Times and The Times / Zapiro. Auckland Park: Jacana, 2009. - 136 S., überw. Ill. ISBN 978-1-77009-757-5
GIGA D 891618 IAA: ZAF-L/3-2009 Öff.StaO: H 221
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1263 Religion and spirituality in South Africa : new perspectives /
ed. by Duncan Brown. - Scottsville: Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal
Press, 2009. - X,294 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-86914-167-7
SF04.01 Elections
1252 Kersting, Norbert: Voting behaviour in the 2009 South African
GIGA D 891486 IAA: ZAF-L/18 Öff.StaO: H 221
election / Norbert Kersting. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg),
44 (2009) 2, S. 125-133, Tab.
SH06 Agrarian sector
1264 Gibson, James L.: Overcoming historical injustices : land
GIGA D 891071 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
reconciliation in South Africa / James L. Gibson. - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,306 S., graph. Darst, Tab.,
Lit. S. 289-299, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-51788-1
1253 Southall, Roger Jonathan; Daniel, John: The South African
election of 2009 / Roger Jonathan Southall ; John Daniel. - In:
Africa Spectrum (Hamburg), 44 (2009) 2, S. 111-124, Tab.
GIGA D 891464 IAA: ZAF-N/8 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 890961 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
1275 Chianu, J. N.: Promoting a versatile yet minor crop : soybean in
1265 Soest, Christian von: Mittler zwischen Nord und Süd :
Südafrikas Position nach dem Klimagipfel in Kopenhagen /
Christian von Soest. - Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Auswärtige Politik, 2010. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Internationale Politik
(Online); Januar 2010)
DGAP D 892090
the farming system of Kenya / J. N. Chianu ... - In: Journal of
Sustainable Development in Africa (Clarion/Pa.), 11 (2009) 2,
S. 78-97, Tab., Lit. S. 95-97
GIGA D 892021
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1276 Reconciling rural livelihood and biodiversity conservation :
lessons from research and practice / Karin Gaesing (ed.).
International Spatial Planning Centre, Technische Universität
Dortmund. - Dortmund: ISPC, 2009. - V,185 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Spring Research Series; No. 52) ISBN 3-934525-52-0
SG04 Education / Training
1266 Public-private partnership in adult literacy : international
conference, 5-7 December 2006, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Bernd
Sandhaas (ed.). - Addis Ababa: dvv international, Regional
Office East Africa / Horn of Africa, 2009. - X,249 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Cross-National Encounters in Adult
Education; 2)
GIGA D 891745 IAA: KEN-K/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891935 IAA: AFE-M/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1277 Casse, Thorkil; Jensen, Stig: Do we understand the linkages
between economic growth, poverty targets and poverty
reduction? / Thorkil Casse & Stig Jensen. - In: Review of African
Political Economy (Abingdon), 36 (December 2009) 122,
S. 539-553, Lit. S. 552-553
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1267 Bachmann, Jan; Hönke, Jana: 'Peace and security' as
counterterrorism? The political effects of liberal interventions in
Kenya / Jan Bachmann and Jana Hönke. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 97-114
SWP D 891631 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891392 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SF06.02 Terrorism
1268 Bachmann, Jan; Hönke, Jana: 'Peace and security' as
1278 Burke, Christopher: China's entry into construction industries
counterterrorism? The political effects of liberal interventions in
Kenya / Jan Bachmann and Jana Hönke. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 97-114
in Africa : Tanzania and Zambia as case studies / Christopher
Burke. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3,
S. 323-336
SWP D 891392 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891417 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
SF03 Political parties
1269 Vittori, Jodi; Bremer, Kristin; Vittori, Pasquale: Islam in
Tanzania and Kenya : Ally or threat in the war on terror? / Jodi
Vittori ; Kristin Bremer ; Pasquale Vittori. - In: Studies in Conflict
and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (December 2009) 12,
S. 1075-1099, Lit. Hinw.
1279 The position of Tanzanian political parties after 2005
general elections : what do political parties do? democracy in
Tanzania / Tanzania Development Initiative Programme. - Dar
es Salaam: TADIP, [2008]. - VII,60 S., Ill., Tab. - (Maendeleo
SWP D 891072 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891666 IAA: TZA-H/26 Öff.StaO: H 221
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
SF06.02 Terrorism
1270 Do community members share development priorities?
results of a ranking exercise in East African rangelands / John G.
McPeak ... - In: The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon),
45 (november 2009) 10, S. 1663-1683, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1682-1683
1280 Vittori, Jodi; Bremer, Kristin; Vittori, Pasquale: Islam in
Tanzania and Kenya : Ally or threat in the war on terror? / Jodi
Vittori ; Kristin Bremer ; Pasquale Vittori. - In: Studies in Conflict
and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (December 2009) 12,
S. 1075-1099, Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 891871 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 891072 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
1271 Kebede, Bereket: Community wealth ranking and household
surveys : An integrative approach / Bereket Kebede. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1731-1746, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1745-1746
SF10 Law
1281 Twenty years of the justiciability of the Bill of Rights in
Tanzania 1988-2008 / National Organisation for Legal
Assistance. - Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers, 2008. IX,162 S., Lit. Hinw. - (The Justice Review; Vol. 7, No. 1, 2008,
special ed.) - ISBN 978-9987-08-012-0
DIE D 891879 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
GIGA D 891247 IAA: TZA-D/10 Öff.StaO: H 221
1272 Gifford, Paul: Christianity, politics and public life in Kenya / Paul
Gifford. - London: Hurst, 2009. - IX,283 S., Ill., Kt.,
Lit. S. 252-267, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-85065-935-8
SG02.02 Social groups
1282 Child labour in Tanzania : An analysis of findings of the
GIGA D 892163 IAA: KEN-L/7 Öff.StaO: H 221
integrated labour force survey, 2006 / National Bureau of
Statistics in collab. with Ministry of Labour, Employment and
Youth Development (Tanzania) ; Office of Chief Government
Statistician in collab. with Ministry of Labour, Youth, Women and
Children Development (Zanzibar). - [Dar es Salaam], 2008. XX,109 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
1273 McIntosh, Janet: The edge of Islam : power, personhood, and
ethnoreligious boundaries on the Kenya Coast / Janet McIntosh.
- Durham/N.C. ...: Duke Univ. Press, 2009. - XI,325 S.,
Lit. S. 289-311, Lit. Hinw. S. 263-287 - ISBN 978-0-8223-4509-1
GIGA D 891896 IAA: KEN-L/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891856 IAA: TZA-Q/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
1274 Religion and politics in Kenya : essays in honor of a
meddlesome priest / ed. by Ben Knighton. - New York/N.Y. ...:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - XXII,294 S., Ill., Tab.,
Lit. S. 251-279, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-61487-1
GIGA D 892118 IAA: KEN-L/6 Öff.StaO: H 221
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1283 Fouéré, Marie-Aude: La préférence nationale en Tanzanie
1293 The extractive resource industry in Tanzania : status and
postsocialiste : entre citoyenneté, autochtonie et race /
Marie-Aude Fouéré. - In: Politique africaine (Paris), (octobre
2009) 115, S. 137-153, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
challenges of the mining sector - Nairobi: SID, 2009. - 88 S.,
Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-9966-7026-9-2
GIGA D 891899 SWP: X. 862 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 12
GIGA D 891624
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1284 Kebede, Bereket: Community wealth ranking and household
SA02 History
surveys : An integrative approach / Bereket Kebede. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1731-1746, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1745-1746
1294 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
DIE D 891879 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SG03.02 Health
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
1285 Health sector performance profile report 2008 update :
1295 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
Mainland Tanzania July 2007 - June 2008 / Ministry of Health
and Social Welfare. - [Dar es Salaam], 2008. - 51 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
GIGA D 891513 IAA: TZA-O/20 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
1286 The national road map strategic plan to accelerate
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
reduction of maternal, newborn and child deaths in
Tanzania 2008-2015 / Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. [Dar es Salaam], 2008. - 76 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit., Lit.
1296 Jackson, Cecile: Researching the researched : gender,
GIGA D 891520 IAA: TZA-O/21 Öff.StaO: H 221
reflexivity and actor-orientation in an experimental game / Cecile
Jackson. - In: The European Journal of Development Research
(Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5, S. 772-791, Lit. S. 790-791
SG05.02 Public opinion
Öff.StaO: B 1503
1287 Views of the people 2007 : Tanzanians give their opinions on:
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
growth and reduction of income poverty, their quality of life and
social well-being, and governance and accountability / Ministry
of Planning, Economy and Empowerment. - Dar es Salaam:
Mkukuta, 2007. - XVI,64 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 64, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-9987-615-23-0
1297 Kebede, Bereket: Community wealth ranking and household
surveys : An integrative approach / Bereket Kebede. - In: The
Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november
2009) 10, S. 1731-1746, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1745-1746
GIGA D 891696 IAA: TZA-G/12 Öff.StaO: H 221
DIE D 891879 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SG06 Media / Information
SG04 Education / Training
1288 Kilimwiko, Lawrence I. M.: Media power and politics in
Tanzania : critical analysis of media trends and practice /
Lawrence I. M. Kilimwiko. - Dar es Salaam: Association of
Journalists and Media Workers, 2009. - XIII,206 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 203-206 - ISBN 9987-8933-1-8
1298 Mulkeen, Aiden G.; Higgins, Cathal: Multigrade teaching in
sub-sahara Africa : lessons from Uganda, Senegal, and The
Gambia / Aidan G. Mulkeen ; Cathal Higgins. - Washington/D.C.:
The World Bank, 2009. - x, 42 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 36-42 - (World Bank Working Paper; No. 173) - (Africa
Human Development Series) - ISBN 978-0-8213-8065-9
GIGA D 891522 IAA: TZA-P/3 Öff.StaO: H 221
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1289 Curtis, Mark; Lissu, Tundu: A golden opportunity? How
Tanzania is failing to benefit from gold mining / Mark Curtis ;
Tundu Lissu. - 2nd. ed. - o.O.: Christian Council of Tanzania ...,
2008. - 56 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. S. 44-49
GIGA D 891599
SK03 Research and development
GIGA D 891388 IAA: TZA-F/30 Öff.StaO: H 221
1299 Jackson, Cecile: Researching the researched : gender,
reflexivity and actor-orientation in an experimental game / Cecile
Jackson. - In: The European Journal of Development Research
(Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5, S. 772-791, Lit. S. 790-791
1290 Madini kwa maisha : Ujumbe wa viongozi wa dini wa kutafuta
ukweli kwenye maeneo ya migodi - o.O.: Catholic Secretariat,
Tanzania Episcopal Conference, ca. 2008. - 24 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw.
S. 22-23
GIGA D 891384 IAA: TZA-F/31 Öff.StaO: H 221
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1291 Tanzania : The story of an African transition / Roger Nord ...
SB05 International political conflicts
International Monetary Fund - Washington/D.C.: IMF, 2009. 82 S., Tab., graph.Darst., Lit. - ISBN 978-1-58906-822-3
GIGA D 891093
SH03 Labour / Employment
1300 Love, Roy: Economic drivers of conflict and cooperation in the
Horn of Africa : A regional perspective and overview / Roy Love.
- London: Chatham House, 2009. - 16 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Briefing Paper / Chatham House; AFP BP 2009/01) - (Africa
SWP D 891789
1292 Child labour in Tanzania : An analysis of findings of the
integrated labour force survey, 2006 / National Bureau of
Statistics in collab. with Ministry of Labour, Employment and
Youth Development (Tanzania) ; Office of Chief Government
Statistician in collab. with Ministry of Labour, Youth, Women and
Children Development (Zanzibar). - [Dar es Salaam], 2008. XX,109 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1301 Love, Roy: Economic drivers of conflict and cooperation in the
Horn of Africa : A regional perspective and overview / Roy Love.
- London: Chatham House, 2009. - 16 S., Tab., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Briefing Paper / Chatham House; AFP BP 2009/01) - (Africa
GIGA D 891856 IAA: TZA-Q/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
SWP D 891789
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.6 Africa south of Sahara / Afrika südlich der Sahara / Afrique subsaharienne
SG04 Education / Training
1302 Public-private partnership in adult literacy : international
SB01 International relations / process
conference, 5-7 December 2006, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Bernd
Sandhaas (ed.). - Addis Ababa: dvv international, Regional
Office East Africa / Horn of Africa, 2009. - X,249 S., Ill., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Cross-National Encounters in Adult
Education; 2)
1309 Eritrea's external relations : understanding its regional role
and foreign policy / ed. by Richard Reid. Royal Institute of
International Affairs. - London: Chatham House, 2009. IX,166 S., Kt., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-86203-201-9
SWP D 891371 SWP: H.10/0020 DGAP: DG 48200 IMES: ERI-A/1 IAA: ERI-A/1
Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 891935 IAA: AFE-M/2 Öff.StaO: H 221
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1310 Bereketeab, Redie: State-building in post liberation Eritrea :
challenges, achievements and potentials / by Redie Bereketeab.
- London: Adonis & Abbey, 2009. - IX,307 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 290-304, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-906704-39-1
1303 Abbink, Jon: The Ethiopian Second Republic and the fragile
"social contract" / Jon Abbink. - In: Africa Spectrum (Hamburg),
44 (2009) 2, S. 3-28, Lit., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891023 IAA: ERI-H/6 Öff.StaO: H 221
GIGA D 890874 BICC: BZ AFRSPC DIE: 04ZK002 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SF05 Domestic policy
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1311 Hirt, Nicole: Sanktionen gegen Eritrea : Anstoß für Reformen
oder "Akt der Verschwörung"? / Nicole Hirt. - Hamburg: GIGA
German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institut für
Afrika-Studien, 2010. - 8 S., Lit. - (GIGA Focus Afrika; (Januar
2010) 1)
1304 Do community members share development priorities?
results of a ranking exercise in East African rangelands / John G.
McPeak ... - In: The Journal of Development Studies (Abingdon),
45 (november 2009) 10, S. 1663-1683, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 1682-1683
DIE D 891871 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 892178 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
SG03.01 Social security
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1305 Gilligan, Daniel O.; Hoddinott, John; Seyoum Taffesse,
1312 Hepner, Tricia Redeker: Soldiers, martyrs, traitors, and exiles :
Alemayehu: The impact of Ethiopia's productive safety net
programme and its linkages / Daniel O. Gilligan, John Hoddinott
and Alemayehu Seyoum Taffesse. - In: The Journal of
Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november 2009) 10,
S. 1684-1706, Tab., Lit. S. 1705-1706
political conflict in Eritrea and the diaspora / Tricia Redeker
Hepner. - Philadelphia/Penn.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
- XIV,249 S., Lit. S. 235-243, Lit. Hinw. S. 221-229 - (The
Ethnography of Political Violence) - ISBN 978-0-8122-4171-6
GIGA D 891086 IAA: ERI-G/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
DIE D 891875 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
1313 Tesfai, Alemseged: Two weeks in the trenches : reminiscences
of childhood and war in Eritrea / Alemseged Tesfai. - Asmara:
Hdri Publishers, 2007. - XII,223 S. - ISBN 99948-0-045-0
SC06.01 Armed forces / Military units
GIGA D 891288 IAA: ERI-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
1306 Ohls, Gary J.: Somalia ... from the sea / Gary J. Ohls. - Newport
Rhode Island: Naval War College Press, 2009. - 249 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt., zahlr. Lit. Hinw., Anh. - (Naval War College
Newport Papers; 34) - ISBN 978-1-884733-59-8
SG02.02 Social groups
1314 Tesfai, Alemseged: Two weeks in the trenches : reminiscences
IFSH D 891529 IFSH: Yf6/63 qs
of childhood and war in Eritrea / Alemseged Tesfai. - Asmara:
Hdri Publishers, 2007. - XII,223 S. - ISBN 99948-0-045-0
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
GIGA D 891288 IAA: ERI-H/4 Öff.StaO: H 221
1307 Matzken, Heino: Somalia im Würgegriff islamischer
SG02.04 Migration
Fundamentalisten / Heino Matzken. - In: Österreichische
militärische Zeitschrift (Wien), 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1,
S. 58-63
1315 Hepner, Tricia Redeker: Soldiers, martyrs, traitors, and exiles :
SWP D 890906 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
political conflict in Eritrea and the diaspora / Tricia Redeker
Hepner. - Philadelphia/Penn.: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.
- XIV,249 S., Lit. S. 235-243, Lit. Hinw. S. 221-229 - (The
Ethnography of Political Violence) - ISBN 978-0-8122-4171-6
SF06.03 Criminality
GIGA D 891086 IAA: ERI-G/5 Öff.StaO: H 221
1308 Ceska, Edward A.; Ashkenazi, Michael: Piraterie vor den
afrikanischen Küsten und ihre Ursachen / Edward A. Ceska ;
Michael Ashkenazi. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn),
(17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 33-38, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891208 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
1325 Bu-Ainnnain, Khalid Abdullah al: Proliferation assessment of
ballistic missiles in the Middle East / Khalid Abdullah Al
Bu-Ainnain. - Dubai ...: Institute for Near East & Gulf Military
Analysis, 2009. - 20 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (Special Report /
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis; No. 2)
SA03 Politics
1316 Milton-Edwards, Beverley: Contemporary politics in the Middle
East / Beverley Milton-Edwards. - 2nd ed., revised and
expanded - Cambridge ...: Polity Press, 2009. - XIII,311 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 272-293, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-7456-3594-1
SWP D 891793
1326 Bu-Ainnnain, Khalid Abdullah al: Proliferation assessment of
GIGA D 892075 IMES: MEA-H/94 Öff.StaO: H 371
cruise missiles in the Middle East / Khalid Abdullah Al
Bu-Ainnain. - Dubai ...: Institute for Near East & Gulf Military
Analysis, 2009. - 20 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (Special Report /
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis; No. 3)
SB01 International relations / process
1317 Hamid, Shadi; Brooke, Steven: Promoting democracy to stop
terror, revisted : The real perils of an undemocratic Middle East /
by Shadi Hamid and Steven Brooke. - In: Policy Review Online
(Washington/D.C.), (February-March 2010) 159, ca. 7 S., Lit.
SWP D 891906
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SWP D 891409 Öff.StaO: 188/144
1318 International society and the Middle East : English school
1327 Saleh, Nivien: Europe in the Middle East and Northern Africa :
theory at the regional level / ed. by Barry Buzan ... - 1st
published - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XX,280 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Gloss., Lit. S. 251-263, Lit.
Hinw. - (Palgrave Studies in International Relations Series) ISBN 978-0-230-53764-4
The subtle quest for power / Nivien Saleh. - In: Mediterranean
Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 75-88, Lit.
GIGA D 890879 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
GIGA D 891439 IMES: MEA-I/9 Öff.StaO: H 371
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
1319 Saleh, Nivien: Europe in the Middle East and Northern Africa :
1328 Varona Narvión, Carlos: La actualidad de la lengua y cultura
The subtle quest for power / Nivien Saleh. - In: Mediterranean
Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 75-88, Lit.
española en Oriente Próximo : un reto pedagógico / Carlos
Varona Narvión. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2009. - 7 S. (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 5/2009)
GIGA D 890879 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
1320 Sever, Aysegül: Turkey's constraining position on Western
reform initiatives in the Middle East / Aysegül Sever. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Fall 2007) 4,
S. 131-148
IFA D 891262 IFA: Cb30/60 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01 Political system / Constitution
GIGA D 890915 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
1329 Whitaker, Brian: What's really wrong with the Middle East /
1321 Syria's emergence from isolation / Nizar Abdel-Kader ... -
Brian Whitaker. - London: Saqi, 2009. - 384 S., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 371-373, Lit. Hinw. S. 325-370 - ISBN 978-0-86356-624-0
In: Bitterlemons.org (o.O.), 8 (January 07, 2010) 1, ca. 7 S.
GIGA D 891334 IMES: MEA-G/54 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 890878
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SB05 International political conflicts
1330 Sever, Aysegül: Turkey's constraining position on Western
reform initiatives in the Middle East / Aysegül Sever. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Fall 2007) 4,
S. 131-148
1322 Women and war in the Middle East : transnational
perspectives / ed. by Nadje Al-Ali ... - London ...: Zed Books ...,
2009. - VIII,285 S., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-84813-186-6
GIGA D 890915 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
GIGA D 892003 IMES: MEA-G/55 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF01.02 Human rights
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1331 Mokhtari, Shadi: After Abu Ghraib : exploring human rights in
1323 Bachar, Shmuel; Bar, Shmuel; Machtiger, Rachel: A
multi-polar nuclear Middle East - how it will operate? A working
paper in preparation for the Herzliya Conference 2010 / Shmuel
Bachar ; Shmuel Bar ; Rachel Machtiger. - Herzliya:
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya ..., 2010. - 11 S.
SWP D 891724
SC06.02 Armament
1324 Bachar, Shmuel; Bar, Shmuel; Machtiger, Rachel: A
multi-polar nuclear Middle East - how it will operate? A working
paper in preparation for the Herzliya Conference 2010 / Shmuel
Bachar ; Shmuel Bar ; Rachel Machtiger. - Herzliya:
Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya ..., 2010. - 11 S.
America and the Middle East / Shadi Mokhtari. - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - IX,252 S., Reg., Lit. S. 245-248,
Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society) ISBN 978-0-521-76753-8
GIGA D 891870 IMES: MEA-H/93 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF06.02 Terrorism
1332 [Hearing on] The threat posed by al Qa'ida in the Arabian
Peninsula and other regions / United States House of
Representatives, House Armed Services Committee, [The
Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities
Subcommittee] - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SWP D 890881
SF10 Law
1333 Bailey, Clinton: Bedouin law from Sinai & the Negev : justice
without government / Clinton Bailey. - London ...: Yale University
Press, 2009. - XV,375 S., Ill., Kt., Tab., Gloss., Lit. S. 355-358,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-300-15324-8
SWP D 891724
GIGA D 891340
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1342 Elhadj, Elie: To perpetuate their dictatorships, Arab rulers resort
SG01 Social system / Social policy
to the Islamic creed / by Elie Elhadj. - In: Middle East Review of
International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 57-68
1334 Whitaker, Brian: What's really wrong with the Middle East /
Brian Whitaker. - London: Saqi, 2009. - 384 S., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 371-373, Lit. Hinw. S. 325-370 - ISBN 978-0-86356-624-0
SWP D 891128
GIGA D 891334 IMES: MEA-G/54 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF03 Political parties
SG02.02 Social groups
1343 Robbins, Michael D. H.: What accounts for the success of
1335 Women and war in the Middle East : transnational
Islamist parties in the Arab world? / Michael D. H Robbins. Dubai: Dubai School of Government, 2010. - 36S., Lit. S. 30-33 (Dubai School of Government Working Paper; No. 10-01)
perspectives / ed. by Nadje Al-Ali ... - London ...: Zed Books ...,
2009. - VIII,285 S., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-84813-186-6
GIGA D 892003 IMES: MEA-G/55 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 890982
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
SF06.03 Criminality
1336 Assaf, Hamed: Climate change in the Levant and North Africa
Region : An assessment of implications for water resources,
regional state of awareness and preparedness, and the road
ahead ; ["Climate change, water and the policy-making process
in the Levant and North Africa", a closed workshop with leading
water experts for the Levant, AUB, Tuesday, August 4, 2009] /
Hamed Assaf. - Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy &
International Affairs, 2009. - 20 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 892052
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
1337 Bu-Ainnnain, Khalid Abdullah al: Proliferation assessment of
ballistic missiles in the Middle East / Khalid Abdullah Al
Bu-Ainnain. - Dubai ...: Institute for Near East & Gulf Military
Analysis, 2009. - 20 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (Special Report /
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis; No. 2)
SWP D 891793
1344 Corruption in the MENA region / Transparency International. -
Berlin, 2009. - 8 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 8 - (Working Paper /
Transparency International; 02/2009)
GIGA D 890835
SF08 Regions / Local government
1345 Impact of ICT on community development in ESCWA
member countries / United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia. - [Beirut]: ESCWA, 2009. VII,43 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 43, Lit. Hinw. (E/ESCWA/ICTD/2009/15)
GIGA D 892031
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1346 War and transnational Arab families - In: Journal of Middle
East Women's Studies (Bloomington/Ind.), 5 (Fall 2009) 3,
S. 1-174, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 892186 IMES: ProjectMuse
1338 Bu-Ainnnain, Khalid Abdullah al: Proliferation assessment of
cruise missiles in the Middle East / Khalid Abdullah Al
Bu-Ainnain. - Dubai ...: Institute for Near East & Gulf Military
Analysis, 2009. - 20 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (Special Report /
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis; No. 3)
SWP D 891906
SG04 Education / Training
1347 Regional overview: Arab States : Education for All - Global
Monitoring Report 2010 / United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization. - Paris, 2010. - 16 S., graph.
Darst., Tab.
SWP D 891744
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SG07 Social movements / associations
1348 Abdel-Samad, Ziad: CSOs: status, challenges and democracy
1339 Assaf, Hamed: Climate change in the Levant and North Africa
Region : An assessment of implications for water resources,
regional state of awareness and preparedness, and the road
ahead ; ["Climate change, water and the policy-making process
in the Levant and North Africa", a closed workshop with leading
water experts for the Levant, AUB, Tuesday, August 4, 2009] /
Hamed Assaf. - Beirut: Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy &
International Affairs, 2009. - 20 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 892052
in the Arab world : Regional Conference on Research on Civil
Society Organizations: status and prospects ; Dead Sea,
January 27-28, 2010 / Ziad Abdel Samad. - Beirut: Arab NGO
Network for Development, 2010. - 11 S., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891648
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1349 Elhadj, Elie: To perpetuate their dictatorships, Arab rulers resort
to the Islamic creed / by Elie Elhadj. - In: Middle East Review of
International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 57-68
SK02 Theory / Methodology
1340 International society and the Middle East : English school
SWP D 891128
theory at the regional level / ed. by Barry Buzan ... - 1st
published - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. XX,280 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Gloss., Lit. S. 251-263, Lit.
Hinw. - (Palgrave Studies in International Relations Series) ISBN 978-0-230-53764-4
1350 Robbins, Michael D. H.: What accounts for the success of
Islamist parties in the Arab world? / Michael D. H Robbins. Dubai: Dubai School of Government, 2010. - 36S., Lit. S. 30-33 (Dubai School of Government Working Paper; No. 10-01)
GIGA D 891439 IMES: MEA-I/9 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 890982
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1341 Diamond, Larry: Why are there no Arab democracies? / Larry
Diamond. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.),
21 (January 2010) 1, S. 93-104, Lit. S. 103-104
SWP D 891966 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1360 Tunis Declaration for the Alliance of Civilizations : Tunis,
SI03.02 Information technology
1351 Impact of ICT on community development in ESCWA
member countries / United Nations Economic and Social
Commission for Western Asia. - [Beirut]: ESCWA, 2009. VII,43 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 43, Lit. Hinw. (E/ESCWA/ICTD/2009/15)
GIGA D 892031
Tunisian Republic: 1 February 2006 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. ca. 3 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
IFA D 891839 IFA: Cb30/97 Öff.StaO: 212
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
1361 Strategy for ICTs development in the Islamic world :
Adopted by the Fifth Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers ;
Tripoli: 21-23 November 2007 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. - 75 S. (Publications of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) - ISBN 978-9981-26-454-7
SB01 International relations / process
1352 Nakhleh, Emile A.: A necessary engagement : reinventing
America's relations with the Muslim world / Emile A. Nakhleh. Princeton/N.J. ...: Princeton Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,162 S.,
Reg., Gloss., Lit. S. 151-153 - ISBN 978-0-691-13525-0
IFA D 891352 IFA: Cb30/71 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 891338 IMES: MEA-A/95 Öff.StaO: H 371
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SE International cultural relations
1362 Cole, Juan: Engaging the Muslim world / Juan Cole. - 1st
1353 Communiqué of Liechtenstein on dialogue among
published - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - 282 S.,
Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. 253-273 - ISBN 978-0-230-60754-5
civilizations and cultures : comprehension and mutual
understanding ; dialogue among civilizations and cultures:
comprehension and mutual understanding, Liechtenstein 2002 /
ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. - ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
GIGA D 891337 IMES: MEA-G/56 Öff.StaO: H 371
SG02.02 Social groups
1363 Baku Declaration on Expanding the Role of Women in
IFA D 891857 IFA: Cb30/100 Öff.StaO: 212
1354 Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers 06. (Baku,
2009-10-13/2009-10-15): Final communiqué : Baku, Republic of
Azerbaijan, 13-14 October 2009 / Sixth Islamic Conference of
Culture Ministers. - Rabat: ISESCO, 2009. - 18 S.
IFA D 891834 IFA: Cb30/92 Öff.StaO: 212
1355 Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization:
Charter of ISESCO : Adopted by the Founding Conference (Fez,
1402H/1982) and amended by the General Conference at its
Special Session (Rabat, 1407H/1986), Fourth Session (Rabat,
1412H/1991), Fifth Session (Damascus, 1415H/1994), Sixth
Session (Riyadh (1418H/1997), and Ninth Session (ISESCO
Permanent Headquarters, Rabat, 1427H/2006) - Rabat, 2009. ca. 8 S.
Cross-Cultural Dialogue : international forum, Baku, Republic
of Azerbaijan, 10-11 June 2008 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2008. - 4 S.
IFA D 891420 IFA: Cb30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
SI01 Technology / Technological development
1364 Strategy for ICTs development in the Islamic world :
Adopted by the Fifth Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers ;
Tripoli: 21-23 November 2007 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. - 75 S. (Publications of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) - ISBN 978-9981-26-454-7
IFA D 891352 IFA: Cb30/71 Öff.StaO: 212
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1365 DeVore, Marc Ronald: A convenient framework : The Western
IFA D 891349 IFA: Cb30/72 Öff.StaO: 212
European Union in the Persian Gulf, 1987-1988 and 1990-1991 /
Marc Ronald DeVore. - In: European Security (Ilford), 18 (June
2009) 2, S. 227-243
1356 Kairouan declaration : International Conference on Dialogue of
Civilizations and Cultural Diversity ; Kairouan - Tunisian
Republic: 2-4 June 2009 - Rabat: ISESCO, 2009. - ca. 4 S.
SWP D 892165 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
SC06 Military capacity
IFA D 891362 IFA: Cb30/24 Öff.StaO: 212
1366 Khan, Sabahat: Iranian mining of the Strait of Hormuz :
1357 Tehran declaration on dialogue among civilizations :
dialogue among civilizations, Tehran 1999 / ISESCO. - Rabat,
2009. - ca. 4 S.
IFA D 891369 IFA: Cb30/23 Öff.StaO: 212
plausibility and key considerations / Sabahat Khan. - Dubai ...:
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis, 2010. - 12 S., Ill. (Special Report / Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis;
No. 4)
GIGA D 890898
1358 Tripoli commitments on renewing cultural policies in the
Islamic world and adapting them to international changes :
final communiqué / [Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers]. Rabat: ISESCO, 2007. - 15 S.
IFA D 891833 IFA: Cb30/93 Öff.StaO: 212
1359 Tunis appeal on "Dialogue among Civilizations" : Dialogue
among Civilizations: Theory and practice, Tunis 2001 / ISESCO.
- Rabat, 2009. - ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
SF03 Political parties
1367 Steinberg, Guido: Talabani und Barzani unter Druck : in
Irakisch-Kurdistan fordert die Goran-Bewegung die etablierten
Parteien heraus / Guido Steinberg. - Berlin: Stiftung
Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 11/2010)
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
IFA D 891872 IFA: Cb30/95 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SF04.01 Elections
SG02.04 Migration
1368 Steinberg, Guido: Talabani und Barzani unter Druck : in
1377 Boum, Aomar: From "Little Jarusalems" to the promised land :
Irakisch-Kurdistan fordert die Goran-Bewegung die etablierten
Parteien heraus / Guido Steinberg. - Berlin: Stiftung
Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 11/2010)
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
Zionism, Moroccan Nationalism, and ruyal Jewish emigration /
Aomar Boum. - In: The Journal of North African Studies
(Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 51-69
SWP D 891326 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
1378 Pian, Anaïk: Aux nouvelles frontières de l'Europe : l'aventure
incertaine des Sénégalais au Maroc / Anaïk Pian. - Paris: La
Dispute, 2009. - 237 S., Kt., Lit. S. 225-232, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-2-84303-161-8
GIGA D 891176 IMES: SEN-G/12 IAA: SEN-G/12 Öff.StaO: H 221
SB01 International relations / process
1369 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
SG05.01 Ideologies
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
1379 Boum, Aomar: From "Little Jarusalems" to the promised land :
Zionism, Moroccan Nationalism, and ruyal Jewish emigration /
Aomar Boum. - In: The Journal of North African Studies
(Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 51-69
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SWP D 891326 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SG07 Social movements / associations
1370 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
1380 Dimitrovova, Bohdana: Reshaping civil society in Morocco :
boundary setting, integration and consolidation / Bohdana
Dimitrovova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 16 S. - (CEPS Working Document; No. 323) ISBN 978-92-9079-957-3
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SH05 Energy industry
1371 Bahgat, Gawdat: The geopolitics of energy : Europe and North
Africa / Gawdat Bahgat. - In: The Journal of North African
Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 39-49
SWP D 891626
SWP D 891324 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SF06.02 Terrorism
1381 Le Sueur, James D.: Algeria since 1989 : between terror and
democracy / James D. Le Sueur. - London ...: Zed Books ...,
2010. - XXVI,239 S., Kt., Reg., Zeittaf., Lit. Hinw. S. 207-229 (Global History of the Present) - ISBN 978-1-84277-725-1
1372 Celso, Anthony N.: Al Qaeda in the Maghreb : The "newest"
front in the war on terror / Anthony N. Celso. - In: Mediterranean
Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 19 (Winter 2008) 1, S. 80-96
GIGA D 891345 IMES: DZA-H/29 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 890922 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
1382 Lowi, Miriam R.: Oil wealth and the poverty of politics : Algeria
SB01 International relations / process
1373 Dimitrovova, Bohdana: Reshaping civil society in Morocco :
boundary setting, integration and consolidation / Bohdana
Dimitrovova. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 16 S. - (CEPS Working Document; No. 323) ISBN 978-92-9079-957-3
SWP D 891626
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
compared / Miriam R. Lowi. - 1st published - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,228 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 192-221, Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge
Middle East Studies; 32) - ISBN 978-0-521-11318-2
GIGA D 891884 IMES: DZA-H/30 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF05 Domestic policy
1383 Mundy, Jacob: [Rezension von:] Managing instability in Algeria :
elites and political change since 1995 / Isabelle Werenfels. London ... : Routledge, 2007. - 245 S. / Jacob Mundi. In: Review of African Political Economy (Abingdon),
36 (December 2009) 122, S. 659-660
SWP D 891633 SWP: X. 644 DIE: 06ZK001 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 188
1374 Mattes, Hanspeter: Morocco: reforms in the security sector but
no "SSR" / Hanspeter Mattes. - In: Security sector reform in
challenging environments / ed. by Hans Born ... Geneva Centre
for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. - Berlin ...: Lit, 2009,
S. 142-163, Kt., Lit. Hinw. S. 162-163 - ISBN 978-3-643-80013-8
SF06.01 Civil war
1384 Denis, Sébastien: Le cinéma et la guerre d'Algérie : la
GIGA D 891752
propagande à l'écran (1945-1962) / Sebastien Denis. - Paris:
Nouveau Monde Ed., 2009. - 479 S. + 1 DVD, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 454-473 - (Histoire et cinéma) - ISBN 978-2-84736-421-7
SF03 Political parties
DFI D 891564 DFI: YF 840.DEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
1375 Szmolka, Inmaculada: Party system fragmentation in Morocco
SG06 Media / Information
/ Inmaculada Szmolka. - In: The Journal of North African Studies
(Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 13-27
1385 Denis, Sébastien: Le cinéma et la guerre d'Algérie : la
propagande à l'écran (1945-1962) / Sebastien Denis. - Paris:
Nouveau Monde Ed., 2009. - 479 S. + 1 DVD, graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 454-473 - (Histoire et cinéma) - ISBN 978-2-84736-421-7
SWP D 891322 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
DFI D 891564 DFI: YF 840.DEN Öff.StaO: Lg 3
1376 Mattes, Hanspeter: Morocco: reforms in the security sector but
no "SSR" / Hanspeter Mattes. - In: Security sector reform in
challenging environments / ed. by Hans Born ... Geneva Centre
for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces. - Berlin ...: Lit, 2009,
S. 142-163, Kt., Lit. Hinw. S. 162-163 - ISBN 978-3-643-80013-8
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1386 Hardman, Ben: Islam and the métropole : A case study of
religion and rhetoric in Algeria / Ben Hardman. - New
York/N.Y. ...: Lang, 2009. - XXIII,261 S., Reg., Lit. S. 241-249,
Lit. Hinw. S. 205-239 - (American University Studies: Series 7,
Theology and Religion; Vol. 276) - ISBN 978-1-4331-0271-4
GIGA D 891752
GIGA D 892149 Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
SG02.04 Migration
1387 Lowi, Miriam R.: Oil wealth and the poverty of politics : Algeria
1396 Kagan, Michael: Refugee credibility assessment and the
compared / Miriam R. Lowi. - 1st published - Cambridge ...:
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - XIX,228 S., graph.
Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 192-221, Lit. Hinw. - (Cambridge
Middle East Studies; 32) - ISBN 978-0-521-11318-2
"religious imposter" problem : A case study of Eritrean
Pentecostal claims in Egypt / Michael Kagan. - Cairo: The
American Univ. in Cairo, Center for Migration and Refugee
Studies, 2009. - 46 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (CMRS Working Paper;
No. 9)
GIGA D 891884 IMES: DZA-H/30 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 890941
SG02.06 Gender relations / Life partnerships
1388 Gana, Nouri: Bourguiba's sons : melancholy manhood in
modern Tunisian cinema / Nouri Gana. - In: The Journal of North
African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 105-126
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1397 African drylands commodity atlas / Secretariat of the United
SWP D 891330 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ... - Bonn:
UNCCD ..., 2009. - 71 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-95043-38-1
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1389 Gana, Nouri: Bourguiba's sons : melancholy manhood in
modern Tunisian cinema / Nouri Gana. - In: The Journal of North
African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 105-126
GIGA D 891997
SWP D 891330 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SA02 History
1398 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
SC06.02 Armament
1390 Lutterbeck, Derek: Arming Libya : transfers of conventional
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
weapons past and present / Derek Lutterbeck. In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December 2009)
3, S. 505-528, Tab., Lit. S. 525-528
SB06 Transnational relations / movements
1399 Leopold, Mark: Crossing the line : 100 years of the North-West
SWP D 891368 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
Uganda/South Sudan border / Mark Leopold. - In: Journal of
Eastern African Studies (Nairobi), 3 (November 2009) 3,
S. 464-478, Lit. S. 477-478, Lit. Hinw. S. 475-477
SF01.02 Human rights
1391 Truth and justice can't wait : human rights development in
GIGA D 891131 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: H 221
Libya amid institutional obstacles / Human Rights Watch. - New
York/N.Y. ..., 2009. - 83 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 1-56432-563-6
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1400 Rupp, Richard: Best intentions or false promises : multilateral
interventions in Darfur, Afghanistan, and Southern Lebanon /
Richard Rupp. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 85-106
SWP D 891787
GIGA D 890889 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SB01 International relations / process
1392 Hamid, Shadi: The Cairo conundrum : Egypt ist the linchpin to
SF Government
America's Middle East policy ; a policy that must make interests
reinforce ideals, rather than conflict with them / Shadi Hamid. In: Democracy: A Journal of Ideas (Washington/D.C.), (Winter
2010) 15, S. 34-45
1401 Girke, Peter: Der Südsudan - ein neuer Staat auf der Weltkarte?
/ Peter Girke. - In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin),
26 (2010) 2, S. 8-28
SWP D 892240 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891788
SD03.03 International labour flow
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1393 Binzel, Christine; Assaad, Ragui: The impact of international
migration and remittances on the labor-supply behavior of those
left behind : evidence from Egypt / Christine Binzel ; Ragui
Assaad. - Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research, 2009.
- 38 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Diskussionspapier / Deutsches Institut
für Wirtschaftsforschung; 954)
SWP D 891002
1402 Thomas, Edward: Decisions and deadlines : A critical year for
Sudan / Edward Thomas. - London, 2010. - X,38 S., Zeittaf., Lit.
Hinw. S. 37-38 - (A Chatham House Report) ISBN 978-1-86203-229-3
GIGA D 890852 DGAP: DG B01552d
SF03 Political parties
1403 Winter, Roger P.: Sudan and the National Congress Party /
Roger P. Winter. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 61-66
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1394 Egypt : The moment of change / ed. by Rabab El-Mahdi ... -
GIGA D 890886 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
London ...: Zed Books, 2009. - XI,186 S., Tab., Reg., Gloss.,
Lit. S. 164-179, Lit. Hinw. S. 156-163 - ISBN 978-1-84813-021-0
SF04.01 Elections
GIGA D 891823 Öff.StaO: H 371
1404 Weber, Annette; Hansen, Wibke: Countdown in Sudan :
SF03 Political parties
1395 Büchs, Annette: Führungswechsel bei Ägyptens
Muslimbruderschaft : Demokratieversuch mit unverhofftem
Ergebnis / Annette Büchs. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of
Global and Area Studies, 2010. - 8 S., Lit. S. 7 - (GIGA Focus
Nahost; (2010) 1)
between compromise and war - scenarios until 2011 / Annette
Weber ; Wibke Hansen. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 01/2010)
English version of SWP-Aktuell No. 03/2010
SWP D 891376
GIGA D 891939 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SF05 Domestic policy
1405 Report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan / United
1415 Bengio, Ofra: Iraq's new political elites : A dream come true? /
Nations Security Council. - New York/N.Y., 2010. - 22 S., Tab. (S/2010/31)
by Ofra Bengio. - In: Middle East Review of International Affairs
(Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 34-50
SWP D 890884
SWP D 891125
1406 Spearin, Christopher: Back to the future? International private
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
security companies in Darfur and the limits of the Executive
Outcomes example / Christopher Spearin. - In: International
Journal (Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 1095-1107, Lit. Hinw.
1416 Dargin, Justin: Securing the peace : The battle over ethnicity
and energy in modern Iraq / Justin Dargin. - Dubai: Dubai School
of Government, 2009. - 25 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Dubai School of
Government Working Paper; No. 09-09)
DGAP D 891487 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
1407 Thomas, Edward: Decisions and deadlines : A critical year for
Sudan / Edward Thomas. - London, 2010. - X,38 S., Zeittaf., Lit.
Hinw. S. 37-38 - (A Chatham House Report) ISBN 978-1-86203-229-3
GIGA D 890978
SF10 Law
GIGA D 890852 DGAP: DG B01552d
1417 Zedalis, Rex J.: The legal dimensions of oil and gas in Iraq :
1408 Weber, Annette; Hansen, Wibke: Countdown in Sudan :
between compromise and war - scenarios until 2011 / Annette
Weber ; Wibke Hansen. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP Comments; 01/2010)
English version of SWP-Aktuell No. 03/2010
SWP D 891376
SH06 Agrarian sector
GIGA D 891848 IMES: IRQ-F/6 Öff.StaO: H 371
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1418 Zedalis, Rex J.: The legal dimensions of oil and gas in Iraq :
current reality and future prospects / Rex J. Zedalis. - 1st
published - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. XXIII,335 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-76661-6
GIGA D 891848 IMES: IRQ-F/6 Öff.StaO: H 371
1409 African drylands commodity atlas / Secretariat of the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification ... - Bonn:
UNCCD ..., 2009. - 71 S., Ill, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-95043-38-1
SB01 International relations / process
1419 Harris, William: Crisis in the Levant : Lebanon at risk / William
GIGA D 891997
Harris. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Spring
2007) 2, S. 37-69, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 890882 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SF06.02 Terrorism
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1410 Frisch, Hillel: Strategic change in terrorist movements : lessons
from Hamas / Hillel Frisch. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (December 2009) 12, S. 1049-1065, Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
1420 Rupp, Richard: Best intentions or false promises : multilateral
interventions in Darfur, Afghanistan, and Southern Lebanon /
Richard Rupp. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 85-106
SWP D 891065 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 890889 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
RG02.11 IRAQ
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SA03 Politics
1421 Karam, Karam; Catusse, Myriam: Reforms at a standstill for
1411 El-Khawas, Mohamed A.: Nation building in a war zone : The
the Taëf Government of Lebanon / Karam Karam ; Myriam
Catusse. Transl. from French by William Peterson. - o.O.: Arab
Reform Initiative ..., 2009. - 38 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Country Report /
Arab Reform Initiative)
US record in Iraq, 2003-2007 / Mohamed A. El-Khawas. In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 19 (Winter 2008) 1,
S. 42-62
GIGA D 890920 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SWP D 890828
1412 Engin, Kenan: Nation-Buidling-Prozess im Irak : kann es
SF05 Domestic policy
gelingen? / Kenan Engin. - In: Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter
Hefte (Bonn), 57 (2010) 1-2, S. 28-30
1422 Harris, William: Crisis in the Levant : Lebanon at risk / William
DGAP D 891449 OSI: Zs 353 DGAP: ZD 197 HSFK: ZS N IFA: Z-D1173
Öff.StaO: 188
Harris. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.), 18 (Spring
2007) 2, S. 37-69, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 890882 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SF03 Political parties
1413 Steinberg, Guido: Talabani und Barzani unter Druck : in
Irakisch-Kurdistan fordert die Goran-Bewegung die etablierten
Parteien heraus / Guido Steinberg. - Berlin: Stiftung
Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 11/2010)
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1423 Demystifying Syria / ed. by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle
East Institute at SOAS. - London: Saqi Books, 2009. - 223 S.,
Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (SOAS Middle East Issues) ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
GIGA D 892180 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF04.01 Elections
SA03 Politics
1414 Steinberg, Guido: Talabani und Barzani unter Druck : in
Irakisch-Kurdistan fordert die Goran-Bewegung die etablierten
Parteien heraus / Guido Steinberg. - Berlin: Stiftung
Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 4 S. - (SWP-aktuell; 11/2010)
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
current reality and future prospects / Rex J. Zedalis. - 1st
published - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. XXIII,335 S., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-521-76661-6
1424 Rabinovich, Itamar: The view from Damascus : state, political
community and foreign relations in twentieth-century Syria /
Itamar Rabinovich. - 1st published - London: Vallentine Mitchell,
2008. - VIII,371 S., Reg., Lit. S. 355-367, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-85303-800-9
GIGA D 891456 Öff.StaO: H 371
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1425 Zisser, Eyal: Commanding Syria : Bashar al-Asad and the first
1435 Peters, Joel: Beyond the impasse : international intervention
years in power / Eyal Zisser. - London ...: I B Tauris, 2007. X,230 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 209-223 - (Library of Modern Middle
East Studies; 60) - ISBN 978-1-84511-153-3
and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process / Joel Peters. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Chatham House; MENAP BP 2010/02) - (Middle East and North
Africa Programme)
GIGA D 891708 Öff.StaO: H 371
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 892043
1426 Goodarzi, Jubin M.: Syria and Iran : diplomatic alliance and
1436 Spencer, Claire: New challenges for EU-Israel relations after
power politics in the Middle East / Jubin M. Goodarzi. - London ...:
Tauris, 2009. - XV,359 S., Reg., Lit. S. 342-347, Lit. Hinw.
S. 295-341 - ISBN 978-1-84511-997-3
the Gaza War / Claire Spencer. - Herzliya:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel, 2009. - 8 S., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891335 IMES: SYR-A/7 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 891844
1427 Lawson, Fred H.: The beginning of a beautiful friendship :
1437 Starobin, Paul: The Israel divide / by Paul Starobin. -
Syrian-Turkish relations since 1998 / Fred H. Lawson. In: Demystifying Syria / ed. by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle
East Institute at SOAS. - London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS
Middle East Issues), S. 180-205, Lit. Hinw. S. 200-205 ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 16, 2010) 3,
S. 36-42
SWP D 892249 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
SB02 Foreign policy
GIGA D 892182 Öff.StaO: H 371
1438 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
1428 Salloukh, Bassel F.: Demystifying Syrian foreign policy under
Bashar al-Asad / Bassel F. Salloukh. - In: Demystifying Syria / ed.
by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle East Institute at SOAS. London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS Middle East Issues),
S. 159-179, Lit. Hinw. S. 172-179 - ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
SB05 International political conflicts
GIGA D 892183 Öff.StaO: H 371
1439 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
1429 Syria's emergence from isolation / Nizar Abdel-Kader ... -
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
In: Bitterlemons.org (o.O.), 8 (January 07, 2010) 1, ca. 7 S.
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 890878
1440 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
1430 Zorob, Anja: Partnership with the European Union : hopes, risks
and challenges for the Syrian economy / Anja Zorob. In: Demystifying Syria / ed. by Fred H. Lawson. London Middle
East Institute at SOAS. - London: Saqi Books, 2009. - (SOAS
Middle East Issues), S. 144-158, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
S. 157-158 - ISBN 978-0-86356-654-7
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 892181 Öff.StaO: H 371
1441 Israel and Hizbollah : An asymmetric conflict in historical and
comparative perspective / ed. by Clive Jones ... - 1st published London ...: Routledge, 2010. - IX,202 S., Reg., Gloss.,
Lit. S. 193-198, Lit. Hinw. S. 170-192 - (Middle Eastern Military
Studies) - ISBN 978-0-415-44910-6
SG02.02 Social groups
1431 Mitchell, Laura E.: Youth engagement in Syria : expected - but
not encouraged / Laura E. Mitchell. - Oslo: Fafo, 2010. - 19 S.,
Lit. S. 17-19 - (FAFO-Paper; 2010:01)
GIGA D 891978 IMES: ISR-B/13 Öff.StaO: H 371
1442 Peters, Joel: Beyond the impasse : international intervention
GIGA D 891135
and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process / Joel Peters. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Chatham House; MENAP BP 2010/02) - (Middle East and North
Africa Programme)
SB01 International relations / process
1432 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 892043
1443 Shlaim, Avi: Israel and Gaza: rhetoric and reality / by Avi Shlaim.
- London: Open Democracy, 2009. - 6 S., Internet-Hinw. S. 6
GIGA D 891728
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1433 Eran, Oded: The impact of Operation Cast Lead on Israel-EU
1444 Ben-Ami, Shlomo: Israel and NATO : between membership
relations / Oded Eran. - Herzliya: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Israel,
2009. - 5 S., Lit. Hinw.
and partnership ; a working paper in preparation for the Herzliya
Conference 2010 / Shlomo Ben Ami. - Herzliya: Interdisciplinary
Center Herzliya ..., 2010. - 5 S.
GIGA D 891851
SWP D 891726
1434 Kandel, Arielle: The significant warming of Indo-Israeli relations
in the post-cold war period / by Arielle Kandel. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 69-77
SC05 War / Warfare
1445 Hogan, Elena N.: Notes on the aftermath: Gaza, Summer 2009 /
Elena N. Hogan. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies
(Berkeley/Cal.), 38 (Summer 2009) 4/152, S. 96-107, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891129
GIGA D 892037 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1446 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
1457 Israel / OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development. - Paris, 2009. - 150 S. - (OECD Economic
Surveys; Vol. 2009 (January 2010) 21, Suppl. No. 3) ISBN 978-92-64-07663-1
SWP D 891123
SWP D 891969 SWP: Y. 114 Öff.StaO: 1a
1447 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 1) : A failure
of intelligence / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle East Review of
International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 1-19
SB02 Foreign policy
1458 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
SWP D 891122
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
1448 Mansour, Camille: Reflections on the war on Gaza / Camille
Mansour. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies (Berkeley/Cal.),
38 (Summer 2009) 4/152, S. 91-95
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
GIGA D 892038 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 188
SB05 International political conflicts
1449 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
1459 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
SF03 Political parties
1460 Kurz, Anat N.: The sixth Fatah convention : formal changes only
SWP D 890829
/ Anat Kurz. - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv), 12 (November
2009) 3, S. 51-65, Lit. Hinw.
SF01.02 Human rights
1450 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
SWP D 890827
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1461 On criminalization - In: Adalah's Review (Shafa'amr), 5 (Spring
2009), 2009, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit.HInw.
SWP D 891123
1451 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
GIGA D 892188
SF10 Law
1462 On criminalization - In: Adalah's Review (Shafa'amr), 5 (Spring
2009), 2009, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit.HInw.
SWP D 890829
GIGA D 892188
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
SG02.02 Social groups
1452 On criminalization - In: Adalah's Review (Shafa'amr), 5 (Spring
1463 Sayre, Edward; Botmeh, Samia al-: Youth exclusion in the
2009), 2009, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit.HInw.
West Bank and Gaza Strip: : The impact of social, economic and
political forces / Edward Sayre ; Samia Al-Botmeh. Middle East
Youth Initiative. - Washington/D.C. ...: Wolfensohn Center for
Development ..., 2009. - 55 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 50-52
- (Middle East Youth Initiative Working Paper)
GIGA D 892188
SF10 Law
1453 On criminalization - In: Adalah's Review (Shafa'amr), 5 (Spring
2009), 2009, S. 1-112, Ill., Lit.HInw.
GIGA D 890977
GIGA D 892188
SB01 International relations / process
SG02.04 Migration
1464 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
1454 Boum, Aomar: From "Little Jarusalems" to the promised land :
Zionism, Moroccan Nationalism, and ruyal Jewish emigration /
Aomar Boum. - In: The Journal of North African Studies
(Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 51-69
SWP D 891326 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
SG05.01 Ideologies
1455 Boum, Aomar: From "Little Jarusalems" to the promised land :
1465 Peters, Joel: Beyond the impasse : international intervention
Zionism, Moroccan Nationalism, and ruyal Jewish emigration /
Aomar Boum. - In: The Journal of North African Studies
(Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 51-69
and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process / Joel Peters. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Chatham House; MENAP BP 2010/02) - (Middle East and North
Africa Programme)
SWP D 891326 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SG05.02 Public opinion
SWP D 892043
1456 Starobin, Paul: The Israel divide / by Paul Starobin. -
In: National Journal (Washington/D.C.), 42 (January 16, 2010) 3,
S. 36-42
SWP D 892249 SWP: Y. 669 Öff.StaO: 188/144
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1477 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
SB02 Foreign policy
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
1466 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
SB05 International political conflicts
SWP D 890829
1467 Aran, Amnon: Israel's foreign policy toward the PLO : The
SF01.02 Human rights
impact of globalization / Amnon Aran. - 1st published Brighton ...: Sussex Academic Press, 2009. - VII,176 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 153-163, Lit. Hinw. S. 124-152 - ISBN 978-1-84519-281-5
1478 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
GIGA D 891343 IMES: ISR-A/48 Öff.StaO: H 371
1468 Asseburg, Muriel: Obamas zweiter Anlauf im
Nahost-Friedensprozess : unilaterale Ansätze der
Konfliktparteien sind keine Alternative / Muriel Asseburg. - Berlin:
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, 2010. - 8 S. - (SWP-aktuell;
DIE: ZA165 IMES: ZS-INT IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: B 1503
1469 Israel and Hizbollah : An asymmetric conflict in historical and
comparative perspective / ed. by Clive Jones ... - 1st published London ...: Routledge, 2010. - IX,202 S., Reg., Gloss.,
Lit. S. 193-198, Lit. Hinw. S. 170-192 - (Middle Eastern Military
Studies) - ISBN 978-0-415-44910-6
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
SWP D 891123
1479 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
SWP D 890829
SF03 Political parties
1480 Kurz, Anat N.: The sixth Fatah convention : formal changes only
GIGA D 891978 IMES: ISR-B/13 Öff.StaO: H 371
/ Anat Kurz. - In: Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv), 12 (November
2009) 3, S. 51-65, Lit. Hinw.
1470 Peters, Joel: Beyond the impasse : international intervention
and the Israeli-Palestinian peace process / Joel Peters. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper /
Chatham House; MENAP BP 2010/02) - (Middle East and North
Africa Programme)
SWP D 890827
SF06.02 Terrorism
1481 Argo, Nichole: Why fight? Examining self-interested versus
SWP D 892043
communally-oriented motivations in Palestinian resistance and
rebellion / Nichole Argo. - In: Security Studies (London),
18 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 651-680
1471 Shlaim, Avi: Israel and Gaza: rhetoric and reality / by Avi Shlaim.
- London: Open Democracy, 2009. - 6 S., Internet-Hinw. S. 6
SWP D 892033 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
GIGA D 891728
SG02.02 Social groups
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1482 Building Safe Passage for Women's Employment in the
West Bank and Gaza Strip / International Labour Organization,
Regional Office for Arab States. - Beirut ..., 2008. - 4 S., Lit. Hinw.
- (Country Brief / ILO Regional Office for Arab States; 2)
1472 Schmoll, Melanie Carina: Die Europäische
Sicherheitsstrategie (ESS) am Beispiel des Gaza-Konflikts :
zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / Melanie Carina Schmoll. Regensburg: Forum Regensburger Politikwissenschaftler, 2009.
- 8 S., Lit. S. 7-8 - (FRP Working Paper; 05/2009)
GIGA D 891647
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
GIGA D 891537
1483 Living conditions in the Gaza Strip during and after Israel's
SC05 War / Warfare
military campaign in the winter of 2008/2009 : evidence from
interviews with 2,000 households / Åge A. Tiltnes [main author]...
Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science - Oslo: Fafo, 2009. 59 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 57-59 - (FAFO-Paper;
1473 Hogan, Elena N.: Notes on the aftermath: Gaza, Summer 2009 /
Elena N. Hogan. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies
(Berkeley/Cal.), 38 (Summer 2009) 4/152, S. 96-107, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 892037 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 891134
1474 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1484 Living conditions in the Gaza Strip during and after Israel's
military campaign in the winter of 2008/2009 : evidence from
interviews with 2,000 households / Åge A. Tiltnes [main author]...
Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science - Oslo: Fafo, 2009. 59 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 57-59 - (FAFO-Paper;
SWP D 891123
1475 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 1) : A failure
of intelligence / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle East Review of
International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 1-19
GIGA D 891134
SWP D 891122
1485 Mitchell, Laura E.: Making ends meet : gender and household
coping strategies in the West Bank / Laura E. Mitchell. - Oslo:
Fafo, 2009. - 77 S., Lit. S. 73-77 - (FAFO-Report; 2009:48) ISBN 978-82-7422-706-4
1476 Mansour, Camille: Reflections on the war on Gaza / Camille
Mansour. - In: Journal of Palestine Studies (Berkeley/Cal.),
38 (Summer 2009) 4/152, S. 91-95
GIGA D 892038 SWP: Y. 196 OSI: Zu 597 DGAP: ZD 313 IFA: Z-USA1117
IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 188
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
GIGA D 891133
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
SH03 Labour / Employment
1486 Building Safe Passage for Women's Employment in the
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
West Bank and Gaza Strip / International Labour Organization,
Regional Office for Arab States. - Beirut ..., 2008. - 4 S., Lit. Hinw.
- (Country Brief / ILO Regional Office for Arab States; 2)
1494 Qirbi, Abu Bakr al-; Torlot, Tim: Yemen's future: The road
towards stability and development : Tuesday 26 January 2010 ;
transcript / Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Foreign Minister, Republic of
Yemen ; Tim Torlot, British Ambassador to Yemen. Chair: Victor
Henderson. - London: Chatham House, 2010. - 16 S.
GIGA D 891647
SWP D 890864
1495 Yemen: confronting Al-Qaeda, preventing state failure :
SD02 International economic relations / economic
recorded hearing / U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Presiding: Senator Kerry. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
1487 Davidson, Christopher M.: Persian Gulf-Pacific Asia linkages
in the twenty-first century : A marriage of convenience? /
Christopher M. Davidson. - London: London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2010. - 30 S. - (Research
Paper / Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and
Globalisation in the Gulf States; No. 7)
SWP D 890871
SE International cultural relations
1496 Abkommen zwischen der Regierung der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und der Regierung der Republik Jemen über
kulturelle und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit In: Bundesgesetzblatt: Teil II (Köln), (26. Januar 2010) 2,
S. 42-43
GIGA D 891905
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
1488 Partrick, Neil: Nationalism in the Gulf states / Neil Partrick. -
London: London School of Economics and Political Science,
2009. - 38 S., Lit. S. 34-38 - (Research Paper / Kuwait
Programme on Development, Governance and Globalisation in
the Gulf States; No. 5)
GIGA D 891903
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1489 Davidson, Christopher M.: Persian Gulf-Pacific Asia linkages
SF Government
1497 Qirbi, Abu Bakr al-; Torlot, Tim: Yemen's future: The road
towards stability and development : Tuesday 26 January 2010 ;
transcript / Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Foreign Minister, Republic of
Yemen ; Tim Torlot, British Ambassador to Yemen. Chair: Victor
Henderson. - London: Chatham House, 2010. - 16 S.
SWP D 890864
in the twenty-first century : A marriage of convenience? /
Christopher M. Davidson. - London: London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2010. - 30 S. - (Research
Paper / Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and
Globalisation in the Gulf States; No. 7)
SF01.02 Human rights
1498 Bouckaert, Peter: In the name of unity : The Yemeni
government's brutal response to Southern Movement protests /
Human Rights Watch. [Peter Bouckaert wrote the report. With
additional input from Christoph Wilcke ...] - New/York N.Y. ...,
2009. - 75 S. - ISBN 1-56432-568-7
GIGA D 891905
SH05 Energy industry
SWP D 890830
1490 Hertog, Steffen; Luciano, Giacomo: Energy and sustainability
policies in the GCC / Steffen Hertog and Giacomo Luciani. London: London School of Economics and Political Science,
2009. - 43 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 42-43 - (Research
Paper / Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and
Globalisation in the Gulf States; No. 6)
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1499 Bouckaert, Peter: In the name of unity : The Yemeni
government's brutal response to Southern Movement protests /
Human Rights Watch. [Peter Bouckaert wrote the report. With
additional input from Christoph Wilcke ...] - New/York N.Y. ...,
2009. - 75 S. - ISBN 1-56432-568-7
GIGA D 891904
SWP D 890830
1500 Hill, Ginny: Yemen: fear of failure / Ginny Hill. - Updated version
SH Economy
from the paper publ. 11/2008 - London: Chatham House, 2010. 12 S., Kt., Lit. Hinw. - (Briefing Paper / Chatham House; MENAP
BP 2010/01) - (Middle East and North Africa Programme)
1491 Qatar : special report - In: Middle East Economic Digest
(London), 54 (5-11 February 2010) 6, S. 27-41
SWP D 891965 SWP: Y. 914 OSI: Zv 707 Öff.StaO: 3
SWP D 890857
1501 Yemen: confronting Al-Qaeda, preventing state failure :
SB03 International law
recorded hearing / U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Presiding: Senator Kerry. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
1492 Guantanamo detention and the violations of human rights :
The sufferings of the Saudi detainees and members of their
families / National Society for Human Rights. - Riyadh, 2007. 81 S.
SWP D 890871
SF06.02 Terrorism
GIGA D 891216 IMES: SAU-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
1502 Burke, Edrward: Yemen: make haste slowly / Edward Burke. -
SF01.02 Human rights
Madrid: Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el
Diálogo Exterior, 2010. - 5 S. - (Policy Brief / Fundación para las
Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior; No. 33)
1493 Guantanamo detention and the violations of human rights :
The sufferings of the Saudi detainees and members of their
families / National Society for Human Rights. - Riyadh, 2007. 81 S.
SWP D 892287
GIGA D 891216 IMES: SAU-D/4 Öff.StaO: H 371
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
IFA D 892218 SWP: Y. 71/2 OSI: GES 204 DGAP: MD 23 IFA: Z-D732
Öff.StaO: 212
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1511 Civilian strategy for Afghanistan : A status report in advance
SG02.02 Social groups
of the London Conference ; recorded hearing / U.S. Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations. Presiding: Senator Kerry. Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
1503 Youth exclusion in Yemen : tackling the twin deficits of human
development and natural resources / Ragui Assaad ... Middle
East Youth Initiative - Washington/D.C. ...: Wolfensohn Center
for Development ..., 2009. - 53 S., Tab., Lit. S. 49-51 - (Middle
East Youth Initiative Working Paper; No. 9)
SWP D 890873
1512 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
GIGA D 890972
SG04 Education / Training
1504 Women in technical and vocational education and training
SWP D 891124
in Yemen / International Labour Organization, Regional Office
for Arab States. - Beirut: ILO, 2009. - 6 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Policy
Brief / International Labour Organization; 5)
1513 Larsen, Iselin Hebbert: UNAMA in Afghanistan : challenges
and opportunities in peacemaking, state-building and
coordination / Iselin Hebbert Larsen. - Oslo, 2010. - 51 S. (Security in Practice; 3/2010) - (NUPI Report) ISBN 978-82-7002-263-2
GIGA D 892187
SWP D 891347
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1505 Early, Bryan R.: Strategies for acquiring foreign nuclear
1514 London Conference on Afghanistan, 2010 (London,
assistance in the Middle East : lessons from the United Arab
Emirates / Bryan R. Early. - Dubai: Dubai School of Government,
2009. - 19 S., Lit. S. 17-19 - (Dubai School of Government
Working Paper; No. 09-11)
GIGA D 890979
SI02 Technology policy
1506 Early, Bryan R.: Strategies for acquiring foreign nuclear
assistance in the Middle East : lessons from the United Arab
Emirates / Bryan R. Early. - Dubai: Dubai School of Government,
2009. - 19 S., Lit. S. 17-19 - (Dubai School of Government
Working Paper; No. 09-11)
GIGA D 890979
SB01 International relations / process
1507 Sponeck, Hans-Christof von: Im paschtunischen Sumpf :
2010-01-28) ; Communiqué : Afghanistan: The London
Conference, 28 January 2010 - London, 2010. - ca. 13 S.
SWP D 890952
1515 Perthes, Volker: [Diskussionsbeitrag] : Afghanistan-Konferenz
der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin / Volker Perthes. - In:
Afghanistan-Konferenz der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin:
Rede- und Diskussionsbeiträge / Sozialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands, 2010, S. 24-27
SWP D 890974
1516 Status of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
Enforcement Affairs counternarcotics programs in
Afghanistan : Performance audit - report number
MERO-A-10-02, December 2009 ; unclassified / United States
Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors
Office of Inspector General. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 67 S. (OIGReportNo.MERO-A-10-02)
SWP D 891227
Obamas "AfPak"-Strategie / von Hans-C. von Sponeck. In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
55 (2010) 2, S. 45-55, Lit. Hinw.
SC01 International relations in the field of international
DGAP D 891576 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
1517 Canada's role in the invasion of Afghanistan : Canada's role
in the invasion of Afghanistan, Canadian public opinion of the
invasion of Afghanistan, Canadian forces casualities in
Afghanistan, Canadian Afghan detainee abuse scandal /
Frederic P. Miller ... (ed.) - Beau Bassin: Alphascript Publ., 2009.
- 87 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-613-0-02772-8
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1508 Bleuer, Christian: The Afghanistan Analyst bibliography /
compiled by: Christian Bleuer. - 5th ed. - January 2010 - o.O.:
The Afghanistan Analyst, 2010. - 187 S.
SWP D 891240
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 891860 SWP: H.10/0042
1518 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
SWP D 891124
1509 Afghanistan and Pakistan regional stabilization strategy /
1519 Khan, Ayesha R.: Conceptualizing AfPak: The prospects and
United States Department of State, Office of the Special
Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. - Washington/D.C.,
2010. - 39 S.
perils / Ayesha R. Khan. - London: Chatham House, 2010. - 33 S.
- (Asia Programme Paper / Chatham House; ASP PP 2010/01)
SWP D 891242
SWP D 890870
1520 London Conference on Afghanistan, 2010 (London,
1510 Afghanistan-Konferenz der SPD, 22. Januar 2010 in Berlin :
Rede- und Diskussionsbeiträge / Sozialdemokratische Partei
Deutschlands. - Berlin, 2010. - 34 S.
SWP D 890976
2010-01-28) ; Communiqué : Afghanistan: The London
Conference, 28 January 2010 - London, 2010. - ca. 13 S.
SWP D 890952
1521 Noetzel, Timo; Schreer, Benjamin: NATO's Vietnam?
Afghanistan and the future of the Atlantic alliance / Timo Noetzel
and Benjamin Schreer. - In: Contemporary Security Policy
(London), 30 (December 2009) 3, S. 529-547, Lit. S. 544-547
SWP D 891370 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1522 Public opinion in Canada on the war in Afghanistan : public
SF05 Domestic policy
opinion in Canada on the war in Afghanistan, international public
opinion on the war in Afghanistan, Canadian forces casualties in
Afghanistan / Frederic P. Miller ... (ed.) - Beau Bassin:
Alphascript, 2009. - 237 S., Ill., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-613-0-04304-9
1532 Manowc'arean, Asot L.: Afghanistan droht an einer falschen
Innenpolitik zu scheitern : Auch "Experten" ignorieren die
wahren Machtfaktoren und Interessenlagen des Landes / Aschot
Manutscharjan. - In: Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück),
55 (Januar 2010) 482, S. 21-25
SWP D 891986 SWP: A.10/0031
DGAP D 891813 SWP: X. 133 OSI: Zs 421 DGAP: ZD 203 IFA: Z-D1023
BICC: BC 3642 Öff.StaO: 188
1523 Wätzel, Florian; Krause, Joachim: Das deutsche Engagement
in Nordafghanistan : eine Bilanz / Florian Wätzel und Joachim
Krause. - In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009),
S. 311-339, graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 338-339 ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1533 Felbab-Brown, Vanda: Negotiations and reconciliation with the
Taliban : key policy issues and dilemmas / by Vanda
Felbab-Brown. - Washington/D.C.: Brookings Institution, 2010. 6 S.
DGAP D 890867 DGAP: DG 46746
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1524 Rupp, Richard: Best intentions or false promises : multilateral
SWP D 890957
interventions in Darfur, Afghanistan, and Southern Lebanon /
Richard Rupp. - In: Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.),
18 (Winter 2007) 1, S. 85-106
1534 Hoff, Henning: Zivil statt Courage : verdrängte Wahrheiten ; die
Afghanistan-Konferenz in London / Henning Hoff. - Berlin:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politk, 2010. - 3 S., Ill. (Internationale Politik (Online); Februar 2010)
GIGA D 890889 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 21
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1525 Bolton, Matthew: Goldmine? A critical look at the
commercialization of Afghan demining / Matthew Bolton. London: Centre for the Study of Global Governance, London
School of Economics and Political Science, 2008. - 64 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 58-64, Lit. Hinw. - (Research Paper / Centre
for the Study of Global Governance; 01/2008)
DGAP D 892082
1535 Police perception survey, 2009 : The Afghan perspective /
United Nations Development Programme. - Kabul:
UNDP-Afghanistan, 2009. - 69 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
GIGA D 890866
SWP D 891234
SC05 War / Warfare
SF06.02 Terrorism
1526 Ripley, Tim: Exchange rate : coalition warfare by network / Tim
1536 Schroeder, Robin: Terrorismus, Aufstandsbekämpfung und
Ripley. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 47 (27 January
2010) 4, S. 35-39
Wiederaufbau in Afghanistan : eine Bilanz / Robin Schroeder. In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009), S. 77-107, Kt.,
Lit. S. 105-107 - ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
SWP D 891645 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW
Öff.StaO: 11
DGAP D 890858 DGAP: DG 46746
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SF06.03 Criminality
1527 Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy: Manufacturing civil society and
1537 Status of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law
the limits of legitimacy : Aid, security and civil society after 9/11
in Afghanistan / Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind. - In: The
European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),
21 (December 2009) 5, S. 718-736, Lit. S. 735-736
Enforcement Affairs counternarcotics programs in
Afghanistan : Performance audit - report number
MERO-A-10-02, December 2009 ; unclassified / United States
Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors
Office of Inspector General. - Washington/D.C., 2009. - 67 S. (OIGReportNo.MERO-A-10-02)
Öff.StaO: B 1503
1528 Quick impact, quick collapse: The dangers of militarized aid
in Afghanistan / ActionAid Afghanistan ... - Kabul, 2010. - 6 S.
SWP D 891232
SWP D 891227
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1538 Howell, Jude; Lind, Jeremy: Manufacturing civil society and
the limits of legitimacy : Aid, security and civil society after 9/11
in Afghanistan / Jude Howell and Jeremy Lind. - In: The
European Journal of Development Research (Abingdon),
21 (December 2009) 5, S. 718-736, Lit. S. 735-736
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
1529 Etzioni, Amitai: Vom Stamm zum Staat : Masterplan mit
Clanchefs ; wie man Afghanistan dauerhaft stabilisieren könnte /
Amitai Etzioni. - Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige
Politk, 2010. - 8 S. - (Internationale Politik (Online); Februar
DGAP D 892057
SF04.01 Elections
1530 Humayoon, Haseeb: The re-election of Hamid Karzai / Haseeb
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SG05.02 Public opinion
1539 Afghanistan post­ election survey : November 16­ 25, 2009
/ International Republican Institute. - Washington/D.C., 2010. 68 S., zahlr. graph. Darst. u. Tab. -- Enthält auch: IRI
Afghanistan Index, 6 S.
SWP D 890935
Humayoon. - Washington/D.C.: Institute for the Study of War,
2010. - 42 S., Ill., Kt., zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (Afghanistan Report; 4)
1540 Police perception survey, 2009 : The Afghan perspective /
United Nations Development Programme. - Kabul:
UNDP-Afghanistan, 2009. - 69 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 891332
1531 Worden, Scott: Delays will not improve Afghan elections / Scott
SWP D 891234
Worden. - Washington/D.C.: United States Institute of Peace,
2010. - 5 S. - (Peace Brief; 9)
GIGA D 891797
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
RG04.02 IRAN
SH05 Energy industry
1550 Cohen, Ariel; Curtis, Lisa; Graham, Owen: The proposed
SB01 International relations / process
Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline : An unacceptable risk to
regional security / Ariel Cohen, Lisa Curtis, and Owen Graham. Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2008. - 17 S. (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2139)
1541 Goodarzi, Jubin M.: Syria and Iran : diplomatic alliance and
power politics in the Middle East / Jubin M. Goodarzi. - London ...:
Tauris, 2009. - XV,359 S., Reg., Lit. S. 342-347, Lit. Hinw.
S. 295-341 - ISBN 978-1-84511-997-3
GIGA D 891335 IMES: SYR-A/7 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 891534 DGAP: DG B01438h
1542 Küntzel, Matthias: Die Deutschen und der Iran : Geschichte
und Gegenwart einer verhängnisvollen Freundschaft / Matthias
Küntzel. - Berlin: wjs Verl., 2009. - 319 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-937989-52-5
SB01 International relations / process
DGAP D 891712 DGAP: DG 48181
1551 Afghanistan and Pakistan regional stabilization strategy /
United States Department of State, Office of the Special
Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. - Washington/D.C.,
2010. - 39 S.
1543 Weitz, Richard: The SCO's Iran problem / Richard Weitz. -
In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(19.08.2009), S. 6-9
SWP D 890870
SWP D 891768
1552 Ali, Ghulam: Sino-Pakistan relations reach new heights / by
SB05 International political conflicts
1544 Perthes, Volker: Iran 2010-11 : four scenarios and a nightmare /
author: Volker Perthes. - London: Open Democracy, 2010. ca. 5 S.
SWP D 890826
SC06 Military capacity
1545 Khan, Sabahat: Iranian mining of the Strait of Hormuz :
Ghulam Ali. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 892103
1553 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
SWP D 891124
plausibility and key considerations / Sabahat Khan. - Dubai ...:
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis, 2010. - 12 S., Ill. (Special Report / Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis;
No. 4)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1554 Kfir, Isaac: U.S. policy toward Pakistan and Afghanistan under
the Obama administration / by Isaac Kfir. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 20-33
GIGA D 890898
SF04.01 Elections
SWP D 891124
1546 An analysis of multiple polls of the Iranian public : The June
12 election, the perceived legitimacy of the regime, the nature of
opposition / Steven Kull ... World Public Opinion.org. [Abe
Medoff ... managed the production of the report. With contrib.
from Donna Hamill ...] - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 37 S., graph.
Darst., Tab.
SWP D 892046
1555 Khan, Ayesha R.: Conceptualizing AfPak: The prospects and
perils / Ayesha R. Khan. - London: Chatham House, 2010. - 33 S.
- (Asia Programme Paper / Chatham House; ASP PP 2010/01)
SWP D 891242
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1556 Edelmann, Dennis: Die institutionelle Sicherung der
Nuklearwaffen und Nuklearanlagen in Pakistan / Dennis
Edelmann. - In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009),
S. 159-172, Lit. S. 171-172 - ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
SF05 Domestic policy
1547 Wiedemann, Charlotte: Der vierte Versuch der Emanzipation :
Wie westlich ist die iranische Opposition? / Charlotte
Wiedemann. - In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
(Bonn), 55 (2010) 1, S. 65-72
DGAP D 890859 DGAP: DG 46746
1557 Kerr, Paul K.; Nikitin, Mary Beth: Pakistan's nuclear weapons :
proliferation and security issues / Paul K. Kerr ; Mary Beth Nikitin.
- Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009. 22 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34248) (RL34248)
DGAP D 891556 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1548 Perthes, Volker: Iran 2010-11 : four scenarios and a nightmare /
author: Volker Perthes. - London: Open Democracy, 2010. ca. 5 S.
SWP D 890826
SG05.02 Public opinion
1549 An analysis of multiple polls of the Iranian public : The June
12 election, the perceived legitimacy of the regime, the nature of
opposition / Steven Kull ... World Public Opinion.org. [Abe
Medoff ... managed the production of the report. With contrib.
from Donna Hamill ...] - Washington/D.C., 2010. - 37 S., graph.
Darst., Tab.
SWP D 892046
SWP D 891259
SC06.02 Armament
1558 Kerr, Paul K.; Nikitin, Mary Beth: Pakistan's nuclear weapons :
proliferation and security issues / Paul K. Kerr ; Mary Beth Nikitin.
- Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009. 22 S., Lit. Hinw. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL34248) (RL34248)
SWP D 891259
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1559 Ghufran, Nasreen: Pushtun ethnonationalism and the Taliban
insurgency in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan /
Nasreen Ghufran. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 1092-1114
SWP D 890960 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.7 Near and Middle East and North Africa / Naher und Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika / Proche-Orient/Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord
1562 Khan, Adeel: Renewed ethnonationalist insurgency in
SF08 Regions / Local government
Balochistan, Pakistan : The militarized state and continuing
economic deprivation / Adeel Khan. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6,
S. 1071-1091
1560 Khan, Adeel: Renewed ethnonationalist insurgency in
Balochistan, Pakistan : The militarized state and continuing
economic deprivation / Adeel Khan. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6,
S. 1071-1091
SWP D 890959 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 890959 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH05 Energy industry
1563 Cohen, Ariel; Curtis, Lisa; Graham, Owen: The proposed
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline : An unacceptable risk to
regional security / Ariel Cohen, Lisa Curtis, and Owen Graham. Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2008. - 17 S. (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2139)
1561 Ghufran, Nasreen: Pushtun ethnonationalism and the Taliban
insurgency in the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan /
Nasreen Ghufran. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 1092-1114
SWP D 890960 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SWP D 891534 DGAP: DG B01438h
SA General literature
SB01 International relations / process
1564 Acharya, Amitav: The idea of Asia / Amitav Acharaya. - In: Asia
1565 Weitz, Richard: The SCO's Iran problem / Richard Weitz. -
Policy / National Bureau of Asian Research (Seattle/Wash.),
(January 2010) 9, S. 32-39
In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(19.08.2009), S. 6-9
SWP D 891768
SWP D 891225
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1566 Geppert, Kerstin: Die Shanghaier Organisation für
Zusammenarbeit : Anti-NATO-Bündnis oder stabilisierender
Faktor in Zentralasien? / Kerstin Geppert. - Shanghai:
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2010. - 8 S. - (Länderbericht /
SWP D 890937
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SA02 History
1578 Jayasuriya, Kanishka: The emergence of regulatory
1567 Pike, Francis: Empires at war : A short history of modern Asia
regionalism / by Kanishka Jayasuriya. - In: Global Asia
(Elektronische Ressource) (Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 4 S.
since World War II / Francis Pike. - London ...: I. B. Tauris, 2010.
- XXIX,860 S., Kt., Lit. S. 801-819, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-84885-079-8
SWP D 890971
GIGA D 891276 IAS: 1.00.06/72 Öff.StaO: H 222
1579 Regionale Zusammenarbeit : Regionale Kooperation in der
SB01 International relations / process
Asien-Pazifik Region - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik
(Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 18-22
1568 Canada and Asia - In: International Journal (Toronto),
GIGA D 892126 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
44 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 875-1045, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 891479 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
1569 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: Der pazifische Präsident : Obamas
1580 Jha, Shikha; Sugiyarto, Guntur; Vargas-Silva, Carlos: The
Asienpolitik im ersten Regierungsjahr / Wilhelm Hofmeister. Singapur: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. (Länderbericht / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung)
global and the impact on remittances to developing Asia / Shikha
Jha. - Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 35 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 33-34, Lit. Hinw. - (ADB Economics Working
Paper Series; No. 185)
SWP D 890939
1570 Nadkarni, Vidya: Strategic partnerships in Asia : balancing
GIGA D 891683
without alliances / Vidya Nadkarni. - 1st publ. - London:
Routledge, 2010. - IX,255 S., Tab., Lit. S. 224-251, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-415-77775-9
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1581 Außenhandel mit Asien-Pazifik - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
GIGA D 891307 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 24-28
1571 Negotiating asymmetry : China's place in Asia / ed. by Anthony
GIGA D 892129 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
Reid ... - Honolulu/Haw.: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2009. VII,258 S., Reg., Lit. S. 232-249, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-8248-3412-8
SF10 Law
1582 New courts in Asia / ed. by Andrew Harding and Penelope (Pip)
GIGA D 891305 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Nicholson. - 1st publ. - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - 427 S.,
Tab., Lit. - (Routledge Law in Asia) - ISBN 978-0-415-47005-6
1572 Principles of U.S. engagement in Asia : recorded hearing /
GIGA D 891269 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Presiding:
Senator Webb. - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
SWP D 890872
1583 Ethnic minorities and regional development in Asia : reality
and challenges / ed. by Huhua Cao. - Amsterdam: Amsterdam
University Press, 2009. - 236 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab.,
Lit. S. 223-236 - (ICAS Publication Series) ISBN 978-90-8964-091-8
SB04 International political integration
1573 Jayasuriya, Kanishka: The emergence of regulatory
regionalism / by Kanishka Jayasuriya. - In: Global Asia
(Elektronische Ressource) (Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 4 S.
GIGA D 891306 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
SWP D 890971
1584 Vargas-Silva, Carlos; Jha, Shikha; Sugiyarto, Guntur:
1574 Komori, Yasumasa: Regional governance in East Asia and the
Remittances in Asia : Implications for the fight against poverty
and the pursuit of economic growth / Carlos Vargas-Silva ... Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 37 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 34-36, Lit. Hinw. - (ADB Economics
Working Paper Series; No. 182)
Asia-Pacific / Yasumasa Komori. - In: East Asia: An International
Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.), 26 (December 2009) 4, S. 321-341,
Lit. S. 338-341
SWP D 891147 SWP: X. 701 IAS: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1575 Hamanaka, Shintaro: Asian regionalism and Japan : The
GIGA D 891665
politics of membership in regional diplomatic, financial and trade
groups / Shintaro Hamanaka. - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2009. - XIII,234 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S.206-223 - (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies /
Routledge Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-55304-9
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1585 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891034 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1586 The path to green growth: hard choices that Asia must
SC05 War / Warfare
make - In: Global Asia (Elektronische Ressource) (Seoul),
4 (Winter 2010) 4, getr. Zähl.
1576 Pike, Francis: Empires at war : A short history of modern Asia
since World War II / Francis Pike. - London ...: I. B. Tauris, 2010.
- XXIX,860 S., Kt., Lit. S. 801-819, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-84885-079-8
SWP D 890963
GIGA D 891276 IAS: 1.00.06/72 Öff.StaO: H 222
1587 Vargas-Silva, Carlos; Jha, Shikha; Sugiyarto, Guntur:
Remittances in Asia : Implications for the fight against poverty
and the pursuit of economic growth / Carlos Vargas-Silva ... Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 37 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 34-36, Lit. Hinw. - (ADB Economics
Working Paper Series; No. 182)
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1577 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891665
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
SB01 International relations / process
1588 Bird, Jeremy; Arriens, Wouter Lincklaen; Custodio, Dennis
1598 Sikri, Veena: India-Bangladesh relations : The way ahead /
von: Water rights and water allocation : issues and challenges
for Asia / Jeremy Bird ... - Manila: Asian Development Bank,
2009. - 76 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 48-50, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891711
Veena Sikri. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 153-165, Lit. S. 165
DGAP D 891590 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF03 Political parties
1599 Hashmi, Arshi Saleem: Religious parties and militant groups in
Bangladesh politics / Arshi Saleem Hashmi. - In: Regional
Studies (Islamabad), 27 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 3-28
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 891315 SWP: X. 846 DGAP: ZD 450 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 213
1589 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
SF05 Domestic policy
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
1600 Mastoor, Maryam: Bangladesh's political turmoil, 2006-2008 :
An analysis / Maryam Mastoor. - In: Regional Studies
(Islamabad), 27 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 82-107
1590 The path to green growth: hard choices that Asia must
make - In: Global Asia (Elektronische Ressource) (Seoul),
4 (Winter 2010) 4, getr. Zähl.
SWP D 891320 SWP: X. 846 DGAP: ZD 450 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 213
SF08 Regions / Local government
SWP D 890963
1601 Panday, Pranab Kumar; Jamil, Ishtiaq: Conflict in the
Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh : An unimplemented
accord and continued violence / Pranab Kumar Panday and
Ishtiaq Jamil. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 1052-1070
SB01 International relations / process
1591 Flemes, Daniel; Wojczewski, Thorsten: Contested leadership
in international relations : power politics in South America, South
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa / Daniel Flemes and Thorsten
Wojczewski. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of Global and
Area Studies, 2010. - 34 S., Lit. S. 29-34 - (GIGA Working
Papers; No. 121) - (GIGA Research Programme: Power, Norms
and Governance in International Relations)
SWP D 890956 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1602 Panday, Pranab Kumar; Jamil, Ishtiaq: Conflict in the
Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh : An unimplemented
accord and continued violence / Pranab Kumar Panday and
Ishtiaq Jamil. - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 1052-1070
SC International security / Defense
SWP D 890956 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
1592 Basu Ray Chaudhury, Anasua: The energy crisis and the
SG02.04 Migration
South Asian security : An Indian perspective / Anasua Basu Ray
Chaudhury. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 137-151, Tab., Lit. S. 150-151
1603 Raihan, Selim; Khondker, Bazlul Haque; Sugiyarto, Guntur:
Remittances and household welfare : A case study of
Bangladesh / Selim Raihan ... - Manila: Asian Development
Bank, 2009. - 36 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 35, Lit. Hinw. (ADB Economics Working Paper Series; No. 189)
DGAP D 891589 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1593 Ethnic subnationalist movements in contemporary South
Asia - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 915-1114
GIGA D 891672
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SWP D 890945 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
1604 Hashmi, Arshi Saleem: Religious parties and militant groups in
Bangladesh politics / Arshi Saleem Hashmi. - In: Regional
Studies (Islamabad), 27 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 3-28
SG02.01 Demography
1594 Rizvi, Farzana: Demographic profiles of South Asian countries :
SWP D 891315 SWP: X. 846 DGAP: ZD 450 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 213
A comparative analysis / Farzana Rizvi. - In: Regional Studies
(Islamabad), 27 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 29-49
SWP D 891317 SWP: X. 846 DGAP: ZD 450 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 213
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1605 Malerius, Frank: Bhutan / Frank Malerius. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 74-87, Kt.
1595 Ethnic subnationalist movements in contemporary South
Asia - In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.),
49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 915-1114
GIGA D 892135 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 890945 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH05 Energy industry
SA General literature
1606 India policy forum 2008/09 / ed. by Suman Bery ... National
1596 Basu Ray Chaudhury, Anasua: The energy crisis and the
Council of Applied Economic Research ... - 1st published - Los
Angeles/Cal. ...: Sage, 2009. - XIX,295 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. - (India Policy Forum; Vol. 5) - ISBN 978-81-321-0149-9
South Asian security : An Indian perspective / Anasua Basu Ray
Chaudhury. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 137-151, Tab., Lit. S. 150-151
GIGA D 891690 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
DGAP D 891589 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1607 Bergé, Beate: Indien / Beate Bergé. - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 154-179, Kt., Tab.
1597 Bergé, Beate: Bangladesch / Beate Bergé. -
GIGA D 892140 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 56-73, Kt.
GIGA D 892134 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SB01 International relations / process
1608 Kandel, Arielle: The significant warming of Indo-Israeli relations
in the post-cold war period / by Arielle Kandel. - In: Middle East
Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4,
S. 69-77
1619 Nataraj, Geethanjali: India-Japan investment relations : trends
& prospects / Geethanjali Nataraj. - New Delhi: Indian Council for
Research on International Economic Relations, 2010. - 25 S.,
Tab. - (Working Paper / Indian Council for Research on
International Economic Relations; No. 245)
SWP D 891129
1609 Malone, David M.; Mukherjee, Rohan: India-US relations : The
SWP D 891331
shock of the new / David M. Malone and Rohan Mukherjee. In: International Journal (Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4,
S. 1057-1074, Lit. Hinw.
SE International cultural relations
1620 Wille, Andreas; Treydte, Klaus-Peter; Vinnai, Volker: Die
DGAP D 891484 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen
Schwellenländern : Chile, Indien und Südafrika / Andreas Wille ;
Klaus-Peter Treydte ; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz, 2009. 301 S., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 291-296 - (Reihe Geschichte der
internationalen Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4) ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
1610 Nigeria-India relations in the 21th century / Eds.: Osita C.
Eze ... - In: Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (Lagos),
34 (2008) 1, Special edition, S. 15-156, Tab., Lit.
GIGA D 890846 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 206
1611 Sikri, Veena: India-Bangladesh relations : The way ahead /
IFA D 891007 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
Veena Sikri. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 153-165, Lit. S. 165
SE02 International relations in the field of education and
DGAP D 891590 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
1612 Treydte, Klaus-Peter: Die Zeiten ändern sich und wir uns mit
1621 Schlottmann, Christiane: Neu-Delhi / Christiane Schlottmann.
ihnen : die Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Indien
1964-2009 / Klaus-Peter Treydte. - In: Die Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in wichtigen Schwellenländern /
Andreas Wille; Klaus-Peter Treydte; Volker Vinnai. - Bonn: Dietz,
2009. - (Reihe Geschichte der internationalen Arbeit der
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung; Bd. 4), S. 69-154, Tab. ISBN 978-3-8012-0399-3
- In: DAAD-Berichte der Außenstellen (Bonn), 2008, S. 188-212,
Ill., Tab.
IFA D 891006 IFA: Cb30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1622 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
IFA D 891008 IFA: 30/58 Öff.StaO: 212
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
1613 Welch, Ben: President Patil visits Tajikistan - India in search of a
forward policy? / by Ben Welch. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus
Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 892100
SF04.01 Elections
1623 Contests in context: Indian elections 2009 - In: South Asia
SB02 Foreign policy
Multidisciplinary Academic Journal (Paris), (2009) 3, getr. Zähl.,
Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
1614 Gaan, Narottam: America crowning the unipolar moment : An
incursion into sovereignty and independence of states like India /
Narottam Gaan. - In: India Quarterly (New Delhi), 65 (April-June
2009) 2, S. 123-136, Lit. S. 136
SWP D 890946
DGAP D 891587 DGAP: ZD 280 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF06.02 Terrorism
1624 Wagner, Christian: Indien : ein Land mit vielen
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
Terrorismusproblemen / Christian Wagner. - In: Jahrbuch
Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009), S. 185-193, Lit. S. 193 ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
1615 Gopalaswamy, Bharath: India and the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : to sign or not to sign? / Bharat
Gopalaswamy. - Stockholm: Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute, 2010. - 8 S.
DGAP D 891137 DGAP: DG 46746
SF08 Regions / Local government
SWP D 891339
1625 Baruah, Sanjib: Separatist militants and contentious politics in
Assam, India : The limits of counterinsurgency / Sanjib Baruah. In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December
2009) 6, S. 951-974
SC06 Military capacity
1616 Bedi, Rahul: Making decisions : country briefing: India / Rahul
Bedi. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 47 (27 January
2010) 4, S. 30-34
SWP D 890949 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891643 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW
Öff.StaO: 11
1626 Lacina, Bethany: The problem of political stability in Northeast
India : local ethnic autocracy and the rule of law / Bethany Lacina.
- In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December
2009) 6, S. 998-1020
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1617 Dimaranan, Betina; Ianchovichina, Elena; Martin, Will: How
will growth in China and India affect the world economy? / Betina
Dimaranan ; Elena Ianchovichina ; Will Martin. - In: Review of
World Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3,
S. 551-571, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 570-571
SWP D 890953 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
1627 Tremblay, Reeta Chowdhari: Kashmir's secessionist
movement resurfaces : ethnic identity, community competition,
and the state / Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 924-950
DIE D 891755 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SWP D 890948 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
1618 Nigeria-India relations in the 21th century / Eds.: Osita C.
1628 Van Dyke, Virginia: The Khalistan movement in Punjab, India,
Eze ... - In: Nigerian Journal of International Affairs (Lagos),
34 (2008) 1, Special edition, S. 15-156, Tab., Lit.
and the post-militancy era / Virginia Van Dyke. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 975-997
GIGA D 890846 IAA: ZS-AF Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SWP D 890951 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1640 Münster, Daniel: Postkoloniale Traditionen : Eine Ethnografie
SF10 Law
über Dorf, Kaste und Ritual in Südindien / Daniel Münster. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2007. - 247 S., Ill., Gloss., Lit. S. 233-247,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-89942-538-3
1629 Grinsell, Scott: Caste and the problem of social reform in Indian
equality law / Scott Grinsell. - In: The Yale Journal of
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1,
S. 199-236
GIGA D 891281 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891095 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
1641 Arabindoo, Pushpa: Falling apart at the margins?
SG02 Social process / Social structure
Neighbourhood transformations in peri-urban Chennai / Pushpa
Arabindo. - In: Development and Change (Oxford),
40 (September 2009) 5, Cities of extremes, S. 879-902, Kt., Lit.
1630 Khalakdina, Margaret: Human development in the Indian
context : A socio-cultural focus ; Vol. 1 / Margaret Khalakdina. 1st published - New Delhi ...: Sage, 2008. - XXVII,371 S.,
Anh., Gloss., Reg. - ISBN 978-0-7619-3610-7
Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891685 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1642 Grinsell, Scott: Caste and the problem of social reform in Indian
equality law / Scott Grinsell. - In: The Yale Journal of
International Law (New Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1,
S. 199-236
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1631 Bara, Joseph: Alien construct and tribal contestation in colonial
Chhotanagpur : The medium of Christianity / Joseph Bara. In: Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai), 44 (December 26,
2009) 52, S. 90-96, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891095 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG07 Social movements / associations
1643 Oommen, T. K.: Indian labour movement : colonial era to the
GIGA D 891187 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/158 Öff.StaO: 46
global age / T. K. Oommen. - In: Economic and Political Weekly
(Mumbai), 44 (December 26, 2009) 52, S. 81-89, Tab., Lit.
1632 Baruah, Sanjib: Separatist militants and contentious politics in
Assam, India : The limits of counterinsurgency / Sanjib Baruah. In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December
2009) 6, S. 951-974
GIGA D 891172 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/158 Öff.StaO: 46
SWP D 890949 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1644 Asghar, Tariq: Millennium developement goals and India : A
mid-term review / Tariq Asghar. - In: Regional Studies
(Islamabad), 27 (Autumn 2009) 4, S. 50-81
1633 Lacina, Bethany: The problem of political stability in Northeast
India : local ethnic autocracy and the rule of law / Bethany Lacina.
- In: Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December
2009) 6, S. 998-1020
SWP D 891319 SWP: X. 846 DGAP: ZD 450 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 213
1645 Banerjee, Debdas: Economic and human development in
SWP D 890953 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
contemporary India : cronyism and fragility / Debdas Banerjee. 1st publ. - London: Routledge, 2010. - XVII,229 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 207-218, Lit. Hinw. - (Rotledge
Contemporary South Asia Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-55974-4
1634 Tremblay, Reeta Chowdhari: Kashmir's secessionist
movement resurfaces : ethnic identity, community competition,
and the state / Reeta Chowdhari Tremblay. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 924-950
GIGA D 891298 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1646 Dimaranan, Betina; Ianchovichina, Elena; Martin, Will: How
SWP D 890948 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
will growth in China and India affect the world economy? / Betina
Dimaranan ; Elena Ianchovichina ; Will Martin. - In: Review of
World Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3,
S. 551-571, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 570-571
1635 Van Dyke, Virginia: The Khalistan movement in Punjab, India,
and the post-militancy era / Virginia Van Dyke. - In: Asian Survey
(Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6, S. 975-997
DIE D 891755 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 890951 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /
Sectoral economic policy
1636 Vendekerckhove, Nel: "We are sons of this soil" : The endless
battle over indigenous homelands in Assam, India / Nel
Vendekerckhove. - In: Critical Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.),
41 (December 2009) 4, S. 523-548
1647 Joseph, T. J.; Reddy, V. Nagi: FDI spillovers and export
performance of Indian manufacturing firms after liberalisation / T.
J. Joseph ; V. Nagi Reddy. - In: Economic and Political Weekly
(Mumbai), 44 (December 26, 2009) 52, S. 97-105, graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit., Lit.Hinw
GIGA D 891433 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
GIGA D 891201 SWP: Y. 1092 IAS: 3/158 Öff.StaO: 46
1637 Arabindoo, Pushpa: Falling apart at the margins?
Neighbourhood transformations in peri-urban Chennai / Pushpa
Arabindo. - In: Development and Change (Oxford),
40 (September 2009) 5, Cities of extremes, S. 879-902, Kt., Lit.
SH05 Energy industry
1648 Biswas, Pradip Kumar; Pohit, Sanjib; Kumar, Rajesh:
Biodiesel from jatropha : can India meet the 20% blending target?
/ Pradip Kumar Biswas ; Sanjib Pohit ; Rajesh Kumar. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1477-1484
Öff.StaO: H 220
1638 Zérah, Marie-Hélène: Participatory governance in urban
SWP D 892281 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
management and the shifting geometry of power in Mumbai /
Marie-Hélène Zérah. - In: Development and Change (Oxford),
40 (September 2009) 5, Cities of extremes, S. 853-877, Lit.
1649 Cohen, Ariel; Curtis, Lisa; Graham, Owen: The proposed
Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline : An unacceptable risk to
regional security / Ariel Cohen, Lisa Curtis, and Owen Graham. Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2008. - 17 S. (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2139)
Öff.StaO: H 220
SG02.07 Living conditions / Forms of living
1639 Asian Development Bank (Manila): India's sanitation for all :
SWP D 891534 DGAP: DG B01438h
how to make it happen / Asian Development Bank. - Manila:
Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 28 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
1650 Rubin, Olivier: The merits of democracy in famine protection :
fact or fallacy? / Olivier Rubin. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 699-717, Lit. S. 714-717
GIGA D 891803
Öff.StaO: B 1503
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1651 Dougherty, Sean M.; Herd, Richard; Chalaux, Thomas: What
1661 Goodhand, Jonathan; Klem, Bart; Korf, Benedikt: Religion,
is holding back productivity growth in India? Recent
microevidence / by Sean M. Dougherty, Richard Herd and
Thomas Chalaux. - In: OECD Economic Studies (Paris), (2009)
1, S. 67-88
conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka / Jonathan Goodhand,
Bart Klem and Benedikt Korf. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 679-698, Kt., Lit. S. 695-698
SWP D 892256 SWP: X. 700 Öff.StaO: 1a
Öff.StaO: B 1503
1652 Saxena, Rachna: Indien - Trends in der
Unternehmensfinanzierung / Rachna Saxena. - Frankfurt/Main:
Deutsche Bank Research, 2010. - 12 S. - (Aktuelle Themen /
Deutsche Bank Research; 474)
SF06.01 Civil war
1662 DeVotta, Neil: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the lost
SWP D 891304
quest for seperatism in Sri Lanka / Neil DeVotta. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6,
S. 1021-1051
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 890955 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
1653 Biswas, Pradip Kumar; Pohit, Sanjib; Kumar, Rajesh:
1663 Legal Limbo: The uncertain fate of detained LTTE suspects
Biodiesel from jatropha : can India meet the 20% blending target?
/ Pradip Kumar Biswas ; Sanjib Pohit ; Rajesh Kumar. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1477-1484
SWP D 892281 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
in Sri Lanka / Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., 2010. 29 S. - ISBN 1-56432-592-x
SWP D 891639
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1654 Saxena, Rachna: Indien - Trends in der
1664 DeVotta, Neil: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the lost
Unternehmensfinanzierung / Rachna Saxena. - Frankfurt/Main:
Deutsche Bank Research, 2010. - 12 S. - (Aktuelle Themen /
Deutsche Bank Research; 474)
quest for seperatism in Sri Lanka / Neil DeVotta. - In: Asian
Survey (Berkeley/Cal.), 49 (November-December 2009) 6,
S. 1021-1051
SWP D 890955 SWP: X. 321 OSI: Zt 347 DGAP: ZD 375 IFA: Z-USA900
DIE: 01ZK001 IAS: 3/71 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891304
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1665 Goodhand, Jonathan; Klem, Bart; Korf, Benedikt: Religion,
conflict and boundary politics in Sri Lanka / Jonathan Goodhand,
Bart Klem and Benedikt Korf. - In: The European Journal of
Development Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5,
S. 679-698, Kt., Lit. S. 695-698
1655 Mathy, Sandrine; Guivarch, Céline: Climate policies in a
second-best world : A case study on India / Sandrine Mathy ;
Céline Guivarch. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1519-1528
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 892286 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SK Science / Research
1656 Khalakdina, Margaret: Human development in the Indian
SB01 International relations / process
context : A socio-cultural focus ; Vol. 1 / Margaret Khalakdina. 1st published - New Delhi ...: Sage, 2008. - XXVII,371 S.,
Anh., Gloss., Reg. - ISBN 978-0-7619-3610-7
1666 Hearing on "China's activities in Southeast Asia and the
implications for U.S. interests" / Hearing Co-Chairs: Carolyn
Bartholomew ... United States-China Economic and Security
Review Commission - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
GIGA D 891685 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891637
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1657 Dürhager, Arthur: Nepal / Arthur Dürhager. -
SB03 International law
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 372-387
1667 Implementing the Responsibility to Protect : Asia-Pacific in
the 2009 General Assembly dialogue / Asia-Pacific Centre for
the Responsibility to Protect. - Brisbane, 2009. - 31 S.
GIGA D 892164 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.04 Migration
1658 Nepal: Failed implementation of IDP policy leaves many
SWP D 891716
unassisted / Internal Deplacement Monitoring Centre ... Geneva, 2010. - 12 S.
SWP D 891635
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SD02 International economic relations / economic
1668 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
1659 Lopp, Sabrina: Sri Lanka / Sabrina Lopp. -
SD03.01 Foreign trade
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 446-461, Kt., Tab.
1669 Jongwanich, Juthathip: Determinants of export performance in
East and Southeast Asia / Juthathip Jongwanich. - In: The World
Economy (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 20-41
GIGA D 892171 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SF01.02 Human rights
SWP D 891883 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
1660 Legal Limbo: The uncertain fate of detained LTTE suspects
in Sri Lanka / Human Rights Watch. - New York/N.Y., 2010. 29 S. - ISBN 1-56432-592-x
SWP D 891639
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SF06.03 Criminality
1670 Frécon, Éric: Beyond the sea : fighting piracy in Southeast Asia
/ Eric Frécon. - Singapore (City): RSIS, 2010. - 3 S., Kt. - (RSIS
Commentaries; 2/2010)
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1680 Ufen, Andreas: Indonesien / Andreas Ufen. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 180-199, Kt., Tab.
DGAP D 891295
GIGA D 892143 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SG04 Education / Training
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1681 Célérier, Philippe P.: Les discriminations s'accentuent : vers la
1671 Mother tongue as bridge language of instruction : policies
disparition des peuples papous en Indonésie? / par Philippe
Pataud Célerier. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février
2010) 671, S. 22
and experiences in Southeast Asia / ed. by Mont Redmond.
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization. - Bangkok:
SEAMEO, 2009. - 208 S., Ill., graph. darst., Tab., Lit. S. 196-206,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-611-90041-0-8
SWP D 891103 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 891286 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
1672 Weiss, Meredith L.: Intellectual containment : The muting of
1682 Peters, Robbie: The assault on occupancy in Surabaya : legible
students in semidemocratic Southeast Asia / Meredith L. Weiss.
- In: Critical Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (December 2009) 4,
S. 499-522
and illegible landscapes in a city of passage / Robbie Peters. In: Development and Change (Oxford), 40 (September 2009) 5,
Cities of extremes, S. 903-926, Lit.
GIGA D 891432 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222
Öff.StaO: H 220
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1673 Mother tongue as bridge language of instruction : policies
SG03.02 Health
and experiences in Southeast Asia / ed. by Mont Redmond.
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization. - Bangkok:
SEAMEO, 2009. - 208 S., Ill., graph. darst., Tab., Lit. S. 196-206,
Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-611-90041-0-8
1683 Indonesia : Independent evaluation of Australian aid to water
supply and sanitation service delivery in East Timor and
Indonesia / Eric Buhl-Nielsen ... - Canberra: AusAID, 2009. 94 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 89-93 - (Working
Paper / Australian Agency for International Development; 2)
GIGA D 891286 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
GIGA D 890839
1674 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
SG05.01 Ideologies
1684 Platzdasch, Bernhard: Islamism in Indonesia : politics in the
emerging democracy / Bernhard Platzdasch. - 1st publ. Singapore: ISEAS, 2009. - XXXVII,411 S., Tab., Anh.,
Lit. S. 361-396, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-981-4279-08-6
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891297 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SB01 International relations / process
SH10 Public finance
1675 Haacke, Jürgen: The Myanmar imbroglio and ASEAN : heading
1685 Blöndal, Jón R.; Hawkesworth, Ian; Choi, Hyun-deok:
towards the 2010 selection / Jürgen Haacke. - In: International
Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 153-174
Budgeting in Indonesia / by Jón R. Blöndal, Ian Hawkesworth
and Hyun-deok Choi. - In: OECD Journal on Budgeting (Paris),
9 (2009) 2, S. 49-79
SWP D 891949 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891958 SWP: Y. 1117 Öff.StaO: 206
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1676 Carrière, Céline; Melo, Jaime de; Tumurchudur, Bolormaa:
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Disentangling market access effects of preferential trading
arrangements with an application for ASEAN members under an
ASEAN-EU FTA / Céline Carrière, Jaime de Melo and Bolormaa
Tumurchudur. - In: The World Economy (Oxford), 33 (January
2010) 1, S. 42-59
1686 Müller, Daniel: Malaysia / Daniel Müller. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 315-335
GIGA D 892157 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891886 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF04.01 Elections
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1677 Haacke, Jürgen: The Myanmar imbroglio and ASEAN : heading
towards the 2010 selection / Jürgen Haacke. - In: International
Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 153-174
1687 Loewen, Howard: Philippinen / Howard Loewen. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 406-425, Kt., Tab.
SWP D 891949 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
GIGA D 892168 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SD03 International transactions / capital flow
1678 Realizing the ASEAN economic community : A
1688 Ang, Alvin P.; Sugiyarto, Guntur; Jha, Shikha: Remittances
comprehensive assessment / ed. by Michael G. Plummer and
Chia Siow Yue. - 1st publ. - Singapore: ISEAS, 2009. XXIV,226 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 175-186, Lit. Hinw.
- ISBN 978-981-4279-34-5
and household behavior in the Philippines / Alvin P. Ang ... Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 36 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 33-35 - (ADB Economics Working Paper
Series; No. 188)
GIGA D 891279 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891691
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1679 Willer, Ragnar K.: Brunei / Ragnar K. Willer. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 88-103, Kt.
GIGA D 892136 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SB03 International law
1699 Hoven, Elisa: Gegenwart und Zukunft der Opferbeteiligung am
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Khmer Rouge-Tribunal / Elisa Hoven. - In: Humanitäres
Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (2009) 4, S. 176-185
1689 Willer, Ragnar K.: Singapur / Ragnar K. Willer. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 426-445, Kt., Tab.
SWP D 891675 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
GIGA D 892170 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
RI02.22 LAOS
SC International security / Defense
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1690 Chan, Samuel L. W.: Fighting piracy : Another first for SAF /
1700 Stärk, Monika: Laos / Monika Stärk. - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
Samuel Chan. - Singapore (City): RSIS, 2010. - 3 S. - (RSIS
Commentaries; 10/2010)
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 280-297
GIGA D 892155 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
DGAP D 891299
SG02.04 Migration
SG02.04 Migration
1701 Internal resettlement in Laos / Ian G. Baird ... - In: Critical
Singapore / Lenore Lyons; Yeong Chong Yee. - In: Critical Asian
Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (December 2009) 4, S. 575-604 -Enthält: Yee, Yeong Chong: Reply: political claims and
strategies in human rights struggles in Singapore -- Lyons,
Lenore: Rejoinder: The importance of rights talk
Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.), 41 (December 2009) 4, S. 605-620
-- Enthält: Reply: Baird, Ian G. ...: Reading too much into
aspirations: More explorations of the space between coerced
and voluntary resettlement in Laos -- Rejoinder: High, Holly:
Complicities and complexities, provocations from the study of
resettlement in Laos
GIGA D 891437 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891441 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
1691 Lyons, Lenore; Yee, Yeong Chong: Migrant rights in
1692 Schröder, Friederike: PN photo page: Singapore as a role
model? The China-Singapore Suzhou industrial park / Friederike
Schröder. - In: Pacific News (Göttingen), (January-February
2010) 33, Special issue on contemporary urban China, S. 13-15
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 534-554, Kt., Tab.
GIGA D 892177 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891424 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
SC05 War / Warfare
1703 Greiner, Bernd: Krieg ohne Fronten : die USA in Vietnam /
Bernd Greiner. - Hamburg: Hamburger Ed., 2007. - 595 S.,
Ill., Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 550-568 - ISBN 978-3-936096-80-4
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1693 Bünte, Marco: Thailand / Marco Bünte. -
HSFK D 891850 HSFK: 40.134 Öff.StaO: F 197
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 500-519, Kt., Tab.
SE International cultural relations
GIGA D 892175 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
1704 Nước Đức ở Việt Nam 2010 = Deutschland in Vietnam 2010 /
Auswärtiges Amt ... Projektleitung Peter J. Bumke - Hanoi:
Goethe-Inst. Vietnam, ca. 2010. - 45 S.
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1694 Angeles, Leonora C.; Sunanta, Sirijit: Demanding daughter
duty : gender, community, village transformation, and
transnational marriages in Northeast Thailand / Leonora C.
Angeles and Sirijit Sunata. - In: Critical Asian Studies
(Cedar/Mich.), 41 (December 2009) 4, S. 549-574
IFA D 891516 IFA: Cb30/21 Öff.StaO: 212
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
GIGA D 891435 SWP: X. 888 IAS: 3/248 Öff.StaO: H 222
1705 Nguyen, Ha: Principal-agent problems in health care : evidence
from prescribing patterns of private providers in Vietnam / Ha
Nguyen. - Stanford/Cal.: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific
Research Center, 2009. - 28 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Asia Health Policy
Program; No. 12)
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1695 Thai capital after the 1997 crisis / ed. by Pasuk Phongpaichit ...
Contrib.: Chaiyon Praditsil ... - Bangkok: Silkworm, 2008. - XV,
309 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 279-294 ISBN 978-974-9511-36-7
GIGA D 890895
SWP D 891218 SWP: A.10/0018
SG03.02 Health
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1706 Nguyen, Ha: Principal-agent problems in health care : evidence
from prescribing patterns of private providers in Vietnam / Ha
Nguyen. - Stanford/Cal.: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific
Research Center, 2009. - 28 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 18-19, Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Asia Health Policy
Program; No. 12)
1696 Höffken, Peter: New issues in old forests : recent approaches to
conserve Thailand's major protected areas / Peter Höffken. In: Pacific News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33,
S. 20-23
GIGA D 891427 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 890895
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1697 Stärk, Monika: Kambodscha / Monika Stärk. -
1707 Stärk, Monika: Myanmar / Monika Stärk. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 224-241
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 352-371, Kt., Tab.
GIGA D 892148 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 892159 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SB02 Foreign policy
SB01 International relations / process
1698 Richardson, Sophie: China, Cambodia, and the five principles
1708 Haacke, Jürgen: The Myanmar imbroglio and ASEAN : heading
of peaceful coexistence / Sophie Richardson. - New York/N.Y.:
Columbia Univ. Pr., 2010. - X,332 S., Reg., Lit. S. 269-313, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-231-14386-8
towards the 2010 selection / Jürgen Haacke. - In: International
Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 153-174
SWP D 891949 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 891026 DIE: 11KA008 Öff.StaO: B 1503
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1702 Müller, Daniel: Vietnam / Daniel Müller. -
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1709 Steinberg, David I.: The United States and Myanmar : A
SB03 International law
'boutique issue'? / David I. Steinberg. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 175-194
1719 Implementing the Responsibility to Protect : Asia-Pacific in
the 2009 General Assembly dialogue / Asia-Pacific Centre for
the Responsibility to Protect. - Brisbane, 2009. - 31 S.
SWP D 891951 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SC06.02 Armament
SWP D 891716
1710 Burma: A nuclear wannabe; suspicious links to North
Korea; high-tech procurements and enigmatic facilities / by
David Albright ... Institute for Science and International Security Washington/D.C., 2010. - ca. 14 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (ISIS
SWP D 891245
1711 Kelley, Robert; Scheel Stricker, Andrea; Brannan, Paul:
Exploring claims about secret nuclear sites in Myanmar / by
Robert Kelley, Andrea Scheel Stricker and Paul Brannan. Washington/D.C.: Institute for Science and International Security,
2010. - ca. 5 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - (ISIS Report)
SWP D 891246
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1720 Hofmann, Norbert von: Die Schwellenländer Ostasiens und
der G-20-Prozess / Norbert von Hofmann. - Jakarta:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der
internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik;
Januar 2010)
SWP D 891386
SC International security / Defense
1721 Regional impulses in Northeast Asia : expert essays / Council
on Foreign Relations. - New York/N.Y., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SWP D 891238
SF04.01 Elections
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1712 Haacke, Jürgen: The Myanmar imbroglio and ASEAN : heading
towards the 2010 selection / Jürgen Haacke. - In: International
Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 153-174
1722 Smith, Sheila A.: New impulses for security cooperation in
SWP D 891949 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
Northeast Asia / Sheila A. Smith. - New York/N.Y.: Council on
Foreign Relations, 2009. - 8 S.
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1713 Myanmar: Increasing displacement as fighting resumes in
SWP D 890962
the East / Internal Deplacement Monitoring Centre. - Geneva,
2010. - 13 S.
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1723 Hofmann, Norbert von: Die Schwellenländer Ostasiens und
der G-20-Prozess / Norbert von Hofmann. - Jakarta:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der
internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik;
Januar 2010)
SWP D 891634
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1714 Brandau, Lukas: Timor-Leste / Lukas Brandau. -
SWP D 891386
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 520-533, Kt., Tab.
SD02 International economic relations / economic
GIGA D 892176 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
1724 Davidson, Christopher M.: Persian Gulf-Pacific Asia linkages
in the twenty-first century : A marriage of convenience? /
Christopher M. Davidson. - London: London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2010. - 30 S. - (Research
Paper / Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and
Globalisation in the Gulf States; No. 7)
SB International politics / system
1715 Regional impulses in Northeast Asia : expert essays / Council
on Foreign Relations. - New York/N.Y., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
SWP D 891238
GIGA D 891905
SB01 International relations / process
1725 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
1716 Knittel, Siegfried: Obama in Ostasien / Siegfried Knittel. -
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik (Bonn),
55 (2010) 1, S. 26-29, Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 891553 SWP: X. 145 OSI: Zs 594 DGAP: ZD 171 HSFK: ZS B
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
1717 Van Ness, Peter: Japan, the indispensable power in Northeast
SD03.01 Foreign trade
Asia / by Peter Van Ness. - In: Global Asia (Elektronische
Ressource) (Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 5 S.
1726 Jongwanich, Juthathip: Determinants of export performance in
East and Southeast Asia / Juthathip Jongwanich. - In: The World
Economy (Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 20-41
SWP D 890969
SWP D 891883 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
1718 Wacker, Gudrun: Management der Machtverschiebung : China
und Ostasien / Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, 2010. - 5 S. - (SWP-Working Paper; FG7 2010/06)
SWP D 891382
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
SB01 International relations / process
1736 Ali, Ghulam: Sino-Pakistan relations reach new heights / by
1727 Park, Donghyun; Shin, Kwanho; Jongwanich, Juthathip:
The decline of investment in East Asia since the Asian financial
crisis : An overview and empirical examination / Donghyun
Park ... - Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2009. - 32 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 31 - (ADB Economics Working Paper
Series; No. 187)
GIGA D 891701
Ghulam Ali. - In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
(Washington/D.C.), (23.12.2009), ca. 3 S.
SWP D 892103
1737 Central Asian perceptions of China - In: The China and
Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 7 (February 2009)
1, Special Issue, S. 1-128
SWP D 892109
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1738 Civil society in European-Chinese relations : challenges of
cooperation / Nora Sausmikat ... (eds). Hrsg. von der
Asienstiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Netzwerk EU-China:
Civil Society Forum - Essen: Asienstiftung, 2010. - 104 S., Lit. ISBN 978-3-933341-45-7
1728 Davidson, Christopher M.: Persian Gulf-Pacific Asia linkages
in the twenty-first century : A marriage of convenience? /
Christopher M. Davidson. - London: London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2010. - 30 S. - (Research
Paper / Kuwait Programme on Development, Governance and
Globalisation in the Gulf States; No. 7)
GIGA D 891323 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1739 Fernando, Sithara: Chronology of China-Africa relations /
Sithara Fernando. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007)
3, S. 363-373
GIGA D 891905
GIGA D 891421 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
1740 Gupta, Ranjit: The Taiwan issue : A strategic perspective /
1729 Herrmann, Sabine; Winkler, Adalbert: Financial markets and
Ranjit Gupta. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3,
S. 353-362
the current account : emerging Europe versus emerging Asia /
Sabine Herrmann ; Adalbert Winkler. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 531-550,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 549-550
GIGA D 891419 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
1741 Hearing on "China's activities in Southeast Asia and the
implications for U.S. interests" / Hearing Co-Chairs: Carolyn
Bartholomew ... United States-China Economic and Security
Review Commission - Washington/D.C., 2010. - getr. Zähl.
DIE D 891749 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SWP D 891637
1730 Schucher, Günter: Taiwan / Günter Schucher. -
1742 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 478-499, Kt., Tab.
2007-2008 / James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 57-72
GIGA D 892174 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891482 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SB01 International relations / process
1743 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2008 /
James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 69-86
1731 Gupta, Ranjit: The Taiwan issue : A strategic perspective /
Ranjit Gupta. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3,
S. 353-362
GIGA D 892091 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891419 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
1744 Holslag, Jonathan: The elusive axis : evaluating the
Sino-European partnership / Jonathan Holslag. - Brüssel:
Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies, 2009. - 33 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 27-33 - (Asia Paper / Brussels
Institute of Contemporary China Studies; Vol. 4 (8))
1732 Safeguarding Taiwan, reaching across the Taiwan strait,
and forging links to the global marketplace : The fruits of
three Chiang-Chen talks / Mainland Affairs Council. - Taipei,
2009. - 23 S.
SWP D 891228
GIGA D 890908
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
1745 Hu, Zongshan; Shi, Wenling: China's international cooperation
on climate : process, motives and policies since the reform and
opening up / Hu Zongshan ; Shi Wenling. - In: Peace (Beijing),
(2009) 90, S. 44-56, Lit. Hinw.
1733 Safeguarding Taiwan, reaching across the Taiwan strait,
and forging links to the global marketplace : The fruits of
three Chiang-Chen talks / Mainland Affairs Council. - Taipei,
2009. - 23 S.
IFSH D 890885 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
1746 Jia, Qingguo; Rosecrance, Richard: Delicately poised : Are
China and the US heading for conflict? / by Jia Qingguo and
Richard Rosecrance. - In: Global Asia (Elektronische Ressource)
(Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 5 S.
SWP D 891228
SF04.01 Elections
1734 Sullivan, Jonathan: Defending negativity? Evidence from
SWP D 890968
presidential campaigns in Taiwan / Jonathan Sullivan. - In: East
Asia: An International Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.),
26 (December 2009) 4, S. 305-320, Tab., Lit. S. 319-320
1747 Kerr, David: Central Asian and Russian perspectives on China's
SWP D 891145 SWP: X. 701 IAS: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
strategic emergence / David Kerr. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 127-152
SWP D 891947 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1748 Negotiating asymmetry : China's place in Asia / ed. by Anthony
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 104-133, Kt., Tab.
Reid ... - Honolulu/Haw.: Univ. of Hawaii Press, 2009. VII,258 S., Reg., Lit. S. 232-249, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-8248-3412-8
GIGA D 892137 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 891305 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1735 Schüller, Margot: VR China / Margot Schüller. -
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1749 Pan, Jiahua; Lee, Bernice; Jiang, Kejun: Energy and climate
1761 Richtungswechsel: Erfolg durch Neuausrichtung der
security : China-EU interdependences / Pan Jiahua ; Bernice
Lee ; Jiang Kejun. - In: Peace (Beijing), (2009) 91, S. 30-47,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
Geschäftsmodelle : Ausblick 2010 - In: China Contact
(Münster), (2010) 1, S. 8-16
GIGA D 891467 IAS: 3/905 Öff.StaO: H 222
IFSH D 890934 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
1762 [Schleswig-Holstein goes China] - In: China Contact
(Münster), (2010) 1, S. 20-30
1750 Safeguarding Taiwan, reaching across the Taiwan strait,
and forging links to the global marketplace : The fruits of
three Chiang-Chen talks / Mainland Affairs Council. - Taipei,
2009. - 23 S.
GIGA D 891468 IAS: 3/905 Öff.StaO: H 222
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SWP D 891228
1763 Safeguarding Taiwan, reaching across the Taiwan strait,
1751 Wacker, Gudrun: Management der Machtverschiebung : China
und Ostasien / Gudrun Wacker. - Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, 2010. - 5 S. - (SWP-Working Paper; FG7 2010/06)
and forging links to the global marketplace : The fruits of
three Chiang-Chen talks / Mainland Affairs Council. - Taipei,
2009. - 23 S.
SWP D 891228
SWP D 891382
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1752 Ye, Jiang: Readjustments of China's major-power strategy in its
1764 Analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in Japan-China trade
all-dimensional diplomacy since the reform and opening-up / Ye
Jiang. - In: Peace (Beijing), (2009) 90, S. 27-43, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
/ Xianbing Liu ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1510-1518
IFSH D 890927 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
SWP D 892284 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SB02 Foreign policy
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
1753 Hauser, Gunther: China - eine Regionalmacht auf dem Weg zur
Supermacht / Gunther Hauser. - Bremen: Ed. Temmen, 2009. 54 S., Lit. S. 51-54 - (WIFIS-Aktuell; 43) ISBN 978-3-8378-4101-5
1765 Burke, Christopher: China's entry into construction industries
in Africa : Tanzania and Zambia as case studies / Christopher
Burke. - In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3,
S. 323-336
SWP D 891535 SWP: H.10/0025
1754 Richardson, Sophie: China, Cambodia, and the five principles
GIGA D 891417 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
of peaceful coexistence / Sophie Richardson. - New York/N.Y.:
Columbia Univ. Pr., 2010. - X,332 S., Reg., Lit. S. 269-313, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-231-14386-8
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1766 Kassenova, Nargis: China as an emerging donor in Tajikistan
DIE D 891026 DIE: 11KA008 Öff.StaO: B 1503
and Kyrgyzstan / Nargis Kassenova. - Paris: Institut Français
des Relations Internationales, 2009. - 29 S. (Russie.Nei.Visions; N° 36) - ISBN 978-2-86592-430-1
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1755 Kan, Shirley A.: China and proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and missiles : policy issues / Shirley A. Kan. Washington/D.C.: Congressional Research Service, 2009. 69 S., Tab. - (CRS Report for Congress; RL31555) - (RL31555)
SWP D 891727
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
SWP D 891248
1767 Köster, Ralf: Die Anwendung von Stratagemen in der
chinesischen Verhandlungskultur : empirische Untersuchung
am Beispiel der BARTEC Shanghai und der Stratagemtheorie
nach von Senger / Ralf Köster. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
- X,224 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 195-203 - (Freiburger
fernöstliche Forschungen; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-447-05949-7 -Zugl.: Diss.
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1756 Dimaranan, Betina; Ianchovichina, Elena; Martin, Will: How
will growth in China and India affect the world economy? / Betina
Dimaranan ; Elena Ianchovichina ; Will Martin. - In: Review of
World Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3,
S. 551-571, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 570-571
IFA D 890844 IFA: 30/24 Öff.StaO: 212
DIE D 891755 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
1768 Lott, Sylvia: Vom Umgang mit chinesischen Geschäftsleuten /
Sylvia Lott. - Berlin: Dt. Industrie- und Handelskammertag, 2008.
- 123 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-933150-20-5
SD02 International economic relations / economic
IFA D 891000 IFA: 29/713 Öff.StaO: 212
1757 Chen, Victor Z.: Benchmarking Canada-China economic
relations / Victor Z. Chen. - Toronto: Canadian International
Council, 2010. - 18 S., graph. Darst., Tab. - (China Papers; No.
1769 Schneider, Beatrice: Leben in China : wie deutsche Familien
die Auslands-Entsendung meistern / Beatrice Schneider. Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2009. - 105 S. + 1 DVD, Lit. S. 95-103 ISBN 978-3-8288-2094-4
IFA D 890894 IFA: 29/714 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891278
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
1758 Choi, Soo-young: Prospects for North Korea's economic
1770 Central Asian perceptions of China - In: The China and
reliance on China / by Choi Soo-young. - In: Vantage Point
(Seoul), 33 (February 2010) 2, S. 46-57
Eurasia Forum Quarterly (Washington/D.C.), 7 (February 2009)
1, Special Issue, S. 1-128
SWP D 891669 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 892109
1759 Corkin, Lucy: The strategic entry of China's emerging
multinationals into Africa / Lucy Corkin. - In: China Report (New
Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3, S. 309-322
SF Government
1771 Ceaser, James W.: Why Tocqueville on China? An introductory
GIGA D 891415 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
essay / James W. Ceaser. - Washington/D.C.: American
Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2010. - 16 S.
1760 King, Kenneth: The Beijing China-Africa summit of 2006 : The
new pledges of aid to education in Africa / Kenneth King. In: China Report (New Delhi), 43 (July 2007) 3, S. 337-347
SWP D 891239
GIGA D 891418 IAS: 3/92 Öff.StaO: B 208
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
1772 Kolonko, Petra: Maos Enkel : Innenansichten aus dem neuen
1783 Wang, Lixiong; Shakya, Tsering: The struggle for Tibet / Wang
China / Petra Kolonko. - München: Beck, 2009. - 279 S., Ill., Kt. ISBN 978-3-406-59132-7
Lixiong and Tsering Shakya. - 1st publ. - London: Verso, 2009. VII,277 S., Kt., Anh., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-84467-043-7
DIE D 891585 DIE: 11KC022 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 891273 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1773 Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig: Chinas Angst vor der Freiheit : der
SG02.04 Migration
lange Weg in die Moderne / Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. - München:
Beck, 2009. - 149 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Beck'sche Reihe; 1661) ISBN 978-3-406-59346-8
1784 Chang, Yoonok; Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus:
Migration experiences of North Korean refugees : survey
evidence from China / Yoonok Chang, Stephan Haggard and
Marcus Noland. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 301-328
DIE D 890923 DIE: 11KC021 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SF03 Political parties
GIGA D 892112 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1774 Pieke, Frank N.: The good communist : elite training and state
building in today's China / Frank N. Pieke. - 1st published Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - VII,229 S.,
Ill., Reg., Anh., Lit. S. 210-221, Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-0-521-19990-2
1785 Schneider, Beatrice: Leben in China : wie deutsche Familien
die Auslands-Entsendung meistern / Beatrice Schneider. Marburg: Tectum-Verl., 2009. - 105 S. + 1 DVD, Lit. S. 95-103 ISBN 978-3-8288-2094-4
GIGA D 891290 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
IFA D 890894 IFA: 29/714 Öff.StaO: 212
1775 Zheng, Yongnian: The Chinese Communist party as
SG02.05 Housing / Settlement / Urbanisation
organizational emperor : culture, reproduction and
transformation / Zheng Yongnian. - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2010. - XVIII,251 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 227-241, Lit. Hinw. - (China Policy Series; 12) ISBN 978-0-415-55965-2
1786 Wuttke, Christian; Schröder, Friederike; Liu, Xiao:
Contemporary planning issues in a pioneering city : The
governance of urban redevelopment in Shenzhen, China /
Christian Wuttke, Friederike Schröder, Liu Xiao. - In: Pacific
News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33, Special issue
on contemporary urban China, S. 9-12
GIGA D 891021 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SF05 Domestic policy
GIGA D 891423 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
1776 Tong, James W.: Revenge of the forbidden city : The
suppression of the Falungong in China, 1999-2005 / James W.
Tong. - Cambridge/Mass. ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - 282 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 263-272, Lit. Hinw. S. 229-261 ISBN 978-0-19-537728-6
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
1787 Comparing public and private hospitals in China : evidence
from Guangdong / Karen Eggleston ... - Stanford/Cal.: Walter H.
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2009. - 23 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 14, Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Asia Health Policy
Program; No. 7)
GIGA D 891285 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1777 Peyrouse, Sébastien: Facing the challenges of separatism :
GIGA D 890869
The EU, Central Asia and the Uyghur issue / Sebastian
Peyrouse. - Brussels ...: Centre for European Policy Studies,
2009. - 6 S. - (EUCAM Policy Brief; No. 4)
SWP D 891758
1778 Wang, Lixiong; Shakya, Tsering: The struggle for Tibet / Wang
1788 The emerging role of private health care provision in China :
A critical analysis of the current health system / Cunrui Huang ...
- Stanford/Cal.: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
Center, 2009. - 18 S., Tab., Lit. S. 16-18 - (Working Paper / Asia
Health Policy Program; No. 10)
GIGA D 890853
Lixiong and Tsering Shakya. - 1st publ. - London: Verso, 2009. VII,277 S., Kt., Anh., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-84467-043-7
1789 Wu, Fei: Suicide and justice : A Chinese perspective / Wu Fei. -
1st published - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XXIV,216 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit. S.203-211, Lit. Hinw. - (Routledge Contemporary
China Series; 44) - ISBN 978-0-415-55171-7
GIGA D 891273 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SF06.02 Terrorism
GIGA D 891049 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1779 Kleining, Jochen: Die olympischen Spiele von Peking 2008
und ihre Bedrohung durch terroristische Anschläge / Jochen
Kleining. - In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009),
S. 279-290, Lit. S. 290 - ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
SG03.02 Health
1790 Comparing public and private hospitals in China : evidence
from Guangdong / Karen Eggleston ... - Stanford/Cal.: Walter H.
Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2009. - 23 S., Tab.,
Lit. S. 14, Lit. Hinw. - (Working Paper / Asia Health Policy
Program; No. 7)
DGAP D 890862 DGAP: DG 46746
SF09 Public administration
1780 China's local administration : traditions and changes in the
sub-national hierarchy / ed. by Jae Ho Chung ... - 1st published London ...: Routledge, 2009. - XIII,223 S., Tab., Reg. - (China
Policy Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-54788-8
GIGA D 890869
1791 The emerging role of private health care provision in China :
A critical analysis of the current health system / Cunrui Huang ...
- Stanford/Cal.: Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
Center, 2009. - 18 S., Tab., Lit. S. 16-18 - (Working Paper / Asia
Health Policy Program; No. 10)
GIGA D 891020 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SG Society
1781 Civil society in European-Chinese relations : challenges of
cooperation / Nora Sausmikat ... (eds). Hrsg. von der
Asienstiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Netzwerk EU-China:
Civil Society Forum - Essen: Asienstiftung, 2010. - 104 S., Lit. ISBN 978-3-933341-45-7
GIGA D 890853
SG06 Media / Information
1792 Woo, Serenade: China clings to control: press freedom in 2009 /
GIGA D 891323 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Author: Serenade Woo. Editors: Deborah Muir ... - Brussels,
2010. - 18 S., Ill.
1782 Reclaiming Chinese society : The new social activism / ed. by
You-tien Hsing ... - 1st published - London ...: Routledge, 2010. XII,254 S., Tab., Reg., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Asia's Transformations) ISBN 978-0-415-49137-2
SWP D 891237
GIGA D 891057 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1803 Schröder, Friederike; Waibel, Michael; Altrock, Uwe: Global
SG07 Social movements / associations
change and China's clusters : restructuring of Guangzhou's
textile district / Friederike Schröder, Michael Waibel, Uwe Altrock.
- In: Pacific News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33,
Special issue on contemporary urban China, S. 4-8
1793 Social movements in China and Hong Kong : The expansion
of protest space / ed. by Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce ... - Amsterdam:
Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2009. - 312 S., Reg., Lit. S. 287-307,
Lit. Hinw. - (ICAS Publication Series; Vol. 9) ISBN 978-90-8964-131-1
GIGA D 891422 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891328 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SH03.01 Corporate culture / Labour culture
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
1804 Groenewald, Horst: Effektive Bindung lokaler Führungskräfte
1794 Tong, James W.: Revenge of the forbidden city : The
in China : Retention-Management westlicher Unternehmen /
Horst Groenewald. - 2. Aufl. - Siegen: Selbstverl., 2009. - 122 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-3-00-029587-4
suppression of the Falungong in China, 1999-2005 / James W.
Tong. - Cambridge/Mass. ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - 282 S.,
Tab., Reg., Lit. S. 263-272, Lit. Hinw. S. 229-261 ISBN 978-0-19-537728-6
GIGA D 891710 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1805 Köster, Ralf: Die Anwendung von Stratagemen in der
GIGA D 891285 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
chinesischen Verhandlungskultur : empirische Untersuchung
am Beispiel der BARTEC Shanghai und der Stratagemtheorie
nach von Senger / Ralf Köster. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2009.
- X,224 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 195-203 - (Freiburger
fernöstliche Forschungen; Bd. 8) - ISBN 978-3-447-05949-7 -Zugl.: Diss.
SH Economy
1795 Scissors, Derek: 10 China myths for the new decade / Derek
Scissors. - Washington/D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 2010. - 10 S.
- (Backgrounder / Heritage Foundation; No. 2366)
IFA D 890844 IFA: 30/24 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 891243
1806 Lott, Sylvia: Vom Umgang mit chinesischen Geschäftsleuten /
SH01 Economic system / Basic economic conditions
Sylvia Lott. - Berlin: Dt. Industrie- und Handelskammertag, 2008.
- 123 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-933150-20-5
1796 Gregory, Paul R.; Zhou, Kate: How China won and Russia lost :
two dissimilar economic paths / by Paul R. Gregory and Kate
Zhou. - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.), (December
2009-January 2010) 158, ca. 9 S., Lit. Hinw.
IFA D 891000 IFA: 29/713 Öff.StaO: 212
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1807 Blank, Stephen J.: China's water policies in Central Asia and
SWP D 890932 Öff.StaO: 188/144
leadership potential / by Stephen Blank. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1797 Dimaranan, Betina; Ianchovichina, Elena; Martin, Will: How
will growth in China and India affect the world economy? / Betina
Dimaranan ; Elena Ianchovichina ; Will Martin. - In: Review of
World Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3,
S. 551-571, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 570-571
SWP D 892080
1808 Kraus, Matthew: Fuelling new problems : The impact of China's
biodiesel policies / Matthew Kraus. - Brüssel: Brussels Institute
of Contemporary China Studies, 2009. - 21 S., Lit. S. 16-21, Lit.
Hinw. - (Asia Paper / Brussels Institute of Contemporary China
Studies; Vol. 4 (5))
DIE D 891755 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
1798 Kuhn, Robert Lawrence: How China's leaders think : The
inside story of China's reform and what this means for the future
/ Robert Lawrence Kuhn. - Singapore: John Wiley & Sons Inc,
2010. - XXIV,546 S., Ill., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-4708-2445-0
GIGA D 890919
GIGA D 891296 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
1809 Shugang, Peng: China's legal system for water management :
basic challenges and policy recommendations / Peng Shugang.
- In: International Journal of Water Resources Development
(Abington), 26 (March 2010) 1, S. 3-22, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 21-22
1799 Richtungswechsel: Erfolg durch Neuausrichtung der
Geschäftsmodelle : Ausblick 2010 - In: China Contact
(Münster), (2010) 1, S. 8-16
GIGA D 891467 IAS: 3/905 Öff.StaO: H 222
DIE D 891174 DIE: A0663 Öff.StaO: 7
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
SH05 Energy industry
1810 Guo, Jie; Zou, Le-le; Wei, Yi-ming: Impact of inter-sectoral
1800 Schröder, Friederike: PN photo page: Singapore as a role
trade on national and global CO2 emissions : An empirical
analysis of China and US / Jie Guo ; Le-le Zou ; Yi-ming Wei. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1389-1397
model? The China-Singapore Suzhou industrial park / Friederike
Schröder. - In: Pacific News (Göttingen), (January-February
2010) 33, Special issue on contemporary urban China, S. 13-15
SWP D 892275 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 891424 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
1811 Petersen, Alexandros: Will Azerbaijani gas exports to China
scuttle the Southern corridor? / by Alexandros Petersen. In: Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.),
(09.12.2009), ca. 4 S.
1801 Wuttke, Christian; Schröder, Friederike; Liu, Xiao:
Contemporary planning issues in a pioneering city : The
governance of urban redevelopment in Shenzhen, China /
Christian Wuttke, Friederike Schröder, Liu Xiao. - In: Pacific
News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33, Special issue
on contemporary urban China, S. 9-12
SWP D 892089
1812 Zhao, Xiaoli; Ma, Chunbo; Hong, Dongyue: Why did China's
energy intensity increase during 1998-2006 : decomposition and
policy analysis / Xiaoli Zhao ; Chunbo Ma ; Dongyue Hong. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1379-1388
GIGA D 891423 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH02.05 Economic sectors / Sectoral development /
Sectoral economic policy
SWP D 892272 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
1802 Attention seekers : communicating to China's consumer /
SH06 Agrarian sector
Junsong Chen ... - In: Business Forum China (Shanghai),
(November-December 2009) 6, S. 18-37
1813 Wehner, Stefanie: Changing landscapes and livelihoods in
Xishuangbanna, SW China / Stefanie Wehner. - In: Pacific News
(Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33, Special issue on
contemporary urban China, S. 16-19
GIGA D 891472 IAS: 3/915 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891426 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1814 Zhang, Jialin: China's slow-motion land reform : tentative steps
and halting progress / by Jialin Zhang. - In: Policy Review Online
(Washington/D.C.), (February-March 2010) 159, ca. 6 S.
SB01 International relations / process
1825 Chronology of events in the Korean peninsula 2007 -
SWP D 891414 Öff.StaO: 188/144
In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 1-12
GIGA D 891477 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1826 Chronology of events in the Korean Peninsula 2008 -
1815 Oxelheim, Lars: Globalization, transparency and economic
In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 1-16
growth : The vulnerability of Chinese firms to macroeconomic
shocks / Lars Oxelheim. - In: Journal of Asian Economics
(Amsterdam), 21 (February 2010) 1, S. 66-75
GIGA D 892081 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1827 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas
SWP D 891882 SWP: X. 764 Öff.StaO: 206
2007-2008 / James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 57-72
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
GIGA D 891482 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1828 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2008 /
1816 Analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in Japan-China trade
/ Xianbing Liu ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1510-1518
James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 69-86
SWP D 892284 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 892091 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1817 Blank, Stephen J.: China's water policies in Central Asia and
SF05 Domestic policy
leadership potential / by Stephen Blank. - In: Central
Asia-Caucasus Analyst (Washington/D.C.), (26.11.2009), ca. 3
1829 Chronology of events in the Korean peninsula 2007 -
In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 1-12
GIGA D 891477 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 892080
1830 Chronology of events in the Korean Peninsula 2008 -
In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 1-16
1818 Freeman, Duncan; Holslag, Jonathan: Climate change, China
GIGA D 892081 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
and the EU : different policies, same end? / Duncan Freeman
and Jonathan Holslag. - Brüssel: Brussels Institute of
Contemporary China Studies, 2009. - 32 S., Tab., Lit. S. 29-32 (Asia Paper / Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies;
Vol. 4 (5))
SG02.02 Social groups
1831 Kern, Thomas; Nam, Sang-hui: The korean comfort women
movement and the formation of a public sphere in East Asia /
Thomas Kern and Sang-hui Nam. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 227-256
GIGA D 892105 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 890916
SG03 Social policy / Social affairs
1819 Guo, Jie; Zou, Le-le; Wei, Yi-ming: Impact of inter-sectoral
trade on national and global CO2 emissions : An empirical
analysis of China and US / Jie Guo ; Le-le Zou ; Yi-ming Wei. In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1389-1397
1832 Tchoe, Byongho; Nam, Sang-ho: Aging risk and health care
cost in Korea / Byongho ; Sang-Ho Nam. - Stanford/Cal.: Walter
H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2009. - 24 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 19-20 - (Working Paper / Asia
Health Policy Program; No. 3)
SWP D 892275 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
1820 Hu, Zongshan; Shi, Wenling: China's international cooperation
on climate : process, motives and policies since the reform and
opening up / Hu Zongshan ; Shi Wenling. - In: Peace (Beijing),
(2009) 90, S. 44-56, Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 890890
SG03.02 Health
IFSH D 890885 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
1833 Tchoe, Byongho; Nam, Sang-ho: Aging risk and health care
cost in Korea / Byongho ; Sang-Ho Nam. - Stanford/Cal.: Walter
H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2009. - 24 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab., Anh., Lit. S. 19-20 - (Working Paper / Asia
Health Policy Program; No. 3)
1821 Pan, Jiahua; Lee, Bernice; Jiang, Kejun: Energy and climate
security : China-EU interdependences / Pan Jiahua ; Bernice
Lee ; Jiang Kejun. - In: Peace (Beijing), (2009) 91, S. 30-47,
graph. Darst., zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
IFSH D 890934 IFSH: Z 65 g 83
GIGA D 890890
1822 Wu, Joshua Su-Ya: The state of China's environmental
SG07 Social movements / associations
governance after the 17th Party Congress / Joshua Su-Ya Wu. In: East Asia: An International Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.),
26 (December 2009) 4, S. 265-284, Tab., Lit. S. 282-284
1834 Kern, Thomas; Nam, Sang-hui: The korean comfort women
movement and the formation of a public sphere in East Asia /
Thomas Kern and Sang-hui Nam. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 227-256
SWP D 891139 SWP: X. 701 IAS: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
(SINCE 1997)
GIGA D 892105 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1823 Kemmler, Benjamin: Hongkong / Benjamin Kemmler. -
1835 Bridges, Brian: Playing the game? Sport and the two Koreas /
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 134-153, Kt., Tab.
Brian Bridges. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 329-348
GIGA D 892139 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 892114 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG07 Social movements / associations
1824 Social movements in China and Hong Kong : The expansion
SA01 General studies / Area studies
of protest space / ed. by Khun Eng Kuah-Pearce ... - Amsterdam:
Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2009. - 312 S., Reg., Lit. S. 287-307,
Lit. Hinw. - (ICAS Publication Series; Vol. 9) ISBN 978-90-8964-131-1
1836 Neels, Mareike: Korea, Dem. VR / Mareike Neels. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 242-255
GIGA D 891328 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
GIGA D 892151 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
1837 Schwekendiek, Daniel: Statistical explorations in terra
1848 Muranushi, Michimi: North Korea's abduction of Japanese
incognita : how reliable are North Korean survey data / Daniel
Schwedendiek. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 227-300
citizens : The centrality of human rights violation / Michimi
Muranushi. - Tokyo: Research Institute for Peace and Security,
2010. - 18 S. - (RIPS Policy Perspectives; No. 10/2009)
GIGA D 892110 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 891336
SA03 Politics
1838 Lee, Kwang-ho: Softened tone in N.K.'s new year policy goals /
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
by Lee Kwang-ho. - In: Vantage Point (Seoul), 33 (February
2010) 2, S. 2-7
1849 Köllner, Patrick: Nordkorea nach Kim Jong Il : Ein zweiter
dynastischer Machtwechsel? / Patrick Köllner. - Hamburg: GIGA
German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Institut für
Asien-Studien, 2010. - 8 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. - (GIGA
Focus Asien; (2010) 1)
SWP D 891668 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
SB01 International relations / process
1839 Hoare, James E.: Relations between the two Koreas 2007-2008
/ James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008),
S. 45-55
GIGA D 892077
GIGA D 891481 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SF05 Domestic policy
1850 Frank, Rüdiger: North Korea : domestic politis and economy
1840 Hoare, James E.; Burghart, Sabine: Relations between the
two Koreas in 2008 / Sabine Burghart and James E. Hoare. In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 57-68
2007-2008 / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 27-44
GIGA D 892088 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891480 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1851 Frank, Rüdiger: North Korea 2008 : domestic developments
SB05 International political conflicts
1841 Muranushi, Michimi: North Korea's abduction of Japanese
citizens : The centrality of human rights violation / Michimi
Muranushi. - Tokyo: Research Institute for Peace and Security,
2010. - 18 S. - (RIPS Policy Perspectives; No. 10/2009)
SWP D 891336
SC01 International relations in the field of international
and the economy / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 35-56
GIGA D 892086 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG02.02 Social groups
1852 Park, Mikyoung Kim: The social construction of North Korean
women's identity in South Korea : romanticisation, victimisation
and vilification / Mikyoung Kim. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 257-276
GIGA D 892108 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1842 Levkowitz, Alon: The disparity between South Korea's
SG02.04 Migration
engagement and security policies towards North Korea : The
realist-liberal pendulum / Alon Levkowitz. - In: Korea Yearbook
(Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 95-124
1853 Chang, Yoonok; Haggard, Stephan; Noland, Marcus:
Migration experiences of North Korean refugees : survey
evidence from China / Yoonok Chang, Stephan Haggard and
Marcus Noland. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 301-328
GIGA D 891491 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
GIGA D 892112 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1843 Quinones, C. Kenneth: The US-DPRK 1994 agreed framework
and the US Army's return to North Korea / Kenneth C. Quinones.
- In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 199-230
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1854 Frank, Rüdiger: North Korea : domestic politis and economy
GIGA D 891495 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
2007-2008 / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 27-44
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
GIGA D 891480 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1844 DiMoia, John P.: 'Atoms for sale' : from 'atoms for peace' (South
Korea) to 'weaponized' plutonium (North Korea), 1955-2009 /
John P. DiMoia. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 117-142
1855 Frank, Rüdiger: North Korea 2008 : domestic developments
and the economy / Rüdiger Frank. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 35-56
GIGA D 892098 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892086 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1856 McEachern, Patrick: Benchmarks of economic reform in North
SD02 International economic relations / economic
Korea / Patrick McEachern. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 231-250
1845 Choi, Soo-young: Prospects for North Korea's economic
GIGA D 891497 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
reliance on China / by Choi Soo-young. - In: Vantage Point
(Seoul), 33 (February 2010) 2, S. 46-57
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
SWP D 891669 SWP: X. 608 DGAP: ZD 312 IFA: Z-KR54 IAS: 3/513
Öff.StaO: H 222
1857 The dynamics of change in North Korea : An institutionalist
perspective / ed. by Phillip H. Park. Institute for Far Eastern
Studies, Kyungnam Univ.. - Seoul: IFES, Kyungnam Univ. Press,
2009. - 311 S., zahlr. Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. - (Explorations in
Korean Studies) - ISBN 978-89-8421-294-7
1846 Lee, Kyung Tae; Jeong, Hyung-gon: Trends and prospects of
Inter-Korean economic co-operation / Kyung Tae Lee and
Hyung-gon Jeong. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008),
S. 251-268
GIGA D 891674 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891498 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
SF01.02 Human rights
1858 Shim, David: How signifying practices constitute food
1847 Democratic People's Republic of Korea: report of the
(in)security : The case of the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea / David Shim. - Hamburg: GIGA German Institute of
Global and Area Studies, February 2010. - 35 S., Ill., Lit. - (GIGA
Working Papers; No. 122) - (GIGA Research Programme:
Power, Norms and Governance in International Relations)
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Human
Rights Council, thirteenth session, agenda item 6 / United
Nations General Assembly ... - New York/N.Y., 2010. - 24 S. (A/HRC/13/13)
SWP D 891235
GIGA D 892073
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SK02 Theory / Methodology
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
1859 Schwekendiek, Daniel: Statistical explorations in terra
1870 Polley, Katharina: Scapegoat, beggar and president for the
incognita : how reliable are North Korean survey data / Daniel
Schwedendiek. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 227-300
economy : The image of Lee myung-bak as seen through
political cartoons in Chosun Ilbo and hankyoreh / Katharina
Polley. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 205-226
GIGA D 892110 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892104 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SF03 Political parties
1871 Bae, Joonbum: The South Korean left's 'northern question' /
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Joonbum Bae. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 87-116
1860 Kim, Mee-jin: Korea-Knigge : der Türöffner für
Auslandsreisende und Expatriate / von Mee-Jin Kim. - München:
Oldenbourg, 2010. - IX,201 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 191-192 - ISBN 978-3-486-58531-5
GIGA D 892095 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SF05 Domestic policy
IFA D 890901 IFA: 30/9 Öff.StaO: 212
1872 Kim, Youngmi: Fission, fusion, reform and failure in South
Korean politics : Roh Moo-Hyun's administration / Youngmi Kim.
- In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 73-94
1861 Köllner, Patrick: Korea, Republik / Patrick Köllner. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 257-279 -- Enthält:
GIGA D 891483 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892154 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
1873 Köllner, Patrick: South Korea : domestic politis and economy
2007-2008 / Patrick Köllner. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 13-26
SB01 International relations / process
1862 Hoare, James E.: Relations between the two Koreas 2007-2008
GIGA D 891478 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
/ James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008),
S. 45-55
1874 Köllner, Patrick: South Korea in 2008 : domestic developments
and the economy / Patrick Köllner. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 17-34
GIGA D 891481 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1863 Hoare, James E.; Burghart, Sabine: Relations between the
GIGA D 892083 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
two Koreas in 2008 / Sabine Burghart and James E. Hoare. In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 57-68
SG02.02 Social groups
GIGA D 892088 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1875 Park, Mikyoung Kim: The social construction of North Korean
women's identity in South Korea : romanticisation, victimisation
and vilification / Mikyoung Kim. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 257-276
1864 Swenson-Wright, John: Assassination, abduction and
normalisation : historical mythologies and misreprensentation in
post-war Korea-Japan relations / John Swenson Wright. In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 95-124
GIGA D 892108 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891490 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG04 Education / Training
SC01 International relations in the field of international
1876 Mayer, Peter: Higher education reform in South Korea : success
tempered by challenges / Peter Mayer. - In: Korea Yearbook
(Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 149-170
1865 Levkowitz, Alon: The disparity between South Korea's
engagement and security policies towards North Korea : The
realist-liberal pendulum / Alon Levkowitz. - In: Korea Yearbook
(Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 95-124
GIGA D 891493 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SG06 Media / Information
GIGA D 891491 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1877 Morris, Mark: The new Korean cinema looks back to Kwangju :
The Old Garden and May 18 / Mark Morris. - In: Korea Yearbook
(Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 171-198
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
1866 DiMoia, John P.: 'Atoms for sale' : from 'atoms for peace' (South
GIGA D 891494 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
Korea) to 'weaponized' plutonium (North Korea), 1955-2009 /
John P. DiMoia. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 117-142
1878 Polley, Katharina: Scapegoat, beggar and president for the
economy : The image of Lee myung-bak as seen through
political cartoons in Chosun Ilbo and hankyoreh / Katharina
Polley. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009), S. 205-226
GIGA D 892098 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892104 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1867 Lee, Kyung Tae; Jeong, Hyung-gon: Trends and prospects of
1879 Morris, Mark: The new Korean cinema looks back to Kwangju :
Inter-Korean economic co-operation / Kyung Tae Lee and
Hyung-gon Jeong. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008),
S. 251-268
The Old Garden and May 18 / Mark Morris. - In: Korea Yearbook
(Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 171-198
GIGA D 891494 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891498 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1880 Köllner, Patrick: South Korea : domestic politis and economy
1868 Fukuchi, Aki: South Korea's export competitiveness: : critical to
overcoming the global crisis and issues going forward / Aki
Fukuchi. - Tokyo: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, 2010. - 7 S., graph.
darst., Tab. - (Economic Review / Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi; Vol.
5, No. 1)
SWP D 891312
GIGA D 891478 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1881 Köllner, Patrick: South Korea in 2008 : domestic developments
and the economy / Patrick Köllner. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 17-34
GIGA D 892083 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
1869 Kim, Mee-jin: Korea-Knigge : der Türöffner für
1882 Kloepping, Peter: Dynamics of Korean industrial relations :
Auslandsreisende und Expatriate / von Mee-Jin Kim. - München:
Oldenbourg, 2010. - IX,201 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 191-192 - ISBN 978-3-486-58531-5
challengers for foreign invested companies in the metal sector /
Peter Kloepping. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 143-176
IFA D 890901 IFA: 30/9 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
2007-2008 / Patrick Köllner. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 13-26
GIGA D 892099 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
1883 Mühl, Jürgen: Cheju Island as a medical tourism hub in
Northeast Asia / Jürgen Mühl. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
3 (2009), S. 177-204
1894 The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East
Asia / ed. by David Arase ... - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2010. - XIV,184 S., Tab., Reg. - (Nissan Institute /
Routledge Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-48713-9
GIGA D 892101 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 891030 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SC02 Defence policy / Security policy
1884 Walke, Anja: Japan / Anja Walke. - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
1895 Hein, Patrick: Realpolitik versus principled politics : Nitobe,
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 200-223
Shidehara, Shirasu and the hollowing out of the Japanese peace
constitution / Patrick Hein. - In: East Asia: An International
Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.), 26 (December 2009) 4, S. 285-304,
Lit. S. 303-304
GIGA D 892146 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SA03 Politics
1885 Hatoyama, Yukio: Policy speech by Prime Minister Yukio
SWP D 891141 SWP: X. 701 IAS: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
Hatoyama at the 174th session of the Diet - Provisional
translation - Tokyo, 2010. - ca. 13 S.
SWP D 891236
SB01 International relations / process
1886 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas
SD International economy
1896 White Paper on international economy and trade 2009 /
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. - Tokyo, 2010. - 663 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (White Paper on International Economy and
Trade; 2009)
SWP D 891231
2007-2008 / James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden),
2 (2008), S. 57-72
SD03.01 Foreign trade
GIGA D 891482 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1897 Analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in Japan-China trade
/ Xianbing Liu ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1510-1518
1887 Hoare, James E.: Foreign relations of the two Koreas in 2008 /
James E. Hoare. - In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 3 (2009),
S. 69-86
SWP D 892284 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
GIGA D 892091 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
1888 McMillan, Charles: The maple leaf and the chrysanthemum :
Canada and Japan, 80 years and counting / Charles McMillan. In: International Journal (Toronto), 44 (Autumn 2009) 4,
S. 1075-1091, graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
1898 Nataraj, Geethanjali: India-Japan investment relations : trends
& prospects / Geethanjali Nataraj. - New Delhi: Indian Council for
Research on International Economic Relations, 2010. - 25 S.,
Tab. - (Working Paper / Indian Council for Research on
International Economic Relations; No. 245)
DGAP D 891485 SWP: X. 247 OSI: Zt 949 DGAP: ZD 305 Öff.StaO: 1a
1889 Swenson-Wright, John: Assassination, abduction and
normalisation : historical mythologies and misreprensentation in
post-war Korea-Japan relations / John Swenson Wright. In: Korea Yearbook (Leiden), 2 (2008), S. 95-124
SWP D 891331
SE International cultural relations
GIGA D 891490 SWP: U. 879 IAS: 1.66.00/66 Öff.StaO: H 222
1899 Takenori, Inoki: Cultural exchange at the crossroads : interview
1890 The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East
Inoki Takenori, director, International Research Center for
Japanese Studies / interview conducted by Furuhata Takashirō.
- In: IHJ Bulletin (Tokyo), 29 (2009) 2, S. 47-57, Ill.
Asia / ed. by David Arase ... - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2010. - XIV,184 S., Tab., Reg. - (Nissan Institute /
Routledge Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-48713-9
IFA D 892068 IFA: Z-JA197 Öff.StaO: 212
GIGA D 891030 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
1891 Van Ness, Peter: Japan, the indispensable power in Northeast
Asia / by Peter Van Ness. - In: Global Asia (Elektronische
Ressource) (Seoul), 4 (Winter 2010) 4, ca. 5 S.
1900 Menge, Rita: Praxisführer Japan : Fettnäpfchen gekonnt
vermeiden / Rita Menge. - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann,
2009. - 187 S., Ill. - ISBN 978-3-8260-4158-7 -- Lit. S. 181-183
SWP D 890969
IFA D 890880 IFA: 29/524 Öff.StaO: 212
SB05 International political conflicts
SF01 Political system / Constitution
1892 Muranushi, Michimi: North Korea's abduction of Japanese
citizens : The centrality of human rights violation / Michimi
Muranushi. - Tokyo: Research Institute for Peace and Security,
2010. - 18 S. - (RIPS Policy Perspectives; No. 10/2009)
SWP D 891336
1901 Hein, Patrick: Realpolitik versus principled politics : Nitobe,
Shidehara, Shirasu and the hollowing out of the Japanese peace
constitution / Patrick Hein. - In: East Asia: An International
Quarterly (Piscataway/N.J.), 26 (December 2009) 4, S. 285-304,
Lit. S. 303-304
SWP D 891141 SWP: X. 701 IAS: 3/377 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF01.02 Human rights
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1902 Muranushi, Michimi: North Korea's abduction of Japanese
1893 Hamanaka, Shintaro: Asian regionalism and Japan : The
citizens : The centrality of human rights violation / Michimi
Muranushi. - Tokyo: Research Institute for Peace and Security,
2010. - 18 S. - (RIPS Policy Perspectives; No. 10/2009)
politics of membership in regional diplomatic, financial and trade
groups / Shintaro Hamanaka. - 1st published - London ...:
Routledge, 2009. - XIII,234 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S.206-223 - (Sheffield Centre for Japanese Studies /
Routledge Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-55304-9
SWP D 891336
GIGA D 891034 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SF05 Domestic policy
1903 Nakano, Koichi: Party politics and decentralization in Japan
and France : when the opposition governs / Koichi Nakano. - 1st
published - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - XIV,155 S.,
Lit. S.135-145, Lit. Hinw. - (Nissan Institute / Routledge
Japanese Studies Series) - ISBN 978-0-415-55305-6
GIGA D 891047 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.9 Asia (without western Asia) / Asien (ohne westliches Asien) / Asie (sans Asie de l'Ouest)
SG02 Social process / Social structure
1904 Regionalentwicklung und regionale Disparitäten / hrsg. von
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Volker Elis und Ralph Lützeler. - München: Iudicium, 2008. 390 S. - (Japanstudien (München); Bd. 20 (2008))
1907 Liu, Jen-kai: Macau / Liu Jen-kai. - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 298-314, Kt., Tab.
GIGA D 892115 IAS: 1.65.00/237,20 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892156 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SH02.04 Regional / local development / Regional economic
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1905 Regionalentwicklung und regionale Disparitäten / hrsg. von
Volker Elis und Ralph Lützeler. - München: Iudicium, 2008. 390 S. - (Japanstudien (München); Bd. 20 (2008))
1908 Keller, Jonas: Mongolei / Jonas Keller. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 336-351
GIGA D 892115 IAS: 1.65.00/237,20 Öff.StaO: H 222
GIGA D 892158 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1906 Analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in Japan-China trade
/ Xianbing Liu ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1510-1518
SWP D 892284 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
1919 OECD Development Assistance Committee: DAC peer
SB02 Foreign policy
review of Australia : 4 december 2008 / OECD Development
Assistance Committee. - In: OECD Journal on Development
(Paris), 10 (2009) 2, S. 147-260, graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. S. 259-260
1909 Die Außenpolitik der Staaten Ozeaniens : ein Handbuch ; von
Australien bis Neuseeland, von Samoa bis Vanuatu / Andreas
Dittmann ... (Hrsg.) - Paderborn ...: Schöningh, 2010. - 301 S.,
Kt., graph. Darst., Tab., Zeittaf., Reg. - ISBN 978-3-506-76800-1
DIE D 891897 DIE: ZS014 Öff.StaO: B 1503
GIGA D 891714 IAS: Öff.StaO: H 222
SD02 International economic relations / economic
SA01 General studies / Area studies
1920 Müller, Daniel: Neuseeland / Daniel Müller. -
1910 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 388-405
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 892167 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SD02.01 Regional economic cooperation / Economic
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
1921 Creative New Zealand: Statement of intent : tauāki
1911 Regionale Zusammenarbeit : Regionale Kooperation in der
whakamaunga atu 2009-2012 / Creative NZ, Arts Council of
New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. - Wellington, 2009. - 52 S.
Asien-Pazifik Region - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik
(Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 18-22
GIGA D 892126 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
IFA D 891512 IFA: Cb30/54 Öff.StaO: 212
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1912 Außenhandel mit Asien-Pazifik - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 24-28
1922 Schänzel, Heike: Domestic tourism in New Zealand : The Kiwi
GIGA D 892129 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
family holiday / Heike Schänzel. - In: Pacific News (Göttingen),
(January-February 2010) 33, S. 24-26
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1913 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
GIGA D 891428 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SA01 General studies / Area studies
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1923 Neels, Mareike: Südpazifische Inselländer / Mareike Neels. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 462-477, Kt., Tab.
1914 Asien-Pazifik im Überblick - In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien
Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010), S. 28-33
GIGA D 892173 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
GIGA D 892131 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1924 Gani, Azmat: Some aspects of trade between Australia and
SA01 General studies / Area studies
Pacific Island countries / Azmat Gani. - In: The World Economy
(Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 89-106
1915 Müller, Daniel: Australien / Daniel Müller. -
In: Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik (Hamburg), (2009-2010),
S. 36-55, Kt.
SWP D 891889 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
GIGA D 892132 SWP: U. 724 DGAP: DG 38171 IAS: Öff.StaO: 1a
SB01 International relations / process
1925 End, Judith: Von der Sehnsucht nach exotischer Ferne : die
1916 Herr, Richard: Time for a fresh approach : Australia and Fiji
relations post-abrogation / by Richard Herr. - Barton: Australian
Strategic Policy Institute, 2010. - 16 S. - (Special Report /
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton); Issue 27)
SWP D 891300
Vorstellung vom irdischen Paradies und Ihre Inszenierung in
Reisereportagen des Fernsehens / Judith End. - Saarbrücken VDM: 2007, 2007. - 120,13 S., Lit. S. 1-7 ISBN 978-3-8264-2311-3
IFA D 890841 IFA: 30/33 Öff.StaO: 212
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
1926 Amoamo, Maria: Pitcairn Island : home of the "Bounty"
SB02 Foreign policy
mutineers and their descendants / Maria Amoamo. - In: Pacific
News (Göttingen), (January-February 2010) 33, S. 27-29
1917 Hofmeister, Wilhelm: "An odd man in" - Australiens Rolle in der
internationalen Politik / Wilhelm Hofmeister. In: KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin), 26 (2010) 2, S. 73-96
GIGA D 891429 IAS: 3/936 Öff.StaO: H 222
SWP D 892245 SWP: Y. 626 OSI: Zw 153 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 454 HSFK: ZS K
IAA: ZS-INT IAS: 3/849 Öff.StaO: 212
SF01.02 Human rights
SD03.01 Foreign trade
1927 Undermining rights : forced evictions and police brutality
around the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea / Amnesty
International. - London, 2010. - 28 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Index:ASA34/001/2010)
1918 Gani, Azmat: Some aspects of trade between Australia and
Pacific Island countries / Azmat Gani. - In: The World Economy
(Oxford), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 89-106
SWP D 891889 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891355
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.10 Oceania / Ozeanien / Océanie
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1928 Undermining rights : forced evictions and police brutality
around the Porgera gold mine, Papua New Guinea / Amnesty
International. - London, 2010. - 28 S., Ill., Kt., Lit. Hinw. (Index:ASA34/001/2010)
SWP D 891355
SF04.01 Elections
1930 Clinchamps, Nicolas: Les avatars de la loi électorale en
Polynésie française : histoire d'une évolution inachevée /
Nicolas Clinchamps. - In: Pouvoirs (Paris), (2009) 132,
S. 153-165, Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891397 OSI: Zv 267 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 249 Öff.StaO: 1a
SB01 International relations / process
1929 Herr, Richard: Time for a fresh approach : Australia and Fiji
relations post-abrogation / by Richard Herr. - Barton: Australian
Strategic Policy Institute, 2010. - 16 S. - (Special Report /
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton); Issue 27)
SWP D 891300
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SC01 International relations in the field of international
SB03 International law
1937 Bilgin, Pınar: EU security policies towards the Mediterranean :
1931 The Responsibility to Protect and the protection of
civilians : Asia-Pacific in the UN Security Council / Asia-Pacific
Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. - Update No. 2 Brisbane, 2009. - 19 S., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891713
The ethical dimension ; what do we know and what else should
we know? / Pinar Bilgin. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy
Studies, 2009. - 7 S., Lit. S. 5-6 - (INEX Policy Brief; No. 2)
SWP D 890851
SC International security / Defense
1938 Soler i Lecha, Eduard; García, Irene: The Union for the
Mediterranean : what has it changed and what can be changed
in the domain of security? / by Eduard Soler i Lecha & Irene
García. - Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies, 2009. 6 S. - (INEX Policy Brief; No. 4)
1932 Bellamy, Alex J.; Davies, Sara E.: The responsibility to protect
in the Asia-Pacific region / Alex J. Bellamy & Sara E. Davies. In: Security Dialogue (London), 40 (December 2009) 6,
S. 547-574, Lit. S. 571-574
SWP D 891342 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S
Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891630
SB01 International relations / process
SC International security / Defense
1933 Gillespie, Richard: European Union responses to conflict in the
1939 Sanders, Deborah: Maritime security in the Black Sea : can
western Mediterranean / Richard Gillespie. - In: The Journal of
North African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 85-103
regional solutions work? / Deborah Sanders. - In: European
Security (Ilford), 18 (June 2009) 2, S. 101-124
SWP D 891327 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
SWP D 892144 SWP: X. 783 HSFK: ZS E Öff.StaO: 18
1934 Möller, Almut: Die Entstehungsgeschichte und Strukturen der
Mittelmeerunion : Gradmesser für europäische Debatten zur
Nachbarschafts-, Mittelmeer- und Nahostpolitik / Almut Möller. In: Die Europäische Union nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon / Olaf
Leiße (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden: VS Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010,
S. 371-381, Lit. S. 381 - ISBN 978-3-531-16072-6
SH05 Energy industry
1940 Norling, Nicklas: Gazprom's monopoly and Nabucco's
potentials : strategic decisions for Europe / Nicklas Norling. Washington/D.C.: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, 2007. - 48 S.
- (Silk Road Paper; November 2007) - ISBN 978-91-85937-06-6
DGAP D 891831 DGAP: DG 48180
SB04 International political integration
1935 Lannon, Erwan; Martín, Iván: Report on the
SWP D 891532 DGAP: DG 46794k
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership : status & progress 2009 /
Erwan Lannon & Iván Martín. - Barcelona: European Institute of
the Mediterranean, 2009. - 78 S., Lit. S. 71-78
GIGA D 891649 DGAP: DG B01550n
SC International security / Defense
1941 Global security, climate change, and the Arctic - In: Swords
and Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), 17 (Fall 2009) 3, S. 1-20, Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt.
SB05 International political conflicts
1936 Gillespie, Richard: European Union responses to conflict in the
SWP D 891555
western Mediterranean / Richard Gillespie. - In: The Journal of
North African Studies (Abingdon), 15 (March 2010) 1, S. 85-103
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 891327 SWP: X. 823 IMES: ZS-NO Öff.StaO: 3
1942 Global security, climate change, and the Arctic - In: Swords
and Ploughshares (Champaign/Ill.), 17 (Fall 2009) 3, S. 1-20, Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt.
SWP D 891555
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
1952 Engbruch, Katharina: Das Menschenrecht auf einen
SB01 International relations / process
1943 Larsen, Iselin Hebbert: UNAMA in Afghanistan : challenges
and opportunities in peacemaking, state-building and
coordination / Iselin Hebbert Larsen. - Oslo, 2010. - 51 S. (Security in Practice; 3/2010) - (NUPI Report) ISBN 978-82-7002-263-2
SWP D 891347
1944 Luck, Edward C.: Exceptional meets universal : Moscow and
Washington at the United Nations / Edward C. Luck. - New
York/N.Y. ...: The Century Foundation, 2010. - 26 S. - (A Century
Foundation Report)
angemessenen Lebensstandard : Ernährung, Wasser,
Bekleidung, Unterbringung und Energie als Elemente des Art.
11(1) IPWSKR / Katharina Engbruch. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,
2008. - 337 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 301-337 - (Studien zum
internationalen, europäischen und öffentlichen Recht; Bd. 20) ISBN 978-3-631-57575-8 -- Zugl.: Mannheim, Univ., Diss., 2007
HSFK D 891743 HSFK: 41.039 Öff.StaO: F 197
1953 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
SWP D 891123
1954 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
planned action / Mario Coriolano. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht
(Bochum), 22 (2009) 4, S. 194-199
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
SWP D 891680 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
SWP D 890829
SWP D 890981
SB03 International law
1945 Coriolano, Mario: Torture prevention network : topics for
1946 Engbruch, Katharina: Das Menschenrecht auf einen
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
angemessenen Lebensstandard : Ernährung, Wasser,
Bekleidung, Unterbringung und Energie als Elemente des Art.
11(1) IPWSKR / Katharina Engbruch. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Lang,
2008. - 337 S., Lit. Hinw. S. 301-337 - (Studien zum
internationalen, europäischen und öffentlichen Recht; Bd. 20) ISBN 978-3-631-57575-8 -- Zugl.: Mannheim, Univ., Diss., 2007
1955 Conca, Ken; Wallace, Jennifer: Environment and
peacebuilding in war-torn societies : lessons from the UN
Environment Programme's experience with postconflict
assessment / Ken Conca and Jennifer Wallace. - In: Global
Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December 2009) 4,
S. 485-504, Lit. S. 501-504
HSFK D 891743 HSFK: 41.039 Öff.StaO: F 197
DIE D 891136 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
SC05 War / Warfare
SG02.02 Social groups
1947 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 2) :
1956 Tryggestad, Torunn L.: Trick or treat? The UN and
A miscarriage of human rights / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle
East Review of International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December
2009) 4, S. 20-46
implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 on women,
peace, and security / Torunn L. Tryggestad. - In: Global
Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December 2009) 4,
S. 539-557, Lit. S. 552-557
SWP D 891123
DIE D 891146 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
1948 Landes, Richard: Goldstone's Gaza report : (Part 1) : A failure
of intelligence / by Richard Landes. - In: Middle East Review of
International Affairs (Herzliya), 13 (December 2009) 4, S. 1-19
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1957 Martin, Mary; Owen, Taylor: The second generation of human
security : lessons from the UN and EU experience / Mary Martin
and Taylor Owen. - In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January
2010) 1, S. 211-224
SWP D 891122
1949 Report of an expert meeting which assessed procedural
criticisms made of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on Gaza
Conflict (The Goldstone Report) : The meeting took place at
Chatham House on 27 November 2009 ; [ ... ] organized by
Chatham House ... - London, 2009. - 14 S. - (Meeting Summary
/ Chatham House)
SWP D 890829
SWP D 891954 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
SH05 Energy industry
1958 Schneider, Malte; Schmidt, Tobias S.; Hoffmann, Volker H.:
Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM /
Malte Schneider ; Tobias S. Schmidt ; Volker H. Hoffmann. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 17-37
SWP D 891929 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
SF01.02 Human rights
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1950 Coriolano, Mario: Torture prevention network : topics for
planned action / Mario Coriolano. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht
(Bochum), 22 (2009) 4, S. 194-199
1959 Blyth, William: Climate policy after Copenhagen : managing
SWP D 891680 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
carbon price risk in an uncertain world / William Blyth. - London:
Chatham House, 2010. - 6 S. - (Briefing Paper / Chatham House;
EERG BP 2010/01) - (Energy, Environment and Resource
1951 Democratic People's Republic of Korea: report of the
Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Human
Rights Council, thirteenth session, agenda item 6 / United
Nations General Assembly ... - New York/N.Y., 2010. - 24 S. (A/HRC/13/13)
SWP D 891706
1960 Conca, Ken; Wallace, Jennifer: Environment and
SWP D 891235
peacebuilding in war-torn societies : lessons from the UN
Environment Programme's experience with postconflict
assessment / Ken Conca and Jennifer Wallace. - In: Global
Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December 2009) 4,
S. 485-504, Lit. S. 501-504
DIE D 891136 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.13 International organisations / Internationale Organisationen / Organisations internationales
1961 Moncel, Remi; McMahon, Hilary; Stasio, Kirsten: Counting
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
the cash : elements of a framework for the measurement,
reporting and verification of climate finance / Remi Moncel,
Hilary McMahon, and Kirsten Stasio. - Washington/D.C.: World
Resources Institute, 2009. - 25 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (Working Paper / World Resources Institute)
1966 Van Waeyenberge, Elisa: Selectivity at work : country policy
and institutional assessments at the World Bank / Elisa van
Waeyenberge. - In: The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5, S. 792-810,
Lit. S. 807-810
Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 890998
1962 Schneider, Malte; Schmidt, Tobias S.; Hoffmann, Volker H.:
Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM /
Malte Schneider ; Tobias S. Schmidt ; Volker H. Hoffmann. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 17-37
SB03 International law
SWP D 891929 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
1967 Lindberg, Tod: A way forward with the International Criminal
Court : cooperation, pursued carefully, over time / by Tod
Lindberg. - In: Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.),
(February-March 2010) 159, ca. 8 S.
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 891407 Öff.StaO: 188/144
1963 Wiśniewska, Iwona: Does Russia not want to join the WTO? /
Iwona Wiśniewska. - Warsaw: Centre for Eastern Studies, (24.
June 2009). - ca. 2 S. - (East Week; 23 (173))
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1968 Hofmann, Norbert von: Die Schwellenländer Ostasiens und
SWP D 892274
SB07 International organisations / institutions
1964 Deere-Birkbeck, Carolyn; Monagle, Catherine: Strengthening
multilateralism : A mapping of proposals on WTO reform and
global trade governance ; discussion draft / by Caroline
Deere-Birkbeck and Catherine Monagle. With a foreword by
Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz ... - Geneva: International Centre for
Trade and Sustainable Development, 2009. - 178 S.,
Lit. S. 150-177 - ISBN 978-2-8399-0596-1
SWP D 891651
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
1965 Deere-Birkbeck, Carolyn; Monagle, Catherine: Strengthening
multilateralism : A mapping of proposals on WTO reform and
global trade governance ; discussion draft / by Caroline
Deere-Birkbeck and Catherine Monagle. With a foreword by
Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz ... - Geneva: International Centre for
Trade and Sustainable Development, 2009. - 178 S.,
Lit. S. 150-177 - ISBN 978-2-8399-0596-1
SWP D 891651
der G-20-Prozess / Norbert von Hofmann. - Jakarta:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der
internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik;
Januar 2010)
SWP D 891386
SD01 World economy / International economic system
1969 Hofmann, Norbert von: Die Schwellenländer Ostasiens und
der G-20-Prozess / Norbert von Hofmann. - Jakarta:
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2010. - 6 S. - (Kurzberichte aus der
internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Asien und Pazifik;
Januar 2010)
SWP D 891386
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
1970 Casson, Mark C.; Della Giusta, Marina; Kambhampati, Uma
S.: Formal and informal institutions and development / Mark C.
Casson, Marina della Giusta and Uma S. Kambhampati. In: World Development (Oxford), 38 (February 2010) 2, Special
Issue: Formal and informal institutions and development,
S. 137-141
SWP D 891799 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
1980 Daniel, Jean-Pierre: Le rôle de l'assurance dans l'économie :
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
ses effets d'entraînement et de frein sur les activités
économiques / Jean-Pierre Daniel. - In: Futuribles (Paris),
(février 2010) 360, S. 35-46, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
1971 Foster, Neil; Greenaway, David; Falvey, Rodney E.: Trade,
imitative ability and intellectual property rights / Rod Falvey ; Neil
Foster ; David Greenaway. - In: Review of World Economics
(Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 373-404, Tab.,
Lit. S. 402-404
DFI D 891253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SH05 Energy industry
DIE D 891739 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
1981 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
SF10 Law
1972 Foster, Neil; Greenaway, David; Falvey, Rodney E.: Trade,
imitative ability and intellectual property rights / Rod Falvey ; Neil
Foster ; David Greenaway. - In: Review of World Economics
(Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 373-404, Tab.,
Lit. S. 402-404
SWP D 891531
DIE D 891739 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
1982 Petersen, Alexandros: Integrating Azerbaijan, Georgia, and
SB01 International relations / process
1973 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
Turkey with the West : The case of the East-West transport
corridor / by Alexandros Petersen. - Washington/D.C.: Center for
Strategic and International Studies, 2007. - 20 S., Lit. S. 15-20 (CSIS Commentary)
SWP D 891531
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
1974 Greene, Samuel A.; Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evič: (Re)Engaging
Russia in an era of uncertainty / Samuel A. Greene ; Dmitri
Trenin. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief / Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace; 86)
1983 Daniel, Jean-Pierre: Le rôle de l'assurance dans l'économie :
ses effets d'entraînement et de frein sur les activités
économiques / Jean-Pierre Daniel. - In: Futuribles (Paris),
(février 2010) 360, S. 35-46, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 891253 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 188
SWP D 891113
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SG02.04 Migration
1975 Bachmann, Jan; Hönke, Jana: 'Peace and security' as
1984 Transatlantic trends: immigration : key findings 2009 / The
counterterrorism? The political effects of liberal interventions in
Kenya / Jan Bachmann and Jana Hönke. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 97-114
SWP D 891392 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
1976 Eckert, Andreas: Entwicklung in Afrika - was geht uns das an?
German Marshall Fund of the United States. Washington/D.C. ..., 2009. - 33 S., zahlr. graph. Darst., Tab.
SWP D 891663
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
Essay / Andreas Eckert. - In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
(Bonn), (17. August 2009) 34-35, S. 3-7, Lit. Hinw.
1985 Apergis, Nicholas; Payne, James E.: Coal consumption and
SWP D 891200 SWP: X. 130 OSI: Zs 271 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 167 HSFK: ZS A
IAA: ZS-INT Öff.StaO: 188
economic growth : evidence from a panel of OECD countries /
Nicholas Apergis ; James E. Payne. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),
38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1353-1359
SWP D 892270 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SE International cultural relations
SH03 Labour / Employment
1977 Amouzou, Essé: L'impact de la culture occidentale sur les
1986 Causa, Orsetta: The policy determinants of hours worked
cultures africaines / Essé Amouzou. - Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009.
- 190 S., Lit. S. 179-185 - (Etudes africaines) ISBN 978-2-296-07520-7
across OECD countries / by Orsetta Causa. - In: OECD
Economic Studies (Paris), (2009) 1, S. 9-47
IFA D 890914 IFA: 30/52 Öff.StaO: 212
SWP D 892251 SWP: X. 700 Öff.StaO: 1a
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1987 Apergis, Nicholas; Payne, James E.: Coal consumption and
1978 Cole, Juan: Engaging the Muslim world / Juan Cole. - 1st
economic growth : evidence from a panel of OECD countries /
Nicholas Apergis ; James E. Payne. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford),
38 (March 2010) 3, S. 1353-1359
published - New York/N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. - 282 S.,
Kt., Reg., Lit. Hinw. 253-273 - ISBN 978-0-230-60754-5
GIGA D 891337 IMES: MEA-G/56 Öff.StaO: H 371
SWP D 892270 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SF06.02 Terrorism
SH05 Energy industry
1979 Bachmann, Jan; Hönke, Jana: 'Peace and security' as
1988 Caspary, Georg: Policy coherence for sustainable
counterterrorism? The political effects of liberal interventions in
Kenya / Jan Bachmann and Jana Hönke. - In: African Affairs
(Oxford), 109 (January 2010) 434, S. 97-114
SWP D 891392 SWP: X. 594 OSI: Zt 764 IFA: Z-GB128 DIE: 04ZK009 IAA: ZS-AF
Öff.StaO: 1a
infrastructure in developing countries : The case of
OECD-country public finance for large dams / Georg Caspary. In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December
2009) 4, S. 461-484, Tab., Lit. S. 480-484
DIE D 890863 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.14 Developed countries / Entwickelte Länder / Pays Développes
1989 Energy statistics of OECD countries : 2009 edition
SH10 Public finance
= Statistiques de l'énergie des pays de l'OCDE / International
Energy Agency. - Paris, 2009. - X, 335 S., Tab. - (IEA statistics) ISBN 978-92-64-06117-0
1991 Schick, Allen: Budgeting for fiscal space / by Allen Schick. -
In: OECD Journal on Budgeting (Paris), 9 (2009) 2, S. 7-24
Außerdem erschienen in: Evolutions in budgetary practice: Allen
Schick and the OECD Senior Budget Officials. - Paris: OECD
Publishing, 2009. - 458 S.
DGAP D 891162 DGAP: OE 565
SH08.01 Transport / Transportation / Tourism
SWP D 891957 SWP: Y. 1117 Öff.StaO: 206
1990 Effects of environmental policy on the type of innovation :
The case of automotive emission-control technologies / by Ivan
Hascic ... - In: OECD Economic Studies (Paris), (2009) 1,
S. 49-66
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
1992 Effects of environmental policy on the type of innovation :
SWP D 892254 SWP: X. 700 Öff.StaO: 1a
The case of automotive emission-control technologies / by Ivan
Hascic ... - In: OECD Economic Studies (Paris), (2009) 1,
S. 49-66
SWP D 892254 SWP: X. 700 Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
2002 Fremdes verstehen : entwicklungspolitische und ethnologische
SB01 International relations / process
Beiträge ; Gedenkschrift für Dr. Paulos Daffa / Wolfgang Gieler ...
(Hrsg.) - 1. Aufl. - Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verl.-Ges., 2009. 120 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-8329-4802-3
1993 Amsden, Alice H.: Escape from empire : The developing
world's journey through heaven and hell / Alice H. Amsden. Cambridge/Mass. ...: The MIT Pr., 2007. - VI,197 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 177-186 ISBN 978-0-262-01234-8
IFA D 891210 IFA: 30/57 Öff.StaO: 212
HSFK D 891832 HSFK: 39.976 Öff.StaO: F 197
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
1994 Mehl, Regine: Whose education for all? The need for the
2003 Security sector reform in challenging environments / ed. by
teaching global governance in the light of Birgit Brock-Utne's
findings / Regine Mehl. - In: Language and power: The
implications of language for peace and development / ed. by
Birgit Brock-Utne ... - Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota, 2009,
S. 133-137, Lit. S. 137 - ISBN 978-9987-08-032-8
Hans Born ... Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of
Armed Forces - Berlin ...: Lit, 2009. - 268 S., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- ISBN 978-3-643-80013-8
DIE D 891293 DIE: JF005 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SF10 Law
GIGA D 891737
2004 Foster, Neil; Greenaway, David; Falvey, Rodney E.: Trade,
SD01.01 International trade / International trade system
imitative ability and intellectual property rights / Rod Falvey ; Neil
Foster ; David Greenaway. - In: Review of World Economics
(Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 373-404, Tab.,
Lit. S. 402-404
1995 Foster, Neil; Greenaway, David; Falvey, Rodney E.: Trade,
imitative ability and intellectual property rights / Rod Falvey ; Neil
Foster ; David Greenaway. - In: Review of World Economics
(Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 373-404, Tab.,
Lit. S. 402-404
DIE D 891739 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02.04 Migration
DIE D 891739 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
2005 Dadush, Uri; Falcao, Lauren: Migrants and the global financial
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
crisis / Uri Dadush ; Lauren Falcao. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief /
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 83)
1996 2009 Global hunger index: The challenge of hunger : focus
on financial crisis and gender inequality / Klaus von Grebmer ...
International Food Policy Research Institute ... Washington/D.C., 2009. - 6 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (IFPRI Issue
Brief; 62)
SWP D 891563
SG04 Education / Training
2006 Mehl, Regine: Whose education for all? The need for the
SWP D 891600
1997 Dadush, Uri; Falcao, Lauren: Migrants and the global financial
crisis / Uri Dadush ; Lauren Falcao. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief /
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 83)
SWP D 891563
teaching global governance in the light of Birgit Brock-Utne's
findings / Regine Mehl. - In: Language and power: The
implications of language for peace and development / ed. by
Birgit Brock-Utne ... - Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota, 2009,
S. 133-137, Lit. S. 137 - ISBN 978-9987-08-032-8
DIE D 891293 DIE: JF005 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
2007 Beyond the midpoint : Achieving the Millennium Development
Goals / United Nations Development Programme. - New
York/N.Y., 2010. - 175 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-1-126271-1
1998 Amsden, Alice H.: Escape from empire : The developing
world's journey through heaven and hell / Alice H. Amsden. Cambridge/Mass. ...: The MIT Pr., 2007. - VI,197 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 177-186 ISBN 978-0-262-01234-8
SWP D 891735
HSFK D 891832 HSFK: 39.976 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
1999 Beyond the midpoint : Achieving the Millennium Development
Goals / United Nations Development Programme. - New
York/N.Y., 2010. - 175 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-92-1-126271-1
SWP D 891735
2008 Kreul, Walter: Für Landwirtschaft und
Nahrungsmittelproduktion wird die Versorgung mit Wasser zu
einem der Schlüsselprobleme des 21. Jahrhunderts / Walter
Kreul. - In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft (Stuttgart),
87 (Dezember 2009) 3, S. 510-518, Lit. S. 518
DIE D 891156 DIE: ZA029 Öff.StaO: 206
2000 Development Studies Association 30th anniversary
SH05 Energy industry
conference 2008 - In: The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon), 21 (December 2009) 5, S. 677-771,
2009 Caspary, Georg: Policy coherence for sustainable
infrastructure in developing countries : The case of
OECD-country public finance for large dams / Georg Caspary. In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December
2009) 4, S. 461-484, Tab., Lit. S. 480-484
Öff.StaO: B 1503
2001 OECD Development Assistance Committee: Trading out of
DIE D 890863 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
poverty : how aid for trade can help / OECD Development
Assistance Committee. - In: OECD Journal on Development
(Paris), 10 (2009) 2, S. 7-41, graph. Darst., Lit. S. 35-41
2010 Schneider, Malte; Schmidt, Tobias S.; Hoffmann, Volker H.:
Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM /
Malte Schneider ; Tobias S. Schmidt ; Volker H. Hoffmann. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 17-37
DIE D 891894 DIE: ZS014 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 891929 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.15 Developing countries / Entwicklungsländer / Pays en voie de développement
SH06 Agrarian sector
SI01 Technology / Technological development
2011 Kreul, Walter: Für Landwirtschaft und
2016 Altenburg, Tilman: Building inclusive innovation systems in
Nahrungsmittelproduktion wird die Versorgung mit Wasser zu
einem der Schlüsselprobleme des 21. Jahrhunderts / Walter
Kreul. - In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft (Stuttgart),
87 (Dezember 2009) 3, S. 510-518, Lit. S. 518
developing countries : challenges for IS research / Tilman
Altenburg. - In: Handbook of innovation systems and developing
countries: building domestic capabilities in a global setting / ed.
by Bengt-Åke Lundvall ... - Cheltenham: Elgar, 2009, S. 33-56,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 54-56 - ISBN 978-1-84720-609-1
DIE D 891156 DIE: ZA029 Öff.StaO: 206
DIE D 891351 DIE: PA106 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
2017 Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries :
2012 2009 Global hunger index: The challenge of hunger : focus
building domestic capabilities in a global setting / Ed. by
Bengt-Åke Lundvall ... - Cheltenham ...: Elgar, 2009. - XIV,395,
graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-84720-609-1
on financial crisis and gender inequality / Klaus von Grebmer ...
International Food Policy Research Institute ... Washington/D.C., 2009. - 6 S., Ill., graph. Darst. - (IFPRI Issue
Brief; 62)
DIE D 891344 DIE: PA106 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 891600
2013 Climate change and hunger : responding to the challenge / by
Martin Parry ... Publ. by the World Food Programme ... - Rome,
2009. - 108 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891569
2018 Assessing offset quality in the clean development
mechanism / Offset Quality Initiative. - o.O., 2009. - 28 S.,
graph. Darst.
SWP D 891650
2019 Climate change and hunger : responding to the challenge / by
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
Martin Parry ... Publ. by the World Food Programme ... - Rome,
2009. - 108 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
2014 [Firm performance in developing countries] - In: The Journal
of Development Studies (Abingdon), 45 (november 2009) 10,
S. 1579-1650, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält u.a.:
Product market competition and productivity in the Indian
manufacturing industry / Atsushi Kato. - S. 1579-1593
SWP D 891569
2020 Schneider, Malte; Schmidt, Tobias S.; Hoffmann, Volker H.:
DIE D 891861 DIE: ZF017 Öff.StaO: 206 H
Performance of renewable energy technologies under the CDM /
Malte Schneider ; Tobias S. Schmidt ; Volker H. Hoffmann. In: Climate Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 17-37
SH09 Informal sector
2015 Hariss-White, Barbara: Work and wellbeing in informal
SWP D 891929 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
economies : The regulative roles of institutions of identity and the
state / Barbara Hariss-White. - In: World Development (Oxford),
38 (February 2010) 2, Special Issue: Formal and informal
institutions and development, S. 170-183
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
SWP D 891864 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a
2021 Joly, Eva: Report on the second revision of the Partnership
Agreement ACP-EC (the "Cotonou Agreement") (2009/2165(INI)) / Committee on Development. Rapporteur: Eva
Joly. - Brussels: European Parliament, 2009. - 18 S., Tab. (Session Document / European Parliament) - (A7-0086/2009)
SWP D 891784
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
2024 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
2022 Marchesi, Álvaro: Lengua española, ciencia y diplomacia :
[Congresos Internacionales de la Lengua Española, 2007
Cartagena, sesiones plenarias] / Álvaro Marchesi. - Madrid:
Cervantes, 2007. - ca. 8 S.
IFA D 891321 IFA: Cb30/50 Öff.StaO: 212
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
2025 Küpper, Klaus: Einladung zu einer Entdeckungsreise : die
2023 Müller de Oliveira, Gilvan; Dornelles, Clara: Políticas
internacionales del portugués / Gilvan Müller de Oliveira y Clara
Dornelles. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2007. - 7 S. - (Analyses of
the Royal Institute; no. 135/2007)
Literatur Zentralamerikas und ihre Rezeption im deutschen
Sprachraum / von Klaus Küpper. - In: ILA (Bonn), (Dez. 2009)
331, S. 40-46, Ill.
IFA D 891104 SWP: Y. 1091 IFA: Z-D2978 ILAS: ZS-LA Öff.StaO: 212
IFA D 891912 IFA: Cb30/82 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
2038 Nissel, Heinz: Kritische Geopolitik : zur Neukonzeption der
politischen Geographie in der Postmoderne / Heinz Nissel. In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 12-23
SA02 History
2026 Civil resistance and power politics : The experience of
non-violent action from Ghandi to the present / ed. by Adam
Roberts ... - 1st publ. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - XXI,
407 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-19-955201-6
SWP D 892039 SWP: A.10/0024
SWP D 890896 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
2039 Potter, William C.: In search of the nuclear taboo : past, present,
and future ; in collaboration with the Atomic Energy Commission
(CEA) / William C. Potter. - Paris: Institut Français des Relations
Internationales, 2010. - 35 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Proliferation Papers /
IFRI; [n° 31]) - ISBN 978-2-86592-652-7
SA03 Politics
2027 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall : External views /
Jacqueline Hénard ... - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2009) 1,
S. 77-146
SWP D 891266
2040 Riemer, Andrea K.: Strategische Theorien und
GIGA D 891447 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926
Politikgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert / Andrea K. Riemer. In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 24-35
SB International politics / system
2028 Cook, Julian A.: Global government under the U.S. constitution
SWP D 890899 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
/ J. A. Cook. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Pr. of America, 2007. X,102 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 97-99 - ISBN 0-7618-3734-4
2041 Rühl, Lothar: Die strategische Lage zum Jahreswechsel /
HSFK D 891753 HSFK: 41.085 Öff.StaO: F 197
Lothar Rühl. - In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 3-11
SB01 International relations / process
SWP D 890893 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
2029 Brahm, Laurence J.: The anti-globalization breakfast club :
manifesto for a peaceful revolution / Laurence J. Brahm. Singapore: Wiley, 2009. - XII,220 S., Reg. ISBN 978-0-470-82317-0
2042 Sundberg, Ralph: Revisiting one-sided violence : A global and
DIE D 891619 DIE: EB441 Öff.StaO: B 1503
2030 Hiro, Dilip: After empire : The birth of a multipolar world / Dilip
Hiro. - New York/N.Y.: Nation Books, 2010. - 348 S., Kt.,
Lit. S. 319-320, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-56858-427-0
GIGA D 891819 ILAS: INT-A/205 IMES: INT-A/205 IAA: INT-A/205 Öff.StaO: H 220
2031 Paupp, Terrence Edward: The future of global relations :
regional analysis / Ralph Sundberg. - Uppsala: Department of
Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala Univ., [ca. 2009]. - 24 S.,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. S. 24 - (UCDP Paper; No. 3) (Uppsala Conflict Data Program)
SWP D 891360
2043 Weltordnungsmodelle für das 21. Jahrhundert :
crumbling walls, rising regions / Terrence Edward Paupp. - 1st
ed. - Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, Juli 2009. - XIII,282 S.,
Tab., Lit. S. 241-276, Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-230-61747-6
völkerrechtliche Perspektiven / Christian Tomuschat (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009. - 211 S., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-8329-5038-5
GIGA D 891160 ILAS: INT-A/200 IMES: INT-A/200 IAA: INT-A/200 Öff.StaO: H 220
SB03 International law
SWP D 891994 SWP: A.10/0029 DGAP: DG 48188
SC03 Arms control / Disarmament
2032 Black-Branch, Jonathan: The legal status of cluster munitions
2044 Elements of a nuclear disarmament treaty : [unblocking the
under international humanitarian law : indiscriminate weapons of
war / Jonathan Black-Branch. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht
(Bochum), 22 (2009) 4, S. 186-193
road to zero] / Barry M. Blechman ... (eds). Stimson Washington/D.C., 2010. - IX, 313 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-9821935-7-0
SWP D 891677 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
SWP D 891996 SWP: A.10/0030
2033 De Wolf, Antenor Hallo; Watson, James: Navigating the
2045 Mueller, John: Atomic obsession : nuclear alarmism from
boundaries of prevention : The role of OPCAT in deportations
with diplomatic assurances / Antenor Hallo De Wolf ; James
Watson. - In: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (Utrecht),
27 (December 2009) 4, S. 525-566, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
Hiroshima to Al Qaeda / John Mueller. - New York/N.Y.: Oxford
Univ. Press, 2009. - 319 S., Lit. S. 277-302 ISBN 978-0195381368
SWP D 891536 SWP: A.10/0016
ECMI D 892066 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: B 208
2046 Ruzicka, Jan; Wheeler, Nicholas J.: The puzzle of trusting
2034 Preuss, Ulrich K.: Bedingungen globaler Gerechtigkeit / Ulrich
relationships in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty / Jan
Ruzicka and Nicholas J. Wheeler. - In: International Affairs
(Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1, S. 69-85
K. Preuß. - Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2010. - 72 S., Lit. Hinw. (Würzburger Vorträge zur Rechtsphilosophie, Rechtstheorie und
Rechtssoziologie; 39) - ISBN 978-3-8329-5155-9
GIGA D 891084 ILAS: INT-A/204 IMES: INT-A/204 IAA: INT-A/204 Öff.StaO: H 220
2035 Smith, Adam M.: After genocide : bringing the devil to justice /
SWP D 891943 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
2047 Welton, Lynne: The vision of a world free of nuclear weapons :
Adam M. Smith. - Amherst/N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2009. 441 S., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-59102-684-6
A comparative analysis of the op-eds of elder statesman and
defense experts / Lynne Welton. - Hamburg: Institute for Peace
Research and Security Policy, 2010. - 55 S., Tab., Lit. S. 51-53,
zahlr. Lit. Hinw. - (IFSH/IFAR Working Paper; 14)
DGAP D 890837 DGAP: DG 48157
SC International security / Defense
IFSH D 891812 IFSH: Qa/40 ww 14.
2036 Chan, Samuel L. W.: Fighting piracy : Another first for SAF /
SC05 War / Warfare
Samuel Chan. - Singapore (City): RSIS, 2010. - 3 S. - (RSIS
Commentaries; 10/2010)
2048 Benoist, Alain de: Carl Schmitt und der Krieg / Alain de Benoist.
- Berlin: Junge Freiheit Verl., 2007. - 127 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Edition
JF) - ISBN 978-3-929886-28-3
DGAP D 891299
2037 Lantis, Jeffrey S.: Strategic culture and tailored deterrence :
DGAP D 891019 DGAP: DG 48158
bridging the gap between theory and practice / Jeffrey S. Lantis.
- In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December
2009) 3, S. 467-485, Lit. S. 480-485
SWP D 891363 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
2049 Verregelung der Gewalt : : Gesellschaften zwischen Krieg und
2059 Dadush, Uri; Falcao, Lauren: Migrants and the global financial
Frieden ; Dokumentation der Fachtagung vom 10. - 11.10.2008
an der Universität Hamburg / Felix Gerdes (Hrsg.). - Hamburg:
Univ. Hamburg - IPW, 2009. - 118 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
zahlr.Lit. Hinw. - (Arbeitspapier / Forschungsstelle Kriege,
Rüstung und Entwicklung; 6/2009)
IFSH D 891377 IFSH: Fn2/91sg ILAS: INT-B/74 IMES: INT-B/74 IAA: INT-B/74
Öff.StaO: H 220
crisis / Uri Dadush ; Lauren Falcao. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief /
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 83)
SWP D 891563
2060 Eichengreen, Barry: Six unconventional ideas for remaking the
international financial architecture / by Barry Eichengreen. - In:
The Milken Institute Review (Santa Monica/Cal.), (4th Quarter
2009), S. 32-41, Ill.
SC06.02 Armament
2050 Black-Branch, Jonathan: The legal status of cluster munitions
under international humanitarian law : indiscriminate weapons of
war / Jonathan Black-Branch. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht
(Bochum), 22 (2009) 4, S. 186-193
SWP D 890990
2061 Kawai, Masahiro: Reform of the international financial
architecture : An Asian perspective / Masahiro Kawai. - Tokyo:
Asian Development Bank Institute, 2009. - 35 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (Working Paper / Asian Development Bank Institute; No. 167)
SWP D 891677 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
2051 Mueller, John: Atomic obsession : nuclear alarmism from
Hiroshima to Al Qaeda / John Mueller. - New York/N.Y.: Oxford
Univ. Press, 2009. - 319 S., Lit. S. 277-302 ISBN 978-0195381368
SWP D 890989
SWP D 891536 SWP: A.10/0016
2062 Nakhooda, Smita; Ballesteros, Athena: Investing in a
sustainable future : multilateral development banks' investment
in energy policy / Smita Nakhooda ; Athena R. Ballesteros. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development,
2009. - 47 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SC07.02 Arms trade
2052 The global arms trade : A handbook / Ed. Andrew T. H. Tan. -
1st. ed. - London ...: Routledge, 2010. - 390 S., Reg.,
Lit. S. 358-368 - (Routledge International Handbooks) ISBN 978-1-85743-497-2
GIGA D 891032 ILAS: INT-B/73 IMES: INT-B/73 IAA: INT-B/73 Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891602
2063 Wolf, Martin: Fixing global finance / Martin Wolf. - Baltimore/Md.:
SD International economy
2053 White Paper on international economy and trade 2009 /
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. - Tokyo, 2010. - 663 S.,
graph. Darst., Tab. - (White Paper on International Economy and
Trade; 2009)
SWP D 891231
John Hopkins Univ. Pr., 2008. - XV,230 S., graph. Darst., Reg.,
Lit. S. 213-221, Lit. Hinw. - (Forum on Constructive Capitalism) ISBN 0-8018-9048-9
DIE D 891063 DIE: EJB250-1 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SE International cultural relations
2064 Berlin communiqué on dialogue and coexistence among
civilizations and culture : Dialogue and Coexistence among
Civlizations and Cultures, Berlin 2000 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
SD01 World economy / International economic system
2054 Cohen, Maurie J.: The international political economy of
(un)sustainable consumption and the global financial collapse /
Maurie J. Cohen. - In: Environmental Politics (Abingdon),
19 (Februar 2010) 1, S. 107-126, Tab., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 122-126
IFA D 891862 IFA: Cb30/98 Öff.StaO: 212
FUB D 891979 OSI: UB: 28/95/61(2) Öff.StaO: 1a
2065 Communiqué of Liechtenstein on dialogue among
2055 Marchat, Philippe: Réflexions sur plusieurs crises étroitement
civilizations and cultures : comprehension and mutual
understanding ; dialogue among civilizations and cultures:
comprehension and mutual understanding, Liechtenstein 2002 /
ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. - ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
liées / Philippe Marchat. - In: Revue du marché commun et de
l'Union européenne (Paris), (janvier 2010) 534, S. 8-19
SWP D 891865 SWP: Y. 413 DGAP: ZD 253 Öff.StaO: 188/851
SD01.02 Currency / International monetary system
2056 Leuchtmann, Ulrich: Die Entwicklung der internationalen
IFA D 891857 IFA: Cb30/100 Öff.StaO: 212
Finanzordnung : brauchen wir eine neue Weltwährung? / Ulrich
Leuchtmann. - In: ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden), 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1, S. 1-11,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 10-11
2066 Damascus Declaration on "Dialogue among Civilizations
for Coexistence" : Dialogue among Civilizations for
Coexistence, Damascus 2002 / ISESCO. - Rabat, 2009. ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
SWP D 891636 SWP: X. 889 DGAP: ZD 107 HSFK: ZS Z Öff.StaO: F 197
2057 Mateos y Lago, Isabelle; Duttagupta, Rupa; Goyal, Rishi:
The debate on the international monetary system / Isabelle
Mateos y Lago, Rupa Duttagupta, and Rishi Goyal. Washington/D.C: International Monetary Fund, 2009. - 25 S.,
graph. Darst., Lit. S. 24-25 - (IMF Staff Position Note;
IFA D 891841 IFA: Cb30/99 Öff.StaO: 212
2067 Dialog kul'tur i partnerstvo civilizacij : VIII mezdunarodnye
Lichacevskie naucnye ctenija, 22-23 maja 2008 goda (Transl.:
Dialogue of cultures & civilisations partnership : The 8th
International Likhachov Scientific Conference, May 22-23, 2008)
/ Sankt-Peterburgskij Gumanitarnyj Universitet Profsojuzov ... Sankt-Peterburg, 2008. - 494 S., Reg. ISBN 978-5-7621-0464-7
SWP D 890988
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
DGAP D 890833 DGAP: DG B01430
2058 Alessandrini, Pietro; Fratianni, Michele: Dominant currencies,
special drawing rights and supernational bank money / Pietro
Alessandrini and Michele Fratinni. - In: World Economics
(Henley-on-Thames), 10 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 45-67,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 64-67
2068 Fuentes La Roche, Cristina: Globalización de marcas
culturales : ¿neocolonialismo cultural o inversión en creatividad?
/ Cristina Fuentes La Roche. - Madrid: Real Inst. Elcano, 2008. 7 S. - (Analyses of the Royal Institute; no. 28/2008)
DIE D 890868 DIE: A0661
IFA D 891267 IFA: Cb30/32 Öff.StaO: 212
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
2069 Rabat communiqué on dialogue among civilizations : Rabat
2079 Elkins, Zachary; Ginsburg, Tom; Melton, James Van Horn:
communiqué issued by the international symposium on:
Dialogue among Civilizations in a Changing World ; Dialogue
among Civilizations in a Changing World, Rabat 2001 / ISESCO.
- Rabat, 2009. - ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
IFA D 891847 IFA: Cb30/96 Öff.StaO: 212
The endurance of national constitutions / Zachary Elkins ; Tom
Ginsburg ; James Melton. - Cambridge ...: Cambridge Univ.
Press, 2009. - 260 S., Lit. S. 231-246, Reg. ISBN 978-0-521-73132-4
GIGA D 891644 ILAS: INT-H/169 IMES: INT-H/169 IAA: INT-H/169 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01.01 Change of the political system / Democratisation
2080 Brooks, Risa: Researching democracy and terrorism : how
2070 Tehran declaration on dialogue among civilizations :
dialogue among civilizations, Tehran 1999 / ISESCO. - Rabat,
2009. - ca. 4 S.
IFA D 891369 IFA: Cb30/23 Öff.StaO: 212
2071 Tunis appeal on "Dialogue among Civilizations" : Dialogue
among Civilizations: Theory and practice, Tunis 2001 / ISESCO.
- Rabat, 2009. - ca. 2 S.
Programmes/Dialogue among Civilizations
IFA D 891872 IFA: Cb30/95 Öff.StaO: 212
political access affects militant activity / Risa Brooks. In: Security Studies (London), 18 (October-December 2009) 4,
S. 756-788
SWP D 892036 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
2081 Gilley, Bruce: Democratic triumph, scholarly pessimism / Bruce
Gilley. - In: Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.), 21 (January
2010) 1, S. 160-170
Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Huntington, Samuel P.: The Third
Wave: democratization in the late twentieth century. Norman/Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993
SWP D 891977 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
2082 Savoia, Antonio; Easaw, Joshy; McKay, Andrew: Inequality,
SE01 Foreign cultural policy
2072 Mark, Simon: A greater role for cultural diplomacy / Simon Mark.
- Den Haag: Netherlands Inst. of International Relations
Clingendael, 2009. - 51 S. - (Clingendael Discussion Papers in
Diplomacy; no. 114)
IFA D 891357 IFA: Cb30/53 Öff.StaO: 212
SE03 International lingual relations / Foreign languages
2073 Marchesi, Álvaro: Lengua española, ciencia y diplomacia :
[Congresos Internacionales de la Lengua Española, 2007
Cartagena, sesiones plenarias] / Álvaro Marchesi. - Madrid:
Cervantes, 2007. - ca. 8 S.
IFA D 891321 IFA: Cb30/50 Öff.StaO: 212
SE04 International media relations / Communication /
democracy, and institutions : A critical review of recent research
/ Antonio Savoia, Joshy Easaw and Andrew McKay. - In: World
Development (Oxford), 38 (February 2010) 2, Special Issue:
Formal and informal institutions and development, S. 142-154
SWP D 891800 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a
SF01.02 Human rights
2083 De Wolf, Antenor Hallo; Watson, James: Navigating the
boundaries of prevention : The role of OPCAT in deportations
with diplomatic assurances / Antenor Hallo De Wolf ; James
Watson. - In: Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (Utrecht),
27 (December 2009) 4, S. 525-566, zahlr. Lit. Hinw.
ECMI D 892066 ECMI: ECMI Öff.StaO: B 208
SF02 Governmental system / Government institutions
2084 Parlamente und ihre Zeit : Zeitstrukturen als Machtpotentiale /
Werner J. Patzelt ; Stephan Dreischer (Hrsg.). - 1. Auflage Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009. - 271 S., Lit., Lit. Hinw. - (Studien
zum Parlamentarismus; 10) - ISBN 978-3-8329-4200-7
GIGA D 891807 ILAS: INT-H/173 IMES: INT-H/173 IAA: INT-H/173 Öff.StaO: H 220
2074 Les films français à l'étranger : bilan des résultats 2008 /
Unifrance, [responsable de ce dossier: Jean-Rémi Ducourtioux]
- [Paris], [2009]. - 101 S., graph. Darst., Tab.
DFI D 890910 DFI: YM 670.FIL Öff.StaO: Lg 3
SF04 Political participation
2085 Civil resistance and power politics : The experience of
non-violent action from Ghandi to the present / ed. by Adam
Roberts ... - 1st publ. - Oxford ...: Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - XXI,
407 S., Ill., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-19-955201-6
SWP D 892039 SWP: A.10/0024
SE06 Image abroad / Perception of foreigners
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
2075 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall : External views /
2086 Chowdhury, Arjun: Failed states : inside or outside the "flat"
Jacqueline Hénard ... - In: Panorama (Singapore), (2009) 1,
S. 77-146
world of globalization? / Arjun Chowdhury. - In: Security
Dialogue (London), 40 (December 2009) 6, S. 637-659
Enthält Rezensionen u.a. von: Brooks, Stephen: Producing
security: multinational corporations, globalization and the
changing calculus of conflict. - Princeton/N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 2005
GIGA D 891447 DGAP: ZD 527 IAS: 3/926
SF Government
2076 Taylor, Charles: A secular age / Charles Taylor. -
SWP D 891350 SWP: X. 400 OSI: Zu 568 DGAP: ZD 322 HSFK: ZS S
Öff.StaO: 1a
Cambridge/Mass. ...: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press,
2007. - X,874 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 779-851 ISBN 978-0-674-02676-6
2087 Newman, Edward: Failed states and international order :
GIGA D 891614 ILAS: INT-L/10 IMES: INT-L/10 IAA: INT-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 220
constructing a post-Westphalian world / Edward Newman. In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December 2009)
3, S. 421-443, Tab., Lit. S. 440-443
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SWP D 891358 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
2077 Cook, Julian A.: Global government under the U.S. constitution
/ J. A. Cook. - Lanham/Md. ...: Univ. Pr. of America, 2007. X,102 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 97-99 - ISBN 0-7618-3734-4
SF06.02 Terrorism
HSFK D 891753 HSFK: 41.085 Öff.StaO: F 197
2088 Adamsky, Dima: Jihadi operational art : The coming wave of
Jihadi strategic studies / Dima Adamsky. - In: Studies in Conflict
and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 33 (January 2010) 1, S. 1-19
2078 Democracy's past and future - In: Journal of Democracy
(Baltimore/Md.), 21 (January 2010) 1, S. 5-104, Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 892027 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891950 SWP: X. 762 OSI: Zw 242 DGAP: ZD 539 HSFK: ZS J
2089 Ahmed, Houriya; Stuart, Hannah: Hizb ut-Tahrir: ideology and
strategy / Houriya Ahmed and Hannah Stuart. - London: Centre
for Social Cohesion, 2009. - 177 S., Gloss., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 890831
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
2090 Brooks, Risa: Researching democracy and terrorism : how
SG Society
political access affects militant activity / Risa Brooks. In: Security Studies (London), 18 (October-December 2009) 4,
S. 756-788
2103 Rifkin, Jeremy: The empathic civilization : The race to global
consciousness in a world in crisis / Jeremy Rifkin. - New York:
Tarcher/Penguin, 2009. - X,674 S., Reg., Lit. S. 643-656, Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-1-58542-765-9
SWP D 892036 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
2091 Bruno, Greg: Al-Qaeda's financial pressures / author: Greg
DIE D 891197 DIE: HF092 Öff.StaO: B 1503
Bruno. - New York/N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, 2010. ca. 5 S. - (Backgrounder / Council on Foreign Relations)
SWP D 891341
2092 Cottee, Simon: The Jihadist solution : review article / Simon
Cottee. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.),
32 (December 2009) 12, S. 1117-1134, Lit. Hinw.
Enthält Rezension von: Buruma, Ian: Murder in Amserdam: The
death of Theo van Gogh and the limits of tolerance. - London:
Atlantic Books, 2006. - 278 S.
SG01 Social system / Social policy
2104 Savoia, Antonio; Easaw, Joshy; McKay, Andrew: Inequality,
democracy, and institutions : A critical review of recent research
/ Antonio Savoia, Joshy Easaw and Andrew McKay. - In: World
Development (Oxford), 38 (February 2010) 2, Special Issue:
Formal and informal institutions and development, S. 142-154
SWP D 891800 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a
SG02 Social process / Social structure
2105 Buzan, Barry G.: Culture and international society / Barry
SWP D 891088 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
Buzan. - In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1,
S. 1-25
2093 Hoffman, Bruce: Radicalization and subversion : Al Qaeda and
SWP D 891936 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
the 7 july 2005 bombings and the 2006 airline bombing plot /
Bruce Hoffman. - In: Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
(Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (December 2009) 12, S. 1100-1116, Lit.
SG02.03 Nationalities / Minorities
2106 Koinova, Maria: Conditions and timing of moderate and radical
SWP D 891074 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
diaspora mobilization : evidence from conflict-generated
diasporas / Maria Koinova. - Fairfax/Va.: Center for Global
Studies, 2009. - 12 S., Lit. Hinw. - (Global Migration and
Transnational Politics Working Paper; No. 9)
2094 Jordan, Jenna: When heads roll : Assessing the effectiveness
of leadership decapitation / Jenna Jordan. - In: Security Studies
(London), 18 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 719-755
SWP D 892035 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
SWP D 891697
2095 Krause, Joachim: Terrorismus am Wendepunkt? Eine Bilanz
der Jahre 2008 und 2009 / Joachim Krause. - In: Jahrbuch
Terrorismus (Opladen ...), (2009), S. 13-27, Tab., Lit. S.27 ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
SG02.04 Migration
2107 Dadush, Uri; Falcao, Lauren: Migrants and the global financial
DGAP D 890855 DGAP: DG 46746
2096 Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf: Al Qaeda weapons of mass destruction
threat : hype or reality? / by Rolf Mowatt-Larssen. Foreword by
Graham Allison. - Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard Kennedy School,
2010. - 32 S.
SWP D 890897
crisis / Uri Dadush ; Lauren Falcao. - Washington/D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2009. - 8 S. - (Policy Brief /
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; 83)
SWP D 891563
SG03.02 Health
2108 Bulard, Martine: Vents de réforme sur la protection sociale :
2097 O'Rouke, Lindsey A.: What's special about female suicide
comment fonctionnent les systèmes de santé dans le monde /
par Martine Bulard. - In: Le Monde diplomatique (Paris),
57 (février 2010) 671, S. 14-15
terrorism? / Lindsey A. O'Rouke. - In: Security Studies (London),
18 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 681-718
SWP D 892034 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
SWP D 891099 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
2098 Pape, Robert A.: Introduction : what is new about research on
2109 McInnes, Colin; Rushton, Simon: HIV, AIDS and security :
terrorism? / Robert A. Pape. - In: Security Studies (London),
18 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 643-650
where are we now? / Colin McInnes and Simon Rushton. In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1,
S. 225-245
SWP D 892032 SWP: X. 763 OSI: Zw 271 DGAP: ZD 472 HSFK: ZS S
SWP D 891956 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
2099 [Terrorismus 2009] - In: Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen ...),
(2009), getr. Zähl., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-3-86649-258-5
2110 Pison, Gilles: Le recul de la mortalité des enfants dans le
DGAP D 890854 DGAP: DG 46746
2100 Vittori, Jodi: All struggles must end : The longevity of terrorist
groups / Jodi Vittori. - In: Contemporary Security Policy (London),
30 (December 2009) 3, S. 444-466, Tab., Lit. S. 463-466
SWP D 891361 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
monde : des grandes inégalités entre pays / Gilles Pison. In: Population et sociétés (Paris), (janvier 2010) 463, S. 1-4,
graph. Darst., Kt., Lit. Hinw.
DFI D 892252 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: Lg 3
2111 Understanding global health / ed. by William H. Markle ... -
New York/N.Y. ...: Lange Medical Books, 2007. - XVIII,362 S., Ill.,
graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. - ISBN 978-0-07-148784-9
2101 Weisburd, A. Aaron: Comparison of visual motifs in Jihadi and
cholo videos on youtube / A. Aaron Weisburd. - In: Studies in
Conflict and Terrorism (Philadelphia/Pa.), 32 (December 2009)
12, S. 1066-1074, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
GIGA D 891815 ILAS: INT-O/13 IMES: INT-O/13 IAA: INT-O/13 Öff.StaO: H 220
SG05 Political culture / Formation of opinion
SWP D 891068 SWP: X. 769 Öff.StaO: 1a
2112 Bazin, Laurent: La pandémie de l'identité nationale : Aucun
vaccin disponible à ce jour... / Laurent Bazin. - In: Le Monde
diplomatique (Paris), 57 (février 2010) 671, S. 3, Lit. Hinw.
SF10 Law
2102 Khadka, Arjun Kumar: The emergence of water as a 'Human
DFI D 891186 SWP: Z. 55 DFI: RV HSFK: ZS M IAA: ZS Öff.StaO: 206 H
Right' on the world stage : challenges and opportunities / Arjun
Kumar Khadka. - In: International Journal of Water Resources
Development (Abington), 26 (March 2010) 1, S. 37-49, Lit. S. 49
SG07 Social movements / associations
2113 Civil society in comparative perspective / Bernard Enjolras ...
DIE D 891177 DIE: A0664 Öff.StaO: 7
(eds.) - London ...: Emerald, 2010. - 293 S., Lit. Hinw. (Comparative Social Research; 26) - ISBN 978-1-84950-607-6
GIGA D 891476 ILAS: INT-G/47 IMES: INT-G/47 IAA: INT-G/47 Öff.StaO: H 220
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
2114 Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Müller, Torsten: Die globalen und
SH04 Natural resources / Processing of raw materials
europäischen Gewerkschaftsverbände : Handbuch und
Analysen zur transnationalen Gewerkschaftspolitik /
Hans-Wolfgang Platzer ; Torsten Müller. Unter Mitarb. von
Stefan Rüb ... - Berlin: Ed. Sigma, 2009. - Bd. 1-2, graph
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 853-873 - (Forschung aus der
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung; 109)
1. Halbband. - 403 S.
2. Halbband. - S. 410-889.
2124 Egging, Ruud; Holz, Franziska; Gabriel, Steven A.: The world
gas model : A multi-period mixed complementarity model for the
global natural gas market / Ruud Egging ; Franziska Holz ;
Steven A. Gabriel. - Berlin: German Institute for Economic
Research, 2009. - 38 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. (Diskussionspapier / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung;
DGAP D 891268 DGAP: DG 48171:1
SWP D 890991
SG08 Culture / Language / Arts
2125 Khadka, Arjun Kumar: The emergence of water as a 'Human
2115 Buzan, Barry G.: Culture and international society / Barry
Right' on the world stage : challenges and opportunities / Arjun
Kumar Khadka. - In: International Journal of Water Resources
Development (Abington), 26 (March 2010) 1, S. 37-49, Lit. S. 49
Buzan. - In: International Affairs (Oxford), 86 (January 2010) 1,
S. 1-25
SWP D 891936 SWP: X. 117 OSI: Zs 377 DFI: RV DGAP: ZD 262 HSFK: ZS I
IFA: Z-GB387 DIE: ZK017 IAS: 3/2 Öff.StaO: 188
DIE D 891177 DIE: A0664 Öff.StaO: 7
2126 The peak of the oil age : Analyzing the world oil production
2116 Hanitzsch, Thomas; Seethaler, Josef: Journalismuswelten :
Reference Scenario in World Energy Outlook 2008 / Kjell
Aleklett ... - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March 2010) 3,
S. 1398-1414
ein Vergleich von Journalismuskulturen in 17 Ländern / Thomas
Hanitzsch ; Josef Seethaler. - In: Medien &
Kommunikationswissenschaft (Baden-Baden), 57 (2009) 4,
S. 464-483, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 480-481
SWP D 892278 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
IFA D 891098 IFA: Z-D1042 Öff.StaO: 212
SH05 Energy industry
2117 Language and power : The implications of language for peace
2127 Cushion, Elizabeth; Whiteman, Adrian; Dieterle, Gerhard:
and development / Birgit Brock-Utne ... (Eds) - Dar es Salaam:
Mkuki na Nyota Publ., 2009. - VII,336 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-9987-08-032-8
Bioenergy development : issues and impacts for poverty and
natural resource management / Elizabeth Cushion, Adrian
Whiteman, and Gerhard Dieterle. - Washington/D.C.: IBRD,
2010. - XVIII,249 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg.,
Lit. S. 217-231 - (Agriculture and Rural Development) ISBN 978-0-8213-7629-4
DIE D 891282 DIE: JF005 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
2118 Taylor, Charles: A secular age / Charles Taylor. -
DIE D 890913 DIE: AZE137 Öff.StaO: B 1503
Cambridge/Mass. ...: Belknap Press of Harvard Univ. Press,
2007. - X,874 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. S. 779-851 ISBN 978-0-674-02676-6
2128 Global energy governance : The new rules of game / Andreas
GIGA D 891614 ILAS: INT-L/10 IMES: INT-L/10 IAA: INT-L/10 Öff.StaO: H 220
Goldthau ... (ed.). Global Public Policy Institute Washington/D.C. ...: Brookings Institution Press ..., 2010. - XI,
372 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - ISBN 978-0-8157-0343-3
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
DGAP D 892197 DGAP: DG 48185
2119 Brahm, Laurence J.: The anti-globalization breakfast club :
2129 Jollands, Nigel; Tanaka, Kanako; Gasc, Emilien: Energy
manifesto for a peaceful revolution / Laurence J. Brahm. Singapore: Wiley, 2009. - XII,220 S., Reg. ISBN 978-0-470-82317-0
Management Action Network (EMAK) : A scoping study
investigating the establishment and support of an international
and domestic action network of energy management in industry /
Nigel Jollands ; Kanako Tanaka ; Emilien Gasc. Consultant:
Wayne Wescott. - Paris: International Energy Agency, 2009. 68 S., graph. Darst., Kt. - (Energy Efficiency Series; Information
Paper / International Energy Agency)
DIE D 891619 DIE: EB441 Öff.StaO: B 1503
2120 Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Müller, Torsten: Die globalen und
europäischen Gewerkschaftsverbände : Handbuch und
Analysen zur transnationalen Gewerkschaftspolitik /
Hans-Wolfgang Platzer ; Torsten Müller. Unter Mitarb. von
Stefan Rüb ... - Berlin: Ed. Sigma, 2009. - Bd. 1-2, graph
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 853-873 - (Forschung aus der
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung; 109)
1. Halbband. - 403 S.
2. Halbband. - S. 410-889.
SWP D 890992
2130 Nakhooda, Smita; Ballesteros, Athena: Investing in a
sustainable future : multilateral development banks' investment
in energy policy / Smita Nakhooda ; Athena R. Ballesteros. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development,
2009. - 47 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DGAP D 891268 DGAP: DG 48171:1
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
SWP D 891602
2121 Schulmeister, Stephan: Langsame Belebung der weltweiten
Wachstumsdynamik : mittelfristige Prognose der Weltwirtschaft
bis 2014 / Stephan Schulmeister. - In: Monatsberichte /
Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Wien),
83 (2010) 1, S. 37-45, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 44-45
2131 Umbach, Frank: Global energy security and the implications for
the EU / Frank Umbach. - In: Energy Policy (Oxford), 38 (March
2010) 3, S. 1229-1240
SWP D 892262 SWP: Y. 442 Öff.StaO: 206 H
SWP D 891828 SWP: Y. 868 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH06.03 Nutrition / Food products
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
2132 Hirn, Wolfgang: Der Kampf ums Brot : warum Lebensmittel
2122 Benhima, Kenza; Havrylchyk, Olena: When do long-term
immer knapper und teurer werden / Wolfgang Hirn. - Frankfurt:
Fischer, 2009. - 282 S., Lit. S. 276-282 ISBN 978-3-10-030412-4
imbalances lead to current account reversals? / Kenza Benhima
and Olena Havrylchyk. - In: The World Economy (Oxford),
33 (January 2010) 1, S. 107-128
DIE D 891605 DIE: CB215 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SWP D 891890 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
SH03 Labour / Employment
2133 Wallison, Peter J.: Fixing fair value accounting / by Peter J.
2123 Spécial V.I.E. 2010 / guide coordonné par Sylvette Figari ... -
In: Le MOCI (Paris), (4-17 février 2010) 1859, S. 44-65, Kt.
Wallison. - In: OECD Journal on Budgeting (Paris), 9 (2009) 2,
S. 99-105
DFI D 892058 DFI: RV Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891961 SWP: Y. 1117 Öff.StaO: 206
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.17 World wide / Weltweit / Universel
2141 Governance, climate change, and the challenge for
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
2134 Nakhooda, Smita; Ballesteros, Athena: Investing in a
sustainable future : multilateral development banks' investment
in energy policy / Smita Nakhooda ; Athena R. Ballesteros. Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development,
2009. - 47 S., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891602
Copenhagen : A symposium - In: Global Governance
(Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 425-460,
graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 890860 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
2142 Klimaschutz - In: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen (Essen),
60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2, S. 134-154, graph. Darst., Lit.
SWP D 891920 SWP: Y. 865 Öff.StaO: 83
SH10 Public finance
2143 Moncel, Remi; McMahon, Hilary; Stasio, Kirsten: Counting
the cash : elements of a framework for the measurement,
reporting and verification of climate finance / Remi Moncel,
Hilary McMahon, and Kirsten Stasio. - Washington/D.C.: World
Resources Institute, 2009. - 25 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (Working Paper / World Resources Institute)
2135 Budget transparency around the world : results from the
2008 Open Budget Survey / by Ruth Carlitz ... - In: OECD
Journal on Budgeting (Paris), 9 (2009) 2, S. 81-97
SWP D 891959 SWP: Y. 1117 Öff.StaO: 206
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SWP D 890998
2144 Simms, Andrew; Johnson, Victoria; Edwards, Michael:
2136 Brunnengräber, Achim: Die politische Ökonomie des
Other worlds are possible : human progress in an age of climate
change ; the sixth report from the Working Group on Climate
Change and Development / [written and compiled by: Andrew
Simms, Victoria Johnson, and Michael Edwards. Additional
contrib. from Jayati Gosh ... Ed. by Mary Murphy]. Forewords by:
R K Pachauri ... - London: New Economics Foundation, 2009. 68 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw. ISBN 978-1-904882-67-1
Klimawandels / Achim Brunnengräber. - München: Oekom-Verl.,
2009. - 252 S., Lit. S. 235-252 - (Ergebnisse sozial-ökologischer
Forschung; 11) - ISBN 978-3-86581-096-0 -- Teilw. zugl.: Berlin,
Freie Univ., Habil.-Schr., 2007 u.d.T.: Brunnengräber, Achim:
Global Climate Governance
SWP D 891780 SWP: A.10/0015
2137 Cambio climático - In: Diálogo Político (Buenos Aires),
26 (septiembre de 2009) 3, S. 11-105, Tab., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 891852 SWP: X. 706 DGAP: ZD 148 ILAS: ZS-LA DIE: 07ZA023
Öff.StaO: H 220
SWP D 891568
2138 Climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture :
SK02 Theory / Methodology
overview of current scientific knowledge / ed. by Kevern
Cochrane ... Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations - Rome, 2009. - 221 S., Ill., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
- (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper; 530) ISBN 978-92-5-106347-7
SWP D 891653
2145 Lantis, Jeffrey S.: Strategic culture and tailored deterrence :
bridging the gap between theory and practice / Jeffrey S. Lantis.
- In: Contemporary Security Policy (London), 30 (December
2009) 3, S. 467-485, Lit. S. 480-485
SWP D 891363 SWP: X. 657 OSI: Zv 775 HSFK: ZS A Öff.StaO: 1a
2146 Nissel, Heinz: Kritische Geopolitik : zur Neukonzeption der
politischen Geographie in der Postmoderne / Heinz Nissel. In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 12-23
2139 Cohen, Maurie J.: The international political economy of
(un)sustainable consumption and the global financial collapse /
Maurie J. Cohen. - In: Environmental Politics (Abingdon),
19 (Februar 2010) 1, S. 107-126, Tab., graph. Darst.,
Lit. S. 122-126
SWP D 890896 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
2147 Riemer, Andrea K.: Strategische Theorien und
FUB D 891979 OSI: UB: 28/95/61(2) Öff.StaO: 1a
Politikgestaltung im 21. Jahrhundert / Andrea K. Riemer. In: Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Wien),
48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1, S. 24-35
2140 Deveny, Adrian; Nackoney, Janet; Purvis, Nigel: Forest
carbon index : The geography of forests in climate solutions /
[lead authors:] Adrian Deveney ; Janet Nackoney ; Nigel Purvis.
[Authors: Mykola Gusti ...] - Washington/D.C.: Resources for the
Future, 2009. - 80 S., graph. Darst., Kt., Tab., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 890899 SWP: Y. 30 OSI: Zv 630 DGAP: ZD 328 HSFK: ZS O
BICC: BZ OeMZ Öff.StaO: 1a
SWP D 891652
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
SC International security / Defense
2148 Space security 2009 : moving towards a safer space
environment ; conference report, 15-16 June 2009 / United
Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. - Geneva, 2009. 43 S. - (United Nations Publication; UNIDIR/2009/9) (UNIDIR/2009/9)
SWP D 891474
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
2160 Spieker, Heike: 60 Jahre Genfer Abkommen : können wir uns
einen Verzicht auf die Genfer Abkommen leisten? / Heike
Spieker. - In: Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum), 22 (2009) 4,
S. 206-208
SA03 Politics
2149 Krebs, Ronald R.: The false promise of the Nobel Peace Prize /
SWP D 891681 SWP: Y. 1093 Öff.StaO: 46
Ronald R. Krebs. - In: Political Science Quarterly (New
York/N.Y.), 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4, S. 593-625
SB04 International political integration
SWP D 892234 SWP: X. 245 OSI: Zs 277 DGAP: ZD 395 HSFK: ZS P
Öff.StaO: 1a
2161 McClintock, John: The uniting of nations : An essay on global
governance / John McClintock. - 2nd. ed. - Brussels ...: P.I.E.
Lang, 2008. - 305 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 295-303 ISBN 978-90-5201-421-0
SB01 International relations / process
2150 Clinton, Hillary: Secretary of State Clinton on internet freedom :
free flow of information strenghtens societies, secretary says ;
January 21, 2010, The Newseum, Washington, D.C. Washington/D.C.: U.S. Department of State's Bureau of
International Information Programs, 2010. - ca. 14 S.
SWP D 891402
HSFK D 891751 HSFK: 41.038 Öff.StaO: F 197
SD03.01 Foreign trade
2162 Galdeano Gomez, Emilio: Exporting and environmental
performance : A firm-level productivity analysis / Emilio
Galdeano-Gómez. - In: The World Economy (Oxford),
33 (January 2010) 1, S. 60-88
SWP D 891887 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
2151 Großraum-Denken: Carl Schmitts Kategorie der
Großraumordnung / Rüdiger Voigt (Hg.). - Stuttgart: Steiner
Verl., 2008. - 265 S. - (Staatsdiskurse; Bd. 3) ISBN 978-3-515-09186-2
2163 Martins, Pedro S.; Yang, Yong: The impact of exporting on firm
productivity : A meta-analysis of the learning-by-exporting
hypothesis / Pedro S. Martins ; Yong Yang. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 431-445,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 443-445
HSFK D 892010 HSFK: 41.076 Öff.StaO: F 197
2152 McClintock, John: The uniting of nations : An essay on global
DIE D 891741 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
governance / John McClintock. - 2nd. ed. - Brussels ...: P.I.E.
Lang, 2008. - 305 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. S. 295-303 ISBN 978-90-5201-421-0
SD03.02 International capital movements / Direct
HSFK D 891751 HSFK: 41.038 Öff.StaO: F 197
2164 Chang, Yang-Ming; Gayle, Philip G.: Export versus FDI : do
2153 Voigt, Rüdiger: Denken in Großräumen : Imperien, Großräume
firms use FDI as a mechanism to smooth demand volatility? /
Yang-Ming Chang ; Philip G. Gayle. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 447-467,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 466-467
und Kernstaaten in der Weltordnung des 21. Jahrhunderts /
Rüdiger Voigt. - In: Großraum-Denken: Carl Schmitts Kategorie
der Großraumordnung / Rüdiger Voigt (Hg.). - Stuttgart: Steiner
Verl., 2008. - (Staatsdiskurse; 3), S. 27-45 ISBN 978-3-515-09186-2
DIE D 891742 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
HSFK D 892015 HSFK: 41.076 Öff.StaO: F 197
2165 Josselin, Daphne: Regime interplay in public-private
Blum. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 1-69
governance : taking stock of the relationship between the Paris
Club and private creditors between 1982 and 2005 / Daphne
Josselin. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),
15 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 521-538, Tab.,
Lit. S. 535-538
SWP D 891089 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 891140 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
SB03 International law
2154 Blum, Gabriella: The laws of war and the "lesser evil" / Gabriella
2155 Brunkhorst, Hauke: Auf dem Weg zur civitas maxima? - Hans
SD03.03 International labour flow
Kelsens Werk zwischen Krieg, Revolution und Neugründung der
internationalen Gemeinschaft / Hauke Brunkhorst. - In: Hans
Kelsen und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 27-56 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
2166 Constant, Amelie F.; Zimmermann, Klaus F.: Migration,
ethnicity and economic integration / Amelie F. Constant ; Klaus F.
Zimmermann. - Berlin: German Institute for Economic Research,
2009. - 42 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. - (Diskussionspapier
/ Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung; 957)
HSFK D 891732 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
2156 Finucane, Brian: Enforced disappearance as a crime under
SWP D 891001
international law : A neglected origin in the laws of war / Brian
Finucane. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 171-197
SD05 Development aid / Foreign aid
2167 Grills, Nathan: The paradox of multilateral organizations
SWP D 891094 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
engaging with faith-based organizations / Nathan Grills. In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December
2009) 4, S. 505-520, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 517-520
2157 Glennon, Michael J.: The blank-prose crime of aggression /
Michael J. Glennon. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law
(New Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 71-114
DIE D 891138 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
SWP D 891091 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
SE05 Cultural exchange / Cultural contact
2158 Großraum-Denken: Carl Schmitts Kategorie der
2168 Zick, Andreas: Psychologie der Akkulturation : Neufassung
Großraumordnung / Rüdiger Voigt (Hg.). - Stuttgart: Steiner
Verl., 2008. - 265 S. - (Staatsdiskurse; Bd. 3) ISBN 978-3-515-09186-2
eines Forschungsbereiches / Andreas Zick. - 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010. - 653 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 593-653 - ISBN 978-3-531-16828-9
HSFK D 892010 HSFK: 41.076 Öff.StaO: F 197
IFA D 890832 IFA: 30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
2159 Hans Kelsen und die Europäische Union : Erörterungen
moderner (Nicht-) Staatlichkeit / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008. - 114 S. ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
HSFK D 891725 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
2181 Gender, employment and the informal economy : glossary of
SF Government
terms = Nau' al-gins, al-'amal, al-iqtisad gair al-munazzam :
qamus al-mustalahat / ILO Regional Office for Arab States ;
Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research. - Beirut: ILO,
2009. - 95 S. - ISBN 978-92-2-021489-3
2169 Brunkhorst, Hauke: Auf dem Weg zur civitas maxima? - Hans
Kelsens Werk zwischen Krieg, Revolution und Neugründung der
internationalen Gemeinschaft / Hauke Brunkhorst. - In: Hans
Kelsen und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 27-56 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
GIGA D 891948
HSFK D 891732 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
SG02.04 Migration
2170 Ehs, Tamara: Einführung in die Allgemeine Europäische
2182 Migration: A new perspective : building global governance /
Staatslehre / Tamara Ehs. - In: Hans Kelsen und die
Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 11-16 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
Bertrand Badie ... CERI [Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales] - Paris: Ed. La Découverte, 2008. - 110 S., Lit.
HSFK D 891729 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
2171 Hans Kelsen und die Europäische Union : Erörterungen
SWP D 891612
moderner (Nicht-) Staatlichkeit / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008. - 114 S. ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
SG06 Media / Information
2183 Clinton, Hillary: Secretary of State Clinton on internet freedom :
HSFK D 891725 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
free flow of information strenghtens societies, secretary says ;
January 21, 2010, The Newseum, Washington, D.C. Washington/D.C.: U.S. Department of State's Bureau of
International Information Programs, 2010. - ca. 14 S.
2172 Vinx, Lars: Kelsens Identitätsthese und das Problem der
Rechtsstaatlichkeit / Lars Vinx. - In: Hans Kelsen und die
Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 57-74 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
HSFK D 891734 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
SWP D 891402
SF01 Political system / Constitution
SG09 Religion / Religious communities
2173 Olechowski, Thomas: Über den Wert und Unwert von
2184 Grills, Nathan: The paradox of multilateral organizations
Verfassungspräambeln / Thomas Olechowski. - In: Hans Kelsen
und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 75-93 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
engaging with faith-based organizations / Nathan Grills. In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.), 15 (October-December
2009) 4, S. 505-520, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 517-520
DIE D 891138 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
HSFK D 891738 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
2185 Stein, Tine: Himmlische Quellen und irdisches Recht : religiöse
2174 Ortega, Miguel Rodrigo: Golpe de estado, constitución y poder
Voraussetzungen des freiheitlichen Verfassungsstaates / Tine
Stein. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus, 2007. - 372 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-593-38338-5 -- Zugl.: Berlin, FU, Habil. 2006
constituyente / Miguel Rodrigo Ortega. - 1a. ed. - Tegucigalpa:
Ediciones Guardabarranco, 2009. - 199 S. ISBN 978-99926-46-05-2
GIGA D 891609 ILAS: GEN-L/8 IMES: GEN-L/8 IAA: GEN-L/8 Öff.StaO: H 220
GIGA D 891359 ILAS: HND/31 Öff.StaO: H 220
SH Economy
2175 Stein, Tine: Himmlische Quellen und irdisches Recht : religiöse
Voraussetzungen des freiheitlichen Verfassungsstaates / Tine
Stein. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus, 2007. - 372 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-593-38338-5 -- Zugl.: Berlin, FU, Habil. 2006
2186 Fischer, Carolyn; Springborn, Michael R.: Emissions targets
and the real business cycle : intensity targets versus caps or
taxes / Carolyn Fischer and Michael R. Springborn. Washington/D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2009. - 30 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Discussion Paper / Resources for the Future; RFF
DP 09-47)
GIGA D 891609 ILAS: GEN-L/8 IMES: GEN-L/8 IAA: GEN-L/8 Öff.StaO: H 220
SF01.02 Human rights
2176 Finucane, Brian: Enforced disappearance as a crime under
SWP D 890997
international law : A neglected origin in the laws of war / Brian
Finucane. - In: The Yale Journal of International Law (New
Haven/Conn.), 35 (Winter 2010) 1, S. 171-197
SH02 Economic development / Economic policy
2187 [Dynamic extensions of the Solow growth model (1956)] -
SWP D 891094 SWP: X. 858 Öff.StaO: 1a
In: German Economic Review (Oxford), 10 (November 2009) 4,
S. 375-479, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält u.a.: On the
dynamics of basic growth models, ratio stability vs. convergence
and divergence in state space / Thorsten Pampel. - S. 384-400
SF06 Internal security / Domestic conflict
2177 The mosaic of violence / Jutta Bakonyi ... (eds.) - In: Civil Wars
(Abingdon), 11 (December 2009) 4, S. 397-538, graph. Darst.
DIE D 891859 DIE: ZA002 Öff.StaO: B 1503
HSFK D 891022 HSFK: Zs C Öff.StaO: 1a
SH02.01 Economic policy / Development policy
SF10 Law
2188 Employment and shared growth : rethinking the role of labor
2178 Olechowski, Thomas: Über den Wert und Unwert von
mobility for development / ed. by Pierella Paci ... Washington/D.C.: IBRD, 2007. - XVII,124 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Directions in Development) ISBN 0-8213-7107-X
Verfassungspräambeln / Thomas Olechowski. - In: Hans Kelsen
und die Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 75-93 ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
DIE D 890892 DIE: AU400 Öff.StaO: B 1503
HSFK D 891738 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
SH02.02 Socio-economic development / structure
2179 Vinx, Lars: Kelsens Identitätsthese und das Problem der
Rechtsstaatlichkeit / Lars Vinx. - In: Hans Kelsen und die
Europäische Union / Tamara Ehs (Hrsg.). - Baden-Baden:
Nomos Verlagsges., 2008, S. 57-74 - ISBN 978-3-8329-3510-8
2189 Casson, Mark C.; Della Giusta, Marina; Kambhampati, Uma
S.: Formal and informal institutions and development / Mark C.
Casson, Marina della Giusta and Uma S. Kambhampati. In: World Development (Oxford), 38 (February 2010) 2, Special
Issue: Formal and informal institutions and development,
S. 137-141
HSFK D 891734 HSFK: 41.068 Öff.StaO: F 197
SG02.02 Social groups
SWP D 891799 SWP: X. 704 Öff.StaO: 1a
2180 Crossing the divide : intergroup leadership in a world of
difference / Todd L. Pittinsky ed.. - Boston/Mass.: Harvard
Business Pr., 2009. - XXVII,259 S., graph. Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit.
Hinw. - (Leadership for the Common Good) ISBN 978-1-4221-1834-4
DIE D 890903 DIE: HD135 Öff.StaO: B 1503
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
II.19 Without regional aspect / Ohne direkten Regionalbezug / Sans aspect régional
SJ02 Environmental damages / protection / Environmental
SH03 Labour / Employment
2190 Employment and shared growth : rethinking the role of labor
mobility for development / ed. by Pierella Paci ... Washington/D.C.: IBRD, 2007. - XVII,124 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (Directions in Development) ISBN 0-8213-7107-X
2199 Fischer, Carolyn; Springborn, Michael R.: Emissions targets
DIE D 890892 DIE: AU400 Öff.StaO: B 1503
2191 Gender, employment and the informal economy : glossary of
terms = Nau' al-gins, al-'amal, al-iqtisad gair al-munazzam :
qamus al-mustalahat / ILO Regional Office for Arab States ;
Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research. - Beirut: ILO,
2009. - 95 S. - ISBN 978-92-2-021489-3
GIGA D 891948
and the real business cycle : intensity targets versus caps or
taxes / Carolyn Fischer and Michael R. Springborn. Washington/D.C.: Resources for the Future, 2009. - 30 S., graph.
Darst., Tab. - (Discussion Paper / Resources for the Future; RFF
DP 09-47)
SWP D 890997
2200 Marechal, Kevin; Lazaric, Nathalie: Overcoming inertia :
insights from evolutionary economics into improved energy and
climate policies / Kevin Marechal ; Nathalie Lazaric. - In: Climate
Policy (Amsterdam), 10 (2010) 1, S. 103-119
SWP D 891934 SWP: Y. 1075 Öff.StaO: 18
SH06 Agrarian sector
SK01 Fields of science
2192 Risiken in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft und ihre
2201 Appiah, Kwame Anthony: Experiments in ethics / Kwame
Bewältigung : Bericht über die 48. Jahrestagung der
Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des
Landbaues (GEWISOLA) e. V. vom 24. bis 26. September 2008
in Bonn / Ernst Berg ... - In: Berichte über Landwirtschaft
(Stuttgart), 87 (Dezember 2009) 3, S. 491-509, Tab.
Anthony Appiah. - Cambridge/Mass. ...: Harvard Univ. Pr., 2008.
- 274 S., Reg., Lit. Hinw. - (The Mary Flexner Lectures) ISBN 978-0-674-02609-8
DIE D 890904 DIE: U004 Öff.StaO: B 1503
2202 Copans, Jean: L'Ethnologie : histoire & civilisations / Jean
DIE D 891154 DIE: ZA029 Öff.StaO: 206
Copans. - Paris: Le Cavalier Bleu, 2010. - 127 S., Gloss.
S. 120-127 - ISBN 978-2-846-70295-9
SH07 Secondary sector / Industry
GIGA D 892233 ILAS: GEN-I/131 IMES: GEN-I/131 IAA: GEN-I/131
Öff.StaO: H 220
2193 Chang, Yang-Ming; Gayle, Philip G.: Export versus FDI : do
firms use FDI as a mechanism to smooth demand volatility? /
Yang-Ming Chang ; Philip G. Gayle. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 447-467,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 466-467
2203 Dialogue and innovation in contemporary political science /
Martin J. Smith ... (ed.) - In: Political Studies (Oxford), 58 (März
2010) 2, S. 235-388, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
DIE D 891742 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
FUB D 892007 OSI: Zs 330
2194 Galdeano Gomez, Emilio: Exporting and environmental
SK02 Theory / Methodology
performance : A firm-level productivity analysis / Emilio
Galdeano-Gómez. - In: The World Economy (Oxford),
33 (January 2010) 1, S. 60-88
2204 Dialogue and innovation in contemporary political science /
Martin J. Smith ... (ed.) - In: Political Studies (Oxford), 58 (März
2010) 2, S. 235-388, Tab., graph. Darst., Lit. Hinw.
SWP D 891887 SWP: X. 629 DIE: ZA109 Öff.StaO: 1a
FUB D 892007 OSI: Zs 330
2195 Martins, Pedro S.; Yang, Yong: The impact of exporting on firm
2205 [Dynamic extensions of the Solow growth model (1956)] -
productivity : A meta-analysis of the learning-by-exporting
hypothesis / Pedro S. Martins ; Yong Yang. - In: Review of World
Economics (Heidelberg), 145 (October 2009) 3, S. 431-445,
graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 443-445
In: German Economic Review (Oxford), 10 (November 2009) 4,
S. 375-479, graph. Darst., Tab., Lit. Hinw. -- Enthält u.a.: On the
dynamics of basic growth models, ratio stability vs. convergence
and divergence in state space / Thorsten Pampel. - S. 384-400
DIE D 891741 SWP: X. 240 DIE: ZA019 Öff.StaO: 1a
DIE D 891859 DIE: ZA002 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SH08.03 Money / Loan / Banks / Insurances
2206 Stein, Tine: Himmlische Quellen und irdisches Recht : religiöse
2196 Josselin, Daphne: Regime interplay in public-private
Voraussetzungen des freiheitlichen Verfassungsstaates / Tine
Stein. - Frankfurt/Main ...: Campus, 2007. - 372 S., Tab., Lit.
Hinw. - ISBN 978-3-593-38338-5 -- Zugl.: Berlin, FU, Habil. 2006
governance : taking stock of the relationship between the Paris
Club and private creditors between 1982 and 2005 / Daphne
Josselin. - In: Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.),
15 (October-December 2009) 4, S. 521-538, Tab.,
Lit. S. 535-538
GIGA D 891609 ILAS: GEN-L/8 IMES: GEN-L/8 IAA: GEN-L/8 Öff.StaO: H 220
2207 Zick, Andreas: Psychologie der Akkulturation : Neufassung
eines Forschungsbereiches / Andreas Zick. - 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: VS, Verl. für Sozialwiss., 2010. - 653 S., graph.
Darst., Tab., Lit. S. 593-653 - ISBN 978-3-531-16828-9
DIE D 891140 SWP: X. 852 HSFK: ZS G DIE: ZE008 Öff.StaO: 12
SH09 Informal sector
IFA D 890832 IFA: 30/12 Öff.StaO: 212
2197 Gender, employment and the informal economy : glossary of
terms = Nau' al-gins, al-'amal, al-iqtisad gair al-munazzam :
qamus al-mustalahat / ILO Regional Office for Arab States ;
Centre of Arab Women for Training and Research. - Beirut: ILO,
2009. - 95 S. - ISBN 978-92-2-021489-3
GIGA D 891948
SK03 Research and development
2208 Innovation and growth : chasing a moving frontier / Ed. by
Vandana Chandra ... ; Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development - Paris ..., 2009. - 264 S., graph. Darst., Tab.,
Lit. Hinw.978 - ISBN 978-92-64-07397-5
DIE D 891169 DIE: PA105 Öff.StaO: B 1503
SI03.05 Military technology / Weapon systems
2198 Gething, Michael J.: Electro-optics : turret vision / Michael J.
Gething. - In: Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon), 47 (10
February 2010) 6, S. 24-31
SWP D 891963 SWP: Y. 737 DGAP: ZD 56 HSFK: ZS I BICC: BZ JDW
Öff.StaO: 11
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Abbink, Jon 1303
Abdel-Kader, Nizar 1321;1429
Abdel-Samad, Ziad 1348
Abid, Ghassan 360;1240
Abrahams, Caryn 1090;1232
Acharya, Amitav 1564
Achmadov, Erkin 586;679 670;680
Acuña, Carlos H. 973
Adam, Jens 428;468
Adam, Thomas 467;862
Adamsky, Dima 2088
Adebanwi, Wale 1063;1070;1161;1162
Adjanohoun, Marcellin 1134;1136
Agbobli, Atsutsè Kokouvi 1185
Agbu, Osita 1173
Aguilar, Jeannette 938;941
Agulhon, Catherine 231;239
Ahmed, A. K. 1241;1248
Ahmed, Chanfi 1120
Ahmed, Houriya 2089
Ahumibe, Victoria 1173
Akabzaa, Thomas 1125
Akinwale, Akeem Ayofe 1168
Albouy, Valérie 291
Albright, David 1710
Alcántara Sáez, Manuel 920 993
Aleklett, Kjell 2126
Alessandrini, Pietro 2058
Ali, Ghulam 1552;1736
Ali, Najde al- 1322;1335
Alichi, Ali 1148
Allam, Miriam S. 112
Allison, Roy 587;649
Alluri, Rina 1194;1202
Altenburg, Tilman 2016
Altrock, Uwe 1803
Álvarez Araya, Óscar 946
Amara, Jomana 518
Ambrosi, Nicolás 1046
Amenumey, D. E. K. 1143
Amoamo, Maria 213;1926
Amorim, Celso 897
Amouzou, Essé 238;1106;1184;1977
Amsden, Alice H. 719;811;1993;1998
Ang, Alvin P. 1688
Angeles, Leonora C. 1694
Antenucci, Marie-Louise 257;275
Apergis, Nicholas 1985;1987
Aplevich, Noelle 415
Appiah, Kwame Anthony 2201
Apt, Wenke 385;441
Arabindoo, Pushpa 1637;1641
Aran, Amnon 1438;1439;1458;1459;1466;1467
Arana, Rubí 938;941
Aras, Bülent 546;553
Arase, David 748;781;1890;1894
Argo, Nichole 1481
Argomaniz, Javier 113
Armah-Attoh, Daniel 1144;1147 1146
Armas, Gustavo de 1045
Arnold- de Simine, Silke 449
Arriens, Wouter Lincklaen 1588
Arzaluz Solano, Socorro 845;924
Asghar, Tariq 1644
Ashkenazi, Michael 1165;1308
Asmus, Ronald D. 579;643
Assaad, Ragui 1393 1503
Assaf, Hamed 1336;1339
Asseburg, Muriel 720;769;1432;1440;1464;1468
Asunka, Joseph 1144;1147 1146
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Ayanwale, A. B. 1170
Azar, Christian 150
Bachar, Shmuel 1323;1324
Bachmann, Jan 1267;1268;1975;1979
Badie, Bertrand 2182
Bae, Joonbum 1871
Baev, Pavel Konstantin 152;619
Bahgat, Gawdat 13;87;144;1369;1370;1371
Bailey, Clinton 1333
Baird, Ian 1701
Baker, Bruce 1152
Bakonyi, Jutta 2177
Balardini, Sergio 975
Baldwin, Wendy 1113
Ballesteros, Athena 2062;2130;2134
Balza Guanipa, Ronald 1050
Banerjee, Debdas 1645
Baño, Rodrigo 1013
Bar, Shmuel 1323;1324
Bara, Joseph 1631
Baracca, Pierre 271;274
Barajas E., Adolfo 1065;1066
Barakat, Sultan 701
Barham, Bradford L. 951
Barnay, Thomas 289;324
Barry, Boubacar 1150
Bartholomew, Carolyn 726;1666;1741
Baruah, Sanjib 1625;1632
Barysch, Katinka 152;619
Båsk, Märta 189
Bastasin, Carlo 90
Basu Ray Chaudhury, Anasua 1592;1596
Baudino, Veronica 982
Baudoin, Luis F. 989
Baux, Dominique 270
Bazin, Laurent 2112
Bébéar, Claude 276
Becker, Peter 140
Bedi, Rahul 1616
Behn, Andreas 996;998
Behrens, Benedikt 721;943
Behrens, Kai 387;542
Behrens, Peter-Alberto 911
Bekemans, Léonce 5;6
Bellamy, Alex J. 1932
Bellavita, Christopher 832
Belmokhtar, Zakia 282
Belot, Robert 332
Bélyácz, Iván 695;696
Ben-Ami, Shlomo 169;1444
Bendiek, Annegret 38
Bengio, Ofra 1415
Benhima, Kenza 2122
Bénilde, Marie 307
Benoist, Alain de 2048
Bereketeab, Redie 1310
Berg, Ernst 2192
Berg, Walter Bruno 242;898
Bergé, Beate 1597 1607
Berger, Iris 1237
Berhane-Selassie, Tsehai 1182
Berkowitz, Peter 799;838
Bermudez, Anastasia 210;534
Bermúdez, Marcela 966
Bernal Jurado, Enrique 527;538
Berninghausen, Jutta 422
Bertoldi, Paolo 146
Bertoncini, Yves 46
Bery, Suman 1606
Betts, Richard K. 783
Beucker, Severin 488;490
Beutler, Benjamin 986;988
Bilgin, Pınar 67;1937
Bindenagel, James D. 19;366
Binzel, Christine 1393
Bird, Jeremy 1588
Birnbaum, Norman 751
Bischoff, Paul-Henri 1242
Biswas, Pradip Kumar 1648;1653
Black-Branch, Jonathan 2032;2050
Blahous, Charles 849
Blair, Dennis C. 784
Blank, Stephen J. 652;654 669;673;1807;1817
Blechman, Barry M. 2044
Bleuer, Christian 1508
Bliss, Frank 392;473;1067;1085
Blöndal, Jón R. 1685
Blonz, Joshua 871
Blum, Gabriella 2154
Blyth, William 881;1959
Boino, Paul 264
Bolton, Matthew 1525
Bommes, Michael 127
Bongers, Wolfgang 400;1005
Bonneville, Luc 295;711
Borchers, Kevin 130;1077
Born, Hans 2003
Borsdorf, Axel 1014
Bösl, Anton 1227
Boston, Jonathan 166
Botmeh, Samia al- 1463
Bouckaert, Peter 1498;1499
Boum, Aomar 1377;1379;1454;1455
Bradbury, James A. 808;885
Brahm, Laurence J. 2029;2119
Brandau, Lukas 1714
Brandellero, Amanda 9;10
Brannan, Paul 1711
Bréchon, Pierre 302
Breckle, Margit 189
Brédeloup, Sylvie 1114;1124
Bremer, Kristin 1269;1280
Brenner, Saul 839
Bridges, Brian 1835
Brisse, Mathieu 83
Brock-Utne, Birgit 2117
Broll, Udo 807;809
Brooke, Steven 725;1317
Brooks, Risa 2080;2090
Brown, Duncan 1263
Brown, Stephen P. A. 870
Brownstein, Ronald 857
Brunkhorst, Hauke 2155;2169
Brunnengräber, Achim 2136
Bruno, Greg 2091
Brüntrup, Michael 1105;1127
Bruzzone, Ginevra 91
Bu-Ainnnain, Khalid Abdullah al 1325;1337
Bubenzer, Ole 1254;1258
Buchanan, Jane 584;602;647;650 599
Buchbinder, Pablo 968
Büchs, Annette 1395
Bulard, Martine 2108
Bumke, Peter J. 396;1704
Bunel, Matthieu 322
Bünte, Marco 1693
Burga, Manuel 1028;1037
Burghart, Sabine 1840;1863
Burguière, André 247
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Burke, Christopher 1228;1278;1765
Burke, Edrward 1502
Burtraw, Dallas 871
Busch, Jürgen 47;118
Bustamante, Javiera 1008
Bustos, Reybil Cuaresma
Butler, Anthony 1238
Buttkereit, Helge 984
Buzan, Barry G. 1318;1340 2105;2115
Caetano, Gerardo 966 1044
Camerano, Simona 145;541
Campbell, Bonnie 1125
Cangelosi, Rocco A. 48
Cao, Huhua 1583
Capitant, David 268;440
Carlitz, Ruth 2135
Carnes, Matthew E. 914
Carrau, Natalia 966
Carrière, Céline 95;1676
Carriero, Alberto 145;541
Caspary, Georg 1988;2009
Caspers, Anja 1141
Casse, Thorkil 1083;1140;1277
Casson, Mark C. 1970;2189
Castañeda, Jorge G. 722;888
Cattier, Emmanuel 221;248;1189;1195
Catusse, Myriam 1421
Causa, Orsetta 1986
Ceaser, James W. 1771
Célérier, Philippe P. 1681
Celso, Anthony N. 1372
Cervo, Amado Luiz 990;1000
Ceska, Edward A. 1165;1308
Chalaux, Thomas 1651
Chambon-Aubier, Catherine 193;296;454;535
Chan, Samuel L. W. 1690;2036
Chandra, Vandana 2208
Chang, Eric C. C. 1110;1112
Chang, Yang-Ming 2164;2193
Chang, Yoonok 1784;1853
Charpier, Frédéric 336
Cheeseman, Nic 1229
Chen, Junsong 1802
Chen, Victor Z. 709;1757
Chertok, Grégoire 333
Chevallier, Marc 334
Chevron, Sylvain 277
Chianu, J. N. 1275
Chiapa, Carlos 925
Chicky, John E. 577;580;642;644;752;770
Chinaud, Roger 217
Chirambo, Reuben Makayiko 1220
Chiti, Mario P. 119
Choi, Hyun-deok 1685
Choi, Soo-young 1758;1845
Chovaux, Olivier 216;285
Chowdhury, Arjun 2086
Chung, Jae-ho 1780
Cimbala, Stephen J. 594;795
Cirincione, Joseph 596;797
Clément, Elise 286
Le Clézio, Philippe 318
Clinchamps, Nicolas 245;1930
Clinton, Hillary 2150;2183
Coccia, Mario 11
Cochrane, Kevern 2138
Cockburn, Alexander 855
Codoceo, Fernando 1007
Coelmont, Jo 73
Cohen, Ariel 600 674;676 1550;1563;1649
Cohen, Eric 856
Cohen, Maurie J. 2054;2139
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Cole, Juan 1362;1978
Collins, James F. 625;628
Collombat, Benoît 336
Comerci, Paolo 145;541
Conca, Ken 1955;1960
Constant, Amelie F. 2166
Cont, Walter 981
Cook, Julian A. 716;818;2028;2077
Copans, Jean 2202
Cordero, Martha 930;953 931
Coriolano, Mario 1945;1950
Corkin, Lucy 1103;1759
Cottee, Simon 2092
Coulter, Chris 1180;1183
Couston, Mireille 160
Cramer, Bernhard 391;478
Crespo Martínez, Ismael 902
Creuzberger, Stefan 496
Csaba, László 184
Cueto, Marcos 1029;1035
Cuevas, José Ángel 1002
Curtis, Lisa 1550;1563;1649
Curtis, Mark 1289
Cushion, Elizabeth 2127
Custodio, Dennis von 1588
Czuriga, Eszter 141;521
Dadush, Uri 1997;2005;2059;2107
Dale, Helle C. 813
Daniel, Jean-Pierre 315;342;1980;1983
Daniel, John 1253
Dankbaar, Ben 142
Dannreuther, Roland 611
Dargent Bocanegra, Eduardo 900;1030
Dargin, Justin 1416
Dartout, Pierre 320
Daune-Richard, Anne-Marie 288
David, Bernard 297
Davidson, Christopher M. 1487;1489;1724;1728
Davies, Sara E. 1932
Davydchyk, Maria 15;632
De Wolf, Antenor Hallo 2033;2083
Debain, Mathilde 1187
Deere-Birkbeck, Carolyn 1964;1965
Degregori, Carlos Ivan 1043
Dehéz, Dustin 363;1100
Dehousse, Renaud 57
Delgado Gómez-Escalonilla, Lorenzo
Della Cananea, Giacinto 110
Della Giusta, Marina 1970;2189
Denber, Rachel 584;602;647;650 599
Denis, Sébastien 252;308;1384;1385
Denysenko, Nataliia 614
Deutsch, Klaus Günter 713
Deveny, Adrian 2140
DeVore, Marc Ronald 68;1365
DeVotta, Neil 1662;1664
Diamond, Larry 1341
Diefenbacher, Michel 267
Diers, Judith A. 1113
Dieterle, Gerhard 2127
Dietrich, Caroline 292;453
Dimaranan, Betina 1617;1646;1756;1797
Dimitrovova, Bohdana 16;134;1373;1380
DiMoia, John P. 1844;1866
Dittmann, Andreas 1909
Donfried, Karen 431
Dorival, Camille 298
Dornelles, Clara 2023
Dougherty, Sean M. 1651
Drachenfels, Christian von 1121
Dube, Oeindrila 772;1016
Dubois, Jérôme 261
Ducourtioux, Jean-Rémi 241;2074
Dura, George 17;634
Dürhager, Arthur 1657
Duttagupta, Rupa 2057
Dzięciołowski, Zygmunt 603
Early, Bryan R. 1505;1506
Easaw, Joshy 2082;2104
Eberhardt, Adam 626
Eberstadt, Mary Tedeschi 837
Ebrahim, Ebrahim 1054
Echevin, Damien 1177
Eckert, Andreas 365;394;1055;1068;1973;1976
Edelmann, Dennis 1556
Edwards, Michael 2144
Egger, Jerome 963;964
Egging, Ruud 2124
Ehs, Tamara 47;118 2159;2171 2170
Eichengreen, Barry 2060
Ek, Carl W. 69;774
Ekeanyanwu, Alex 1173
Elhadj, Elie 1342;1349
Elis, Volker 1904;1905
Elkins, Zachary 2079
Emelue, G. U. 1171;1172
Emerson, Michael 148;615;630 157;560;672
Emeseh, Engobo 1167
End, Judith 411;1925
Engbruch, Katharina 1946;1952
Engel, Ulf 1056;1060;1095;1098
Engin, Kenan 1412
Enjolras, Bernard 2113
Eran, Oded 18;1433
Erikson, Daniel P. 522;958
Ernst, J. 516;517
Erol, Radiye 417;446
Escalante Gonzalbo, Fernando 922
Escobal, Javier 1042
Esezoha, Abel 1166
Eslava, Marcela 1022
Essizewa, Komlan Essowe 1186
Etzioni, Amitai 1529
Evertz, Scott H. 852
Eze, Osita C. 1157;1160;1610;1618
Falcao, Lauren 1997;2005;2059;2107
Faletto, Enzo 1013
Fall, Ismaïla Madior 1174
Fallows, James 819
Falvey, Rodney E. 1971;1972;1995;2004
Fedorov, Jurij Evgen'evic 593
Felbab-Brown, Vanda 1533
Femenía, Consuelo 530;539
Ferlet, Philippe 234
Fernando, Sithara 1101;1739
Ferrera, Maurizio 131
Figari, Sylvette 327;2123
Figueroa, Marisa 524;529
Finucane, Brian 2156;2176
Fiorentino, Raul 978
Fischedick, Manfred 479
Fischer, Carolyn 2186;2199
Flemes, Daniel 965;1102;1591
Folliot, Philippe 321;352
Forteza, Alvaro 907
Foster, Neil 1971;1972;1995;2004
Fouéré, Marie-Aude 1283
Fournier, Jean-Marie 343
Francis, Stephen 1261
Francois, Joseph 88;563
Frank, Rüdiger 1850;1854 1851;1855
Fratianni, Michele 2058
Frécon, Éric 1670
Freeman, Duncan 163;1818
Freidenberg, Flavia 921
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Frey, Yves 215;258
Friedl, Kevin 823
Friedrichsen, Eiken 187;188;460;493
Friel, Brian 830
Frisch, Hillel 1410
Fröhlich, Stefan 20
Fuentes La Roche, Cristina 2068
Fukuchi, Aki 1868
Gaan, Narottam 754;1614
Gabriel, Steven A. 2124
Gaddy, Clifford Garland 596;797
Gadrey, Jean 316
Gadzinowski, Damian 112
Gaesing, Karin 1276
Galán-del-Castillo, Elena 536;537
Galaski, Julia 74
Galdeano Gomez, Emilio 2162;2194
Gallagher, Kevin P. 810;867;918;926
Galland, Olivier 272
Gana, Nouri 1388;1389
Gani, Azmat 1918;1924
García Herrero, Alicia 895
García Ronda, Denia 960
García, Irene 72;1938
Garrido Rubia, Antonio 902
Gasc, Emilien 2129
Gattaz, Pierre 335
Gavrilis, George 21;660
Gayle, Philip G. 2164;2193
Gazibo, Mamoudou 1053
Gebesmair, Andreas 509;512
Gebrewold-Tochalo, Belachew 1059;1075
Geffroy, Jean-Baptiste 287;345 287;345
Geithner, Timothy F. 878
Gelinas, Nicole 876
Geppert, Kerstin 1566
Gerdes, Felix 2049
Gerin, André 313
Germond, Basil 75;115
Gething, Michael J. 2198
Geyer, Yvette 1251
Ghufran, Nasreen 1559;1561
Gibbins, Roger 712
Gibson, James L. 1247;1264
Gieler, Wolfgang 2002
Gifford, Paul 1272
Gil, Vladimir 1038;1040
Gilguy, Christine 237
Gilles, Fabrice 322
Gillespie, Richard 22;63;1933;1936
Gilley, Bruce 2081
Gilligan, Daniel O. 1305
Ginsburg, Tom 2079
Giraldi, Philip 548;551
Girard, Augustin 312
Girke, Peter 1401
Gitter, Seth R. 951
Glawe, Robert 381
Glennon, Michael J. 2157
Gnanih, Marie Ruz 1137
Gnedina, Elena 148;615;630
Godet, Michel 283
Goldsmith, Jack 786;840
Goldthau, Andreas 2128
Gomart, Thomas 23;566
Gompert, David C. 233
Goodarzi, Jubin M. 1426;1541
Goodhand, Jonathan 1661;1665
Gopalaswamy, Bharath 1615
Görtemaker, Manfred 358
Gosh, Jayati 2144
Gould, Jeffrey L. 937;940
Goyal, Rishi 2057
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Graeger, Nina 174
Graham, Owen 1550;1563;1649
Graubner, Cornelius 170;661;773
Gray, Alexander I. 961
Grebmer, Klaus von 1996;2012
Greenaway, David 1971;1972;1995;2004
Greenberg, David 824
Greene, Samuel A. 567;1974
Greene, Shane 1034
Gregory, Bruce 814
Gregory, Paul R. 613;1796
Greiner, Bernd 800;1703
Grills, Nathan 2167;2184
Grinsell, Scott 1629;1642
Groenewald, Horst 1804
Grolleau, Gilles 329
Gromadzki, Grzegorz 32;623;636
Große Starmann, Carsten 443
Grundmann, Philipp 480;484
Gudmundsson, Halldor 198;200
Guérot, Ulrike 51
Guichaoua, Yvan 1155 1163
Guivarch, Céline 1655
Gunnarsson, Dagur 198;200
Guo, Jie 873;883;1810;1819
Gupta, Ranjit 1731;1740
Gusejnov, Vagif Aliovsatovic 578
Gusti, Mykola 2140
Gutschker, Thomas 755
Gvirtz, Silvina 909
Gyimah-Boadi, Emmanuel 1144;1147
Haacke, Jürgen 1675;1677;1708;1712
Hacke, Christian 372
Hafez, Kai 412;469
Haggard, Stephan 1784;1853
Hailbronner, Kay 45;128
Hamanaka, Shintaro 1575;1893
Hamid, Shadi 724;1392 725;1317
Hamill, Donna 1546;1549
Hancevic, Pedro 981
Hancher, Leigh 149
Hanitzsch, Thomas 2116
Hans, Silke 418;450
Hansen, Stefan 437
Hansen, Wibke 1404;1408
Hanson, Gordon H. 844
Harding, Andrew 1582
Hardman, Ben 1386
Hariss-White, Barbara 2015
Harnisch, Sebastian 373;382
Harris, William 1419;1422
Hascic, Ivan 1990;1992
Hashmi, Arshi Saleem 1599;1604
Hatoyama, Yukio 1885
Haugevik, Kristin M. 174
Hauser, Gunther 1753
Hauteclocque, Adrien de 149
Havrylchyk, Olena 2122
Hawkesworth, Ian 1685
Hecke, Bernd 463
Hedenus, Fredrik 150
Hein, Patrick 1895;1901
Heller, Regina 608
Helmer, Matthias 135;138;2114;2120
Hénard, Jacqueline 359;429;2027;2075
Henderson, Victor 1494;1497
Hepner, Tricia Redeker 1312;1315
Herd, Richard 1651
Herken Krauer, Juan Carlos 1026
Herr, Richard 1916;1929
Herrmann, Sabine
Hertog, Steffen
Heubach, Daniel 488;490
Hewett, Paul C. 1116
Heyberger, Laurent 332
Hidalgo, Rodrigo 1014
Higgins, Cathal 1142;1176;1298
Hildreth, Steven A. 69;774
Hill, Ginny 1500
Hinfelaar, Marja 1229
Hirn, Wolfgang 2132
Hiro, Dilip 2030
Hirt, Nicole 1311
Hoare, James E. 727;1742;1827;1886
728;1743;1828;1887 1839;1862 1840;1863
Hochschild, Jennifer 129;846
Hoddinott, John 1305
Hoff, Henning 1534
Hoffendahl, Christine 1092
Höffken, Peter 1696
Hoffman, Bruce 2093
Hoffmann, Stanley 816
Hoffmann, Volker H. 1958;1962;2010;2020
Hofmann, Frank 52;692
Hofmann, Norbert von 1720;1723;1968;1969
Hofmeister, Wilhelm 729;1569 1917
Hogan, Elena N. 1445;1473
Hohmann, Mathias 1025;1027
Hollande, François 218
Holslag, Jonathan 24;1744 163;1818
Holst, Elke 444;485
Holz, Franziska 2124
Hong, Dongyue 1812
Hönke, Jana 1267;1268;1975;1979
Horn, Gustav Adolf 474
L'Horty, Yannick 322
Hosiner, C. 232
Hoven, Elisa 1699
Howell, Jude 1527;1538
Hsing, You-tien 1782
Hu, Zongshan 1745;1820
Humayoon, Haseeb 1530
Huneeus, Carlos 1009
Ianchovichina, Elena 1617;1646;1756;1797
Ijeomah, H. M. 1171;1172
Ingelaere, Bert 1196;1200
Inotai, András 53;180;565
Isaacs, Rico 105;665
Isbell, Paul 915
Ismailzade, Fariz 655;678
Jackson, Cecile 1296;1299
Jag'ja, V. S. 568
Jäger, Thomas 26;41
James, William E. 864;868
Jamieson, D. G. 775;1061
Jamil, Ishtiaq 1601;1602
Janes, Jackson 27;730
Janoschka, Michael 906
Jansen, Anne 1092
Jaoul-Grammare, Magali 300
Japson, Siwadi 1234
Jayasuriya, Kanishka 1573;1578
Jensen, Stig 1083;1140;1277
Jeong, Hyung-gon 1846;1867
Jerven, Morten 1087
Jessel, Jacques 54;229
Jha, Shikha 1580 1584;1587 1603 1688
Jia, Qingguo 731;1746
Jiang, Kejun 31;165;1749;1821
Jiménez Quispe, Edilberto 1031;1036
Jobelius, Matthias 637
Joenniemi, Pertti 582;646
Johansson, Daniel J. A. 150
Johnson, Victoria 2144
Jollands, Nigel 2129
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Jolly, Cécile 323;351
Joly, Eva 96;2021
Jones, Clive 1441;1469
Jongwanich, Juthathip 1669;1726 1727
Jónsson, Ásgeir 199;201
Jonsson, Daniel K. 192
Jordan, Jenna 2094
Joseph, Daniel 1173
Joseph, T. J. 1647
Josselin, Daphne 2165;2196
Jost, Stefan 1019
Jung, Winfried 1010
Juppé, Alain 317
Justwan, Florian 756;959
K'Ahenda, Sewe 1079
Kagan, Michael 1396
Kaim, Markus 74
Kamara, Abdul B. 1088
Kambhampati, Uma S. 1970;2189
Kammel, Arnold H. 76
Kan, Shirley A. 1755
Kandel, Arielle 1434;1608
Karaganov, Sergej Aleksandrovič 598
Karam, Karam 1421
Kasekende, Louis 1088
Kassali, R. 1170
Kassenova, Nargis 638;677 681;687;1766
Kassenova, Togzhan 662
Kawai, Masahiro 2061
Kayimahe, Vénuste 224;249;1191;1197
Kayumba, Bernard 225;250;1192;1198
Kebede, Bereket 1224;1271;1284;1297
Keller, Jonas 1908
Kelley, Robert 1711
Kemmler, Benjamin 1823
Kennedy, David M. 757
Kern, Thomas 1831;1834
Kerr, David 569;1747
Kerr, Nicholas N. 1110;1112
Kerr, Paul K. 1557;1558
Kerr, Tom 614
Kerry, John F. 202;723;1511 812;834;1495;1501
Kersting, Norbert 1252
Ketelhut, Jörn 56;374
Kfir, Isaac 732;776;1512;1518;1553;1554
Khadka, Arjun Kumar 2102;2125
Khairy, Amr 1498;1499
Khalakdina, Margaret 1630;1656
Khan, Adeel 1560;1562
Khan, Ayesha R. 777;1519;1555
Khan, Sabahat 1366;1545
El-Khawas, Mohamed A. 714;1411
Khondker, Bazlul Haque 1603
Kilimwiko, Lawrence I. M. 1288
Kim, Mee-jin 356;419;1860;1869
Kim, Youngmi 1872
King, Kenneth 1104;1760
Kiparissides, Costas 159
Kirkwood, Julieta 1013
Klauss, Hilde 480;484
Kleining, Jochen 1779
Kleinpenning, Jan M. G. 1023;1024
Klem, Bart 1661;1665
Kloepping, Peter 1882
Knapp, Annelie 404 405;456
Knight, Amy 601
Knighton, Ben 1274
Knittel, Siegfried 733;1716
Koff, Harlan 124;904
Koinova, Maria 2106
Köllner, Patrick 1849 1861 1873;1880 1874;1881
Kolodko, Grzegorz W. 183
Kolonko, Petra 1772
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Komori, Yasumasa 1574
Korf, Benedikt 1661;1665
Korhonen, Jarmo 190;191
Korkisch, Friedrich Wilhelm 787;802
Kosacoff, Bernardo 970;979
Kosciusko-Morizet, Nathalie 219
Köster, Ralf 420;476;1767;1805
Kostoris, Fiorella 136
Kotzé, Louis J. 1109;1129
Kouassi, Bernard 1131;1133
Krahmann, Jan 386
Kramer, Helmut 434
Krasniqi, Ekrem 185;186
Kraus, Matthew 1808
Krause, Joachim 380;1523 2095
Krause, Matthias 1121
Krebs, Ronald R. 2149
Kreul, Walter 2008;2011
Krickus, Richard J. 70;588;778
Krottmayer, Markus 507
Krupnick, Alan J. 870
Kuah-Pearce, Khun Eng 1793;1824
Kübler, Knut 481;494
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence 1798
Kull, Steven 1546;1549
Kulyk, Volodymyr 627
Kumar, Rajesh 1648;1653
Kümmel, Gerhard 384
Küntzel, Matthias 367;1542
Kunz, Ana 971
Küpper, Klaus 421;464;932;935;2024;2025
Kurz, Anat N. 1460;1480
Kuti, Mónika 695;696
Labandeira, Xavier 540
Lacina, Bethany 1626;1633
LaGrone, Sam 806
Lajus, Marie 254;265
Laldjebaev, Murodbek 691
Lamard, Pierre 331
Lambert, Christian 116;120
Landes, Richard 1446;1450;1474;1478;1947;1953
Lang-Koetz, Claus 488;490
Lankford, Adam 803;841
Lannon, Erwan 55;1935
Lantis, Jeffrey S. 2037;2145
Lao, Christine 1119
Lara Rivero, Arturo Ángel 927
Larsen, Iselin Hebbert 1513;1943
Lasseur, Anne-Françoise 93;235
Lauria-Santiago, Aldo A. 937;940
Lawson, Fred H. 543;1427 1423
Lazaric, Nathalie 2200
Leahy, Kevin 605
Lebreton, Jean-Pierre 262
Lee, Bernice 31;165;1749;1821
Lee, Kwang-ho 1838
Lee, Kyung Tae 1846;1867
Lehmann, Klaus-Dieter 409;465
Lehrer, Eli 788;825
Leiße, Olaf 49
Lem, Winnie 280
Lemoine, Maurice 779;1017
Leopold, Mark 1205;1206;1294;1295;1398;1399
Lermenier, Aurélie 284
Leuchtmann, Ulrich 2056
Levitt, Wendy Kristianasen 547
Levkowitz, Alon 1842;1865
Lévy, Elisabeth 305
Lewin, André 1149;1151
Lhotta, Roland 56;374
Liebert, Christian 344
Lind, Jeremy 1527;1538
Lindberg, Tod 768;1967
Lindh, Thomas 442;472
Lindsay, James M. 758;826
Link, Werner 715
Linos, Katerina 121;125;842;843
Lipman, Masa 610
Lipton, Merle 1233;1243
Lissu, Tundu 1289
Liu, Jen-kai 1907
Liu, Xianbing 1764;1816;1897;1906
Liu, Xiao 1786;1801
Lloyd, Cynthia B. 1116
Loewen, Howard 1687
Logan, John R. 853
Löhmann, Bernd 972 983
Loisel, Rodica 164;699
Loko, Edouard 1138
López Castillo, Antonio 102;531
López García, Julián 905
Lopp, Sabrina 1659
Lord, Kristin M. 763;860
Loser, Claudio M. 896;954
Lott, Sylvia 423;477;1768;1806
Lottermann, Annina 2;379;497
Loukianova, Anya 662
Louy, Xavier 321;352
Love, Roy 1300;1301
Lowi, Miriam R. 1382;1387
Luciano, Giacomo 1490
Luck, Edward C. 570;734;1944
Lundvall, Bengt-Ake 2017
Lutterbeck, Derek 1390
Luzuriaga, Andrea 1045
Lyons, Lenore 1691
Ma, Chunbo 1812
Maas, Ingo 463
Maathai, Wangari Muta 2144
Machado, Florencia 1045
Machtiger, Rachel 1323;1324
Madariaga, Nicole 236;390
Mahdi, Rabab el- 1394
Maier, Nathalie 463
Maihold, Günther 903 956;957
Maillard Taillefer, Laure de 330
Main, Steven J. 621
Mainwaring, Scott 901
Maiwald, Arthur Friedrich 513;514
Majidov, Suhrob 571;684
Malamud, Andrés 704;944
Malamud, Carlos 915
Malavazi, Ana 994
Malerius, Frank 1605
Malle, Silvana 612
Malmberg, Bo 442;472
Malone, David M. 735;1609
Manchin, Miriam 88;563
Mandin, David 314
Mangar, Tota C. 962
Manowc'arean, Asot L. 1532
Mansour, Camille 1448;1476
Manuel, Trevor A. 1084
Manzella, Andrea 106
Manzi, Jim 817
Marat, Erica 682
Marchat, Philippe 2055
Marchesi, Álvaro 2022;2073
Marcio Rego, José 1013
Marco, Elvira 207
Marechal, Kevin 2200
Marionnet, Denis 343
Mark, Simon 2072
Markle, William H. 2111
Martin, Annie 160
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Martín, Iván 55;1935
Martin, Mary 139;1957
Martin, Will 1617;1646;1756;1797
Martínez, Jorge Mario 930;953 931
Martínez, Juan Ramón 947
Martins, Pedro S. 2163;2195
Mastoor, Maryam 1600
Mateos y Lago, Isabelle 2057
Materu, Peter 1119
Mathy, Sandrine 1655
Mattei, Lauro 995
Mattes, Hanspeter 1374;1376
Matveeva, Anna 688
Matzken, Heino 1307
Max-Neef, Manfred 2144
May, Marie-Lena 15;632
Mayer, Enrique 1033;1041
Mayer, Peter 1876
Mbondenyi, Morris Kiwinda 1072
McClintock, John 2152;2161
McEachern, Patrick 1856
McInnes, Colin 2109
McIntosh, Janet 1273
McKay, Andrew 2082;2104
McMahon, Hilary 1961;2143
McMillan, Charles 706;1888
McPeak, John G. 1270;1304
Mead, Lawrence M. 850
Medoff, Abe 1546;1549
Mehl, Regine 368;455;1994;2006
Meléndez, Marcela 1022
Melnykovska, Inna 25;561
Melo, Jaime de 95;1676
Melton, James Van Horn 2079
Ménard, Robert 305
Méndez, Gustavo 1048
Menge, Rita 424;1900
Mérino, Mathieu 1223
Merlini, Cesare 42
Merritt, Giles 581;645
Mesa-Lago, Carmelo 908
Mesfin, Berouk 1071;1073;1074
Meyer, Martin 1010
Micossi, Stefano 50;92 104
Midepani, Lévi Martial 1188
Milhomem, Ethianne Érica Lucena 992
Miller, Frederic P. 707;1517 708;1522
Miller, Stephanie 736;889
Milne, David 759
Milton-Edwards, Beverley 1316
Mitchell, Laura E. 1431 1485
Moatti, Sandra 346
Mokhtari, Shadi 822;1331
Mollenkopf, John 129;846
Möller, Almut 28;1934
Monaghan, Andrew 171;589
Monagle, Catherine 1964;1965
Monahan, Torin 833
Moncel, Remi 1961;2143
Montaut, Alexis 293
Montel, Laurence 253
Moral Pajares, Encarnacion 527;538
Moreira, Sérvulo Vicente 992
Morris, Mark 1877;1879
Morrow, W. Ross 869;875
Moscovici, Pierre 244
Mošes, Arkadij L'vovič 29;158;572;622
Mowatt-Larssen, Rolf 2096
Mpabanga, Dorothy 1217;1218
Mueller, John 2045;2051
Mueller, Valerie A. 997;1001
Mühl, Jürgen 1883
Muir, Deborah 1792
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Mujeyi, Kingstone 1236
Mukherjee, Rohan 735;1609
Mukundu, Rashweat 1230;1231
Mulkeen, Aidan 1117
Mulkeen, Aiden G. 1142;1176;1298
Müller de Oliveira, Gilvan 2023
Müller, Daniel 1686 1702 1915 1920
Müller, Torsten 135;138;2114;2120
Müller-Härlin, Bernhard 438
Mundy, Jacob 1383
Münster, Daniel 1640
Muradyan Vahagn 30;178;651 606;609
Muranushi, Michimi 1841;1848;1892;1902
Murphy, Mary 2144
Murray, Isabel 614
Murtin, Fabrice 1177
Musila, Jacob Wanjala 1064;1076
Muzalevsky, Roman 667;668
Mwebaza, Rose 1109;1129
Myard, Jacques 228
Mzoughi, Naoufel 329
Nackoney, Janet 2140
Nadkarni, Vidya 1570
Naidu, Suresh 772;1016
Nakamura, Kennon H. 760;815
Nakano, Koichi 246;1903
Nakhleh, Emile A. 737;1352
Nakhooda, Smita 2062;2130;2134
Nam, Sang-ho 1832;1833
Nam, Sang-hui 1831;1834
Naranjo Chiriboga, Marco P. 1015
Natali, C. 1145
Nataraj, Geethanjali 1619;1898
Nathan, Laurie 1246;1249
Navajas, Fernando 981
Ndayi, Zoleka 1069;1086
Ndi-Okalla, Joseph 1080
Neels, Mareike 1836 1923
Nelson, Michael 761;827
Newman, Edward 2087
Nguyen, Ha 1705;1706
Niedermayer, Oskar 108;432
Nies, Susanne 616;631
Nikitin, Mary Beth 1557;1558
Nincic, Miroslav 762;829
Nissel, Heinz 2038;2146
Nkandu, Eustace 1230;1231
Noël, Pierre 151;617
Noetzel, Timo 172;1521
Noiville, Florence 301
Noland, Marcus 1784;1853
Nord, Roger 1291
Noriega, Roger F. 738;890
Norling, Nicklas 12;618;1940
Novick, Marta 977
Noya, Javier 523;533;891;899
Nwachuku, Loveline 1173
Nwonwu, Francis O. C. 1122
Nzewi, Ogochukwu 1215;1216
O'Rouke, Lindsey A. 2097
Oakley, Deirdre 853
Obadare, Ebenezer 1063;1070;1161;1162
Odena, Sophie 288
Oettgen, Thomas R. 135;138;2114;2120
Ofosu, George 1146
Ogamba, Ebele 1166
Ogwu, U. Joy 1158
Ohls, Gary J. 804;1306
Olechowski, Thomas 2173;2178
Olihide, Clotaire A. 1135
Olson, Robert 552
Omotola, J. Shola 1164
Onyiuke Okereke, Ndi 1166
Oommen, T. K. 1643
Oppenheimer, Andrés 771;894
Oprach, Marc 168;573
Origet du Cluzeau, Claude 341
Orrenius, Pia M. 847;865
Orsatti, Álvaro 916
Ortega, Miguel Rodrigo 945;2174
Ortiz, Román D. 1021
Osabuohien, Evans 1168
Oschep, A. 526
Osgood, Daniel E. 997;1001
Osoata, James 1173
Ourens, Guzmán 907
Owen, Taylor 139;1957
Oxelheim, Lars 1815
Oyeshile, Olatunji A. 1108;1123
Pacheco, Fernando Celaya 923
Paci, Pierella 2188;2190
Padoan, Pier Carlo 84
Palmer, Neal A. 833
Pan, Jiahua 31;165;1749;1821
Panday, Pranab Kumar 1601;1602
Panso, Alessandro 77
Papava, Vladimir 147;564
Pape, Robert A. 2098
Pargac, Petr 518
Park, Donghyun 1727
Park, Mikyoung Kim 1852;1875
Park, Phillip Hookon 1857
Parry, Martin L. 2013;2019
Partrick, Neil 1488
Patel, Nandini 1221;1222
Patzelt, Werner J. 2084
Pauli, Ralf 983
Paupp, Terrence Edward 2031
Payne, James E. 1985;1987
Peel, Michael 1159;1169
Pekovic, Sanja 329
Perea, José Ramón 895
Pérez Mancebo, Jorge 1049
Perfil'ev, Nikita 595;796
Perrot, Etienne 347
Perthes, Volker 369;1515 1544;1548
Peters, Ina 991
Peters, Joel 1435;1442;1465;1470
Peters, Ketie 32;623;636
Peters, Robbie 1682
Petersen, Alexandros 554;555;639;640;1981;1982
Petersen, Thieß 442;472
Peterson, William 1421
Peyrouse, Sébastien 111;666;1777 671
Pfarr, Dietmar 76
Pharoah, Robyn 1255
Phelinas, Pascale 1039
Phongpaichit, Pasuk 1695
Pian, Anaïk 1175;1378
Piehl, Ernst 33
Pieke, Frank N. 1774
Pieper, Cornelia 370;397;502;503
Pifer, Steven 596;797
Pike, Francis 1567;1576
Piombo, R. Jessica 1250;1259
Piotet, Françoise 311
Pison, Gilles 2110
Pittinsky, Todd L. 2180
Platzdasch, Bernhard 1684
Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang 135;138;2114;2120
Pleines, Heiko 624
Ploquin, Frédéric 255
Plummer, Michael G. 1678
Pohit, Sanjib 1648;1653
Polley, Katharina 1870;1878
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Pongérard-Payet, Hélène 117;122
Porošenko, Petro Oleksijovyč 625;628
Potter, William C. 662 2039
Pottier, Johan 1207;1212
Praditsil, Chaiyon 1695
Prado, Elvira 3;206;528
Prats Cabrera, Joan Oriol 913;917
Preuss, Ulrich K. 2034
Price, Russell 114
Priess, Frank 919
Prosperetti, Luigi 91
Prößer, Claudius 1012
Purvis, Nigel 2140
Qirbi, Abu Bakr al- 1494;1497
Quenzel, Gudrun 7;439
Quinones, C. Kenneth 791;1843
Rabinovich, Itamar 1424
Radeke, Helen 1178;1179
Raihan, Selim 1603
Raisio, Harri 697
Ranalletti, Mario 256;974
Rangel, Alfredo 1020
Raoult, Eric 313
Rapoport, Mario 969;980
Ravillon, Laurence 160
Reddy, V. Nagi 1647
Redmond, Mont 1671;1673
Reid, Anthony 1571;1748
Reid, Richard 1309
Rempel, Hilmar 391;478
Revesz, Bruno 1042
Rey, Romeo 910
Reyna, María Julia 976
Rhomberg, Aleksandra 195;208;243;505;511;520
Richardson, Sophie 1698;1754
Richter, Carola 412;469
Riemer, Andrea K. 2040;2147
Rifkin, Jeremy 2103
Ríos, Lisandro de los 978
Ripley, Tim 177;1526
Rizvi, Farzana 1594
Roach, Robert 712
Robbins, Michael D. H. 1343;1350
Robert, Anne-Cécile 1107
Robert, David 1141
Robert, Fabrice 348
Roberts, Adam 2026;2085
Rocard, Michel 266 317
Rodenbeck, Rolf 189
Rodríguez Barba, Fabiola 710
Rodríguez Martín, José Antonio 527;538
Rodríguez, Miguel 540
Roguet, Brigitte 326;349
Rohleder, Poul 1260
Rojas-Suarez, Liliana 912
Rood, Jan 32;623;636
Rosecrance, Richard 731;1746
Rosén, Frederik 792
Ross, Alec 763;860
Rüb, Stefan 135;138;2114;2120
Rubin, Olivier 1154;1156;1219;1225;1622;1650
Ruderer, Stephan 1008
Rudolf, Peter 764
Rügemer, Werner 435
Rühl, Lothar 2041
Ruiz, Eduardo 1013
Rupp, Richard 1400;1420;1524
Rushton, Simon 2109
Russau, Christian 994
Ruzicka, Jan 2046
Rzayeva, Gulmira 658
Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel 1145
Sacchi, Stefano 131
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Saint, William 1119
Salazar, Philippe-Joseph 304
Saleh, Nivien 34;94;1319;1327
Salleo, Ferdinando 48
Salloukh, Bassel F. 544;1428
Salminen, Minna-Mari 29;158;572;622
Samaan, Jean-Loup 233
Samadi, Sascha 479
Sánchez, Hilda 916
Sanders, Deborah 1939
Sandhaas, Bernd 1266;1302
Sandoval, Pablo 886 1043
Sanseviero, Rafael 1046
Santana Leitner, Andrés 987
Santos, José Ailton Nogueira dos 999
Santos, Marcos Antônio dos 999
Sapiro, Gisèle 240;410
Sarter, Frédéric 126;279
Sartre, Patrice 234
Saß, Karl Ulrich 489;1091
Sausmikat, Nora 14;123;1738;1781
Savoia, Antonio 2082;2104
Saxena, Rachna 1652;1654
Sayre, Edward 1463
Schacherl, Rico 1261
Schänzel, Heike 1922
Scheel Stricker, Andrea 1711
Scheller, Henrik 59;375
Schick, Allen 1991
Schiller, Ulrich 700
Schilling, Walter 173;590
Schindler, Mathias 480;484
Schlottmann, Christiane 406;1621
Schmid, Susanne 130;1077
Schmidt, Christian W. 807;809
Schmidt, Sandro 391;478
Schmidt, Siegmar 43;78
Schmidt, Tobias S. 1958;1962;2010;2020
Schmidt-Eenboom, Erich 430;436
Schmidt-Glintzer, Helwig 1773
Schmidt-Radefeldt, Roman 79
Schmoll, Melanie Carina 80;1472
Schmuck, Otto 60;376
Schnaubelt, Christopher M. 176
Schneider, Beatrice 425;451;1769;1785
Schneider, Malte 1958;1962;2010;2020
Schneider, Marianne 27;730
Schreer, Benjamin 172;1521
Schreiber, Amandine 326;349
Schröder, Friederike 1692;1800 1786;1801 1803
Schröder, Rolf 1032
Schroeder, Robin 1536
Schucher, Günter 1730
Schüller, Margot 1735
Schulmeister, Stephan 2121
Schumann, Adelheid 404 407 426;457
Schwarz-Schampera, Ulrich 391;478
Schwekendiek, Daniel 1837;1859
Schymik, Carsten 197;205;214
Scissors, Derek 1795
Seethaler, Josef 2116
Senatore, Luis 1048
Şenel, Elif-Esra 452;458
Sengès, Anne 338;353;874;884
Şenyuva, Özgehan 550
Serandour, Réjane 114
Sever, Aysegül 545;549;1320;1330
Seyoum Taffesse, Alemayehu 1305
Shakya, Tsering 1778;1783
Shambaugh, George 790;854
Shapiro, Jeremy 35;740
Shaw, Greg M. 851;858
Shi, Wenling 1745;1820
Shierholz, Heidi 848;866
Shim, David 1858
Shin, Kwanho 1727
Shlaim, Avi 1443;1471
Shugang, Peng 1809
Shupe, Cortnie 71;591
Sierra, Oscar 36;641
Sigué, Simon Pierre 1064;1076
Sikri, Veena 1598;1611
Simendinger, Alexis 830
Simms, Andrew 2144
Simon, Erk 413;447
Simón, Luis 81
Singh, Anne-Marie 1257
Sirinelli, Jean-François 354
Sitbon, Michel 226;1193
Skinner, Jamie 1130
Sliwinski, Krzysztof 203;204
Sljapentoch, Dmitrij Vladimirovic 604;607
Smith, Adam M. 2035
Smith, Bradley A. 831
Smith, Keith C. 64;153;583;620
Smith, Martin J. 2203;2204
Smith, Michael E. 75;115
Smith, Sheila A. 1722
Sodiqov, Alexander 592;686 689;690
Soest, Christian von 1244 1265
Sol Arriaza, Ricardo 933;936
Soler i Lecha, Eduard 72;1938
Solhjell, Randi 1208;1211
Solórzano, Mario Arce 393;416;498;500;949;950
Somerville, Will 182;211
Söndermann, Michael 462
Sourang Ndir, Maïmouna 227;1057
Southall, Roger Jonathan 1253
Spearin, Christopher 1406
Spencer, Claire 37;1436
Sperling, James 383
Spetsmann-Kunkel, Martin 414;470
Spieker, Heike 2160
Sponeck, Hans-Christof von 741;1507
Springborn, Michael R. 2186;2199
Stamm, Volker 1132
Stärk, Monika 1697 1700 1707
Starobin, Paul 742;859;1437;1456
Starr, Paul 828;861
Stasio, Kirsten 1961;2143
Stein, Robert 879
Stein, Tine 2175;2185;2206
Steinberg, David I. 744;1709
Steinberg, Federico 915
Steinberg, Guido 438 1367;1368;1413;1414
Steinberg, Jonny 1153 1256
Stephenson, Paule 166
Stowell, Jacob 853
Stratenwerth, Dinah 1011
Stuart, Hannah 2089
Stupka, Andreas 508
Sturn, Simon 474
Le Sueur, James D. 1381
Sugiyarto, Guntur 1580 1584;1587 1603 1688
Sullerot, Evelyne 283
Sullivan, Jonathan 1734
Sullivan, Rory 156;167
Sumption, Madeleine 182;211
Sunanta, Sirijit 1694
Sundberg, Ralph 2042
Sweig, Julia E. 745;892
Swenson-Wright, John 1864;1889
Szaszdi, Lajos F. 600
Szayna, Thomas S. 793
Szmolka, Inmaculada 1375
Tabuteau, Didier 290
III.1 Authors index / Personenregister / Index auteurs
Takenori, Inoki 1899
Talaber, Adam 789
Tan, Andrew 2052
Tanaka, Kanako 2129
Tapia, Luis 985
Tauerschmidt, Heike 408
Taylor, Charles 2076;2118
Taylor, L. 1145
Tchoe, Byongho 1832;1833
Tendai, Dembene 1234
Ter Haar, Gerrie 1081
Termini, Valeria 154
Tesfai, Alemseged 1313;1314
Thaler, Peter 196;459
Thesmar, David 333
Thimm, Johannes 765
Thomas, Alexander 427
Thomas, Edward 1402;1407
Thompson, John A. 766;794
Thoss, Michael M. 1
Tikly, Leon 103;133
Tiltnes, Åge A. 1483;1484
Timbart, Odile 269 270 284 330
Toktaş, Şule 546;553
Tolipov, Farchod Fazilovič 559
Tomassini, Luciano 1003
Tomuschat, Christian 2043
Tong, James W. 1776;1794
Torbakov, Igor 562;574
Torlot, Tim 1494;1497
Torreblanca, José Ignacio 66;525
Torrijos, Vicente 746;893 780;1018
Toure, Kathryn 1115;1128
Traversa Tejero, Federico 1048
Treeck, Till van 474
Tremblay, Reeta Chowdhari 1627;1634
Trenin, Dmitrij Vital'evič 567;1974 575;747
Treydte, Klaus-Peter 371;495;1612
Trivelli, Carolina 1042
Tryggestad, Torunn L. 1956
Tumurchudur, Bolormaa 95;1676
Ubi, Efem N. 1173
Ufen, Andreas 1680
Uhlenhaut, Lara 1504
Umbach, Frank 155;2131
Urcuyo, Constantino 952
Usslar, Ludolf von 486
Valcárcel, Darío 82;161
Van de Walle, Nicolas 749;782;1058;1062
Van Dyke, Virginia 1628;1635
Van Ness, Peter 1717;1891
Van Waeyenberge, Elisa 1966
Vargas-Silva, Carlos 1580 1584;1587
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Varona Narvión, Carlos 532;1328
Velazquez, Esther 536;537
Vendekerckhove, Nel 1636
Vetter, Angelika 109;433
Vetterlein, Merle 702;703
Viceriat, Patrick 341
Vidal, Maria de Fátima 999
Vinageras Barroso, Pablo Alberto 928
Vinnai, Volker 398;499;1004;1245;1620
Vinokurov, Evgenij Jur'evic 157;560;672
Vinx, Lars 2172;2179
Vissers, Geert 142
Vittori, Jodi 1269;1280 2100
Vittori, Pasquale 1269;1280
Voigt, Rüdiger 2151;2158 2153
Volpi, Jorge 887
Wacker, Gudrun 750;1718;1751
Wagner, Christian 1624
Waibel, Michael 1803
Walke, Anja 1884
Wallace, Jennifer 1955;1960
Wallison, Peter J. 2133
Walls, Margaret A. 870 871
Walser, Ray 1051
Wang, Lixiong 1778;1783
Watson, James 2033;2083
Wätzel, Florian 380;1523
Webb, Jim 739;1572
Weber, Anita 444;485
Weber, Annette 1404;1408
Weed, Matthew C. 760;815
Wehner, Stefanie 1813
Wei, Yi-ming 873;883;1810;1819
Weibezahl, Tinko 1204
Weiner, Sharon K. 597;798
Weisburd, A. Aaron 2101
Weischer, Lutz 808;885
Weiss, Meredith L. 1672
Weitz, Richard 44 675 1543;1565
Welch, Ben 685;1613
Welton, Lynne 2047
Wendorf, Alexandra 463
Werksman, Jacob 808;885
Werner, Edith 1239
Wescott, Wayne 2129
Wheeler, Nicholas J. 2046
Whitaker, Brian 1329;1334
Whiteman, Adrian 2127
Whitman, Richard G. 65
Whitmeyer, Joseph M. 839
Wiedemann, Charlotte 1547
Wielinger, Gerhart 510
Wilcke, Christoph 1498;1499
Wille, Andreas 398;499;1004;1245;1620
Willer, Ragnar K. 1679 1689
Williams, S. B. 1170
Wimmel, Andreas 62;378
Winkler, Adalbert
Winter, Roger P. 1403
Wise, Timothy A. 810;867;918;926
Wiśniewska, Iwona 576;1963
Witney, Nick 35;740
Wittkopf, Eugene R. 753
Wittmann, Klaus 175
Wojczewski, Thorsten 965;1102;1591
Wolf, Martin 2063
Wolff, Stefan 65
Woo, Serenade 1792
Woodward, David 2144
Worden, Scott 1531
Worthington, Jeremy 1546;1549
Wu, Fei 1789
Wu, Joshua Su-Ya 1822
Wuttig, Siegbert 100;402
Wuttke, Christian 1786;1801
Xac'atrean, Harowt'iown 653;656
Yang, Yong 2163;2195
Ye, Jiang 1752
Yeaman, Helena 877
Yee, Yeong Chong 1691
Youngs, Richard 40
Zakwe, Lungi 1215;1216
Zanin, Toby 717
Zapiro 1262
Zavodny, Madeline 847;865
Zecha, Wolfgang 506;1203
Zedalis, Rex J. 1417;1418
Zehnpfund, Olaf 195;208;243;505;511;520
Zepeda, Eduardo 810;867;918;926
Zérah, Marie-Hélène 1638
Zevin, Alexander 355
Zhang, Jialin 1814
Zhao, Xiaoli 1812
Zheng, Yongnian 1775
Zhou, Kate 613;1796
Zick, Andreas 2168;2207
Zimmermann, Klaus F. 2166
Zimmermann, Roukayatou 1105;1127
Zisser, Eyal 1425
Zorob, Anja 89;1430
Zosel, Tim 403;504;519;633
Zou, Le-le 873;883;1810;1819
Zvikomborero, Hoko 1234
Zyck, Steven A. 701
Zynga, Marius 948
ActionAid Afghanistan
Africa Institute of South Africa (Pretoria) 1122
Bundesverband Sicherheitspolitik an
Hochschulen 381
African Development Bank (Abidjan)
1052;1082 1088
African Human Security Initiative
African Union
Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée
(Université de Strasbourg 01) 300
1052;1082 1088 1094;1097
African Union Summit 14. (Addis Ababa,
2010-01-25/2010-02-02) 1094;1097
Agence de Développement Touristique de la
France 340
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Bonn)
738;890 1771
Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan and
International Development Studies
(University of Amsterdam) 9;10
Arab Reform Initiative
Arbeitskreis Militär und Sozialwissenschaften
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to
Protect (Brisbane) 1667;1719 1931
Asian Development Bank (Manila)
1580 1584;1587 1588 1603 1639 1688 1727
Asian Development Bank Institute (Tokyo)
Asociación Mexicana de Directivos de la
Investigación Aplicada y el Desarrollo
Tecnológico 927
Assemblée Nationale (France)
Association d'Economie Sociale
Association of Cities and Regions for
Recycling and Sustainable Ressource
Management 162
Association of German Chambers of Industry
and Commerce (Berlin) 423;477;1768;1806
Association of Journalists and Media
Workers (Dar es Salaam) 1288
Australian Agency for International
Development 1683
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Barton)
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Tokyo)
Der Beauftragte des Senats von Berlin für
Integration und Migration 445;501
Belfer Center for Science and International
Affairs (Harvard University,
Cambridge/Mass.) 2096
71;591 443
Bonn International Center for Conversion
Brazilian Studies Programme (University of
Oxford) 995
British Council (London)
Brookings Institution (Washington/D.C.)
Centro de Investigación y Promoción del
Campesino (Piura) 1042
Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo
Rural (Santiago de Chile) 925 989
Canada West Foundation (Calgary)
Canadian International Council (Toronto)
Century Foundation
Christian Council of Tanzania
1289 1290
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana)
Comisión de Derechos Humanos (Lima)
Catholic University of Eastern Africa (Nairobi)
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (France)
Center for American Progress
(Washington/D.C.) 852
Commission des Comptes et de l'Economie
de l'Environnement (France) 350
Center for Global Development
(Washington/D.C.) 772;1016 912
Committee on Armed Services (United
States / Senate) 805;880
Center for Global Studies (George Mason
University, Fairfax/Va.) 2106
Committee on Development (European
Parliament) 96;2021
Center for Migration and Refugee Studies
(American University in Cairo) 1396
Committee on Foreign Relations (United
States / Senate) 202;723;1511 739;1572
Center for Nonproliferation Studies
(Monterey/Cal.) 662
Common Fund for Commodities
Center for Social and Economic Research
(Warsaw) 25;561 88;563 147;564
Concern Worldwide
Center for Strategic and International Studies
(Washington/D.C.) 23;566 64;153;583;620
Confederación Latinoamericana de Centros
de Estudios Sociales 1043
Center of Arab Women for Training and
Research (Tunis) 2181;2191;2197
Center on International Cooperation (New
York/N.Y.) 2013;2019
Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk
Road Studies Program (Washington/D.C.,
Uppsala) 12;618;1940 577;580;642;644;752;770
674;676 675
Centre d'Etudes de l'Emploi (Noisy-le-Grand)
322 329
Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches
Internationales (Fondation Nationale des
Sciences Politiques, Paris) 2182
Congressional Budget Office (United States /
Congress) 789
Congressional Research Service (Library of
Congress, Washington/D.C.) 69;774
760;815 1557;1558 1755
Conseil d'Analyse Economique (France) 333
Conseil Economique, Social et
Environnemental (France) 318
Conseil National du Tourisme (France)
Consejo Nacional de Políticas Sociales
(Uruguay) 1047
Consorcio de Investigacion Economica (Lima)
Centre de Recherche, d'Etude et de
Documentation sur les Institutions et les
Législations Africaines (Université Cheikh
Anta Diop de Dakar) 1174
Council on Foreign Relations (New York/N.Y.)
Centre de Recherches sur les Politiques
Sociales (Dakar) 1174
Creative New Zealand
Centre for Eastern Studies (Warsaw)
576;1963 626
Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels)
16;134;1373;1380 17;634 21;660 50;92 67;1937
72;1938 105;665 111;666;1777 148;615;630
157;560;672 638;677 688
Centre for European Reform (London)
Centre for Intercultural Management
(Bremen University of Applied Sciences)
Centre for Policy Studies (University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg) 1215;1216
Centre for Social Cohesion (London)
745;892 1715;1721 1722 2091
Cour des Comptes (France)
260 273 310
Creative Business Consult (Bremen)
Danish Institute for International Studies
(Copenhagen) 582;646
Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
(Shrivenham) 621
Délégation Interministérielle à
l'Aménagement et à la Compétitivité des
Territoires (France) 320
Department of Defense (United States)
596;797 763;860 1533 1606
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Centre for the Study of Global Governance
(London School of Economics and Political
Science) 1525
Centro Peruano de Estudios Sociales (Lima)
Caisse d'Allocations Familiales
567;1974 575;747 625;628 810;867;918;926
American Institute for Contemporary German
Studies (Washington/D.C.) 19;366 387;542
Arab NGO Network for Development
Büro für Kulturwirtschaftsforschung (Köln)
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
American Enterprise Institute for Public
Policy Research (Washington/D.C.)
Amnesty International
Brussels Institute of Contemporary China
Studies 24;1744 163;1818 1808
Department of State (United States)
Department of State / Bureau of International
Information Programs (United States)
Department of State / Office of Inspector
General (United States) 743;836;1516;1537
III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Department of the Treasury (United States)
Forschungsgruppe Asien (SWP Berlin)
Deutsch-Russisches Museum
Berlin-Karlshorst 357;558
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa (Bremen)
Forum Regensburger Politikwissenschaftler
Deutsche Bank Research (Frankfurt/Main)
713 1652;1654
Foundation for Science and Politics (Berlin)
Deutsche Welle (Köln)
38 197;205;214 627 720;769;1432;1440;1464;1468
956;957 1367;1368;1413;1414 1404;1408
Deutscher Bundestag (Deutschland,
2005-2009) 195;208;243;505;511;520
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Directorate-General Employment and Social
Affairs (European Commission) 143
Dubai School of Government
1343;1350 1416
East African Community
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Herzliya)
1463 1503 1505;1506
Economic and Social Commission for
Western Asia 1345;1351
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Montevideo)
Economic Commission for Africa
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (San Salvador)
966 1045 1046 1048
Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean 930;953 931 970;979
Economic Policy Institute (Washington/D.C.)
Fundación Carolina
Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas
Latinoamericanas (Buenos Aires) 981
Fundación Dr. Guillermo Manuel Ungo
Education and Culture Directorate-General
(European Commission) 98 99
Educational Research Network for West and
Central Africa 1115;1128
EGMONT - The Royal Institute for
International Relations (Brussels)
Elcano Royal Institute (Madrid)
102;531 207 523;533;891;899 524;529 530;539
532;1328 704;944 710 780;1018 946 952 1009 1050
2023 2068
Electoral Institute of Southern Africa
(Johannesburg) 1217;1218 1221;1222
EU-Central Asia Monitoring
Fundación para el Desarrollo Local y el
Fortalecimiento Municipal e Institucional
de Centroamérica y El Caribe (San José)
Fundación para la Paz y la Democracia
Fundación para las Relaciones
Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior
(Madrid) 21;660 40 97 105;665 111;666;1777
Gemeinschaft für Studentischen Austausch
in Mittel- und Osteuropa
(Freiburg/Breisgau) 403;504;519;633
European Centre for Development Policy
Management (Maastricht) 97
European Commission
938;941 939
Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo (San
Salvador) 942
157;560;672 638;677 688 1502
Equality and Human Rights Commission
(United Kingdom) 182;211
101;132 159
European Institute of the Mediterranean
(Barcelona) 55;1935
Henry L. Stimson Center (Washington/D.C.)
Heritage Foundation (Washington/D.C.)
813 1051 1550;1563;1649 1795
Hessisches Ministerium für Wirtschaft,
Verkehr und Landesentwicklung 488;490
Human Rights Watch (New York/N.Y.)
584;602;647;650 599 1391 1498;1499 1660;1663
ILO Regional Office for Arab States (Beirut)
1482;1486 1504 2181;2191;2197
Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations (New Delhi) 1619;1898
67;1937 72;1938
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement
(Paris) 1114;1124
Institut für Friedensforschung und
Sicherheitspolitik / Interdisziplinäre
Forschungsgruppe Abrüstung,
Rüstungskontrolle und Risikotechnologien
(Hamburg) 2047
Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
(Bonn) 1266;1302
Institut National de la Statistique et des
Etudes Economiques / Direction Régionale
de Bretagne (Rennes) 319
Institut Strategiceskich Ocenok i Analiza
(Moskva) 578
German Academic Exchange Service (Bonn)
Institute for Far Eastern Studies (Kyungnam
University, Seoul) 1857
Institute for Near East & Gulf Military Analysis
(Dubai, Beirut) 1325;1337 1326;1338 1366;1545
German Adult Education Association
German Agro Action (Bonn)
European Economic and Social Committee
Institute for Democracy in South Africa (Cape
Town) 1110;1112 1251
European Cultural Foundation
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of
Armed Forces 2003
European Council on Foreign Relations
Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (Lima)
Helen Kellogg Institute for International
Studies (University of Notre Dame, Notre
Dame/Ind.) 914
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (Buenos Aires)
Groupement de Recherche sur les
Institutions et le Droit de l'Aménagement,
de l'Urbanisme et de l'Habitat (Paris) 262
French Institute of International Relations
(Paris) 23;566 616;631 2039
Director of National Intelligence (United
States) 784
Groupe de Recherche sur les Activités
Minières en Afrique (Université du Québec,
Montreal) 1125
German Development Institute (Bonn)
German Development Service (Berlin)
Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global
Communication (George Washington
University, Washington/D.C.) 814
Institute for Science and International
Security (Washington/D.C.) 1710 1711
German Institute for Economic Research
(Berlin) 1393 2124 2166
European Union Institute for Security Studies
(Paris) 81
Institute for Security Studies (Pretoria, Cape
Town) 1071;1073;1074 1109;1129 1181 1255
German Marshall Fund of the United States
(Berlin) 1984
Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual
and Culture (European Commission)
Institute for the Study of War
(Washington/D.C.) 1530
Ghana Center for Democratic Development
(Accra) 1110;1112 1144;1147 1146
Institute of Development Studies (University
of Sussex, Brighton) 1155 1163
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area
Studies (Hamburg) 965;1102;1591 1092
Institute of Policy and Strategy (Herzliya)
GIGA Institute of African Affairs (Hamburg)
Instituto Cervantes (Madrid)
European Union
Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science
(Oslo) 1431 1483;1484 1485
Federal Foreign Office (Germany)
Federal Government (Germany)
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural
Resources (Hannover) 391;478
Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
(Germany) 130;1077
Finnish Institute of International Affairs
29;158;572;622 593
Global Economic Governance Programme
(University College Oxford) 1964;1965
Goethe-Institut (Hanoi)
Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural
Juan Marinello 960
GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies
(Hamburg) 1395
Global Public Policy Institute (Berlin)
169;1444 1323;1324
Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima)
900;1030 1029;1035 1031;1036 1033;1041 1034 1042
Instituto de Planejamento Econômico e
Social (Rio de Janeiro) 992
Fondation Robert Schuman (Paris)
Government Accountability Office (United
States) 872;882
Instituto Torcuato di Tella (Buenos Aires)
Food and Agriculture Organization
Government of Japan
Instituto Universitario de Opinion Publica
(Universidad Centroamericana, San
Salvador) 938;941
Forschungsgruppe Amerika (SWP Berlin)
764 765
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Inter-American Development Bank
Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya)
International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development 907 1089 1117 1119
London Middle East Institute (School of
Oriental and African Studies, London)
Organizace pro studentskou a kulturní
výměnu ve střední a východní Evropě (Ústí
nad Labem) 403;504;519;633
Mainland Affairs Council (Taipei)
Max-Planck-Institut für
Gesellschaftsforschung (Köln)
1142;1176;1298 2127 2188;2190 2208
International Centre for Trade and
Sustainable Development (Geneva)
Media Institute of Southern Africa (Lusaka)
Michigan State University / Department of
Political Science (East Lansing/Mich.)
International Crisis Group (Brussels) 663 683
Middle East Youth Initiative
(Washington/D.C.) 1463 1503
International Energy Agency
614 1989 2129
International Federation of Journalists
International Food Policy Research Institute
(Washington/D.C.) 1996;2012 2013;2019
Overseas Development Institute (London)
Oxfam International
Pole Institute (Goma)
1209 1210;1213
Population Council (New York/N.Y.)
Migration Policy Institute (Washington/D.C.)
182;211 844 847;865
International Displacement Monitoring
Centre (Geneva) 1658 1713
Organization of Ibero-American States for
Education, Science and Culture 2022;2073
International Conference on Dialogue of
Civilizations and Cultural Diversity
(Kairouan, 2009-06-02/2009-06-04) 1356
International Development Research Centre
(Ottawa) 1125
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development 515 929 1457 1989 2208
Ministère de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et de
l'Emploi (France) 340
Ministère de l'Economie, des Finances et de
l'Industrie / Direction générale du Trésor et
de la Politique Economique (France) 291
Présidence de la République (France)
Prognos (Köln)
République Rwandaise
Research and Policy Unit "Notre Europe"
(Paris) 46 140
Research Institute for Peace and Security
(Tokyo) 1841;1848;1892;1902
International Institute for Democracy and
Electoral Assistance (Stockholm) 39
Ministère de l'Immigration, de l’Intégration,
de l’Identité nationale et du
Développement Solidaire (France) 281
International Institute for Environment and
Development (London) 1130 2144
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
(Japan) 1896;2053
Resources for the Future (Washington/D.C.)
International Institute for Sustainable
Development (Winnipeg) 2062;2130;2134
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
(Tanzania) 1285 1286
International Monetary Fund
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Youth
Development (Tanzania) 1282;1292
Robert Schuman Centre (European
University Institute, San Domenico di
Fiesole) 149
1065;1066 1148
1291 2057
International Republican Institute
(Washington/D.C.) 1539
Ministry of Labour, Youth, Women and
Children Development (Zanzibar)
Internationales Institut für Liberale Politik
(Wien) 510
Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers 05.
(Tripoli, 2007-11-21/2007-11-23) 1358
Islamic Conference of Culture Ministers 06.
(Baku, 2009-10-13/2009-10-15) 1354
Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization 1353;2065 1354 1355 1356
1357;2070 1358 1359;2071 1360 1361;1364 1363
2064 2066 2069
Israeli European Policy Network
Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and
International Affairs (American University
of Beirut) 1336;1339
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Bogotá)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Buenos Aires)
972 983
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Cotonou) 85;1139
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Mexiko)
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Paris)
870 871 2140 2186;2199
Royal Institute of International Affairs
(London) 585;648 777;1519;1555 881;1959
1300;1301 1309 1402;1407 1435;1442;1465;1470
1449;1451;1477;1479;1949;1954 1494;1497 1500
Royal Institute of International Affairs /
Russia and Eurasia Programme (London)
Ministry of Planning, Economy and
Empowerment (Tanzania) 1287
Mižnarodnyj Centr Perspektyvnych
Doslidžen' (Kyïv) 629;635;698
National Bureau of Statistics (Tanzania)
National Council of Applied Economic
Research (India) 1606
National Energy Policy Institute (Tulsa/Okla.)
National Organisation for Legal Assistance
(Dar es Salaam) 1281
National Society for Human Rights (Saudi
Arabia) 767;821;1492;1493
NATO Defense College
Research Institute of the German Society for
Foreign Affairs (Berlin) 15;632
171;589 175 176 612
Netherlands Institute of International
Relations Clingendael (The Hague)
32;623;636 2072
Network on Intercultural Learning in Europe
Russia/NIS Center (Institut Français des
Relations Internationales, Paris)
Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
Russian and Eurasian Security Network
(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule /
International Relations and Security
Network, Zurich) 185;186 562;574
S. Rajaratnam School of International
Studies (Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore) 1670 1690;2036
Sankt-Peterburgskij Gumanitarnyj Universitet
Profsojuzov 2067
Secretariat of the United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification
Security and Defence Agenda (Brussels)
New Economics Foundation
114 581;645
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Peking,
Shanghai) 1566
Nigerian Institute of International Affairs
(Lagos) 1158 1173
Seoul National University
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Santiago de
Chile) 1010
Nordic Africa Institute (Uppsala)
Social Democratic Party of Germany 361;1510
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (Singapur)
Körber-Stiftung (Hamburg)
Korea Institute for International Economic
Policy (Seoul) 53;180;565
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
(Oslo) 174 1208;1211 1513;1943
Norwegian Refugee Council (Oslo)
Nuclear Threat Initiative
OECD Development Assistance Committee
194 1919 2001
Kuwait Programme on Development,
Governance and Globalisation in the Gulf
States 1487;1489;1724;1728 1488 1490
Office of Chief Government Statistician
(Zanzibar) 1282;1292
Lebanese Center for Policy Studies (Beirut)
Offset Quality Initiative
London Conference on Afghanistan, 2010
(London, 2010-01-28) 1514;1520
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Open Democracy (London)
603 1443;1471
Sinus Sociovision (Heidelberg)
Society for International Development
(Nairobi) 1293
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization 1671;1673
SPRING-Center (University of Dortmund)
Stockholm International Peace Research
Institute 1615
Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Kulturalne w
Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej (Kraków)
Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa
(Johannesburg) 1096
III.2 Index of corporate bodies / Körperschaften-/Veranstaltungsregister / Index collectivités-auteurs
Strategic Studies Institute (United States
Army War College, Carlisle Barracks/Pa.)
Subcommittee on International Organizations,
Human Rights, and Oversight (United
States / House / Committee on Foreign
Affairs) 801;820
Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional
Threats and Capabilities (United States /
House / Committee on Armed Services)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization 1118 1347
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
(Sevilla) 978
United Nations General Assembly
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
(Lima) 1029;1035
United Nations Human Rights Council
United Nations Institute for Disarmament
Research (Geneva) 2148
United Nations Peacebuilding Commission
Swedish School of Economics and Business
Administration (Helsingfors) 189
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Security Council
1214 1405
Swiss Peace Foundation (Bern)
Tanzania Development Initiative
United States Institute of Peace
(Washington/D.C.) 1531
Transparency International
UniFrance (Paris)
United Nations Development Programme
967 970;979 1047 1535;1540 1999;2007
United States-China Economic and Security
Review Commission 726;1666;1741
Universität Köln
Uppsala University / Department of Peace
and Conflict Research 2042
Verein Kontakte-Kontakty
Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
Center (Stanford University, Stanford/Cal.)
1705;1706 1787;1790 1788;1791 1832;1833
Wissenschaftliches Forum für Internationale
Sicherheit 1753
Wolfensohn Center for Development
(Washington/D.C.) 1463 1503
World Food Programme
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
(México/D.F.) 927
World Public Opinion.org (Washington/D.C.)
Universidad de Belgrano (Buenos Aires) 971
World Resources Institute (Washington/D.C.)
808;885 1961;2143
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Actes de la recherche en sciences
sociales (Paris)
- (décembre 2009) 180: 278;299
The China and Eurasia Forum Quarterly
- 7 (February 2009) 1: 659;664;1737;1770
Ethnic and Racial Studies (Oxford)
- 32 (November 2009) 9: 853
- 33 (January 2010) 1: 129;846 210;534 280
Adalah's Review (Shafa'amr)
- 5 (Spring 2009): 1452;1453;1461;1462
China Contact (Münster)
- (2010) 1: 388;1762 1761;1799
Africa Spectrum (Hamburg)
- 44 (2009) 2: 1132 1150 1152 1186 1220 1242 1252
China Report (New Delhi)
- 43 (July 2007) 3: 1101;1739 1103;1759 1104;1760
Etudes (Paris)
- 412 (janvier 2010) 1: 272
- 412 (février 2010) 2: 126;279 234 347
1253 1303
African Affairs (Oxford)
- 109 (January 2010) 434: 749;782;1058;1062
1087 1090;1232 1153 1207;1212 1229
Agrarwirtschaft (Frankfurt/Main)
- 58 (2009) 8: 179
Alternatives économiques (Quétigny)
- (février 2010) 288: 298 316 334 346
Alternatives Internationales (Paris)
- (juin 2008) 39: 1111
Anuario Iberoamericano (Madrid)
- (2009): 736;889 895 896;954 908 915 922 1021
1228;1278;1765 1731;1740
Civil Wars (Abingdon)
- 11 (December 2009) 4: 2177
Climate Policy (Amsterdam)
- 10 (2010) 1: 156;167 164;699 166 540
1958;1962;2010;2020 2200
Comercio Exterior (México/D.F.)
- 59 (octubre de 2009) 10: 527;538 928 982
Contemporary Security Policy (London)
- 30 (December 2009) 3: 75;115 172;1521 233
701 1390 2037;2145 2087 2100
Critical Asian Studies (Cedar/Mich.)
- 41 (December 2009) 4: 1636 1672 1691 1694
Asia Policy / National Bureau of Asian
Research (Seattle/Wash.)
- (January 2010) 9: 1564
Culture prospective (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 1: 312
Asian Survey (Berkeley/Cal.)
- 49 (November-December 2009) 6:
Cultures of Resistance (London)
- 1 (Winter 2009-10) 3: 209;212
1559;1561 1560;1562 1593;1595 1601;1602 1625;1632
1626;1633 1627;1634 1628;1635 1662;1664
The Atlantic Monthly (Washington/D.C.)
- 305 (January-February 2010) 1: 757 819 824
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (Bonn)
- (17. August 2009) 34-35:
365;394;1055;1068;1973;1976 392;473;1067;1085
489;1091 1056;1060;1095;1098 1165;1308
- (28. Dezember 2009) 1/2010: 1244
Berichte über Landwirtschaft (Stuttgart)
- 87 (Dezember 2009) 3: 480;484 2008;2011 2192
Bitterlemons.org (o.O.)
- 8 (January 07, 2010) 1: 1321;1429
Blätter für deutsche und internationale
Politik (Bonn)
- 55 (2010) 1: 51 733;1716 1547
- 55 (2010) 2: 434 435 721;943 741;1507 751 984
Bulletin de la Banque de France (Paris)
- (4e trimestre 2009) 178: 93;235 337 339 343
Bundesgesetzblatt : Teil II (Köln)
- (19. Januar 2010) 1: 399;1226
- (26. Januar 2010) 2: 395;1496
Business Forum China (Shanghai)
- (November-December 2009) 6: 1802
Les Cahiers de la sécurité (Paris)
- (avril-juin 2009) 8: 251
Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst
- 11 (19.08.2009) 15: 36;641 571;684 586;679
653;656 1543;1565
- (01.09.2009): 30;178;651 170;661;773 559 606;609
655;678 667;668 689;690
- (26.11.2009): 592;686 604;607 658
669;673;1807;1817 670;680
- (09.12.2009): 44 605 657;1811 671
- (23.12.2009): 652;654 682 685;1613 1552;1736
CESifo Forum (München)
- 10 (Winter 2009) 4: 1105;1127 1121
Challenges (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 197: 328
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
DAAD-Berichte der Außenstellen (Bonn)
- 2008: 406;1621
Le Débat (Paris)
- (janvier-février 2010) 158: 306 354
Democracy: A Journal of Ideas
- (Winter 2010) 15: 724;1392
Development and Change (Oxford)
- 40 (September 2009) 5: 1637;1641 1638 1682
Etudes et résultats DREES (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 714: 286
- (février 2010) 715: 293
The European Journal of Development
Research (Abingdon)
- 21 (December 2009) 5: 1145
1154;1156;1219;1225;1622;1650 1182 1296;1299
1527;1538 1661;1665 1966 2000
European Security (Ilford)
- 18 (March 2009) 1: 192 203;204 518
- 18 (June 2009) 2: 68;1365 113 383 587;649
594;795 1939
Fachdienst Germanistik (München)
- 28 (2010) 1: 466
Fachjournalist (Berlin)
- (2008) 3: 412;469
Futuribles (Paris)
- (février 2010) 360: 297 315;342;1980;1983
German as a Foreign Language (Bonn)
- (2008) 3: 449
German Economic Review (Oxford)
- 10 (November 2009) 4: 2187;2205
Global Asia (Elektronische Ressource)
- 4 (Winter 2010) 4: 731;1746 1573;1578 1586;1590
Global Governance (Boulder/Colo.)
- 15 (October-December 2009) 4: 1955;1960
1956 1988;2009 2141 2165;2196 2167;2184
Dialog: Deutsch-polnisches Magazin
- 22 (2009-2010) 90: 370;397;502;503
Homeland and Security Affairs
- 6 (January 2010) 1: 832
Diálogo Político (Buenos Aires)
- 26 (septiembre de 2009) 3: 746;893 2137
Humanitäres Völkerrecht (Bochum)
- 22 (2009) 4: 1699 1945;1950 2032;2050 2160
Diplomacia, Estratégia, Política (Brasília)
- (October-December 2009) 10: 897 962
IHJ Bulletin (Tokyo)
- 29 (2009) 2: 1899
963;964 969;980 985 990;1000 1003 1015 1020 1026
1028;1037 1044 1049
Droit social (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 1: 290
East Asia: An International Quarterly
- 26 (December 2009) 4: 1574 1734 1822
Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai)
- 44 (December 26, 2009) 52: 1631 1643 1647
EIPA Scope (Maastricht)
- (2009) 2: 112
Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen
- 60 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1-2: 479 481;494
482 491;2142
Energy Policy (Oxford)
- 38 (March 2010) 3: 11 146 150 155;2131 536;537
869;875 873;883;1810;1819 1648;1653 1655
1764;1816;1897;1906 1812 1985;1987 2126
Environmental Politics (Abingdon)
- 19 (Februar 2010) 1: 2054;2139
Die Erde (Berlin)
- 140 (2009) 3: 906 1014
ILA (Bonn)
- (Dez. 2009) 331: 421;464;932;935;2024;2025
India Quarterly (New Delhi)
- 65 (April-June 2009) 2: 754;1614 1592;1596
Infostat Justice (Paris)
- (septembre 2008) 103: 270
- (janvier 2009) 104: 284
- (février 2009) 105: 330
- (septembre 2009) 106: 282
- (décembre 2009) 107: 269
International Affairs (Oxford)
- 86 (January 2010) 1: 65 139;1957 569;1747 611
744;1709 759 766;794 1246;1249 1675;1677;1708;1712
2046 2105;2115 2109
International Journal (Toronto)
- 44 (Autumn 2009) 4: 705;1568 706;1888 717
735;1609 1406
International Journal of Water Resources
Development (Abington)
- 26 (March 2010) 1: 1809 2102;2125 691
Island (Köln)
- 15 (November 2009) 2: 187;188;460;493
Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik
(Bern ...)
- 39 (2007) 2: 190;191
III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques
Jahrbuch Terrorismus (Opladen)
- (2009): 437 380;1523 1536 1556 1624 1779 2095
Jane's Defence Weekly (Coulsdon)
- 47 (27 January 2010) 4: 177;1526 1616
- 47 (3 February 2010) 5: 806
- 47 (10 February 2010) 6: 2198
Journal of Asian Economics (Amsterdam)
- 21 (February 2010) 1: 1815
Journal of Democracy (Baltimore/Md.)
- 21 (January 2010) 1: 181 1341 2078 2081
The Journal of Development Studies
- 45 (november 2009) 10: 951 997;1001 1177
1224;1271;1284;1297 1270;1304 1305 2014
Journal of Eastern African Studies
- 3 (November 2009) 3: 1120 1196;1200
Journal of Middle East Women's Studies
- 5 (Fall 2009) 3: 1346
The Journal of North African Studies
- 15 (March 2010) 1: 13;87;144;1369;1370;1371
22;63;1933;1936 1375 1377;1379;1454;1455 1388;1389
Journal of Palestine Studies
- 38 (Summer 2009) 4/152: 1445;1473 1448;1476
Journal of Sustainable Development in
Africa (Clarion/Pa.)
- 11 (2009) 2: 1108;1123 1166 1167 1168 1170
1171;1172 1234 1235 1236 1275
KAS-Auslandsinformationen (Berlin)
- 26 (2010) 2: 911 1141 1204 1227 1401 1917
Korea Yearbook (Leiden)
- 2 (2008): 727;1742;1827;1886 791;1843 1825;1829
1839;1862 1842;1865 1846;1867 1850;1854 1856
1864;1889 1872 1873;1880 1876 1877;1879
- 3 (2009): 728;1743;1828;1887 1784;1853 1826;1830
1831;1834 1835 1837;1859 1840;1863 1844;1866
1851;1855 1852;1875 1870;1878 1871 1874;1881 1882
Lateinamerika Nachrichten (Berlin)
- (Januar 2010) 427: 948 986;988 994 996;998
1011 1012 1025;1027 1032
La Lettre trésor-éco (Paris)
- (décembre 2009) 68: 236;390
Liberal (Berlin)
- 51 (November 2009) 4: 52;692 173;590
Media-Perspektiven (Frankfurt/Main)
- (2007) 9: 413;447
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft
- 57 (2009) 4: 2116
Mediterranean Quarterly (Durham/N.C.)
- 18 (Winter 2007) 1: 34;94;1319;1327
1400;1420;1524 1403
- 18 (Spring 2007) 2: 1419;1422
- 18 (Fall 2007) 4: 545;549;1320;1330 552
- 19 (Winter 2008) 1: 548;551 714;1411 1372
Middle East Economic Digest (London)
- 54 (5-11 February 2010) 6: 1491
Middle East Review of International
Affairs (Herzliya)
- 13 (December 2009) 4: 550
732;776;1512;1518;1553;1554 1342;1349 1415
1434;1608 1446;1450;1474;1478;1947;1953
The Milken Institute Review
(Santa Monica/Cal.)
- (4th Quarter 2009): 2060
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Le MOCI (Paris)
- (4-17 février 2010) 1859: 237 327;2123
Politique africaine (Paris)
- (octobre 2009) 115: 1187 1188 1223 1283
Monatsberichte / Österreichisches Institut
für Wirtschaftsforschung (Wien)
- 83 (2010) 1: 2121
Die politische Meinung (Osnabrück)
- 55 (Januar 2010) 482: 168;573 363;1100 372
Le Monde diplomatique (Paris)
- 57 (février 2010) 671: 307 355 547 779;1017
Population et sociétés (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 463: 2110
855 1107 1681 2108 2112
National Affairs (Washington/D.C.)
- (Winter 2010) 2: 817 831 849 850 856 876 879
National Journal (Washington/D.C.)
- 42 (January 9, 2010) 1-2: 785;835 823
- 42 (January 16, 2010) 3: 742;859;1437;1456 830
Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
- 27 (December 2009) 4: 1072 2033;2083
Die neue Gesellschaft/Frankfurter Hefte
- 57 (2010) 1-2: 107 1412
New African (London)
- 44 (January 2010) 491: 1078
The New Republic Online
- (December 28, 2009): 722;888
The New York Review of Books
(New York/N.Y.)
- 57 (February 11-24, 2010) 2: 601
Nigerian Journal of International Affairs
- 34 (2008) 1: 1157;1160;1610;1618
La Note de veille (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 164: 323;351
La Nuit rwandaise (Paris)
- (7 avril 2009) 3: 221;248;1189;1195
223;309;1190;1201 224;249;1191;1197
225;250;1192;1198 226;1193
OECD Economic Studies (Paris)
- (2009) 1: 1651 1986 1990;1992
OECD Journal on Budgeting (Paris)
- 9 (2009) 2: 1685 1991 2133 2135
OECD Journal on Development (Paris)
- 10 (2009) 2: 194 1919 2001
Österreichische militärische Zeitschrift
- 48 (Januar-Februar 2010) 1: 76 232 386
506;1203 508 513;514 516;517 526 787;802 1307
2038;2146 2040;2147 2041
Pacific News (Göttingen)
- (January-February 2010) 33: 213;1926 1696
1922 1692;1800 1786;1801 1803 1813
Panorama (Singapore)
- (2009) 1: 358 359;429;2027;2075
Peace (Beijing)
- (2009) 90: 1745;1820 1752
- (2009) 91: 31;165;1749;1821
Policy Review Online (Washington/D.C.)
- (December 2009-January 2010) 158:
- (February-March 2010) 159: 837 725;1317
768;1967 799;838 1814
Politica Exterior (Madrid)
- 24 (enero-febrero 2010) 133: 35;740 66;525
82;161 522;958 987
Political Science Quarterly
(New York/N.Y.)
- 124 (Winter 2009-10) 4: 546;553 597;798
851;858 877 2149
Political Studies (Oxford)
- 58 (März 2010) 2: 2203;2204
715 755 1532
Pouvoirs (Paris)
- (2009) 132: 245;1930 253 255
Premières synthèses (Paris)
- (décembre 2009) 52-3: 326;349
- (janvier 2010) 001: 294;325
Rand Review (Santa Monica/Cal.)
- 33 (Winter 2009-2010) 3: 793
Regards croisés (Goma)
- (avril 2009) 23: 1209
- (juin 2009) 24: 1210;1213
Regional Studies (Islamabad)
- 27 (Autumn 2009) 4: 1594 1599;1604 1600 1644
Review of African Political Economy
- 36 (December 2009) 122: 1063;1070;1161;1162
1083;1140;1277 1383
Review of Economic Conditions in Italy
- (May-August 2009) 2: 145;541
Review of World Economics (Heidelberg)
- 145 (October 2009) 3:
556;557;693;694;1668;1674;1725;1729 807;809
1617;1646;1756;1797 1971;1972;1995;2004 2163;2195
Revue du marché commun et de l'Union
européenne (Paris)
- (janvier 2010) 534: 83 116;120 117;122 2055
Revue politique et parlementaire
- 111 (octobre-novembre 2009) 1053:
227;1057 259 302
La Revue socialiste (Paris)
- (1er trimestre 2010) 37: 263 266 303
Russian Analytical Digest (Bremen)
- (18 November 2008) 50: 608
Sciences de la société (Toulouse)
- (février 2009) 76: 295;711
Security Dialogue (London)
- 40 (December 2009) 6: 792 833 1932 2086
Security Studies (London)
- 18 (October-December 2009) 4: 1481
2080;2090 2094 2097 2098
Society and Economy (Budapest)
- 31 (December 2009) 2: 141;521 183 184
695;696 697
The South African Journal of International
Affairs (Braamfontein)
- 16 (December 2009) 3: 775;1061 1054
1069;1086 1084 1233;1243 1241;1248
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic
Journal (Paris)
- (2009) 3: 1623
Strategic Assessment (Tel Aviv)
- 12 (November 2009) 3: 1460;1480
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
- 32 (December 2009) 12: 923 1269;1280 1410
2092 2093 2101
- 33 (January 2010) 1: 790;854 803;841 1164 2088
Swords and Ploughshares
- 17 (Fall 2009) 3: 1941;1942
The Tocqueville Review (Toronto)
- 30 (2009) 2: 247
III.3 Index of serials / Periodikaregister / Index des périodiques
Vantage Point (Seoul)
- 33 (February 2010) 2: 1758;1845 1838
Vingtième siècle (Paris)
- (janvier-mars 2009) 105: 256;974
Wirtschaft im Wandel (Halle/Saale)
- 16 (27.01.2010) 1: 137;471;863 475;487 483
Wirtschaftsdienst (Baden-Baden)
- 90 (Januar 2010) 1: 442;472 474 486
Wirtschaftshandbuch Asien Pazifik
- (2009-2010): 389;1581;1912
1577;1585;1589;1910;1913;1914 1579;1911 1597 1605
1607 1657 1659 1679 1680 1686 1687 1689 1693
1697 1700 1702 1707 1714 1730 1735 1823 1836
1861 1884 1907 1908 1915 1920 1923
Regional Bibliography IRAS 03/2010
Wochenbericht / Deutsches Institut für
Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin)
- 77 (27. Januar 2010) 4: 444;485
Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und
Ausländerpolitik (Baden-Baden)
- 29 (2009) 11-12: 45;128 127
World Development (Oxford)
- 38 (February 2010) 2: 1970;2189 2015
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen
- 40 (2009) 4: 56;374 62;378 79 108;432 109;433
World Economics (Henley-on-Thames)
- 10 (October-December 2009) 4: 2058
zeo2 (Radolfzell)
- 2 (2010) 1: 461;492
The World Economy (Oxford)
- 33 (January 2010) 1: 95;1676 1064;1076
ZFAS: Zeitschrift für Außen- und
Sicherheitspolitik (Wiesbaden)
- 3 (1. Quartal 2010) 1: 26;41 27;730 373;382
1669;1726 1918;1924 2122 2162;2194
The Yale Journal of International Law
(New Haven/Conn.)
- 35 (Winter 2010) 1: 121;125;842;843 1629;1642
430;436 2056
2154 2156;2176 2157