Pony-Express 2011-1-en


Pony-Express 2011-1-en
Pony E xpress
Dear horse enthusiast
Welcome to our first issue of the 2011
Pony E xpress
Today we would like to show you what we‘ve been up to during the winter season.
Most of you already know that we saved 6 horses from the butcher, 4 colts and 2 adult mares.
The colts are 3 Belgian draft horses and one Haflinger. The draft horse „Keks“ belongs to
Sabi. We are happy for her – she had to wait a long time for her own horse.
Check out our website for the latest details. www.reithof-libke.de
The horses are doing really well. The “little ones” are cavort with the ponies on the outdoor
riding ring which we used as a paddock this winter.
Sameera has adopted the little Haflinger „El Nino“ and we can see the change in her. She has
risen to the challenge and is proud of herself. The two Shettland ponies Max and Moritz, who
have plenty of experience in raising little colts, play around in the thick of it hugging the babies.
The two mares Hexe (Witch) and Ginger started their training. They have gained self
confidence and are willing to walk over plastic tarp without fear.
Pony E xpress
Shadow and Felix have also started their training. They are to replace our „Retirees“ so they can
enter their well deserved retirement being cared for and ridden by their attendants only.
Here you can see Shadow, who was born in Dickschied, during his first lesson with a bridal and
bit. Without any pressures or stress instead with complete trust. That’s how it should be.
Of course not only the horses have to go to school. The riding lessons continued all winter. We
are very pleased that many new students joined us. This confirms our believe that a good rider is
willing and able to learn EVERYTHING about horses and is not too conceited to groom their
horse themselves. A good rider will learn to understand his horse. We are also proud of our “old”
students who chose to increase their knowledge and abilities during the seminar „Mensch und
Pferd“ and who now have their own forster horse.
Pony E xpress
Our plans for 2011
The riding holidays will take place during all hessian school breaks. Don‘t
forget to register early for Easter holidays!
The riding lessons continue to be held in small groups or single rider
lessons. They take place regularly during the entire year.
One-day outing and trail rides (include overnight) dates will be published on our
website www.reithof-libke.de as soon as they have been determined for 2011.
The pony rides are done by appointment only.
As usual the little riders will be accompanied by a member of our lead-team.
Together they will groom and saddle the pony before going on the ride.
Individual care for horse and rider works by appointment only… It’s just a call
If you wish to join us for a weekend special (overnight in our guest house) you can
call anytime and acquire dates.
Vaulting for the (very) young
We are building up a playgroup vaulting. Simple exercises on the back of a
horse will increase your balance. Of course the exercises will get a little more
difficult after time. Games and fun with the team and horse.
Vaulting is the best groundwork for save and saddle – fast riding in the
future. There will be a maximum of 10 children in the group.
Children’s birthdays are arranged and conducted by Jenny Werner
„Leo“ and „Lightning“ are her trusted assistants. www.jennywerner.de.
If you want to live your life in harmony with your dog but seem to have a little
trouble accomplishing this goal. There is help… Vera Müller Trainer and
CEO of the dogschool „Harmony life with dogs“ can help you right here
www.Harmony-life-with-dogs.de and on the Reithof Libke.
Pony E xpress
Zum Reiturlaub auf dem Reithof – Libke – Dickschied
Datum von: ____________ bis: _______________
Reiturlaub (Montag – Samstag) Vollpension p.P.: 230,- Euro
Bitte Überweisen Sie 30,- Euro p.P. auf die unten stehende Bankverbindung.
Sie erhalten dann umgehend eine Buchungsbestätigung. Dieser Betrag ist nicht Erstattungsfähig.
Der Restbetrag pro Person ist zwei Wochen vor Antritt des Urlaubs auf folgende Bankverbindung
zu überweisen:
Naspa Wiesbaden - BLZ: 510 500 15
Konto-Nr.: 013 6040 782
Name: ______________________________________________
Vorname: ___________________________________________
Geburtsdatum: _______________________________________
Straße: _____________________________________________
PLZ: ____________ Ort: _____________________________
Telefon / Mobil:_______________________________________
Bitte mindestens eine Telefonnummer eintragen unter der im Notfall ein Erziehungsberechtigter zu erreichen ist.
Besonderheiten die wir beachten müssen:
(z.B. Allergien, Behinderungen, chronische Erkrankungen)
Leichte Medikamente wie z.B. Paracetamol oder Fenestil dürfen* / dürfen nicht*
verabreicht werden. (Bitte nicht zutreffendes ausstreichen)
Freistellungserklärung: Ich verzichte auf jeglichen Schadenersatzanspruch gegen
den Reithof Libke und dessen Mitarbeiter, ausgenommen bei Vorsatz und grober
Fahrlässigkeit. Falls mir oder dem von mir vertretenen beim Umgang mit den Tieren
oder auf der Anlage des Reithofs Libke irgendwelcher Schaden entsteht.
Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen werden hiermit anerkannt.
Unterschrift:_______________________ Datum / Ort:____________________

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