
Oliver Roth
26. + 27.1.’16
Hors Lits Bern
Dress yourself up for your followers. Or
you put your profile in private mode at
all. You might take some but never bite
it, double-click and swipe it. Are you
going to steal that bike if the colour of
your skin and your income affects the
decision on what kind of food you buy?
We know it all! We are living 1000
miles away and know every fucking
quarter of the big apple and have seen
all the things on all those pictures. But
if you go there, people will be friendly
and colored. They actually are.
This is a 20 min. performance on what rap music can do.
Once Upon a Time in America
The Wild, Wild West
Neue Welt, New World (Order), Brave New World
Das Land meiner Träume
If you can make it here you make it everywhere
Ich war noch niemals in Hawaii
The States / The Streets
Der Westen / The West
Der grosse Satan aus dem Westen
America, fuck yeah, we are going to save your motherfucking ass
Die freie Welt / The Free World
Unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten
Everything goes
Alles ist möglich
The American Way / The American Dream
Yeah I'm livin' out my dreams, broke is not an option
There he goes for three points / Touchdown
Nervous breakdown
Too big to fail
Breakfast until 5 pm
Organic Food / Food porn
Get your all natural organic smoothie
A slice of double cheese, please
Fried Chicken / Chicken and Waffles
We cooking things up here in this trap shit.
rap that need not transcend itself, towards High Art on one hand or commercial art on
the other, in order to succeed in 2015
This is just the both of us in Brooklyn, NYC.
But Barter 6 has almost nothing to do with Lil Wayne, save its provocative title
(which I’m saying is more Treachery of Images than aimless troll, anyway) and a
handful of scattered lyrical shots.
This lecture is called BROTHER 6
Got 100 million flat like my motherfuckin' idol
I might eat it, I might lick it, but I swear i'll never bite 'em
Every time I dress myself it go motherfuckin' viral
This is a 20 min. performance on what pictures can do.
Bisher habe ich erfolgreich einen grossen Becher Kaffee bestellt und bin damit durch
die Strassen gegangen, ich bin Auto gefahren mit automatischem Getriebe und habe
ein paar Mal an einer Ampel gehupt, wenn einer nicht gleich losgefahren ist, ich habe
Pan-Cakes gegessen mit Blaubeeren, ich habe in einem dieser Restaurants neben
dem Highway gegessen, wo es diese hohen Banklehnen aus Vinyl und wo die
Waitress übertrieben nett ist und immer Coffee nachschenkt, ich habe Donuts
gegessen (auch diese ganz kleinen verpackten), ich habe gesehen, wie es in der
Stadt aus dem Gully dampft, an einem NBA-Spiel Hot-Dogs bestellt und sie dann auf
der Tribüne gegessen und gestern habe ich dann auch endlich auf der Strasse Bier
aus einer Papiertüte getrunken, ich weiss, eigentlich müsste es eine SchnapsFlasche sein.
All I need is you and new shoes
Do you have the new Air Max 2016 print, where the swoosh is printed and not in this
reflective material?
Did you know, that the one who designed the Nike swoosh was paid with a slice of
There was a sense of disappointment when we left the mall
Everyone in New York is wearing Nike shoes / - But I thought everyone is wearing
trousers which are with very wide at the ankle
I started to wear sneakers just two years ago / I always wore them, even as a kid
I’m checking out this new Air Max 95 model. / - Don’t you think they are a bit clunky?
I imagine how many hours I already spent in Sneakers Shops with him.
Ok, there is the story of a night. This is it! We went shopping first. After some stops
we were tired. We just went for a drink. Then Iggy said: Well, we could just have a
little bit of a party tonight. I asked, do you think it’s possible to do some party tonight.
He answered: You are asking, if it’s possible to have a party in New York City?! We
After checking some websites we decided not to go to listen to jazz in Harlem but to
go to an RJD2 concert for some nostalgic reasons. The concert was in Williamsburg
in this place where they are bowling next to the stage and also eating burritos and
shit. We drank some Gin Tonics and took some Snooze. When we left, it was
freezing outside on the street where we took our Burrito on this food wagon standing
in the street. It was such a nice burrito. This place is actually called Greenpoint, not
Williamsburg, the guy on the street explained. So we followed his advice to this David
Bowie Goodbye Party in Bushwick. There were some dancers at the ceiling moving
like circus artists. We had fun and Gin Tonics. And we met a guy totally looking like
David Bowie and on coke screaming around.
When they kicked us out we just followed this guy with the beard and almost no more
hair on his head, but with a strange fluff. We took a taxi or an Uber can’t tell. It was I.,
R. and me. And this skinny white trash girl with brown teeth. And this very bad
imitation of a Blues Brother wearing a red tie and having his glasses fixed with tape.
The whole night appears like a dream, like you had a black bar before your
So we went to a Deli for some beers and arrived at the almost bold guys house and
when we entered his roommate was just naked in his bedroom taking on his trousers
and yelling: “No way! You go out.” And kicking us all out of the apartment into the
freezing cold again.
We stood there planless searching for a taxi. The skinny girl said we should go to her
place. So we drove for ages through the city arriving at here place which was the
creepiest place ever seen. Smelling so badly after the almost 10 cats living there.
There were furniture all packed in plastic. She said: “I’m just going to tell my grannie
that everything is all right.” We were looking at each other, thinking her grannie is
lying next door dead for weeks. The apartment was all filled with crap and was
stinking as hell. Not possible to chill out at all, we three drunk as shit, with this Blues
Brothers Guy and the skinny bitch. She gave us pieces of soap, which she and her
mother made. Again, and again she gave us pieces of soap. The Blues Brothers guy
asked if he could have another piece.
We went out when it was bright outside. Freezing. Took a cab and going to bed all
three of us.
This is a 20 min. performance on what words can do.
Jeden Tag Abfall produzieren:
Heute durch das Hinterland von New York gefahren. Meine Freude bei allem. Die
kleinen amerikanischen Häuschen mit Veranda und kitschiger WeihnachtsDekoration, die puritanische Holz-Kirchen, die Imbiss Restaurants, wo man direkt mit
dem Auto ranfährt, jetzt auch die Kälte, die Siedlungen in Wälder gebaut und klein
und wie Nester. Das gemächliche Autofahren, die Automatikgetriebe, alle fahren
ruhig, gleiten und trotzdem viele tote Tiere am Strassenrand, die Weite des Hudson
Rivers und vor allem, die Höhe bzw. Tiefe; man fährt fast gleich hoch wie der Fluss.
Das Frederic Church-Anwesen! Alles so gebaut, dass man von überall einen
pittoresken (im eigentlichen Wortsinn) Blick auf alles hat, die erste Landschaftskunst.
Das passt zu der massiv grossen Kunst im Dia:Beacon. Überwältigt von Grösse,
Wucht, den Hallen, den riesen Löchern im Boden, der Umschwung, der Platz, obwohl
ich Serra wirklich nicht mag. In dem abgelegenen Bed and Breakfast Inn stellt man
sich vor, hier alt werden zu können. Debbie ist herzlich, amerikanisch. Sie geht an
B’n’B Conventions und hat für ihr Unternehmen eigenes Merchandise, Tassen, TShirts. Wir haben einen Kamin im Zimmer.
This is a 20 min. performance on what I can do.
There lies so much more trash on the street in Brooklyn then in Manhattan.
What’s the most dangerous thing: A nigga with a library pass.
I’m only a white dude who likes to sing to the music in the subway.
I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn’t work that ways. So I stole a bike and
asked God for forgiveness.
There are some white restaurants. They really are. The interior is painted white and
the people are too. Like albino monkeys they are sitting in cages behind Macbooks;
hamster wheeling.
You are sitting in the Coney Island bound subway and when you entered there were
almost African American in the train, and then at the end when you leave the train,
there are only Asian looking people. The people just change at one stop, like this,
Little Italy just tries to keep it’s image of being real.
Chinatown is just real and busy. There are seven Chinese newspapers.
It’s a highly parallel society.
A slice of pizza costs you 99 cents and fills your stomach, a Smoothie costs you 5
dollars and fills your vitamin balance
Barter 6 argues that all we need to do is listen a bit more carefully:
The black man in a huge winter jacket opens the door and says: You trust a nigga
with a pirate eye, man? Hahahaha.
Poverty gets visible with the choice of food.
This is a 20 min. performance is on what some niiiice pizza can do.

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