European Corporate Law


European Corporate Law
Aline TENENBAUM, Maître de conférences UPEC Année universitaire 2015/2016 : Master Droit européen - Semestre d’automne
Contenu du cours : Etude de problématiques de droit européen des sociétés
au travers des libertés, de l’harmonisation et de la régulation du gouvernement
Préparer le cours : The course is taught in English. Students should study the core
readings in advance and are expected to come to class prepared to discuss the
readings, after the main issues being presented.
Mode de validation : examen oral
GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (specific readings for each seminar will be indicated) 1. Selected Textbooks (General private international law and European business law textbooks may be useful, in addition to the following specific textbooks) vM. ANDENAS, European comparative company law, Cambridge University Press 2012 vA.F.M. DORRESTEIJN et al (eds), European Corporate Law, Kluwer Law International 2009 vV. EDWARDS, EC Company law, Clarendon Press Oxford EC Law Library 1999 vM. MENJUCQ, Droit international et européen des sociétés, Montchrestien 3ème éd. 2011 2 vG. MUSTAKI et V. ENGAMMARE, Droit européen des sociétés, Helbing, LGDJ, Bruylant 2009 vN. THIRION (sous la dir. de), Droit international et européen des sociétés, Larcier, 2ème éd. 2016 (à paraître) vG.J. VOSSESTEIN, Modernisation of European Company Law and Corporate Governance, Kluwer Law International 2010 2. Encyclopedia vJurisclasseur de droit européen: Fasc. 800 (Reconnaissance, établissement et libre prestation des services des sociétés) vJurisclasseur de droit international: Fasc. 564-­‐10 (nationalité des sociétés, 570-­‐30 (sociétés étrangère en France) , 570-­‐40 (conflits de lois en droit des sociétés)et 570-­‐50 (conflits de juridictions en droit des sociétés) vRépertoire de droit international Dalloz (v° Société) vRépertoire de droit européen Dalloz (v° Droit des sociétés de l’Union européenne) 3. Journals vEuropean company law, Kluwer vEuropean company and financial law review, De Gruyter vJournal du droit international, LexisNexis vRevue trimestrielle de droit européen, Dalloz vRevue critique de droit international privé, Dalloz 4. Websites v v v­‐law/index_en.htm v (law dictionary) 3 SEMINARS OVERVIEW Seminar 1 (4hrs) Introduction : companies in international context -­‐ Recognition of foreign companies -­‐ Applicable law: conflict-­‐of-­‐law rules – role of the location of corporate seat in determining the lex societatis -­‐ Jurisdiction rules: in case of a dispute involving a company as a defendant, which court has jurisidicton? Implementation of Brussels Ibis Regulation and non-­‐European jurisdiction rules Seminar 2 (3hrs) Companies and European freedoms: a road map into the intricacies of European rules -­‐ Right of establishment: connections between rigth of establishment and lex societatis -­‐ Free movement of capital: golden share cases and articulation with right of establishment Seminar 3 (3hrs) Does European company law exist as such? -­‐ Harmonization of company law: methods and scope -­‐ Interpretation of European rules on the issue of nullities Seminar 4 (3hrs) The specificity of listed companies under European regulations -­‐ European regulation of listed companies -­‐ The example of the Transparency Directive Seminar 5 (3hrs) European corporate governance issues European policies on directors’ remunerations