Phrases: Immigration | Bank (French-English)


Phrases: Immigration | Bank (French-English) Phrases: Immigration | Bank
Bank : General
Est-ce que je peux retirer de
l'argent en [pays] sans payer
de commission ?
Can I withdraw money in
[country] without paying fees?
Asking whether there are
commission fees when you
withdraw money in a certain
Quels sont les frais si je retire
de l'argent à un distributeur
automatique externe à la
banque ?
What are the fees if I use
external ATMs?
Asking how much the fees are
when you withdraw at the
ATMs of a bank different than
Je voudrais ouvrir un compte
I would like to open a bank
Stating your intention to open
a bank account
Je voudrais clôturer mon
compte bancaire.
I would like to close my bank
Stating your intention to close
your bank account
Est-ce que je peux ouvrir un
compte bancaire en ligne ?
Can I open a bank account
Asking if you can open a bank
account via an online
La carte bancaire est-elle une
carte de retrait ou une carte
de crédit ?
Will I get a debit card or a
credit card?
Asking what kind of card you
will get with your account
Est-ce que je peux avoir
accès à mes données
bancaires depuis mon
portable ?
Can I use banking on my cell?
Asking if you can carry out
banking procedures on your
Quels types de comptes
bancaires avez-vous ?
What types of bank accounts
do you have?
Asking what types of bank
accounts are available
compte courant
current account
Type of bank account
compte d'épargne
savings account
Type of bank account
compte personnel
personal account
Type of bank account
compte commun
joint account
Type of bank account
livret jeune
children's account
Type of bank account
compte en devise étrangère
foreign currency account
Type of bank account
compte professionnel
business account
Type of bank account
compte pour les étudiants
student account
Type of bank account
Y a-t-il des frais mensuels
pour le compte ?
Are there any monthly fees?
Asking if there are monthly
expenses to be paid for the
Quels sont les frais pour les
transferts internationaux ?
What are the commissions for
international transfers?
Asking about commissions for
international transfers
Y a-t-il une assurance en cas
de perte ou de vol de ma
carte ?
Is there any insurance in case
my card is lost or stolen?
Asking if there is insurance if
your card is lost or stolen
Est-ce que je reçois un
chéquier ?
Do I get a checkbook?
Asking if you receive a
checkbook with your account
Quel est le taux d'intérêt ?
What is the savings interest
Asking for information about
the savings interest rate
Quelle protection offrez-vous
contre la fraude bancaire ?
In what ways can you protect
me from frauds?
Asking what measures the
bank takes in case you are a
victim of a fraud
J'ai perdu ma carte bancaire.
I lost my credit card.
Stating that you lost your
credit card
Ma carte bancaire a été volée.
My credit card was stolen.
Stating that your credit card
was stolen
Bank : Opening a bank account
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Pouvez-vous faire opposition
sur mon compte ?
Can you block my account?
Asking if the bank can block
your bank account
J'ai besoin d'une nouvelle
carte bancaire.
I need a replacement card.
Stating that you need a
replacement card because
you don't have your card
Je voudrais avoir des
renseignements sur les prêts.
I would like to have some
information about loans.
Asking for information about
Quels sont les taux d'intérêt ?
What can you tell me about
the interest rate?
Asking for information about
the interest rate
Je voudrais des
renseignements sur les prêts
I would like to have some
information about mortgages.
Asking for information about
Je voudrais m'entretenir avec
un conseiller hypothécaire.
I would like to speak with a
mortgage advisor.
Asking to speak with a
mortgage advisor
J'achète ma première
I am buying my first home.
Stating that you are buying
your first home
J’achète une seconde
I am buying a second
Stating that you are buying a
second property
Je voudrais renouveler un
prêt hypothécaire.
I would like to remortgage.
Stating that you would like to
Je voudrais passer en revue
mon prêt hypothécaire.
I would like to review my
existing mortgage.
Stating that you would like to
review your mortgage
J'achète une propriété à
mettre en location.
I am buying a property to let.
Stating that you are buying a
property to let
Mes revenus annuels bruts
s'élèvent à _______.
My gross annual income is
Stating how much your gross
annual income is
Je voudrais souscrire à une
I would like to purchase
Stating that you are interested
in insurance
assurance habitation
home/household insurance
Type of insurance
assurance voyage
travel insurance
Type of insurance
assurance vie
life insurance
Type of insurance
assurance maladie
health insurance
Type of insurance
assurance auto
car insurance
Type of insurance
assurance vétérinaire
pet insurance
Type of insurance
assurance vol
theft insurance
Type of insurance
protection hypothécaire
mortgage protection
Type of insurance
assurance étudiant
student possessions
Type of insurance
assurance collective
group insurance
Type of insurance
assurance de biens
property insurance
Type of insurance
assurance inondation
flood insurance
Type of insurance
assurance incendie
fire insurance
Type of insurance
Pendant combien de mois
serai-je couvert(e) ?
For how many months will I
be covered?
Asking how many months
your insurance coverage lasts
Quel est le coût de
l'assurance ?
What is the price for the
Asking how much the
insurance is
Bank : Financial help
Bank : Insurance
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