A site which marks an historical turning point


A site which marks an historical turning point
Category: Uncategorised
An inventory is being taken to precisely identify, within this scope, the evidence of the D-Day Landings, in
the wrecks off the Beaches and other evidence relating to the Neptune operation (notably the remains of
artificial harbours),
the remains of the defensive wall,
changes in coastline and sand composition relating to the D-Day Landings.
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Category: Uncategorised
En construction
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Category: Uncategorised
Merci pour votre soutien !
Vous êtes désormais ambassadeur de la candidature des Plages du Débarquement de Normandie au Patrimoine
Mondial de l’Unesco.
La Région Normandie
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Category: Uncategorised
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Vous êtes désormais ambassadeur de la candidature des Plages du Débarquement de Normandie au Patrimoine
Mondial de l’Unesco.
Merci pour votre soutien !
La Région Normandie
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Category: Uncategorised
Applying does not only involve submitting a scientific proposal.
This ostensibly irreversible course of action must also be fully supported by the population, who are encouraged
to become aware of the site's value and to get behind the project.
To support the initiative, all you need is to:
complete the form directly on the website.
Support gallery
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Category: Uncategorised
The candidacy
for the UNESCO
World Heritage Committee
The inscription request is a 2 stage-process:
Inscription on the national tentative list
Only the States (States parties to the convention) can propose properties to UNESCO for inscription on the
World Heritage List. For this purpose, the World Heritage Committee asks every State to send a tentative list of
the properties they wish to propose for inscription in the years to come; inscription on the national tentative list
is therefore a prerequisite.
of the application
The application is presented to the national Committee, which assesses its admissibility and submits it to
UNESCO. UNESCO renders a decision 18 months later at the earliest, following an appraisal. This technical
evaluation is performed by ICOMOS (International Council for monuments and sites) for cultural properties or
IUCN (International union for the conservation of nature) for natural properties.
However, the World Heritage Committee makes the final decision.
The world heritage committee consists of representatives from 21 of the state parties to the convention, whose
term of office is for 4 years.
Current Committee Members : Algeria, Cambodia, Colombia, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Iraq,
Japan, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Qatar, the Russia Federation, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa, Switzerland,
Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
Where are we in the application of D-Day Landing Beaches ?
The Basse-Normandie Region is involved in a partnership approach with a view to submitting an application for
D-Day Landing Beaches. The current objective is to be included on the French tentative list. For this purpose, a
Scientific committee has been set up. It helps prepare an application proposal and define the Outstanding
Universal Value of D-Day Landing Beaches.
The objectives of this initiative are to:
Objective n°1
Gain recognition for the values embodied by this remembrance site: liberty, democracy, peace, reconciliation
Objective n°2
Consolidate the preservation of this special area, the protection of which began in 1945– this objective will
result in the implementation of a management plan
Objective n°3
Give an impetus to the territory and unite remembrance tourism stakeholders based on an ambitious project
designed to boost regional attractivenes
Objective n°4
Enhance the worldwide opening of this memorial site
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Category: Uncategorised
What is
« The United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO) was created on 16/11/1945.
For this specialised United Nations agency, what matters most is not to build classrooms in devastated countries
or restore World Heritage sites.
The Organisation has a vast and ambitious objective:
building peace in the minds of men and women
through education, science, culture and communication. »
Discover Unesco's website
With significant expertise in the cultural domain, UNESCO has developed a body of international instruments
for the safeguarding of the world's creative diversity.
Among these documents, the 1972 Convention concerning the protection of the world cultural and natural
heritage is considered one of the most effective international instruments in terms of the preservation of
heritage sites.
By taking into account the cultural and natural aspects of heritage, the World Heritage Convention reminds us
of the interaction between human beings and nature as well as the fundamental need to maintain balance
between the two.
The first 12 properties were inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978. The List currently features
962 properties. These include 745 cultural, 188 natural and 29 mixed properties in 157 States.
38 properties are currently included for France.
Discover the properties included in the Basse-Normandie Region
Le Mont-Saint-Michel
Les sites Vaubans
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Category: Uncategorised
Outstanding Universal
« Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today and what we pass on to future generations. »
« World heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are
located. »
At the heart of the World Heritage recognition system is a key notion: the
Outstanding Universal Value of the property.
This refers to cultural significance which is so exceptional it transcends national boundaries and is of shared
importance for present and future generations of all humanity. Any inclusion on the World Heritage List is
based on this value for humanity which intrinsically justifies the need to preserve the property.
About D-Day Landing Beaches, the site comes under the cultural properties category and meets criteria IV :
to be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which
illustrates (a) significant stage(s) in human history
and VI:
to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions, with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and
literary works of outstanding universal significance
The preparation of the application therefore relies on the definition of the Outstanding Universal Value of the
property, based on the universal significance of the Landings as an historic event.
The idea is to show how the Landings were a turning point in the Second World War, highlight its specific
characteristics in world history and define the values to humanity epitomised by these Beaches.
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Category: Uncategorised
A site which marks
an historical turning point
D-Day: the breakthrough
The allied troops landed on Normandy beaches on 6 June 1944, World War Two having started on 1st
September 1939. While these troops essentially included US, British and Canadian soldiers, 17 nationalities in
total were involved. The operation referred to as Operation Overlord had been planned for months. Opening up
a new front in Europe, it is now considered decisive as it led to the surrender of the 3rd Reich on 8 May 1945.
An exceptional organisation was deployed, uniting many nations with a view to ending the war. As part of a
strategy initiated many months earlier, a large-scale disinformation campaign was put in motion by the Allies:
the "Fortitude" operation which initially led the enemy to believe that the Allied troops would land in the Pas-deCalais region.
However, on 6 June 1944, 156,000 men with more than 20,000 vehicles, 5,000 ships, 4,000 landing crafts,
130 warships and 12,000 aircraft, landed on Norman soil.
While the ensuing Battle of Normandy lasted longer than initially expected, after one hundred days of tough
fighting, the Allies had a clear path ahead of them as, 3 days later, they entered Paris on 25 August.
Beaches: symbolic sites
The Normandy region was severely hit and affected by this significant event in World War Two. The D-Day
Landing Beaches serve as a reminder of this event and still bear the scars left by the intensity of the fighting.
These now peaceful landscapes will soon be the only surviving witnesses of this day which remains engraved in
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Category: Uncategorised
Legacy informations
Région Basse-Normandie
Place Reine Mathilde
CS 50523
14035 Caen Cedex 1
Tél. : 02 31 06 98 98
Fax : 02 31 06 95 95
N° de SIRET : 231 400 011 000 20
Directeur de publication : Laurent Beauvais, Président de la Région
Direction chargée de l'édition : Direction de la Communication
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Category: Uncategorised
Le Comité de pilotage de la candidature
La Région Normandie
La Préfecture de Région Normandie
La Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de Normandie
La Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement de Normandie
Le Département des Recherches Archéologiques Subaquatiques et Sous-Marines du Ministère de la
L’Office National des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de Guerre, Service départemental du Calvados
Le Conservatoire du Littoral, Délégation Normandie
Le Conseil Départemental du Calvados
Le Conseil Départemental de la Manche
Le Mémorial de Caen
Les communes et les communautés de communes
Baie du Cotentin (communauté de communes)
Bayeux Intercom (communauté de communes)
Bessin Seulles et Mer (communauté de communes)
Caen la Mer (communauté d’agglomération)
Coeur de Nacre (communauté de communes)
Trévières (communauté de communes)
Les autres partenaires institutionnels
Airborne Museum
Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Manche
Comité Départemental du Tourisme du Calvados
Comité Régional du Tourisme de Normandie
D-Day Experience
Le Mémorial de la liberté retrouvée
Maison de la Libération
Mémorial de Montormel
Mémorial du 19 août 1942
Mémorial Pegasus
Musée America-Gold Beach
Musée D-DAY Omaha
Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation
Musée du Débarquement
Musée du Débarquement de Utah Beach
Musée Mémorial d'Omaha Beach
Musée N° 4 Commando
Office de tourisme Baie du Cotentin
Office de tourisme de Bayeux Intercom
Office de tourisme de Beuzeville et sa région
Office de tourisme de Blonville/Bénerville/Tourgéville
Office de tourisme du Bocage Normand
Office de tourisme Cotentin Val de Saire
Office de tourisme de Courseulles-sur-Mer
Office de tourisme de Coutances - Portes du Cotentin
Office de tourisme d’Etretat
Office de tourisme de Flers Agglo
Office de tourisme d’Houlgate
Office de tourisme d’Isigny-Grandcamp
Office de tourisme de Montebourg
Office de tourisme Omaha Beach
Office de tourisme de Ouistreham Riva-Bella
Office de tourisme du Pays d’Auge Dozuléen
Office de tourisme du Pays de Putanges
Office de tourisme de Quiberville-sur-Mer, Saâne et Vienne
Office de tourisme de la Suisse Normande
Office de tourisme de Terres de Nacre
Office de tourisme de Ver-sur-Mer
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Category: Uncategorised
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