PPO Macleod


PPO Macleod
 Académie Royal West Plan de cours groupe-­‐01 Matière: Enseignantes: Courriel: Manuels et cahiers: Description du cours: projet personnel d’orientation-­‐PPO Sheila Macleod Salle: [email protected] www.schoology.com code élève: 6SXTS-GKPHC 207 Le projet personnel d’orientation (PPO) offre aux élèves une occasion unique de découvrir diverses professions qui pourraient correspondre à leurs aptitudes, à leurs goûts et à leurs aspirations. Les jeunes deviennent le moteur principal du cours, ils choisissent les métiers, les professions ou les secteurs dans lesquels ils souhaitent faire leurs expériences exploratoires. Ils planifient leurs diverses démarches et choisissent les ressources qui leur permettront de les effectuer. Ils doivent aussi partager leurs apprentissages. Ils prennent littéralement en charge leur propre processus d’orientation et deviennent ainsi de plus en plus alertes face aux opportunités que leur offrent le PPO, mais aussi leur école, leur communauté, leur travail, etc. (Programme de formation de l’école québécoise,, MELS) Course description:
The Personal Orientation Project (POP) gives students a unique opportunity to discover various occupations that may correspond to their aptitudes, interests and aspirations. This program gives the students the central role, allowing them to explore various fields that interest them and to test their choices by trying out a variety of work functions. Students plan their career explorations, choose the resources they will need to reach their goals. They also share their discoveries. It allows them to continue constructing a personal and career identity through exploration on their own terms, and thus enables them to acquire resources they need to enrich their identity throughout their lives. Québec Education Program (MELS) Communication et Évaluation Première communication: progress report Octobre 2015 Deuxième communication : 1er bulletin novembre 2015 (50%) 2015-­‐2016 RWA Page 1 Troisième communication : 2ème bulletin mars 2016 (50%) et ( note finale) Bulletin de l’Étape 2 (100%) Outils d’évaluation Compétences ciblées Compétence 1 : Réaliser une démarche exploratoire d’orientation. %50 Compétence 2 : Se situer au regard de son orientation scolaire et professionnel. %50 Communication avec parents et élèves Communication avec parents et élèves Échéancier Grilles d’évaluation pour Pour chaque évaluer : démarche La planification des explorations exploratoire Le développement du profil personnel Les démarches exploratoires. Participation en classe, En tout temps Matériel bligatoire Utilisation dou français en classe. Matériel obligatoire .
Bulletin intérimaire ( Progress report) crayons, s tylos d e d ifférentes c ouleurs, s urligneur. 1 clé USB Courriels, agenda ou par notes écrites. The POP course will be offered in French. All assignments and evaluations will be done in French.
Récupération : jour 5 12h30 à 13h10 (salle 118) et jour 7 12h24 à 12h40 (salle 205) COURSE REQUIREMENTS:
We expect students to be organized and autonomous, to set realistic goals and take steps to reach them and to
take initiative in finding original ways to explore the careers that interest them. The students are expected to
complete a minimum of 4 career explorations. Each career exploration will be evaluated in the following
manner :
1- Students will create a timeline that will include the information they want to find, how they will find it,
all the research they plan to do, people they want to contact and experiments.
2- Students will constantly adapt their plan as they research information, meet experts, contact e-mentors
and use a variety of tools and strategies. We expect them to get a clear picture of the education needed
and the work requirements of the career they are exploring.
3- Students will share their career exploration with parents and other students.
4- Students must be able to give a clear opinion of the career based on their personal profile, the
information they’ve found and the feedback they have gotten from sharing their work.
5- Students will reflect on their work and list the difficulties and ways to improve the next career
2015-­‐2016 RWA Page 2 

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