Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015


Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015
Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015
Key issue(s)
Chemical Watch
Title: European cosmetics body setting up alternative testing consortium
Summary: “Cosmetics Europe is setting up a research consortium for the further
development of alternatives to animal testing. It is due to run from 2016 to 2020 and
will cover the endpoints of skin sensitisation, eye irritation, genotoxicity, systemic
toxicity, skin absorption and metabolism. The trade body has invited anybody
interested in joining the project to get in touch by the end of March.”
Attachment: Please find the article here (upon subscription only)
Daily Mail UK
Title: How wet wipes are destroying the planet: From clogging up our sewers to
creating floods of noxious waste and even triggering outbreaks of serious allergies
• “Love affair with wipes has grown recently - from kitchen to keyboard wipes
• They save dampening traditional cloths or removing make-up with a flannel
• Once used they are often tossed down loo with disastrous consequences
• Report revealed they are fastest growing cause of pollution on beaches
• Marine Conservation Society volunteers pick up at rate of 35 wipes per km.”
Attachment: Please find the article here
Cosmetics Design
Title: Beuc paper tracks EU position on cosmetics in TTIP
Summary: “NGO, Beuc has published a document comparing the EU’s position on
cosmetics from May 2014 to February 2015, to illustrate the Commission's updated
position in the TTIP negotiations.”
Attachment: Please find the article here
Huffington Post
Title: What Does 'Hypoallergenic' Mean? Apparently Whatever Manufacturers Want It
To Mean, Scientists Say
Summary: “Have we all been fooled?
Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015
A new video from the American Chemical Society (above) reveals that many household
products labeled as "hypoallergenic" -- from cosmetics to baby products -- are not
backed by scientific evidence indicating that they are, indeed, less likely to provoke
allergic reactions in customers (which is basically what that word means).”
Attachment: Please find the article here
Washington Post
Chemical regulation,
Title: The bizarre way the U.S. regulates chemicals — letting them on the market first,
then maybe studying them
Summary: “Chemicals are everywhere — we’re made of them, and so are the products
we use and the objects we come into contact with. Naturally, some of these
substances could be bad for our health, perhaps capable of causing cancer and other
Attachment: Please find the article here
Cosmetics Design
Title: Bangor scientists: ‘microbeads are damaging Welsh marine life’
Summary: “Scientists at Bangor University are reporting cosmetics containing plastic
microbeads to be damaging Welsh marine life.”
Attachment: Please find the article here
L’Observatoire des
Title: La liste des ingrédients
Summary: “Étudier la composition d'un produit est la seule façon d'apprécier
réellement un cosmétique (bien plus exact et précis que la lecture d'un argumentaire
ou d'un message publicitaire !). Mais la tâche n'est pas toujours si facile : il faut
d'abord bien souvent se munir d'une bonne loupe. Il faut surtout ensuite savoir
décoder son langage. Quelques clés pour mieux comprendre la liste des ingrédients....”
Attachment: Please find the article here
Sympatico Canada
Title: Les phtalates, une matière toxique
Summary: “Ils sont partout et on commence à découvrir leurs effets nocifs sur la
santé: faut-il s'inquiéter des phtalates, un composant du plastique?”
Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015
Attachment: Please find the video here
Top Santé
Title: Fertilité: les facteurs environnementaux qui la font baisser
Summary: “Lorsque bébé se fait attendre, il peut être judicieux d'analyser son
environnement. Celui-ci menace en effet de plus en plus notre fertilité et la présence
de quelques 30 000 substances toxiques pourrait être responsable de la baisse de
celle-ci. On fait le point.”
Attachment: Please find the article here
Kuningaskuluttaja, Yle,
Finland *
Title: Cosmetics advertising is full of references to different kind of studies, but what
kind of studies they really are?
Summary: The program explained what kind of research there is behind cosmetics
marketing claims and how these claims are controlled.
Attachment: Please find the programme here (available in Finnish only)
The program has generated several discussions in the social media.
MTV3, Finland *
Hair dyes
- allergies, marketing
Title: Hair dyes can be replaced with home-made solutions - use coffee or tea!
Attachment: Please find the programme here (available in Finnish only)
Title: Reaction from hair colors can strike in delay and is a threat to your health.
Recognize the symptoms!
Attachment: Please find the programme here (available in Finnish only)
MTV3, Finland *
Hair dyes
- allergies, marketing,
claims, health,
occupational health
Title: Do you really know what kind of substances you put on your head? Hair dyeing is
always a risk.
Attachment: Please find the programme here (available in Finnish only)
Title: Hair dye substances can be unsafe – Even your own hairdresser may not be
aware of the risks.
Cosmetics Europe Weekly Monitoring Report – Week 23/03/2015
Attachment: Please find the programme here (available in Finnish only)
All of these hair dye articles have several (hundreds) of shares in the social media.
(available in Finnish only)
*Kuningaskuluttaja is an investigative journalism TV program at Yle, Finland's national public service broadcasting company.
* MTV3 is the most popular commercial TV channel in Finland.