Endorsement form for individuals


Endorsement form for individuals
 Endorsement Form – Individual Partner Given that:  57% of the population of Quebec 18 years of age and over is overweight; 1  one child out of every four in Quebec is overweight; 2  obesity rates are rising worldwide and it is described by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an epidemic;  half of Quebec women in a healthy weight range and one third of men would like to lose weight; 3  35% of 9‐year‐old girls in a healthy weight range are trying to lose weight; 4  the excessive concern with weight results in the adoption of weight‐loss measures that are often harmful to 
the health and productivity of individuals; 5 direct health‐care costs resulting from obesity are astronomical and threaten, over time, the viability of our public healthcare system; 6 beyond the direct costs, it is also important to consider the indirect costs and other consequences associated with obesity, including the psychological impact of discrimination, social prejudices, isolation, unemployment, and social rejection; international experts fear that life expectancy is adversely affected by weight‐related problems; 7 the rapid increase in worldwide obesity is, according to the WHO, difficult to explain by individual factors; 8 this epidemic results from changes in the way we live: a sedentary lifestyle, food industrialization, and marketing; 9 this is not a problem to which individual responsibility alone can be assigned; this is a social and public health problem that requires environmental, social, and political solutions, and which demands: that our physical, social, and cultural environments foster and support healthy choices; 10 it is imperative that we develop collective solutions to weight‐related problems; when it comes to weight issues, prevention emerges as the only long‐term solution. The Quebec Coalition on Weight‐Related Problems seeks the required support to demand legislative and regulatory changes, as well as public policies in three strategic sectors (agri‐food, sociocultural, and built environment) to foster the development of environments facilitating healthy choices that will help prevent weight‐related issues. 1
Data drawn from the Canadian Community Health Survery (CCHS), cycle 2.2 nutrition, 2004. Idem 3
Ledoux, M. and Rivard, M. (2000). Poids corporel, in: Enquête sociale et de santé 1998. Institut de la statistique du Québec, Quebec, chap.8, pp. 185‐199. 4
Ledoux, M., Mongeau, L. and Rivard, M. (2002). Poids et image corporelle. In: Enquête sociale et de santé auprès des enfants et adolescents québécois 1999. Institut de la statistique du Québec, Quebec, chap.14, pp.311‐344. 5
Berg, F.N. (1999). Health risks associated with weight loss and obesity treatment programs. Journal of Social Issues. 55(2), pp. 277‐297. 6
Birmingham, C.L., Muller, J.L., Palepu, A., Spinelli, J.J. and Anis, A.H.( 1999). The costs of obesity in Canada. Canadian Medical Association Journal. 160, pp. 483‐488. See also: National Audit Office (2001). Tackling Obesity in England. Report by the controller and auditor general HC 220, Session 2000‐2001. 7
National Audit Office (2001). Tackling Obesity in England. Report by the controller and auditor general HC 220, Session 2000‐2001. 8
WHO. (2004, May). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, WHA57.17, Geneva. 9
Groupe de travail provincial sur la problématique du poids. (2004, October). Les problèmes reliés au poids au Québec : un appel à la mobilisation, ASPQ Éditions, pp. 9‐15. 10
Groupe de travail provincial sur la problématique du poids. (2005). Les problèmes reliés au poids au Québec : un appel à l’action, ASPQ Éditions. 2
4126 Saint‐Denis Street, suite 200, Montreal (Quebec) H2W 2M5  Tel.: 514 598‐8058  Fax: 514 528‐5590  www.cqpp.qc.ca Examples of environmental measures proposed by the Coalition: Agri‐Food:  The elimination of junk food and soft drinks from schools and hospitals  A strict adherence to the food policy in elementary and high schools  A responsible food display policy in supermarkets  Cooking classes in schools to promote the development of culinary skills and the pleasure of eating well  Moderate‐size servings in restaurants  A tax dedicated to funding preventive measures for weight‐related issues Built Environment:  A safe environment surrounding every school to allow children to walk or cycle to school  A policy for active schools  Agreements between municipalities and schools in order to increase the use of sports facilities after school hours  An increase in the number of parks, green spaces, cycling and pedestrian paths  Limiting the use of automobiles in certain zones  Improving the quality and accessibility of public transportation services Sociocultural:  Regulation of weight‐loss products, services, and methods  Strict application of the regulations governing advertising directed at children  Legislative measures and regulations to restrict the encroachment of advertising on public spaces  The establishment of an independent organization to regulate the advertising industry  The implementation of a policy for work‐family life balance to enable families to prioritize their health and wellbeing In supporting the position of the Coalition, individuals: 
allow the use of their name on a list of Coalition supporters receive regular information on the latest political and legislative developments are invited to participate in keeping with their level of interest and availability, in occasional campaigns Be it resolved that supports the position of the Quebec Coalition on Weight‐Related Problems. Date: Employer: Job Title: Address: City: Postal code: Telephone: Fax: Email: 4126 Saint‐Denis Street, suite 200, Montreal (Quebec) H2W 2M5  Tel.: 514 598‐8058  Fax: 514 528‐5590  www.cqpp.qc.ca 

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