
from Amanda
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Whole School Writing Professional Learning
Last Friday, the pupil free day, staff continued professional
Internationally Accredited School
learning in writing facilitated by Vivien Smith. Staff worked in
small groups to look at the developmental phases most children go through as they develop their skills as writers and
August 12th, 2016
explored different ways for teachers to teach writing. Vivien
186 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North
encouraged staff to think about what writing might look like
across disciplines, for example in Mathematics, Health and
Email: [email protected]
Physical Education and through units of inquiry. Vivien compared the writing process, curriculum and assessment with
Principal: Amanda McLean
the fashion industry. The fashion industry has generic sizing
Telephone 9509 6872 Fax 9576 1623
based on what is considered the ‘norm’, e.g. size 12. Yet not
all clothing made to fit a size 12, will actually fit a size 12 perStatement of International Mindedness
son. Sometimes the clothing needs to be altered. The length
shortened, the waist taken in or let out a little, sometimes it
At Caulfield Junior College it is an
is too small or too big and will not fit at all. In essence, ‘one
understanding that students will develop the knowledge size does not fit all’. Vivien used the fashion industry analogy
and skills to appreciate our own and other people’s
to explain this is same for children and their learning. She
cultures; exploring differences and embracing them in explained that curriculum and assessment is also ‘normed’ to
order to become responsible citizens of our world.
the average learner. Therefore as no two children are the
same, our challenge as teachers, is to be the tailor. What
does this mean? - Knowing the children we teach and modifying the learning to cater for their needs across the developCalendar 2016
mental continuum.
See page 2 for events in August
Tuesday August 16, Prep B and C Class Breakfast.
Thursday 6th October (begins) Prep Footsteps Program
(13/10, 20/10, 27/10 and 10/11 (incl disco)
Notices sent home this week
Year 5 received bomber jacket information for next year.
Working Bee details.
If there are any siblings to be enrolled in Foundation for
2017, please call into the office to collect enrolment
forms as soon as possible.
Term Dates 2016
Term 1:
Term 2:
Term 3:
Term 4:
1st February to 24 March
11 April to 24 June
11 July to 16 September
3 October to 20 December (Tuesday)
Uniform Shop
After approximately 16 years Laura Hinrichs is relinquishing
her position in running the uniform shop. This position will
end at the end of term 3. From term 4, new uniform orders
will be purchased via the PSW retail outlet in Ormond or PSW
online. More information will be forthcoming in the next few
weeks. Laura has provided an outstanding service for our
parents and caregivers over the years, often giving up her
time to assist where ever possible. We thank Laura for her
efficiency, dedication and willingness to ensure our families
are well supported.
The second hand uniform shop will remain on site. If you
would like to volunteer to help run this service, please contact the parent’s committee or your class convenor.
We will be selling off current stock (some at a discounted
price) over the next few weeks. This will be advertised next
week in the newsletter.
School Council Meeting Dates
Monday 29th August,
Monday 7th November, Tuesday 13th December.
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Dates à retenir pour le 3ème trimestre
From Caroline
Campagne des bourses scolaires
Nous vous informons que la campagne des bourses
scolaires 2017 ouvrira dès le 22 août. Le réseau AEFE
permet aux enfants français résidant à l’étranger avec
leur famille de bénéficier de bourses scolaires déterminées en fonction des ressources de la famille. Les
dossiers seront à envoyer du 22 août au 15 septembre
Jusqu’à la fin du term 3, nous publierons la brochure
d’information dans la newsletter ( voir page 8 et
Carole, notre secrétaire française, se tiendra à votre
disposition pour vous aider dans vos démarches. Le
formulaire de demande de bourse est disponible sur le
site internet de l’agence :
Sortie des Grande Section à Science Works
Mercredi 9 aout, les Grande Section se sont rendues à
Science Works.
A cette période de l’année les Grande Section sont encouragés à publier leurs premiers écrits et afin de donner du sens, les enseignants trouvent des situations
concrètes telle la publication dans la newsletter. Vous
trouverez leurs merveilles page 5 Certains d’entre eux
prendront la parole à l’assemblée de lundi 15 aout afin
de partager leur expérience.
-Mercredi 17 août : Mini jeux olympiques pour les élèves
de CP et CE1.
- August 21 Working Bee
-Lundi 22 août : Mini jeux olympiques pour les élèves du
CE2 à la 6ème.
- Du 22 au 26 août : Semaine du livre, avec la visite de
l’écrivain George Ivanoff (le 16,17 et18 août) pour les
classes des élèves du CE2 à la 6èmeet conférence au Town
hall de Glen Eira par l’écrivain Stig Wemyss pour les 5/6A
et5/6 B. Le 26, les élèves peuvent venir à l’école déguisés
en leur héros de roman favori.
-Mercredi 7 septembre : visite du MCG et du musée du
sport par les CM2 et 6ème.
-Du 7 au 9 septembre : camp à Portsea pour les CE2 et
Dates to remember for term3:
- On Wednesday the 17th of August: Mini Olympics for the
y1/2 students.
- August 21 Working Bee
-On Monday the 22nd of August: Mini Olympics for the y3
to 6 students.
-From the 22nd to the 26th of August: Book week, with the
visit of the author George Ivanoff on the 16,17 and 18/08
for the students in y3 to y6.The y5/6A and B will go to the
Glen Eira Town Hall to meet the author Stig Wemyss. The
26th is Book character dress up day.
-On Wednesday the 7th of September: visit to the MCG
and sport museum for the Y5/6 students.
-From the 7th to the 9th of September: Camp for the Y3/4
students at Portsea.
French State Scholarships :
Please note that the French scholarships campaign will
open on the 22nd of August. French children living
abroad with their families and enrolled in a AEFE
school can be awarded French state scholarships which
are income tested.
You will find the information leaflet in the newsletter
until the end of term 3 and application forms are found
on the AEFE website . These can be returned until the
15th September, when the campaign closes. Carole,
our French secretary will be available to help you every
step of the way.
Sites interactifs gratuits de ressources
Preps Excursion to ScienceWorks :
On Wednesday 9th August the Preps went to ScienceWorks. At this time of year, they are encouraged to
publish their first written works. To keep them inspired, the teachers have published some of their texts
in the newsletter. You can find their masterpieces page
5. Some of the pupils will take to the microphone during the assembly on Monday to share their Science
Works experience.
If you would like your child to do some activities in French we
recommend the following sites which contain a lot of links to
French sites, free online exercises and educative games for
students from Prep to Y6.
Si vous désirez proposer des activités en français à vos enfants nous vous recommandons ces sites qui vous proposent
des liens vers des sites français, des exercices en ligne
et des jeux éducatifs gratuits pour les élèves du préscolaire à
la 6ème.
Working Bee
August 21
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Assembly Monday
15th August
Parents are welcome
to attend our whole
school assembly on
the oval at 9am.
Congratulations to
next Monday’s
CJC Values awards
Jack Cassar
Elliot Le Bot
Noam Portier
Mannat Srivastava
Angus Waters
Jed Loyer
Louis Scott
Sophia Dal Pra
Alison Bleksley
Manon Bauquin
Wiktoria Swider-Figueroa
Eitan Shoshan
Hayden Gradstein
Texa Blanchy
Natasha Dube
Mia Levy
Theodore Halas
Jesse Ermer
Hiya Shah
Matteo Leclerc
Lucien Paff Tranquille
Ewen Kossyvas
Sophie Jacquot
Mini Olympics
Wednesday August 17th
August 21
from 9.45 to 12.30
For years 1-2
Children wear their house colours to
school. There will be a picnic lunch,
weather permitting.
Isabella the chicken’s visit
to the Vet.
Yesterday some students were
concerned as Isabella was having
some trouble putting her foot on the
ground. Isabella went on her very
first visit to the Vet.
Everyone was pleased to find out that
she is going to be perfectly fine.
Isabella and Davina on the way
to the Vet.
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Les maternelles sont allés à Scienceworks mercredi dernier et ont pris beaucoup de plaisir à explorer différents domains du
musée. C'est un musée tres spécial ou on peut jouer et toucher à tout!
The preps went to Scienceworks last Wednesday and had loads of fun exploring the museum. It's a very special museum
where children can play and are allowed to touch everything!
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Dear parents,
The Parent’s Committee has great things planned in August and September however, we cannot possibly put all of these events on
successfully without assistance from our parent community.
We need parent helpers for the following events:
Movie Night
To help plan, prepare and assist on the night of the event.
We are running two different movies and will need plenty of parents to be rostered on in each room, organise food and help run
a great parent get together in the staffroom.
Father’s Day Breakfast
This event is going to be bigger than last year and we need to ensure we have plenty of helpers.
We need helpers to:
Donate/provide food on the morning - fruit platters, cakes, muffins etc.
Do a supermarket shop the day before.
Assist with set up, managing door entry points, making coffee, food preparation and packing up after the event ready for the
school day.
Father’s Day Stall - we will need helpers throughout the morning to assist with set-up, selling and packing up.
All of the events the PC puts on are for our children to enjoy and to help create a stronger school community. They also allow us to
raise money for our school community.
Please email [email protected] and offer your time and support for one or more of the upcoming events. We always
encourage and would love to see a strong parent involvement in each event to ensure that we do not continue to get the same small
group of parent helpers assisting us all the time.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.
C.J.C. Parents’ Committee
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning
Public notices or advertisements in the newsletter are accepted in good faith but the school does not necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made for
Integrity Responsibility Harmony Respect Love of Learning