Travaux récents utilisant la Plateforme MIM Articles à comité de


Travaux récents utilisant la Plateforme MIM Articles à comité de
Travaux récents utilisant la Plateforme MIM
Articles à comité de lecture
Delpy F., Pagano M., Blanchot J., Carlotti F., Thibault-Botha D., 2012. Man-induced
hydrological changes, metazooplankton communities and invasive species in the Berre Lagoon
(Mediterranean Sea, France). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(9): 1921-1932
Congrés : posters et conférences
Le Moal M., Collin H., and Biegala I.C. Intriguing diversity among diazotrophic picoplankton
along a Mediterranean transect: a dominance of Rhizobia. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting,
New-Orleans, USA, 17-22 février AND SAME-13 the first EMBO conference on Aquatic
Microbial Ecology, Stresa, 8-13 septembre
V.Riou, Roukaerts A., Fonseca Batista D., Piniella AEM, Loureiro C., Santos M., Medeiros A.,
Gomes S., Prakya S.R., Elskens M., Martins A., Biegala I.C., Dehairs F. Impact of contrasting
physic-chemical conditions at the North-Western Azores Front on N2, CO2-fixation and the
abundance of diazotrophic unicellular cyanobacteria. ASLO International Conference, NewOrleans, USA, 17-22 février AND EUROFLEET 4rth General Assembly, 24 septembre.
Hamza I., Le Moal M., Periot M., Ridame C., Tanaka T. and Biegala I.C. Nutrients and Saharan
dust events control unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria development in oligotrophic
Mediterranean Sea. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, New-Orleans, USA, 17-22 février.
Delpy F., Boyer S., Pagano M., Thibault-Botha D., Blanchot J., Bonnet D., 2013. Does latitude
matter? A comparison of three non-indigenous species between the North and Mediterranean
Seas. Non indigenous species in the North East Atlantic 20-22 novembre 2013, Ostend,
Delpy F., Pagano M., Blanchot J., Thibault-Botha D., 2013. Effect of the concentration and prey
types on the ingestion of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi (Agassiz, 1865) in the Berre
Lagoon (France). 40th CIESM Congress, 28 October - 1 November 2013, Marseille, France
Thibault-Botha D., Santo M., Neauport M., 2013. Galetinous zooplankton in the Bay of
Marseilles – Potential control of fish population over the artificial reefs?. 40th CIESM Congress,
28 October - 1 November 2013, Marseille, France
Thibault-Botha D., Delpy F., Pagano M., Blanchot J., Leon S., Hunt B., 2013. Mnemiopsis leidyi
invasive success in the Berre Lagoon and impact on the ecosystem structure and functioning?
4th International jellyfish Bloom Symposium, 5-8 June 2013, Hiroshima, Japan
V.Riou, Roukaerts A., Fonseca Batista D., Piniella AEM, Loureiro C., Santos M., Medeiros A.,
Gomes S., Prakya S.R., Elskens M., Martins A., Biegala I.C., Dehairs F. DIAPICNA : Impact of
contrasting physic-chemical conditions at the North-Western Azores Front on N2, CO2-fixation
and the abundance of diazotrophic unicellular cyanobacteria. EUROFLEET, Final Meeting, may.
Delpy F., Pagano M., Blanchot J. et Thibault-Botha D., 2012. Impact des changements
hydrologiques sur la communauté zooplanctonique de l’Etang de Berre : le cas des
proliférations d’organismes gélatineux. LAGUN’R Recherche et Restauration, Rencontres
Scientifiques autour de l’etang de Berre. 14-15 Mars 2011, Europole de l’Arbois, Aix-enprovence, France.
« Le Phytoplancton à quoi ça sert : de l’origine de la vie aux biocarburants », La Provence, I.