Logbook "Introductions"


Logbook "Introductions"
Logbook "Introductions"
1. Assess your progress.
For each topic, check the box which best applies to your situation.
Topics seen in this subject
What you
Needs work
Saying your name
Giving your profession
Saying your nationality
Grammar: conjugating the verb "s'appeler"
Grammar: conjugating the verb "être"
Vocabulary: professions
Pronunciation: the letters of the alphabet
Culture(s): saying your given name and your surname in the correct
Your comments:
2. Practice writing and talking.
Practice #1
Practice spelling your surname and last name out loud. Repeat them several times.
Need some help?
See here: Pronunciation : the letters of the alphabet
Practice #2
You’ve signed up for a program on (the use of) the new media. On the first day, the teacher asks
each of the students to introduce themselves. What do you say?
Try it out: say your name, your nationality and your occupation out loud.
Greetings - Introductions
Need some help?
- Use the on-line multilingual dictionary to find out how to say your job title in French.
- See here: Grammar : the verb "être" and the verb "s'appeler" in the present tense
Practice #3
You sign up for a sports activity. You greet the receptionist and you give her your name and
Need some help?
See here: Culture(s) : the 'tu' or 'vous' form? and Culture(s) : greeting someone
Practice #4
You want to open a bank account. At the bank, you are asked to fill out a form. This is the
information that is required: last name and surname, nationality, date of birth, date of arrival in the
country, address, and marital status.
Need some help?
See here: Vocabulary : civil status
3. Subject references for "Introductions" on www.tv5monde.com
Document title: Gaetano Parello, danseur, Buenos Aires, Argentine
Address: http://www.tv5monde.com/webtv
Link path: Web TV > Rechercher par collection > Par alliance
Document title: « Louxor j’adore » de Philippe Katerine
Address: http://www.tv5monde.com/musique
Link path: Musique > Rechercher un artiste, une chanson
Document title: « Moi, Lolita » de Alizée
Address: http://www.tv5monde.com/musique
Link path: Musique > Rechercher un artiste, une chanson
Document title: Cités du monde Paris et La Réunion
Address: http://www.cites.tv
Link path: Destination Paris > Médiathèque > photos et Destination La Réunion > Médiathèque >
Document title: Annick Kayitesi
Address: http://www.tv5monde.com/8mars
Link path: 8 mars, journée de la femme > 8 femmes pour le 8 mars, voir les entretiens
Greetings - Introductions

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