EM Strasbourg Business School


EM Strasbourg Business School
version française
Full professor
Field : Information Systems Management, Marketing
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Basics in Management Information Systems
International Human Resources Issues and IT implementation
Management des systèmes d'information
Systèmes d'information et GRH
Stratégie et SI
Systèmes d'information touristiques
Théories liées aux SI
Management des systèmes d'information médico-économiques
IT-related behaviors (user reactions and emotions)
IT adoption
Human-computer interaction
Technologies of the cultural heritage
Doctorat ès sciences de gestion, Université Paris Dauphine, 2008
Ph.D. in computer information systems, Georgia State University, 2008
Academic articles / Management and economics / Section 37
"Effective Website Design for Experience-Influenced Environments: The Case of High Culture Museums" (with D.W.
Straub), Information and Management, Vol. 51, 2014 [CNRS cat.2 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 2]
"The Influence of Individual, Contextual and Social Factors on Perceived Behavioral Control of Information Technology:
A Field Theory Approach" (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque, M. Kalika), Journal of MIS, Vol. 28, n° 3, décembre 2011 [CNRS
cat.1 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 1]
"Authenticité en ligne, expérience émotionnelle et intentions de visite" (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque), Management & Avenir
, Vol. 45, 2011 [CNRS cat.4 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 4]
"User Experience of Museum Technologies: The Phenomenological Scales" (with E. Monod), European Journal of
Information Systems, Vol. 19, 2010 [CNRS cat.1 / HCERES / FNEGE rang 1]
Academic articles (other journals)
"How Web 2.0 Tools Impact The Museum-Visitor Relationship" , Customer , Vol. 1, n° 1, 2014
"The role of technologies in cultural mediation in museums: an Actor-Network Theory view applied in France " (with
Hajer Kefi), Museum Management and Curatorship , Vol. 26, n° 3, juin 2011
Research books
« Les stratégies individuelles d'adaptation aux technologies aux technologies », Collection Espaces Numériques, dirigée
par Ahmed Bounfour, Hermès, Lavoisier, 2016, (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque, J. Pallud)
Les stratégies individuelles d'adaptation aux technologies, Lavoisier, Paris, 2016, 94 p., (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
Chapters in textbooks
"SmartApps chez NovaMutual : Intégration d'une suite d'applications collaboratives dans les pratiques de travail ", in :
M. Kalika, F. Rowe, B. Fallery, Cas de systèmes d information et management des organisations, Vuibert, mars 2012,
(with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Alignement et changement stratégique : Les CCI d'Alsace ", in : Michel Kalika, Jean-Pierre Helfer et Jacques Orsoni,
Management : Cas et applications, Vuibert, septembre 2010, pp. 450-455, (with C. Guittard, M. Kalika)
Papers presented at academic association conferences
"Comparer sa stratégie de communication digitale par l'analytique : le cas de quatre hôpitaux européens", 4ème
Journée Internationale du Marketing Santé, Lille, 2016 (with De Moya, J.F., Merdinger-Rumpler, C., Schneider, F.)
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"Technology Disruptiveness and the Use of Collaborative Technologies in the Workplace: The Role of Emotions", AIM,
Lille, 2016 (with Elie-Dit-Cosaque, C.)
"Mobile Technologies and the Extended Self in Developing Countries", AMericas Conference on Information Systems,
2015 (with E. Odonkor)
"Understanding the Determinants and Outcomes of Individual Adaptation Behaviors in Ongoing ERP Use Contexts",
AMericas Conference on Information Systems, 2015 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Lie lays a burden. Emotional and attitudinal impacts of composing a fake online review", European Marketing Academy
Conference, Leuven, Belgium , 2015 (with D. Plotkina, A. Munzel)
"Understanding Usages and Affordances of Enterprise Social Networks: A Sociomaterial Perspective ", AMericas
Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), August 2014 (with G. Ulmer)
"The Impact of Individual Adaptation to IT on User Emotional Responses", Pre-ICIS workshop de l'AIM, December 2013
(with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Continuité d'usage d'un réseau social d'entreprise : impact de la stratégie managériale et de la conduite du
changement", Conférence Association Information et Management 2013, mai 2013 (with G. Ulmer)
"Understanding Collaborative Technologies Adoptive and Post-Adoptive Outcomes over Time: a Longitudinal Study",
AMCIS, August 2012 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Quel avenir pour l'après: la continuité d'usage des systèmes d'information collaboratifs", Conférence de l'Association
Information Management (AIM), mai 2012 (with G. Ulmer, M. Kalika)
"User Responses to New System Implementation: A Bricolage Perspective", International Conference on Information
Systems, décembre 2011 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Technology Embodiment: The Contribution of Heidegger's Phenomenology ", JAIS Theory Development Workshop ,
décembre 2011 (with E. Monod, M. Germonprez)
"The Influence of User Active Adaptive Strategies on IT Adoption: An Empirical Investigation", Americas Conference on
Information Systems, August 2011 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"User Adaptation and IS Success: An Empirical Investigation among French Workers", ICIS 2010 Proceedings, Saint
Louis, MO, USA, décembre 2010 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Authenticité en ligne, expérience émotionnelle et intentions de visite", Conférence de l'Association Information
Management (AIM), La Rochelle, 19-21 mai, 2010, mai 2010 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"Crisis Response and IT Use: Literature Review and Suggestions for Future Research", Proceedings of Americas
Conference on Information Systems, août 2009 (with A. Adrot)
"The Application of a Phenomenological Framework to Assess User Experience with Museum Technologies",
Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, juin 2009
"The Role of Authenticity in the Experience of Visitors Interacting with Museum Technologies", Proceedings of the
Seventh Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, Paris, France, December 2008
"Isolation and Emotions in the Workplace: The Influence of Perceived Media Richness and Virtuality", Proceedings of
Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada, August 2008 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"The "Love of Art" vs. Website Design: An Application of Bourdieu's Theory in Online Environments", Proceedings of
Americas Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, Canada, August 2008 (with D. W. Straub)
"How Information Technology Can Contribute to a User Centered Perspective in Museums", Proceedings of the
Pre-International Conference on Information Systems Workshop WEB, Montreal, Canada, December 2007
"Phenomenology, still a Preferred Research Approach for User-Driven Research?", Proceedings of the Americas
Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, USA, August 2007 (with E. Monod, H. Klein)
"Real vs. Virtual: A Theoretical Framework for Assessing the Role of Authenticity in Visitor Interactions with Museum
Technologies", of the Americas Conference on Information Systems, Keystone, Colorado, USA, June 2007 (with D. W.
"Antécédents Technologiques et Sociaux des Emotions dans le Cadre du Travail à Distance: Un Modèle de Recherche",
Conférence de l'Association Information Management (AIM), Lausanne, Suisse, juin 2007 (with C. Elie-Dit-Cosaque)
"The Implications of the Linguistic Turn on IS", Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems,
Acapulco, Mexico, August 2006 (with A. Vance, E. Monod)
"A Model for Evaluating Affective Relationships in Distributed Work", Proceedings of the European Conference on
Information Systems, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 2006 (with E. Josserand)
""The Role Played by ICT in Technical and Cultural Mediation", Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on
Information Systems, Venice, Italy, October 2007 (with E. Monod, H. Kefi)
"How "e-Heritage Systems" Can Enhance Visitors' Experience of the Past in Museums", Proceedings of the
Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Venice, Italy, October 2006 (with E. Monod)
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Other conferences/Other presentations
"Fake online reviews: Impact on users' perceptions, emotions, and attitudes ", ICTO 2015, Paris, France, 2015, (with D.
Plotkina, A. Munzel)
"Affordances and constraints of rules on material agency of a collaborative IS", 4th Organizations, Artifacts and
Practices (OAP) Workshop, June 2014, (with G. Ulmer)
"On digitally empowered marketers and digitally deceived customers - Scientometric and netnographic insights into
online deception", French-German workshop 'Is the digitally Empowered Customer a Happy Customer, mai 2014, (with
D. Plotkina , A. Munzel)
"Les nouveaux outils collaboratifs en entreprise: nouvelles frontières du management", Etats Généraux du Management
, octobre 2012, (with G. Ulmer)
Organization of scientific meetings
Conférence ICTO 2016, Présidente de la Session en Français, http://icto2016.webs.com/ , Paris, mars 2016
Conférence ICTO 2015, Présidente de la Session en Français, http://icto2015.webs.com/ , Paris, mars 2015
3ème Conférence Francophone Gestion des Connaissances, Société et Organisations Membre du comité scientifique et
du comité d'organisation http://cournot.u-strasbg.fr/users/gecso/comites/, PEGE, Strasbourg, mai 2010
Member of the organizing committee of the Workshop "Journée de recherche AIM: Théories Sociales et Management
des Systèmes d'Information", EM Strasbourg Business School, novembre 2009
Doctoral theses/HDR completed
A User-Centered Perspective on Information Technologies in Museums, Université Paris Dauphine et Georgia State
University, December 2008
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Christophe ELIE-DIT-COSAQUE Professeur des universités

Christophe ELIE-DIT-COSAQUE Professeur des universités Maîtrise de Sciences de Gestion, Université Paris-Dauphine

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