Fall 2015 Inside this issue - Gay Lea Foods Co


Fall 2015 Inside this issue - Gay Lea Foods Co
Fall 2015
Inside this issue:
Return undeliverable Gazettes to:
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative
21 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON N1H 1J5
Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show Update
Directors’ Scholarship Award Winners
Zone Annual Meeting Information
Important Membership Information
President’s Report
Stepping up… Stepping out
One of my favourite authors is Charles Dickens. As a young adolescent
Dickens was able to combine the pathos of society and the historical
framework of what society was like in nineteenth century England. With
few social supports, huge technical change sweeping industry, and social
norms being challenged, many of his stories illustrate a world that was
changing and a world that no longer existed. My favourite Dickens book is
"A tale of Two Cities" wherein the book opens with the line "These
were the best of times...these were the worst of times." You might think
he was writing about the state of our industry today.
theme of running a better business influencing our actions and
progress. Our plants are running efficiently (and many at capacity), and we
have been able to reduce costs both through our operations and in our
supply chain. Our investments in infrastructure software and Enterprise
Resource Systems (ERP) continue to allow us to have timely information to
make decisions that influence our ability to run efficiently.
The Salerno operations (in its first full fiscal year) continue to perform
above plan, and our Hewitt's operation is seeing similar results. Both of
these acquisitions, the markets and the member possibility they add, will
Over the past twelve months the Canadian dairy industry, and indeed the continue to add growth opportunities for our co-operative.
global dairy industry, has experienced the best and the worst of
times. Increase in quotas in Canada, cream and butter shortages in Canada, In September we concluded the purchase of a new Montreal
falling global dairy ingredient prices, boycotts of European dairy in Russia, warehouse; a larger facility that will allow us to continue to grow our
investments at the farm level, a surplus of European milk, Trans Pacific Quebec based business. We are in the process of selling our current wareTrade Talks, record low prices on the farms in Europe, a Canadian election, house. The board and management continue to work towards a strategic
record high prices and consumption of butter in the United States (to name plan that will shape our co-operative for leadership within our sector, and
a few), are indeed situations that just twelve months ago may have seemed within a broader perspective. It does not mean there will not be challenges;
we hear the angst and concern voiced by our members as global forces
have the ability to impact our decisions.
Similar to Gay Lea.
As I have mentioned in the last few editions of our Gazette, our top line Indeed as we have said, Gay Lea cannot necessarily influence or impact
sales continue to lag (due to the formula on how skim powder prices are every change that takes place within our collective sector; however, we can
calculated). As we near our year end, the board and management expect to prepare our co-operative to be prepared to react.
Michael Barrett
be able to meet the 2015 bottom line budget. We continue to see our
President and CEO
Rapport du Président
Des hauts et des bas
Charles Dickens est un de mes auteurs préférés. Encore adolescent, il était
déjà capable de voir à la fois ce que la société avait de pathétique et le milieu
chargé d’histoire dans lequel évoluait la société britannique du dix-neuvième
siècle. À cette époque, avec l’absence presque totale de soutien social,
d’énormes progrès techniques secouant l’industrie et une remise en
question des normes sociales, un grand nombre des romans de Dickens
illustrent à la fois un monde en évolution et un monde qui n’existait déjà
plus. Parmi les livres de Dickens, celui que je préfère est « Un conte de deux
cités », avec sa première ligne : « C’était la meilleure des époques, c’était la
pire des époques ». On aurait dit qu’il décrivait la situation de notre industrie
à l’époque actuelle.
Au cours des douze derniers mois, l’industrie laitière du Canada, et
certainement l’industrie laitière du monde entier, a connu la meilleure et la
pire des époques. L’augmentation du nombre des quotas laitiers au Canada,
le faible approvisionnement en crème et en beurre au Canada, la chute des
prix des ingrédients laitiers dans le monde, le boycottage des produits
laitiers européens par la Russie, les investissements au niveau de la ferme,
un surplus de lait en Europe, les discussions au sujet de commerce
transpacifique, la baisse record des prix des produits laitiers provenant des
européennes, des élections au Canada, les niveaux records du prix et de la
consommation du beurre aux États-Unis, pour n’en mentionner que
quelques exemples, sont certainement des situations qui auraient paru
extrêmes il y a à peine douze mois.
dent à pouvoir quand même atteindre les objectifs prévus au budget en
matière de profits pour 2015. Nos intentions de construire une meilleure
entreprise influencent toujours nos activités et nos progrès. Nos usines
fonctionnent efficacement, et à pleine capacité dans plusieurs cas, et nous
avons été capables de réduire nos coûts, autant grâce à notre mode de
investissements apportés à notre infrastructure informatique et nos
systèmes de planification des ressources de l’entreprise (PRO) continuent à
apporter une information courante qui nous aide à prendre des décisions
qui soutiennent l’efficacité de nos méthodes d’exploitation. L’entreprise
Salerno, pendant son premier exercice financier complet, a continué a
dépasser les objectifs fixés par notre plan, et c’est la même chose pour les
résultats de l’entreprise Hewitt. Ces deux acquisitions, avec les marchés et
les possibilités de recrutement de membres qu’elles nous apportent,
resteront des sources de nouvelles possibilités de croissance pour notre
En septembre, nous avons finalisé l’acquisition d’un nouvel entrepôt à
Montréal, un établissement plus grand qui nous permettra de continuer à
élargir nos activités du côté du Québec. Nous somme en train de vendre
notre entrepôt actuel. Le conseil d’administration et la haute direction
travaillent toujours à l’établissement d’un plan stratégique susceptible de
placer notre coopérative à la tête de notre secteur, avec une perspective
plus vaste. Ce qui ne signifie pas l’absence de défis. Nous entendons la
colère et l’inquiétude de nos membres devant la possibilité que des
puissances mondiales viennent exercent un impact sur nos décisions.
C’est un peu la même chose chez Gay Lea.
J’ai déjà mentionné dans les derniers numéros de notre Gazette, les ventes
de nos gammes de produits les plus importantes présentent encore une
certaine faiblesse, à cause de la formule utilisée pour établir les prix de la
poudre de lait écrémé. Nous nous rapprochons de la fin de notre exercice
financier, et le conseil d’administration, ainsi que la haute direction, s’atten
Certainement, comme nous l’avons déjà dit, Gay Lea ne pourra pas
nécessairement exercer un impact ou influencer tous les changements qui
se produisent à l’intérieur de notre secteur collectif, mais nous pouvons
prendre des mesures qui prépareront notre coopérative à
Michael Barrett
Report from the Chair
As our fiscal year comes to an end, we look back on a year in which our focus on
efficiencies, reduced costs and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) information were
important in overcoming a difficult dairy sector influenced primarily by events and
circumstances beyond our control.
we continue to strive to provide our members with meaningful communications
throughout the year, the zone meetings provide a firsthand opportunity to engage
with the Board of Directors and the President and CEO, to receive the financial results
for our co-operative’s fiscal year, and ask questions about future plans. Our strengths
are in our co-operative spirit and collective interest to succeed while contributing to a
While we will not have the final audited statements for several weeks, all indications strong and prosperous Canadian dairy industry.
point to a strong bottom line.
We hope all of our members have discovered our newest product, Smooth cottage
We would like to acknowledge the effort and hard work of our employees, who cheese, in their local grocery stores. We are proud of the buzz this new and ground
strived diligently month after month to take advantage of every opportunity in order breaking product has created, with Canada leading North America in introducing a
to offset low world market dairy prices and a persistent shortage of cream.
new Smooth product in the cottage cheese category. We are still in the beginning
stages of our marketing campaign and public feedback has already indicated both
There are many examples of the dedicated efforts that employees have made; like flavours - vanilla bean and salted caramel - are hits with consumers. With a third
maintenance at the Salerno location. Under Union Gas’ Enersmart Energy Efficiency flavour, lemon, soon to be launched, we know Gay Lea will continue to attract new
Incentive, they did an energy recovery system project on steam trap replacements in consumers to the dairy category: All it takes is one tiny taste!
the heat exchanger for milk and whey. This project alone resulted in an $18,000 rebate
at the Hamilton plant.
Gay Lea Foods has teamed up with the Canadian Women’s 8s rowing team by
supplying them with chocolate milk and Smooth to recharge after their grueling
The year ahead will not be without its own pressures. As this issue goes to print, we training sessions. Cristy Nurse (daughter of dairy farmers Jeff and Kendra Nurse)
are still waiting to learn the final outcome of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) along with her teammates continue to share their progress and promote their love for
negotiations. Regardless, the multilateral agreement will undoubtedly have an impact milk and Smooth on Gay Lea Foods social media channels. See more on page 14.
on the Canadian dairy industry. Your board of directors and senior leadership team
have communicated with federal and provincial officials on the needs and interests of As a co-operative, Gay Lea Foods continues to be committed to our
the Canadian dairy industry. We also remain mindful of our responsibility to be communities. 2015 saw the Gay Lea Foundation awarding the inaugural grants to
prepared for any outcome that may come out of TPP; including adjustments to Gay charities that are carrying out work here at home and abroad. See more on the
Lea’s strategic plan as necessary to continue to sustain a strong foundation while Foundation’s work on page 11. Our co-operative principles continue to guide us in the
delivering growth for the co-operative.
boardroom and in our business environment. As we continue to grow, we will not
waiver from the values and principles upon which we were founded. As we look to
Now, more than ever, we need our members to support, and to engage in, our the year ahead, we know the important role our co-operative roots will play as we
co-operative. We encourage all members to attend the upcoming zone meetings. As continue on our path of growth and expansion.
Paul Vickers
Rapport du Président du Conseil
Maintenant arrivés à la fin de notre exercice financier, nous revoyons une année
pendant laquelle l’accent placé sur les mesures prises pour rentre notre exploitation
plus efficace, réduire nos coûts, et l’utilisation de l’information provenant des
systèmes de planification des ressources de l’entreprise (PRO) a joué un rôle
important pour nous permettre de surmonter les difficultés qui se sont présentées au
secteur de la production laitière, en bonne partie par suite d’événements et de
circonstances hors de notre contrôle.
Chairman of the Board
membres des communications utiles tout au cours de l’année, les réunions de zones
présentent une occasion directe d’échanger avec le conseil d’administration, le
président et le chef de l’exploitation, d’apprendre les résultats de l’exercice financier
de notre coopérative et de poser des questions au sujet des plans futurs. Notre
solidité vient de l’esprit de coopération et de l’intérêt collectif à poursuivre le succès
tout en contribuant à la solidité et à la prospérité de l’industrie laitière du Canada.
Nous espérons que tous nos membres ont remarqué l’apparition de notre tout
Nous n’allons pas recevoir les états financiers vérifiés avant plusieurs semaines, mais nouveau produit, le fromage cottage Smooth, sur les tablettes de leurs épiceries
tout semble indiquer un solide profit.
locales. Nous sommes fiers de l’intérêt porté à ce produit nouveau et novateur, et le
Canada est en tête de l’Amérique du Nord pour la mise en marché d’un nouveau
Nous tenons à reconnaître les efforts et l’excellent travail de nos employé(e)s, qui produit Smooth dans la catégorie du fromage cottage. Nous sommes encore aux
cherchent constamment, d’un mois à l’autre, à profiter de toutes les occasions pour premières étapes de notre campagne de commercialisation, et les retours
compenser la faiblesse des prix des produits laitiers sur le marché mondial et d’information du public ont déjà révélé que les deux saveurs - gousse de vanille et
l’insuffisance continue de l’approvisionnement en crème.
caramel salé, sont populaires auprès des consommateurs. Une troisième saveur, le
citron, est sur le point d’être lancée sur le marché, et nous savons que Gay Lea va
Parmi les nombreux exemples des efforts soutenus de notre personnel, mentionnons continuer à attirer de nouveaux consommateurs de la catégorie des produits laitiers. Il
notamment l’entretien de notre établissement de Salerno. Profitant des incitations à suffit d’un tout petit essai!
l’efficacité énergétique offertes par le programme Enersmart d’Union Gas, on y a
réalisé un projet de système de recouvrement d’énergie portant sur le remplacement Gay Lea Foods fait équipe avec l’équipe féminine canadienne d’aviron à huit rames, en
de l’échangeur de chaleur du lait et du petit lait. À lui seul, ce projet a permis à l’usine lui fournissant du lait au chocolat et le fromage cottage Smooth pour restaurer leur
de Hamilton de profiter d’un rabais de 18 000 $.
énergie après leurs séances d’entraînement ardues. Cristy Nurse (fille des fermiers
laitiers Jeff et Kendra Nurse), avec les membres de son équipe, continue à nous faire
L’année qui vient apportera certainement ses propres pressions. Au moment d’aller part dans les réseaux sociaux de Gay Lea de leurs progrès et de leur plaisir à déguster
sous presse avec le présent numéro, nous attendons encore de connaitre le résultat leur lait et le fromage cottage Smooth. Pour en savoir plus, passez à la page14.
final des négociations du Partenariat transpacifique (PTP). De toute façon, cet accord
multinational aura certainement un impact sur l’industrie laitière du Canada. Votre Parce qu’il s’agit d’une coopérative, Gay Lea reste engagée dans la collectivité. En
conseil d’administration et votre équipe de la haute direction ont communiqué avec 2015, la Fondation Gay Lea a accordé ses premières subventions à des organismes de
les hauts fonctionnaires fédéraux et provinciaux afin de leur faire part des besoins et charité qui travaillent autant dans notre pays qu’à l’étranger. Vous verrez d’autres
des intérêts de l’industrie laitière de notre pays. Nous restons également conscients nouvelles au sujet des efforts de la Fondation à la page 11.
de notre responsabilité d’être prêts pour n’importe quelle conséquence du PTP, y
compris la modification du plan stratégique de Gay Lea au besoin afin de continuer à Les principes de la coopération continuent à orienter notre travail dans la salle du
maintenir une base solide tout en assurant la croissance de notre coopérative.
conseil et dans le milieu des affaires. Tout en continuant à croître, nous n’allons pas
oublier les valeurs et les principes qui ont guidé notre fondation. Tout en nous
Maintenant, plus que jamais, nous avons besoin que nos membres appuient notre préparant pour l’année qui vient, nous gardons à l’esprit le rôle important que notre
coopérative et s’y engagent. Nous encourageons tous les membres à assister aux coopérative va jouer tout en poursuivant sa croissance et son expansion.
prochaines réunions de zones. Dans le cadre de nos efforts pour assurer à nos
Paul Vickers
Président du Conseil
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Limited
2015 Annual Zone Meeting Information
Zone 4
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 1
Thursday, November 26th
Tuesday, December 1st
Wednesday, December 2nd
Thursday, December 3rd
North Grenville Municipal Centre, Kemptville, ON
Exhibition Centre, Paris Fair Grounds, Paris, ON
Elmwood Community Centre, Elmwood, ON
Stratford Rotary Complex, Stratford, ON
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
North Grenville Municipal Centre
285 County Road #44, Kemptville, ON
Chris Johnson, Dick Straathof. Dick Straathof is completing his 3-year
term. Mr. Straathof is eligible for re-election.
Exhibition Centre, Paris Fairgrounds
139 Silver Street, Paris, ON
Roger Harrop, Marie McNabb. Marie McNabb is completing her 3-year
term. Mrs. McNabb is eligible for re-election.
The following members are Delegates in Zone 4. Their term of office
expires in November; they are eligible for re-election as long as they
continue to meet Delegate criteria.
ZONE 2 DELEGATE ELECTIONS (5 positions, 1 vacant)
The following members are Delegates in Zone 2. Their term of office
expires in December; they are eligible for re-election as long as they
continue to meet Delegate criteria.
Bruce Hill, Colin Lake, Phillip Morrison, Bart Rijke and Josee Seguin.
David Good, Cees Haanstra, Bill Reid, Korb Whale and one 3-year
Retiring Delegates: Ralph Martin
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Elmwood Community Centre
38 Queen Street, Elmwood, ON
Don Dietrich, Mark Hamel.
Stratford Rotary Complex
353 McCarthy Road, Stratford, ON
Steve Dolson, Rowena Wallace.
ZONE 3 DELEGATE ELECTIONS (5 positions, 4 vacant)
The following members are Delegates in Zone 3. Their term of office
expires in December; they are eligible for re-election as long as they
continue to meet Delegate criteria.
ZONE 1 DELEGATE ELECTIONS (5 positions, 1 vacant)
The following members are Delegates in Zone 1. Their term of office expires
in December; they are eligible for re-election as long as they continue to
meet Delegate criteria.
Carman Weppler and four 3-year positions.
Norm Bedard, Tim Shute, Joe Vink, John Van Winden and one 3-year
Retiring Delegates: Murray Caswell, Ron Diemert, Wayne Gayman
and Matt Jacobs.
Retiring delegate: Gerald Johnson
You are invited to attend your local Zone Annual Meeting of
Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd., as indicated below.
10:00 am - 10:30 am: Registration
10:30 am - 2:00 pm: Business Meeting & Update
12:30 pm: Lunch
To register, please complete the enclosed postage-paid reply card and return by: Friday, November 20, 2015.
You can also register by calling Deanne Reilly at 519-822-5530 ext 6268 or Megan Martensen ext 6267.
*Please note that Producer Members may attend any zone meeting, but they are only eligible to vote in their own zone with one vote per milk
Product will be available for purchase at the Zone Meetings.
Payment is by cash or cheque (made payable to Gay Lea Foods)
only, at time of pickup. Gay Lea Foods products will be available
to purchase at the meetings on a first come, first served basis.
WHAT ZONE AM I IN? A complete listing of Zones by County
Zone 1:
Zone 2:
Zone 3:
Durham Region
Kawartha Lakes
Zone 4:
Parry Sound
Prince Edward
Rainy River
Thunder Bay
CYL Summer Camp 2015
CYL is a week where the best is brought out in everyone in attendance. It’s a great way for kids to peek out of their shell, make new friends,
learn leadership skills and co-operative values, all while having fun.
Don’t take our word for it though, check out what the kids had to say:
- Connor Reilly
- Jack Vickers
- Morgan Fox
Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show - 2015
This year marked the 22nd year for Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show. Gay Lea Foods was
pleased to once again exhibit at the show which took place in Woodstock on September
15th, 16th and 17th with an attendance of over 43,200 visitors. The 3 beautiful days of sunshine
was the main contributor to the success of this show. This year marked the first time for Gay
Lea and Hewitt’s exhibiting together since the Hewitt’s acquisition was announced in
November 2014. There were even live goats at the display which showcased all of the
milking goat breeds currently used in Ontario. The goats were a highlight for many of the
children who visited the booth.
Another first for Gay Lea at this farm show was the introduction of the new Gay Lea Smooth
Cottage Cheese. Over 2500 cups of smooth cottage
cheese were sampled at the show, featuring both the Gerald Townsend working the Hewitt’s booth at
the Outdoor Farm Show
Vanilla Bean and the Salted Caramel flavours. For most
farm show visitors this was their first experience sampling the new Gay Lea Foods product
with people who don’t normally enjoy cottage cheese voicing their approval of the new
Gay Lea Foods also teamed up with EastGen at this show to fundraise for 4-H. EastGen sold
packages of their Thornloe Cheese curds and Gay Lea sold cartons of chocolate milk. All of
the proceeds from their sales will be donated to 4-H Ontario. Gay Lea will be donating $1500 to 4-H Ontario as a result of this
Vanilla Bean Smooth Cottage Cheese, yum!
At the annual Progressive Dairy Operators’ breakfast on Dairy Day (Thursday September 17 th), Gay Lea was pleased to once again
sponsor the milk for the breakfast. Over 500 dairy producers from across the province attended this event.
The Gay Lea Foods Member Relations staff would like to thank all of the Delegates and Directors who attended this show to help
at the booth and to all who stopped by to visit with the Member Relations Team!
By: Pam Emmott, Member Services Rep
Tim Shute, Zone 1 Delegate, helping at the Gay Lea
Our new Eastern MSR, Amelie Lemire with Director
Steve Dolson at the Gay Lea Booth.
Rob London, from the Gay Lea Marketing team came to check out the
“buzz” from our Smooth Cottage Cheese Booth. We had huge success
with the help of our sales experts, Darryl Smith and Albert Currier.
Salted Caramel Smooth Cottage Cheese was a
huge hit and an even better treat!
Director, Don Dietrich helped sell some delicious Gay
Lea milk and the proceeds went to 4H!
A picture of a picture! The Van der Vlies Family was thrilled to see
their family showcased on our new Gay Lea/Hewitt’s Banners.
2015 Directors’ Scholarship Award Winners
We are pleased to announce this year’s winners of the 2015 Directors’ Scholarship Awards Program. Once again,
the quality of applications made the selection process difficult. Gay Lea’s Board of Directors had originally offered
six $500.00 awards and an anonymous Gay Lea Foods member has generously donated a seventh award this year.
After careful consideration, the seven successful applicants of the $500 scholarship awards are:
Rachel Bertens
Dennis Coffey
Tyler Dietrich
Claire Dinsmore
Katelyn Fraser
Anthony Sachs
Cassandra Vickers
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
University of Guelph
We wish all of the applicants’ best wishes as they start this exciting new chapter in their lives!
Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Amelie Lemire, who joined the Member Relations Team on Tuesday,
September 1st in the role of Member Services Representative for Zone 4 (Eastern & Northern Ontario).
Amelie grew up on a dairy farm in Quebec and is passionate about the dairy industry. She understands the advantages of
being part of a co-operative like Gay Lea Foods with her family being producer members of the co-op. Amelie’s experience
and professionalism working with dairy farmers in Eastern Ontario will serve her well as she integrates into her new role with
the Member Relations Team.
Welcome to the Gay Lea Family, Amelie!
Plant BBQ Season 2015
Grilled hamburgers, juicy sausages, delicious Gay Lea milk – what better way to enjoy a summer than with a plant BBQ! Every
summer, each Gay Lea plant enjoys throwing a plant BBQ to show appreciation for our hard working employees. They are part of
Gay Lea’s growing success and we are thankful to have such a great team. This year, Hewitt’s, our newest acquisition, joined the
tradition with a delicious BBQ lunch. Hewitt’s, Head Office, Clayson, Ivanhoe, Longlife, Guelph, Teeswater and Salerno all worked
hard at planning and organizing their plant BBQ’s over the summer and it couldn’t have been a better success. Our employees took
a break from their work and relished in the delicious lunch; hot off the grill! With great weather, dedicated employees and delicious
food, the 2015 plant BBQ’s were a hit!
Katie Straathof taking over the grill!
Full bellies and all smiles after a delicious meal!
Richard, Lanny and Katie enjoying their BBQ lunch!
Answer on pg. 9
As we wrap up the summer here are some of the highlights from the past few months. Heading into October, we are putting the
finishing touches on our education program and looking forward to having school groups visit us throughout the winter. Don’t
forget our 6th Annual Christmas Open House on Sunday December 6th!
Memorial Book Donation:
Allan Cross and Lotty van Kasteren, on behalf of the St. Thomas-Elgin Antique Club, presented the Gay Lea Dairy Heritage
Museum with a book in memory of our founder Andy van Kasteren. The book is entitled: The Forgotten Crafts, A Practical Guide to
Traditional Skills by John Seymour. Andy was a member of the Antique Club and the book is something he would have found
interesting and useful. Many of the artifacts in the book can be found in the museum’s collection and it will be an invaluable
research tool.
Seniors’ Tours:
After a mailing earlier this season, a number of seniors’ residences in the area have included us in their field trip schedule. This
summer we had fourteen tours booked as a result with more coming this fall. They really love the memories and the homemade
ice cream!
4-H Tours:
We have had four 4-H groups out this year to enjoy the museum and make butter, cheese and ice cream. Clubs were from
Norfolk, Ilderton, Thorndale and Tavistock. We always enjoy the 4-H clubs visiting us.
Doors Open:
On Saturday July 11th we participated in our fifth Doors Open event. Along with other sites in the area, we ‘opened our doors’ for
free to visitors and provided tours as well as cheese, butter and ice cream making. The public also enjoyed Ivanhoe cheese
samples, walking the trails and crafts for the kids. It was a very busy day!
Summer Saturdays Special Events
Genealogy Day
Jean Bircham of the Ontario Genealogical Society-Elgin Branch, led a discussion on “Finding Your Roots in Elgin County”.
What an engrossing talk she gave with lots of hand-on examples. Jean answered many questions from the group and by
the end of the day everyone learned a few tips and tricks for finding that elusive ancestor!
Insect/Butterfly Day
Insect/Butterfly Day was amazing. Two guided walks down our ravine trail and around the museum property yielded
fifteen different species of butterflies. Ann Vance of the St. Thomas Field Naturalists led the walks and also brought along
her incredible displays of butterflies in Elgin and Ontario. We all now know how to distinguish between a Monarch and a
Viceroy! Dragonfly, butterfly and spider crafts as well as refreshments that included Ivanhoe cheese were a big hit with
children and adults.
Dairy Day
Dairy Day was a success and the children loved the ice cream, cheese and buttermaking along with the tours and games
in the museum. Many families took the opportunity to walk the outdoor trails.
Pioneer Crafts & East Elgin Spinners
Over forty adults and children attended this event and enjoyed learning about the different types of wool, spinning it and
the entire process from start to finish. The East Elgin Spinners have been demonstrating spinning at the museum for the
past four years and we look forward to them coming out again next year.
Harvest Crafts/Pie Baking Contest
While the number of entrants were few, the quality of the pies entered was amazing. Grace Miedema won first and
second prizes for her Rhubarb Pie and Pear & Chocolate Pie. Donations were collected and given to the Corner Cupboard
Food Bank in Aylmer.
Museum Travelling Trailer
We are booked into a number of fairs and events once again this year. In July we went to Norwich Nostalgia Days. In August we
visited St. Thomas, Ingersoll and Woodstock. September had us in Kirkton, Wyoming and Thorndale. Our new Trailer Booking
Policy for 2016 will be on our website www.dairyheritagemuseum.ca soon.
New Artifacts
New artifacts donated to the museum this year include decorative lightning rod balls that would have been place on a barn roof;
a 1920s butter churn that was used on a farm located on the same road as the museum and many milk bottles including several
Gay Lea bottles.
What is it?
Time-Her-Rite Milking Timer
Invented by Edwin J. Gengler in 1942, this alarm type timer was
designed to be carried by the dairyman to remind him of when an
operating milking machine was finished milking a cow. In other
words, the farmer could attach a milker, walk away, and the timer
would let him know the cow was finished milking.
New Artifacts at the Gay Lea Dairy Heritage Museum
Lightning Rod Balls
Check out Andy and Lotty van Kasteren, Gay Lea
Museum founders, as their cartoon selves!
Gay Lea Bottles
Sooo Smooth…
Unimaginably Smooth & Delicious
Nordica Smooth Makes Its Debut Into Grocery Aisles and Your Heart!
MISSISSAUGA, ON, - July 16, 2015 - Cottage cheese like you never seen or tasted before is here! Nordica
Smooth has all the benefits of regular cottage cheese without the lumpy texture. Available in creamy and
delicious Vanilla Bean and Salted Caramel flavours, you can enjoy it on its own, or with your favourite
toppings. In addition, it is packed with 10g of protein per serving and only 110 calories, meaning you can also
slip some into your smoothies, shakes, cakes and muffins for a guilt-free enhancement.
Nordica Smooth comes in 100g cups, making it a convenient, light snack to enjoy anytime day or night. With
25% more protein than leading Greek yogurts and a source of calcium, it is the sweeter way to replenish your
body after a workout. And for those who hate cottage
cheese, consider this your fresh slate.
Look for Nordica Smooth in most major grocery stores and
get ready to fall in love with a great-tasting, unexpected
and high-protein snack you soon will not be able to live
4th Annual Breakfast on the Farm a success!
Almost 2000 people visited Hylander Farms in Tecumseh on September 20th during Farm & Food Care Ontario’s Breakfast on the
Farm event – an initiative designed to bring farmers and non-farmers together to talk about Canadian food and farming.
Each Breakfast on the Farm program features a free, all-Ontario breakfast for attendees, plus a number of different activities and
farm displays for people to explore.
“It’s a chance for farmers and non-farmers to meet on a real, working farm. Consumers can find answers to questions on where
their food comes from and how it’s produced,” says Sue McLarty, Special Events Manager at Farm & Food Care Ontario.
There were a total of 18 different displays at the event in Tecumseh, featuring everything from veal calves and farm machinery to
Ontario apples and conservation authorities. 150 volunteers were present to help run the event.
McLarty says the Farm & Food Care team was pleased to coordinate the event along with the Essex County Federation of
Agriculture. Event partners include Burnbrae Farms Ltd., Dairy Farmers of Ontario, Dow AgriServices, Egg Farmers of Ontario,
Foodland Ontario and Gray Ridge Egg Farms. Gay Lea Foods Co-operative Ltd. generously provided milk for the event.
“This was truly a team effort with many volunteers and great support from partners in the ag industry”, said McLarty.
A photo-gallery of the event can be viewed by visiting Farm & Food Care on Flickr:
For a full list of Breakfast on the Farm partners, click the link below:
By Sue McLarty, Special Events Manager, Farm & Food Care Ontario
A Word from our Members...
Hickson Milk Run...
It was a beautiful sunny day with 18 Oxford County Schools attending. The run was for Grades 3-8 (boys and girls) which
ran either 1.5km, 2km or 2.5km through our property. They ran through corn fields, and our bush as well. Everyone
enjoyed the cold milk and of course chocolate was the favourite kind for them to take.
We also had gotten some free stickers, tattoos and rulers for our younger runners and small towels for the older grades,
these were donated by Dairy Farmers of Canada and Dairy Farmers of Ontario. Which were also a huge hit with the
Thanks again for the donation of Gay Lea milk, it is always a highlight of the runners and they are quite appreciative.
Gay Lea Member, Julie Schwartzentruber
Until next summer…
Another bouncy cow season has come to an end and wow, were they ever busy! Buttercup and Creampuff
traveled to over 30 dairy events this summer. Buttercup traveled around the South Western region and was
booked almost every weekend. Creampuff traveled to Central and Eastern Ontario events. We are thrilled
that Creampuff was able to get to our members who were a little further away. This summer was extremely
busy, many counties celebrated DFO’s 50th Anniversary. Not only did Gay Lea supply delicious milk to these
events, but we tried to have the bouncers at each one to keep the kids entertained and having fun. Our
members had a huge part in keeping our bouncers safe and getting to their next event on time. Many
members communicated with each other about travel arrangements and helping one another out – what a
great way to bring our members together! With the DFO events being a huge success, some farms hosted
over 2,000 people; now that is a record breaker for our Bouncy Cows! Gay Lea would like to thank all those
who put in the time to take care of our two moo moo’s, it’s with your help, responsibility, teamwork and dedication that we are able to offer this
unique opportunity to bring a few additional smiles to your events. We hope to see you all again next season!
Gay Lea Foundation: Supporting communities
The Gay Lea Foundation held its fourth meeting of the year in early September in continued support for development work in Canadian and
international communities. The Foundation board once again considered applications from organizations, evaluating each project based on their
mandate to relieve poverty, advance education and create benefits for the community.
The Foundation’s AGM will be held on November 11, 2015 at Gay Lea’s head office in Mississauga. At the meeting, the Foundation board will
welcome two new members as two current members complete their service.
At the July delegates meeting, Jennifer Woodhouse was elected to fill the open delegate position; we thank Steve Ruetz for his work as we
strived to take our foundation from concept to reality.
At its September meeting, the Foundation board considered applications for the producer member position, selecting Robert Hillborn. We also
thank John Ellison for all his hard work as chair of the Foundation board.
We are confident Jennifer’s and Robert’s experience and leadership will be great assets to the foundation board for the next two years.
We strongly believe in Gay Lea’s commitment to the 7th principle of co-operation: Concern for Community. Our Foundation provides an additional
way to support development projects. We look forward to sharing the pictures and stories we receive from the organizations who have received
our grants in upcoming issues of the Gazette and soon, on the member website as well!
- Debra Selkirk, Communications Coordinator - Gay Lea Foods
Membership is OPEN!
October 1st marked the start of a new fiscal year with Gay Lea Foods, but more importantly, membership
is open for dairy producers interested in joining the co-operative! Your Board of Directors have set a goal
for the Member Relations Team to bring our current 35% of milk volume on record to 50% of the volume in
Ontario by the end of 2019. The Board wants your Co-op, Gay Lea Foods, to be the voice of the Ontario
milk processing industry (and you as producers), so spread the word about membership if you can and
any of your Member Services Reps will be happy to get out and see those interested. October is a great
month to join the co-operative because the only commitment is 1% of your gross milk cheque (no down payment); from November
1st to June 30th, a down payment of 10% of the required shares is due at the time of signing.
Membership is closed July 1 – September 30th each year.
Thank You!
The Board of Directors and your Member Relations Team want to extend a huge thank you to those who submitted
documentation outlining the ownership structure of your farm business. We know you are busy and we truly appreciate the time
you took to ensure these documents were submitted on time. With your information on file, we now have a benchmark to work
from and will be sending out an annual letter asking if there have been any changes to your ownership structure or contacts for
your membership. If nothing changes with what we have on file, you don’t have to remit anything to Gay Lea, however, if your
ownership status has changed, we need to have new paperwork remitted.
Succession Planning
In our conversations with many of our members we hear the words – Succession Planning – a lot. If you are in the midst of
working through any succession planning, you should have some conversation about how your Gay Lea Membership fits in to that
plan. Our Member Services Reps are available to sit down and review everything with you and also facilitate any changes you may
wish to see (i.e. moving from a personal membership to a corporation or the other way around). We are here to help, so don’t
hesitate to get into contact with us!
Name Changes and Timing
With membership opening up on October 1st, the timing is good to facilitate any name changes to your membership should you
require one. Active shippers who are looking to make any changes should be aware of the timing for making these changes if you
would like to see any Board-declared patronage issued to a new membership name in February 2016. If you wish to make a name
change, we need to be in receipt of all required paperwork before Christmas so that it can be reviewed by the Board at their
January meeting. If approved at the January meeting, we as staff have the green light to move forward with the changes and
have them in place for the patronage issuance in February. If paperwork is received in January, it is too late for the Board to
review and/or approve the changes prior to patronage issuance, so any issuance of patronage would be done in the old
membership name. Any of the MR Team is available to discuss this timeline and set up a farm call with you should you wish to
move forward with a name change.
Delegate Vacancies at Zone Annual Meetings
As outlined in this Gazette newsletter, you will notice there are several Delegate vacancies coming up at the Zone Annual
Meetings in November and December due to retiring Delegates. As a co-operative with a democratic control structure, this is
your opportunity to get further involved with your co-operative or to simply come out and participate in electing your Director
and Delegate representatives. All producer members on record with the co-operative have 1 vote per DFO licence, so come on
out for a business update, vote and a great meal too! Please RSVP by Friday, November 20 th to reserve your meal! If you have a
fellow dairy producer who would like to learn more about membership with Gay Lea Foods, bring them along with you to the
meeting and be sure to include them on your RSVP card. Thanks!
Milk volume for your farm this year
Many of you, as active shippers, have expressed concern that you may not have enough shares to cover the increase in milk you
have shipped over the last year. Each year in mid-October, Gay Lea sends all DFO licences we have on record to the DFO and asks
them to send back the volumes shipped on those licences from October 1 to September 30 of each fiscal year (once September
milk cheques have been finalized). That time is approaching quickly, so if you have concerns about how much milk you shipped
during this time frame, please give any Member Relations Team Member a call in November and we can share with you what the
difference will be. If you are up in milk volume this year, the system will do the following to adjust your minimum requirement:
If you have enough investor shares to cover the increase in milk, the database will “rebalance” any investor shares you
have into producer shares (same par value of $17) to meet your new minimum based on increased milk volume
(3 shares per 1,000 litres of milk shipped annually).
If you do not have enough investor shares to cover the difference, the additional shares will be purchased from your
patronage issuance (if possible).
If you do not have enough patronage issuance to cover the additional shares required, Member Relations will be in touch
with you after patronage is issued to go onto a 1% gross milk cheque deduction to begin building the remainder of the
minimum requirement (if you aren’t on a deduction already).
As always, we are here to answer your questions, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Has Your Address or Phone Number Changed?
It is important that you call, email or send us a message through the website – gayleafoodsmembers.com – to ensure we have up
to date information in our database for mailings to you and also for us to contact you if required.
Has your DFO Licence Changed?
It is your obligation as a member to inform Gay Lea Foods with any changes to your membership, including DFO licence changes,
as the DFO cannot release any information for privacy reasons. If you have a licence change and we are not aware, you risk
missing out on patronage for volume shipped on the new licence. Contact anyone on the MR Team for further details.
Dividend and Patronage Cheques
If you haven’t cashed your patronage or dividend cheques, the timeline is nearing for them to become stale, so please ensure you
cash as soon as possible! For future membership payments, if the cheque goes stale, we won’t be able to reissue beyond a year’s
time, so encourage direct deposit to avoid this issue altogether!
Gay Lea Loves Supporting Canadian Athletes! Check out these Tweets during the World
Rowing Championship. The Canadian Women’s Rowing Team fueled up with Gay Lea Milk!
With Gay Lea products as their fuel, the Canadian Rowing
team is getting ready to put the maple leaf on the map at
the World Rowing Championships in France on Aug. 30th!
Strong and steady requires Gay Lea protein and dairy! The
Canadian Rowing team is heading to France on Aug. 30
for the 2015 World Rowing Championship! #GoCanada
Before you feel the burn, taste the Gay Lea! The Canadian
Rowing team is competing in the World Rowing
Championships on Aug. 30 in France for an Olympic spot!
Gay Lea products are packed with protein and calcium to
help the Canadian Rowing Team make every inch count
at the 2015 World Rowing Championship on Aug. 30 in
Going for gold means starting with Gay Lea! The Canadian
Rowing team competes at the 2015 World Rowing
Championship Aug. 30 in France to try & secure their
Olympic spot!
You focus on rowing, we’ll focus on providing the
nutrients! The Canadian Rowing team competes at the
2015 World Rowing Championship in France on Aug. 30!
Born On The Farm Gay Lea products help the Canadian
Rowing team replenish the sweeter way for the World
Rowing Championships in France on August 30th!
Gay Lea Halloween Cookies
With electric mixer, beat butter until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in granulated and
icing sugars and then beat in egg and vanilla.
Combine flour, baking powder and salt; with wooden spoon, gradually stir into butter
Transfer dough to work surface; knead lightly until comes into a ball. Divide dough in
half; shape each into disc. Wrap in plastic wrap; refrigerate for at least 1 hour or for up to
2 days.
One disc at a time, roll out dough on lightly floured surface to ¼-" (5 mm) thickness. Using cookie cutters, cut out shapes. Place shapes on parchment paper lined baking sheets.
1 cup
1/2 cup
1/4 cup
1 tsp
2 1/2 cups
3/4 tsp
1/4 tsp
Gay Lea Butter Sticks, Unsalted
Granulated Sugar
Icing Sugar
All Purpose Flour
Baking Powder
Bake in centre of preheated 375°F (190°C) oven for 10 to 12 minutes or until light golden
on bottom and edges. Let cool for 3 minutes on baking sheets; transfer to wire racks to
Whisk together 3 cups (750 mL) icing sugar with ¼ cup (50 mL) water for regular piped
icing, adding up to 2 tablespoons (25 mL) more water to create paint for background
colours. Tint as desired.
Don’t Forget to Check Us Out!
Gay Lea Foods Facebook Page
Gay Lea Foods Member Facebook Page
Gay Lea Foods Twitter
Gay Lea Foods Membership Twitter
Gay Lea Foods Pinterest Board
Gay Lea Foods Members Website
Gay Lea Foods Promo Shop Website
Gay Lea foods neither represents, nor endorses the accuracy or reliability of any advertisements in this
publication. We strongly urge you to do your own due diligence before responding to any offers.
The Classifieds deadline for the next issue is December 11, 2015
Selling Westfield Grain Auger WR 80-51 PTO
Lely Rake Hibiscus 421
Please call 519-808-9628
International 856 Farmall restored and a prize winner.
Massey Harris 22 restored with options, belt pulley, PTO,hydraulics,
ajustable rear wheels with 10/28 tires, one brand new and narrow
front end. A very cute little toy!
Please call Stuart: Phone 519-565-5204 -Cell 519- 440-6405
WATER: Specialized in non-electric water softeners / iron filters / UV
disinfection / sulphur removal, etc. Your Kinetico rep is Tom
Diemand (519) 577-0187.
Looking for a website to promote your
We know graphics; Visit our website at DigitalFarmDesign.com, or call Heather at 519-630-1993. Ask us
about our Express pricing today!
Steen Cheq Time Temperature Recorders.
Buy, Sell, Install & Repair
Call Jim Steenbergen (519) 343-3467
For Sale - 5 wheel 3 point hitch Befco rake - like new condition.
For Sale - Large quantity of 3x4x7 big square bales of rotary wheat
straw. Delivery available.
For Sale - 1999 - 30 foot 1020 Case IH flex head. Floor needs
work. Priced accordingly. For Sale - 3 x 4 x 7 Rotary Oat Straw Clean. Delivery Available Calll: 519-636-1834
Do you want to live your life to the fullest on all levels: body, mind
and spirit? I provide the following services: Life Activation, Energetic
Balancing, Full Spirit Activation and Emotional Cord Cutting. For
more information call Dennis Dietz at (519) 327-8522.
Add some humour to your next event.
Contact Paul Mussell Farmer/Comedian. (613) 826-2959
Generator PTO drive 25 KW
Milk Cooler 500 gallon, complete with washer and compressor
Straw chupper—small bales
Hay rake on 3 point
Call Philip at 519-426-8813 after May 26, 2015.
Relief Milker. Urban High school female student who is heading to
Ontario Veterinarian College in 2015 living in Southeast London
(with an access to transportation) looking to broaden her large
animal experience by securing a relief milker position. I do not
have any experience but am willing to learn. I am committed and
motivated. Please email Victoria at [email protected].
7 ft 3 PTH Lucknow Snowblower with hydraulic hood, cylinder
and hoses.
2 truck caps—one fits long box, other short box $100.00
700 ft chain link fence—6ft high—70 posts
7 corner posts top rail plus hardware—best offer
Please call Bob McNeil: 519-901-0787
We sell vinyl fences for farms and residences, and around pools and
backyards. Also available are vinyl decks, porch railing (3 styles) and
posts in Colonial Style. Bobmur Fence Co., Robert and Muriel Hawthorne, RR #1, Listowel (519) 291-1968.
For sale: Massey Ferguson 124 baler with Thrower;
2 Krantz Thrower Wagons;
N.H. Forage blower
Please Call: Bruce 519-273-9185
Surge Mueller 6,500L milk cooler with water cooling unit
Double 6 Westfalia milking parlour
New Holland 790 forage harvester with corn and hay head
Badger forage blower
Gehl 970 forage box and 1 wagon
John Deere 7240 vacuum corn planter with interplant unit
Jon Deere 1560 no till drill
John Deere heavy duty disc—approx. 20 feet
International cultivator—17 feet
2011 Chev. Pickup—Silverado, 2WD, 2 door differential lock
Patz Silo Unloader
Colwell Natural Gas fan &heater unit (brand new) 10HP 10 mil. BTU
Stephen Webster—1-226-889-9299
For sale: 150 pasture mats excellent condition $50.00 OBO NH 28
Forage Blower $750. OBO
Mark Ireland: 519-392-6686
2001 Black Silverado truck, crew cab, 4WD, 6 litre gas engine,
190,000 km’s with new Michelin tires 20,000 ago.
5th wheel hitch available. One owner. Call 519-529-7356 – Lucknow
For Sale: 1) Surge Magnum, 90 individual index double ten with
metatron 12 IQ Milkers and milk meters with ID. 2) ten HP lobe
vacuum pump. 7H air compressor with spare motors. 3) 300 cow ID
tags available Spring 2016. 4) 14 48” post mounted fans. 5) milk taxi.
Contact Bill Gordon at 519-902-4850 (cell) or 519-296-4850 (home)
For Sale: DeLaval New Century bulk milk cooler – 2,440 litres.
Complete with cooling unit. Call 519-665-7619.
Ove Hansen
Director of Member Relations &
Corporate Secretary
5200 Orbitor Drive
Mississauga, ON L4W 5B4
H. O. Phone: (905) 283-5226
Local Phone: (519) 323-9613
(519) 323-1955
[email protected]
Sandra Alton
Manager, Member Relations
7647 Wellington County Rd. 10
R.R.# 1, Moorefield ON N0G 2K0
(519) 638-7721
Toll Free:
(877) 638-7728
(519) 638-7720
Toll Free Fax: (877) 638-7720
[email protected]
Pam Emmott
Member Services Rep
South Western & Central Ontario
15 McQueen Drive
Paris, ON N3L 0A6
(519) 442-2350
Toll Free:
(877) 342-3636
(519) 442-4051
Toll Free Fax: (877) 842-9339
[email protected]
Wendy Hasson
Member Services Rep
South Western & Central Ontario
351355 17th Line
East Garafraxa (Orangeville), ON L9W 7E1
(519) 940-5813
Toll Free:
(877) 940-5813
(519) 940-5815
Toll Free Fax: (877) 940-5815
[email protected]
Amélie Lemire
Member Services Rep
Eastern & Northern Ontario
2819 Cassburn Rd.
Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
(613) 678-6874
Toll Free:
(855) 845-9039
(613) 691-1137
Toll Free Fax: (866) 571-1137
[email protected]
Deanne Reilly
Administrative Coordinator
Member Relations
21 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON N1H 1J5
(519) 822-5530 x 6268
(519) 821-2668
[email protected]
Megan Martensen
Administrative Assistant
Member Relations
21 Speedvale Avenue West
Guelph, ON N1H 1J5
(519) 822-5530 x 6267
(519) 821-2668
[email protected]
Gay Lea Foods Retail Outlets
Teeswater-Gay Lea Farm Fresh Country Store
21 Clinton Street, Teeswater, ON
Tel: 519-392-6864
[email protected]
Hours: Mon - Thurs 9am - 5pm, Fri 9am - 8pm
Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 4pm
Ivanhoe Cheese Factory
11301 Hwy 62 N, Madoc, ON
Tel: 613-473-4269
[email protected]
Salerno Retail Outlet
20 Morley Street, Hamilton, ON
Tel: 905-544-6281
[email protected]
Hewitt’s Dairy
128 King Street East, Hagersville, ON
Tel: 905-768-3524
[email protected]
Hours: Mon - Sun 9 am - 5:30pm
Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Sat 8am - 4pm
Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm
Your ad will be removed in the next edition of the Gazette. If you wish16
for your ad to stay in the classifieds please contact Megan Martensen

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