It`s cooking time! - Collège Le Champ de la Motte


It`s cooking time! - Collège Le Champ de la Motte
Dernier magazine de l’année pour la section Euro et « der des ders » pour les 3èmes à qui nous
souhaitons « bon vent ».
Pour cette 56ème édition d’Euroniouzes, nous vous ferons partager notre voyage en Angleterre, qui
fut une expérience intense. Nous avons également sélectionné quelques idées de destinations de
Bye bye
everyone !
C’est avec grand regret que nous avons vu partir George, notre assistant, qui nous a sensibilisés à
de nombreux aspects de la culture anglophone dans une bonne humeur constante.
Nous avons aussi beaucoup apprécié le spectacle de la troupe de théâtre irlandaise Emerald Isle
Theatre Company avec qui certains d’entre nous ont pu faire un atelier de théâtre en anglais.
Nous tenons à remercier Mr Caudron et Mme Ruilier (à qui nous souhaitons une bonne retraite) qui
nous ont gâtés en nous proposant un menu anglais très réussi à la suite de notre matinée anglophone.
Nous sommes toujours « branchés » cinéma et vous pourrez lire nos critiques de film ou encore
planifier quelques sorties ciné cet été. Dans cette édition, comme d’habitude, des recettes, du sport, de
la musique ou encore de la mode.
Bien évidemment, nous ne pouvions pas passer à côté de la naissance de la princesse Charlotte qui
a fait l’événement outre-Manche…ou de la réélection de David Cameron (moins glamour, certes !).
Nous espérons que vous continuerez à nous suivre à la rentrée prochaine. Et pourquoi ne pas
emporter votre Euroniouzes en vacances et le lire au bord de la piscine ?
Euroniouzes, “Imprimerie Spéciale”
BP Collège le Champ de la Motte
37130, Langeais
Directrices de publication :
Mmes Company et Mauer
Have a nice holiday !
Les élèves de section européenne
On April 21, we had a little do for George’s last
lesson with us.
Each student brought drinks or goodies to
nibble on. We also had a surprise for George: a
T-shirt with a printed photo of our class.
It was fun to surprise him and yet sad to see
him leave.
However, he also surprised us when we found
out we were gathered to dance a ceilidh.
If you’ve never taken part in a ceilidh before,
you should try it, you’ll have lots of fun!
It’s a traditional Celtic dance which is danced in
groups to traditional Celtic music. George called
out the instructions in English and we
performed the steps. We had the giggles when
students turned the wrong way or did the wrong
steps. We had a good laugh and we would like to
thank George not only for this fun experience Le 21 avril, nous avons organisé une petite
but for his work and commitment throughout fête pour notre dernier cours avec George.
Chaque élève a apporté des boissons ou de
the year. We will miss him!
bonnes choses à grignoter. Nous avions
aussi une surprise pour lui : un T-shirt
imprimé d’une photo de notre classe.
C’était à la fois sympa de lui faire une
surprise et triste de le voir partir.
Cependant, il nous a également surpris
lorsque nous avons appris que nous étions
réunis pour danser un « ceilidh ». Si vous
n’avez jamais participé à un « ceilidh », je
vous conseille d’essayer, vous vous
amuserez bien !
C’est une danse traditionnelle celtique qui
se danse en groupes sur de la musique
celtique traditionnelle. George nous donnait
les consignes en anglais et nous exécutions
les pas. Nous avons eu des fous rires
lorsque les élèves se tournaient du mauvais
côté ou faisaient les mauvais pas. Nous
avons bien ri et nous remercions George
non seulement pour cette expérience
amusante mais pour son travail et son
Anaïs Barranger 4B implication tout au long de l’année. Il nous
manquera !
Première expérience d’un voyage scolaire à l’étranger
pour la plupart d’entre nous : direction l’Angleterre
pour y retrouver nos correspondants 6 mois après leur
visite chez nous. Beaucoup de bonne humeur dans le
TGV et l’Eurostar mais au fur et à mesure que le car
s’approche de Swavesey, le stress s’accentue. Nous
étions cependant très heureux de les retrouver et de
rencontrer nos familles d’accueil. Swavesey Village
College (le collège de nos correspondants) nous a très
bien accueillis et avait prévu divers cours qui nous ont
enthousiasmés : sciences physiques, cuisine, histoire,
maths, technologie ou encore théâtre.
Le collège de Swavesey est très différent du nôtre car
il y a moins de règles et d’autorité ; c’est pour cela que
nous préférons la scolarité Française.
La visite de Cambridge nous a beaucoup plu : rencontre
avec le maire, shopping et rallye qui consistait à poser
des questions en anglais aux passants pour trouver des
informations sur la ville .Le rallye était très amusant.
Le weekend fut passé en famille et nous avons fait
différentes activités (bowling, Londres…). Lors de la
visite de Londres, nous avons fait un tour du London
Eye, vu Big Ben et Tower Bridge. Nous avons déjeuné
pendant la croisière sur la Tamise. Nous avons pu voir
des tableaux de William Turner à la «National Gallery »
et nous nous sommes promenés à Covent Garden, un
très bel ancien marché aux légumes.
La visite de l’école primaire où nous avons joué à des
jeux anglais et français avec les enfants reste un très
bon souvenir. Cette école nous a surpris car les enfants
apprennent la langue des signes et regroupe plusieurs
niveaux. Sans parler de la fête de départ où nous nous
sommes bien amusés. Merci beaucoup pour cette
magnifique aventure et pour nous avoir fait découvrir
autant de choses.
It was the first experience of a school trip abroad
for most of us: we were headed to England to see
our pen-pals 6 months after their stay with us.
Good spirits on the TGV and the Eurostar but as
the coach was getting closer to Swavesey, we were
getting more and more stressed. However, we were
very happy to see everyone again and to meet our
host families. Swavesey Village College welcomed
us warmly and had planned various lessons which
were very exciting: physics, cooking, history,
maths, design and technology or drama.
Swavesey College is very different from ours
because there are fewer rules and less authority that is why we prefer French education.
We really enjoyed the tour of Cambridge: meeting
the mayor, shopping and doing a treasure hunt
which consisted of asking questions to the passersby to get information about the town. The treasure
was very fun. The weekend was spent with the host
families and we all did different activities (bowling,
London, etc.). During our visit to London, we went
on the London Eye, we saw Big Ben and Tower
Bridge. We had lunch during the river cruise on the
Thames. We were able to see William Turner’s
paintings at the National Gallery and had a wander
around Covent Garden, a beautiful former
vegetable market.
We have fond memories of our primary school visit
where we played playground games with the
children. This school surprised us because children
learn sign language and combines many levels. Not
to mention the leaving party where we had fun.
Thanks for this wonderful adventure and for
helping us discover so many things.
HéloïseSACHE & Marine RUEL 4A
She is born!!!!!!!!
The second royal baby is born:
in my
name ??
For my
name Charles
For my
middle name
and my greatgrandmother’s
For my
name Diana
who died in
a beautiful
The birth of the daughter of Prince
William and his wife Kate whose first
names are Charlotte Elizabeth Diana,
was revealed on Monday May the 4th.
It was celebrated with 103 gun salutes
fired in London and three hours of
bells were sounded at Westminster
“The duke and the duchess of Cambridge were delighted to announce that they named their
daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana” from Kensington palace, in a tweet on Twitter, on
Monday May 4th 2015. The name of the little royal princess is a beautiful tribute to
William’s mother who died on August 31st 1997.
Brief biography:
Date of birth:
Place of birth:
Charlotte Elizabeth Diana
Royal Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, Duchess of Cambridge
May 4th 2015
St Mary’s Hospital, London
English …of course!!!
William, Duke of Cambridge and Kate Middleton, Duchess of
Brother(s) and
George Alexander Louis, born on July 22nd 2013, he is her elder brother
of 22 months
Maïwenn VOLANT et Elsa LE GUELLEC 10C
David Camer n
David Cameron has been the Conservative David Cameron est le premier ministre
Prime Minister
United Conservateur du Royaume-Uni depuis 2010.
Kingdom since 2010.
In spite of the polls predicting a very close résultats très serrés entre lui et son
Labour adversaire travailliste Ed Miliband, il a
adversary Ed Miliband, he won the majority gagné la majorité des sièges au Parlement
of seats in Parliament (331 out of 650 (331 sur 650) le 7 mai 2015 ce qui lui a
seats) on 7th May which allowed him to be permis d’être réélu pour un second mandat
re-elected for a second term (each term (mandat de 5 ans en Grande-Bretagne).
lasts 5 years in Britain).
Cameron a promis un référendum sur la
David Cameron has promised a referendum question de la sortie du Royaume-Uni de
so British people can decide whether the l’Union Européenne. Il s’est également
UK should stay in the European Union. He engagé à mettre en place un ‘Service de
also committed to a ‘Seven-Day NHS’ Santé 7 jours sur 7’ visant à proposer un
(National Health Service) in order to offer service public de meilleure qualité. Enfin, il
better NHS services around the clock. a renouvelé sa promesse de réduire le taux
Finally, he has renewed his pledge to cut d’immigration car la Grande-Bretagne a
immigration down as Britain has reached a atteint le record de 298 000 migrants par
record of 298 000 migrants per year.
He is not intending to be a candidate to Il ne compte pas être candidat à un
election for a third time, which means troisième mandat, ce qui signifie qu’un
Conservative party in 2020.
the nouveau chef du parti Conservateur sera
désigné en 2020.
Chloé Berger & Maëva Patu 4°A
Pupils tell you everything about themselves at
Which school year did you prefer?
Years 8/9
For year 101, their best year was their year 92! With year
83 and 10! But by the look of it4, nobody has good
memories of their year 75!
Year 9
Years 9/10
Which teacher will you remember?
2 pupils spent a great school year with Mrs Rageul! They
will remember her! Mrs Brindejonc, Mrs Pison and Mrs
Aubert are also teachers who will be remembered.
Which meal7 did you prefer in the dining hall?
For 5 pupils… 5 different favourite meals! Funny bread
and water for 1, hash browns8 and chili con carne for the
main course9, doughnut for dessert and fouasses for
THE special meal!
Hash browns
Chili con carne
Bread and water
Which supervisor10 will you remember?
Julien and Lucie are great supervisors! But Lucie,
Yasmina and Mélanie are good too!
Which moment or trip will you remember?
Unanimously11 … Jersey! Thank you to our teachers for
this trip and its memorable moments.
What would you change in the school?
It’s THE question, with 4 years here; of course we want to
change something… For 2 pupils it’s the lockers, the name
and more grass12 for the summer! The dining hall, the
school name and rules13 have been mentioned too14.
Pupil 1: I was excluded the first day at school, first period.
Pupil 2: I said in class « It’s snowing » but it was summer!!!
Pupil 3: I was excluded from English class because I sang a stupid song!
Pupil 4: I climbed onto a locker15!
Pupil 5: I burst16 a correction pen so I had to clean the floor17 but I had an allergy to the product!!!
Thanks to Elsa, Maïwenn, Chloé, Simon and Quentin for answering our questions!
HELP : 1) 3ème 2) 4ème 3)5ème 4) apparemment 5) 6ème 7) repas 8) pommes de terre sautées 9) plat de
résistance 10) surveillant 11) A l’unanimité 12) pelouse 13) règlement 14) ont été nommés 15) je suis monté sur
un casier 16) éclaté 17) j’ai nettoyé le sol
HERANT Manon et HOUDIN Margaux 3èmeC
Manchester City FC
Manchester is famous for its football clubs. You might have all heard about
Manchester United but I would like to present Manchester City FC.
Manchester City FC is a football club
founded in 1880 under the name of St
The club has played in the City of
Manchester Stadium since 2003.
The club's most successful period was
between 1960 and 1970 when they won
the League Championship, FA Cup*,
League Cup* and European Cup Winners'
Cup under the management team of Joe
Mercer and Malcolm Allison.
In 2011, Manchester City qualified for the UEFA Champions League* and won the FA Cup*.
The following year, they won the Premier League*, their first League title in 44 years. In
2014, they won the League Cup* and a second League title. Samir Nasri is a French football
player who plays for Manchester City FC. Yaya Touré is the highest paid football player at
Manchester City FC with a salary of 15 million pounds.
Premier League: the Premier League is an English professional league for men's association
football clubs.
FA Cup: an annual English cup competition.
UEFA champion’s league: an annual continental football club competition organised by the
Union of European Football Associations (UEFA).
League Cup: It’s a football competition played by teams in England and Wales.
Victor Lorit 4B
L’Expo E3
The E3 Expo
L’Electronic Entertainment Expo, plus connu
sous le nom de « E3 », est le plus grand salon
international dédié aux jeux vidéo.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo, better
known as E3, is the biggest international
video games show.
Il a lieu aux Etats Unis et est organisé
chaque année par l’Entertainment Software
Association (ESA).
Ce salon annuel, exclusivement réservé aux
journalistes et aux professionnels du secteur
a lieu au début du mois de juin au Los Angeles
Convention Center.
It takes place in The United States and is
organized by the Entertainment Software
Association (ESA).
This annual show, exclusively reserved for
journalists and professionals of the sector,
takes place at the beginning of June at the
Los Angeles Convention Center.
Les constructeurs de machines tels que
Nintendo, Sony et Microsoft et les éditeurs
tels qu’ Electronic Arts (EA), Activision,
Ubisoft et bien d’autres présentent lors de
conférences leurs futures consoles ou autres
objets high-tech. Les éditeurs en profitent
pour présenter leurs futurs jeux vidéo encore
en développement.
Si vous adorez les jeux vidéo, je vous
conseille de faire un petit tour sur leur site :
In conferences, machine manufacturers such
as Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft and the
editors such as Electronic Arts (EA),
Activision, Ubisoft and many more present
their future consoles or other high-tech
tools. Editors also take advantage of the
opportunity to show their future video games
still in development.
If you love video games, you should have a
look at their website:
Pierre Gauthier 4°C
Canada’s flag
Map of Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Official language: English and French in some provinces
Largest city: Toronto
Currency: Canadian dollars
Monarch: Elizabeth II
Prime minister: Stephen Harper
Canada was discovered in 1534 by Jacques Cartier, a French sailor who left from Saint
Malo. At that time, Canada was inhabited by natives and Inuits. Later, French and
English people arrived in Canada and built all the current cities.
There are ten provinces: Alberta, British-Columbia, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba,
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and
And there are three territories: the North West territories, Nunavut and Yukon, located
in northern Canada.
Famous places in Canada:
The most touristic places in Canada are the Niagara Falls (many people go there on
honeymoon), cities like Toronto, Montréal, Vancouver and Ottawa which are
multicultural places. Historical cities (such as Quebec City) and the numerous national
parks (protected national places) are very popular too.
Luna Rousseau, 4A
Statue of Liberty:
October 28, 1886
1938, 1984–1986, 2011–2012
Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
Dimensions 46,05 m without the base and 93 m
including base
3.2 million in 2009
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous monuments of
the United States. This monumental statue is situated in New York, on Liberty Island in the South of
Manhattan. It was built in France and offered by the French people to show the friendship between
both nations, and to celebrate the centenary of the American Declaration of Independence. The
statue was unveiled in broad daylight on October 28th, 1886 in the presence of the president of the
United States, Grover Cleveland. The statue of Liberty became one of the symbols of the United
States. It represents freedom and the emancipation from oppressors. After the September 11th
attacks, access was forbidden for safety reasons: the base reopened in 2004 and the statue in 2009,
with a limited number of visitors authorized to reach the crown.
Golden Gate Bridge:
Suspension bridge
2737 m
on January 5th, 1933 - May 26th,
on May 27th, 1937 (people)
Put into
on May 28th, 1937 (cars)
J.B. Strauss
The Golden Gate Bridge is the suspension bridge of California which crosses the Golden Gate. It
connects the city of San Francisco with the city of Sausalito. Golden Gate Bridge was until 1964 the
longest suspension bridge in the world and today it has become the most famous monument of San
Francisco. It is easily recognizable with its "international orange" color and its two towers.
Grand Canyon:
The Grand Canyon is the canyon of the United States situated in the Northwest of Arizona. It was
carved by the Colorado River. It is visited every year by four million visitors. It was made a world
heritage site by UNESCO in 1979.
Depth/ 1300 m
Length 450 km
A few million years
sedimentary and volcanic
Chagnon Marine 3°B
Why Portugal?
Well-known for its beaches and hot
climate, Portugal is a favourite
destination for English people.
The Age of Discovery
Many Portuguese explorers (Magellan, Vasco de
Gama, Cabral) discovered countries on all the
continents which allowed Portugal to build a vast
empire. Portugal was, like England or Spain,
amongst the richest countries in the 16th century.
It gradually lost most of its colonies.
Portuguese Islands
The two main ones are Madeira and
the Azores.
Its capital
Located in the centre west,
has 545 245 people.
Connection between Portugal and Britain?
The alliance between the 2 countries is very old. It started
in the Middle Ages (1373). Portuguese Princess Catherine
of Braganza married the English King Charles II (1662).
She is thought to have introduced tea to England.
Port Wine
Port wine is produced in the Douro valley where the
vineyards grow in terraces in a dry granite soil.
The British were the first to export Port wine and
made it popular around the world.
Charlotte ROUSSELET, 4°B
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga was going out of a
discotheque, when suddenly she said
“Oh! I’m drunk”. So she called Joe the
taxi to bring her back home. But her
shoes hurt. Normal. How could she
dance with 20cm high heels? Sure our
stars are responsible!
Katy Perry
Katy Perry has been caught. A journalist
looked for her secret passion for years
and finally found it to reveal it to the
world. She likes miming ducks. We
hope she will show another mime soon.
Actually, it’s a gift from heaven.
Regrettably, she didn’t manage to keep
her secret and now, everyone wants
Scarlett Johansson
Why is Lucy on the ground in the street?
Everyone else can walk their dog, but
not her. Actually, she tried to prevent
her dog from running away because it
saw a cat. In the end, she fell down. Yes,
Chihuahuas are becoming stronger and
Cara Delevingne
Cara is scared, yes we can see that in
the photo. The star has lost her balance!
But what happened? Did she hurt
herself? Did the wind blow? No,
Scarlett’s chihuahua scared her. Don’t
worry, the star is not injured. But the
dog scared the whole city…
Bansard Chloé and Lizzi Léo (3B)
Fun facts !
Cette robe a fait le tour du
monde sur les réseaux sociaux à
cause de ses différentes
couleurs. Certains la voient noire
et or, blanche et or... alors qu’elle
est en fait noire et bleue! En
réalité ce n'est qu'une illusion
d'optique à cause du contre-jour.
This dress went global on social
networks due to its various
colours. Some people see it as
black and gold, others as white
and gold... whereas it’s actually
black and blue! In reality it’s
just an optical illusion because
of the back light.
Regarder un film d’horreur vous
fait perdre en moyenne 113
calories !
Watching a horror movie makes
En moyenne, les enfants
d’aujourd’hui savent mieux
utiliser un ordinateur et jouer à
un jeu vidéo que de faire du vélo
ou de nager !
On average, nowadays, kids know
En 1913, il était légal aux Etats-
In 1913, it was legal in the
Unis d'envoyer un enfant de
United States to send a child
moins de 23 kilos par la poste.
under 50 pounds by post.
Oscar, un chat qui réside dans un
Oscar, a cat who lives in a
hospital and is generally
unfriendly, suddenly became
very nice with patients just
before their death and this
happened more than 25 times.
centre médical et qui est
généralement inamical, devenait
soudain très affectueux avec les
patients juste avant leur mort et
ceci est arrivé plus de 25 fois.
Charlie Chaplin a participé à un
concours de sosies de lui-même
en 1915 incognito et est arrivé
you lose 113 calories!
better how to use a computer
and to play a video game than to
ride a bike or to swim!
Charlie Chaplin entered a
Charlie Chaplin look-alike
contest in San Francisco in 1915
and came in third.
Michael Jackson
The King of Pop
Michael Jackson was an American singer and dancer
born on 29th August 1958 in the United States of
America (in Gary, Indiana) and died on June 25th 2009,
in Los-Angeles, California.
He is also known as a choreographer, a songwriter, a
performer, an actor and a director.
A major figure in the pop music of the 1980s, he was
quickly nicknamed "The King of Pop". Michael
Jackson is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as
"the most successful artist of all time".
He started his singing career with his four brothers
(Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon) in 1965. It was a
very big success and they went on tour all over the
Later, Michael left the group and started a solo
His albums "Off the Wall", "Thriller" (the best-selling album in the world, selling between
65 and 105M copies), "Bad," "Dangerous" and "Invincible", as well as his dance, the
"Moonwalk" will certainly be remembered.
Michael Jackson gave about $400 million to associations to assist people through his
Dangerous World Tour. But his public image was really damaged by controversies in his
personal life such as his cosmetic surgery, his unusual lifestyle as well as his suspected
child sexual abuse. The star died from an overdose.
The Jackson Five
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande Butera, née le 26 Juin 1993 à Boca Raton en Floride, est une actrice et
auteur, compositeur, interprète américaine. En 2008 à l’âge de 15 ans, Ariana joua dans
plusieurs comédies musicales dont « 13 à Brodway, Cuba Libre ». Elle joua aussi le rôle
de Blanche-Neige en 2012. En dehors de sa carrière d’actrice Ariana postait
régulièrement des vidéos d’elle où elle reprenait des chansons d’autres artistes et
chantait en solo des symphonies telles que : Philharmonie, Pop et Orchestre
Symphonique. Elle sortit un premier single intitulé « Put your Hearts Up » mais le
résultat ne lui plut pas, elle le qualifie comme le « pire moment de sa vie ». En 2013 elle
ressortit un autre single « The Way » en featuring avec le rappeur Mac Milleur. Il fut
vendu à plus de 3 millions d’exemplaires. Ariana fit des duos et trios avec Iggy Azaléa,
Nicki Minaj, Jessie J, Adèle ainsi que pleins d’autres stars de la pop.
Nous aimons cette chanteuse parce qu’elle est cool, fantastique, elle a un bon style. Elle
a une jolie voix et elle est célèbre.
Ariana Grande Butera was born on June 26 1993 in Boca Raton, in Florida. She is an
American actress and songwriter. In 2008 at the age of 15, Ariana appeared in several
musicals such as “13 to Broadway, Free Cuba”. She also played the role of Snow White in
2012. Apart from her acting career, Ariana used to regularly post videos in which she
covered songs by other artists and sung solo symphonies like “Philharmonics, Pop and
Orchestra Symphonics” She released her first single « Put your Hearts Up » but she
didn’t like the result and describes it as «the worst time of her life». In 2013 she
released another single « The Way » with the rapper Mac Milleur. It sold over 3 million
copies. Ariana has done duets and trios with Iggy Azaléa, Nicki Minaj, Jessi J, Adèle
and other singers.
We love this singer because she’s really cool, she is fantastic and we like her style. She
has a beautiful voice and she is famous.
Bodin Amandine et Texereau Eglantine, 4C
Synopsis : Une lycéenne se suicide après qu'une vidéo
Plot: A high school student, Laura Barns, commits
Réalisation : Alors que la réalisation via des caméras
Direction : While the direction via amateur cameras
Point de vue personnel : Le film a l’air vraiment
intéressant puisque la majorité des jeunes
d’aujourd’hui passe leur temps sur le net. Le
réalisateur veut heurter l’esprit des jeunes gens pour
leur montrer que cette histoire aurait très bien pu
leur arriver. Nous pensons que ce film peut plaire
puisqu’il est différent de tous autres films d’horreur.
De plus, beaucoup de jeunes regardent ce genre de
film. Nous avons vraiment hâte d’aller le voir.
d'elle quelque peu compromettante a été postée sur
Internet. Six de ses anciens amis se connectent sur
Skype pour discuter entre eux. Une septième
personne, inconnue se joint à la conversation. Cet
intrus va se montrer relativement vite sous un visage
inquiétant, et il menace les six adolescents de tuer le
premier qui se déconnectera, ainsi que de tuer l'un
d'entre eux s'ils ne se décident pas à avouer qui a
posté la vidéo. L'étranger se connecte aussi
étrangement sur le compte Facebook de la défunte, et
continue de leur demander qui a posté la vidéo. La nuit
est longue pour les jeunes gens, tandis que ce
mystérieux inconnu s'amuse à tourmenter leurs
esprits ... Serait-ce le fantôme de Laura ? Ou juste
une vilaine blague ? Qui sait…
amateurs était la grande mode, Unfriended inaugure la
réalisation via des webcams. En effet le film met en
scène un groupe de jeunes amis qui discutent sur
Skype et se filment en même temps. Un parti pris
assez original, très actuel et qui a le mérite de
sensibiliser les spectateurs à l'intimidation, et aux
problèmes liés à la vie privée et à son exhibition, trop
souvent involontaire via les réseaux sociaux.
suicide after a somewhat compromising video in which
she is involved has been posted on the net. Six of her
former friends connect on Skype to chat. A seventh
unknown person joins in the conversation. The intruder
quickly turns out to be quite disturbing. He threatens
the six teenagers to kill the first who disconnects and
to kill one of them if they don't reveal to him who
posted the video. The unknown person even connects
on the deceased young girl's Facebook account to ask
them who posted the video. It’s a long night for the
youngsters, while the mysterious stranger is having
fun tormenting their minds... Is it Laura's ghost? Or
just a mean joke? Who knows…
was the latest fashion, Unfriended inaugurates the
direction via webcam. Indeed, the film features a
group of young friends chatting on Skype and filming
each other at the same time, a rather original, very
modern approach which has the merit of educating
viewers to intimidation and problems related to
privacy and its exposure, too often involuntary, via
social networks.
point of view: The film really looks
interesting since the majority of youngsters spends
their time on the net nowadays. The director wants to
make an impression on young people to show them that
this story could very well happen to them. We think
this movie can be appealing since it’s different from
all other horror movies. Also, many young people watch
this kind of film. We really look forward to seeing it.
Clara Barbier & Louane Fourmont 4B
The best 2015 science fiction films
Les Avengers: l'ère d'Ultron, est
avril 2015.
sorti le 29 Avengers: The Age of Ultron, was released on 29 April
Tony Stark essaye de faire la paix avec le Tony Stark tries to make peace with the terrible
terrible Ultron qui veut détruire le genre Ultron who wants to destroy the human race. The
humain. Les Vengeurs: Iron Man, Capitaine Avengers: Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black
América, Thor, Hulk, la Veuve Noire, le Faucon Widow and Hawkeye are back for a great new battle.
Who will win?
repartent pour une nouvelle grande bataille. Qui
TERMINATOR 5 se passe après les 4
épisodes de TERMINATOR. Il sortira le 1er
juillet 2015. Intrigue: lorsque le leader de
la résistance John Connor, envoie le sergent
Kyle Reese en 1984 pour protéger Sarah
Connor et préserver l'avenir de l’humanité,
des événements inattendus provoquent une
fracture temporelle. Le sergent Reese se
retrouve alors dans une nouvelle version du
passé, où il est confronté à des alliés
improbables, dont le Guardian, et à de
nouveaux ennemis. Il est chargé d'une
mission inattendue: reprogrammer le futur.
TERMINATOR 5, takes place after the 4 episodes
of TERMINATOR. It will come out on July 1st,
2015. The plot: when the leader of the resistance
John Connor, sends sergeant Kyle Reese in 1984 to
protect Sarah Connor and preserve the future of
humanity, unexpected events cause a temporal
fracture. Sergeant Reese finds himself in a new
version of the past, where he is confronted with
unlikely allies, such as the Guardian, and with new
enemies. He is in charge of an unexpected mission:
reprogramming the future.
Star wars The Force Awaken ou Star Wars
épisode 7 est la suite des 2 célèbres
trilogies de science-fiction de Star Wars.
Il sortira le 18 décembre au cinéma. Dans
une galaxie lointaine, très lointaine, un
nouvel épisode de la saga "Star Wars", 30
ans après les événements du "Retour du
Jedi"(épisode 6).
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, or Star Wars
episode 7, is the sequel of the 2 famous sciencefiction trilogies of Star Wars. It will come out in
the cinema on December 18th. A long time ago in a
galaxy far, far away..., a new episode of the saga
"Star Wars", 30 years after the events of the
"Return of Jedi" (episode 6).
MAD MAX Fury Road est la suite de la célèbre MAD MAX Fury Road is the continuation of the
trilogie de science-fiction MAD MAX (1979- famous science-fiction trilogy MAD MAX
1985). Il est sorti le 14 mai 2015 au cinéma. (1979-1985). It was released on May 14th, 2015
Intrigue : hanté par un lourd passé, Mad Max at the cinema. The plot: haunted by his dark
past, Mad Max thinks that the best way to
pense que le meilleur moyen de survivre est de
survive is to remain alone. However, he soon
rester seul. Cependant, il se retrouve embarqué finds himself part of a team who travels in the
par une bande qui parcourt le désert à bord desert aboard a military vehicle piloted by the
d'un véhicule militaire piloté par l'Impératrice Empress Furiosa...
Marc-Antoine LAGOUTTE & Antonin PLAULT, 4C
Hey, what time is it? It's cooking time!
Ingrédients :
250 g de farine
1 œuf
25 g de beurre
1 cuillère à café de cannelle
10 g de levure boulangère
10 cl de lait;
1 pincée de sel
60 g de cassonade
Cinnamon Rolls
250 g flour
1 egg
25 g butter
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
10 g baking yeast
10 cl milk
1 pinch of salt
60g brown sugar
Inside the biscuit:
60g brown sugar
40g butter
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
Intérieur du biscuit :
60 g de cassonade
40 g de beurre
1 cuillère à café de cannelle
Préparation :
1· Faire tiédir le lait avec le beurre dans une casserole· Dissoudre ensuite la levure dans
Mélange. Rajouter le sucre, le sel, la cannelle· Bien mélanger·
1· Warm the milk with butter in a saucepan· Then dissolve the yeast in the mixture·
Add the sugar, salt and cinnamon· Mix well·
2·Battre l'œuf puis ajouter au mélange· Rajouter la farine pour obtenir une pâte molle
mais non collante· Remettre de la farine s'il faut· Couvrir et laisser reposer 30 min
pendant 1h dans un endroit sec·
2· Beat egg and add to mixture· Add the flour to make a soft and not sticky dough. Add flour if
needed· Cover and let stand for 30min to 1 hour in a dry place.
3· Étaler ensuite la pâte sur une surface farinée rectangulaire; Ramollir le beurre
pour l'étaler sur la pâte· Puis saupoudrer le mélange sucre-cannelle·
3· Then roll out the dough on a rectangular floured dish · Soften butter to spread on
the dough· Then sprinkle sugar-cinnamon mixture·
4. Rouler la pâte pour pouvoir en faire des rouleaux de 2cm de large environ· Beurrer
un moule et y disposer les 6 rouleaux suffisamment éloignés car ils vont gonfler- Couvrir et
laisser reposer encore 30min·
4. Roll the dough to get 2 cm wide rolls· Butter a dish and place the 6 rolls with space between
them because they will be puffy· Cover and let stand for 30 min·
5. Pour finir : Mettre au four pendant 20min à 180°C (thermostat 6)
5. To finish: Bake for 20min at 180° C (thermostat 6)
Bon appétit!
Enjoy your meal!
Pastry Cakes
If you’re not an experienced cook, this is an easy and quick recipe. We have chosen it because we made it
during a cooking lesson at Swavesey Village College while we were in England.
It is delicious and you can put any ingredient you want instead of the jam.
Unpack a pie crust
Using the pastry cutters, cut out 12 discs
and place in a pastry tin
3. Place each disc into a dimple of the patty
to create a case
4. Add 1 tablespoon of jam to each pastry
5. Place 1 egg, 50 g of sugar, 50 g of
margarine and 50 g of self-raising flour
into a mixing bowl and beat together with
a wooden spoon
6. Put 1 heaped teaspoon of cake mixture
onto the jam and pastry
7. Bake in the oven until golden brown
1. Déballez une pâte à tarte
2. En utilisant des emporte-pièces de pâtisserie, coupez 12
disques et placez-les dans des moules
3. Placer chaque disque dans un fond du moule pour créer
un creux.
4. Ajoutez 1 cuillère à soupe de confiture dans chaque
fond de pâte
5. Placez 1 œuf, 50 g de sucre, 50 g de margarine et 50 g
de farine à gâteau dans un saladier et battez les
ensemble avec une cuillère en bois.
6. Mettez une petite cuillère bombée du mélange sur la
confiture et la pâte
7. Cuire dans le four jusqu'à ce que ce soit doré
Léa Claveau et Zoé Delbecque
Léa Claveau et Zoé Delbecque, 4A