biographies des conférenciers


biographies des conférenciers
biographies des conférenciers
Pascale Cloutier
Directrice du marketing / Marketing
Bachelière en en information-communication
de l’Université de Moncton au NouveauBrunswick, Pascale Cloutier a commencé sa
carrière en 1997 chez GESTEV Inc., entreprise
spécialisée en gestion d’événements sportifs et culturels,
aujourd’hui filiale de Québécor.
Pascale est entrée en poste chez Gestion Sandalwood en
2001 à titre de directrice du marketing et, est depuis, en
charge de toutes les activités de marketing et de
communications de l’entreprise actuellement propriétaire et
gestionnaire de plus de 6 millions de pieds carrés en
immeubles commerciaux situés partout à travers le Québec et
aux États-Unis.
A graduate of New Brunswick’s Université de Moncton, with a
Bachelor of Information and Communications Studies, Pascale
Cloutier began her career in 1997 at GESTEV Inc., which
specializes in planning and managing sporting and cultural
events, and is now a subsidiary of Québécor.
Pascale joined Sandalwood Management in 2001 as
Marketing Manager, where she has since been overseeing all
of the firm's marketing and communication operations.
Sandalwood Management currently owns and manages more
than 6 million square feet of commercial real estate
properties across Québec and in the United States.
Johanne Marcotte
Directrice / General Manager
Centre Eaton de Montréal,
Complexe Les Ailes & Le 1500
Johanne Marcotte est une spécialiste de la gestion
d’immeubles commerciaux et de bureaux. Actuellement
directrice du Centre Eaton de Montréal, du Complexe Les
Ailes et du 1500, propriétés détenues par Ivanhoé Cambridge,
elle gère l’ensemble des activités pour plus de 1.2M de pieds
carrés, comprenant deux galeries marchandes abritant 230
détaillants, et un immeuble à bureaux de prestige au centreville de Montréal. Elle possède une expertise de plusieurs
marchés; son parcours l’a amenée à gérer des centres
commerciaux aux quatre coins de la province, notamment à
Québec, à Trois-Rivières et à Gatineau.
En plus d’être détentrice de la désignation CRX (Commercial
Real Property Executive), la plus haute distinction décernée
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par l’International Council of Shopping Centers, elle est
titulaire du titre de CSM (Certified Shopping Center
Manager). Madame Marcotte œuvre en immobilier
commercial depuis plus de 25 ans.
Elle est singulièrement impliquée dans son
milieu. Actuellement vice-présidente de la société de
développement commercial Destination Centre-Ville et
membre du Comité événements de l’IDU, elle est présidente
2014 de CREW Mtl.
Johanne Marcotte is an expert in management of commercial
and office buildings. She is currently the General Manager of
The Montreal Eaton Centre, Complexe Les Ailes and Le 1500,
properties owned by Ivanhoe Cambridge. She oversees and
manages over 1.2M square feet, including two malls housing
230 retailers, as well as a luxury office building, located in
downtown Montreal. Over the years, her career has
expanded in several markets, leading her to manage shopping
centers across the province, including Quebec City, TroisRivières and Gatineau.
In addition to holding the designation CRX (Commercial Real
Property Executive), the highest distinction awarded by the
International Council of Shopping Centers, she also holds the
title of CSM (Certified Shopping Center Manager). Ms.
Marcotte has been working in commercial real estate for over
25 years.
She is particularly involved in her business area. Currently
Vice President of Destination Centre-Ville, a business
development society, and member of the Events Committee
of the UDI, she is the 2014 president of CREW Mtl.
Michael P. Kercheval
President and Chief Executive Officer
International Council of Shopping Centers
He joined ICSC in January 2000 and was elected
to the position of President and CEO in May 2001, becoming
only the third CEO in the association’s almost sixty year
Founded in 1957, ICSC is the global trade and professional
association of the retail property industry, with over 60,000
members in more than 100 countries. ICSC provides
research, education, advocacy and business-development
resources to the individuals and companies who make up the
world’s shopping center and retailing industries. ICSC is a
biographies des conférenciers
global association, headquartered in New York City with
offices in Mexico City, Toronto, Beijing, Singapore, Dubai,
Brussels, London and Washington DC. The organization has
an annual budget of $US70 million and full-time staff of 150.
An economist by training, Mr. Kercheval started his career at
the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. in its
investment research area. Over the years, he held a series of
positions culminating with the title of Senior Vice President
and Portfolio Manager of Equitable’s U.S. $12 billion
commercial mortgage portfolio. Following the acquisition of
Equitable Real Estate in 1997, by Lend Lease, Kercheval was
named Principal and CEO of Lend Lease Latin American Realty
Advisors, Ltd, operating in Buenos Aires, Argentina and
Santiago, Chile.
Earlier in his career Mr. Kercheval worked on a series of public
health and development projects in Central America, taught
Urban Economics at Columbia University in New York City,
and served as staff economist on the Colorado Governor’s
Blue Ribbon panel on Economic Growth Management.
A graduate of the University of Colorado with degrees in
economics, political science, and international affairs,
Kercheval earned his graduate degrees in economics from
Columbia University, New York. He has authored research
papers on international economics, real estate investment,
and economic growth management.
Kercheval is the recipient of the German Council of Shopping
Centers’ 2011 Award of Excellence and was given the 2011
Outstanding Association Executive award by the New York
Society of Association Executives, of which he is a past
chairman. Kercheval is also active on the executive committee
of the University of Florida Retail Program and serves on the
boards of the Real Estate Associates Program (REAP), the ICSC
Foundation and Amigos de las Americas. He is a member of
the Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center of The Wharton School at the
University of Pennsylvania, the Real Estate Roundtable, and
the University of Colorado Real Estate Center National
Advisory Board.
Mike, his wife Dana, and their two children reside in Princeton,
New Jersey.
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Sonia Gagnon
Présidente / President
Sonia Gagnon est présidente depuis
12 ans de sgm, une agence de
communication marketing spécialisée en immobilier
commercial. Sgm accompagne les sociétés immobilières dans
le développement de leurs affaires, crée des personnalités à
leurs propriétés afin que les consommateurs s’approprient les
lieux, et maximise leur rentabilité commerciale. C’est ainsi que
sgm contribue efficacement à l’industrie des sociétés
immobilières et à leur essor.
For the past 12 years, Sonia Gagnon has been president of
sgm, a marketing agency specializing in the commercial
property sector. Sgm partners with real estate companies to
help develop their business, give their properties distinctive
images that create loyal consumers and maximize their
commercial profitability. By doing so, sgm makes a significant
contribution to the real estate industry and the success of its
Jean-Michel Vanier
Directeur des finances et des ressources
humaines / Director of Finance and
Human Resources
Jean-Michel Vanier s’est joint aux
Fermes Lufa en 2012. Il est responsable de la gestion du
département des finances. À ce titre, il doit s’assurer de
l'optimisation des processus financiers et administratifs
soutenant les plans de croissance de l’entreprise. En tant que
chef des ressources humaines, il a également pour mission
d'attirer et de développer les employés de l’entreprise. Avant
de se joindre aux Fermes Lufa, Jean-Michel Vanier assumait les
responsabilités d'assistant-contrôleur chez SNC-Lavalin. Il est
diplômé des HEC Montréal et membre de l’Institut Canadien
des Comptables Agréés.
Jean-Michel Vanier joined Lufa Farms in 2012. As head of
Finance, he is in charge of optimizing company’s financial
operations in order to support the company’s growth plans. As
head of human resources, he has the task of attracting,
developing and retaining talented individuals. Before coming
to Lufa, Vanier was assistant controller at SNC-Lavalin. He is a
graduate of HEC Montréal and a member of the Canadian
Institute of Chartered Accountant
biographies des conférenciers
Marion Poirier
Présidente & co-fondatrice / Co-founder
Créative, passionnée et déterminée,
Marion s’approprie un univers en un rien
de temps et en fait sa mission. Les projets
fous, les stratégies ambitieuses, rien ne l’effraie et c’est avec
un enthousiasme contagieux qu’elle se plonge dans un projet.
Marion a travaillé dans la direction d’organismes culturels, en
communications, dans la coordination d’évènements petits
comme grands et souvent pour structurer ou démarrer des
projets d’envergure.
Creative, passionate and determined, whenever Marion has a
new mission, she immediately dives into that new universe
and makes it her own. No matter how unlikely the project or
ambitious the strategy, no task is too daunting and she tackles
everything she handles with contagious enthusiasm. In the
past, Marion has managed cultural organizations, worked in
communications, has coordinated big and small events as well
as been part of teams which have launched large-scale
projects. Now, she dreams of changing the world, one
handkerchief at a time!
Louis-Charles Plante
Directeur Régional / District Manager
Louis-Charles Plante a toujours été un
passionné par les relations humaines. En
administration des affaires, il travaillait déjà en restauration et
en hôtellerie, gérant une clientèle internationale et variée.
Il s'est ensuite joint à l'équipe de Surmesur en 2010, au tout
début de l'aventure. Parmi ses nombreuses fonctions au sein
de cette dynamique entreprise, il a concentré son énergie sur
la création d'une expérience d'achat nouvelle, une expérience
"sur mesure". Louis-Charles a été un élément dans le
développement de Surmesur, d'abord dans la ville de Québec
et ensuite dans les trois autres boutiques canadiennes.
Actuellement, Louis-Charles gère la qualité du produit et
chapeaute les quatre boutiques Surmesur, soit Montréal,
Québec, Ottawa et Toronto, afin d'assurer le bon
fonctionnement de chacune, un service impeccable et des
clients toujours satisfaits.
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Louis-Charles Plante has always been a people person. While
studying business administration, he spent his spare time
managing an array of international clientele in both the
restaurant and hotel industries.
Louis-Charles joined the Surmesur team in 2010, when the
custom menswear company's adventure was just beginning.
Much of his focus—despite having countless roles in the
dynamic organization—has been devoted to the creation of a
new made-to-measure shopping experience. He stands as one
of the initial pillars of Surmesur's flagship boutique in Quebec
City, and now offers support to three other locations across
Whether from Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, or
Ottawa, Louis-Charles is currently busy managing product
development for Surmesur. By ensuring excellence from the
conception of a garment to its delivery, he keeps the intricate
assembly operating at peak performance. His continued belief
in impeccable service reinforces his nature as a people person,
which makes for a strong team and satisfied customers.
Mylène Paquette
Le 12 novembre 2013, après 129
jours passés en mer, Mylène
Paquette est devenue la première
personne du continent américain
à traverser l’Atlantique à la rame en solitaire. Partie d’Halifax
le 6 juillet 2013, la désormais célèbre rameuse océanique a
réalisé un rêve en relevant un défi de taille : ramer les 2 700
milles nautiques (5 000 km) qui séparent la Nouvelle-Écosse,
au Canada, et le port de Lorient, en France. Nommée
Personnalité de l’année 2013 par La Presse, Mylène met les
voiles pour de nouveaux défis !
On November 12th 2013, after 129 days on the ocean, Mylène
became the first North American to successfully cross the
North Atlantic ocean rowing, alone. Leaving Halifax on July
6th, 2013, the now famous ocean rower realized a dream by
facing an extraordinary challenge : row the 2,700 nautical
miles (5 000 km) which divide the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia,
Canada and the port of Lorient, in France. For such an
achievement, she also received the title of Person of the Year
at the Gala of Excellence La Presse, in January 2014.
Mylène is now ready to set sail for new challenges in the world
of sailing.