3_plete text _VI LSD No. 227 (§102a) B0L No. 16 (§91c


3_plete text _VI LSD No. 227 (§102a) B0L No. 16 (§91c
_VI LSD No. 227 (§102a)
B0L No. 16 (§91c)
M 405 EEG
_ effects of intraventricular
injections of d-lysergic
(LSD 25) and 5-hydroxyt .ryptamine (serotonin) on the
activity of the brain of the conscious cat.
London 122 , 50 P (1956).
The etTects of drugs iniected intraperitoneally or intraventricularly
& Sherwood, 1953) on the electrical activity of the brain have been studied in
_Ji:: eats with implanted electrodes (Bradley & Elkes, 1953a).
The effects of intraperitoneal injections of LSD25 (20-25/_g/kg)
have been
described (Bradley & Elkes, 1953 b). The same drug injected intraventricularly
in doses of 100-200/_g produced high-amplitude rhythmic activity at 4-7 c/s
_f_l.: (Fig. 1), which was only transitorily blocked by sensory stimuli. The immediate
effects of the drug included licldng movements, twitching of the ears and
increased restlessness. The animals later became retarded.
Normal conscious
Fig. 1. The arrow _qindicatu
7 rain.after 100pg L.S.D.25, Intr,ventrlcular
the application of a sensory stimulus.
The effects on behaviour of intraventricular injections of serotonin (200250pg) were similar to those described by Feldberg & Sherwood (1954), and
the electrical activity showed an increase in slow rhythms which still responded
to sensory stimuli. An intraperitoneal injection of LSD 25 failed to antagonize
the effects of serotonin, but the combination of these two drugs, irrespective
of the o_lez in which theywere given, produced an electrical pattern s_milar
to that seen with LSD 25 alone when given intraventricularly,
namely, highamplitude rhythmic activity at 4-7 c/s.
Bzom-lysergic acid diethylamide, a powerful inhlbitor of serotouin (Konzett,
1956), but lacldng the psychological effects of LSD 25, produced mild sedation
when given intraventrieularly or intraperitoneally in equivalent doses; the
electrical activity showed an increase in slow activity. There was no sign of the
_i fast electrical activity or alerting of behaviour seen with intraperitoneal
injections of LSD25 (Bradley & Elkes, 1953b), even when doses of up to
100pg/kg of brom-LSD were used.
The effects on electrical activity pechliar to LSD25 may therefore be
related to its psychological effects. The results also suggest a possible synergism
between the central et[ect8 of LSD25 and 5-hydroxytryptam_ne.
Bradley,P. B. &Elku, J. (19_a). l_aroeaceph. Clin. Neuro_dol. 5, 451-456.
Bradley,P. B. & Elkes,J. (1953b).J. Phys/o/.120, 13-14P.
Feldberg,W. &Sherwood,S. L. (195S).J. P_.
120, S-4P.
Feldberg0 W. & Sherwood, S_ L. (1954). J. Phydol. 128, 148-167.
Koazett, H. (1956). Ar_t. _vp. Pa_ P/mrmak. (in the Prem).
(Effet d'injections intraventriculaires
de LSD et de s_rotc
sur l'activit_ _lectrique du cerveau de chats non-narcotis_
Chez le chat non-narcotise, l'administration
de i00 _ 200_ de LSD provoque une activite rythmique d'ampl_
@levee et un rythme de 4 _ 7/sec. qui ntest bloqu_ qus pass_
ment par des stimuli sensoriels.
de 200 k 500_ de s_rotonine augmente les rythmes lents qui_
sont pas bloqu6s par des stimuli sensoriels.
Le ISD i.p. n'ini
hibe pas l'effet de la s6rotonine; mais l'administration
n_e des 2 substances provoque, ind_pendemment de l'ordre
une activit_ rythmique d'amplitude _lev_e a_
un rythme de 4 _ 7/sec., c._ d. un effet ressemblant _ celu_i_
LSD seul administr_ par voie intraventriculaire.
Le BOL prowo_
une s_dation l_gbre lorsqu'il est administr6 par les voies _,
ou .intrap@riton@ale,
et il augmente
I' activit_
lente. Administre _ des doses Jusqu'_ I00 _/kg, le BOL ne provoque pas de rythme EEG rapide et ne rend pas plus anime le
camportement de l'animal, tel qu'on l'a observ6 apr_s LSD i.p,
(BRADLEY & ELKES, LSD No 3Aa, Rapport 22/15).
(D_e Wirkung intraventricul_rer
LS.D- und Serotonin-lnJektionez
auf die elektrische Aktivit_t des Gehirns bei wachen Katzen.)
Bei wachen Katzen verursachten
100-200 _LSD intraventricul_r
eine rhythmische Aktivit_t von hoher Amplitude und 4-7 Welle_
Sek., welche nur vorh'oergehend durch Sinnesreize
blockiert w_tr
de. 200-500 _Serotonin
verst_rkten die langss_en Rhythm en. Diese wurden dutch Sinnesreize nicht blockiert
LSD i.p. hemmte die Serotonin-Wirkung
nicht, aber die kambinie
beider Mittel verursachte,
ihrer Re_e
folge, eine rhythmische Aktivit_t yon hoher Amplitude un_ _-7
wirkte also _hnlich wie ISD intraventricul_r
a!lein. BOL wirkte bei intraventricul_rer
oder i.p. Verabfol_g
leicht sedativ und verst_rkte
die langsame Aktivit_t.
Auch in
Dosen bis zu lO0 _,/kg verursachte B0L keinen schnellen EEG_hythmus oder Lebhafterwerden
des Tieres, wie dies nach LSD i.
beobachtet wurde (BRADLEY & ELVES, LSD Nr. 3La, Raoport 22/15)
_6 (EFD lO'&6V)