dissertation proposal


dissertation proposal
Title in French and English: La cession d’entreprise dans les procédures collectives
Sale of business as a going concern in insolvency proceedings
Keywords :
procédure collective, liquidation judiciaire, cession d’entreprise, cession de branche
d’activité, plan de cession, transfert judiciaire, maintien de l’activité et de l’emploi, transfert
des contrats
insolvency proceeding, judicial liquidation, sale of business as a going concern, transfer of a
branch of trade as a going concern, plan of transfer, judicial transfer, maintaining activity and
jobs, assignment of contracts 2. Advisors
Last name, first name
Dissertation advisor: Co‐advisor: Institution
Pérochon Françoise
UM 1, School of francoise.perochon@univLaw
Research team: Chair for the Prevention of and proceedings for businesses in difficulty Dissertation committee: (not yet formed) Last name, first name
3. Presentation of the dissertation proposal (2 pages maximum)
The proposal must explicitly show how it links with the activities of Labex Entreprendre. LABEXENTREPRENDRE–UniversitéMontpellier1–Facultéd’AdministrationEconomiqueetSociale
The objective of selling a business as a going concern is to ensure, through the plan of transfer,
"the maintenance of autonomous operations and thus, by extension, all or part of the related
jobs, and to reduce the liability" of a debtor subject to insolvency proceedings, who is not
himself able to restore these activities and maintain these jobs: this objective is today of vital
importance and, to all evidence, of direct concern, in all its dimensions, to the legal proceedings
regarding enterprises in difficulty.
The field of business sale is vast. Indeed, although it has been governed by the provisions for
liquidation (Articles L.642-1 and following of the Commercial Code) since the Business
Safeguard Act, a sale can also occur in the context of bankruptcy proceedings and even, if it is
limited to an industry, insolvency proceedings, in which case it has a saving purpose.
The sale of a business as a going concern is a kind of global sale of all or part of the business
assets of a debtor who is subject to insolvency proceedings, in principle this sale being
accompanied by the corresponding personnel, to a transferee who agrees to pay a price and to
maintain, to an extent that must be clearly specified, the business activity and jobs. The
transferee does not assume the debtor's liabilities, except in rare cases. A business transfer is
not the solution most frequently implemented in bankruptcy proceedings. It does, however,
usually concern relatively large firms, and in this sense it contributes to the preservation of
many of the jobs put at risk by the difficulties of the former employer. In contrast, the positive
law and the conditions under which it is carried out, in particular the relatively low transfer
price, generally provide rather poorly for creditors, who have, almost without exception, much
to fear.
The complex and in some respects imprecise technique of the sale of a business raises many
substantive and procedural difficulties, which require careful consideration, particularly in light
of comparative law. A comprehensive study therefore seems timely, as it is likely to lead to
recommendations for improvement.
COQUELET (M.-L.), Entreprises en difficulté. Instruments de paiement et de crédit, HyperCours Dalloz, 3e éd.,
2009 (et, lorsque spécifié, 4è éd., Dalloz, 2011).
JACQUEMONT (A.), Droit des entreprises en difficulté, Manuels, Litec, 7e éd., 2011.
JEANTIN (M.) et LE CANNU (P.), Droit commercial, Entreprises en difficulté, Précis Dalloz, 7e éd., 2006.
LAGARDE (B.), Traité économique et fiscal de la sauvegarde de l’entreprise, Ed. Bernard Lagarde, 2011.
LE CORRE (P.-M.) :
Droit et pratique des procédures collectives, Dalloz Action, 2012/2013, Dalloz, 2011.
Procédures collectives, Éditions Delmas, 5e éd., 2013/2014, 2013.
Code des procédures collectives commenté, Dalloz, 11e éd., 2013.
LUCAS (F.-X.) et LECUYER (H.), (ouvr. coll. sous la dir. de), La réforme des procédures collectives, Droit des
affaires, LGDJ, 2006 (v. aussi LPA, no spéc. 8 et 9 févr. 2006) (cité Lucas et Lécuyer).
MCBRYDE (W.), FLESSNER (A.) et KORTMANN (S.), Principles of european insolvency law, Law of Business
and Finance, vol. 4, Kluwer Legal Publishers, 2003, Pays-Bas.
MERCADAL (B.), Droit commercial, 2012, Mémento pratique Francis Lefebvre.
PEROCHON (F.), Entreprises en difficulté, LGDJ, 9e éd., 2012.
PETEL (Ph.) :
(sous la dir. de), Code de commerce, LexisNexis, 2013.
Réforme du droit des entreprises en difficulté, De la théorie à la pratique, préf. de D. Tricot, Litec, 2e éd., 2007.
(sous la dir. de), Entreprises en difficulté, Collection Droit 360°, LexisNexis, 2012.
SAINT-ALARY-HOUIN (C.), Droit des entreprises en difficulté, Montchrestien, Domat, 7e éd., 2011.
VALLANSAN (J.) (sous la dir. de ; avec la collaboration de P. Cagnoli et L. Fin-Langer), Difficultés des
entreprises, Commentaire article par article du Livre VI du Code de commerce, Litec Professionnels, Litec,
6e éd., 2012 (noté Vallansan et alii).
Entreprises en difficulté, in Lamy Droit commercial 2012.
L’insolvabilité des entreprises en droit comparé, préf. Y. Chaput, Pratique des affaires, Joly Ed., Conseil
national des AJMJ, 2011.
VIDAL (D.), Droit des procédures collectives, Master Pro, Gualino, 3e éd., 2010.
VOINOT (D.), Procédures collectives, Coll. Cours, LMD, Montchrestien, 2011.
As comparative law is key to this project, especially comparison with American and German
law, English and German must be spoken, or at least read.
4. Dissertation funding
The expected funding source for the three years of dissertation work must be specified (type and percentage of co‐funding). The funding will be provided by the Chair and, to the extent possible, by the University.
Please return by mail to: labex‐entreprendre@univ‐montp1.fr