A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms, Jonathan Swift


A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms, Jonathan Swift
The Best of English Literature, pages -
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Jonathan Swift
A Voyage to the Houyhnhnms
A Modest Proposal
A Meditation upon a Broomstick
Verses on the Death of Dr Swift
Etudes universitaires récentes :
BARBÉ-PETIT, Françoise. La Violence dans Gulliver’s Travels. XVII-XVIII. n°, juin .
TADIÉ, Alexis. “Gulliver au pays des hybrides : langage, science, fiction, dans Gulliver’s Travels de Jonathan Swift”.
Etudes Anglaises, -.
BAYDALLAYE, Kane. Le procès de la justice anglaise du XVIII siècle dans Gulliver’s Travels. XVII-XVIII. n°, juin .
Swift. Twentieth Century Views, edited by Ernest Tuveson. S-TC-35 (une collection d’essais écrits au XX siècle).
SWIFT: Gulliver’s Travels. A Casebook edited by Richard Gravil. Macmillan (une sélection d’essais critiques à travers
les siècles).
Liens vers d’autres sites :
Gulliver’s travels-Home Page (e text, bibliography, dictionary, links, timeline, quotes, images, etc.)
(Site created by Lee Jaffe)
Jonathan Swift, 18th century English Satirist, with links to other Swift sites
(Nicholas Feakins)
Jonathan Swift by Charles A. Read, originally published in The Cabinet of Irish Literature, Dublin, 1880
(Andrew J. Morris Genealogy)
A Biography and bibliography.(Kirjasto)
Study guide to A Modest Proposal (NovelGuide)
Gulliver’s travels: notes and essays by Harvard essayists (Harvard)
Matthew Levy, “Gulliver’s Historico-Tropological Journey, or Measurement, Irony and the Grotesque in Gulliver’s
Travels” (University of Texas, Arlington)
Critical sites about Gulliver’s Travels (The Internet Public Library)
The Jonathan Swift Page (Sac LitWeb by Roger Blackwell Bailey, Ph.D)
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