french ii - Suffolk Public Schools


french ii - Suffolk Public Schools
Bon Voyage 2
Suffolk Public Schools
Foreign Language Department
List of skills and content
Bon Voyage 2
(purple book)
(A) Les copains et l’école (pp. R1-R9)
(B) La famille (pp. R10-R19)
(C) Les courses (pp. R20-R27)
Chapitre 10 Les sports (purple book)
Talk about sports and physical activities / Describe past actions and events / Ask people
Skills associated with ch. 10 topics
● 10a Vocabulaire 1: Le football (p. 324-325)
● 10b Vocabulaire 2: Le basketball, le volleyball, le cyclisme, l’athétisme (p. 328-329)
● 10c Culture: Popular sports in Canada and Africa (p. 342-343)
● 10d Structure:Le passé composé des verbes réguliers (p. 332)
● 10e Structure: Qui, qu’est-ce que, quoi (p. 335)
● 10f Structure: Les verbes boire, devoir et recevoir (p. 337)
Chapitre 11 L’été et l’hiver
(purple book)
Talk about summer activities & weather / Talk about winter activities & weather / Discuss
past actions & events / make negative statements
Skills associated with ch. 11 topics
● 11a Vocabulaire 1: A la plage, des activités d’été, le printemps, l’été (p. 356-357)
● 11b Vocabulaire 2: Une station de sports d’hiver, l’automne, l’hiver (p. 360-361)
● 11c Culture: Winter Vacation in Québec (p. 374-75)
● 11d Structure:Le passé composé des verbes irréguliers (p. 364)
● 11e Structure: Les mots (rien, personne, jamais, plus) (p. 367)
● 11f Structure: Le passé composé avec être (p. 369)
= End of 1st nine weeks =
1st nine weeks test : Includes all 1st nine weeks content listed above
Bon Voyage 2
Chapitre 12 La routine quotidienne (purple book)
Talk about daily routine, personal grooming, and family life / Tell some things you do for
yourself / Talk about daily activities in the past
Skills associated with ch. 12 topics
● 12a Vocabulaire 1: La routine (p. 400)
● 12b Vocabulaire 2: Chez les Moulin (p. 404)
● 12c Culture: La famille Ben Amar/daily routines(p. 418)
● 12d Structure: Le verbes réfléchis au présent (p. 408)
● 12e Structure: Le verbes réfléchis au passé composé(p. 413)
Chapitre 13(purple book) / Chapitre 1 (green book) Les loisirs culturels
Discuss movies, plays, museums / Tell what you know and whom you know / Tell what
happens to you or someone else / Refer to people and things already mentioned
Skills associated with topic
● 13a Vocabulaire 1: Au cinema, Au théâtre (p. 432-433)
● 13b Vocabulaire 2: Au musée (p. 436)
● 13c Culture: Les loisirs culturels en France (p. 450)
● 13d Structure:Les verbes savoir et connaître (p. 440)
● 13e Structure: Les pronoms me, te, nous, vous (p. 442)
● 13f Structure: Les pronoms le, la, les (p. 444)
Chapitre 14 (purple book) / Chapitre 2-3 (green book) La santé et la médicine
Talk about a minor illnesses, going to a doctor, or going to the pharmacy / Tell for whom
something is done / Give commands / Refer to people, places things already mentioned / Talk
about habitual and continuous actions in the past
Skills associated with topic
● 14a Vocabulaire 1: On est malade (p. 464)
● 14b Vocabulaire 2: Chez le médecin, A la pharmacie (p. 468-469)
● 14c Culture: (skip culture for this chapter)
● 14d Structure:Les pronoms lui, leur (p. 472)
● 14e Structure: Les verbes souffrir et ouvrir (p. 474)
● 14f Structure: L’impératif (p. 475) (not included on 9wks test)
● 14g Structure: Le pronom en (p. 478)
● 14h Structure: L’imparfait – how to form & when to use (p. 74, 78 in green book)
= End of 2nd. Nine weeks =
2nd nine weeks test : Includes 1st and 2nd nine weeks content
Bon Voyage 2
Chapter 5 – “La Banque et la Poste”
(green book)
Talk about bank and postal services / Talking about people & things already mentioned / Tell
what you & others do for one another / Make negative statements
Skills associated with ch. 5 topics
● 5a Vocabulaire 1: À la banque (pp. 142-145)
● 5b Vocabulaire 2: À la poste (pp. 146-149)
● 5c Culture: French teen spending habits & saving money at the post office. (pp. 160161)
● 5d Structure: Relative pronouns qui and que (pp. 150-152)
● 5e Structure: Agreement of the past participle with preceding direct objects (pp.
● 5f Structure: Reciprocal verbs (pp. 155-156)
● 5g Structure: Negative expressions personne ne … and rien ne … . (p. 157)
Chapter 6 – “La Gastronomie”
(green book)
Talk about foods & food preparation / Describe future events / Refer to people and things
already mentioned / Tell what you have others do for you / Discuss cuisine of various French
Skills associated with ch. 6 topics
● 6a Vocabulaire 1: Dans la cuisine / Des aliments (pp. 174-177)
● 6b Vocabulaire 2: Faisons la cuisine ! / D’autres aliments (pp. 178-181)
● 6c Culture: “Un Voyage Gastronomique” / French cuisine by regions. (pp. 192-193)
● 6d Structure: Futur Simple with regular verbs + être, avoir, aller, faire (pp. 182-184)
● 6e Structure: Two Object pronouns in the same sentence (me, te, nous, vous w/ le, la,
les) (pp. 185-186)
● 6f Structure: Faire + Infinitive (pp. 187-188)
= End of 3rd. nine weeks =
3rd nine weeks test : Includes 1st 2nd and 3rd. nine weeks content
Bon Voyage 2
Chapter 7 – “La Voiture et la Route”
(green book)
Talk about cars & driving / Give directions on the road / Talk about what would happen
under certain conditions / Describe future events / Refer to something already mentioned
Skills associated with ch. 7 topics
● 7a Vocabulaire 1: La Voiture / À la station service (pp. 206-209)
● 7b Vocabulaire 2: En ville / Sur la route (pp. 210-211)
● 7c Culture: “La Conduite en France” / Driving & driving permits in France. (pp.
● 7d Structure: Conditional with regular verbs + être, avoir, aller, faire (pp. 214-215)
● 7e Structure: Other Irregular stems for future & conditional (pp. 216-218)
● 7f Structure: Si clauses (pp. 218-219)
● 7g Structure : Two pronouns in the same sentence (le, la, les w/ lui, leur) (pp. 220221)
Chapter 10 – “Les Transports en Commun”
(green book)
Talk about public transportation / Request information formally and informally / Tell what
you and others have just done / Find out how long someone has been doing something
Skills associated with ch. 7 topics
● 10a Vocabulaire 1: Le Métro (pp. 310-313)
● 10b Vocabulaire 2: L’autobus (pp. 314-317)
● 10c Culture: “Les transports en commun à Paris” / Taking the bus & subway in
Paris (pp. 326-327)
● 10d Structure: How to form Questions (pp. 318-321)
● 10e Structure: Venir de + infinitive (pp. 321-322)
● 10f Structure: Depuis + time expressions (pp. 323)
= End of 4th. nine weeks =
4th nine weeks test : Includes 3rd and 4th nine weeks content