Training e-Commerce in China


Training e-Commerce in China
Le 30/09/2016
Contact facturation : [email protected] - 01 47 79 48 01
Contact formation : [email protected] - 01 47 79 51 08
Training e-Commerce in China
Objectif de la formation
With more than 526 billion internet users and USD 310 billion in e-Commerce transactions in the past year, China
is now the largest e-Commerce market in the world.
The Chinese e-Commerce market is dominated by local players, most of which have no presence in the western
Understanding of the Chinese e-Commerce market is the first step for a successful e-Commerce market entry in
China: Who are the local players? What is a typical Chinese Internet users behavior when buying online? Why your
digital strategy has to be localized in China hence different from the rest of the world? What budgets are we talking
about for an e-Commerce business in China? How to manage your e-Commerce operations in China?
With a really different ecosystem compare to the European one, this training will give you the keys to better
understand and operate on the e-Commerce market in China.
Who should participate?
This training session targets any brands or merchants with an e-Commerce or Digital project on the Chinese
Through real life examples and study cases, this training will allow you to gather the necessary practical and
market knowledge for your e-Commerce success in China.
This training session targets any brands or merchants with an e-Commerce or Digital project on the Chinese
Progression pédagogique :
1. Market Insight
What are the attributes of this market?
Who are the Chinese Internet users?
Who are the Chinese online buyers?
Focus on the mobile market in China
Market Size
Market Growth
Why does the Chinese consumer buy online?
2. Digital Landscape:
Who are the main players on the Chinese Internet & e-Commerce Market?
What do Chinese users do on the Internet?
A very specific and local market
Baidu : The leading search engine in China
Social networks are very important in China
Weibo & Wechat Focus
Payment Methods in China
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00
BBS Importance in China
Mobile Shopping
3. Marketplaces
The major importance of e-Marketplaces in China's e-Commerce scene
Business models of the e-Marketplaces in China
Tmall/Taobao Focus
Merchandising & Advertising on e-Marketplaces
4. OmniChannel
Omnichanel in China - Times are changing
Users Scenarios of the China Omnichannel
How should retailers deal with Omnichannel in China?
5. Digital Marketing in China
What are the leverages for a successful internet strategy in China?
SEO & Content Marketing in China
SEM & Online Advertising in China
Social Marketing
Direct & Email Marketing
6.e-Commerce Platforms in China
Which technology fits which needs in China
Specificities of your e-Commerce platform in China
Step by step : How do I build my e-Commerce website ?
IT & 3rd party system integration (ERP, CRM, etc..)
7.e-Commerce Operations
Customer service
8. Digital IQ in China
9. e-Commerce Strategy & Case Studies
Successful Case Studies
10. Budget
Budget planning
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00
A typical business plan for e-Commerce
11. A practical example: "My pants company would like to sell online in China"
Step by Step
A brief competitor analysis
A first e-Commerce strategy
Costing and budget planning
Business plan
La formation sera animée par Cyril Drouin
Les moyens pédagogiques
Support de formation
- Pour les formations en présentiel, un support de cours sera remis à chacun des participants.
- Pour les formations en visionconférence, une synthèse de la formation sera envoyée aux participants qui auront
également la possibilité de revoir la session pendant une semaine après la date de la formation.
Locaux - Matériel fourni
- Nos salles sont équipées du matériel de vidéo-projection pour le formateur
- Accès à Internet en wifi dans tous nos locaux
- Pour les formations qui nécessitent des ateliers sur ordinateur, nous disposons de salles équipées d’ordinateurs
pour les participants
CCM Benchmark Group conserve l'intégralité des droits d'auteurs relatifs au contenu de ces formations et supports
de cours. Toute reproduction, modification ou divulgation à des tiers, sous quelque forme que ce soit, est
formellement limitée.
Les moyens d'évaluation mis en oeuvre et suivi
A l'issue de la formation chaque stagiaire complète un questionnaire d’évaluation. Une copie peut-être fournie
sur demande.
L'attestation de présence est envoyée par courrier avec la facture, à l'issue de la formation.
Convention de formation
Dès votre inscription, une convention de formation vous est envoyée. Celle-ci doit nous être retournée signée avant
le début de la formation.
CCM Benchmark Group est un organisme de formation professionnelle enregistré sous le numéro 11 75 54133 75.
Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’Etat.
SAS au capital de 164 628 € - RCS Paris 453 986 960 - APE 7022Z - Siret 453 986 960 00061 - TVA intracommunautaire FR91 453 956 960
CCM Benchmark Group - 94 rue de Provence - CS 80068 - 75009 Paris - Tél. 01 47 79 50 00

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