Snorkeling CASE: GSAF 2007.05.09.R DATE: Reported May 9


Snorkeling CASE: GSAF 2007.05.09.R DATE: Reported May 9
ACTIVITY: Snorkeling
CASE: GSAF 2007.05.09.R
DATE: Reported May 9, 2007
LOCATION: Bird Island, Seychelles
NAME: Unknown
DESCRIPTION: He is the skipper of a boat.
NARRATIVE: “Je rentre juste d'une croisiére aux seychelles. Notre skipper s'est fait attaqué
par un grand requin gris de plus de 2m alors qu'il nageait en snorkelling sur le barriére de
corail à Bird, il s'en est sorti sans bobos aprés presque 15 minutes de combat pour sauver
ses jambes et ses bras. Pourtant il était 15 heures. Les îles coraliennes étant moins
fréquentés que les autres, on y est plus exposé. Aux îles cocos en face de félicité, on a en
vu beaucoup mais moins agressif!”
Google translation: “I just returned from a cruise in the Seychelles. Our skipper has been
attacked by a large gray shark over 2 m while swimming and snorkeling on the coral barrier
reef to Bird [Island]. He escaped without injury after nearly 15 minutes of fighting to save his
legs and his arms. Yet it was 15 hours. The coral islands are less crowded than the others,
we are more exposed. The cocos islands in front of bliss, it has seen a lot, but less
INJURY: No injury
SPECIES: “Gray shark”
SOURCE: Forum Seychelles, posted May 9, 2007,
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