worksheet: shopping mall management


worksheet: shopping mall management
ASL: - Association Syndicale Libre: Legal structure dedicated to porting and / or
management of joint properties to several real estate groups
AFUL: - Association Foncière Urbaine Libre: Legal structure dedicated to porting
and / or management of joint properties - mainly real estate -– to several real estate
Contractor: Property owner
Shopping Mall Director: He has the operational responsibility of the real estate
GIE of retailers: Economic Interest Group that brings together retailers and allows
the pooling of financial resources to achieve a business goal
Catchment area of a commercial building: geographical area of influence, from
which comes the majority of customers
As part of the management of a shopping mall, outside of the missions of rental and
technical management -– usual in the management of business real estate assets –
the shopping mall manager's mission is to ensure:
Real estate development and management
- Development and management of the mall’s collective expenses, budgets, as
well as subcontractors’ services
- Monitoring of mall’s budget and expenditures
- Monitoring of the proper maintenance of the site
- Proposal for improvements
Association des Property Managers, 167 quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad, 92130 Issy Les Moulineaux
- Development and implementation of the marketing strategy either as part of
marketing funds, or as part of the mall’s retailer organizations, or EIG. EnHe
has to make sures that retailers subscribe and comply to these two plans.
- Community life events - After convening a General Meeting during which
expenses are approved by the mall’s retailer organizations or EIG, the Director
is responsible for managing expenses and for the collection of membership
- RHe is responsible in for reinforcing the appeal of the shopping mall
Mis en forme : Barré
- Retailers’ data collection (sales, footfall...)
- Control and analysis of footfall data and retailer’s sales
- Competitive watch and monitoring of the evolution of the catchment area
- Role as a business consultant to decision makers of business strategy
- Daily site operation (example: centers often have parking problems, should
they be free or not…)
- RHe represents the owner, and he maintains relationship with governments,
authorities, the economic, institutional and political environment of thehis mall
- IHe is the preferred contact between the Lessor, and the retailers, and the
- Dedicated Safety Officer (RUS), sometimes
- Management of Technical Sservices
- Technical analysis
Legal services
- Representation of the lessor with other potential owners
- Preferred contact for oOther potential owners preferred contact
- Organize and sends invitation to the condominiums, ASL, AFUL and he is
responsible for their proper functioning
– Co-ownership property representative
- Budget management and monitoring
- Technical Crew
- Security team
ASL : Association Syndicale Libre
AFUL : Association Foncière Urbaine Libre
RUS : Responsable Unique de Sécurité
Mis en forme : Police :Helvetica,
12 pt
Mis en forme : Retrait : Gauche :
1,27 cm
Mis en forme : Police :Helvetica,
12 pt, Soulignement , Couleur de
police : Accent 4
Mis en forme : Paragraphe de
liste, Justifié, Interligne : simple,
Avec puces + Niveau : 1 +
Alignement : 0,63 cm + Retrait :
1,27 cm
Association des Property Managers, 167 quai de la Bataille de Stalingrad, 92130 Issy Les Moulineaux

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