Stop Making Excuses


Stop Making Excuses
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Stop Making Excuses!
(Bishal Sarkar TV/ YouTube, 2015)
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Hey, I’m Bishal Sarkar, author of the book “I Love Public Speaking” and I’m a motivational speaker
based out of Bangalore. I happen to speak to many organizations motivating their employees and I
happen to coach a lot of people. What does it mean for you is the special thing. I happen to see this habit
of, you know, that many people have, that many people have in their mind, and actually I had this habit,
which is making excuses.
Today, let’s face it, a lot of people make excuses and probably, probably, you are making it too.
Excuses like “Oh, I cannot become rich because I have a family to take care of, or I cannot have a
business because I don’t have a business background, or, ah, I cannot become a musician because my
parents don’t support me, anything! But trust me, people who really want it, get it!
I’ll give you an example. Do you have any children, like a child in your family, maybe your own child?
If you don’t have a child, imagine a child, think of a child in your family, and you love that person very
much, right? Alright, now, think about it, that child is walking here and a tiger comes up. You are no
more afraid of the tiger, you’re afraid that you lose your child. Anyhow, you will come to save your
child, correct? Why? Because now you don’t care about, you are not gonna make excuses (that) the tiger
is there, I can’t go! You have a reason, a reason why you must do it!
A lot of people have a lot of reasons why they cannot do it, but you must have a reason why you must do
it! I’m asking you right now, whatever (it) is that, that you wanna do, maybe it’s becoming successful,
maybe it’s becoming more wealthy, maybe it’s becoming more popular, reaching out to more clients,
maybe it’s becoming more effective as a presenter. Whatever it is, don’t think about why you cannot do
it. Focus on why you must do it, because your dream is just like this baby, and all your fears are just like
that tiger. All you need to do is get – go and get it!
I’m encouraging you, go get it! My name is Bishal Sarkar. Visit my website, for more
tips. My name is Bishal Sarkar. I’m your excellence coach reminding you that excellence is not an
accident, excellence is a choice! Take care.
1. I happen to speak
2. What does it mean for you?
3. in their mind
4. let’s face it
5. a family to take care of
6. a background
7. trust me
8. get it
9. your own child
10. right?
11. a tiger comes up
12. you are no more afraid
13. anyhow
14. you are not gonna = going to make excuses
15. whatever it is that you wanna (want to) do
16. more wealthy
il m’arrive de parler
qu’est-ce que cela signifie pour vous?
dans leur esprit
il faut l’avouer
une famille à soutenir, faire vivre
un parcours
croyez-moi, faites-moi confiance
l’obtenir, réussir à l’avoir
votre propre enfant
n’est-ce pas?
un tiger s’approche
vous n’avez plus peur
de toute manière
trouver des excuses
peu importe ce que vous voulez faire
plus riche
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17. reaching out to more clients
18. focus
19. fears
19. get – go and get it!
20. more tips
21. take care
prendre contact
craintes, peurs
allez le chercher!
davantage de conseils
portez-vous bien