A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation


A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail
Elena Di Bernardino
joint works with Areski Cousin , Thomas Laloë
c , Véronique
Maume-Deschamps and Clémentine Prieur
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
a, b, d Université Lyon 1, ISFA, Laboratoire SAF
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Laboratoire J-A Dieudonné
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Given an univariate continuous and strictly monotonic loss distribution
FX ,
X ) = QX (α) = FX−1 (α), ∀ α ∈ (0, 1).
VaRα (
Shortcoming of VaR measure:
Var is not a coherent risk measure (in the "Artzner sense", see
Artzner, 1999)
Var does not give any information about thickness of the upper tail
of the loss
To overcome problems of VaR
Conditional Tail Expectation (CTE):
CTEα (X ) = E[ X | X ≥ VaRα (X ) ] = E[ X | X ≥ QX (α) ],
(e.g. for properties of the
CTEα (X ) see Denuit et al., 2005).
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Our Bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
In the literature
A new bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Denition (Generalization of the CTE in dimension 2)
Consider a random vector
(X , Y )
associate distribution function
α ∈ (0, 1),
satisfying regularity properties, with
L(α) = {F (x , y ) ≥ α}.
we dene
CTEα (X, Y) =
E[ X | (X , Y ) ∈ L(α) ]
E[ Y | (X , Y ) ∈ L(α) ]
Distributional approach to risk model:
X , Y ) does not use an aggregate variable (sum, min, max . . .)
Our CTEα (
in order to analyze the bivariate risk's issue. Conversely CTEα (
deals with the simultaneous joint damages considering the bivariate
dependence structure of data in a specic risk's area (α-level set :
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Our Bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
In the literature
Several bivariate generalizations of the classical univariate CTE have been
proposed; mainly using as conditioning events the total risk or some
univariate extreme risk in the portfolio. We recall for instance:
CTEα (X , Y )sum = E[ (X , Y ) | X + Y
> QX +Y (α) ],
CTEα (X , Y )min = E[ (X , Y ) | min{X , Y } > Qmin{X ,Y } (α) ],
CTEα (X , Y )max = E[ (X , Y ) | max{X , Y } > Qmax{X ,Y } (α) ].
Remark: Conditioning events are the total risk or some univariate
extreme risk in the portfolio (aggregate variable).
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Our Bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
In the literature
Two dierent developments of research :
L(c ) = {F (x ) ≥ c }, with
c ∈ (0, 1), of an unknown distribution function F on R2+ with a
plug-in approach; in order to provide a consistent estimator for
CTEα (X , Y ) [Article Plug-in estimation of level sets in a non-compact
Problem of estimating the level sets
setting with applications in multivariate risk theory , with Laloë L.,
Maume-Deschamps V. and Prieur C., submitted].
Analysis of the CTEα (
X , Y ) as risk measure:
study of the classical
properties (monotonicity, translation invariance, positive
. . .),
behavior with respect to dierent risk scenarios
and stochastic ordering of marginals risks [Article Some proposals
about bivariate risk measures , with Cousin A.].
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Literature and background
Estimation of the level sets of a density function: Polonik (1995),
Tsybakov (1997), Baíllo
et al.
(2001), Biau
et al.
Estimation of the level sets of a regression function in a compact setting:
Cavalier (1997), Laloë (2009).
Estimation of general compact level sets: Cuevas
et al.
An alternative approach, based on the geometric properties of the
compact support sets: Cuevas and Fraiman (1997), Cuevas and
Rodríguez-Casal (2004).
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Goal: We consider the problem of estimating the level sets of a bivariate
distribution function
estimator of
More precisely our goal is to build a consistent
L(c ) := {F (x ) ≥ c },
Idea: We consider a
approach that is
Ln (c ) := {Fn (x ) ≥ c },
c ∈ (0, 1).
is a consistent estimator of
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
L(c ) is estimated by
c ∈ (0, 1),
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
From a parametric formulation of
∂ L(c )
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
(see Belzunce et al. 2007).
Case: Survival Clayton Copula with marginals (Burr(1), Burr(2))
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
We state consistency results with respect to two proximity criteria
between sets: the Hausdor distance and the volume of the symmetric
dierence (physical proximity between sets).
Problem of compactness property for the level sets we estimate.
Figure: (left) Hausdor distance between sets X and Y ; (right)
stands for the Lebesgue measure on
λ(X 4 Y ),
for the symmetric
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Notation and preliminaries
R2+ := R2+ \ (0, 0), F the
f : R2+ → [0, 1] and F ∈ F .
{Xi }ni=1 in R2+ with distribution function F ,
Fn (.) = Fn (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn , .) an estimator of F .
Given an
set of continuous distribution functions
i .i .d
Dene, for
estimator :
c ∈ (0, 1), the upper c -level set of F ∈ F
and its
L(c ) := {x ∈ R2+ : F (x ) ≥ c }, Ln (c ) := {x ∈ R2+ : Fn (x ) ≥ c },
{F = c } = {x ∈ R2+ : F (x ) = c }.
In addition, given
T > 0, we set
L(c )T = {x ∈ [0, T ]2 : F (x ) ≥ c },
Ln (c )T = {x ∈ [0, T ]2 : Fn (x ) ≥ c },
{F = c }T = {x ∈ [0, T ]2 : F (x ) = c }.
For any
A ⊂ R2+
we note
its boundary.
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Notation and preliminaries
r > 0 and λ > 0, dene
E := B ({x ∈ R2+ : | F − c |≤ r }, λ),
mO := inf x ∈E k(∇F )x k,
MH := supx ∈E k(HF )x k,
B (x , ξ) is the closed ball centered on x and with positive radius ξ ,
(∇F )x is the gradient of F evaluated at x ,
k(HF )x k is the matrix norm induced by Euclidean distance of the
Hessian matrix in x .
Hausdor distance between A1 and A2 is dened by:
dH (A1 , A2 ) = inf {ε > 0 : A1 ⊂ B (A2 , ε), A2 ⊂ B (A1 , ε)},
B (S , ε) =
x ∈S B (x , ε);
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
are compact sets in
(R2+ , d ).
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Notation and preliminaries
H: There exist
T >0
such that
and A > 0 such that, if | t − c | ≤ γ
{F = c }T 6= ∅ and {F = t }T 6= ∅,
dH ({F = c }T , {F = t }T ) ≤ A | t − c | .
Assumption H is satised under mild conditions.
Let c ∈ (0, 1). Let F ∈ F be twice dierentiable on R2+∗ . Assume there
exist r > 0, ζ > 0 such that mO > 0 and MH < ∞. Then F satises
Assumption H, with A = m2O .
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
From now on we note, for n
kF − Fn k∞ =
x ∈ R2+
∈ N∗ ,
and for T
> 0,
| F (x ) − Fn (x ) |, kF − Fn kT
∞ =
x ∈ [0,T ]2
| F (x ) − Fn (x ) | .
Theorem (Consistency Hausdor distance)
∈ (0, 1). Let F ∈ F be twice dierentiable on R2+∗ . Assume that there
exist r > 0, ζ > 0 such that m > 0 and MH < ∞. Let T1 > 0 such that for
all t : | t − c | ≤ r , ∂ L(t ) 1 6= ∅. Let (Tn )n∈N∗ be an increasing sequence of
Let c
positive values. Assume that, for each n, Fn is continuous with probability one
and that
kF − Fn k∞ → 0,
a .s .
Then for n large enough
dH (∂ L(c )Tn , ∂ Ln (c )Tn ) ≤ 6 A kF − Fn kT∞n , a.s .,
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
dH (∂ L(c )
Tn , ∂ Ln (c )Tn )
converges to zero and the quality of our plug-in
estimator is obviously related to the quality of the estimator Fn .
Note that in the case c is close to one the constant A
= m2O
could be
large. In this case, we will need a large number of data to get a
reasonable estimation.
In order to overcome the problem of Fn is continuous with probability
one it can be considered a smooth version of estimator.
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
L1 consistency
Let us introduce the following assumption:
A1 There exist positive increasing sequences
Tn ]2
| F − Fn |p λ(dx ) →
(vn )n∈N∗
(Tn )n∈N∗
for some 1
such that
≤ p < ∞.
Theorem (Consistency volume)
Let c
∈ (0, 1). Let F ∈ F be twice dierentiable on R2+∗ . Assume that there
r > 0, ζ > 0 such that m > 0 and MH < ∞. Let (vn )n∈N∗ and (Tn )n∈N∗
positive increasing sequences such that Assumption
all t
: |
− c | ≤ r , ∂ L(t )T1 6= ∅.
pn dλ (L(c )
is satised and that for
Then it holds that
Tn , L (c )Tn ) →
with pn an increasing positive sequence such that pn
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
p +1
p /Tnp+1
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
L1 consistency
Theorem Consistency volume provides a convergence rate, which is closely
related to the choice of the sequence Tn . A sequence Tn whose
divergence rate is large implies a convergence rate pn quite slow.
Theorem Consistency volume does not require continuity assumption on
Fn .
Analysis in the case: Fn the bivariate empirical distribution function.
Problem: optimal criterion for the choice of Tn related with the p in
Assumption A1.
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Estimation of CTEα (X , Y )
Consider a random vector
F ∈ F.
α ∈ (0, 1),
(X , Y )
with associate distribution function
we dene the estimated bivariate
Tail Expectation
 Pn
i =1 Xi 1{(Xi ,Yi )∈Ln (α)}
 Pn 1
i =1 {(Xi ,Yi )∈Ln (α)}
[ α (X , Y ) = 
 Pn
Yi 1{(Xi ,Yi )∈Ln (α)}
Pi =n1
i =1 1{(Xi ,Yi )∈Ln (α)}
We introduce truncated versions of the theoretical and estimated CTEα :
[ α (X , Y ),
X , Y ) = E[(X , Y )|(X , Y ) ∈ L(α)T ], CTE
CTEα (
Ln (α)T
i.e. the truncated versions
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
L(α) and Ln (α).
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Estimation of CTEα (X , Y )
[ α (X , Y ))
Under regularity properties of (X , Y ), Assumptions of Theorem
Consistency volume and with the same notation, it holds that
Theorem (Consistency of
Tn (X , Y ) − CTE
[ αn (X , Y ) →
βn CTEα
where βn = min{ pn2(1+r ) , an }, √
with r > 0 such that the density
f(X , Y ) ∈ L1+r (λ) and an = o n .
The convergence in (2) must be interpreted as a componentwise
convergence. In the case of a bounded density function (X , Y ) we obtain
βn = min{ pn , an }.
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
On the choice of Tn
In the case of the bivariate empirical d.f.
Fn : βn = o n 6 (1+r ) /Tn3 (1+r )
In the case of a bounded density function (X ,Y ) ,
βn = o n 6 /Tn3
Obviously it could be interesting to consider the convergence:
CTEα (X , Y ) − CTE
[ α n (X , Y ) .
the speed of convergence will also depend on the convergence rate to
zero of
CTEα (X , Y ) − CTETαn (X , Y ) , then of
Y ≥ Tn ])−1 is increasing in Tn , whereas
Tn . This kind of compromise
provides an illustration on how to choose Tn , apart from satisfying the
We remark that
(P[X ≥ Tn
P[(X , Y ) ∈ L(α) \ L(α)Tn ].
the speed of convergence is decreasing in
assumptions of consistency results above.
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Literature and background
Our framework
Tools and general aspects
Notation and preliminaries
Consistency result in terms of the Hausdor distance
L1 consistency
Estimation of our bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
Study of CTEα (
X , Y ) as risk measure (stochastic order for random
variables and random vectors)
X , Y ) and Kendall distribution function or bivariate
F (X , Y ).
CTEα (
probability integral transformation (BIPIT)
In this work we provide asymptotic results for a xed level
Problem of constant
A for c ∼ 1:
Ln (c ) := {(x , y ) ∈ R2+ : Fb ∗ (x , y ) ≥ c },
c ∼ 1,
(Bivariate extreme value theory; rst
Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Fb ∗
c ...
Plug in method with
a tail estimator of
part of my PhD thesis).
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
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A. Cuevas, R. Fraiman, A plug-in approach to support estimation. Annals
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Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation
Risk measures en dimension 1: VaR and CTE
Generalizations of Conditional Tail Expectation
Plug-in estimation of level sets
A. Cuevas, W. González-Manteiga, A. Rodríguez-Casal, Plug-in estimation
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W. Polonik, Measuring mass concentration and estimating density contour
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A.B. Tsybakov, On nonparametric estimation of density level sets. Annals
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Aussois, 4eme Rencontres des Jeunes Statisticiens, 5-9/09/11
A proposal of a bivariate Conditional Tail Expectation