Press Release 5


Press Release 5
Right of Reply to the comments
made by Monsieur Collin
in the Daily Letter of the magazine Têtu
on the 29th of May 2008
Paris, Sunday the 1st of June
Communication No TR08POL10C
Têtu, my darling!
In your daily letter of Thursday the 29th of May, one of Sizzla’s close associates tried to explain his
actions, using the following comments. “The homosexual groups have gone too far, Sizzla blew his top and has
gone back to Jamaica… Tjenbé Rèd made unrealistic demands… (Among them a financial donation to allow the
LGBT activists to travel to make a speech from the stage before the concerts - categorically refused.) - It’s a racket”.
The term “racket” made hardly any impression on us at the time. (Our conscience is clear, as we well
know that this corresponds neither to the facts nor to the course of the negotiations carried out between
Sizzla and us.) However, it has caused some concern among some of the signatories to the letter of the
13th of May (Open Letter to the mayors and those in charge of the halls hosting Sizzla in France) who have been
following the discussions by means of our reports to them. It is on their behalf that, under the terms of
Article 13 of Law No.18881-07-29 of the 29th July 1881 on the freedom of the press, we ask you to
publish this right of reply, which sums up the fact as objectively as possible. (A detailed narrative of the
course of the negotiations is attached.)
1) On the 23rd May, Tjenbé Rèd sent an offer to discuss things to Mr Eddie Brown, Sizzla’s European
agent. This offer contained five points, concerned - bringing the singer once again within the Reggae
Compassionate Act (RCA); with the dialogue we wanted to have with his audiences; and with the financial
compensation we requested of him because of the damage done by his violation, from the 13th May
2007, of the RCA. More precisely, we asked to be reimbursed for the travel and photocopying costs we
had incurred in this affair. We also asked Sizzla to make a “small, reasonable” donation to an organisation
which was fighting homophobia. This was with a view to him “demonstrating his commitment by a strong,
clear gesture”. Tjenbé Rèd takes full responsibility for these points, which were just normal early
negotiation points, and so were not in the least “unrealistic”. In this context, the use of the term “racket”
is, to say the least, unfortunate, and could helpfully be retracted by its author.
2) On the 26th May, Eddie Brown rejected two of the five points, including the one concerning
reimbursements. Tjenbé Rèd agreed to withdraw these points in exchange for the promise of a statement
from Sizzla, underlining his coming back within the RCA, and the possibility of being able to enter into
dialogue with his audiences. This was to be by erecting a stand at the concerts and saying a few words
from the stage before the performance. Since then, there has been no further question of financial
compensation - or “racket” as your correspondent would have it.
3) On the 27 May, Tjenbé Rèd received, via the British group Outrage!, confirmation that this agreement
(that is, statement by the singer + dialogue with his public) had been confirmed the agreement as it
English translation of a French original text. French original available on demand. In the event of any differences between the
English translation and the French original, the French text shall prevail. Translated by T. E. |
Right of Reply to the comments made by Monsieur Collin in Têtu on the 29th of May 2008 |
20080601-01.rtf | 1
stood by Eddie Brown. What had been said by your correspondent to have been “categorically refused”,
had therefore been, if I may say so, categorically accepted.
4) On the 29th of May, Tjenbé Rèd needed, however, to make an announcement that Sizzla had, quite
incomprehensibly, rejected this agreement and had “decided” to return to Jamaica, cancelling the
remainder of his French tour. In fact, we learned that evening that he had “decided” nothing of the sort.
His visa had been declared invalid and he was not able to enter the Schengen Area. He had, therefore,
lied to us, just as he had lied to his public and to the concert organisers. Considering that, during the
course of the negotiations, we had agreed not to ask for any financial reimbursements, and considering
moreover that some of the organisers told us about their grave difficulties in recovering the huge
advances they had given him, is it not now possible to ask whose “racket” (and against whom) we are
talking about? Could the coming together of the groups who signed the open letter of the 13th of May to
the mayors and those in charge of the halls have served as a pretext, coming at just the right time, to
cover up the singer Sizzla’s little legal difficulties?
--For Tjenbé Rèd,
Civic Movement for Action and Discussion on Black, Colored and LGBT People
Issues in Mainland and Overseas France
President, David Auerbach Chiffrin
06 10 55 63 60 | [email protected]
--P/J : 31st of May 2008 - Follow up to the remarks made by Benoît Collin, publications director of the Internet site, in the letter of the day of the magazine Têtu 29 May 2008- Communication
No.TR08POL10B [en]
© TJENBÉ RÈD ! Mouvement civique pour l'action & la réflexion sur les questions noires, métisses & LGBT
(lesbiennes, gaies, bi & trans) en France ultramarine & hexagonale
Association loi 1901 fondée le 1er mai 2007, déclarée le 24 mai 2007, Journal officiel du 16 juin 2007
CCP Paris 5355746U | IBAN FR94 2004 1000 0153 5574 6U02 070 | BIC PSSTFRPPPAR |
SIRET 500 965 678 00013 | NAF/APE 913E
Membre du Comité consultatif des associations ultramarines
près la Délégation interministérielle pour l'égalité des chances des Français d'outre-mer
Membre de l'UNOM | Union nationale de l'outre-mer français
Membre du RAAC-sida | Réseau des associations africaines et caribéennes agissant en France dans la lutte contre le sida
Membre du CRAN | Conseil représentatif des associations noires en France
Membre associé, Observateur de la Fédération française des Centres LGBT
Membre du collectif UCIJ | Uni(e)s contre l'immigration jetable
Signataire de la Charte francilienne des intervenants en éducation pour la santé
et membre du Schéma régional d'éducation pour la santé en Île-de-France
Signataire de la Charte de la Coordination française pour le droit d'asile
Signataire de l'Appel pour un moratoire universel sur la peine de mort
lancé le 6 août 2007 par la Coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort
Signataire du pacte interassociatif Ni Pauvre, Ni Soumis du 4 février 2008
Courriels : [email protected] | MSN : [email protected] | Myspace : |
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Ligne d'écoute et d'information : +33 (0)6 10 55 63 60 (24h/24, répondeur à certaines heures)
English translation of a French original text. French original available on demand. In the event of any differences between the
English translation and the French original, the French text shall prevail. Translated by T. E. |
Right of Reply to the comments made by Monsieur Collin in Têtu on the 29th of May 2008 |
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