2016 Purchases


2016 Purchases
With the support of twelve member libraries, CRL will acquire four microform sets through its 2016
Shared Purchase Program. The total list cost of these acquisitions, which benefit all CRL members, is
The Shared Purchase Program, along with the Purchase Proposal Program, are CRL cooperative
collection development efforts. Through these programs, CRL members nominate, prioritize, and vote
for CRL to acquire highly important but expensive materials. Shared Purchase Program materials are
acquired with CRL seed money and funds contributed by interested CRL libraries.
CRL thanks the following libraries for contributing to this year’s Shared Purchase Program:
Arkansas State University
University of British Columbia
University of California, Berkeley (nominating library)
Carleton College
Kenyon College
University of Maryland, College Park (nominating library)
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania (nominating library)
Princeton University (nominating library)
Stanford University
University of Washington
Yale University
Generous contributions from these libraries made possible the acquisition of the collections below.
French Journals for Indochina Studies (1897-1945)
The following significant French journals for Indochina Studies are from the Bibliothèque nationale de
 Bulletin de l'Amicale du personnel indigène des postes et télégraphes de la Cochinchine (1920,
1922-1925, 1927, 1928-1930, 1931-1939, 1940-1943)
 Annales des travaux publics de l'Indochine (1943 [I, n° 1]-[...], 1944 [II, n° 2] >)
 Association amicale des fonctionnaires indigènes du Gouvernement général. Procès-verbaux
["puis" Bulletin] (1931-1933, 1936-1941)
Association professionnelle des "fonctionnaires" français de la garde indigène de l'Indo-Chine.
Bulletin trimestriel ["puis" semestriel] (1923-1924, 1927-1930, 1931-1933, 1934-1936, 19371939/06/28?.1939/06/30-1940/06)
Bulletin de l'Amicale des fonctionnaires laotiens (1938)
Bulletin de l'Association amicale des fonctionnaires des services commerciaux de l'Indochine
(1925-1928, 1930-1931)
Chambre mixte de commerce et d'agriculture du Laos. Procès-verbal... (1932, 1933-1935, 19361937, 1938-1941, 1944)
Bulletin de l'Asecourfi. ["puis" Organe officiel de l'Association amicale de secours mutuels des
fonctionnaires indochinois] (1937-1945)
Club automobile et motocycliste du Tonkin-Annam-Laos. Bulletin mensuel (1932, 1933, 1934,
Bulletin de la Société amicale des anciens élèves des Frères et de l'Institution Taberd. Bulletin
semestriel (1897, 1912, 1914, 1916-1917)
Bulletin trimestriel de l'Association amicale des fonctionnaires indigènes des Douanes et Régies
de l'Indochine (1932-1933)
Congrégation des Petits Fréres de Saint-Joseph de la mission de Quinhon, Annam. Constitutions
Compte rendu annuel des travaux executes par le service geographique de l"indochine (1910)
Homin Ukrainy (Echo of Ukraine), (1948-1983, 1986-2014)
This Ukrainian diaspora newspaper from Canada started in the post WWII years up to the
present, covering the fall of the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet period and the current crisis.
Canada has one of the largest-- if not the largest-- Ukrainian diaspora population in the world,
and in the period just after WWII people were seeking their permanent places of residence.
National Thrift News (1977-1995)
National Thrift News / National Mortgage News (name changed in 1989) is available via LexisNexis from
1985 forward. However, the electronic resource does not provide the layout, photos, advertisements,
staff editorial and production information that are highly valued by historians and others conducting
content analysis of this important publication. This proposal covers the years 1977-1995, the prime
period of the National Thrift News journalism, which also tracks the arc of the savings and loan crisis and
its cleanup.
Supplements to the Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur
The two supplements to the original Bibliothek der deutschen Literatur microfiche set are held by fewer
than five CRL member libraries willing to loan the fiche. The selection of titles is based on works listed in
Der Taschengoedeke, an authoritative source of German first editions, compiled by Leopold Hirschberg,
and the bibliography “Erstausgaben deutscher Dichtung” by Gero von Wilpert and Adolf Gühring.
Description from the publisher: “350 years of German literature are now available on microfiche thanks
to the Bibliothek der Deutschen Literatur (1995) and its First Supplement (1998). Containing 1,480 works
by 239 authors on 2,131 microfiches, the Second Supplement of the Bibliothek der Deutschen Literatur
focuses predominantly on the literature of the latter half of the 19th century.”