William Feugère is a lawyer, member of the Paris Bar and President


William Feugère is a lawyer, member of the Paris Bar and President
William Feugère is a lawyer, member of the Paris Bar and President of ACE (Avocats
Conseils d’Entreprises), which is a Union of lawyers.
He is an expert in criminal law and he advises his clients in business criminal law, bankruptcy
and business litigations matters.
William Feugère is also a member of the Conseil National des Barreaux (French National Bar
Council) where he chairs the “Law and Companies” Commission, and a former member of
the “Conseil de l’Ordre” (Bar Council).
He is the co-author of the book « Maîtrise des risques du dirigeant » (Éditions Francis
Lefebvre) et author of « Responsabilité pénale » (Lamy Droit du Dirigeant d’entreprise).
William Feugère graduated from Sciences-po Paris – section Service Public 1995.