Miniaturization of integrated nanocomposites based circulators by a


Miniaturization of integrated nanocomposites based circulators by a
Miniaturization of integrated nanocomposites based circulators by a global
modelling approach
Ref: 2015-031
Host Laboratory:
Université de Bretagne Occidentale / Lab-STICC
6 avenue le Gorgeu
29238 Brest
Responsible in the laboratory:
Vincent LAUR ([email protected])
Patrick Queffelec ([email protected])
Laboratory Director: Gilles COPPIN ([email protected])
Short Description:
The thesis aims to model the global behaviour of microwave circulators based on nanocomposites
materials in order to reduce their footprint. Conventionally, polarisation magnets are considered as
a tuning element of the circulator performance and their physical reality is not taken into account in
the design phase. This situation is mainly due to the inability of commercial simulators to address
these physical realities, including the field inhomogeneity and the presence of non-saturated zones
in the material.
To circumvent these modelling accuracy problems, manufacturers often have to oversize magnets
or use dielectric spacers.
After their conversion to the cylindrical topology of the circulator the tools recently developed at the
Lab-STICC shall allow to adopt this holistic approach by considering the physical realities of the
magnets as an optimization parameter in itself. In addition to improving the accuracy of the
modelling, the main expected outcome is an optimization of the magnets size, and thus, of the
overall size of the device.
Profile of applicant:
Master in microwave electronics
Electronic Engineer
Physics Engineer
CNES responsible of the topic
Jean-Luc ROUX
[email protected]