Intitulé du cours : Globalization and Democratic


Intitulé du cours : Globalization and Democratic
Intitulé du cours :
Globalization and Democratic Governance
Nom de l’enseignant : SCOFFONI
Prénom de l’enseignant : Guy
Annuel 
Périodicité :
Semestriel (1) 
Semestriel (2) 
Niveau d’enseignement concerné :
1ère année 
2ème année 
5ème année Master 2 
4ème année Master 1 
Cours spécifique étudiants internationaux 
Conférence de Méthode 
Cours Magistral 
Objectifs pédagogiques du cours :
Under the coordination of Guy Scoffoni (Professor, Sciences Po Aix), this course is co-taught by several
visiting-professors from various universities on four different continents.
This innovative course is designed to provide the students with different approaches of the concept of
“Democratic Governance”: the American approach, the Latin American approach, the Asian approach and
the European approach.
Through a comparative methodology, the presentations will put in perspective the different experiences of
democratic governance and the role of the Rule of law in the globalization trends today.
A 15 page paper will be prepared during the first semester on a topic related to the presentations
and discussed in class.
Contenu / descriptif du cours :
Globalization will be considered in a broad sense, going beyond economics, to include all processes,
economic, political, legal, cultural, communicative, leading to interdependence in the world today.
The question will be: how does globalization affect democratic governance and is a global concept of
democratic governance emerging?
Several topics will be discussed:
- The new role of political organizations and social movements
-Pluralism and Elections
- The impact of Constitutions and the Rule of law
- The rise of judges and the access to justice systems in democratic governance
- The role of corporations in global governance: public-private partnerships
-Participation of transnational actors
-Civil society and participatory democracy
-New forms of governance: post-national governance
-Accountability in global democratic governance
-Legitimacy and democratic governance
Indications bibliographiques :
1)A. Jozes, “Globalization : Key Thinkers”, Cambridge Polity Press, John Wiley & sons, 2010
2)M. Steger, “Globalization: A Very Short Introduction”, New York Oxford University Press, 2009
3)J. Stiglitz,”Making Globalization Work”, New York W.W. Norton, 2006
4)R.D. Osle, “The New Global Law”, Cambridge University press, 2010
5)C. Sparks, “Globalization, Development and the Mass-Media”, Los Angeles, SAGE, 2007
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