The Prelude, William Wordsworth


The Prelude, William Wordsworth
The Best of English Literature, pages -
William Wordsworth
The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet’s Mind
Etudes universitaires récentes :
WORDSWORTH: The Prelude. A Casebook edited by W.J. HARVEY and Richard GRAVIL. Macmillan (une
sélection d’essais critiques à travers les siècles)
Liens vers d’autres sites :
More poems on-line (The Poetry Archives)
Biography, texts of poems, bibliography and selection of essays and links from the Academy of American Poets
Wordsworth, William. 1888. Complete Poetical Works (Bartleby)
William Wordsworth: Poems, essays, timeline, and numerous links (A page by Thomas C. Gannon from the
University of South Dakota)
Online essay: Hanley, Keith. “Wordsworth’s Revolution in Poetic Language.” (Romanticism on the Net © Michael
Eberle-Sinatra   - All rights reserved
Critical sites about The Prelude (The Internet Public Library)
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propres découvertes ou recherches en vue d’enrichir cette page.
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