CV en anglais - crbc


CV en anglais - crbc
Marjolaine CARLES
190-198, avenue de France
75244 Paris cedex 13
Ph.D. Student in Modern History
Former scientific member at the EHEHI (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid)
E-mail: [email protected]
Fr. mobile: +33 659 178 482
Pt. mobile: +351 920 237 346
Scientific commissioner to the photography exhibition on the Aqueducts of Portugal
(Archeological Museum de Nice, France), 2015.
Scientific commissioner to the workshop international "Projectos, Modelos e Circulação
artística entre Lisboa e Roma no século XVIII", New University in Lisbon, Nov. 2014
Scientific consultant to the exhibition "Contadores de água" (Empresa Portuguesa das Águas
Livres), Lisbon, Nov. 2014.
Scientific member of the École des Hautes Études Hispaniques et Ibériques (EHEHI), Casa de
Velázquez (Madrid)
Visiting researcher at the Portuguese Centre for Global History (CHAM, New University in
NGO manager at the « Le songe de Y-ïara » (Nice), Water patrimony and environmental
2008 (Febr.-Aug.)
Project assistant to the UNESCO chair "Water, Women and Development" at the Ouro Preto
School of Pharmacy, Federal University of Ouro Preto (Brazil)
2014 (16 Jun.)
Lecturer at the e-learning Master's Degree The Portuguese Empire (CHAM-UNL) "How to
write History?", in collaboration with the scientific members at the EHEHI (Casa de Velázquez,
Madrid), Lisbon.
2013 (Jan.)
2012 (Jan.)
Visiting teacher at the Postgraduate School specialized in Baroque Art at the Institute of
Philosophy, Art and Culture, Federal University of Ouro Preto (Brazil).
Educational support, Complétude (Nice).
2008 (Sept.)
« Les colonies grecques en Sicile » , Italy (Jacques Vanschoonwinkel), University of NiceSophia Antipolis (Unice).
2007 (Jun.)
« Les Grecs d'Ionie, Turquie littorale du Sud », Turkey (Jacques Vanschoonwinkel), Unice.
2006 (May)
« Le monde des Cyclades et la Crète », Greece (Jacques Vanschoonwinkel), Unice.
2006 (Apr.)
« La chapelle de Beaulieu sur Mer », France (Catherine Poter), Unice.
2005 (Jul.)
« Olbia », Hyères , France (Michel Bats), University of Aix-en-Provence.
2005 (Apr.)
« La Grèce continentale et le Péloponnèse », Greece (Jacques Vanschoonwinkel), Unice.
PhD in Modern History, GEI/MSH (dir. Bernard Vincent) — CRBC/MASCIPO (co-dir. Cláudia
Damasceno Fonseca), EHESS — Paris.
Subject: "Waters, gold and fountains in Vila Rica during the 18th century (Minas Gerais, Brazil)".
Summer University in Porto, Specific course « Água, Arquitectura e Simbologia » (with
distinction), Jul. 2010.
Master's Degree in Heritage Management (with honours), University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Project : "Physical and Chemical studies of water in Ouro Preto's fountains and Heritage
valorization" within the UNESCO chair "Water, Women and Development" at the Ouro Preto School
of Pharmacy, Federal University of Ouro Preto (Brazil), Febr.-Aug. 2008.
Master's Degree in History and Archaeology of Prehistoric, Ancient and Medieval Societes
(with distinction, Valedictorian 2007), Unice.
Subject : « Les débuts du sanctuaire à Delphes: le dossier archéologique ».
Degree in History, Art History and Archaeology (with honours), Unice.
Bachelor in History, Unice.
Bachelor in Sciences, Unice.
Baccalaureate in Sciences, specialization in Mathematics (free candidate), Nice.
Cambridge English Test (Preliminary), University of Cambridge, Monaco.
-Scientific member grant at the EHEHI 2013-2014 (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid)
-Research grant "Bourses Aires culturelles 2012" (Dec. 2012-Feb. 2013) from the École Doctorale EHESS, Paris.
-Research grant (May 2012) from the Casa de Velázquez, Madrid.
-Research grant "Bourse d'aide à la mobilité" (Apr.-Jun. 2011) from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon
-Merit Award (valedictorian 2006-2007), (Feb.-Aug. 2008), University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (France).
-French: native speaker
-English: spoken, written and reading competence
-Portuguese: fluent & palaeography of early modern Portuguese
-Spanish: intermediary & palaeography of early modern Spanish
-Italian: good reading and understanding
-Ancient Greek: good reading
Delphes avant le Sanctuaire d'Apollon (Brussels, Safran, 2014).
Commissioned book chapter
"Águas públicas e emergência do poder municipal em Vila Rica". in O Abastecimento da água nas Minas Gerais
setecentistas (ed. José Newton de Meneses) UFMG Editoria. (forthcoming 2015)
"Politique des “eaux publiques” et affirmation du pouvoir municipal au XVIIIe siècle à Vila Rica (Minas Gerais,
Brésil)", Agua y territorio 2, Agua, estructuras urbanas y acciones locales en la America portuguesa y española
University of Jaén, 2014 (online).
"Gestion des ressources hydriques et activité minière au Minas Gerais (Brésil) des premières découvertes d'or
alluvionnaire à 1736", Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos, 2013 (online).
"Fonte sob controle", Revista de História da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 90, Rio de Janeiro, (March 2013).
"Essai sur le phénomène d'altération physique des fontaines d'Ouro Preto", Actas do Simpósio Internacional de
Materiais, 3-5 May 2010, Ouro Preto.
"Ouro Preto's fountains", Les Actes du 10e Symposium International de l'Eau, Cannes, 24-26 Jun. 2008, p. 78, 124.
"Arquitetura virtuosa das águas públicas na Lisboa Joanina", Workshop Projetos, modelos e circulação artística entre
Lisboa e Roma no século XVIII, New University in Lisbon (UNL), Nov. 2014.
"Categorias jurídicas das águas e conflitos nas Minas setecentistas (Brazil colonial)", e-learning Master's Degree The
Portuguese Empire (CHAM-UNL), Jun. 2014.
"Régime des eaux publiques et affirmation du pouvoir municipal à Vila Rica au XVIII e siècle (Minas Gerais, Brésil)",
Conferences Elementos Materiais da Cultura e Patrimônio at the Federal University in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), Apr.
"Politique des eaux à travers l'architecture et dans les sources du XVIII e siècle au Minas Gerais : regards croisés",
Seminar Les Sources de l'histoire (EHESS), Paris, March 2014.
"Águas partilhadas e mineração no espaço colonial, Minas Gerais (séc. XVIII)", Conferences Le bon gouvernement des
peuples : une recherche collaborative et son contexte historiographique, 4-5 April, Lisbon, April 2013.
"Gestion des ressources hydriques et activité minière au Minas Gerais (Brésil), depuis les premières découvertes de
gisements alluvionnaires à 1736 : des usages des eaux communes au partage des eaux aurifères", Seminar CRBCMASCIPO (EHESS), Paris, March 2013.
"Les enjeux de l'eau en ville, à Vila Rica au XVIII e siècle". Iberian seminar at the Colegio de España in the University
Campus of Paris (Groupe d'Étude Ibérique at the 'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), Paris, Febr. 2012.
"Política da água e afirmação do poder no império português, séc. XVIII", Regular seminar on Portuguese Overseas
History at the CHAM – Nova University in Lisbon, Apr. 2011.
"Le phénomène d'altération des roches de construction des chafarizes de Ouro Preto", Simpósio Internacional de
Ciência dos Materiais, Escola das Minas (UFOP), May 2010.
"L'Abbaye de Saint-Pons", Conferences of Heritage days, Heritage Centre of Nice, Sept. 2007.
"L'Abbaye de Roseland", Conferences of Heritage days, Heritage Centre of Nice, Sept. 2006.

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