2nde EXO articles+correction


2nde EXO articles+correction
A/ Pick up the articles in these sentences and explain their use.
a. Take me to the nearest store.
b. You'll live like a king.
c. Money doesn't bring happiness.
d. The happiness it brings...
e. The money we don't possess...
B/ Complete these quotations with a, the ou Ø.
a. "__ Ø __ money makes _the___ world go around." (Film title)
b. "Whoever said money can't buy __ Ø __ happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping". (Bo Derek, actress)
c. "All I ask is __a__ chance to prove that ___ Ø __ money can't make me happy." (Spike Milligan, English comedian)
d. "__a __man who has $10,000 left when he dies is __a __failure." (Errol Flynn, actor)
e. "__ Ø __ money isn't everything. There's always _a___ MasterCard and __a__ Visa." (Unknown)
f. "__the__ safest way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket." (Kin Hubbard, American newspaper columnist)
g. "If you can count your money, you don't have _a___ billion dollars." (J. Paul Getty, millionaire)
C/ Translate into French.
a. Money doesn't bring happiness.
L’argent ne fait pas le bonheur.
b. So it's shopping every Sunday at the mall. Alors on achète (c’est shopping) tous les dimanches au centre commercial.
c. With lots of money and things.
Avec beaucoup d’argent et de choses.
d. I have my new purse in my hand.
J’ai mon nouveau porte-monnaie dans la main.
e. I go shopping once a week.
Je fais du shopping une fois par semaine.
-> What can you say about the articles? Les articles sont très différents d’une langue à l’autre
D/ Translate into English..
a. Je n'aime pas l’argent.
I don’t like money.
b. Elle dépense tout l’argent que je gagne.
She spends all the money I earn.
c. Il travaille chez HSBC comme banquier.
He works at HSBC as a banker.
d. Il ne travaille pas le lundi.
He doesn’t work on Mondays.
e. La publicité est un moyen de vous faire dépenser de l’argent.
Advertising is a way to make you spend money.
f. Vous entendez parfois la même publicité cinq fois par jour.
You sometimes hear the same advertisement 5 times a day.
g. Le slogan vous reste dans la tête.
The slogan stays in your head.
h. Ma cousine est publiciste. Elle dit que les acheteurs sont faciles à séduire.
My cousin is an advertiser, she says consumers/buyers are easy to seduce.
i. Aux États-Unis, la publicité sur l’alcool et le tabac est autorisée.
In the United States, advertising alcohol and tobacco is allowed.