« International » call for projects Principles of the « International


« International » call for projects Principles of the « International
“International” call for projects
« International » call for projects
Principles of the « International » call for projects:
The Excellence Initiatives especially aim at strengthening the international position of French
centers of excellence in research and higher education, in particular through the
implementation of proactive strategies for worldwide development.
In this context, one of A*MIDEX transverse objectives is to promote a mainstreaming
approach of internationalization in each of its strategic lines, particularly in terms of research
but also in higher education and talents’ recruitment. The main focus will be on improving the
international appeal and influence of the university and the Aix-Marseille site, at a EuroMediterranean level where Aix-Marseille University already belongs to the top 3 of EuroMediterranean universities (with the universities of Pisa and Roma – La Sapienza), or to a
greater international extent through the implementation of a cross-fertilization strategy aiming
at fostering long-lasting alliances with some of the best universities in the world. However, if
fruitful international collaborations often stem from interpersonal connections (researcher to
researcher or lab to lab), the development of true institutional strategies for international
relations still has trouble becoming concrete, due to the lack of fitted tools and funding.
In order to answer this need of financing international research projects with a high strategic
potential, A*MIDEX considers the international aspect as a criterion of all its calls for
projects (research and Excellence Academy), and couples this mainstreaming approach with a
targeted approach through the implementation of a specific “International Fund” which is the
subject of this first call for projects (CFP).
It covers the entirety of research themes and is open to all fields and disciplines with no
exception. The projects, intended for the scientific community of Aix-Marseille University
and its A*MIDEX partners on the Aix-Marseille site, should necessarily include co-funding
from at least one foreign partner fitting into A*MIDEX international strategy.
These projects will deal with collaborative research works, including publications,
conferences and events (bringing together students, scholars, practitioners…), in A*MIDEX 5
priority themes: Energy; Environment, planet and universe; Health and life sciences; Sciences
and technologies; Societies, cultures and exchanges.
A special attention will be paid to structuring projects aiming at creating or reinforcing joint
international units and international laboratories or “open labs”.
“International” call for projects
Objectives of the “International” Fund:
‐ Funding international research projects with a principle of co-funding from foreign
‐ Supporting structuring projects aiming at reinforcing or creating long-lasting
settlements such as joint international units (UMI) or international laboratories (LIA)
‐ Favoring international collaborations able to strengthen the international appeal and
influence of Aix-Marseille University and its partners of the site, especially in
A*MIDEX priority themes
‐ Developing international partnerships in order to foster world-class centers of
excellence and R&D.
Field of the « International » call for projects:
‐ All scientific fields, all interdisciplinary themes, in A*MIDEX 5 priority themes
‐ All collaborations with foreign universities, especially chosen among A*MIDEX
priority partners (see pages 76 to 78 of the selection file downloadable on the site :
0,8 M€ funding a limited number of projects.
Contract staff, operating costs, missions, travels, and access and use of research facilities are
eligible expenses.
Term of the funding: 2 years that may be extended to 3 years.
Selection process:
An international jury will be called upon to assess and rank submitted projects.
The A*MIDEX Steering Committee will make the final decision taking into account the
jury’s evaluation and A*MIDEX wider strategic objectives.
Selection criteria:
‐ Scientific potential of the project for Aix-Marseille University and its partners of the AixMarseille site
‐ Strategic interest of the project for the Aix-Marseille site: potential in terms of
international appeal and influence
‐ Presence of A*MIDEX priority universities among the project’s partners
‐ Structuring nature of the project (strengthening or creating a UMI or a LIA)
‐ Level of partners’ financial contribution
The existence of an associated academic course would be an asset that may accentuate the
structuring nature of the proposition of international collaboration.
Deadline to submit a project: May 31st, 2013 at 17.00, Paris time.
Application procedure: on-line submission of the application (pdf file) on the site
For more information: [email protected]
“International” call for projects
Model of application and guidelines
A*MIDEX – International CFP
Important: This document should not exceed 25 pages (the text must be in size 11 font, with
1,5 spacing, normal margins, A4 format), and should be written in English for the
international experts (if the application is submitted in French, its translation in English
should be provided within 15 days after the closing of the CFP).
Cover of the application form:
The first page of the file should display the following information:
I/ Acronyme du projet/Acronym of the project
II/ Titre du projet/ Project title
III/ Coordinateur du projet/ Project PI
IV/ Axe(s) thématique(s) prioritaire(s)/Priority theme(s)
1 Energie/ Energy
2 Environnement, Planète & Univers/ Environment, Planet & Universe
3 Santé & Sciences de la Vie/ Health& Life Sciences
4 Sciences & Technologies Avancées/ Sciences & Advanced Technologies
5 Sociétés cultures et échanges/ Societies, cultures and exchanges
V/ Partenariat international/ International partnership
VI/ Financement demandé /Requested funding
Structure of the application file:
The file should respect the following structure:
I/ Sommaire/ Table of contents
II/ Résumé non-confidentiel de la proposition/ Non-confidential executive summary (1 page)
III/ Contexte, positionnement international et objectifs du projet/ Context, international
position and objectives of the project
IV/ Programme scientifique et technique, Organisation du projet / Scientific and technical
program, project organization : Programme, management, tâches, calendrier des tâches,
livrables et jalons/ Scientific program, management, tasks, tasks schedule, deliverables and
V/ Description des équipes impliquées et de la valeur ajoutée du partenariat international/
Description of the teams involved and of the international partnership’s added value
VI/ Stratégie de valorisation (le cas échéant)/ Exploitation of results (if necessary)
VII/ Impact potentiel du projet pour le site/ Potential impact of the project for the site
VIII/ Répartition des apports de chaque partenaire et justification des moyens demandés/
Distribution of the inputs of each partner and scientific justification of required means
IX/ Références bibliographiques/ Bibliographical references
The CV of the teams involved as well as complementary elements may be added if necessary
in an annex. This document should be of reasonable dimensions and should not exceed the
length of the file itself limited to 25 pages.