The 100 Foot Journey


The 100 Foot Journey
Je m’appelle
Aujourd’hui c’est
No ……………..
The 100 Foot Journey
Regardez ces deux affiches du film :
L’affiche anglaise
1. In what ways are these two movie posters SIMILAR?
2. In what ways are they DIFFERENT?
l’affiche française
3. Look at how the actors’ names are presented on the two different posters? Why do you
think that Helen Mirren’s is the only big name on the British movie poster? If you don’t
know who Helen Mirren is, quickly use your phone to look her up.
4. On the French poster, why do you think the names are given equal billing?
5. What symbols or graphic elements on the two posters indicate France?
6. What symbols or graphic elements on the posters indicate India?
7. Are the symbols/graphic elements the same on both? Explain.
8. Translate “Les Recettes du Bonheur”. Use or a dictionary.
9. Why do you think that the title was not word-for-word translated into French?
10. How does the title influence what you think the movie will be about?
11. The tag lines for the movies are not the same either:
British: “Competition is the spice of life.”
French: “L’amour est l’épice de la vie.”
a. What does the tag line for the French poster mean?
b. What does this tag line tell you about what each culture values?
c. How does the tag line give you a different clue/guide/insight into what the
movie may be about?
12. Look at the grouping of people at the bottom of each poster. In what way(s) are the
groupings different?
13. Why do you think the groupings are different? How might this relate back to the
different tag lines and titles of the film?
14. Why do you think that movie posters for the same movie are not the same in different
Look at the film announcement from Allociné and answer the following questions:
1. This film is from what country?
2. Who was the director?
3. On what day did this movie come out in France?
4. Who are the principal actors in the movie?
5. What genre is this film?
6. Who gives the film a better rating: critics or movie-goers? How do you know?
7. What does “Que pensent vos amis de ce film?” mean ?
8. How does this web page suggest that you find out ?
(adapted from Allociné)
Hassan Kadam a un don inné1 pour la cuisine. Après avoir quitté2 leur Inde natale3, Hassan et sa
famille viennent dans le sud de la France pour habiter. Ils vont au petit village qui s’appelle
Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val. Là, ils vont ouvrir un restaurant indien qui s’appelle La Maison
Mumbai. Mais juste en face de leur restaurant il y a déjà un célèbre restaurant étoilé au
Michelin4 qui s’appelle Le Saule Pleureur. La propriétaire5 du restaurant, Madame Mallory,
n’est pas heureuse de voir ce nouveau restaurant. Donc, c’est le début d’une guerre 6 entre les
personnages7, les cultures, et les cuisines. Même qu8’il est indien, la passion d’Hassan pour la
cuisine française va changer leurs vies9.
innate gift
having left
Michelin starred restaurant
(prestigious rating)
Translate the synopsis into English:
even though

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