Livre du professeur - Door 1


Livre du professeur - Door 1
door TO …
life online
pp. 000-000
p. 14-27
à dominante orale
tâche finale
Mission: Create a virtual community
Your class has decided to create an online network (blog, website, etc.) to get to know each other
and to share news over the year. Every student has to prepare a personal profile to be published online.
Prepare a “five facts about myself” video.
OUVERTURE, p. 14-15
Get ready!
SÉANCES - Objectifs dominants
Lexique : Internet – réseaux sociaux
Faits de langue : but – présent en be + V-ing –
Phonologie : repérer les mots porteurs de sens
Culture : place d’Internet dans la vie de tous les jours
p. 16
A. US teens and tech
Door to language,
p. 22
Lexique : nouvelles technologies – statistiques
Micro-tâches /
Get ready!
Comment on the
quotation. / Share
a list of words
linked to social
Carry out
a survey.
Phonologie : intonation descendante et montante
dans les questions
Faits de langue : forme interrogative – présent simple –
le comparatif
Culture : jeunes et nouvelles technologies
p. 17
B. Teens on social media
(+ WB, p. 4-5)
C. Rumour has it,
Mission Get ready!
Lexique : addiction aux réseaux sociaux
Faits de langue : présent simple – comparatif
et superlatif – réponses courtes
Phonologie : intonation des questions et réponses
Culture : utilisation des médias et réseaux sociaux
de lycéens américains ; génération Y
Interview and be
interviewed by a
A. Kindness in 140 signs,
Mission Get ready!
Lexique : compliments et qualités – adjectifs en -ed
ou en -ing
Give your opinion
about Jeremiah
Anthony’s initiative.
Door to language,
p. 24
Phonologie : accentuation des mots de plus
d’une syllabe
Mission Get ready!
Write positive
tweets about
people in your
class then play the
guessing game.
Faits de langue : superlatif
Culture : utilisation des médias et réseaux sociaux –
Twitter – cyber-bullying
teenagers talking
about their Internet
B. Double Life,
(+ WB, p. 5)
Lexique : reproche – soupçon – adjectifs liés
aux sentiments
Door to language,
p. 23
Phonologie : prononciation du -s final
Faits de langue : présent simple – présent en be + V-ing
would you trust
someone who has
a fake identity? Culture : jeux en ligne et double identité
1. Life online
SÉANCES - Objectifs dominants
Lexique : l’innovation technologique
B. How technology will
continue to change our
Faits de langue : l’expression du futur – compléments
de manière
Micro-tâches /
Prepare and
present a news
Culture : Nick D’Aloisio et l’application Summly –
la réalité virtuelle
A. How technology has
changed our lives
Lexique : la vie de tous les jours dans les années 1980
Pitch an innovative
idea to a jury.
Faits de langue : le passé – used to + BV
Get ready to
interview someone
who was young in
the 80s.
Culture : l’évolution (la révolution) technologique
HOW TO, p. 25
Learn a lesson
KNOW, p. 26
Méthodologie - préparation à l’évaluation -  
MISSION, p. 27
Mission: Prepare a “five facts about myself” video.
Évaluation de l’expression écrite
Iconographie, p. 14-15, Get ready!, p. 15
Identifier le sujet d’une discussion si l’échange est mené lentement
Faire une description brève et élémentaire
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
L’expression du but : in order (not) to – so as (not) to – (not) to – for someone (not)
to – What… for?
Le contraste et le paradoxe : unlike – whereas – contrary to – as opposed to – although
Le symbolisme : stand for – symbolise – be a symbol of – mean – signify – suggest
Déroulement du cours
En classe : écrire au tableau “The Internet” et faire réagir. Noter les idées des élèves
au tableau au fur et à mesure.
Entourer les exemples de réseaux sociaux trouvés au tableau. Demander aux élèves
d’en trouver d’autres et de dire à quoi ils servent. Veiller à l’utilisation des structures
exprimant le but.
Consigne : Say what YouTube is for. Suggestion : It’s to watch videos.
Projeter l’image p. 15-16. Faire décrire les logos et les relier aux réseaux déjà identifiés.
Suggestion : I don’t know the logo in the top row, third from the left, but it may be for
people to find a job. The word “in” may signify getting a job. Maybe the social network
illustrated by the logo in the bottom right-hand corner is used in order to share photos…
Faire questions 1 et 2. (Les réponses détaillées aux questions du manuel et du Workbook
se trouvent dans la partie Corrigés, p. 27.)
Faire écouter le document sonore.  CD 1 ▶ 2
Compréhension globale
Écouter le document en entier, faire identifier le nombre d’interlocuteurs et leurs
rôles (journaliste / interviewés).
Faire question 3. Mise en commun au tableau.
Réécouter le début et faire relever la première question : Do you use the Internet a lot?
Compréhension détaillée
Cibler les écoutes suivantes sur les réponses des interviewés.
Demander aux élèves de trouver pourquoi les personnes interviewées utilisent Internet et noter les citations au tableau. Consigne : What do they use the Internet for?
Interviewee 1
Interviewee 2
“to keep up with the news”
“information about something”
“social networking”
“sharing with my friends”
“telling them what I’m doing”
“learning about what they’re up to”
“poke, tweet, message, skype people”
Faire relever ce qui différencie les deux personnes. Ajouter ces informations dans le
Reformulation de l’explicite
Consigne : Let’s sum up what we have understood. Veiller à l’utilisation des structures
et expressions appropriées (but, mots de liaison, comparatif).
Suggestion : The man (John) uses the Internet in order to keep up with the news, or to
find information on a subject whereas the other interviewee goes on the Internet to share
with his friends. Unlike John, who doesn’t want to be connected 24 / 7, the other interviewee has an Internet connection on his phone. Although John seems less attracted to
the idea of a cyber-community, he realises that we live in a connected world.
Travail à la maison
Apprendre la leçon.
Préparer une prise de parole en continu à partir de recherches sur Internet. Consigne :
Find out what all the logos stand for and what the social media mentioned are for. Be
ready to tell the class.
Approfondissement possible
Vous pouvez anticiper sur la mission en créant un blog pour la classe qui servira pour
toute l’année (voir liens p. 27 du manuel) ou utiliser l’ENT du lycée.
Social networking
• Door to language
A. US teens and tech, p. 16 • Grammar, p. 22
Se faire comprendre dans un entretien
Répondre à des questions simples et réagir à des déclarations simples
1. Life online
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
Les liens : link to – correspond to – more likely to – a direct correlation between X and
Y – correlate X with Y
La fréquence : once a day – twice a week – every now and again – once in a while –
seldom – hardly ever – once in a blue moon – on a regular basis
La durée : for hours on end – non-stop – all the time – just for a short time – a minute
or two
Déroulement du cours
Contrôle des connaissances des élèves et correction du travail à la maison
En classe, projeter la photo p. 16 et faire la question 1. Veiller à obtenir des productions en be + V -ing.
Faire questions 2 et 3.
Question 4 : Pairwork : faire préparer 10 questions pour mener une enquête auprès
des autres étudiants de la classe. Mettre quelques exemples des types de questions
au tableau (QCM, yes / no, wh-). Veiller à obtenir des questions au présent simple pour
évoquer les habitudes et les vérités générales.
Suggestion :
Multiple choice question: How many text messages do you send a day?
a. None. b. Less than ten. c. Between ten and thirty. d. More than thirty.
Yes / No question: Have you got a cellphone?
Yes, I do. – No, I don’t.
Wh- question: What do you think about being connected 24/7?
Mise en commun et correction des questions. Faire répéter en respectant l’intonation montante ou descendante en fonction du type de question.
Faire préparer une grille simple pour les réponses puis faire circuler les élèves, qui
posent des questions et répondent à celles des différentes paires. Veiller à ce qu’ils
posent leurs questions sans être dans la lecture à haute voix.
Faire préparer des statistiques par les binômes à partir des réponses, en cherchant
des généralités, des exceptions, des corrélations.
Présentation des résultats : noter les remarques les plus pertinentes au tableau. Veiller
à inclure les trois types de réponse, les généralités, les particularités et les hypothèses.
Suggestion : About / Roughly half the students in the class own a smartphone. Generally speaking, having a mobile phone is the norm since most of the students have one.
Almost all the students belong to a social network. Many students belong to more than
one social network, with Facebook being the most popular, closely followed by Tumblr.
If we compare the students who have a smartphone with those who don’t, we can spot a
significant difference in the number of times they connect to Facebook. Indeed, those who
have a smartphone tend to connect far more often than those who don’t. This would
suggest that having a smartphone encourages students to connect more frequently.
So we can say that there may be a correlation between owning a smartphone and the
number of Internet connections someone makes.
Faire Door to language, p. 22 (Grammar). Partir des énoncés produits par les élèves
pour la question 1 et le compte rendu de l’enquête pour comparer les deux formes
du présent.
Travail à la maison
Apprendre la leçon.
Préparer une prise de parole sur les résultats des sondages. Consigne : Use the results
of your survey and p. 16 of your book to compare teens from France and the USA. Be ready
to present your findings.
Social networking
B. Teens on social media, p. 17 (+ WB, p. 4-5), C. Rumour has it!, p. 17, Mission Get ready!, p. 17
Comprendre assez pour répondre à des besoins concrets
Mener à bien une description directe
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
L’addiction : be addicted to – be hooked on – can’t live / go without – miss
Attirer l’attention : highlight – draw attention to – underline – emphasise – make
people think
Déroulement du cours
Contrôle des connaissances des élèves et correction du travail à la maison
Mise en commun du travail de comparaison US / French teens.
Projeter l’image “Teens on social media”. Faire question 1.
Faire écouter le document sonore et faire les questions du WB p. 4-5 ou les questions 2, 3 et 4 du manuel.  CD 1 ▶ 3
Faire question 5. Pairwork : demander à chaque paire de s’interviewer. Faire venir plusieurs élèves devant le groupe-classe et demander aux autres élèves de les interroger. Corriger l’intonation des questions si besoin et insister pour avoir des réponses
courtes complètes. Consigner les réponses dans une grille de ce type.
Do you have social media?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
What do you have?
Facebook, Twitter, Twitter,
How addicted to social media are
Not at all.
Could you go for a day without it?
No, I couldn’t.
Yes, I could.
Yes, I could.
Could you go for a week without it?
No, I couldn’t.
Yes, I could.
I couldn’t.
Demander à chacun d’établir des comparaisons entre ses propres résultats et ceux
des élèves interviewés.
1. Life online
Suggestion : Marie is more addicted to social media than Zackarie and Mélanie. Marie has
three social media whereas Mélanie only has one. Both Mélanie and Marie have Facebook. I
am less addicted than Marie, who is the person with the most social media accounts. Zackarie
is the least addicted. Zackarie could go for a week without social media whereas I couldn’t.
En classe, faire questions 1 et 2 de “Rumour has it!”. Laisser aux élèves 2-3 minutes pour
réfléchir à la question 3. Puis mise en commun des idées. Noter quelques remarques
au tableau. Veiller à l’emploi d’expressions et structures appropriées (donner son opinion, exprimer une intention…).
Suggestion : The cartoonist probably wants to draw people’s attention to the fact that
the Internet is not necessarily a reliable source of information. The cartoonist may want
to highlight the fact that rumours can spread very quickly. In my opinion, you shouldn’t
believe everything you read.
Travail à la maison
Mission Get ready! Demander aux élèves de tenir un journal de bord de leur expérience “24 hours unplugged” (horaires, technologies concernées, sentiments associés,
etc.). Pour plus d’informations, voir le lien suivant :
Consigne : Try to unplug for 24 hours, take notes and be ready to tell the class about the
Virtual life
• Door to language
A. Kindness in 140 signs, p. 18, Mission Get ready!, p. 18 • Words, p. 24
Identifier l’information pertinente sur un court article de journal
Décrire les gens, lieux et choses en termes simples
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
L’opinion : in my opinion – as for me – to my mind – personally
Les compliments : congratulate sb on sth – encouraging – well-meaning – boost sb
– thanks to – best – most popular – most intelligent
Les qualités : sensible – sensitive – enthusiastic – practical – realistic – expansive –
inspired – stimulated – eager – friendly – outgoing – faithful – understanding
L’ajout : moreover – on top of that – what’s more – not only… but also
Déroulement du cours
Mise en commun du travail à la maison en binômes. Consigne : Ask your classmate
about her / his experience of the “24-hours-unplugged” experience. Aider les élèves à établir une liste de questions à poser à leurs camarades incluant le fait ou non d’avoir
réussi à tenir, combien de temps et les impressions associées (sentiments). Classer
les élèves par groupes en fonction de la durée d’abstinence.
Consigne : How long did you last? Suggestion : Less than two hours / Between 2 and 5
hours / Between 5 and 12 hours / 24 hours.
Consignes : What was the easiest thing to do without? What was the hardest / most difficult thing to do without? What did you do instead? How did you feel after X hours? What
made you give up? Would you try the experience again? Why / Why not?
Enrichissement lexical à partir des productions : bored – relieved – anxious - irritated –
happy – I didn’t even notice the difference.
Projeter la photo de Jeremiah Anthony pour émettre des hypothèses. Puis ajouter
la légende avec le site de Twitter. Élargir à ce qu’est Twitter, ce à quoi cela sert et aux
exemples de comptes connus des élèves. Faire le lien avec le titre “Kindness in 140 signs”.
Suggestion : He must be the creator of a Twitter account. It may be a Twitter account for
his fellow-students / to comment on events of his school. Twitter is mostly used to give
comments about things that occurred recently…
Compréhension globale
Découverte du texte et vérification des hypothèses émises. Consigne possible : Read
the text and check. Say what you can about Jeremiah Anthony. Faire questions 1 et 2.
Veiller à ce que les élèves identifient la différence entre les tweets du doc. 2 et le message du doc. 3 (260 signes, sans doute un message Facebook). Faire remarquer que
les fondateurs ont répondu au message en doc. 3 (“West High Bros likes this”).
Suggestion : The tweets in document 2 are addressed to people from the school
whereas the message in document 3 is addressed to the founders of the Twitter account.
Ally McKeone encourages them to continue.
Le repérage du lexique pourra donner lieu à un travail d’élargissement lexical et
de reformulation (down-to-earth = reasonable / outgoing personality = demonstrative, extroverted, open, communicative / bubbling with excitement = effusive / get pumped = excited, passionate) et sur le superlatif (the kindest, sweetest). En profiter pour
sensibiliser les élèves à l’accentuation des mots à plus d’une syllabe en les classant
par exemple en fonction de la place de l’accent principal : sensible, inspired, realistic,
enthusiasastic. Ce travail sera utile par la suite pour la réalisation du Mission Get ready!
et pour la mission finale.
Compréhension détaillée
Classer les compliments par champs lexicaux (sports / personality) et en repérant
les spécificités de chaque élève mentionné. Repérer par exemple que la première a
un défaut (shy) et que le troisième a permis à l’école de battre des records sportifs.
Chaque tweet pourra être reformulé pour mettre en valeur l’accumulation de qualités.
Suggestion : Although the first girl is shy, she is smart and down-to-earth. What’s more,
she is the sweetest kid in the school. Thanks to the third pupil, West High has probably
performed well in sports. Both the third and the fourth pupil have personalities that make
them unique at West High. They are key figures of the school.
Approfondissement possible : Words, p. 24, sur les adjectifs en -ed ou en -ing.
Faire question 3 à l’oral. Opposer cette expérience aux aspects plus négatifs de l’utilisation d’Internet. Partir des expériences des élèves. Consigne : Say what you know
about online bullying. Give examples.
Suggestion : People often use the Internet / social media to criticise other people and to
comment on them in a negative way. West High Bros offers a more positive view of social
media. Contrary to…
Mission Get ready!
Faire écrire de façon anonyme deux à cinq tweets positifs sur un camarade de
classe. Regrouper tous les papiers dans une boîte et procéder à un tirage au sort,
puis faire deviner de quelle personne il s’agit.
1. Life online
Travail à la maison
Consigne : Prepare a message to post on West High Bros Facebook wall explaining how
you feel about their initiative. Use the vocabulary learnt in class. (60 words)
Virtual life
• Door to language
B. Double life, p. 19 (+ WB, p. 5) • Sounds, p. 23
 Utiliser le sens général d’un texte pour déduire le sens des mots inconnus
b1  Comprendre la description d’événements, de sentiments et de souhaits
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
Le soupçon : spy on sb – suspect sb of doing sth – lurk
Le reproche : blame sb for doing sth – accuse sb of doing sth – responsible for –
reproach with
Le mensonge : cheat on sb – be unfaithful – untrue – lie to sb – dishonest – distrustful – be on one’s guard – fake – pretend
La prise de décision : make up one’s mind – come to a decision – be determined to
Le paradoxe : although – even though – though – in spite of – despite
Le débat : in my opinion – I believe – I disagree – justify your statement – don’t be so
naïve – it seems to me
Déroulement du cours
Correction du travail à la maison
Faire lire quelques productions d’élèves ou les ramasser.
En classe : projeter la photo de Janine Hawkins et faire la question 1. Voir ce que les
élèves savent sur le jeu en ligne “Second Life”, un jeu dans lequel on peut avoir un
personnage (cf. site Internet : Experience endless surprises and unexpected delights in a
world imagined and created by people like you!). Voici un lien utile : / 2007
/ 09 / 09 / business / yourmoney / 09second.html?pagewanted=all
Suggestion : “Second Life” is an online game in which people have an avatar. They can
communicate with their virtual community and live in an imaginary world.
Puis faire lire le texte et faire question 2 en projetant par exemple la partie “profile information” du texte (lignes 1 à 5). Faire le lien entre “Second Life” (jeu qui existe
réellement) et “Authentic Life” (jeu imaginé par l’écrivain). Demander aux élèves de
séparer ce qui leur semble vrai de ce qui leur semble faux dans le profil de Jeremy.
Compréhension globale
En classe : lire l’ensemble du texte une fois et faire le début de la question 3 pour identifier les personnages. Les classer au tableau en deux colonnes : characters speaking
/ characters present. Vérifier si la situation de communication est identifiée (They are
speaking on the phone), sachant qu’il y a plusieurs indices dans le texte (l. 16, l. 23-24),
mais cette question pourra aussi être abordée au moment de la compréhension
Compréhension détaillée
En groupes : faire lire de la ligne 6 à la ligne 17 en divisant la classe en trois groupes,
chaque groupe se chargeant d’analyser les sentiments d’un personnage. Donner les
adjectifs proposés en question 3 et en ajouter d’autres (disgusted, decided, caring…).
Demander aux élèves de justifier leurs réponses et classer les réponses dans trois
colonnes au tableau. Commenter afin de bien faire ressortir la situation.
Suggestion : Jeremy writes text messages to Mallory because he is angry at her. She
reads them while she is talking to Ginnie on the phone. He blames her for hacking into
his account. She screams because she is furious at him. Mallory tries to reassure her. She
tells her to focus on herself.
Faire question 4 en faisant chercher le lexique dans l’ensemble du texte puis faire
reformuler la décision de Mallory en utilisant des structures du reproche. Attirer l’attention des élèves sur l’incohérence du discours de Mallory et l’ironie implicite dans
la remarque de Ginnie ligne 21.
Suggestion : Mallory accuses technology of being the cause of all her problems. She
reproaches computers with encouraging a dishonest behaviour. In spite of that, she is
using the phone to talk to Ginnie.
Demander aux élèves de trouver tous les mots négatifs utilisés pour évoquer les nouvelles technologies puis résumer les dangers liés à leur utilisation. Consigne : Pick
out all the negative words related to technology and find the dangers.
Suggestion : “Battery-Operated Evil” (l. 24), “villainous contraptions” (l. 27-28), “Internet
predators” (l. 28). Cellphones cause cancer. People die texting while driving. Internet predators may try to manipulate naïve users.
Partir de ce dernier point pour échanger sur la chute et faire la question 5.
Suggestion : Bubble Yum may pretend he / she is a pretty young girl, whereas in fact
he / she is a completely different person. No one knows whether it’s a man or a woman.
People can cheat on the Internet. They can have completely different identities from what
they are in real life.
Synthéthiser l’essentiel de ce qui a été compris à l’oral.
Organiser un mini-débat sur la question 5.
Diviser la classe en deux groupes. Faire trouver des arguments pour ou contre. Demander à chaque équipe de nommer un meneur. Veiller à l’utilisation correcte du lexique
de l’opinion.
Consigne : Find arguments for or against the motion. Then anticipate the arguments of
the other group and find counter-arguments.
Faire Sounds, p. 23, CD 1 ▶ 4 , en partant des énoncés des élèves et de ceux proposés
dans le manuel pour faire réfléchir aux trois prononciations du -s final.
Travail à la maison
Apprendre la leçon.
Faire la question 6. Préparer des questions à l’oral à poser à son binôme sur son identité.
1. Life online
Culture file
How technology will continue to change our lives, p. 21
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
L’innovation : start up – life-changing – make life easier – come up with an idea – have
a brainwave – think outside of the box
Le talent : a child genius – gifted – ahead of his / her time – bright – talented
Évaluer une idée : over-the-top – (un)realistic – (un)original – need developing –
Déroulement du cours
Contrôle des connaissances des élèves et correction du travail à la maison
Correction de la question 6. Demander aux élèves de s’interroger sur leurs profils
Faire question 1.
Diviser la classe en deux groupes. Chaque groupe travaille sur l’un des deux textes.
Distribuer des consignes écrites à chaque groupe puis annoncer la micro-tâche de
réalisation d’un flash info radio ou télévision d’une minute environ. Veiller à l’utilisation de structures appropriées (compléments de but, de manière).
Suggestion : The aim of this app is to make your life easier by summarising information.
Consignes :
Group 1: Today: making life easier
Read the text and find all the information you can about Nick (full name, age, nationality)
Pick out all the numbers and references to time. Say what they refer to.
In your own words, describe what Nick’s app does.
Be ready to explain the article to the other group.
Group 2: 2039: Virtual reality
Read the introduction and say what the rumour is in your own words / what the prediction for 2039 is.
Read the article and explain what “virtual reality” is.
Pick out the “hybrid” holiday destination. Describe it in your own words and give your opinion.
Explain the prediction for the 2040s.
Consigne flash info : Share your information with the other group by presenting a news
flash. Start with: “Good evening, welcome to … It’s … (+ date) and here is tonight’s news…”
Travail à la maison
Consigne : Imagine a new app for today or a hybrid holiday destination for the future.
Get ready to pitch your idea to the other groups. See if they like it.
Culture file
How technology has changed our lives, p. 20
Lexique et expressions à mobiliser
Les classements : first place – come second – finish third – second-last – score – rank
– ranking – a tie – pipped at the post – a close race – runner-up
Se mettre d’accord : agree – come to an agreement – disagree – compromise –
approve of
Parler du passé : in the past – in those days – a long time ago – back in the old days
– used to + BV
Déroulement du cours
Correction du travail à la maison
Mise en commun du travail à la maison. Présentation des pitches. Les autres élèves
qui observent prennent des notes et posent des questions pour en savoir plus. À la fin
ils choisissent leur innovation préférée en expliquant et justifiant leur choix. Comptez le nombre de votes pour désigner l’idée gagnante.
Autre possibilité : former des jurys de cinq-six élèves. Chaque jury envoie un élève
de son groupe présenter son idée à un autre jury. Limiter le temps pour chaque présentation. Ensuite, l’élève revient dans son jury et écoute ses camarades expliquer et
évaluer la prestation qu’ils viennent d’écouter. Continuer à faire tourner jusqu’à ce
que tous les élèves aient présenté leurs idées. Puis donner un temps aux jurys pour
établir un classement des pitches. Pour finir, chaque groupe présente et explique
son classement aux autres groupes. Noter quelques remarques au tableau lors de
cette dernière phase.
Suggestion : According to our ranking, Julie is in first place, Karim was pipped at the
post and came second. There was a tie for third place.
Projeter tous les titres des encadrés p. 20 et demander aux élèves comment ils communiquent actuellement avec d’autres (write to my friends / chat with my friends / listen to music / find factual information, etc.). Puis faire lire le contenu des encadrés et
faire comparer. Faire la question 3.
Préparation de la question 2 : faire imaginer des questions à poser à quelqu’un qui
était jeune dans les années 1980. Consigne : Prepare questions to interview someone
who was young in the 80s (or other generations if you like).
Travail à la maison
Préparer question 2. Consigne complémentaire : Note your answers and be ready to
share with the class.
Check what you know,
p. 26
• How to learn a lesson,
p. 25
Déroulement du cours
Correction du travail à la maison
Mise en commun des interviews.
1. Life online
Auto-évaluation ou préparation à l’évaluation
Faire question 1 en guise de conclusion sur ce qui a été retenu du chapitre.
Faire les questions 2 à 7.
Faire How to learn a lesson, p. 25.
Approfondissement possible
Faire les exercices de Door to language dans le WB, p. 7-8 (parmi lesquels les statistiques).
Mission, p. 27
Énoncé de la mission
Prepare a "five facts about myself" video.
 Faire une description brève et élémentaire d’un événement ou d’une activité
b1  Rapporter assez couramment une narration ou une description simple sous forme
d’une suite de points
Déroulement du cours
Les questions 1 et 2 pourront avoir été anticipées soit lors de l’évaluation écrite, soit
sous forme de travail à la maison.
Phase 1 : Noter au tableau : Five facts about myself. Puis montrer une vidéo correspondant à ce sujet. Vous en trouverez sur Tumblr ou YouTube (exemple :
/ vKLd9yNlSZk “Five facts about me”, Tyler, 13) ou énoncer soi-même cinq faits marquants. Vous pouvez utiliser des anecdotes professionnelles, des craintes, des joies,
des événements marquants de votre vie quotidienne, etc.
Demander aux élèves de reformuler ce qu’ils ont vu / entendu.
Phase 2 : Travail individuel : les élèves choisissent cinq faits marquants sur eux-mêmes
qu’ils aimeraient partager. Donner les indications pour réussir la tâche : insister sur
l’originalité des choix et bannir certains faits trop évidents (âge, description physique,
amis, etc). Inciter les élèves à utiliser tous les éléments dont ils disposent dans leurs
cahiers. Faire la question 3.
Phase 3 : En petits groupes de quatre ou cinq élèves, partager ces choix en les énonçant à tour de rôle.
Phase 4 : Demander à un élève d’énoncer un fait de son choix devant la classe puis
de choisir un élève d’un autre groupe et ainsi de suite. Introduire le terme : tag.
Suggestion : I tag Hugo.
Veiller à ce que tous les élèves prennent la parole et qu’ils prennent des notes sur les
anecdotes les plus marquantes.
Interroger les élèves sur ce qui les a marqués en veillant à l’utilisation correcte du -s
à la troisième personne.
Cette tâche finale pourra être évaluée.
Approfondissement possible
Faire les questions 4 et 5 parmi lesquelles la réalisation et la mise en ligne de la vidéo
en fonction du matériel disponible.
Propositions de 6 critères d’évaluation avec barème sur 20 points :
- … / 3 = respect de la consigne, du temps de parole donné ;
- … / 3 = qualité de la prononciation ;
- … / 3 = correction des formes grammaticales vues dans l’unité (présent simple,
présent en be + V-ing) ;
- … / 3 = richesse lexicale (en fonction du lexique vu en classe) ;
- … / 5 = clarté de l’élocution / contact visuel / capacité à se faire comprendre ;
- … / 3 = prise de risques / richesse du contenu / originalité.
Évaluation complémentaire
Sujet 1 : On pourra procéder à une évaluation de l’expression écrite en amont ou
en aval de la tâche finale.
Prepare a detailed profile of yourself for a classroom blog. Include your name, age, family,
friends, physical appearance, likes / dislikes, strong points, weak points, hobbies, Internet
habits etc. (80-100 words)
 Écrire des phrases simples reliées par des connecteurs simples
 Écrire des textes détaillés relatifs à son domaine d’intérêt
Propositions de 5 critères d’évaluation avec barème sur 20 points :
- …/4 = respect de la tâche et du nombre de mots ;
- …/4 = utilisation des formes appropriées du présent (simple et présent en be + V -ing) ;
- …/4 = réutilisation du lexique étudié (réseaux sociaux, adjectifs variés, etc.) ;
- …/4 = cohérence du texte, articulations logiques ;
- …/4 = créativité, prise de risques, imagination.
Sujet 2 : On pourra choisir de privilégier le commentaire de statistiques liées à l’usage
des nouvelles technologies. Le site Pewinternet propose des graphiques et chiffres
sur tous les sujets (
Describe and comment on the graph below. (80-100 words)
 Résumer avec une certaine assurance une source d’informations factuelles
Propositions de 6 critères d’évaluation avec barème sur 20 points :
- …/4 = respect de la tâche et du nombre de mots ;
- …/4 = utilisation du présent simple et présent en be + V -ing ;
- …/3 = utilisation du comparatif ;
- …/3 = réutilisation du lexique adapté au commentaire de graphiques et à Internet ;
- …/3 = utilisation des adverbes de fréquence ;
- …/3 = capacité à analyser des données chiffrées.
door TO life online
Book, p. 14-27
Corrigés et scripts
Pages d’ouverture
Get ready! p. 15
p. 14-15
CD 1 ▶ 2
Journalist: Do you use the Internet a lot?
Teenager: Yes, all the time! Well, not all the time, but every day for sure.
Journalist: What about you, John?
Adult: Not really. I mean, I use the Internet when I want to keep up with the news. If I want
1. Life online
information about something I google it of course but I don’t want to be connected 24 / 7. I
love being outside, sports, nature, that sort of thing. I don’t understand how you can spend so
much of your time in front of a computer screen to be honest.
Teenager: Hey, I love being outside too. You know, I’ve got an Internet connection on my
phone, so I’m not always inside.
Adult: Well, I still don’t see what you do. What’s the point?
Teenager: It’s all about social networking really: sharing with my friends, telling them what I’m
doing and learning about what they’re up to. You can poke, like, tweet, message, skype people
all the time, send them videos, photos, whatever you want! We’re in the same cyber-community!
Adult: Well, let’s face it, we live in a connected world!
Journalist: Whether we like it or not, the Internet is part of our lives.
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : We can see logos from the following
social media: From left to right, top row: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and
StumbleUpon. In the bottom row from left to right: Pinterest, Reddit, Blogger, 
Tumblr and Flickr. The word which is repeated is “me”. The artist is suggesting that
people use social media as a way to draw attention to themselves.
2.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The quotation underlines the fact that while
a lot of information can be found on the Internet, young people will still turn to their parents when they need to find something. It’s quite funny because it shows that at the end
of the day Mom is the ultimate search engine! The exclamation mark gives the impression
that the speaker is shouting, so the message is that mothers are at their children’s beck
and call and are expected to be there for them at all times. No matter how independent
they think they have become thanks to the Internet, children still need their parents.
3.Keywords: the Internet – google – connected – computer screen – Internet connection – social networking – poke – tweet – skype – cyber-community.
Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : This is a recording of an interview of an
adult and a teenager who compare their use of the Internet. The adult uses the Internet but prefers spending time outside to being stuck in front of a computer screen.
Meanwhile the teenager also likes spending time outdoors, but uses his phone to
stay connected via social networking.
4.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : blog – comments – subscribe – avatar –
newsfeed – hashtag
Social networking
p. 16-17
A. US teens and tech, p. 16
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : There is a photo of a girl who is sitting on
her bed with a laptop and a mobile phone. She seems to be sending a text message.
2.Words and expressions: the Internet – cellphones – tablets – mobile devices –
phone – smartphones – social networking sites – go online – desktop or laptop computer – texted – text messages – social-media
3.Figures: 95% = most US teenagers have access to the Internet. 78% = the majority of teenagers have a cellphone. 74% = about three quarters say they sometimes
use mobile devices to go on the Internet. 4 in 5 = a large proportion of American
teens go to bed with their phones. 8 in 10 = the vast majority use social media. 65%
= close to two thirds have had a positive experience on a social network. 15% = few
have been the victims of online cruelty. 26% = slightly over a quarter of teenagers
who drive admit to texting at the wheel. 75% = three quarters of all teenagers send
text messages. 63% = almost two-thirds text every day. ¼ = a relatively small proportion almost only use their phone to access the Internet.
4.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Questions: How often do you go online?
Are you a member of a social network? Have you got a mobile phone? Where do you
put your phone when you go to bed? How often do you check your Facebook page?
Comparison: According to the results of our survey, we send more text messages
than American teens. On the other hand less of us use social networks than American teens. About one third of the students we interviewed only used their mobile
phones to go online whereas only one quarter of American teens do.
B. Teens on social media, p. 17
CD 1 ▶ 3
Journalist: Today in Teen Talk, technology is all around us, and for high school seniors, they
don’t really remember a time without cellphones or Internet or even social media.
In addition to Facebook and Twitter, sites are popping up everywhere, so we gathered four teens
from across the Ocean State into the Prescott Library at the Wheeler School to hear what they
had to say about social media.
All right so you guys were all born in the nineties, so your technology is just through the roof,
more so than probably any other generation and with that comes social media. So first of all,
do you have social media?
Boy 1: Yes.
Journalist: Twitters, Facebook, everything…
Boy 1: Not a Twitter…
Journalist: No? What do you have? (in terms of...)
Girl 1: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr.
Boy 2: Tumblr, Facebook.
Journalist: How addicted to social media are you? Be honest! I mean, could you go a day
without it?
Girl 1: It’s hard.
Boy 1: Yes.
Journalist: Could you go a week without it?
Boy 1: Yes.
Girl 1: It’s hard, it’s hard…
Journalist: I’m glad! I’m glad you’re honest, because, I have to say too, I mean even with our
jobs now, social media is a part of it so I mean… how often do you check your Facebook and
stuff, on a daily basis?
Girl 1: Now that it’s on phones, it’s constant, constant but before that I couldn’t wait to get
home to check Facebook.
Girl 2: Like I’ll check it but… I’ll be on it for like five seconds to see if I have any notifications on it and like, oh, none!
Girl 1: I constantly find myself refreshing and refreshing and nothing happens but I just think
that eventually it will.
Boy 1: Some weekends I just kind of sit there and scroll through the newsfeed when I have
nothing better to do.
Journalist 2: Yeah, do you ever feel like you wasted like an hour and you’re going: “What did
I even do?”?
Boy 2: Yes.
Girl 1: Yes.
Boy 1: Too many times.
1. Life online
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1.Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The four students in the photo may be
interviewed about the way young people use social media today.
2.Four American students are interviewed by a journalist about their use of social
networks. We can say that they are part of generation Y because they were all born
in the 90s and they are obviously very familiar with the Internet and technology. For
instance they have smartphones.
Journalist’s questions
Students’ answers
Do you have social media?
Yes. Not a Twitter…
What do you have?
Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr.
How addicted to social media are
It’s hard. / Yes.
you? Could you go a day without it?
How often do you check your
Facebooks and stuff, on a daily
Now that it’s on phones, it’s constant, but
before that I couldn’t wait to get home to
check Facebook. / I mean I’ll check it but… I’ll
be on it for like five seconds to see if I have
any notifications on it and like, oh, none!
/ I constantly find myself refreshing and
refreshing and nothing happens but I just
think that eventually it will. / Some weekends I just sit there and scroll through the
newsfeed when I have nothing better to do.
Do you ever feel like you wasted
like an hour and you’re going:
“What did I even do?”?
Yes. / Yes. / Too many times.
4. Repeated words: constant / constantly / refreshing / check
Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The students spend a lot of their free time
on the Internet. In fact they are never really disconnected. Sometimes they feel as if
they had been wasting their time.
5. Selon la production des élèves.
Corrigé des questions du Workbook, p. 4
1 et 2. Selon la production des élèves.
3. Entourer : Library – 1990s – Twitter – Instagram – Tumblr – Facebook
4. Twitter
one day
It’s hard.
one week
It’s hard.
6. Selon la production des élèves.
7. a. home – constant b. phone
8. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : In the past people used to have to wait
until they had access to a desk computer to check their messages and so on, whereas
today, thanks to smartphones (phones with an Internet access among other things)
people can check their messages at any time of the day or night.
9. a. notifications b. refreshing – refreshing c. scroll – newsfeed
10. wasted – even
student 1
student 2
student 3
Too many times.
12. Selon la production des élèves.
C. Rumour has it! p. 17
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Rumour: Facebook has just put in an offer to buy Twitter.
2. First someone read about it on Twitter. He then blogged about it and that is how
the character in the cartoon strip heard the rumour.
3. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The cartoonist wants to draw our attention to the fact that rumours can spread very quickly on the Internet. He / She may
also want to underline the fact that what we read on the Internet is not necessarily
true. People mustn’t believe everything they read.
Virtual life
p. 18-19
A. Kindness in 140 signs, p. 18
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Jeremiah is a high school student from
Iowa City who has decided to create a Twitter account to use social media in a positive way. People can tweet positive things about their classmates every day. It’s a way
to fight against bullying on the Internet.
2. The messages in doc. 2 were written by students who are at West High School.
They compliment other students. Doc. 3 was written by Ally McKeone, who may be
one of the pupils of the school. She compliments the founders of West High Bros for
the initiative. Words related to compliments: sweetest, smart, great friend, funny,
nice, bubbling with excitement, get pumped, hardest worker, fastest sprinter, energy
and outgoing personality, best feature, kindness, kindest people.
3. Selon la production des élèves.
B. Double life, p. 19
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Contrary to her avatar Iris Ophelia, Janine
Hawkins wears glasses. Her avatar also looks sporties and has darker hair.
2. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : “Authentic Life” is an online game in which
people play with an avatar / a virtual character they create. The profile information
of the character they play in the game probably includes true and false information
about themselves. They can also be virtually married to other characters in the game.
3. Characters present: Mallory and her friend Ginnie, who are talking on the phone.
1. Life online
Character mentioned: Jeremy, Mallory’s boyfriend in real life. Attitude: Mallory
is furious at Jeremy because she discovered that in the game he has a cyberwife
called “Bubble Yum”. She must be disappointed and feel betrayed. Unlike her friend, 
Ginnie is calm and reassuring. She tells her to focus on herself (l. 17) for example. 
Jeremy is furious with Mallory. He might be disappointed because she doesn’t trust him.
4. Words related to technology: texts, computers, phones, networking, chatting,
texting, computering, switch, speaker, Battery-Operated Evil, cellphones, Internet.
Mallory’s problem is that she is fed up with technology. She blames technology for
her problems with her boyfriend. She decides to stop using technology, stop chatting
and sending text messages, etc. But Ginnie reminds her that she is using her phone
to speak to her and advises her to stop just for a couple of days.
5. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : People who invent a fake identity are
difficult to trust in real life. For instance, in the text Bubble Yum may simply be an
ageing pervert instead of a young, attractive woman. I wouldn’t trust someone who
has a fake identity, because I would suspect him / her of lying.
6. Selon la production des élèves.
Corrigé des questions du Workbook, p. 5
1. Characters speaking: Ginnie and Mallory / Characters mentioned: Jeremy and
Bubble Yum.
2. They’re talking on the phone.
3. Selon la production des élèves. Probably true: Lives in Greenwich village. Likes martial
arts and techno. Advanced Lifer in the game. Probably fake: Married. Professional
portrait artist and freelance graphic designer, black belt in karate.
4. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : He must be a teenager who is interested
in martial arts and who spends a lot of time on his computer.
5. a. 32 (l. 7) = total number of text messages she received b. 6 (l. 8) = number of
messages from Jeremy.
6. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : It shows that Mallory spends a lot of
time using her telephone and that she communicates regularly with Jeremy.
7. nervous – furious – betrayed – disappointed. He can’t believe that Mallory hacked
into his account. He is both angry at her and disappointed.
8. a. Words related to technology: computers, phones, networking, chatting, texting,
computering. Reason why Mallory criticises new technology: fake / fakeness. b. Selon
la production des élèves. Suggestion : She criticises new technologies for allowing
people to cheat. She thinks she cannot trust them anymore. c. She’s is going to stop
using technology.
9. Stop using technology for two days: Ginnie’s opinion. Quote: “That’ll be healthy
for a couple of days.” (l. 16-17)
Stop using technology for ever: Mallory’s opinion. Quote: “Try for ever.” (l. 18)
Technological devices are a problem: Mallory’s opinion. Quote: “Technology is the
problem.” (l. 20)
Modern society is not the problem: Ginnie’s opinion. Quote: “I don’t think this century is your problem.” (l. 19)
10. a. gadget (l. 22) / Battery-Operated Evil (l. 24) / villainous contraptions (l. 27-28)
b. They are negative.
11. a. the telephone b. Ginnie means that Mallory is not very logical since she criticises
technology while using a telephone at the same time.
12. Danger 1: Cellphones give cancer (l. 25)
Danger 2: People die texting while driving (l. 27)
Danger 3: Internet predators lurk (l. 28-29)
13. Information about Bubble Yum: she is Jeremy’s cyberwife / Mallory imagines:
he / she is 58 years old, a pervert, living in Ohio.
14. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Mallory is angry with Jeremy because
he cheated on her. He probably didn’t tell her he had a cyberwife and she thinks
there may be other things he doesn’t tell her. She suspects him of being a liar, of
being unfaithful.
15. Selon la production des élèves.
Culture file p. 20-21
How technology has changed our lives, p. 20
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : When people wanted to write to a
friend back in the 1980s they had to send a letter through the post whereas today
we can send an email, a text message, or use social media. Back in the 1980s, people used to listen to music using tape recorders and record players and only had a
limited number of songs and albums, unlike today, when people have almost limitless access to music thanks to new technology. Developing photos used to be very
expensive, so people could only take a small number of pictures compared to today.
In the 1980s if people wanted to watch a film or a series they had to wait until it was
on TV whereas today there are many ways to see whatever we want to see, whenever
we want to see it. Access to information was more difficult too compared with today.
2. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : How did you use to write to people back
in the 1980s? What did you do when you needed to find information on a subject?
Was it expensive to call someone? How many phones did you have in your home?
How many albums did you own?
3. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Maybe phones will be replaced by microchips placed under the skin so that we can be connected 24 / 7. Televisions, Cds and
DVDs will probably have disappeared and everyone will use portable devices for all
communication and information.
How technology will continue to change our lives, p. 21
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : It is probably going to be about the
impact technology has had on our lives and what we can expect for the future.
2. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : Today: making life easier: Summly, which
was invented by Nick D’Aloisio at the age of 15, is an app / application that summarises information that you find on the Internet. This helps to simplify real life by saving you time when you search for information as instead of having to go and read
everything to find what you want, Summly gives you the essential information / the
gist. 2039: Virtual reality: If computers advance to the stage suggested in the article
on the right-hand side, people will be able to holiday from their armchair as the virtual experience would be almost impossible to tell from the real one.
3. Selon la production des élèves.
1. Life online
Door to language p. 22-24
Grammar, p. 22-23
Le présent simple et le présent en be + V-ing
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. a. don’t think : présent simple / forme négative / auxiliaire do / base verbale /
marque de la négation
b. (you)’re using : présent be + V-ing / forme affirmative / auxiliaire be / verbe conjugué
c. doesn’t want : présent simple / forme négative / auxiliaire do / base verbale /
marque de la négation – loves : présent simple / forme affirmative / verbe conjugué
d. use : présent simple / forme affirmative / verbe conjugué
e. are (you) doing : présent be + V-ing / forme interrogative / auxiliaire be / inversion auxiliaire-sujet / verbe conjugué – (I)’m updating : présent be + V-ing / forme
affirmative / auxiliaire be / verbe conjugué
f. (I)’m not using : présent be + V-ing / forme négative / auxiliaire be / verbe conjugué
/ marque de la négation
2. a. une opinion c. une intention / un goût d. vérité générale / habitude
b. une action en cours de déroulement e. une action en cours de déroulement
f. une intention
3. Une action qui va avoir lieu.
Corrigé du Now your turn, p. 22
1. Selon la production des élèves. Insister sur l’utilisation correcte du présent simple.
2. Selon la production des élèves. Insister sur l’utilisation correcte du présent en be + V-ing.
3. 1. goes / hates / forget 2. is checking / think / checks 3. doesn’t want / says / become /
don’t agree 4. is / am talking / are texting / am leaving 5. Are you coming / are you staying
/ am going / like
Corrigé des questions du Workbook, p. 7
a. are currently developing b. check – get c. are you doing – Are you listening d. is
sitting – is working e. watch – watch – is
Sounds, p. 23
La prononciation du -s final
Corrigé des questions du manuel
CD 1 ▶ 4
1. [s], [z] et [ɪz]
2. [s] likes – makes / [z] goes – claims – feels / [ɪz] watches – wishes
3. [k] – [m] ou [l] ou [əu] – [ʃ] ou [ʧ]
4. Selon la production des élèves.
Corrigé du Now your turn, p. 23
Selon la production des élèves. Insister sur l’utilisation correcte du présent simple et sur la
prononciation du -s final.
Corrigé des questions du Workbook, p. 8
CD 2 ▶ 46
[s] gets – stops – shouts / [z] loves – spends / [ɪz] switches – manages
Words, p. 24
Les adjectifs en -ing et en -ed
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Le même mot-racine peut avoir deux formes adjectivales : surprise = surprised ou
surprising et interest = interested ou interesting.
2. b. Je peux aller chez mon ami pour trouver des informations intéressantes. c. Je
suis intéressé par la photographie.
Dans le premier cas, l’adjectif décrit l’objet sur lequel porte l’intérêt, alors que dans
la deuxième phrase il décrit l’état de la personne (intéressée).
3. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : He was worried about being bullied
online but in fact he found the new social media so exciting that it was exhausting. She
was shocked and disgusted by the news that the website was closing down.
Corrigé du Now your turn, p. 24
Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : I think that reading ghost stories is exciting. I’m fascinated by history but I’m bored by video games. Travelling is tiring and
science fiction stories can be depressing.
Corrigé des questions du Workbook, p. 8
1. 1. social networks 2. keep in touch with 3. go online 4. click 5. virtual community
6. privacy settings 7. become addicted 8. cyber-bullying 9. lacking confidence
2. rise – soar – increase – shoot up – climb – reach a peak / fall – drop – plummet –
decrease – decline – hit the bottom
Check what you know p. 26
Corrigé des questions du manuel
1. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : In this chapter, we have learnt that
nowadays, social media are part of everyday life for most young people. They communicate a lot more through text messages, via Facebook or Twitter and access the
Internet a lot on their mobile phones. Social media can sometimes be used negatively, if people use fake identities or if they bully other people, but it can also have
a very positive impact on people’s lives. Communication is much easier today than
it was in the 80s for example. Social media have changed our lives and will continue
to change our lives in the future.
CD 1 ▶ 5
Reporter: We call interactive communications tools such as Twitter and Facebook social media.
But lots of commentators have asserted that using them heavily makes people less sociable if not
downright anti-social. They say such communication is largely self-centered, and that folks get
wrapped up in texting or spilling their innermost secrets online, without ever relating to others’
concerns. But a new national survey of more than 2,200 American adults shows that those who
use social-networking sites have what the study calls “higher measures of social well-being.”
They are, it found, more trusting, have more close friends, get more support from those friends
and are more politically engaged than other Americans.
Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The document we listened to is about
the impact of an excessive use of social media. Some people say it has a negative
impact, since people become more self-centered, but a recent survey shows that it
1. Life online
is rather the contrary: people who use social media a lot have more friends and are
more involved in society.
3. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : We can see a group of teenagers in a bedroom. They must be friends who are hanging out together. What is striking is that all
of them except one are using new technology: their phones or the computer. Instead
of talking to one another they are using phones and seem to be texting or typing.
The girl on the computer might be checking her social media. In my opinion, this is
the way people communicate today. Times have changed and nowadays it’s normal
to be with people in a room and connected to the outside world at the same time.
CD 1 ▶ 6
Mallory discovers that her boyfriend Jeremy has a “cyberwife”. She hacks into his account. He
uses the Internet a lot but he likes other things too. He loves playing football – he never misses
his local team - and he enjoys going to the cinema. He watches a few TV series but there are
some that he really hates.
hacks – likes – hates
discovers – has – loves – enjoys uses – misses – watches
5. a. use b. is calling c. doesn’t like d. Do they want e. am going f. doesn’t think
g. Are you
6. a. interesting b. bored c. surprised d. exhausting e. interesting / disappointing
f. worried g. shocking
7. Selon la production des élèves. Suggestion : The graph is about the social media
Facebook. People were asked how long they could go without checking in on Facebook. We can see that there is a difference between people who are under 25 and
people who are over 25. Only about one tenth / a small proportion of people over
25 can only go for a couple of hours without checking in on Facebook whereas this
is true for almost one in five people under 25. Approximately half of over 25s can go
for a long time without checking their Facebook account. Meanwhile, a large proportion of under 25s cannot go for a long time without checking in on Facebook. 29%
of over 25s can go for at least a day, which is slightly more than for the under 25s.